Giving Friend One Hour To Spend $100,000 Challenge

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alright guys I have $100,000 here they're gonna have one hour spend it I called you all here I know what we do 11 grand 13 grand or 13 grand something like that the bank wouldn't let me get more cash so you get gift cards so this is stop what I just hit start you have one hour to spin like thirteen or fourteen fifteen I don't know how much thousand dollars each it's a hundred grand go now if you don't spend it before they ourself I get it back you know I don't run for things yeah I told him no all right Chris we're in the taxi how are you we're trying to figure out where this best buy this fishing rod a friend it's my wife Katie also before I forget our editor couldn't come to New York with us so I hit some money in North Carolina for him to spend so I'm gonna FaceTime him he needs to spend his part 100 grand in North Carolina well the spot here spends part of their undergrad and York I'm gonna need you to go down into the warehouse and look in the grave digger yep all right cool you have one hour to spend it go have fun don't lie record at all so I was just told to block everything after giving an absurd amount of cash I don't even know what to spend it on all right we're sitting in the foot of the lift and he said he's gonna book it for us so we got an hour over before tailoring Gerrits we're not losing any time on our hour how much do you think you'll make today real hundred all right what if I say I double it will you say our drivers all day yeah personal driver for the day all right Chandler what are we here for I've heard about them I'm trying to find someone a world leader does he work dude I need to purchase two iPod dude we're running really low on time but I was able to get some air pots and a new iPhone your weren't allowed yeah we weren't allowed to film in the store so all right guys so my my mom's never had a handbag over $50 think she'd like to walk the streets of Milan with this first up is always this neckline get some good stuff you busy man yeah a macdaddy remac day I need a predator monitor and into HP omens actually where we had the HP omen but I don't know we're gonna do an LMS order J just wasting no time wasting no time I'm only walking out with one item rip I ran total 49 49 89 now I'm getting a phone cuz as you remember my phone got blown up in our recent video so I know but this is still so good this is more money I need to get we just spent 6300 already before we can keep spending to bread we have to acquire the bread which is why I'm gonna tell you about tick tock the sponsor of the video tick tock is a global video community available on iOS and Android it allows you to express yourself with music filters and memes see this guy right here he's drawn a Pikachu you want to know why he's drawn a Pikachu that's why he's drawing a Pikachu and that video man it's so funny in that video it's hilarious muy bien do you see stuff like this on YouTube exactly don't even get me started with this one it is like the perfect embodiment of a video and as you guys know I love polar bears and look right here this is a polar bear on tick tock why go to a zoo when you can literally just download tick tock and have a zoo in your pocket is it a coincidence that when vine disappeared tick tock emerge Albert Einstein once said that when something disappears something greater always reappears I think also I don't know if I mentioned this but they have cat videos what else do you need surprisingly tick tock is at 1 million dollars it's actually free they have funny videos for you to watch and cool filters and tools to make it easier for you if you know you want to create your own videos just click the link in description download tik tok for free there's no reason not to having said that we're gonna go spend the rest of the hundred grand Thank You tick tock last time we did this challenge we were in North Carolina but when we did it with 40,000 dollars and there's like no traffic and I completely forgot that New York and traffic is like cheese and pizza it's a metaphor so I was told I only have an hour and I know my parents need some stuff for their house the first place I'm going is Lowe's real quick if I go fast don't run me over goodbye so I'm here in the dishwasher section my mom really need the dishwasher broke it really needs a new one I think this is the one that we're gonna get hurt my mom also needs a vacuum really bad she needs a Roomba so that way it can vacuum the house while she's gone the last thing that we need is windows so my parents windows are super crappy they're like super thin from the counting here they do not have enough here so I have to order them online so I'll be able to pay for these but I won't be able to get them today they're gonna have to come in the mail and be delivered to my parents grand total came out to four thousand two hundred sixty nine dollars and thirty four cents we don't have very much time so let's go it's been 22 minutes and we haven't even arrived at the first location everyone else is probably panicking right now I'll probably give them a little bit of extra time but I'm gonna wait a little while to tell them just so you know if they'll keep panicking alright we made it to the first storm it's been 40 almost 44 minutes wow we're good that that's not real time right you guys get an extra we're gonna be getting my sister a MacBook Air alright so um Mac and a gaming computer for my cousin Jamie computer we're gonna get two fridges two fridges we're about to order the fridge for both my parents and Katie's parents oh I'll hug you for your parents oh thank you do you guys have this yeah thanks man so normally I don't participate in my challenges like this but I was feeling a little lonely and we'd rather you be able to have some fun too even though you make me look super short in this shot we going we're going for that there we go Valencia we just got some shoes from Balenciaga we gonna look like a beast where we going Gucci good dude that was telling us you would like something for Christmas okay perfect we'll get that for you just have to subscribe to PewDiePie perfect then I need you to subscribe to mr. beast he's all set all right some just bought a PlayStation for his son thank you so much please subscribe to that channel and the end of it I didn't tell me that do you guys see this this is how much I have left after going to blows how do you even spend this how so we made it to Best Buy I'm leaving on a trip in a few days and I figured why not yet a Nintendo sway and be able to play it on the plane it would be a lot of fun for a new TV we're gonna get my parents grand total of 2,300 dollars it's absolutely beautiful it's the 1501 that I'm getting them which is still that one but yeah it's 1500 not 2300 so I guess we have a little more spending room alright so a grand total is 17 1199 65-inch 4k awesome TV acquired all right so taking my money that uh the gym got I'll get my wife the new van but it's not just any van you know chicks as it is it's still it is still it's a minivan but it's totally decked out what she likes it can I get an oculus these are all like inspire on gaming computers how much other cap 3 of oh sure so I just got three computers do you proof let me see I proof thank you you want a networking cable yeah 25 we get a bunch of you we always need ok so I'm running out of hands what do we got to get to the cart and dump it all this is fun money like this all the time I got it I'm a big boy okay all right leave me alone all right I'm fine you got it I'm good I am lots of fun alright so we're here at Louie I wanted to surprise my wife with a lo a bag from New York City like she's always wanted so she is she's looking and then I'm gonna let her pick something out and then I give my mom something brilliant mom is also first she says a great price point of $1,000 fine it's fine anything for mom right hey anything for Mom anything for mother my phone died so it looks like you guys have more time because I can't tap you if I don't have a phone it's only been two minutes since we started for foster actually it's been like four hours for a minute right well you guys get another hour all right I told everyone they have another hour so we just got word that Jimmy's phone's dead so he can't actually keep up with how long we've been shopping so that just gives us more time more time Thank You Gigi for never charging your phone at night yeah hey Jake Hey whatcha doin getting my dad watch because he broke the one I got for him last year so don't it again look at it this one I'm gonna think about this one for me maybe maybe perfect I really gotta say thanks to Jimmy though helping me get all these amazing Christmas presents for everybody it's our cooking this year okay that way all right so we are back with our best friend uber driver I think we told you something earlier about giving you some money from being Arthur they believe we got 800 here when you said you're gonna make 400 a regular sometimes we pay you double since the up the other guys are running around going through Subway's taking taxis we got our own personal driver DJJ five baby all right so we're in Macy's we're gonna hit the Gucci store all right so we were just in the Gucci store and they had two different wallets and I flipped the coin and I landed on this one so I got this one and now we're about the head I got my girl a Gucci bag so guys I wonder who this could be you know Chris is with Jimmy right all right hello hey so what have you bought so far I got two designer bags oh just make sure you do it well five minutes you're breaking up we really hear you we have five hours I think I've spent about $7,000 so the next place I want to go see if I can't get any rims and tires for my vehicle so we're gonna go ahead and see if we can't find a rim place and get some new tires I'm excited all right guys so we are at the rim shop so the grand total for these tires were $1,900 pretty much on the dot have like a bunch of monitors yeah honey like a lot like nine pins is that what we can or do how much are they pop okay I need like eight of them you don't have to okay I need eight of the next thing down Chris you're getting a MacBook so my sister's had the same MacBook for a beautiful assistant yes that is a lot of money surprise and so my first purchase is $600 chris is a 6,000 plus 600 I'm up to 6,600 you're doing good man I'm ready to go you're pretty good at spending money thank you guys you guys did great and really appreciate it all right Chris have fun and bye bye baby guys seriously this is not for me this is for my sister I'm not having a child me and Jimmy or whatever ha ha ha because I think this would be good for your I mean your sister baby it's my sister Chris how much did you spend we spent 1101 dollars really like your sister my spending still the same you just spent another grand so how much you have left we have six rent left and we're gonna take that sixth grade here's that six grand we're gonna put it in here and we're gonna put it towards the bland oh yeah so my uncle has about two acres of land we're gonna buy it from him me and Kail you're gonna put a house on it basically he's using part of this money as a down payment on a house oh look at you being all response I know that's what we did last time I got groceries yeah that was boring yep as everyone else bought like devices all right guys forgot the vlog inside but I got a MacBook from Best Buy and also this gives you why I'm wearing down Taylor but you didn't get a Mac you got a Mac for your girlfriend yes I did get it for my girlfriend girl no way man wait wow dude I used some of the money you gave me really when did you do that ah whatever dude that's crazy how do you like it flex yeah geez one hour give or take ten hours this is what they bought I got a bankbook air a gaming computer two fridges a crib a stroller two Visa gift cards a Gucci watch and I also got six thousand dollars to put as a down payment on the land of mine got a gaming computer predator monitor - Dell monitors mouse keyboard two pairs of Gucci dapper dan shoes - Diesel watches of iPhone X match Sony headphones gucci wallet louis purse louis wallet ps4 would spider-man for our uber driver and when we gave our uber driver $800 for being ours for the day i bought three pairs of the white three joggers they feel amazing I bought a Peter pouch and for my brother online to fight against e-series spot Balenciaga I also bought a Gucci backpack good your sweatshirt some more Balenciaga z-- and I also put five grand down on my car I got two iPhone excesses I got a MacBook Pro I got a Gucci sweatshirt and a Gucci wall-e I got a Gucci watch I got Balenciaga I got Louis Vuitton sunglasses and I'm putting $3,000 on my car right so I bought a Louis purse for my wife and then I bought her a minivan freaked out tricked out it's still me I bought three computers and like diet monitors and then I bought all the accessories for it and and an impulse by about a Gucci backpack that I'll probably regret I'm not a high piece from the Jake haulers to the low gangsters like I'll make it this baby put that at the very end of the video
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 48,096,687
Rating: 4.9237208 out of 5
Id: L8nh1wuXTbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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