Giveaways + $2700 Starfield NZXT / AMD Build (Ryzen 7 7800x3D / Radeon RX 7900 XTX)

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everybody welcome to the show I am your host Justin Roby welcome to Roby Tech and today is the day we have been waiting I think this was supposed to be built 3 weeks ago and it has basically taken that long to finally get to the point so huge shout out obviously to to the uh fight folks over at NZXT and also the folks over at AMD for hooking us up with the parts for this that we are going to be giving away right here on the stream and yes of course new stream new year new haircut all those big things going on so of course we're uh we're making sure it look uh we're making sure that I look good for today's stream uh but it is actually really cool to get to see everybody Welcome to 2024 I couldn't think of a better way to kick off 2024 than to do I I mean honestly probably one of my favorite games I I enjoyed it I don't know what everybody else I guess a lot of people are like have been kind of poo pooing on the build but I mean on the game but I have been absolutely enjoying the game super stoked to actually get the chance to to hang out with you guys build the PC and and then give it away on the stream people are probably as I saw some people asking questions hey what's what's the deal with giveaways today Roby we have some of the lighter Fair stuff as well 20 250 likes over at rchive we'll give away a $25 newa gift card so head on over live hit that Thumbs Up Button uh the second one is uh if we get a level five hype train which we got some get the prime dropped a five gifter zero spoons dropping a prime sub as well but if we get a level five hype train we'll give away a a $25 new gift card if we get to level 10 we give away $100 cash just to anybody any lucky person so that's the way that basically works there um we are giving away this PC so we're giving that PC away and then next week or sorry later on in the week uh when we do our next AMD build we'll give away that ryzen 77600 X which is the community giveaway and we also have that 7800x 3D that uh AMD did as part of the uh the partner plus program uh since we got two we're now month two down last month this is the last month to basically get get this done so that's happening today and so uh we are going to be giving uh we're going to be giving those away later on this week uh I don't know if it's going to be I actually don't know if there's going to be a build tomorrow we are looking at the case I'll show it to you at the end of the stream uh and I want to make sure I put the right materials inside of it and so I don't quite have the part so we might postpone that to later on in the week uh and then we'll end up doing a we'll end up doing two Builds on Friday and Saturday instead of tomorrow and Saturday so that's kind of going on that's what's that's what's kind of going on there um trying to think what else I think that's kind of it obviously we have CES coming up people have you know we we saw that little secret drop from Nvidia showing what looks like the hint of something so we have some obviously we have some Nvidia announcements uh coming up we got uh lots of new case announcements lots of rumors around some of the stuff that are coming out uh with CES so stay tuned because I think all of our CES coverage will kick off with the Nvidia stream that's going to be happening uh and then from there we'll be live streaming that and then from there obviously we're going to be doing live stream from the Asus Booth uh maybe from the bite booth and some other booths so you guys can see and ask questions directly uh about uh to one of the comp to some of the companies in terms of the new things that are coming kind of coming out too so it's going to be uh it's going to be pretty rad we try to make it inclusive so you guys can see the stuff as well um also I don't know you guys saw this but obviously Blue Horse Studios uh tease the cyberpunk 2077 Bild that we are doing in conjunction with Nvidia origin and uh blueh horse so we're going to be doing that doing that live build that's going to be coming up before January 15th um and then uh lastly uh we also are starting the pre-built and gaming so similar to the Falcon Northwest where we're going to be showing you some prebuilds but then we'll be giving those prebuilds away so some really really good stuff happening uh in January and some great opportunities to win some PCS and then the other thing too is this this is my birthday month guys we are literally 15 Dees away from my birthday uh which is on January 17th uh and so uh we're going to be doing that on January 17th uh I don't I think the stream will actually happen the stream will actually be happening uh earlier later on in the month I will actually be in taipe for my birthday uh visiting Le and Lee so that's going to be happening uh but don't worry we we will do a big birthday stream and we'll try and give a PC away or something like that uh as part of that as well so a lot of really really good stuff coming up which should be awesome and I'm really really go I wish I could do a birthday stream but the problem is I like I said I'll be in Taipei uh and I'll be in Taipei for literally Le and Lee so that's what's going to be happening as well so that should be pretty cool um trying to think of what else I think there's I think that's kind of it yeah it should be a good month we had a lot coming up but it should be fun nice I love I love all the people are like who also have birthdays in January but there's only 12 months of a year right like and everybody's got to have a birthday so it's cool to share birthdays with people and all that sort of stuff that's right fzy don't isn't your birthday also isn't that the same I thought for some reason I think I share a birthday date with the same one too yeah yeah we'll have some of the Le and Lee stuff for sure right so we're going to be doing some vlogging and things like that as well now one other thing I want to let you know uh one benefit it's a new month so it's the month of January uh if you want to get extra entries to win that cyberpunk PC if you want to get extra entries to win this Starfield PC if you want to get extra entries to win many of the other P PCS that we're going to be giving away over the course of the streams make sure you are subscribed subscribers get extra entries towards being winning these PCS these PCS you do not need to be subscribed to win but it does get you extra entries we are in a hype Trend right now already so thank you very fire squid bab Baba Gan I love that name uh eigor and James bur James James am Burgery uh for all the subs so far but again if you want to subscribe they get you extra entries to win these PCS plus the ultimate other PCS we're going to be giving away uh over the course of the next uh over the next month so and on top of that we will have the twitch PC that I'm hoping we be doing it's a custom water cooled twitch PC PC twitch team PC to celebrate partner plus that we'll be giving away uh and that'll be that'll be super super R so I'm actually really really excited about that um I try I think that's kind of it uh let's finish out this hype train real quick let's get to level five because then we give we'll give away that $25 newa gift card and then we'll go from there let's keep it going guys remember just drop your free Prime sub if you have Amazon Prime drop your Prime sub and that'll get you a free entry uh fails thank you very much for the tier one sub naku thank you very much for your sub as well sorry I got I just got a lot of emails I mean things just taking so yeah there we go level three achieved thanks to toan Academy resubscribing with tier 2 guys thank you very much for that as well um and then uh all the other stuff guys but it's going to be a super fun build okay so thank you very much level three fre okay so you guys while I'm waiting for the hype train do you guys want to get the Prime thank you very much for the 20 the five gifted Subs do you guys want to see the case I haven't even opened it I haven't even opened yet and then we'll still open this too because I know you guys want to see this as well but hey what's up thanks for saying hi from Austria you guys want to see the case though let's show it off see this case uh it was designed by a friend of mine uh who used to be Xbox pope now he's Pope art he changes his name a lot uh but super talented dude uh we've done a number of uh collaborations with him so it's really cool to actually get a chance to do this uh with actually open one of his cases that he designed when he was working with MZ uh when with NZXT this case will be sold in limited quantities so this is you guys are getting a preview of the case you will be able to buy it sometime this year um and a huge shout out obviously to Andy and the team over at NZXT for sending us one of these so we can do this build then of course to AMD for sending us those limited edition uh Parts as well guys level five we got to finish this level finish this level $20 Andrew Ward dude no kidding Huskies playing Michigan Right coming up that's actually happening during CES which our film Guy Brian which you've seen a number of times huge Huskies fan and is hop hoping he's going to be able to catch the games there as well but yeah took out Texas uh took out Texas is going to take out Michigan because the only there is nothing good in Michigan at all so it's all I got to say M the PE all the people in Michigan are like what I mean it's just crime that's all they have there that's what they do you can you can you can you can essentially you can get your degree in the University of Michigan and crime so but yeah oh the website but yeah no it's it's uh it was a good game a lot of fun and uh really excited to have uh have that uh going on so yeah congratulations to the Huskies yeah for the $20 for the win over Texas and now also to Michigan so that that big game coming up on Monday right 4:30 so yeah exactly tarium uh okay guys uh 3 minutes and 20 seconds let's finish this we're we're one tier one all we got to do is finish this tier and we unlock the $25 new gift card those poor Lions fans I know that's what I heard I heard the the end was actually pretty stressful we can do it guys three minutes and I'll open the case come on let's do it I want to give you guys you guys got out all the way here remember drop your Prime sub that gets you an extra that gets you extra entries towards winning this PC naku thank you very much you dropped 100 bits and again Andrew thank you for the $20 it's going it's going pretty good so far I mean we're we're getting ready to do a build we're going to give away hey Patty thank you very much for the prime sub guys 2 minutes 30 seconds let's get it done live unboxing of the case yeah it'll be in near the end of the stream for people asking we always do it at the end of the stream just got to stick around and yes you have to be present I love the fractal torent great case what I don't love is how these things are poked I hate it when cases when they do this when there we go Okay one minute come on guys hey what's up falcon it's rigged what does that even mean okay got it o this looks good well it was Artful because the thing didn't open 1 minute 11 seconds guys let's finish this lout so we can get that I did I got a haircut 50 seconds come on we can do it remember drop your Prime sub to get you an extra entry towards winning this PC we're going to be giving away at the end of the stream hey Justin Dragon fryer tier one 44 seconds we can unlock it guys uh it depends on what you're going to do with it passic I mean like if it's if it's 4K gaming yes that's not a big deal or even 144 40 P knots knots dropping it norts dropping three 20 seconds we can finish it we're almost there just somebody's got to drop another three or four and then we'll unlock that $25 new gift card 12 seconds we can do it just got it somebody do it we're there oh oh okay no well it was close well we'll see if we can do it again at the other one but you guys got to we got we got close Okay this is ladies and gentlemen this is thank you much green crabs and I am I this is the Starfield special edition H5 flow so I think there I don't actually think there's that many of these cases um but very very cool in terms of the look and all that sort of stuff right here but check it out here's the front and then we also have on the back so you also have like the Starfield it looks like a it looks like a almost like a a package right there which is actually pretty cool and then at the very very front at the bottom it actually does say Starfield down there as well so this was designed by Pope art uh and then inside of it I'll see actually here let's just do it this way let's go to roaming camera here whoa so inside of it actually down there look it actually says Developer Edition as well so it's got H5 developer uh NZXT H5 Developer Edition so it's got like a metal tag on it and then you have like caution glass as well so I mean like lot I mean and again very very nicely printed in terms of the quality so uh not quite not quite uh like Falcon level but I mean still no I mean like there's no marks or lines or anything like that along the along where the printing is again Starfield here in the front here um and then even back here it's it's very well done like the the decals and stuff like that are actually very very well done so that is the uh that is how it looks it actually reminds me a little bit of the design that bluehorse studio did for their uh special edition Starfield PC um which was actually pretty cool so yeah hey Ghost spirit thank ghost Sprite thank you very much for the Super Chat dude appreciate it uh srock thank you very much for the tier one sub 10 months right there remember guys we get to $50 we get 50 we give away a $50 newa gift card so anyway very very nice case now what are we putting inside of this case well I think the Cuda gr like when I talked to NZXT about this I was like you know what we need to call some favors guys we need to call in some favors and we need to get one of these bad boys which I've given away a number of these on my channel already but if if you're going to do a special edition Starfield build you got to do it with the special edition Starfield stuff so we're going to be putting in the good stuff right here which includes the Starfield special edition Radeon 7900 XTX and then also the Starfield special edition ryzen 7 7800 x3d so we're definitely going to be making sure that we give this away as well so let's go and pop this open there we go take these out show these off and then we'll send the Box along to whoever decides to win you never got one of these Falcon you got the you got the Avatar kit but you never got one of these huh you're sensing a theme Here I hope so so in here we have that beautiful Starfield special edition 7900 XTX let's get some close-ups here so you guys can see this a little bit better so looking even here at the close-ups there we go right there you can see just how stuck the whole thing essentially looks very very clean looking uh GPU and then we also have on the other side I mean just I mean this thing is just so pretty so it's got all of those all of those those extra bits even on the side here they have the uh they have the colors and everything right so beautiful GPU so should look I mean it's going to look really really good inside of the case and then we have we also have this right here this is the special edition ryzen 7 5800 7800 X 3D which has the Starfield theme as well there's nothing different about the CPU obviously cuz the CPU but again it has it all the way through here and then has like a ship bit there and then of course the constellation Stripes all the way throughout as well so really really cool and it will look you know again power all that sort of stuff will be the same but everything else will be you know slightly you know slightly different in terms of just the look but the other thing too is that the only thing that's really kind of different about this is the box so yeah it is I I agree it's one of the coolest custom gpus out on the market market for sure and uh honestly start uh the folks over at AMD uh did a knockout job with um the quality of this this addition okay so we're just going to put the parts over here and let's go through what else we're putting inside of this build because it's not just about the special edition parts so inside of this PC we're going to be putting a ryzen 7 7800x 3D uh we're going to using the NZXT N7 b650 motherboard for the graphics car we're using that star field edition special Radeon RX 7900 XTX for the SSD we have three terabyt of storage one tab nvme for OS and then we have a 2 TB game drive for the ram we're going to use 32 gigs of Kingston Fury Ram at 6,000 megga transfer we're going to be using that special edition King NZXT H5 flow Starfield case uh cooler we using the NZXT Kraken Elite 280 mm AIO in white uh and then finally we have the NZXT c850 oh actually sorry it's the c1200 so actually putting something a little bit more powerful in there uh from a PSU standpoint and that's actually the elite 280 RGB not the standard Elite so it'll be a little bit different so it should be a very very beastly build and should look should look really really good by the time we're all said and done so it's uh and the other two is we are going to for sure be vertically mounting the GPU as well so you do have the white vertical Mount GPU kit so you will get to see the build and see the GPU on its side now when we ship the build to whoever the person who wins we obviously remove the GPU and stuff to make sure that it's nice and clean so yeah it should be very very cool very very nice build okay so there is that let's grab our stuff now somebody's asking hey what are the rules the rules are simple uh if you're in the US Mexico or Canada then we are you're eligible to win the PC uh all you got to do again you don't have to be subscribed anything like that you do need to be following on Twitch subscribed on YouTube and you have to be a member of the Discord if you are worldwide we will ship it to you you can win you just have to pay for customs and shipping so that's how that works too all right so let's get the parts out that we need okay this is everything we need for the motherboard part uh I don't know if there's I right now I don't have any NZXT H9 Builds on the uh on the docket right now um I as far as I know now that doesn't necessarily mean that somebody we won't have a commission or something like that that'll pop up and we'll do something like that but as of right now I don't have any currently uh in the hopper I have and I have some H some height wi 70 some height wide 70s on the list but nothing more than that okay going to top down guys ah love this mobo guys now obviously this build is benched it was benched a little while ago so we might have some we might have some updates we need to do when we turn it on [Applause] [Applause] but okay taking all this stuff out because now be used for whoever the winner is it's all their extra stuff there we go okay yeah there was some ASMR there for sure came on popped there we go it's always weird we get a little bit we get some like smudges and stuff like that when we take after we've benchmarked build so just try and clean it up a little bit there we go okay let's get our CPU in there there we go yeah this board is this board is a very attractive board there's some there's some quirks with it for sure right especially uh in terms of uh like little weird support things like for instance it doesn't have like an auto downloader and stuff like that which I mean some people could say is a blessing right but just getting it up and running is a little bit more tricky than most modern day CPUs just given all the I mean mother modern day motherboards just given the lack of like app support like there's nothing in cam that'll automatically download mobo drivers and stuff like that okay so there is our CPU okay CPU is done it's in okay let's get to our PS our sorry our m. tws which in this case are actually pretty simple it's a 7800x 3D there we go okay got that open there so first one is one tbte there we go there's our two terabyte okay first we're going to do here one tab mvme SSD here uh clicks wise why don't we go with uh why don't we go with 96 we'll do 96 for clicks hey Mo uh Mill thank you very much for the [Music] sub there we go dropping our little segment in here yeah we got Kingston Kingston hooked it up for that so huge shout out to Kingston for being supportive of our builds and giving us RAM and storage NZXT providing all the other parts for this build today there we go boom and then one of the things I really like about this is you just there it is magnetic it's back on okay time for Ram let's grab our clicks oh yeah this is this is going to look this is going to be a very very clean looking build [Applause] okay we'll give them the sticker if they want it we will make it as clean as possible we always do replica gaming thank you for the resub at tier one okay here we go 96 how we looking on clicks here we go 103.3 dang that was super good that was like no problem done 98.5 on that one those were some solid solid clicks guys solid solid okay there we go clicks done but you know what that means guys cuz we got to we got to put some brackets in and if we're putting brackets in that means justiny has a show and on that show he builds PCS a i with a dad joke here and zip tie there RGB RGB and bondy biki Justin Roy has a show ai ai solar flares from alpha centuri what is going on okay here is all the stuff for the AIO uh loudest clicks I think we're like 108 or something like that they were really loud hey Levy 2 gamer thank you for for the sub bison D five months right there okay I'm looking for this right here yeah it's a billboard top 10 for sure remember guys you are there this is open to somebody to win too somebody's going to win this PC today okay so we're going to take this out and remember if you want to day Mochi thank you very much for the five gifted Subs we are now six Subs away from that $50 newa gift card it's G to be May am5 on the bottom okay so what we're doing is when you look at these this is important to show just so you guys can see this is that so it says right here see how it says am5 with the so these actually have they actually have like little slots and latches on them so for this particular build we need to make sure that those little notches are up at the top so when I put these on before I put these covers on you just got to pop these and then these long screws just basically go in and then screw down and what it does is that determines how high this sticks off of the how high this essentially sticks off of the IHS so that's what we're doing is just making sure that that's put in correctly okay turn the light on so it's correct now I try to show you guys when we build like how if you were going to follow along say for instance you got this case and you weren't able to get everything or maybe you were lucky enough to win one of these off of the off of the uh the good old interwebs like if you wanted to follow along on an H5 build and build the same thing you absolutely could so we try to show you everything they're Wizards huh it's a wizard haty undertak it all depends that's that's such a loaded question what you can do is you can essentially look at a a weight for a PC on NZXT and then put in the value and then that'll give you an idea of what it costs but there's no way for us to to give you even a ballpark of what that would do so I wish there was an easy way for us to give you that information it really does w it it really does very wildly we're just making sure that it's all packed up nicely so if somebody does something and like wants to replace the AO or whatever it was we they can do that okay so there we go brackets installed let's put on a little thermal paste this is the N7 B 650e from NZXT it's a little bit of a pricey it's a little bit of a pricey mobo but the one thing that you're getting with it is just a ridiculously clean aesthetic no Mochi the 4090 price will not drop when the 4090 upgrade so like say for instance 5090 or something else then what'll happen is that they will stop production and then they will sell through them they never they will never need to drop the price okay so let's throw some uh throw some uh some good old thermal paste on this bad boy oh I like that Blondie yeah MSRP will stay the same and I don't even know I mean inflated prices like I I don't even know that too right because again it just really depends on what goes on with China and the embargos and all that sort of stuff those things have been so in demand okay there we go nice easy smooth it's like Smooth Jazz but smooth thermal paste I'm really good yeah I am hirable for morning toast you guys need me to come over and spread the morning toast thermal paste yeah I'm all over it it's pretty cheap too 10,000 hour but I mean dude best buttering you've ever had Mayo works too I do mayos it's like you know some people do Bar Mitzvah and but you know Bar Mitzvah and wedding I do mayo and butter you know I'm multi-talented for sure all right thermal paste is spread let's go back to static let's grab our case it's over here I was like where's my case here it is the beautiful special edition Starfield H5 flow looking nice and clean so we'll start with taking the panels off PC guy I don't do magic shows anymore that's a that's not doing it anymore ever since that one person disappeared and never came back they can never pin it on me okay we're grabbing our stuff from the back here so it's like strapped right here what you do to get this off by the way is just remove this don't do what I was doing and try to pull it through by the way great place to hide cables underneath this thing uh Levy 2 near the end of the stream somewhere near the end of the stream not at the very end it's all part of the we want people to stick around that's the point it's about getting viewership and letting people see and letting them see parts and hardware and all that sort of stuff I you mean that's why we have 700 people here right now yeah that was org it was it was I I mean they can't prove anything I that blood was there before yeah and we get to show people how to build a PC right like it's not about the giveaways it's it's about the whole process right so that's why and we and that's why people have to be present you know what I mean it's like it's there's some investment from the viewer too okay next up uh how's he cuz it's you you you the only way to really know that is a lot of times there are a lot of little separate things that the PC is doing that people don't know that they're doing okay here we go guys look here's like that that that Shining Here's Johnny there we go okay so now we have everything off the one thing that's going to be interesting guys like like since I'm looking at this like here at the side again it's beautiful but I don't want I I don't know if we want the vertical Mount to cover this I don't know if that's important or not I don't know if it matters but it's it's it's Unique I've never seen a plate on one of these cases before guys six we can we get six Subs Let's uh let's hit it towards the next goal we're at 40 oh sorry we need four we just need four Subs so we can go towards the $100 after this yeah they did it pope did a great job and then obviously NZXT did a great job of building it out too okay so the one of the things about this case which is unique right and I'll show you this with the roaming camera here is up here this little thing right here this little cable so just so you know does a really good job of holding that in so you can get that out and then now you can just take out the cable really nicely but it's just a nice way to hide that cable there we go okay and then I can pull this through okay so we got all that out case is stripped it's naked and Afraid okay here we go let's pop this down I have to say guys this case is very very pretty okay so there's the case now from the top and then now we just get to continue the lines which is one of the reasons I love using this mobo specifically just like that let's grab our uh I don't know if they've announced the price they might have they may have announced the price uh Tom would know oh there is no okay we don't have a price okay there you go there we go I think it's the second bag can never remember which screws it is in this one where is my okay well at least that's feels like the right ones I guess we'll find out we you do not do international shipping you have to C if you want to win international you have to cover international shipping and custom I don't know if that's the right all righty must be this one I don't think it is this one I think it was the other one I think that was the right screw there we go okay there we go yeah Cole they're they're great cases they are they're really they really are very good cases okay see if I can get this I always guess wrong on some of these screws here we go uh favorite case to build in o i there's a lot of cases I actually really like building in um I really like the lean Lee lancool 216 that one's a really fun one to build in um did I literally just choose the wrong I think I did I think I just chose the wrong one again I'm doing I'm batting a thousand right now guys there we go I just got to make sure I get the right screw hold on um I don't mind building the H9 Elite is fine to build in like in terms of building I really like the p500 uh or the G500 those are good to build in too I really enjoyed th building in that case why are you alone in here tonight I don't know I am by myself today I was actually really surprised um but yeah this is this is all there is just just me and you buddy I was just doing some work watching the stream and I wasn't hearing anybody chime in so I was like let me take a look over here yeah nobody came in today I think Damian that was like a one time thing cuz he he knew about the laptop there we go it was it was really good having him on there with uh with that laptop knowledge too yeah the cooler we Haven put a lot better people are saying where's the cooler we haven't done it yet passive cooling yeah we're just going to let it we're uh we're going to ship Bach to your house and he blows on it he's like I really like the NZXT NZXT cases are actually fun to build in and they used to be really terrible for airflow and that has changed significantly in fact one of the best airflow cases we tested was the NZXT H6 flow I'm going to say for uh for a for a good price and a great looking case the mv5 is really good to build in yeah that that is also a great case there's lots of good cases now like we've had like a we've had like a Renaissance of good cases actually I think a lot of companies finally got it that they were like oh yeah I need to have airf flow and then with reviews like people actually saying oh yeah I know and then it has to be good to build in so you want the building PC experience to be fun hey Mochi thank you very much for the five the Fiverr that takes us up to the next tier for the giveaways guys here we go there we go next goal okay just putting all the I'm getting all the extra screws in here I don't want to I don't want anybody to lose any screws yeah I know they they did say that and then they made a bunch of airflow cases maybe they just meant they weren't going to put the word airflow in their case oh we got Tom in here who Tom joined today holy moly what's up everybody it's celebrity edition today how you doing Tom I'm doing well I'm doing well how about you guys Happy New Year to everybody happy New Year happy New Year took a a break from creating Skynet the Death Star okay so we got that in the build's all nice and completed now what we're going to do guys we're going to work on the AIO I'm going to throw in a couple fans just to make sure we get some light inside the case really want to highlight the pieces we're going to be front mounting the AIO which is actually okay in this case and I think you know something that people used to struggle with with the older H5 before they made the H5 flow was because this case didn't have that nice little fan that they have now at the bottom so now down at the bottom of the case which you can see there's actually a fan down here and that fan feeds air flow directly to the GPU so we don't have to worry as much about front mounting an AIO because it actually gets direct air flow which which is nice and it feeds the feeds it very very well but I do want to make sure there's some light inside of the case so the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to go ahead and put an exhaust fan here and here which is fine right we're going to go and put two exhaust fan one to just basically light here and then of course an exhaust it'll still be pretty much close to neutral because we have 140 intakes pulling through the AIO and then uh we'll have two there so it'll still be good for dust control and temps so so we're going to use their new f120 core RGB fans need my knife which I put over here the only thing that gets a little hard is now we have to we have to worry about plugging in luckily this C this has specific um uh adapters for the NZXT color stuff I mean their RGB stuff so I don't have to worry as much about adding extra Graphics or something like that it does but I just like to apply thermal paste anyway because it's fun and I I get to do what I want because it's my build can a can a person just have some fun just cuz he likes to put in thermal paste I could be okay right right Tom I can do it my way right did you change the fans on me no uh the list says uh the Duos not the Coors yeah I don't know where that cuz even the AIO is the Kraken Elite 280 not the the 280 RGB the Kraken Elite 280 RGB what I have on there okay yeah so I don't know I wasn't going to put Duos in with the because those fans are the cores so I didn't want to mismatch fans so I don't know if I changed it I don't know I did I put fans if I did it was yeah it was my bad I didn't CH I put wrong information I'm just going to start putting thermal face on everything guys take that how we doing likes on YouTube guys and remember if you're just now joining uh we're going to be doing the giveaway sometime over the course of the stream we are going to give away at least I I'm guessing a $25 newa gift card on top of that um and then if you want to you do not need to be subbed to win there's no subs to win but Subs do get extra entri so that's that is that is something we do do we do do I said do do I know dad joke I wish I could dooo out some gift [Laughter] cards we're getting there uh do we do we build order which we don't I don't build very many I don't really have time to anymore I probably do two commissions a month the rest of them are always new cases and more about the content and showing you guys the latest cases but I do I do actually have a couple people who I do commissions for just to have something be different so we can show people what commission good commission choices would be like but the problem was is there was like a time do you guys remember this I think Tom probably does Bach you probably do too it was December of 2022 and we built like 20 lean Lee 011 cases and I was like this is lean Lee cases Corsair fans yeah it was like over and over again and I was like that nobody's going to want to watch this and so then I was like you know what I'm just going to do new builds with new cases and then show people how to appropriately pair them oh we got a dad joke dad joke request now another robit tech dad joke phone out here we go yeah I think people got burned out on the 01s yeah and they still like if you want to watch those you can go watch like like uh BP Paradox and tons of people building them over and over again my daughter said she was cold so I told her to sit in the corner because it's 90° oh my God that one was good I like that one dad joke we did do a setup tour video a while ago um and nobody watched it like so I was like well I guess people don't want to watch it uh I am supposed to build death VR I've been asked them to send me one I just need to follow up with Mike from thermal take he will I just haven't yet I will but yeah I do want to build that case yeah I know raxus the only reason I was down though is because it's an 011 Dynamic XL so like if it's a new case it doesn't bother me as much because I'm like that's not as big of a deal but when it was like three of or four of them in a row I was like uh yeah the set it's an old older one but yeah it's there okay that's not working as well as I wanted I'll find that link there we go I think really honestly people want to see case reviews they want to see AI reviews they want to hear they want to hear what I think about builds because you know I I I still probably I build in more cases than pretty much everybody I think um I think gear Seekers is close right but even then like because we build PCS you know three times a week um not many people build as much as I do okay we're going to run that along the bottom there I'll do that here in a minute oh that's the old Studio Tour yeah that's the oldest that's the one that I did and nobody watched it look at look at what look at uh pretty sure Z ztt clears you uh outplayed he ZT I've watched his stuff too I don't I don't think so we do 150 builds a year on average and I've done over over a thou I think over 15 15 or 1600 PC builds yeah I think I don't I don't think I've watched ZT I don't think he does as many builds as I do I could be wrong I I'm just saying but I do it more we had so just some stats from last year we have we did we had 4.5 million live views 10 million YouTube VI 10 million YouTube video views 50 plus million uh short views um and then uh we gave away $175,000 in Hardware um and then we built 90 PCS on stream 90 PCS on stream 150 PCS total yeah we build more PCS because not yeah we don't build all of our PCS on stream big radio says you forgot custom Roby Tech original songs oh yeah I should have yeah I should have put that on there and I have a lot of respect isn't ZT ZT is the guy who has the dude from hey there's a YouTube goal already isn't there a guy stealing his content did you guys hear about this it was ztt right I I have the right person right oh Falcon Northwest is always kelt is my favorite and I love that he hangs out so much yeah there's this guy who is like he's in Sweden right and what he does is he just like ztt posts something and then literally the next day the guy posts the same thing just with slightly different words oh he did Scott did he really that's that's awesome wait what happened in Japan I have friends who were going there like I have friends are were going there like tomorrow or like late next uh in late in January earthquake and tsunami really I missed that where did it hit not quite sure I'll tell you in a minute that was a big I so I was in Japan for the coob earthquake and I was there dude that was scary uh it hit the north northwest of suzu okay and there was a plane crash too yeah two planes collided with each other on the runway at Hana or Narita uh Tokyo yeah but there's two airports oh Han sorry yeah wow that's terrible it was a oh wow Japan Airlines collided with the Japan coast guard plane wow that's unfortunate but it sounds like everybody on the J plane got away yeah outplayed the thermo paste is going to be fine for a long time I have a lot of hours in Starfield as well and I haven't finished it either iond atmosphere well thank you for sharing that with me me I did not know about that stuff and it makes me sad so um I love Japan grew up there um yeah well now I'm curious I gotta I gotta I got to reach out to Zach and find out who built more PCS I does is anybody like a big does anybody follow Zach pretty heavily because I've watched a lot of his stuff I don't see I mean he does he covers a lot but he doesn't seem to do a lot of not as many PC builds that is a bad disaster 57 dead jeez that's a lot of people from a quake in Japan uh I know I know some like I know uh do Itachi M day uh I know uh I know I I know some words that aren't okay um and then I know like uh I used to know a lot more my sister is fluent uh but I am not fluent anymore okay so what we're going to do is we're going to run these up top here and then I'm just going to get these going and then I use this little nub here yeah that's what I thought it's yeah he does a lot of content like he sh like he's like me he has at least a piece of short every day um but I didn't know I didn't know he did his builds I am am I fluent in anime uh I know some German uh I know some German I barely know English um and uh I'm really good at accents but yeah that's kind of it I speak 90% anime I actually really like German German's a fun language to speak and I've been to Germany I've been to Germany I flew to Germany 89 times in one year um for for CHR for uh Rise Son Of Rome that means yes there were times when I flew to Germany multiple times in a week because we were bringing builds back and forth and it was faster and then I did Gamescom but I've been to I've been to Germany a lot I actually had a dedicated hotel room in uh in Frankfurt at the Marriott because you couldn't live there because there were rules so I had to I had to go back and forth and you can only like you had to go back and forth for how much time you I think German is a fun language to speak I think it's just super fun Klingon is a fun language yes I could learn Klingon is it did anybody did anybody like did anybody like uh say for like a New Year's resolution they were gonna do a language how about you guys Bach Tom anybody gonna do a language is a New Year's resolution oh Hawaiian yeah I met somebody who said that their language they want to learn is ancient Hebrew I was like whoa okay so we're just getting this cleaned up no language for me no language for you not this year or next already knows binary so I know binary English and uh a little bit of Arabic wow Arabic e certain dialect of it yeah uh I think everybody people asking about the the fans I think honestly everybody is waiting to find out what happens with the fantex Le and Lee lawsuit before you see cuz there was like there's some there's some like legit people are just waiting to see how that whole thing ends up with the patent fight that's going on right now well cuz if you know Arabic right Arabic is a b language right and then Hebrew is also byy I want to learn Egyptian her hieroglyphs you can't really speak that though how do you speak in pictures all right here we go okay now one of my favorite things about this case is how the the how to hide the cables which is actually really fun okay so let's go to the roaming camera here so what we have for cables for this which is it's unfortunate it would have been nicer if these cables were white but let's start with the USB 3.2 cable here so this is what we have right here we're going to run it right here on the side right there now on the other side you actually see the cable now the plug is right here I'm going to show you guys getting that plug pluged in let go to roaming and then there's two actually two of them here and the thing that they is really nice about this case is the cable is super flexible so just got to line it up and push it in right there and it and the good thing is is like look because of how it fits how it fits it looks it just it's very clean one of the things I really enjoy about this case so you end up with a really really kind of clean look okay and then now we're going to go to another case over here so we're go to the roaming one on this one here and then we're going to grab our this is our USBC right here there's our USBC why did you I think I need to charge this okay so there's our USBC right there that is going to go up here and if we go to side view here that's just going to go right here this one is unfortunately not as mathable and then I choose the right oh I did I chose the right direction and then again I want to get it kind of caught up on that lip right there because I want it to stay 90° so that's that's important to me okay now the other cables I thought this was interesting check out the colors on this HD audio they're not they're actually not ketchup mustard they're like I I don't know I don't even know how to describe them they're they're almost like uh pastel uh s like red there is some red but it's hidden underneath the black so a little bit less easy to see than some of the other ones so we're just going to run that back over here and it's going to come out right here so there's our HD audio it's going to come through that bottom one the other thing I really love about this case is the front panel is an integrated front panel so it makes it really easy so we're just going to run that right here and it's going to come out right here if the C if the cable stayed that'd be nice and then the last thing we have is you can see we actually have a fan cable this is for the bottom airflow fan that comes with the case you can actually see it right here that bottom airf flow fan this is the cable for that and that's going to go down here at the bottom right here okay so there's all of our cables now we just lay it down and then we'll plug in front panel right there system fan three right here there we go and then HD audio right here if I plug it in correctly there you go all right so there's all our cables so just showing you here with good old roaming camera here so we have our front panel connector right there literally says front panel luckily it's just one giant cable next to it we have this is our system fan that's basically to this fan right here so it's going to go right here and then our HD audio is all the way on the far right side right down over there and then again we have our USBC and then we have our USB 3.2 and then up here here is where we're actually going to plug in the one of the rgbs for our uh rear fan our rear RGB fan we're going to plug that in right there and then the other one this third fan is going to get shared with the AO stuff that we're going to put in here in a minute this is the part where I start tearing my hair why why is that motb that's why I kind of show you guys I like try to give you like the in-depth look so you can actually see how to make it how to install it make it look nice all that sort of stuff okay so now what I'm going to do is just quickly clean up these cables oh guys we have the odd even going on right now if you're [Music] curious zip time man zip time man count so basically that is your chance to go if you're over on Twitch you can basically vote on which is going to happen if we're going to have odd or even number of zip times when we're all said and done so you choose and then you vote with your uh Channel points and then that's how you can spend Channel points on unlocking things like the 7 600x giveaway that we're doing later this week and stuff like that now the one thing I'm trying to do here you'll see me do this is I'm bringing cables up and then I want them to be at 90° angles with being coming out of the case so you just have a really clear Bend so that's what you're seeing me do here and I learned all this from Falcon Northwest now Kel those guys are my heroes they're amazing builders okay now we're just going to do this right here if you've never had a chance to see a falcon Northwest build in person it is truly a sight it is um I got to see that one when I was when I was in Seattle with you last time and it was absolutely gorgeous it's amazing what they're able to and I mean for pre-builts right like I take time these guys have to do it and make sure that it's done like quickly you know what I mean like I mean not quickly I mean they obviously care about every Bild but at the same time it's like you know what I mean like they're still they're still a business and they just care so much about the builds so hopefully we'll have some more Falcon Northwest stuff uh in 2024 guys for sure I'm sure kelt will let us cover some of his stuff there we go so what I'm doing here is just getting all the cables into the final spots clean them up now remember guys giveaway is going to happen we're going to give away stuff over the course of the stream do not need to be a sub or anything like that to win uh if you want to get extra entries you can obviously sub but there is I I I need to be super clear I don't it doesn't matter how many times I try to tell people you do not need to be subscribed to win the PC like I've had some people go on to Twitter and be like that's illegal and I'm like dude I you don't have to be so yeah I'm just I want to make sure that's really clear you get extra entries for doing it but you do not need to okay we're going to take this little bit out this is just cleaning up our cables tempor temporarily hey I'm an idiot thank you for the sub it always makes me feel bad when I say that say that to myself I'm like people were like oh it's kind of weird to talk to yourself and to grade yourself all at once but and sub to yourself I should have said 19 so that way people knew versus like yeah we knew that Roby thanks guys for being so supportive okay what we're doing here is just cleaning up the case what's your zip tie budget for 2024 uh $20 [Laughter] million feels healthy I feel like I'll be okay with that number I think that's that's a good number yeah we're going to start doing solid gold zip ties I'm looking for a zip tie partner it'd be hard to do solid gold zip ties the malleability on that would be pretty rough [Music] like like I something tells me building those would not be fun just get a x670 e taichi motherboard to match him okay there we go okay I think we have what I need right now there we go okay okay let's clean this up time to cut all the zip tie little bits this is like the most fun part right here there we go okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and put a zip tie right here in this like middle of this figure eight main reason being is just to keep this from having like a weird Bend so that'll be kind of take care of this thing and it looks like an Infinity sure that means something Starfield [Music] right okay okay guys that is all of the front panel connectors hooked up now it's time to get the AIO built and into the case pretty straightforward process here and then what we would what I normally do and what I probably will do is I'll probably stick the cable up here I wonder we'll see sometimes they have the mounting for them but this is a this is where you n typically Mount them if you were going to get like the H5 Elite that's where it actually would be pre-mounted with its cute little screws but here's the side view of how it looks right now nice and clean everything in its place so nice and clean straightforward all the cables look good like looks like almost like a pre-built inz XT system right now even the and then the back also looking nice and straightforward there so again we just wanted to be clean for whoever essentially wins the [Music] build all right so next up let's grab our AO get it built we're using the Kraken 280 Elite now this actually oh I I was kind of kind of got a aead of myself I do have to take this out cuz it's going to the fans are going to go through the front side there we go there we go okay so here's our little controller we'll take care of that here in a minute got our two 140 mm fans all the cbls as they like to say rid of the stuff I don't need don't need that okay I'm also what I took out I took out essentially the four big nuts putting the rest of stuff away because it's all stuff I don't need I won't need that Captain Roo with the tier one sub hey Captain Roo and PC Wizard too I missed that one too oh piece to bizard yet okay there we go little velcro action key part here is just taking out all of our plasticky stuff getting everything out prepped the one reason somebody says roie why do you replace the thermal paste this is why on the NZ XTS they only put it doesn't cover the ENT entire IHS and both on Intel and AMD you do so I will remove this and put my own thermal paste on because they don't cover the entire top that used to work really well back in kind of the olden days back when PCS were hand cranked but now so that's why we're also placing our thermal paste hey red red bud tree thank you for the prime sub okay so what we're going to do here is I'm going to do tubes up because it looks better and it's still below the pump which is fine so this is going to go like [Music] this oh maybe this all has to be on one side oh wait sorry this is going to be tubes whoa okay yes I am brain farting right now there we go so tubes are going to go up it's going to be like this and then we're going to stick our so oh man how do I make this so you guys can see a little bit better I think I have to go this way okay like that hold on when I put this in to make sure I do this right okay then you run your cables out of the side here we'll do the bottom one and then we'll use the side camera for the top one now good thing is all I need is the long screws so what you're going to do is you're going to run the cables through this little spot right here and then just worry about mounting the bottom one first okay and then once you get the corner in same thing with the other Corner once you kind of get one screw in and one fan down it becomes a whole lot easier but you need it to lock there you go okay so that's locked and then we're just going to repeat the process on the top fan so this is going to run through this little hole right here get our one screw in in the corner there we go and then even before I put all the other screws in I only do two screws only to test because I want to make sure that I did this right too many times have I put this whole thing together and then like got mixed up so just get it to the point where it's done and you can test it see like I just did because I freaking did it upside down even after all that freaking work I still did it upside down this is why you test before you now this the the fans are in the right way now we can do this again here we go okay now the fans are on the right way again still going to do it the same way just put two screws in main reason being is that you still want to do the test fit just to make sure the fans are in the right the like they're in the right placement when they're in the front so you can make adjustments okay one more time now for this there are little holes little holes where the the fan cables are going to come through just like that makes it really easy then as you grab these essentially now that you have these done is pull them as you pull the the fan cases through and then that goes like that and I'm just going to I'm not going to tighten it I'm just going to get it in there make sure that our fans are appropriately placed so those look nice and there we go so those look those look like they're in a good spot so now I can just go and finish putting the fan cables things in now you don't want to overtighten here all right so now our fans are in everything looks good these can get put away Roby uh yukina 2387 says Hey Roby I'm looking for a good lav mic for doing Builds on my YouTube channel yours sounds really good what brand is it so I have look it up and I can get I can have I can send it to Tom and then Tom can put a link for you once this kind of loads up okay so that looks good come on Amazon what are you doing there we go so I have the siser AVX digital M wireless microphone system so I'll send you the here you go and I'll give it to Tom so he can put it in the chat except for you clicked on the wrong teams this is I hate hate you okay hold on sending this to Thomas there you go got it okay so now that we have all of the cables here the wow stick is awesome and we have we have a link to that all the time people love the wow stick dude it's it's it's an amazing screwdriver okay guys so that is done let's get the uh let's get it mounted onto the onto the onto the CPU okay what we're doing is we're going to take this out remove this because we're using AMD there we go get rid of our extra thermal pce there we go clean plate now perfect okay now what we're going to do put our cable on we can actually do it let's do it this way okay here we go there we go oh if fell my garbage is getting too full okay let's grab our little cable split eror here plug this in right here at the top and now screw it down well that's what we want it to do we want it to look good here we go there's that one last bit here this what it's always best to do like start it with your fingers because it's just kind of a weird angle for the no it's intaking through the front and then you have exhaust out of the top and the back and then you also have intake from the bottom so there's intake here intake here uh sorry intake intake exhaust exhaust and this will help draw air through the aiio as well okay so now for the last part side view yeah I really like this microphone there we go this is all the cables pulling through and then you basically just all I want is my cables to be up off the top and you want to just cover it there we go and then I just need my one little bad boy here okay so what I'm doing just going to show you guys real quick so up here at the top that right there is where I plugged in the AIO is that header right there main reason being is that usually you'd plug in the fans but given the fans are controlled from the aiio specifically that's why I pluged that one in so it doesn't throw an error the other option is you could plug it into AIO if you wanted to but then you just you'd have to disable that that header on the uh the error for that header in the bio so I'm not going to worry about that not overly worried about it because everything is going to be controlled by cam so okay now what we're going to do is we're going to worry about threading this just to kind of hide it no it's drawn from the people watching on YouTube and on on YouTube and on Twitch can you plug the en into a CPU fan header if the radiator fans are connected to the hub does it have a fan out I don't remember off the top of my head what was the question Ry he said can you plug the Fan Hub into the CPU fanter if that's where the fans are I don't remember if the CPU fan Hub has a if it does and there's a fan out then yes you can absolutely do that and that's the right thing to do because then it's sending connects it's sending the speeds to those to those fans uh for the CPU what what fans you're going to put on there if you want them ramping up when the CPU hits load or whatnot but yeah yeah cuz the only thing going from The Hub to the motherboard is just the uh the data for the for the fans to send it back and forth there we go you got somebody asking about the the card that you're using Robby is it it's a reference model correct the GPU right yes it's the reference model from but it's yeah it's a reference model it's an AMD reference model um but it's Starfield themed okay guys once this last thing gets kind of hooked up then we're at the we're kind of at the tail end at that point there it is okay okay so now what we're going to work on is just the getting these cables controlled I just need to make sure I don't pull the stuff out of the there you go so going to side view okay there we go it's up it's up above so you won't it'll it'll be behind the fan but it'll still look nice okay okay now a couple things we're going to work on real quick is we're going to take the exhaust fan here top down and then this is going to get plugged in up here CU we have an RGB hey eigor thank you for the five gifted Subs okay and I'll show you what I did here in a minute I still want to just grab one more cable zip tight these guys underneath and I know I say this every single stream but it's kind of like Jack Reacher where in PC builds like it's the little things like Details Matter you know what I mean especially if you're going to like with the amount of money that these things have a tendency to cost like just making it like taking the little bit of time and attention to really make a build as clean as possible just those little details matter in my opinion there we go okay so I'm just going to show you real quick this little connection thing I did back here so what I did is this is from the rear fan this is the RGB from the exhaust fan and then that's the fan from the exhaust fan up there so those are the two connections I did up here so I have your RGB and then your exhaust fan the other RGB header that's right there that'll be for the Hub that we'll take care of here in a minute so hopefully you guys can see that oh I think this might be dead you charge my RGB so there you go there you go okay a nice and clean okay so next stop is just to finish up plugging in the back now it's called the wow stick okay now that we have this now what I'm working on is just getting the it's all about getting cables plugged in here okay so now we have is we have this weird situation so we're going to take our RGB cuz these are going to go in the hub so that's going to go across okay that's our RGB these are going to go down there we go know and don't be afraid to redo your cable management as you get new cables zip ties are cheap some people are like oh I've already put a zip tie there you can't do it again yes you can totally totally fine zip ties are not sentient they have no feelings they aren't mad if you only used them in the wrong place you know what I mean a lot of times it just becomes it's a little easier to Cable manage as you do it together you know what I mean and the big thing is you just want to hide the white cables under the black this is what I'm working on here just like that there we go now I'm just just doing is just re getting the cables in to the groups hey what's up figment oh that's totally fine figment yeah totally thank you for the referral figment here we go okay so this is where we're going to run this up because this is going to go up and into the this is going to go up and into the rest of the case what's that Blake cane okay so there we go there's all that I'm just going to cut these okay now this will take care of here in a minute this is going to go down I'm working on is getting these all plugged in oh shoot did I really no oh did I really I wired the wrong one in Son of a I thought i' checked that twice I'm not like I'm not like uh apparently I'm not like uh Santa I didn't check it twice the longest one too okay this is going to go here and then the other one is right here there we go okay that's going to go down here cuz it's going to plug in and what I'm trying to do here here since I've got the links now which is okay this is always going this always this particular part is always a little bit of a pain but really what we're doing is we just want to get the links to be right as best as we can be that should work just going to zip tie this closed real quick it should work for it should work for just holding it temporarily okay that just will hold it right because we'll we'll run all these cables down and all that sort of stuff and this will get Ru and all that stuff now I just want to Tech check I want to check our length against this bad boy because this is where all of our RGB is going to get plugged in okay getting this [Music] in here we go and there's a beautiful spot right up here at the top for this yeah there I've I've got one that's why I showing you I have one plugged into the motherboard but the other three are the other three are going into the The Hub here this is where Daisy chainable fans like have are so nice just makes this part so much easier and cable management so much [Music] easier okay let us now last bit of this this doesn't seem to velcro at all oh it does okay I was like wait this isn't velcroing just got to push it really hard this harder Velcro yeah this velcro is actually pretty thin it's also magnetic which I forgot about so I didn't even really need to do that but I did okay so now we can run all these up then I'm going to finish Gable manage this there we go okay then we have one more right there okay now let's cable manage this [Applause] okay so now we're going to go to 90° here hide these underneath there we go okay and then the big thing here you just want to keep these as hidden as possible so as we run down the length I want to see these as little I want to see these white cables as little as possible possible take advantage of this one right here there we go there we go I want to keep that one kind of connected right now this is why I mean I can't wait for everybody to do Daisy chainable fans like really nice you know what I mean if they still can't yeah if they still can yeah after the uh lawsuit unless they do something like what Corsair did you know which was like completely technology different okay the front part is done I'm just going to add a couple more just to create some evenness we got some people that didn't know about the lawsuit in chat oh yeah basically lean Lee has sued fantex and some one other company ther thermal take yeah for their their um their Daisy chainable fan designs so basically saying that they have copied them and so like outside the only people they could really Sue is Corsair because their system is so very different um so it'll be interesting Asus also has Daisy chainable fans um but they were not in the lawsuit so um Asus has them on some of their aios and stuff like that so it was interesting but they don't sell them independently as far as I can tell they're only part of their aios uh corsair's connectors and the tech itself actually has a the reason they're so expensive is that the amount of um uh sensors and stuff they actually have uh like smart components inside of them as well and then the comp the actual uh attachments isn't is doing more than just conducting electricity so it's it's actually a it's actually they're way more technologically advanced than the Leon Lee fans are okay now we're just guys we're almost done sorry this is the thing about Cable Management just take a little bit extra time not a lot again you just end up with something just a very much cleaner I like clean well I mean I don't know if it's necessarily money I mean yes money is part of it but the other thing too is that like it's also like if you how else are you going to start differentiating fans so there's there's some of that too I can understand right that's that was a huge win for Le and Lee in terms of I mean dude I don't even know I know how many people bought uni fans because of their ability to daisy chain okay guys so there's that now we can start working on this just going to do the same thing we just did with the left side with the right side just again just cleaning up the cables hiding it as best we can so the cable management is super clean there we go then what we're going to do is we're going to run this just want to make sure the cable's long enough yes okay want this at a right a right right hand angle or 90° as it is also called how much do you cable manage yours Bach pretty well the ones that you you build the cell uh I do them functionally so I don't go like super in depth but I try to make sure it's neat for the most part is that most of you guys all functional like I'll mostly do the spine area and the the major cables um it just depends on the build and how much I got going on with it too but I do a lot better than I used to do I used to just be like all right as long as the panel closed it's good I've I've I you would you say that I have I have impacted you in any way in terms of how much you do it or no oh for sure yeah and and it just I mean it definitely looks a lot better too you know it looks more professional we say okay there we go guys definitely a much cleaner looking situation now I've Ed a lot of zip ties on this build a lot oh there you go I like that Maiden says that he if he does this Cable Management he gets more inquiries when he has clean Cable Management versus when he doesn't that's interesting I think that's obviously area dependent for sure a more picky clientele I think I think it's one of those things though that people don't not everybody understands how much work it can be you know what I mean like until you've done your own build you may have no idea how much work it actually took to get the build to that level okay guys now what I got to do is I just got to plug in these last two but in terms of that's that's how the that's how the build looks now so again pretty clean everything looks nice 90° angles again just making sure that it's pretty straightforward the NZXT is straight so again we just want something very very clean when it's done okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to run and install these two USB headers which are going to go right in this hole right here there go to side take a quick second grab some water clean up my area a little bit just make sure all the the extra stuff is picked up and I will tell you guys as much as somebody if anybody tells you one thing that I always say is that helps me in terms of PC Building is keeping a clean workspace it makes all the difference you lose less it just ends up it ends up just going better for you so if you can take the time to keep your workspace clean it will make a big difference so build area looks good now what I'm going to do is just run and connect these last two cables here luckily the beautiful thing about this N7 build this N7 motherboard is just how um how many headers uh USB headers it has it has three which I actually really like okay so there's those now we can finish up the cable management cuz this is the last part of the build last bit of the cable management the rest of it is pretty easy do thank you very much SRT thank you very much for the sub guys don't forget Subs you do not need to be sub to win but subscription subscribing get you extra injuries toward winning this PC which we will be giving away at the very end of the stream we're near the end of the stream over a thousand people here now PC real at them in that's right it's uh us Mexico Canada and worldwide as long as you pay shipping and Customs hey Justin um yeah what's up the what we had talked about uh the other day to um baythorn streaming tonight if you're interested in doing that later oh nice that would be a nice thing and Blondie says uh we should be coming up uh for time for another hype train here shortly so hopefully we can actually hit level five this time didn't quite do it last time okay guys this is the last little Rat's Nest down here isn't actually that big of a Rat's Nest but what we're going to work on is get this clean okay there we go heus he must stream late it's like 8:00 there now yeah he went live right around right after 8 us usually stays going on the later side of things okay and then we just go like that there we go okay guys there it is cables managed they look clean we're going to do one more right here bring that one cable up a little bit higher here we go Mischief Managed exactly okay got a whole lot of likes on YouTube tonight that's good that is good okay we are 11 Subs away from 100 let's hit that 100 guys going into the uh the hype train here in just a few minutes that way we can get in there and start unlocking some really cool giveaways remember there's always stuff up for grabs to start going in there things like gpus CPUs all that kind of jazz so if we uh if we want to hit a hype Trin and unlock some other giveaways we can absolutely do that I have some older uh six six series gpus we might throw up for grabs today okay so there it is there's the cable management and then we also have it from the front too so there it is looking clean on both sides hype train incoming there it is El Sol doctor there we go and the back looks nice and clean from the top like again just a very nice looking build look at it from the front here real quick level [Music] two remember guys if we get to level 10 $100 PayPal whatever you want that's what we want to do level five we unlock a $25 new a gift card level 10 we give away $100 to whomever and then if we get to uh if we start getting up into the the teens that's when we start giving away things like I don't know like a 60 6500 or stuff like that you can give away some like really really cool like gpus and stuff like that but there is the build so let's go ahead and put in the vertical GPU bracket now because we want to make sure this looks good there's level two guys keep it going let's get to level five 93 okay the dev plate oh yeah I know I want to look at it and see how it hits I want to I'm going to pop it in if it looks bad then we'll not put it in cuz it might not actually cover it so we'll have to see yeah so you'll still see the dev plate it's still it'll still be there okay so we won't cover the dev plate which is good come on you guys let's unlock the other giveaway we can get to level five remember and every if you sub you're entered to win this one you have the cyberpunk PC that you're going to get extra entries for you also have the uh the uh twitch PC we have uh other pre-built PCS that we're going to be giving away and all of those get you extra entries towards if you're subbed you get extra entries towards winning those PC PCS so definitely worth uh definitely worth winning I mean definitely worth subscribing vertically mounting specifically so you can use your Prime sub which is free if you have Amazon uh we're vertically mounting it because you can see the all the design is on the front of the case hey srock 61 thank you for the sub there's joe sauce dropping his prime sub there we go gamer B dropping for tier one there's dmat dropping two and remember you get extra entries uh for some of those bigger sub PCS every sub every gifted sub gets you extra entries towards winning eagor dropping 10 there we go sub Hunter dropping a resub tier one and if you want to help me with the partner plus stuff tier three obviously Revan Wing Dragon there we go stoked chisel dropping a prime sub yeah you do not block the uh the dev plate which is cool okay there we go level there we go we unlocked the $5 sorry the $25 gift card now remember guys we get to level 10 it's $100 just give away a $100 we get to level 10 oh wait I think I needed to that's right this is one of those ones you got to put the GPU on first I mean if you want to win this PC drop a prime sub dude that's just that's just free okay let's pull this out boom beautiful okay time for the stunning GPU V fangs thank you very much hey thank you for the gifted sub Kino okay hold hold on I have to do this outside of the case apparently order of operations here 1 minute 49 seconds you guys there we go okay hey that g dude come on guys let's get it to level seven at least that'll give us more time [Music] okay just screwing this down there you go just like that okay let's grab our front cover here 20 seconds we can do it somebody just got to drop some subs and then remember want to unlock the big giveaway but dude still level five huge thank you very much guys there we go okay that's in now we can do this right there we go there we go looks awesome what do you guys think there you go from the side that looks pretty dang good with the uh with the whole front and everything else that that looks that looks so good that that this this GPU just has the Aesthetics for the vertical Mount which looks really good okay let's get our cable extensions in and then we'll uh almost we're pretty much done yeah you can you yes the screen is customizable in this case not at all because you're basically there's a fan down below that feeds air so this this case does have no issue with vertical or or horizontal mounting for the GPU and the dev badge is still visible okay we're just going to work on the get the cables in last little bit of this build then we'll turn it on oops put it on the oh yeah themed X H6 Flo would have looked good too there we go it's funny cuz I thought about doing custom cables for this but I don't want to take away from the theming of the case I think white would actually be the ideal like the more I thought about was like ah White's just GNA look good because it won't take a it won't it won't kind of take away from anything there we go yeah yeah you just want you want it to stay looking clean so that's what we're going to do once this is done guys all I got it is PSU build is done wow 5,000 debuild it's I've done I've done a fair number of those we don't have to put on a lot of cable combs for this one because of just how tight the cables have got to be there we go I don't know if I like that um I'm looking at it I don't know if I like that nope I don't like that let's have it under had an idea and I was like eh funny you won't even see the white cable extensions there all right you we go now I just need to make sure that these stay straight that looks good okay so there you go here's our first one looks nice and clean most difficult or annoying part of the build honestly most of the time it's the aios aios just they're it I mean unless they're like the IQ the h150 IQ link or the Galahad that have like Daisy chainable fans I'll be honest man AOS are just not fun um they're getting better but a lot of time it's kind of the one where I take a deep breath and I'm like okay no actually Cable Management I find therapeutic um but there's a lot of cables right like like you know when you do an air cooler it's like I still enjoy the cable management but like aiio is less like especially in zxt ones have a tendency just have a ton of cabling um so you're just like you're spending a lot of time like H working on cables this is on this side okay that's fine okay so for your cable combs for these it's kind of interesting because you got to do two in one direction and two in the other and the reason is is because you want to be able to have the cable Combs look clean from the front too cuz they're going to be visible down at the bottom so I have a tendency to do two at the two one way and then two the other way so it's a little different than when you C when you do the so just like this last one there we go all right let's grab some water this end up working out great okay last two cable Combs there we go one more on this direction and then the other two and then you just kind of zip tie them in the middle okay so there's the top these will sit down and go over like this then the front last cable take cable times I think if you you would have done custom cables in any other way it probably would have detracted from the theme like versus what we're doing here which is just white cables cuz I think if you would have done more like the extra color would have kind of Taken like it would have taken away from like the sidebar here you know what I mean or the other bits so I think white was the best thing just to make sure that you weren't doing too much and then of course obviously having the custom graphic is going to go a long way towards finishing it wait Did I really do this backwards I checked this like three times oh man guys I did well actually what I can do is pretty simple I I have to replace two nope now I have to replace them all good job robes everybody say good job Roby again putting the cable Combs on upside down son of a bisc here yeah good job it's the worst it's my least favorite thing to accidentally do be kind to yourself thank you okay one cable is now corrected there we go oh okay what's up Chris yeah I'm on Twitter thanks dude I appreciate it I'm just getting this I got one more one more okay one more to get done okay it's almost there okay here we go see how this looks this one is I'm interested to see how this is tubes are kind of weird but okay that worked really well actually me go there we go okay [Music] cool okay okay and then you can see the case there you go and then you can see the cable combs at the center too so it looks like actually clean down here too okay that's how the build's going to look essentially all I have left is just the power supply there we go clean white build okay let's get our PSU in turn this bad boy on see how Starfield runs on it get that hype yeah get that we got hype okay going to top down this is how the back looks which is also very clean got got 12 Subs away from hitting a $150 gift card we're unlocking all sorts of stuff today okay let's grab our PSU we need two SATA two sat and then GPU CPU and we're good nothing too crazy yeah the first beauty of 2024 I'll make sure to put the NZXT bag in the whoever wins these NZXT power cables are the power cable bags are awesome I like that and it's out of this world okay here we go okay first bag oh wow these are zip these are zip lock now that's nice appreciate that usually they're not zip lock oh we'll do PSU sniff for sure CPU don't need that GPU and our big one there we go there we go Victor thank you very much man it's good to see you oh jeez yeah it would be nice if it was white but it'll be okay you don't you won't really see it and again I still appreciate NZXT and you guys should too for giving us all the parts Kingston and uh AMD for hooking it up there we go uh Bild the bear they didn't give us a white PSU I don't think NZXT makes a white PSU not that I know of right I think can confirm there is no white psus from NZXT you won't notice it and it still will look good with the black okay going to side here ow I pinched myself actually hurt side view here I mean you still have the black from the NZXT and so I don't think it actually looks all that bad and given it's a cargo container I think it actually looks kind of Spacey when it's got a little black as well feels more futuristic so thematically I'm okay with it I'm just getting the cup this started and never tighten this all the way down until you get all the screws in then once you have the screws in tighten it down because sometimes it'll if you overtighten it you'll actually make it so some of the screws don't fit if you put them all in it can never shift so the the screws don't go in okay okay now it's time to just finish this build so the first thing we're going to do luckily there's not a lot of cables here so let's start with our this right here like that oops you guys can't see okay we're just going to get our stuff down here there you go there we go okay now grab our we go okay pull this through okay there we go now there you go for all the new people if you head over to the Discord we always got some events going on Blondie but geek's got some great things going like a uh PC build list competition and some uh twitch clips of the month so over there you can winard you can win a 100 bucks yeah okay again it's just about keeping this part I don't have a tendency to want to tie that down too much because people need to get to it it's a little easier that way okay back is done build is done let's throw our back cover on there we go make sure okay cables look good throw that on there's from the front there's the build pretty dang clean I have to say all the cables look great everything's hidden that's a good thing okay let's throw the front cover on and there it is guys the entire Starfield themed build hey srock thank you very much dmat thank you very much all of you guys for all the subs now we hit that 150 there it is hydr from gorgeous gorgeous AMD system okay let's do this over here all right let us let's count our zip ties and then we'll uh counter zip ties real quick um do our deals talk about our sponsor and then go from there Club Penguin is going to run like a boss on this probably best Club Penguin this is like the ultimate Club Penguin build okay let's do our let's count our zip ties in just a second getting stuff cleaned up here real quick there we go I have no idea if Club Penguin is still around Bach do you know if Club pegin still around I don't even know what what you're talking about [Laughter] honestly okay build and air work area is done cleaned up put this off to the side let's count our zip ties we use a lot guys use a lot of zip ties okay 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 two 3 4 five there's 10 remember OT even oh March 30th 2017 okay so it's down 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 three 4 five one two three four five five five five okay so there's five right there okay 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 2530 3540 4550 it is even even today guys even 50 I was still a lot of zip ties for such a small case we had to do re redo sections though which always helps it get there okay okay so now the question is will it post while we're doing that we're going to go through our sponsor real quick I just realized our thing is unplugged this is usually not here we go let's grab our where's our HDMI cable that is it right there yeah there there you seei okay tur dog your RAM just broke that's weird not supposed to use it as a drumstick yeah okay let's just look at our deals and our sponsor real quick throwing a microwave zip ties are I'm assuming they're recyclable but there's a whole fallacy about recycling so yeah um rby tick okay okay we need Pig radio to do your intro song for deals featuring Tom we should do it is pig rid that actually would be a good idea okay right so let's say friends you get finished with the build oh it doesn't this is not on that's not going to help you at all all right there you go let's say you get finished with a build like this and you want to put on a copy of Windows well if you were going to pick head over to some place like Best Buy or whatever it is uh getting a copy of Windows might cost you about 100 bucks but here at VIP cdk deals you can see that you can get Windows 10 home for 19 bucks or you can get Windows 10 Pro for $23.9 so for say for instance we're going to pick up Windows 10 Pro you can sit there hit buy now you're going to get your key in 3 to 5 minutes if you have questions if they're legit Keys literally thousands of people here have used them uh it's uh it's also so if you have questions or about their customer service or anything like that you can just reach out to people right here in the Stream and they will they will definitely give you the 411 on the on the uh on the site so just go in hit RBC at checkout hit apply what was $23.9 Drops all the way down to $16.16 cents yep uh and so there you go no problem whatsoever as well what if you wanted to pick up a copy of office say for instance you're going to start in the winter quarter or spring quarter here's office 2021 you don't want to pay for the uh you don't want to pay for the uh uh upgrade or the subscription we can pick it up here for what's usually at Best Buy it be about three 200 bucks here at RB at cdk deals you can pick it up for 20 11474 but if you hit buy now again same thing use the same code RBC at checkout hit apply what was uh basically 11474 drops all the way down to what is essentially $80.3 so $8.32 much cheaper than picking it up at uh best spy or New Egg uh their their keys are legit they're onetime use if you have questions again feel free to ask in chat tons of people have used them uh and it's a great place to pick up copies and be able to do things like uh customize Windows and get the support that that you get because you have a a registered copy so VIP cdk just use RBC checkout next thing I want to tell you guys about of course is I had somebody just reach out just just a few minutes ago about commissions this is where you go if you want to have me build a custom PC here live on the stream like this Starfield PC so if you wanted to have something built I do take a number of commissions it's limited uh you can just reach out via email we'll have a discussion and price it out my prices aren't bad either it's just basically uh there you go it's like 15% plus shipping uh which is actually pretty good uh the other Toth weth checking out it's getting ready to start here in just a minute is a robit tech Insider so if you have questions about you missed a stream or you wanted to know what giveaways and stuff we going in here great place to find all of the content that we essentially published on top of just that as well as pictures from the community like when we went to dream hack hey there's Bach right there uh when we went to dream hack uh as well as um giveaways and stuff like that so uh it's worth subscribing head over to inssider hit subscribe you're basically going to get it right to your email inbox and it's the best way to just keep up with what's going on uh for builds if you like a particular build say for you like this build but you know you couldn't get the Starfield Parts but you still wanted to to build it you can over to NZ builds here's all the parts the links to all the parts as well as um the video to follow along I try to show you guys how to basically do everything so you can find any stream all of the builds all of the parts are always located there there's the Grinch build we just gave away at Christmas uh here's a beautiful proart build so if you have questions or you want to find out what was in a particular build just head over to builds last thing is deals let's see what deals Tom has found for us today here we go oh my gosh uh let's just scroll past that Michigan thing I can't believe he put Michigan on a udub thing okay uh corser HX 1500i fully modular ultra low noise ATX PSU uh on sale right now $224.99 with a 25 so if you need a really big PSU there you go uh the hanu dual monitor stand this is a spring monitor if you wanted to have two two um basically monitors on a uh swivel uh I've used a number of these These are great um they they're usually you know 49 bucks plus you have a $10 coupon so nice and inexpensive for some monitor arms uh silicon power 2 tab UD 90 you can use this in certain laptops you can also use this to upgrade your ra your storage and your Steam deck or in your Rog Ally um these these sizes are starting to become very very popular and again games as Steam deck has gotten more popular Games Etc have started to take out more room uh here's a steam deck dock uh compatible with the valve steam deck so if you wanted to or the RG Aly just plugs in 7 to1 and then you can play it also on a monitor uh APC UPS 1500 UPS backup this is one of those things that people always forget about when they buy a PC and then they don't spend the $179 and then a power surge or whatever happens and the PC doesn't shut down correctly and then they've lost their beautiful thousand plus dollar PC this is a great way to make sure it's not they also come with insurance I use them on all my PCS uh and they're a very very safe way to protect your PC worth $179 and it's 179 bucks is a steal for something like that and then the Elgato Wave 3 plus a wired mic combo uh you can get uh both the mic and the stand uh right now for $179.99 it's you're saving yourself almost 8 so if you're a streamer I love Elgato stuff we use it here in this in this in the Stream and then of course in the home system as well that you guys see me stream games so really great deals my favorite on here not the Michigan thing I would say uh the APC obviously a huge one and then of course this Elgato so these two anyway guys say thank you Tom thank you Tom for uh for hooking that up and uh you're going to be really sorry uh on uh on Monday when Michigan loses to udub so which you know what honestly I don't even like college football I don't even know if I care but just the fact that you threw it on the site that's that's that's why I'm that's why I'm making a big deal out of it so there we go guys okay so let's turn this thing on see how it actually performs seems like a good plan right okay I just need to switch this over real quick okay here we go okay so popping in our just going to make sure it Boots the right way all right that should be everything here we go three two one oh snap I see lights and there it is guys lit up it's alive it's alive and there is the build it looks really good just waiting to see if it posts I have no idea because the capture is we hit the capture we'll see what happens there it is guys we are posted and we are live there it is ready to go so it is posted it's updating steam here real quick it's funny CU I actually almost like I like the NZXT thing there you could put a Starfield I mean we probably should put a Starfield graphic there and of course we're going to get this all the way set up make sure it's all the way gone before you before we give it away for sure all right okay so let me get rid of some stuff get this going here letting the games go okay what did the ram go white oh did it whoa okay it's fine okay that was weird it just paused okay the ram is white oh you know why dang it I bet you I know why because it's downloading it's updating all of the games real quick it's updating all the games okay let me grab let me grab cam real quick okay going in here there we go I'm going to let it download this real quick because we do want we do want to make sure that we have Starfield up to date okay it's guys just stay tuned it'll it'll be over here in a minute it's almost done it's almost done okay it's done it'll stop now no pause we're just going to pause the other ones okay let's go and okay let's go to lighting okay firmware updating it's going to update the firmware real quick uh blue I don't think so I I wish it did but I don't I'll see if I can get a code if I can I will okay first thing I want to do though wonder what the the fans aren't spinning because it's in the zero RPM mode so until it hits a load in a certain temperature oh yeah the GPU yeah the GPU fans they won't spin they they have a tendency yeah you don't have to worry about that okay let's go to huh that's not letting me oh there it is image gift okay there we go there you go how's that there we go there you go with the Starfield there's the build with Starfield on there that looks really good okay sorry that I mean I thought it was going to look good but then it looks it looks way better than I thought it was going to and then from the from the front here this is what it looks like from the front so then you have like the Starfield on the front with all of the things okay so now let's do our peel and then we'll do our thermal testing run run Starfield on it and then we'll give it away there you go right here I was like looking for the peel I was like okay here we go there it is fully peeled and if you go slow on this this will come off too there we go peeled now okay so now that's terrible hold on there we go got our Starfield background now and the PC is ready to test now what I'm going to do real quick just to show you guys let's open up CPU ID let's open up cinch 2024 there's our temperature right now on the 50s it's CU of freaking so we're going to go to file Advanced Benchmark or 10 minute let it go down not that I'm worried about it okay let's go ahead and hit start single multicore that's kind of what I expected 70s l in the 70s no problem it's a 280 mm aiio okay let's see how airf flow is doing so we're going to go to side here you guys ask about the airf flow okay so we're pulling air from the front there's a couple places pulling air from the front and then exhaust and there's also air down here so I'll show you both of those right here here it is you can see the air just going right across no problem whatsoever just pulling right through there very quickly a lot of times people have no idea how fast air travels through a PC it travels quite quickly through a PC as you can see right there and then the other thing too is you're also pulling air from right here you can see that's giving direct air flow right to that GPU if the GPU was going to need it so again plenty of air flow being pulled through this case and no problem whatsoever for uh for the for this case in terms of air flow and pulling through and then again temperature- wise we have no problems whatsoever it's just sitting in the it's sitting in the uh yeah it's very flow PC currently sitting in the 70s no problem in terms of temps and stuff like that that's not D weasel that's not it at all that's uh I don't actually that's gross no actually it won't get Dusty fast this actually has a relatively positive pressure situation inside the case we have 140s pulling through it might be neutral but in terms of dustiness it won't get all that Dusty uh Amanda it won't it it the temps will be around the same like you won't see any issues both with um either CPU temps or GPU temps they would have been fine in either form there might have been a 1 to2 degree difference but nothing major yeah there's no throttling on the CPU no whatsoever at all this is just going to run totally no issues okay so let's show you guys let's just oh so uh Bishop uh it's called The Smoke Genie uh we have a link to it I think it will not come over uh 7 will it will not come overclock no it'll just come stock uh clly ply they it's been getting better for the AI Prem but a a lot more it's nowhere near that of uh the 40 of Nvidia Series right now yes it does levic because it's direct air flow to the GPU okay let's go ahead and show you guys let's go ahead and uh get some games going here so I'm going to pop this in let's show you Starfield on it hey get the Prime thank you very much yeah you don't need to overclock this anyway um you could get a little boost if you did the curve Optimizer but even then it's not going to make that big a difference unless you're run a lot of multicore for gaming it's negligible okay let's drop let's hit let me just make sure IQ is running the only reason you might be like IQ it's because I'm running scuff I'm going to restart later okay okay so let's pop open Starfield oh let's also run MSI After Burner looking for sound we want it to go through here okay should be getting okay you let's see how this runs you guys can see here we're running ddr5 we have the 7900 XTX you can see right now gaming temps it's like basically sitting at you know 30 30 51 in gaming the look at that GPU temp though GPU temp is no good okay so let's go to display we're running at 1440 Ultra we're going to put motion blur on Al just kidding we turn motion blur off we're going to turn let's just run raw because we don't need to let's just run Ultra raw you can put it on Cass actually and then Cass is fine render resolution is Max and there we go and then we want vsync off okay here we [Music] go there you go 163 FPS in space that seems fine and it's raw it's 160 frames per second raw right now there's nothing we're not playing with any God this game looks so pretty we're not playing with anything we're not messing with anything let's go check out a planet so we'll go to here we land here oh we'll land here Nera let's land at the abandoned fuel place yeah cast is on but R render resolution is Max so we did we left everything's raw this is raw there's nothing we're not turning any there's nothing there's no magic here it's not upscaling it's just running [Music] Cass oh that thing takes a lot of oh that's that's going to kill me ow down got one I didn't know this planet was so dangerous guys don't pet the wildlife H it whoa coming right for me you beating it I'm almost out of ammo okay there we go what a waste of food ammo killed it so there you go guys as you can see Starfield has no problem running at 1440p on Ultra with everything you could want on it run around planets kill lots of fun things like you should looks like the construction was interrupted on this extractor unit I wonder why this is uh but yeah there you go there is Starfield okay well uh while we're popping Starfield and there you go that's the system all the other games like the only other one that was half like it's now needing to redownload entirely was Cod so we're not going to wait for 122 gigs to download so let's start with uh We've unlocked uh2 $25 newa gift cards let's unlock those and there is our build all the way done yeah very functional probably should throw it away it's too it's just not good enough okay so let's uh we'll talk about the PC giveaway I'm going to run while you guys are doing this while I'm running this I want to let you guys know I'm going to run the first giveaway here two $25 new gift cards exclamation point Community exclamation point Community for these2 $25 newa gift cards up for grabs there you go two minutes guys now you be asking we're about to do the PC giveaway so let me let me explain how the PC giveaway works it is open to the US Mexico and Canada without any issues whatsoever if you want to enter from those locations that's totally fine uh you can enter to win no problem worldwide you can enter as long as there's not a US embargo but if you win then you have to pay customs and shipping for the PC like we'll pack it up we'll get it to you but you'll basically handle all the Courier and shipping of the PC itself so I I that's how we do worldwide giveaways um you do not need to be subscribed to win what you need to do is you basically need to be subbed on on YouTube you need to be following on Twitch uh I would I would appreciate if you followed on Twitter too that would be huge uh you need to be at least doing those three and you for sure have to be a member of the Discord robobitch we'll essentially make sure that you're uh but on those two you those three you have to have basically done um and then uh if you want to get extra entries all you got to do is head over to Ritch drop your free Prime sub that gets you three additional entries when we basically uh do the giveaway so if you want to basically get additional entries to winning the PC drop your Prime sub that also gets you entries to win our subon PCS which this month will be a twitch uh sorry the next two months will be a twitch twitch water cooled build so if you want to get in on that uh tier one gets you one entry T sorry tier uh sorry Prime gets you one entry tier one gets you three tier two gets you five tier three gets you 10 and every gifted sub gets you an additional entry but all of our giveaways you get additional entries if you are a subscriber don't need to be to win you get an entry for free if you're not a winner but if you want more entries then use your subscriptions so I think that's pretty much anyway everything so yeah go ahead and drop your Prime Subs if you want to be Bible win make sure you're following make sure you're a member robobitch as well let me put the music back [Music] on okay and oh congratulations to Barber Baro escul and Riley doll Riley doll you guys are the winners of the 25 now if you win the gift cards and then you enter and win the PC that's fine you'll just forfeit the other win to to win the PC so don't worry if you you please enter on all the giveaways you're not going to make yourself ineligible uh if you happen to win the PC okay so that is those I'm going to wait for her to close that out and then we'll start the next giveaway all right so she's closed out on that okay guys so we're going to do this gift card it's $150 newa gift card uh exclamation point New Egg now ex uh actually let's do exclamation point AMD we'll do exclamation point AMD $150 newa gift card up for grabs uh dropping that right now again 2 minutes two minutes on that $150 newa gift cards exclamation point AMD make sure you subscribe because you're going to want to get extra entries on this uh and then again you're helping me if you upgrade to tier one tier two or tier three you're actually helping me uh get partner plus I have one month left this is the last month we've basically crushed it the other two months uh but upgrading to tier one tier two tier three uh is always a a very big thank you to the community I hope allows us to do builds like this and all that sort of stuff more and more Zenon Frost thank you very much for the sub man manate thank you very much for the sub tier one appreciate it man that's a huge help thank you for the points the sub points make sure that you're a member of Discord robobitch make sure that you are subscribed on on uh YouTube make sure that you are following on Twitch please follow on Twitter too you don't have to but I I'd appreciate it yeah cyberp punk will also run beautifully on I just can't download it so cyber Punk also runs well but Cod runs really well on this Roar shark maker thank you very much for the sub okay now when we're going to give you six minutes to enter on the PC when it is done when the PC is done do not leave because we have to verify the winner they have to make sure they have done all those things I told you we've had people win and then not be eligible so don't leave because if that happens then we're going to redraw and then you'll be sad so when we draw the winner don't leave quite yet okay and by the way over a th000 on Twitch alone 1261 people almost 1300 people here completely so thank you very everybody for being a part of this and joining I'm really glad that people are excited about this giveaway um you guys are amazing super appreciate it this build looks so good Bach this build looks good doesn't it oh that's gorgeous those special edition Parts man yeah that's what makes ity even even more exciting cuz you got something that's very very rare yeah you there's only I think there's only going to be 100 cases and then those gpus there was only like 500 in the whole world and yeah the whole thing just I mean you're you really have like a very special build here so and it ca and guys it came out so clean and I got the best one cuz you built it so that's right thanks thanks Bach okay drawing the winner congratulations to EMU emu you are the winner of the uh you're the winner of the uh $150 new gift card congratulations emotech okay it's time it's time last time if you want to get extra entries drop your Prime sub drop your subs number two if you make sure Discord make sure uh twitch make sure YouTube those things are done and then the last thing is last thing is potentially follow on Twitter it doesn't get you anything but it helps me and it makes me feel better okay here we go here we go exclamation point NZXT exclamation point NZXT is going to be the entry six minutes oh sorry four minutes four minutes four minutes four minutes guys giveaway is starting right now you will not get confirmation sometimes you will sometimes you won't we did verify that everybody who put it in did get it so don't freak out if you don't see anything it's fine remember if you if you want to get extra entries you got four minutes drop that Prime sub and then hit the exclamation point NZXT one more time to get your extra tickets Grand seea welcome make sure you're following as well guys it's up for grabs people are entering make sure you're following make sure you're a member of the Discord hold on one sec guys I'm going to run that one more time hold on it's being weird I'm going to run it one more time just keep in and ex there it goes okay and there you go four minutes still four minutes guys Zenon Frost thank you for the extra gifted sub appreciate you make sure you're following make sure you subscribe you do not need to be subbed to win I just keep saying that and people still go on Twitter and be like you and I'm like no you don't two three minutes guys okay so what's happening the rest of the week well we have this very interesting C where did I put it oh yeah we have this very interesting case which I've been looking into and this is supposed to be tomorrow's build but once I really did a bunch of research which huge shout out to gear Seekers for this I was like you know what honestly I kind of want some some different parts so I'm trying to get those parts in so this stream might be moved to Friday so I don't think there's actually going to be a stream tomorrow this is called the geometric future Arc it's uh it's called the model 2 it's known as The Arc so this is supposed to be tomorrow's build um it'll probably end up moving to Friday uh is the expectation so that's what we're looking at right now uh and then Saturday we're going to be building an o1 EVO XL commission build so that's going to be happening on Saturday now one of those two will be giving away a 7800x 3D and will'll be giving away a 7600 X so you're definitely going to want to tune in for that one if you just you're looking for a CPU for your build that's also going to be coming up and then the week after that is CES I have some cool new stuff I can't tell you about but we have some really cool builds that are part of stuff that's shown from Asus at CES that's going to be happening next week uh we have another giveaway PC build coming up from MSI um so we have a lot of stuff still coming up guys uh as well so you're definitely going to want to make sure that you're subscribed follow along on Twitch cuz that's going to be sorry on Twitter to make sure you know what the schedule is um because we have some really really cool content coming up but yeah excited about this it takes 23 screws just to get into this case so pretty crazy but this is called the geometric future and we're going to do a 7800 x3d 4090 build in it it reminds me of the older Apple computer yeah yeah a little bit Yeah okay 1 minute left make sure you're rch make sure you're following on Twitch make sure you're subscribed on YouTube and if you want to get those extra entries real quick because you're joining last minute make sure you drop that free Prime sub because that'll get you extra entries and then hit explation ntxt also don't spam because that can time you out and then you cannot claim so just do it twice and then be good and then if you if you prime sub hit expolation NXT and then you'll get your extra entries 30 seconds guys and then it'll take a little while don't leave yet it'll take a little while for us to confirm now I am asking people if you don't mind we we have a really we have a we have a friend of royek who's streaming right now uh his name is Bray Thorne if you're here on Twitch and you really just enjoy PCS he's running a show is it is it the is it the matchmaking show right now Brath uh Bach yes it is okay so if you want to come and learn a little bit about what your ideal candidate we're going to be rating him at the end of the show so I'd love you guys to stick around uh and be a part of that so uh if you can that would be amazing I'd really appreciate that uh we though we're going to draw the winner here in just a second and then uh so if you can stick around just say hi to him that sort of thing just make his day you know it's not every day you get to have 1,00 people uh jump into your stream congratulations to bad panta bad panta now don't leave yet we got to make sure bad panta has done everything so it may still draw a winner a new winner for the PC so stay tuned we're going to confirm bad panta congratulations you are currently the winner we're going to make sure that you are the winner uh we're going to verify that here just a second heck of a PC to win guys I mean heck of a PC okay please whisper Blondie on Discord I think is what she said still guys give it a couple minutes it takes a little while just verify that they're the winner looks like he gave you a sub too he what he sub oh and and you know what that's so funny cuz he Prime subbed one minute before so you want to make a when you say something like it's going to give you extra entries that's just showed that he did it and then he those extra entries are what actually got chosen that is that is the story right there I'm just saying I'm just saying and I don't pick it it just gets picked by streamlabs so I have nothing to do with it I don't even pick the winners because I'm out of the loop it's all done by Blondie so I don't have anything to do with that stuff they haven't claimed it yet so that's the thing stick around he may not claim it he just talked to chat so make sure you you get a hold of Blondie but geeky oh my God not like this not like this it's like dude did you not do something yep uh Captain Roo I think it's supposed to be later this month hey bad Banta you can whisper her by going up to the top if you're on PC and you'll see a little chat box thing it says Whispers And then you can type her name in yeah just just go to whisper give her a sec guy give him a sec guys bad panta and then also amute Tech you need to also whisper Blondie or you can click on her name she typed in she's been typing click on her name click on Blondie but geek's name and then you can select whisper that's is why I'm saying guys that's why you don't leave because this could all go south you need to whisper on Twitch yes yeah I told you I Utch you need to whisper amch you need to whisper Blondie on dis on on Twitch okay she said one sec you don't need to download Discord you can just use the web version but he has to have already been following there it's not very long uh ghost him in the Concord is just about finished I'm on like well it's halfway finished I'm on like bag 12 of 21 uh this Falcon and the Avengers Tower hasn't even started yet so it's not over yet I will tell you this it's not over yet I we have had people not win who are this far rigged how is it rigged RG if it was rigged I'd have it yeah he's they're they're whispering right now it's rigged for Lucky peel people there the conversation takes a little while hold on bad banter Blondie needs your Discord name to verify I think is he is she hopefully they're talking to each other yeah she typed it in chat so just reiterating it speeding it along hopefully oh really Bernie that's a that's a Lego set called that oh like the World War II one yeah I didn't know there was a Bismark Lego set no Rd RB they're not I don't think they're going to let you I don't she doesn't she will not let you do that if he does not have Discord he does not win we we told people before we've let people know what they need to do no that's not that I was yeah that I swear the person who wins well we told him like 53,000 times what to do so I I'm not surprised that we've had way more winners because we tell people uh they're follow the rules rules or rules we let you know we didn't follow the rules it would be chaos yeah exactly like Bo chaos and the other too is he may have done it but yes sometimes Discord can be a pain so I've come to kill chaos okay guys confirmed he is the winner he's got it winner confirmed thank you so much everybody now stay stay because we're going to raid somebody we're going to raid somebody we're going to raid somebody okay please stick around we're going to raid and blow his mind CU it's always fun to throw a thousand people to somebody so here we go raythor is great people by the way yeah he's really great people and if you're interested in in pre-built PCS he is amazing he's only got 29 people right now okay so let's let's let's have some fun and I never raid so here we go come on stick to it let's just blow his mind Guys 600 741 people 760 764 let's do it here we go thanks bye guys YouTube appreciate you and we'll see you on the next stream bye guys okay for those of you in the YouTube chat right now who are confused 69 people nice how you manage that how you pull that oh my God what are friends for indeed Roby rarely raids people I know I know holy crap what's up Raiders how was the build how' the build gos I knowy he's got to be exhausted I whenever I do a build stream I'm like I'm done I got nothing left and he does every day so I don't know how he does it hey thank you than you uh Cassie Kenobi which is a great name by the way I will do my best to keep up the keep up the good work he gave away a PC what a Chad absolute Chad okay let me tell you guys what this is in case you don't know who I am and in case you don't know what a PC Matchmaker stream is my name is and what I do is I help people who are looking for prebuilds because they're like the number one Gateway for people who want to get into DIY and plus it's just the easiest way to get into PC gaming so as a longtime DIY Enthusiast myself I figured you know what that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna help people out with prebuilds because who better to analyze a prebuild than someone who builds all the time right has been doing it for 20 years or so 25 years but anyway these streams people can you can jump onto a list filling out form and going by your budget your needs and very specific questions I will find and put together either a find a prebuilt for you or put together a parts list for you uh it's free it's just free of charge you just do this because it's fine so that's who I am eor says BR the pre-built what's up eor Blondie how's it going I see you I see you there is that that chat is moving a lot faster than I'm used to Shifty thank you is got me to partner he's certainly my uh I mean I I took almost a year off from doing it
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 78,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, nzxt starfield, nzxt starfield build, amd starfield, amd starfield bundle, amd starfield gpu, amd starfield 7900xtx, amd starfield pc, starfield themed pc, 7900xtx build, 7800x3d, 7800x3d build
Id: AQTGcc5JG_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 45sec (14385 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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