Giveaways + $1800 Grinch Stole Christmas Build (Ryzen 7 7800x3D / Radeon RX 7800 XT)

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going on everybody welcome to the show as promised all of my stuff is I have my Santa hat I have my Grinch PC and today we are going to be building and uh giving away this PC live on the show to one lucky person who is here watching today Roby Santa yeah I got the hat I got everything uh basically all propped up here guys so this case is pretty dang spectacular uh just huge shout out to everybody joining uh so we we got green and then of course we have the Green in the front we'll be doing and then we also have uh the Grinch uh basically hanging out in the back as well so should be should be a super super epic build it's going to look and be really really neat it's also got like some almost like some 3D styling here on the side I'll show you so if you look at the side it's actually a little bit 3D it like pokes out a bit so very very cool custom case from the team over at Blue Horse Studios and somebody's going to win it but I want to let you guys know if if you want to win and you guys do everybody is eligible to win uh as long as you are in the US Mexico and the United States if you are over in the EU or any else anywhere else worldwide all you got to do is if you are down to basically basically um if you're down to pay customs and shipping then we will ship it to you as well but that's just the way the rule that we work for this also remember if you are a subscriber on Twitch at Tech you get an additional three entries towards winning this PC when we draw the winner at the very end so if you want to be eligible to win unfortunately Twitter if you're watching on Twitter I have no way to do it for you so you'll have to be watching either Twitch TV or Roby techlive and uh you that is where you can basically uh this that's where you can basically enter to win when we get towards the end of the stream but I definitely would recommend subscribing because you're going to get extra entries now the other thing too is we do have other giveaways that are going to happen as well as the the PC first and foremost if we get a level five hype train we'll give away a $25 newa gift card if we get to 100 whoa Bach dropping 25 gifted Subs holy crud uh so anyway if we get to a level 10 then we'll give away a $100 if we get to 50 Subs uh 50 Subs we'll give away $50 newway gift card 100 Subs we give away a robit tech build matat um which I know has been covered and then it grows up from there as well uh and then we also have we have so much more guys it's it's going to be absolutely epic oh yeah go ahead over to live hit that thumbs up button and then you'll also unlock another 25 door new go there's Ric dropping 20 gifted Subs as well and there we go 50 already out of the way so now we're on our way to the 100 do the the robit tech build map let me go change that real quick and then we'll go through the parts and stuff but the hype train is going guys uh all media cloudbot oh nope all widgets so we're on our sorry subscriber there we go in this we're on a way to $100 new a gift card oh no we're on our way to a rootch build mat now okay there we go so next goal is up guys now remember level 10 which is actually only three levels away that will give away $100 cash to anybody PayPal worldwide all that sort of stuff and we can still keep going let's get the build Matt let's unlock the level 10 because then we'll give that up here as well quick quick lag thank you very much for the prime sub remember that gets you in towards winning that gets you extra entries towards winning this PC guys so every time you do it you'll basically go in there what's up drop mint what's up everybody from Twitter as well it's so good to have everybody here let's talk about what we're putting inside of this while the hype train is going 3 minutes keep it going guys keep it going you want to get to level 10 and unlock that $100 new a gift card but here are the parts going inside of thisy uh de mindd 81 thank you for the gifted sub as well here it is right here guys the parts we're putting inside of this epic PC we've got the AMD ryzen 7 7800 x3d the Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi the Asus tough Radeon RX 7800 XT we've got the Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB mmia storage we got the gskill Z5 Neo rtb 32 gigs at ddr5 6,000 megga transfer the be quiet Shadow base 800dx custom painted by Braun at Blue Horse Studios the be quiet dark Rock Elite cooler and then the be quiet pure power 12m 850 W gold PSU I want to give a huge shout out to the team over at AMD and the team over at beite for sponsoring today's stream for giving us the parts and all that stuff it is a beautiful build 1440p absolutely epic um and uh will perform like an absolute B boss and on top of that the case at itself is also stunning so um why not so Faith makes way 6,000 or 7,000 6,000 is like just the ideal weight right now so yeah it's a grinch PC and you guys are all eligible to win guys level seven come on let's get to level 10 let's give away the $100 let's get an extra 30 something Subs then we'll get started on the build and then we'll uh we'll show it off we'll do some thermals and all that sort of stuff as well guys the build also runs beautifully as well how many zip tipes we'll get there we'll figure it out here pretty soon and then again we'll show you the other side hey ghost MN dropping five gifted Subs taking us to level eight and then there's the back of the case as well um as well so it's very very cool case and then it goes from there so uh it's going to be awesome and remember if you are a subscriber at rtic you get an additional three entries towards winning uh that PC Cas uh winning this PC build which is actually pretty cool as well um guys it has been it's been a day uh we have been I literally filmed six videos today literally Non-Stop and the other thing too I want to introduce you guys to we finally got it another one here it is right here the brand new roaming camera oops which is not on so let's turn it on so uh it was so good that I forgot to do it so let me turn it on hopefully there it is a brand new roaming camera and this one much better in terms of quality and stuff like that oh hold on still waiting I might have to do something to get it to stay this way okay yeah that's right we got to go this there we go okay there we go okay so now we have the brand new roaming Kanda camera better quality as well so now we have the better the nicer roaming camera so we'll be able to do better close-ups and all that sort of stuff so so much higher quality so you guys have that as well so we're going to actually be able to get up in here and show you the uh the build and all that sort of stuff as too so yeah we got we got all the new stuff uh and all that stuff all set up so yeah it should be super super cool um hold on let me make sure I can I want it to not shut off so I'm going to turn it off to I want it to not shut off version it's charging okay I don't know how it's charging let's see here Auto off okay ever okay so it's set to stay on now okay so that is all the stuff that we got we got a really great show for you today and I'm very excited guys level eight let's get to level 10 $100 cash you can take it PayPal gift card whatever I'm just saying we're only two levels away to basically get it done level 10 a bonus alert and on top of that we're super close to unlocking uh we're super close so every if you have Amazon Prime you have a free twitch sh that you can use right now and all that'll unlock and you could potentially not just win a PC you could also win freaking $100 as well so we got to we could do go through there we're close that's the only reason I'm doing it so hack fire you can win on YouTube or you can win on hey kobaco Mondo plays thank you very much bgm final night also dropping a prime sub you can um you can uh enter on Twitch and on YouTube Hey Conga Maniac yes I love that name dropping one gifted sub as well so there we are guys 15 Subs away from from the build mat already and we're slowly getting through level high level eight we can do it guys but let me just tell you it has been a long day I know you have primed sub forever kurasaki yeah you've primed some for literally years um but let me just tell you very very excited about this again huge shout out to be quiet and and uh the fine folks over at Andy for hooking this up and we're already at 91 to 250 likes don't worry guys we're going to see this build and we're giving it away at the end game on TTV thank you very much for the resub 17 months um and so yeah it should be fun let me jump into chat so I can have my my text join me and then we can get started with everything else if they want to okay so again build we're putting inside of this we have oh Baba Gan dropping I love Baba Gan Guys 1 minute 14 seconds another five subs and we basically finish level 9ine and then that gives us more time it gets us into level nine Saucy X so socky socky happy holidays to you as well now we are one minute away 30% one more five and we're basically in and then we'll get towards that level 10 um and again you are entered to win this amazing PC again the PC that we're going to be win giving away today live on stream to one lucky viewer uh we'll be going the AMD ryzen 7 7800x hey you're watching it on the MSI robit tech computer that's awesome AMD ryzen 7700 X3 3 the Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi we have the Asus tough gaming Radeon RX 7800 XT the Samsung 980 Pro 2 terabyte gskill Z5 Neo RGB 32 gigs of ddr5 6,000 megga transfer the bite Shadow base 800 DX customized by be quiet guys 19 seconds let's finish it come on 17 16 just five and we'll we'll be through we're so close 12 seconds let's get to level 9 and then we get more time somebody's just got to drop it it's close is it going to happen oh there it goes frag oh he did it frag damage oh my gosh Shinobi gaming dropping it as well trying to get it to happen oh man we were I think on dude I'm sorry Shinobi was like going to come in clutch uh and he got it in it was like Photo Finish but dude still absolutely huge I'll tell you what guys here what we we do I'm going to give away a $25 newa gift card on top of just because and we'll do that sorry $25 just cash prize just because we'll do it right now just because of chinobi so here we go $20 $25 whatever you want for you guys being amazing uh giveaways let me get it up here and you can get it however you want so here it is it's just a $25 prize yeah you know what screw let's do 50 we'll do 50 we'll do 50 you guys are awesome we'll do 50 okay so that's starting right now exclamation point uh let's just do exclamation point Roby tech for this one exclamation point Roby there we go and we are at 114 Subs there we go 100 there you go $50 going guys exclamation point Roby Tech and then we'll go to to the next goal there we go okay next goal is up and we're doing robit Tech build map plus a $50 new gift card is the next goal and then no matter what we're doing a Rob Tech build map Plus more and then we'll go from there okay so now that we've done this you guys have unlocked it we're doing that giveaway and then we'll uh we'll get started on the build you guys little bit of fun hype right there at the beginning always fun uh there it is guys sorry I forgot to hit it starting giveaway exclamation point Roby Tech Mye bad okay it's it's going now okay what is is going who's who's who's is that zeison no it's me oh oh my gosh I can't believe it is that it's kiltman what up boss I dude I have you ever been in our chat uh a very long time ago usually I'm either sleeping or doing a whole lot of extra work well we got a special guest today kiltman joining us today let's get this out of the way we're going to start the build cuz I know that's what everybody's excited about is Roby we want to actually see this PC giv away don't worry it will happen exclamation point Roby Tech to enter that $50 prize and remember if you want to win the PC you can chill there on Twitter for now but make sure you just join there at the very end uh for the chance to actually win the PC um okay let's grab this one will not do the vrm thing so we don't have to worry about that so going to top down here and we need our ryzen 7 so kiltman I think yeah we're going to do Ram click so you've never got to do a ram click vote before what do you think we're going to have from a ram click standpoint actually this is my second ram click and I would say probably a 92 whoa low guys lots of chance been very low recently though okay yeah that is true he's giving away some Channel points tonight he is giving away some Channel points tonight yeah it's low but you know what maybe we'll see we'll see 92 so what's up Zeon welcome back how we doing how we doing doing good building a PC and this one a giveaway PC which I think people excited about and I kept my promise guys I have my my my hat on um we got a amazing Grinch sto Christmas uh uh PC giveaway and then I'm taking all the parts out because we know this is actually going to some lucky winner whoopsie okay I think that's that okay getting rid of all of our little extra parts here okay so we got that we got everything there okay so we're going to get this out because this is all the extras for whoever wins and I'm assuming we're doing crazy good on likes already okay and congratulations to Jim the humanoid Jim the humanoid wins the $50 prize and again uh chinobi gaming thank you so much for the 20 the 20 the 20 sub drop guys we are super close remember if you want to get extra injuries to win this PC all you got to do is a prime sub tier one gets you yeah Prime sub and you're iner to win extra and I keep forgetting to say this but remember you also are up to win this Spider-Man uh sub only giveaway Spider-Man uh into the spiderverse PC back here is also up for grabs to one lucky subscriber the draw winner will get drawn for that in January so you're also entered for that plus we're giving away the Falcon Northwest PC on Tuesday and we have the Starfield PC that we're giving away next week as well so so many PCs that you have a chance to enter to win it's like Christmas here um as well okay so go to top down here you do not need to be a sub to enter to win the PC no subs just get extra entries anybody can enter to win there is no there's no you just have to be present to win that's it I'm doing well thank you for asking yes uh yes oh thank you for algo fish I like that name and hey that's an extra point towards our uh towards us getting our uh partner Plus thank you very much algo fish for the tier one that gets you uh three three entries towards the um sub only giveaway so there we go taking this putting this away again huge shout out to be be quiet what do you guys think uh uh kilman and uh Zeon what do you guys think think of the case that case is baller it it looks amazing you can win you can win there you guys twitch hang out please I love it we had 177,000 people watch on Twitch the Le and Lee build so uh you can totally chill watch on watch on uh twitch but if you want to enter to win the giveaway sorry on Twitter if you want or X sorry but if you want to enter to win the giveaways you do need to be on Twitch or YouTube and you just open up a second thing for that yeah 177,000 it was pretty crazy that is pretty crazy okay there we go okay right so what is next we're going to go and do our Ram clicks of which kiltman gave us a very easy relatively easy target but then again you know he could have jinxed it too hey Ryan Zeon finally fixed his name now we know who you are he's not an impostor yeah right that's what I was worried about it's an [Laughter] imposter no you do not need to be subscribed to win the PC all you have to do is be here subscribers get extra entries but you do not have to be subscribed to enter to win anybody can win YouTube all you're going to do when we get to the drawing we'll we'll draw the winner so it'll be near the end of the stream it's pretty simple yeah yeah that's right you have to be a follower and a member of Discord yes cuz we verify age and all I mean all that we verify everything on Discord so please make sure you join over at rch okay uh you know what I don't actually know um I can look here in a minute it's a good question what is the decibel meter name let us look it is the BX products the bfx 3370 digital sound meter okay here we go guys okay here we go and thank you everybody for trying to tell people what's going on okay 3 2 1 94 and that didn't sound bad at all I mean it sounded terrible sorry that didn't sound good at all but it still hit it already kill man made it easy I try well usually it's like that's we don't usually get that very often so yeah okay other one this was you right kilman it was good to aim low on this one though because we were like well that was a little better but yeah there we we did get yes 94 guys 94 on that so we did get a yes it was just a weak yes okay next up yes it is yukina uh it is kind of annoying that's the one thing I and it's and it has no functional purpose other than how it looks so I'm hoping with the next chips they just get rid of that weird design but it does look cool getting it open here Kenji wants to know make sure the mods have been staying fed are you worried that we don't feed them like is that the fear I think the mods eat I would not know Sean I'm not doing green face today but thank you though okay kenji's just like okay I was like I was like no of course you f maybe that's what happens when I finish a building turn turn it on nerd shark it just turns into a thread Ripper because it's heart grew three times who loves the uh who loves the did it really get a crinch a grinch Capital One commercial that's actually kind of funny I've been getting a lot of uh tick toks about the Grinch from Universal Studios well that's actually kind of funny that uh that's kind of funny that uh it would show up during the Grinch build stream though okay here we go charm get the nvme in okay and there we go beautiful mvme drive and then now we're doing our m.2 now you some of you eagle-eyed viewers might have noticed that this is very similar to another build that we did so before we turn it in draw the winner we have a couple we have a we'll we'll run through uh we'll run through uh our sponsor for today um and then uh you on top of be quiet but our other sponsor but in terms of benchmarks and stuff like that we actually have already tested this live on stream we will do thermals because thermals are always unique um but um uh we uh I just want to let you guys know that we're from a from a uh gaming Benchmark standpoint I'll just read the numbers and stuff like that we're not going to do that live on the stream because it is the last stream Before Christmas uh and we're not going to we're not going to take too terribly long today uh but we will show you some of the stuff so that way you can see it but I got the ssds and all that stuff going in there uh Kenji they're they're black and the orange still and the one that we built that was the stock version of this is absolutely beautiful and again cost 1,800 bucks it's really cool okay let's grab our cooler which I love this cooler and does a very good job of keeping this um keeping this at a good temp so take this out if you were going to do just gaming p uh pulation the the one the the CPU I really really like is the 70 uh the 7800 x3d the x3d actually does a lot in terms of the overall uh performance uh and there's games like Call of Duty and other ones that just love uh the 3D vcash so just something that if you're looking for something that's a great option um for you where is my oh there it is okay so yeah that's what I'd recommend for just gaming the giveaway is not limited by country if you are outside of the United States Canada or Mexico you just need to be able to pay customs and shipping uh because that that's just too much work but we will ship it to you if you do that yes so x3d is perfectly fine for um streaming as well oh this goes oh he just took it out okay okay okay so here's our AMD stuff we have some be quiet thermal paste Let's test it why not let's use be quiet thermal paste what do you guys think thermal past is actually pretty pretty solid it's pretty good stuff actually so we'll do it where is my oh wow stick it's over here feel like the music's a little quiet you need Christmas music for a Christmas build it's pretty tasty you're saying I should eat it hey hey hey hey hey Hammer we see you uh yes uh there is more content like this after Christmas uh we're doing three more we're doing two more giveaway builds next week Starfield and a uh Avatar um from Falcon Northwest I need to put a pul station says you need to put a sorry pul station says you need to put a Christmas tree in the build okay get right on that it's got to be a stolen Christmas tree though yeah it does it has to be a stolen Christmas tree dude green thermal paste is actually a great idea I wonder if there would be any like downside to putting like um excuse me to putting uh green coloring in I'm guessing yeah that does kind of change what it does so I don't know if I'd recommend it if nothing else is going to change the viscosity so yeah we'll leave it alone but yeah you're right I feel like somebody needs to come up with like appropriate thermal paste stuff no blue creature Avatar uh it's actually a custom for the new game uh from AMD it might mess with the conductivity as well you might be right I don't think so but we're not going to get like if it's a PC I'm giving away you know what I mean like you somebody's going to walk away from or walk away with I feel like not a good idea for me to test it with this one you know what I mean yeah you'll see it for what a few seconds but that may be more than enough okay just making sure I put these the right way yeah that's true like doing green like having the motherboard I'll be honest we're going to have green RGB is the Hope well is the expectation we have green RGB for everything um but we want like I'm fine with the black component so that way it doesn't take away away from the overall design of the case you know I'll get a cold and just leave some green spit on it I feel like that's a good idea what do you think Zeon um no yeah kill man wants it though no I mean I mean he's the one who said yeah yeah he did I heard him I heard him say yeah I want green stuffff like that he's like I did not say that why are you putting words like that in my mouth okay this is like sna on okay go wait we need to put thermal paste on here so we'll use the be quiet well I hope the PC seems good I wouldn't give away something that wasn't good that has a lot of thermal past I was like let's just cake it on little a little a little ham there here's some thermal paste for you yeah I put a lot of thermal paste on that I was like you know what not as visc it's definitely not I have to take some work to spread it's spreading though it's got a it's it's a more pungent smell be quiet the more pungent thermop paste I don't know if they're going to use that their marketing campaign I think you should be quiet no more pungent thermal paste I feel like it sells it what do you guys think now we're going to see some brand pop up is we are the most manly thermal paste only real men use thermal only real men use be quiet it's the most pungent I feel like we're missing some of the uh the real marketing here for uh thermal paste no I'm definitely not being Grinchy with the thermop paste Old Spice the thermal paste I feel like that's a great I you know honestly if Old Spice made thermal paste I'd be tempted I'd be like this stuff is even close to good I'm all over it well no it have to be Axe Body Spray due to all the lands okay so I will tell you one time yeah there we go Pastor yeah thank you uh Pastor Dame I will say that um um one year and people don't know this but PX was actually sponsored by Axe Body Spray and um they actually had things that you could walk through to help you smell better and if you've ever been to pxs you know what I'm talking about but then it was worse because then everything smelled like Bo and Axe Body Spray which was actually almost a worst smell um I I actually have a story about this oh you do I'm ready I'm ready hook me up I used to work security for a convention a long long time ago and um I actually would go around with f Breeze and spray people really de serious oh my God there's a reason he said he used to work security yeah and they were like uh please stop spraying people it was just it was consensual I willit that can I spray you with for Breeze sir sir basically I love the locking mechanism for this AIO I mean for this uh this uh cooler we're going to use the be quiet one cuz hey why not yeah it for certain like I'm just saying like it was bad because then they like the thing is it it just it didn't fully mask the smell it just then you had two smells um and they were two strong smells so it was like both pungent and unpleasant yeah I mean actually the axe wasn't I mean it wasn't the the axxe wasn't unpleasant it was just strong you know yeah so okay just put now what we're doing is we're connecting here let me grab our roaming cam this is why we have a roaming cam guys actually for another convention I worked uh I had a rule within my team that you had to take at least one shower a day eat two meals a day and get 6 hours of sleep on my okay so here we are guys now you're getting a closeup look here using the where' it go it's here what's what's going roaming what are you doing you were fine the side Ro roaming camera over roamed I can literally see it on the other thing okay hold on let me see if I can get it to do its bit here it was working before the static one's working it's mad because you were talking on stream last night about replacing it for another Roman camera it must have well now it's like now this is like lame it's like literally all of the other cameras work but it I'm going to try and see which camera we're using we just don't it's this one wonder if it like came loose or whatever it was hold on there we go I will be right back there we go okay then we also now have this this beautiful nice light here so we'll get it really close there so you guys can see what I'm doing okay so what I'm doing is working on hooking up the so we're just basically it's got two connections then what I'm going to do is I'm going to stuck these under here which is fine I'm going to take my RGB I'm going to put this right here on the motherboard right next to it right there and we'll take our CPU which is right here there we go and then these you're just going to basically shove them under here it's fine they're already kind of cable combed and cleaned the main thing we just want to do is make sure that they're hidden so you can't see them so so there we go now they're nice and they're in there they're tucked and so you can actually see that they're tucked in there nice and good and we're actually uh there you can see they're tucked in there nice and good and we're we got them all so it's all completely hidden now so from the top down you've actually got very little that you can see okay so now you can't see any cables we got a little bit of a popup there we're going to take this we're going to put it on performance mode there's actually a switch here quiet and performance we got a little bit of stuff here on that go and then we're just going to make sure it's got a solid click and then we're going to take our cover it's on performance and there we go now our our cooler is in that's cool there we go yeah it's really neat that if you're like hey I want to have something a little bit quieter you just go here hit the Q and make it quiet or you can basically hit the p and run in performance and again this actually I'll I'll jump over to the roaming camera the thing that's actually really nice about this particular case I mean this particular um cooler is you can actually move this fan so it slides up and down see so you can actually see the fan there so it actually went up a little bit more and then what this does is this allows you to T like really tall Ram if you want to and you can go all the way down so it's like nice and flat there like that so then again makes it really easy to make sure that your build is in solid shape okay so let's go back to top down now yeah it's a really really cool air cooler uh and a very very it just does a very very good job okay so now we've got that we're going to give this person the spare thermal paste we're going to grab a Super Chat $5 Merry Christmas from Harry Harry sonin thank you very much Harry for the $5 Super Chat JJ dragons 1126 dropping Prime we got uh Sabine 1001 dropping uh a prime sub as well so lots of Subs coming in thank you very much you guys we are getting close to the $100 newa gift card plus the Roby Tech build map so we're going to get this out of the way here uh Whiz 042 It's a physical switch so you would have to take that top cap off but you can do that anytime okay here we go guys now it's time to take the case apart our Grinch build there it is so we're just going to get it apart for you and again the best thing that I always work with RW is that we do our mods for our cases that we give away nothing that we do is going to affect the performance of the build itself so even though it's got all the mod stuff performance on this thing is going to be absolutely the same and Stellar so you got nothing to worry about from a performance standpoint uh partner plus we're we're working to it uh we we hit the month of January uh sorry we hit the month of um November December we're getting close we're like 250 so we're getting getting there so that's uh so you every one of these people who are giving me like tier one tier 2 Subs are getting us closer to that amazing uh that amazing goal so and thank you everybody who's done that okay just got to be a little bit more careful with there they're a little bit heftier okay next one that we're going to do here it's on the side here there we go comes off like that and then beautiful and the entire inside of the case is also painted green he did a ridiculously good job on this so the entire case itself is painted green not just the outside of the case so we actually you actually get a green case which is super cool then I'm going to move this out of the way so we got it there we go and pull this as well okay and then just for the sake of this build because we have to put in our fans we're going to go ahead and remove our be quiet bracket so remove this screw up here nice knowing where that is this time right yeah now that I've done this build I'm like oh yeah I know what to do okay there we go so we got that out and we we'll get that back on later okay and then everything else is actually pretty straightforward uh what we're going to do now is we're going to go and get our fans in we're going to be using the silent Wings RGB fans which I think are going to just look really good and then they will allow us to have that green uh color and stuff as well so kicking it off we got a rear and a uh the front fans now remember guys just in preparation you do need to make sure that you are uh hooked up on Discord hey uh gayi thank you very much for the sub uh you do need to be on Discord and you need to be uh and then you just need to be following uh that's all you got to do to be uh Subs uh all to be entered to win now if you are subscribed with a prime sub a tier one sub tier 2 Sub anything like that you get extra entries to win this PC so if you have Amazon uh Prime you can use your free Prime sub and that just get you free extra entries towards winning the actual build and Discord is super easy to find if you guys you guys can Google it or it's robobitch thank you very much it's called great Community that's actually not true but it's still that's it's close you are side it's okay yukina all you got to do is you just got to you got to be uh following on you have to be on Discord and then you just have to be following either on Twitch YouTube or or you don't have to be following Twitter um Twitter just uh you can be watching on Twitter but you have to be following on Twitch or YouTube and subscribed on YouTube if you want if you're going to enter on YouTube and that subscription is free how are we doing likes on YouTube uh YouTube looks like we're about 173 okay guys remember 250 we unlock another giveaway we are coming up on 20 what 27 27 Subs away from unlocking that next giveaway uh the other next giveaway and we'll be running those giveaways as the stream goes on so instead of having to wait guys as soon as we oh sorry never mind that one goes that one Stacks all the way the end but if we get the as soon as we get the $250 new 250 uh likes we'll give away that one right away I forgot the other one stacked so we can't do that all right so we got our fans out here so now what we're going to do is start running our just got to find our screws okay there we go okay right let's get our screws in working on it Willow board thank you for the tier one four months thank you my man that helps again now we're just going to kind of loosely put this in cuz we need to figure figure out what what uh height we can do and all that sort of stuff hold on one second guys so chat while he's gone anyone have any big plans for uh this upcoming holiday okay okay here we go okay we're going to try and see I don't know I don't remember how high this has to go I feel like no we had this on the other side never mind that's not right we CU I remember doing this on the on the other side which is why we took out the be quiet thing uh stealth stealth 9678 when we get to that point in the build it will be up yes okay let's grab our screwdriver there it is okay going to rout all our cables here there we go okay just getting this in oh jeez let's drop that on my I keep getting hit in the face by the uh the the red fuzz ball I don't understand how Santa deals with it lots of hairay I think he has a pinned back oh you think that's what it is is I think Mrs Claus thought through that already probably okay getting our screws getting our wings our fans in are those 120s or 140s Roby these are 140 140 light wings lots of power I'm just going to be putting two screws in for now main reason being is that I just want to make sure that we actually end up having I need to see how I'm going to and by the way these are just rotated not people are like it's sideways hey h scoan thank you very much prime tier one dude that's huge cuz that helps me with that helps me with my uh my drive to um to my next to my goal so thank you very much there we go towards partner plus there we go slowly getting the fans in that is not oh hey those are the screws I need okay cool nice okay the fans he put the ones I need for the okay feel like we're getting in good shape here in terms of now the question is I think this is going to go right up against the edge which makes it easy oo and I'm just working on doing my screwing in my fans right here okay last set of fans last fan set here and Roby good luck on the build I have some plans that pop up so I am headed out happy bye I'll miss you you guys you guys take care everyone enjoy your holidays and see we'll see you after yeah we'll see you on Tuesday probably hopefully okay well now it's just me and you Kil man we okay okay now I need another oh don't worry the paint's going to be fine guys it's Grinch right it's not supposed to be like the cleanest thing where it said where where are your PC specs did you have a sufficient oh somebody hey thank you very much for Aquario for giving away that gifted sub so I'm trying to get the screw open here okay there it is okay that was a lot of work guys sorry a lot of work just to get this last screw sounds bad okay here we go let's get get this in okay there we go I look I was right it's just basically get them all the way up until the top no I found thex I didn't see a okay it would have been you so you found the it would you found the case that this was the box that this was in huh I wonder where you did it okay it's okay I have enough I'll find mobo screws and stuff thank you right cool okay now what I'm going to do guys real quick got to make sure I don't trip on that I'm going to take these screws here I'm going to mount our RGB Hub actually I think I can take this off pretty sure I can yep okay so I'm going to take this off real quick and this is where I'm going to mount the RGB Hub that we need for our fans and everything okay okay here we go so this is going to go on here it ends up working really well hey nerd spoon thank you very much for the sub Prime sub uh Pur Style thank you very much for the prime sub Merry Christmas Merry Christmas dude have a hop have a hop out thank you very much for all your work my man everybody say bye Brian bye Brian everybody said bye there everybody's saying bye bye bye there he is he's off for the he's off until Christmas wearing my much coved yeah his Roby Tech catcher here I'll show it to you here we go here we go camera there it is it's just it'll be the main one here's the Roy Tech cat shirt oh my God I love that yes it haunts my dreams it haunts it haunts everybody's dreams so I have to put it in a like a metal lock box before I can go to [Laughter] sleep we'll see you later my friend see you yeah there it is right there every once in a while you end up with something that just like it just wants to fight you you're like don't fight me just just get in there do what I need don't be mean okay there we go finally got it in okay there's that I'm not I'm not letting it kurasaki it's trying it's trying to distract me with I'm I'm getting through the build I'm making it I'm making it happen okay right got it in I just realized I only put three half the screws in so I'm have to do that when I put this P up here because I was just making sure they all fit which is funny thank you Anita Temperance all right oh Bernie you play a very dangerous game what is he saying Blondie wants a nose cam for Christmas oh yeah she does she already told me she's she send me a Christmas the only thing that was on it was a robit Techo uh roit Tech nose [Music] cam okay what am I looking for here oh it's CU I put it on the wrong one okay let's go to side cam here okay now we're just putting that back on so now we have all of our cables and then what I want to do now and then after this once this is done guys then the rest of it's actually pretty straightforward this just takes a little bit of work and then we'll get to putting things inside of the build and all that fun stuff I still need to screw in the other screws please don't let me forget kilman okay I won't let you forget to screw in the other screws I was just like I keep moving on to next steps and I'm like dang it I didn't screw in the other [Music] screws uh so talking tribe it will be and early in the New Year we actually have sold through them so they'll be back but we are giving a one away today um so once we hit uh we're uh we're giving one away along with the build today as part of the holiday stuff that we're doing see if it's this way oh it's the other way there we go there's that led there we go next LED and the third LED want to make sure whoever wins the build looks great and clean and nice okay which reminds me guys it is time for zip tie count remember you are enter to win hey Chanel than you much Z okay guys so what you're doing right now is you're guessing will it be odd or even number of zip ties that is the question make your wager and then you can win Channel points which can go towards unlocking that CPU giveaway that we're currently running checking out my sound here all right okay so what we're working on right now is we're just going to make this kind of run up here you just want that nice and clean up there go back to top down okay so we can do the first set of screws I mean the first set of zip ties right here actually make sure you vote in the uh in as part of the process okay that's the fan fan then what I'm just doing is making this part look clean and then if anybody wants to daisy chain more they absolutely can just want to make sure this is nice and taut okay so this will take care of this there we go I'm glad everybody's voting make sure that you get your you're up on the channel points guys we are what 13 no 18 Subs away from unlocking the next tier and then we start going towards Hardware giveaways so we're almost to the hardware giveaway phase guys one of my favorite phases everybody yeah everybody's like yes I love that [Music] phase [Music] okay all right just want a really clean line down here make sure if you're on YouTube you got to be subscribed and you have to be uh following uh liked and subscribed for twitch you just got to be you got to just got to be subscri uh you just got to be uh uh following and then if you're a subscriber if you're an Amazon Prime subscriber or higher you get extra energy towards winning the PC here we go we still got three more I mean two more builds to give away live so if you don't if you don't win today you remember those Amazon primes get you towards winning the sub only giveaway that we're doing plus the other two builds we still have yet to do okay there we go okay there's that all cleaned up I have my clippers there they are there we go okay we're going to run this the YouTube goal has been reached wow that was fast hey hey o ginger ale thank you very much for gifting Blondie a sub and there we go YouTube goal has been reached guys awesome that was fast okay keeping it going now we're going to do the front okay this is just to make sure that our fan is squared like I said I want you guys whoever wins this PC is like dang this not only does this build look good like on the outside but the the cable manager is also awesome okay so we got a couple things to fix here D thank you very much talken tribe thank you very much as well all these people trying to get those extra entries in this could be your lucky day to win a PC how awesome would that be extremely I mean I guess I guess winning a PC would actually be I mean has to be pretty cool if you win a PC like as part of an Internet giveaway you know yeah exactly that would be pretty neat right yeah yeah that's right yeah be uh that's right uh RX one one we are just working on getting this one cable I forgot about hidden so we just don't have anything I don't want any cables hidden you know what I mean like it's all the green actually makes things kind of show up even more so it's like just about getting things into the right places hey look at all those people getting in there D jram official uh who thank you for the tier one we got I love tuna fish three months C Bing new uh killer scrim new and then sharpened eraser also new you have to be in the US uh us Mexico or Canada and and then if you are in the O outside of the any one of those locations if you're down to pay for customs and uh shipping we will ship it to you too we try to do as best we can for international giveaways I'm doing good milor thank you for asking there we go just getting this last little bit of connection done there's a uh very interesting question in chat for you Roby when did you build your first PC so the first one actually I built much later in life uh I was actually working on Crackdown if you guys have ever heard of that game I was working on Crackdown 3 um and a friend of mine named Dom Humphrey who knew I was big into PC gaming uh or gaming in general was like dude what do you mean you haven't built a PC so we ordered all the parts that day um and uh we ordered all the parts that day and then when we were there at Microsoft Studios he helped me build my first PC and that's when I got addicted to building I was like dude I got to do this um more often and then uh luckily we had this thing called mixer at at uh Microsoft and uh they they were like I was I was doing a bunch of Charity stuff and I got Corsair to send me a bunch of hardware for the thing called extra life for Microsoft and then from there they I got to start building PCS and uh a mixer like picked me up for running a show uh as a Microsoft employee uh and then when uh I I got kind of big and then they were like uh basically new said hey why don't we just sponsor you consistently and that's how I got into it yeah that that's kind of cool new mark That's like my whole hope right like that somebody's like seeing you and then all of a sudden you're you're you're watching somebody else build your PC like it's like oh wow all of a sudden like that's the that PC I'm watching ended up being for me and as you can see I take my time as I build make it a fun show and that's how streamers are made exactly okay so now the last thing I got to do here here just turn these into even so we just got to make these the same length by doing that sorry I'm just need to zoom out a little bit actually I can lift it up here and what you're watching me do is just the end [Music] here yeah that's unfortunate I I love I actually really enjoy it obviously I built I've built thousands right uh you know between now as a as a PC Building influencer um but uh never thought this would like you know as a game I was a game deviler for 20 years and then to go to do something completely different is actually pretty cool okay and I find this therapeutic because it's it's kind of like building a Lego set um yeah except for there's like some stuff that's obviously off instruction as I work on cable management and all that sort of stuff but yeah there we go there it is cool uh games I've worked on are uh I started with the OG Halo I've worked on Fable Forza Project Gotham Racing Rise Son Of Rome um I work I've shipped every major Xbox console and then the last role was my director of player director of player voice at uh 343 uh shipping Halo infinite so the thing is is that uh we don't have enough information to make that call really really clear in terms of whether you should buy a 4070 now if you want to wait until CES we'll have way more information okay so there that takes care of that and what this is doing is this is just allowing me to connect the the extensions really easily because these are all the same length uh bmk um uh I do not know the only thing I can think of is sometimes voice actors like aren't available and when we do like remasters say for instance in U like we did Fable the Lost Chapters or the um anniversary edition um if if a voice actor isn't available and they want to do pickups sometimes it's just cheaper or easier to just redo the [Music] characters okay so there is everything's kind of in now I've got everything prepped as you can see like all of our fan our RGB fans and stuff like that now we can actually do the stuff like put the mobo inside of the case but before I do that I'm going to remember to put in the fans and don't forget screws figure screwing in the fans so I'm going to do that now CU I only have two of everyone in and I need to finish that so we'll get that done real quick yeah that' be that'd be brutal if I forgot to do that all of a sudden somebody's is like wait dude why are all my fans not in here okay we only have two more screw or sorry four more screws to put in there we go okay two more they're going to go on the bottom yeah it looks good so far nice and clean it's all we want we want clean but also aesthetically pleasing you know there we go one more one more screw to put in going to be doing it down here down here in the far Corner thought my little fuzzy white ball was going to be blocking you there for a minute okay cool there that's in okay so we got all that now now what we can do guys is we can work on the end of the build which is pretty much uh sorry we can put on actually putting the PC inside of the case so we haven't been doing that we've just been prepping the case here all right go to top down there we go and what one of the things we are doing again black components are really just to kind of keep things nice and hidden inside of the build so we're not going to do anything crazy in terms of we didn't want to paint the ca the things green because really it's not about taking away from the um from the Aesthetics of the case that we've got custom made here okay here so I can find the right screws that is not it let's try this one no here we go screwing in our motherboard now beautiful Dallas St yeah uh except for it's not it's a hello Grinch build uh but I mean uh the Grinch Stole Christmas build but I like that you could say that as well uh lunacy yes it does and it gets you in to win the sub only giveaway as well Clark 24 dropping five gifted Subs we are one sub away from unlocking the next tier there's a pin there okay hey kilman thank you for doing the gifted sub and there it is 150 actually it's not the hardware giveway I forgot we're giving away the build M okay so next one uh where is it like rock Norris and I have the same idea there it is Rock Norris dropping it as well okay guys we're on our way to the next tier which is a $100 gift card and once we get because we're building giving the build mat away there we go next goal is going to be up in just a second oh Roby when you're done with the goal U we have a redeem huh we have a dad joke redeem oh we got a dad joke redeem okay here we go Dad joke redeem okay next goal is up and here we go Dad joke time here we go here's a dad joke a waitress said to me careful that play us h I said it's okay I'm not attracted to the plate so he said my waitress said the waitress said careful that plate is hot and I said don't worry I'm not attracted to the plate that was good that was good okay uh let me see I think we still have a couple more screws just going to take a look here two more screws okay I don't want to miss screws right kilman absolutely if you start missing screws we have to add it to the drinking game yeah exactly what did I do with the oh there it is okay I was like where's my screwdriver there it is okay oh Roby Blue Horse and Falcon are both in chat oh kelt is here and Ron I thought Ron be hanging out with Mom but he's like I want to see the bill get built guys we're going to have blue horse in the so we're going to have blue horse in the house I believe this is right Ron so we're going to have blue horse in the house uh in January we're doing a cyberpunk 2077 special edition build we're going to be giving away uh he's going to be here we're actually going to build and he get to say hi all that sort of stuff as well so that should be super super cool um and yeah we're going to have a that's going to be a lot a lot of fun okay so here's where we are and you know Falcon we're doing a falcon Northwest giveaway just like this on Tuesday it's going to be pre-built and gaming episodes so you're going to definitely want to tune in for that as well so yeah it's uh we got a lot we got a lot of awesome uh coming up okay I need my last fan so it should be yeah Nike I really love how this this cooler looks so blue or studios in the chat if you want to see the individual who did the painting he also did our special edition uh Starfield themed um uh Starfield themed uh Tiki that we did with Falcon Northwest so Ron is probably one of the kindest coolest most neat guys genuine guys in the PC design place um and so uh and I'm very lucky to get to work with him as much as I do um so yeah uh we will do some benchmarking but I already have benchmarks for this build so we will do some thermally and I will show what games I can while at the same time keeping track of time CU this is technically my last day before uh the holiday as well but we'll definitely show you some stuff too oh I'm glad you like it the Roby Tech that's a Rob oh you know what I should I like block it here there you go that's also a ro Tech theme build and then we have the Roby Tech themed Falcon Northwest here so yeah lots of incredible people and teams that I get to work with okay keep running into this this ball keeps hitting me in the face that sounded bad it did sound bad sounded bad okay next up here uh die hard for sure though don't get me wrong uh the Grinch has better feels I'd say like it's you know it's it's more in terms of the feels but Die Hard Just Hits different exactly it is a Christmas movie hi B I came I heard uh something was hitting Roby in the face so yep over and over again think we're making a different kind of video here I'm sorry wait no that was not what I meant to say dang it we're family friendly and I am very clean but sometimes I'm just too gouble I'm like I just don't think about what I say all right and we will show the smoke Genie so we'll show uh we'll show uh smoke as well uh how the uh how the how the um the airflow works all right there we go okay there we go okay so we're just getting this in now yeah Christmas air fresher inside the PC yeah that's that seems like a good idea okay getting our last RGB fan in so there's all of our fans guys believe it or not once I kind of do the front panel connections and stuff like that this build's actually almost done it goes actually pretty quick because it's an air cooled build and we just did a great job uh doing the air cooler nicely okay so making sure that's all wrapped right so this I think we can run all the way across I think is the plan so cuz we want to run everything though I will find out okay so now let's let's run all of our front panel connections real quick so let's start with our roaming camera here so here we go okay so here we go let's go to First what we're going to do we're going to grab our USBC here I'll run all these later USB b c and remember we do have a a cable that's a cover that's going to go in here so USBC okay this is going to go actually right here if you go to the side here you'll see me pull it through that's going to come up right there go to our roaming camera again we're going to grab our USBC this is going to go into the same place here so it's going to run right in here and then we're going to come out the side right here cool and then now we just have some front panel connectors not a ton but some for sure okay so first one that we have on here is our HD audio connection so HD audio and this is going to go right over here to the right hand side here so this is going to come right up here then we're going to look at the side camera and that's going to come right up over here here so there's our HD audio and then we have a front panel we're just going to make sure I don't have anything loose here so front panel connection right here this is unfortunately we have all of the front panel connections so we're just going to run this right up here just like that and then we're going to go to our side camera and come up right here just like that then next up we have our we have our fans that we've all we've all daisy chain and they're all clean and ready to go so this is our three front fans and then those are going to go essentially right here there's our front fans right there and then last thing we have you don't want to have tucked in here so we're going to go back here come on don't do that okay last thing we have right here on the roaming camera is our RGB it's a three pin like just like this so we have our RGB and then that is just going to come in here it's going to go right here on there okay so that's all of our main cables we also have if you look here in the rear cable we also have our top this is our fan header for our rear fan that's sitting right up here so we have our rear fan so we're going to take care of this so we're going to run that up right here then on the side view that'll come out right over here so there's our rear fan our exhaust fan and then I'm going to figure out what to do with this afterwards I think let me see let's go to Roy let's just test it can this go all the way and it's not quite long enough to go there so we're going to run this also up here and that's all of our cables now so there we go now all of our cables are in okay so now what we can do is let's go to roaming okay let's see here if I can do this one-handed okay here we go you guys get the closeup view here first one we're going to do is our this is our three fans that's going to go right here there we go then we're going to take our H our RGB this is always the tricky one see get in there RGB get in there RGB plug it in plug it in okay finally I was like I was starting to get like performance anxiety okay there we go now we have our HD audio this is going to go right over here okay now I'm going to show you a little bit of a trick here try not to shake this too much sorry okay so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to create a single connection header for this so it's going to be power plus minus and power LED so then hopefully I can do this with the with me holding the camera at the same time we'll see if this happens guys here we go not quite the grip I need here this is when you know this is like expert level installation right here oh my gosh I did it there we go you guys got to see the expert level installation you're so lucky okay and then the last cable we're going to do here got a couple C more this one's going to be on the top make sure it's the right direction there we go then we'll run this one underneath and then once I get the cable cover back on we'll figure out how that goes in here nope I think I have it the wrong way there we go there we go okay so here we go now we got all our cables plugged in got a couple more up here now RGB oops you have a good view of nothing there come on there we go okay and then we have our one last one which is our exhaust fan wow hold on there we go the preview on the camera oops the preview on the camera doesn't seem to work so there we go okay okay so there we go now we have all of our stuff plugged in sorry about not seeing you guys not seeing that very well trying this new I'm trying very hard and if people who have watched me do PC builds now for a while I try very hard to make sure that you guys can see as much of the build process as possible so that way you guys know if you want to follow along and build your own PC which is ultimately what we want to do you can right and I mean8 a $1800 build like this and by the way if you really like this design you could always reach out to Ron blueh horse Studios and be like hey you know if saer you don't win you could always just have them do it for you like he does do commissions he would he would happily I mean it's not free but I mean he'd happily do a case for you if you wanted to uh rimu thank you very much for the sub I don't know if I missed I think I might have missed lunacy 6 again remember guys if you want to get extra entries towards winning this PC make sure you use your free Prime sub those get you extra entries towards winning the build three extra entries if you're uh when you enter to win that's like three times the entry so subscribing on Twitch always a good idea okay so now what we're doing pulling this down so we can do one more up here it makes sense to no we'll leave it alone okay how much room do I have back here I have some okay okay what I'm working on right now is just trying to make show as little bit of the cable management you just want to have because the case is green you have to do a pretty good job of trying to make stuff look less visible or as little as you can now the good thing is is that the case will cover most of the top part of this so we should be okay toy that around okay all right then now what we can work on just getting this done so we're just going to zip tie this closed there we go okay now we can put this down and finish the little bit that we have of cable management for the rest but before we do that let's go ahead and put our be quiet thing back on so go to roaming here let's grab the be quiet thing get this back on so that way I can appropriately route this okay there we go okay the main reason I want to do that is just make sure that I have this so like we have the clarity for what that's going to look like okay and then I'm going to take my screw here on the side over here screw in this one screw make sure that is all the way sealed in now okay cool now we can work on is just making sure the build looks good forgotten quite a few people have moved into twitch and twitch and uh YouTube so we had a lot of people move over from uh move over from uh Twitter into twitch and YouTube because you get in that's the way you go to to do your entries okay so now go to top down there we go Idol squirrel thank you for the resub fermit to thank you very much for the sub as well one month at tier one thank you very [Music] much okay now what we're doing is we just want to make sure this part is super clean we don't want anything poking out here we go okay now what I can do is I can take this be quiet thing no it is not sub only anybody can anybody can enter to win and win the sub if you want to if you want extra entries there are extra entries for people who subscribe but you do not need to be subscribed to win the PC okay guys now we're working on here hey is that what okay well that name is a is [Laughter] interesting won't say that one out lied but thank you Mr cookies Idol squirrel thank you very much krono J also thank you very much for the sub guys those are tier one Subs so every one of those thank you very much for the uh for helping us with uh twitch uh twitch plus I did kadia I actually retweeted it there we go okay so what we're working on right now is just keeping this clean creating a clean build here for the back okay so this is like this is just going to take care of this last little bit here just want to make sure this stuff is tight okay yes much cable but this is like once I'm done with this like we're kind of done with all the cable management all I got to do is run cable oh I forgot I got one more cable thing to run so I should not run this yet okay luckily we caught that well I am blue if you want to help and drop a if you want to help and drop a tier one sub that would also be huge towards getting me the prime plus I mean the twitch plus so or maybe somebody will be kind and give you a gifted sub but still okay here we go okay what we're doing here is just making this look nice and clean shortcat thank you very much hey oh there it is Mr cookie dropping a gifted sub there you go nice straight line there and again what we're always looking for okay so we have one more cable to plug in as we work through this so if you look at the room cam here so we have our second RGB cable which is right here so we got to basically plug this in uh up here at the front we got one more RGB header that's ready for it so let's go to side unless I do what I just did and again this is just going to plug into the same interesting maybe it won't this is uh only got this has only got one two three pin okay so maybe what I'm going to do this is actually plug what is this this is no so I want to take this and disconnect this I'm going to take this one so this is the so what I did guys is I disconnected I disconnected this one which actually comes off of the case I'm actually going to connect this into the RGB Hub I'm G take this one I'm G to Route this one through I'm plug this one into the location here there we go okay so that takes care of that then we have an easy fix here on the top down plug this up here in LED 4 there we go okay and what I'm going to do real quick is go ahead and clear all these and then I'll have to do some recabling here real quick all right now I can do this which is fine it's always like the little bit of part you got to be a little bit patient as we finish this out hey what's up arxus there we go one more collection of cables right here just finishing out this build there we go there we go okay now what we got to do unfortunately is I got to redo these things sacrifice their lives for the uh the greater good still getting counted though because we got to reroute a cable so those will still count towards the zip tie count I feel bad when that happens okay oh don't worry you're you're going to see forgotten you'll see they'll they'll be they'll look great don't you worry everybody knows you got to have good RGB well I could you're right I could just keep them but um I like that I don't want to it it'll look it'll look more messy there we go actually ended up using l in that round okay okay guys there it is all cable all cable combed I'm sorry all zip tied cleanly we just got to do this little bit right here so we probably just do something simple like zip tie that right [Music] there there we [Music] [Music] go there we go nice and clean there it's a nice little simple straight line grab this one so it stays down there we go okay guys all we got now is there we go okay there everything is cable everything is cable comb now all we got now is it's time to do wow do we really we just are we on GPU now uh we can do let's do cable extensions first then we'll do our GPU check the front so again only one kind of cable you can kind of see so pretty clean even from the front all right so now let's grab our cable extensions we're going to do our 24 our 24 pin and our 12 pin or sorry our uh yeah our big and our 24 pin and our smaller one at the back hey Showbiz thank you very much for the sub guys if you can head over to YouTube please make sure even though we hit the likes already and we'll let's actually let's just do that giveaway right now even though we did the likes already let's go ahead and keep hitting that like button the ram is G skill it's G skill um it's just you can't see it it's underneath okay I'm going to go a and start this R this giveaway Exclamation point Exclamation point New Egg now $25 new gift card up for grabs starting right now two minutes guys exclamation point New Egg now there we go okay going to the view there let's go to roaming here what we're working on here is just making sure that this stays nice and taut okay we're just going to let me see how this looks from the front here a little bit more curve than I want there so what we're working on here is just making sure that this is like at a 90 degree angle right very very clean that's what we want no twists looks good let's go to roaming here kind of lock in the last this little 24 pen there there we go there we go there we go okay there it is guys guys nice and clean and in bundled okay so there's our 12 there's our big one counted in and done also looks nice from the front just check one more time sad soybean thank you for the tier one sub congratulations to sharpened eraser sharpened eraser you are the winner and remember guys every giveaway that we do you get extra INRI as a sub including the PC that we're going to be giving away here in not too long looks really good don't you think nice and clean right and we still have to put the covers on so you'll just there's a lot you won't see okay let's do our Corner 12 uh our CPS uh CPU EPS connector now there we go okay there's those for the [Applause] GPU there we go you guys enjoying the build you guys having fun you guys having a good time I think so I think you're right good you guys learning something good I'm glad you guys are enjoying it thank you very much again for be quiet and for everybody who's sponsored and helped us with this it's been so awesome your cable game is strong yes I I work pretty hard on my cable game so Eric the only way to get it is to actually have somebody build it uh to have somebody customize it this was customized by uh blue horse Studios for the giveaway today but you could reach out to him and he can make you please guys as we get closer towards the end of the stream here make sure you are following on you're on Discord because you're going to have to be on Discord to be claiming to win and make sure that you are following uh and if you're on YouTube that you're not only that you've liked and subscribed guys because those are going to be necessary if you're going to be on YouTube on Twitch all you got to be doing is following uh both groups have to be on Discord follow on Discord uh and then uh last thing is is that if you want to get extra entries you just got to sub but you do not need to be subbed to to win the PC it just gives you extra entries as all okay there we go so what we just plugged in just so you guys know so you guys can see it a little bit better here so we plugged in our CPU EPS connector right there so there's our CPU EPS connector and we plug this into as you can see we've got a very very straight line between the two that's what we want is what we want between these two so there's where plugging in there and then we've got four cable Combs on this one and then we've got two cable Combs on that one so there's the that's how you did how we did that and then we're just going to run it through the back here I know if I can run it through I wonder if I can run it over here yeah in the corner come down through the corner there okay and then last couple zip ties here as we zip tie this in there we go there we go just like that okay there we go so the case is being used oh you know what that's a good question why don't we just go through real quick here are the parts we're using in today's build that we're giving away here in just a few minutes or I don't know a little bit longer than that so we have the AMD ryzen 7 7800 X 3D the Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi Asus tough Radeon RX 7800 XT we have the Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB mvme Drive Ram we have the gskill tridon Z5 Neo RGB 32 gigs at DD at 6,000 megga transfer for the case for using the B quiet Shadow base 800 DX for the cooler we're doing the bite dark Rock Elite cooler uh and then we have the bite pure power 12m 8850 wat 80 plus gold uh PSU so again guys and remember huge shout out to be quiet and AMD for sponsoring today's build uh and uh being so awesome for us to get in there you do not need to be a sub to enter you just get extra entries if you are a subscriber um so yes you do not but this is open to everybody so okay so we got all that in now I've dropped okay let's just make sure I don't lose my cable ties here okay so everything is is there last part guys and then we'll do the PSU is we just got to do the GPU so the build looks guys it the build looks super clean so again GPU will go in there in just a second and then we'll be essentially done uh then we got to do the uh then we got to do the RGB and test it and some other things like that pretty light but nothing crazy guys we need 30 Subs can we get 30 Subs so we can do the $100 newa gift card and the Roby Tech build matat 30 Subs remember we could do gift Subs it's going to give a lot of people extra entries um and all that sort of stuff you could do something awesome for the community and again always helps me do more of these PC giveaways we're doing three we still have two more even after this this week and then we're doing two more in January so yeah it's going in there um so yeah who wants to drop it in there just help the community that would be amazing and I appreciate all of you guys who've done that donos Subs follows everything you guys are awesome so hey Lynch Cher thank you very much for the tier one and that is going towards my partner plus so thank you very much for that Rock Norris dropping five gifted subs thank you very much Rock and remember every gifted Subs gets you an extra entry so if you want to Stack entries which doesn't always work but if you want to Stack entries every gifted Subs gets you an additional entry towards winning this amazing PC here in the back the custom this was also done by blueh horse Studios uh the Amazing Spider-Man build uh so somebody's going to be lucky enough to walk away with this build as well um and all you got to do is be subscribed tier one tier uh if you're Prime you're entered to win Tier 1 3 tier 2 5 tier 3 10 every gifted sub gets you an extra entry towards winning this PC that's happening at the end of the month and then this PC you don't need to be subscribed for but again we're just if you're if you're a subscriber you get extra entries that's all okay here we go guys thank you rock for being kind sir thank you much for the resub 14 months appreciate you uh the the equivalent of this GPU is between a 47 what did you say Bach 4700 XT is like a 4070 4070 TI yeah if I was going to I don't remember off the top of my head is Bach gone uh he's just muted for a second okay I'm sorry what was that the 7800 XT 4070 40 70 TI About 470 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I was just making sure I was right yep it's right there at 40 470 level yeah FR and but way cheaper which is the thing I love about it yeah they they've gone up a little bit more here recently but the XFX black model was still showing at like 520 um and it's one of the best models uh my opinion for overclocking stock speeds yeah they're great these are great gpus uh yes it does have a dedicated encoder just like Nvidia okay here we go guys here's that beautiful Radeon GPU and it looks very good inside this build yeah and this has a ton of vram as well and the end here will be green I sorry yeah Green so we'll have all the RGB we think we'll do green we could do white as well we'll have to see which looks better vram makes it go fast yes okay here we go now for r two blue or Studios dropping 25 gifted Subs taking it there we go guys thank you very much Ron you're a rock star there it is Blue Horse coming in dropping another bit like it's hot okay guys this is the last one ow just ran over my foot okay this is the last one is we before after this we start giving away Hardware so all widgets here we go subscribe a go so we're going to do this this is PL this will be the last one and then we're going to to all the sub stuff I mean we'll go to Hardware we're at 202 so after this we'll start giving away CPUs hey rbby when you get back there's another dad joke redeem okay another dad joke was it 202 202 I think it was 0 12 yes it was 202 okay thank you very much okay guys next goal up that's all people who get extra bonuses thanks to Ron the Santa blue horse for giving people extra entries okay and we have a new dad joke here it is want to hear a joke about paper ah never mind it's terrible [Laughter] there you go guys want to hear a joke about paper never mind it's terrible there you go Merry Christmas to everybody Brandy dropping in five gifted Subs okay we're on our last little bit here as of the cable management we're going to you guys are about to see what the build looks like completed from the front I keep hitting myself in the face thing is good Roby if you keep her injuring yourself we're going to go to HR and file work I know exactly uh right now there's 553 on Twitch uh we have a total of 830 people watching this stream right now across twitch YouTube Facebook I don't know if anybody's on Facebook every once in a while we do and Twitter so I wish in a while huh it's one of the bigger streams in a while yep we're going to see I guys I have a feeling today is it going to happen are we going to break a thousand concurrent that'd be awesome a lot of people in the Christmas spirit ra see this awesome PC yep and and uh and uh Bach's even more stoked because it's AMD today as was there's a couple people like yay yeah even though it's in a green case uh we'll we'll be mared with everyone's inner Grinch is growing I'll be honest this case is phenomenal such a great PC to get to walk away with we're giving away all like one of one you know one of one PCS between this the Falcon North West PC which is another AMD all AMD system and then we also have the Starfield one which is another all AMD system hm somebody's being very generous this year thanks AMD three amazing PCS yep in COD and of course also be quiet Falcon Northwest I cannot like f giving up Falcon North West Talon away guys on Tuesday is that is no small feat like you guys want to talk about one of the best pre-built systems on the market and just insane that is if whoever wins that is yeah blessed I just got to say plus this one too hey we got bird soup hanging out at uh hanging out at uh on Facebook right now doesn't matter what PC you got you got to be stoked to win a a falcon Northwest PC yeah no kidding little bit of History AMD is the original Team Green that is true AMD is the original te Team Green okay guys we're just finishing up the last of the cable cable Combs as we make this build look super clean it's what we want right what's up PC guy so again same thing I think it's a 79 no it's a 7900 XTX in that system so that will be the equivalent of like a 4080 and if you overclock you can get pretty close to 4090 too and that's happen and that's also the Avatar limited edition system with the heat changing uh the heat changing um GPU and yeah so very excited about that one that's happening on Tuesday guys so tune in here we go go to top down here okay there we go all it's left guys is PS you time there we go how's that look so there is the build as it's finished from the front that's what it'll look like when it's all said and done again you will have the cover on it but there it is very clean very very uh very organized and all that sort of stuff again lots of right angles again keeping it very very very clean yeah don't get me wrong intel was also incredibly generous I I got to be super clear and Bach and and those of us who attended uh dream hack can attest to that we gave away we upgrade we gave what four PCS away five five PCS away at dream hack so it was actually pretty crazy yeah yeah it was it it was great time they uh and uh they they hooked me with the arc a770 yeah you did you as a as a thank you so yeah everybody Al it always comes in there okay guys there is the build all we got to do now is PSU and then we're done and even the back I also think you guys would say that even the back looks clean well they'll all be covered and stuff like that too so it'll it'll continue to get better okay let us do the PSU and then we'll turn it on and test it make sure make sure all the RGB is correct and you guys got to see the build end to end so you always can go back if you're the one who wins wins and go back and see the whole build end to end yeah clean and green well the be quiet brand of build the be Qui brand of psus is awesome there's like no So like um I also really like uh I use a lot of MSI um they're a850 G um I also really like um uh I really like uh Corsair I use uh thermal t uh sorry yeah thermal thermal take I also use a lot of so it's actually quite a bunch of good good options there SE Sonic is great yep Gabriel thank you for the prime sub yeah it's Aaron thank you for the prime sub we're now only 40 Subs away from $150 new a gift card and a Roby Tech build map I mean the build mat is completely worth it I still have mine the build mat's awesome I need to wash it yeah I I I get that a lot Kronos skill GG thank you for the prime sub okay we're just hooking up our power supply scoot this over so you guys can see a little bit more getting very close to the end of this build Okay so we've got our motherboard we have two SATA connections which I like the SATA connectors for this it's like cooler uh it's very similar to Cooler Master little long ones we have one CPU connection and these use like their PCI ones they're a bit longer the one thing it's actually really like I really do like about be quiet ones is that they do not let you there is no way to mistakingly plug in like someone else's cables so you can't like go and buy the wrong cables because they're unique plugs that's right don't be sad at Christmas is always here I didn't sign it Bernie I'm a terrible human being okay there's all of our cables in uh they're pretty they are a little bit bigger they're really good size yeah they're quite a bit bigger they're made for building PCS on okay oops I need okay just making sure I was like making sure I had all the cables there's somebody here [Applause] like okay want this down so we put this like this hey equality Sun thank you very much for the sub you know what you never know you'd be surprised you never know who's going to win you really don't I mean you can increase your odds by doing the getting the sub stuff in there and all that sort hype train is close holy moly one more one more we got to get one more person we're going to do a hype train let's do it let's see if we can end the stream with a hype train 17 seconds 15 14 somebody's just got to drop 100 bits there it is kiltman and we are now in a hype train guys if we do this again rck dropping five gifted [Music] Subs let's see what we can do let's see what we can do I'll tell you what I'll just for fun here's what we do we get up to level 10 I'll give away a ryzen 77600 x get to level 10 I'll give away a 7600 X just to keep it going level 10 we give away a 7600 X just right at the end of this there we go Bittersweet dropping five gifted Subs there's level two we'll just give it away right there at the end PC Phil dropping 100 bits PC guy dropping his one month see how I we can get it guys and remember we're still unlocking the other giveaways oops okay there's our 12m level four we're almost halfway there hydrate from Mone come on you guys we can do it drop it could be prime Subs Prime Subs help too Prime Subs are free Bach dropping five gifted Subs Bach you're a a rockstar today thank you sir eigor drift in dropp in a gifted sub to fried chicken that's pretty that's quite a name sternum dropping five gifted Subs guys there there's level four kilman dropping another one okay there we go I'm going to try and run all this stuff just have it be down I could probably do it via the bottom there maybe that's what we just like zip tie it down so it's like super clean down here Dopey dropping a bit we got our deanan dropping a prime sub level six guys rock no's dropping 10 more nerd shark we got ebst and loose dropping A Gifted sub we are one sub away from the 15 new a gift card there's level six Victor dropping 10 gifted Subs okay we're now on our way guys to two right if we get if we get we're now on our way if we get to 300 Subs we'll be at two oh sorry we got one more sorry $200 we got to get to two we got to get two2 $100 sorry Nick CEO dropping Prime Rock Norris dropping some gifted bits Kujo Kujo Baka Eric troll King 10 more guys on our way towards that 300 sub Mark now okay so at this point in time I think what we're going to do I think this makes the most sense what we're going to do is if we get to 300 we'll drop two two build mats and a $100 gift card if we get to 350 we'll start doing the we'll get to 350 that'll do the 150 and then afterwards we'll give away another CPU and we got to get to level 10 guys we're at level seven keep it going we're at level eight now I'm going to go and update the goal so 300 we do a $100 newa gift card and a well wait 300 $100 newa gift card and a uh and two build mats nigia dropping 10 gifted Subs Bittersweet dropping five gifted Subs 29295 we are there it is guys we're almost to level 9 we are at the very end inner Mason subscribing with Prime they'll just R you don't get them they just randomly kind of get given to you right isn't that how gifted subs work ORS doing one month at tier two and there it is guys we are at level nine now holy crap this is insane so gift the subs go two ways you can either do random to a select number of people or we can actually uh do one to a specific yeah keep going guys we're almost there eagor dropping another gifted Subs nine is there so close you guys can taste at this point in time we just got to get through this once we get through this one we're done I'm not going to make us finish level 10 we just got to get to level 10 and then we'll give away a 7600 X PC Drive dropping five blue is monkey dropping a prime sub we've now unlocked two Roby Tech build mats and a $100 newa gift card and almost a 7600 X we're almost there guys 55% OG Diddy dropping it random words on the internet dropping 100 bits we got in Nisar dropping A Gifted sub real trey tree Chevy 86 thank you very much that gets me towards uh gets me towards uh partner plus remember tier three Subs also count a ton controlled duction 86 thank you very much cuz that's like eagor dropped a tier two and it was like it jumped up a bunch and there it is guys there it is you guys unlocked a 7600 X giveaway hack Droid Fisher Price dropping A Gifted sub it's hype in here it is hype in here right now okay so hyp not to get a hype man I'm gonna throw I'm gonna throw it even higher even higher if we get level 15 we get level 15 and just because I have a spare just because I have a spare one of these sorry level sorry level 20 my God no let's do level 15 we do level 15 we'll take it up to a 7800 x3d if we get to level 15 we'll take it up to a 7,800 x 3D I'm being crazy that's a that's an expensive CPU but we'll give away a 7 00 X 3D o it's on my wish list we just got to get to level 15 I'm just I'll keep giving Hardware away if we get to level 20 if we get to level 20 I'll give away a 70 an RX 7800 XT that's where we at I'm just throwing it down there you guys have already unlocked the 7600 X I will upgrade that random words on the internet gifting A Gifted sub Cassie Kenobi hey that's like Robi one Kenobi okay um let's see we got that in there now this is like doing a good job of helping me get through the last bits of this build there we go let's see what happens guys don't let the hype stop but if you want to let the hype stop you can too you guys have been so amazing so and the hat oh and I'm not giving you my hat dude this is my Santa hat that's a million Subs oh yeah Bach your your mic's up open there you go I want to eat the pom pom okay guys 333 let's get to 350 at least somebody can get us there at least that'll unlock another giveaway maybe we can get some more hype 2 minutes and 18 seconds still Bittersweet dropping five gifted Subs taking us to 342 he wants to he wants he wants he wants us to give away that I want this to I I like I have a LoveHate relationship with these cables just trying to make sure that these stay they don't twist Nia five more that's 347 guys we're we're going we're keeping it up 1 minute and 7 15 seconds there's Jim the humanoid remember you could do you could upgrade a tier three that also helps me with my uh my TW and it jumps it jumps it up quite a bit so we have 1 minute guys we're 56% that unlocks a whole another time for people to come in and do more giveaways yeah but you can upgrade NGA dropping two gifted Subs one minute left Dem minded did there you go tier one to tier three there's six points who else wants to do it that's another that's a huge help for me Bittersweet five more 30 seconds left we are very much at the very end Ghost Land one there it is next tier holy crud guys we've unlocked uh two two um now two build mats and a $150 newa gift card and we are now at level 10 Monty Christo dropping it in there we're about to there's apparently a record I don't know what the record is but apparently we're near the record let me check the back here no no a record for me not no I know what the level I know I've heard about the twitch one I I'm nowhere near that and that's crazy crazy like that's like 20,000 oh 13 is the record for me guys we got to we got to get Roby on the hot tub stream to break that record yeah you want me yeah you'd have to do something special okay guys that's looking good one last bit we're at the very end of this build okay 3 minutes and 54 seconds all I I just kidding let's do this level 13 we hit the break the record I'll give away the 7800 x3d not even level 15 we hit Level 13 break the record that's fine we'll break our record that's it I took it way in when is the Roby hot tub stream we just got to break the record guys break the record we we do it all you're close you guys can make it happen 700x 3D would just be given away Pastor Dame dropping it that's very kind to him no please don't do that pug Smurf please don't picture me in a speedo I [Laughter] apologize I come back to that image yeah I'm sorry I have to go get a drink and then come back like oh God one gifted sub from E ebus and loose Fisher Price dropping five gifted Subs I don't know what what tier are we even at right now uh currently dad bot energy some energy 11 yeah we're at 11 at the moment thanks Andrew okay we can do it guys I'm not even making it hard remember tier you get upgrade to tier three that also is a massive help for me so that would uh that that gives us a ton of points towards our goal and then we go it' have to be a mineral oil hot tub machine hot tub one so I can do a water cool build okay guys build is done flip apotamus one gifted sub I'm going to fix the I'm going to fix this so we can do there we're getting close guys we're going to do it I think but I'm not this like you guys your support has been amazing so thank you very very much 1 minute 18 seconds guys remember every time we just get to the next tier it gets that much easier 50 seconds somebody's just got to get us up there you can get us all the way through then we can get another one there we go clarky get there 40 seconds you guys always wait till the very end Burns d17 30 seconds we just got to get the last 50% and then we have one more tier you guys are amazing Viking 65 20 seconds left guys 19 seconds ghost dropping five more 16 seconds it's getting so close Anonymous Berg it's so close 9 seconds 7 six five four flip upon is three two one oh there it is but still Victor dropping it at the very end I would have gotten through there it was so close guys it was so close but still guys let's be super clear you guys are basically doing here's what we're doing guys we're going to give away a ryzen 7600 X we just hit so we're giving a ryzen 7600 X to Roby Tech build mats and a and a uh 200 two $100 newa gift cards now we are 40 something Subs away um for basically you know what I'm just not going to do it cuz I mean I don't know I mean do we add another 30 something subs or do we just call it what do you guys think no more let's not worry about it anymore let's just turn this on and go from there I I feel 922 people here now guys or do we do it and just keep going and give something else bird soup says let's call it so many zip ties all right so we're not we're not going to worry about any more goals no more goals we're going to no more goals so two two $100 gift cards and two built Tech build mats the build is done you guys have been awesome and then here's what we're going to do guys if you want to if you're joining us now if you're joining us now for the uh the uh if you're going to join us now uh let me go ahead and do that let's because you guys have been awesome let's give away the ryen 7600 X right now we're going to give away the ryzen 7600 X right now we still have the PC to give away and remember if you want to get extra entries towards winning the CPU and remember us you have to be US Canada Mexico if you enter worldwide you got to deal with shipping okay and and Customs okay here we go ryzen 7600 X and make sure you're on you're in the uh you're in the uh you're in the Discord let's do exclamation point AMD cuz they're awesome just to make uh just to get uh Bach happy rise 7600 X up for grabs somebody's going to get lucky okay here we go remember we're going to leave it we're going to leave it for three minutes uh Subs you get extra you get three extra entries if you want to drop your Prime sub remember you get extra entries for that and starting right now going up two minutes guys two minutes starting giveaway right now hey J Jorge thank you very much for the sub all right here we go let's put the rest of this stuff together no I think goes this way no goes this way there we go starting to put the build back together now there we go there we go there's our green again our very fabulous back of the case right there the Grinch going on now still got three 1 minute and 20 seconds remember guys if you get if you want extra entries don't forget to sub just a prime sub works and then the same that's more subs that you'll be able to use for your PC as well I mean for the PC as well don't do it d nighthorse dropping a prime sub as well there it is guys the last bit we're going to go ahead just well we'll put the cover on last okay I'm not seeing anything on stream camera rby not seeing anything on stream camera what do you mean $5 thank you very much liquid okay drawing our winner in 6 seconds what do you mean Bach I don't know maybe it's just my stream I don't see anything on screen I'm I'm I see him pretty decent uh just refresh your browser yeah refresh okay here we go everybody's like it's you all right yeah that's good sorry it's okay I'd rather you tell me than not you know what I mean then I'm like what do you mean you don't see me it's only me and you talking I've been streaming to nobody okay we're just putting the build away congratulations to flashy flash flashy flash you are the winner of the uh 50 the uh sorry the ryzen 7 the ryzen 57600 X we still have the PC to giveaway don't worry we still have other giveaways still happening do we still got the PC to give away we've still got the um we still have the uh two $100 new gift cards so give this some sag bracket love here thank you for the $5 Super Chat by the way okay okay we are getting close we have guys by the way for the first time and I don't know how long we have over a thousand people watching today's stream 1,045 for the first time in it's been a while so 1,000 concurrence watching today's stream we are still have the PC to give away if you have noticed so let's yeah let's hydrate real quick couple things I want to let you guys know uh and then we'll do another giveaway for one of the $100 gift cards I mean we yeah one of the $100 gift cards um want to let you guys know first here's what we have inside of the build we're about to turn on so we have a ryzen 7 7800x 3D um hey what's up cat we have a ryzen 7 7800x 3D we have the Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi the graphics card the Asus tough gaming radon RX 7800 xtd for a two for an SSD or 2 tby Samsung 980 Pro for the Ram the gcll Triton Z5 RGB 32 gigs at 6,000 megga transfer uh cooler uh the cas using the B quiet Shadow base 800 DX customized by our friends over at at um Blue Horse Studios for the cooler the be quite dark Rock Elite cooler and then for the power supply the B quiet pure power 12m 850 wat 80 plus gold PSU so that's what's inside of this you're asking when we're going to be giving this away here in just a little bit we're going to be showing you how it performs but first thing we're going to do is turn it on light it up all that sort of stuff I also want to let you guys know uh that we also have in the back here behind it we have the Spider-Man PC that's the subon PC that you're also entered to win with all your subscriptions and stuff like that uh if you basically here I'll show you you it move the thing that PC is all for up for grabs uh that one is is there as well um that one is to sub only it's uh basically all you got to do is subscribe with prime tier one gets you three entries tier 2 five tier three 10 and then every gifted sub gets you an additional towards winning that PC as well we also are back on Tuesday with the Falcon Northwest Avatar build that we're going to be giving away as well and then also we're going to be on th uh Wednesday I don't yeah I think Wednesday we're giving away the Starfield special edition PC so lots of PCS so every time you do your Prime sub that's always going to get you extra Ines let's do our zip tie count real quick and then we'll give away we'll start the uh we'll see if it posts okay here we go and you got to be present to you got to be present to win what's up B every everybody that wins needs to make sure they contact Blondie through DM yeah exactly you got to make sure you contact Blondy through DM guys one two three four five there's five one two three 4 five there's 10 one two three 4 1 2 3 4 five there's 10 15 1 2 3 4 five there's 20 1 two 3 1 2 3 four five there's 25 I did a lot of zip ties uh 1 2 3 4 five there's 30 1 2 3 4 five there's 35 1 2 3 4 five there's 40 okay 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 43 43 guys 43 it is odd there we go 43 so now the question is will it post 43 will it post and guys we will be done we'll be giving this away in the next hour for sure so don't worry we'll be done by 800m PST for sure I would guess even a little bit sooner but I wanted to give you guys an idea for going in there so there it is okay so we're going to do will it post go and do your vote real quick and then we will go and draw we'll do the first $100 gift card draw and we'll do one build mat and then we'll do the other three at the end okay so first one $100 new egg gift card up for grabs exclamation point New Egg now here we go as I save that $100 newa gift card getting ready to start new egg now one two minutes guys remember Subs you get two you Subs you get extra G entry starting right now exclamation point New Egg now two minutes okay here we go think our vote is done nope not quite almost soon our vote will be done build looks good right across the board yeah we're very clean we still have the giveaway we're going to be doing here in just a few we still have the PC we're going to be giving away too you do not need to be subed to enter I mean to win okay let's grab our cables here okay I need my HDMI cable there it is okay there we go there we go okay leave that out I do got to switch this around because it's an AMD card um there we go let this okay we're going to be drawing we're going to be seeing how good it works here in just a second two 20 seconds left guys and here we go three two one turning on the PC now there it is now we'll just see if it posts it is on though 0o seconds drawing our winner congratulations to Victor 65h there you go you are the winner of [Music] the there we go just starting that going in there there we go we'll do red on the side okay that's lit up there we're only going to draw one we're going to do another one at the end okay next thing that's up is the PC the rootch PC build mat okay two minutes on this guys exclamation point Roby Tech remember you do need to be in the US and Canada to be entered to win this if you're going to go overseas and you need to basically pay for shipping and Customs starting that giveaway right now Rob Tech build matat up for grabs 2 minutes and I think let's check is it posted there it is it is posted guys and it we are in there it is right there it is posted there we go okay still two minutes we still have another x amount of time on this let me get this in and let's get this colored and ready for the final bit of it okay F1 why did I hit that okay okay XM let's put on Expo there we go 40 seconds left guys and then we'll show you like a little bit from the front there here you go from the front the PC we're going to be giving away here pretty soon there you go right there so we got the red at least right we haven't done the rest 19 18 seconds left guys we still have more colors to fix don't worry we're getting there six seconds and there we go picking our winner congratulations to ADOT ADOT dot dot dot dot dot dot there it is guys we are now with our now we have our Ram all fixed so we're coming in now and we have another dad joke now another Roy Tech dad joke phone out here we go Dad joke time my wife and I have three beautiful children three out of five isn't bad one more why don't skeletons ever go trick-or-treating because they have no body to go with oh look at that because they have no body to go with okay let's get our colors fixed uh let's go to Asus Armory crate okay let's go ahead and drop in we're going to change all of our color to green and then we'll put our side cover on test thermals there we go right so we're going to go to rfx change this to just got to make it match so we'll try this green first there we go that looks so good looking at from the static at the front that looks so good right there okay let's go to our side view here and now it's time to add the finishing touch and there we go I think we can actually probably we actually may want to go a little bit more of a light green so let's keep playing with that a little bit see if we can get it to match here so we want more of like a lime green here okay let's try that that is actually a little bit better it looks almost that looks almost white to you guys but it is actually uh almost like a line like a light green now so if you look from the front we could try red you guys want to try red you guys can vote it'll they okay let's try red okay here's red there's red I do like the red I agree the red I like the red too okay see how how it take a look here that actually looks really good with all of the green and everything else it actually looks really good okay we'll keep it red all right so let's just test real quick thermally how we're going to run only if it was red sizes bet smaller I like it and then again you guys can here's a here's a view from the front so you guys can kind of see it there too so that's the side part and then you have the front part and then the other thing too is you also have on the back you also have the Grinch on the back too right so it's a full design case there right there so it is just it looks so good diesel gaming thank you for the community sub Roby what do you think about up pulsing or fading effect uh I don't know we could try I mean why not okay or we could do something like this this always seems to look really good so we'll do this and then you get like a little bit of some like motion and starriness there so a little bit of yeah there we go and then from the side so it's not it looks more Christmas tree type we can do red and white that actually might look pretty good okay let's try this there you go there's red and white and there we go from the front and then you also have from the front here so there's like it's got red and white almost candy cane type look to it okay that one's better I like that one the most okay well there we go guys okay so here we go so we're going to be giving this away in just a second but we got to see how it does thermally a little bit so we just kind of make sure it looks good so let's go to our let's go to our capture here we'll open up steam so it justes uh let's actually just run CPU ID so right now our temperatures are sitting in the well where is it there it is sitting at 42 which is fine we're we're still have a lot of processes and stuff running in here so let's run cinebench there we go and let's go ah and run a 10-minute btic cor starting right now there it goes dude this cooler is just keeping it nice and clean you're good to go [Music] there so now you might be asking Roby as we sit there and run the temps here and it's 76 what's our uh what's our air flow like it's going to looks like it might get into the 80s but we'll we'll come back and check that here in a second so let's go and jump over to our side camera here and let's show you guys air flow here you guys can see a little bit of how air flows through the case okay here we go so here's how air is going to flow through the case so you can see air just basically pops right through sucks right through the air whole thing no problem and then basically blows right through the case without any issue whatsoever so you've got 340 mm all of it being kind of you and you can't see it very well but it is sucking through the air the um basically through the uh this awesome cooler and then it ex exhaust right out the back no problem whatsoever so which is actually really cool and a lot of people when they say Roby like warm air rises cold air descends you got to see there is this air will travel through this case so quickly so there is no time for air like it goes through really fast you saw how quick the smoke was in and out of the case so when people say stuff like hey well where you put stuff because of where the heat is in the case that is not true the case is Flowing air very very quickly all the time so so there we go that'll give you a good idea in terms of what air flow is like and all that sort of stuff oh people add ads you want me to show it again do you guys did you did you guys get to see the airflow demonstration I'll do it one more time if you people didn't get to see it okay I'll show it one more time okay I'll run it one more time okay here we go so this is showing you how airf flow works for the case and then for the thing right here so and again always a good thing to sub guys cuz then you won't have this issue but here we go here's the airflow so you can see it flowing through and then it just pulls right through the whole back of the case so you're seeing and again notice we're not getting a lot out of the top really where it's shooting out is in the back and you can actually see the air flow being sucked right through the front especially when I do the top thing you can see just how quickly air flow basically pulls right through there and right into that that air cooler and out um Ro we plug the smoke Genie again and then the K the name of this tool is actually called The Smoke Genie uh again not something that you want to spend a lot you don't want to spit a lot of smoke into this there is some condensation again with this and it also has some vegetable oil again fine for us we're limited for light testing it's totally fine but this isn't something you just want to see like hey let's blow it through all the time but totally fine for this case so there is the build all up guys and then let's take a look look here at the um capture so we have it's you can see tempwise we're still the hottest it ever got was 80.6 de so we're not having any issue and this thing is list quiet wise like soundwise it's still doing very very well in terms of overall noise as well so nice and quiet as well so I should have dressed as the Grinch for the stream hey you know at least I'm wearing a Santa Claus hat actually from this thing it actually looks like the PC is wearing a Santa a hat I put it maybe I think it makes more sense to put it in the back there there you go the Dark Walk of weag actually was very close to a 360 when it was reviewed so it's a great cooler yeah it's a really good cooler for this okay so there we go so as you can see we have no temp issues um I don't we're not going to do a ton of gaming stuff on it but I wanted to show that so we'll just show one game uh given this is let's see what I have on here it's got to update steam we'll see if anything has to update and then we'll do the PC giveaway guys so get ready couple things I want to make sure you're aware of again the this is open to us Canada US Canada and uh Mexico if you want to enter worldwide it's fine but you have to pay customs and you have to pay uh basically the shipping so anywhere else in the US that's uh but anywhere else in the world world if that's that's how that essentially Works unless there is an embargo and we can't do anything about it okay and then uh what you got to do is make sure you're on the Discord server you're basically on Discord because he's going to validate via Discord and then if you want to get you do not need to be subbed anybody can interest to win but if you want to get extra injuries to win the PC then you basically need to make sure that you are uh you are uh you are prime subbed or subbed in any way shape or form and that'll get you three extra entries towards winning the PC when we give it away in just a few minutes okay I'm going to just just check to see what we got here terms of downloads look that okay that was it oh you know I don't have Starfield do I uh oh we do okay good oh no oh it's hold on let me log here let me one sec guys let me go to uh side here real quick switch out sign out it is installed okay so I'll just log in real quick is me and then we'll we'll we'll call it a day but let's give away one more robit Tech build mat up for grabs starting that giveway exclamation point Roby Tech while I do this real quick okay here we go let's download this while we wait that'll be quck that'll be pretty fast beast mode thank you very much and then we'll do the $100 gift card hey blondie we have two $25 new gift cards to give away too right okay guys almost there 40 seconds left and then we'll give away our two $25 new gift cards 20 seconds [Music] guys okay let's go ahead and launch Starfield while we're at it because then we'll run our two $25 new gift cards hey Kimi thank you very much for the gifted sub you can no longer answer congratulations to it's disco it's disco you are the winner of [Music] the oh let's make sure that I have my this is all in here okay okay congratulations make sure that you claim okay there we go we want frame rate frame time okay here we go okay there we go that's good all there we go so we got that in there okay we're going to do two $25 new gift cards exclamation point New Egg now and then I'll start this and show you guys how this is going to run starting right now $225 new gift cards up for grabs guys starting right now and again what PC we're using real quick before we show into some benchmarks we're using the ryzen 7 7800x 3D the Asus tough gaming b650 plus Wi-Fi the Asus tough gaming Radeon RX 7800 XT 2 TB Samsung 980 Pro the gskill Triton Z5 Neo RGB 32 gigs at 6,000 megga transfer the bite Shadow base 800dx that we've customized via Blue Horse Studios to the Grinch and then we have the cooler masters of beite dark Elite um and then finally the power supply1 12 the dark pure be quiet pure power 12m 850 wat 80 plus gold PSU uh as well so that's all of the stuff that we're using in today's build that we are giving away in just about probably 10 minutes guys so it's almost time okay we're just going to check our gam play video display we're running on everything's at Ultra we have FSR 2 on and we are running at 1440p right now so we're good there okay so let's see how this runs let's go back here there we go so let's see how this runs this is a ryzen 7 7800x 3D and then a Radeon RX 7800 XT and then you're gaming wise you're also seeing how this is running in terms of Graphics so here we are 62 61 degrees on our CPU a nice and beautiful 47° on our CPU that seems fine there we go smooth as butter 106 said that seems fine right as you walk by a dead body that's plashed over the wall that seems fine that seems that seems okay this just timing is amazing that's what it is yeah you know but I mean like it's buttery smooth no temperature issues whatsoever I mean the thing is is the thing that's even regardless of whether you win this PC or not um the PC just is um the PC is just it's just so powerful for such an an inexpensive amount of money you know what I mean like what's your paying 1,800 bucks for something that runs like this is so good and then it's it's simple to build you guys saw the entire process it only took me like what 2 and 1 half hours to get it built and then you know just to see how it runs also look so good too okay so let's jump in and just check out how the space is and congratulations to uh sad soybean and ocean heads for winning those $25 newa gift cards guys we have one more $100 newa gift card and then we're going to do the PC giveaway in just a second let's jump up here into orbit and then see how see how the game runs in [Music] orbit okay you're going to go and take off okay so let's run this last one let's do for this last givingway exclamation point Community for this last $100 newa gift card exclamation point Community $100 newa gift card starting now two minutes remember you can use subscribe for extra entries and here we are guys flying in here let's go oh I forgot how to Target lock or anybody okay so anyway 101 frames per second I think we're okay I forgot how to like it's funny because I don't usually play this with a with a mouse and keyboard oh well I guess we're going to kill him because I'm that awesome die there we go whoa whoa you guys are going to see me kill something that's how awesome I am there it is oh and I got a skill point at the same time there we go oh you're welcome I'm amazing anybody we can repay you uh uh Salvage rights are enough for me yay okay so here we go 133 whoops okay so let's get out of this I hit console let's quit and then let's uh see how this last thing is going I do want to run while we're waiting for the last thing I do want to see if we can run some cod just because it just it loves the x3d and it's always fun to just see how high it goes at 1440p I don't think the update's that big yeah exclamation point Community guys congratulations to void nebula Z void nebula zero you are the winner of the uh PC I mean sorry no sorry the winner of the $100 newa gift card $100 newa gift card okay guys last thing we're going to be giving away we're going to be doing it very very very soon you're at the very end you've made it this far you're going to be winning this incredible customized PC that is waiting right here you are going to win this right here this is what you're going up for just a couple things one US Mexico Canada okay if you're going to go worldwide that means you're paying for the shipping and you're paying for the Customs okay making sure you know that and it can't go anywhere that's not allowed based on us embargos so there's that two if you want to get extra entries we're going to run this for five minutes if you want to get extra entries you basically need to make sure that you have subscribed with prime like it's fmg liquid snake that gets you five sorry three extra entries towards winning the PC if you want to do that during the 5 minutes that's how you basically get that you do not need to be subscribed to win anybody can win you can win on YouTube and you can win on uh YouTube and you can win on Twitch so if you're not on Twitch or YouTube you're on Twitter or Facebook pop on over rch techlive get in on this because this is how you're going to get entered to win okay this is the Grinch Stole Christmas PC $1,800 PC thanks to be quiet and andd for hooking us up with this stuff here we go here we go and by the way if you won one of the other things and then you win this PC that is okay you can give up the other ones okay here we go this is the Grinch sto Christmas PC giveaway okay you have five minutes to enter Subs you get three extra entries and the entry to get away I don't think anybody will be surprised exclamation point be quiet exclamation point be quiet qu i t be quiet will be the entry starting that giveaway right now five minutes guys five minutes as soon as there it is here goes five minutes exclamation point be quiet make sure if you want to get extra entries do your Prime sub guys that's super important one minute and then we'll show this uh we'll show this uh we'll show Call of Duty real quick and then you that'll be the end and then we'll we'll call it reddish showoo thank you very much guys can we get can we just get the last 15 Subs so we can end on 450 if you could that'd be amazing I just want to end on 450 we're so close not not that I'm going to I'm going to cry or anything like that but we're so close close to 450 Spa sugar cookie bmk guys 442 only seven there it is we're getting super close only there there it is hacko I think we're 444 only need six more subs there it is one more sub one more sub sub there it is OG Diddy getting us I think to 150 no there it is yay stop don't give any more subs no more subs stop that's it dang it triple XX killer he's like I really want to win the PC oh well I was there for a little bit it's a first world problem right there okay here we go we still got three minutes three minutes guys if you remember if you guys want to get those extra entries if you're entering you're coming in you still have three minutes to drop your Prime Subs if you want to uh if you want to win that if you want to win that and G all those subs go towards winning this PC here in the back too any gifted Subs stuff like that also goes towards winning this PC in the back as well okay here we go let's see here we're going to drop into this let's see how this works going to go to settings let's go to Graphics we're going to go to quality let's drop we're going to do fideli that's Cass is fine um we're going to set graphical preset to basic there we go we're going to go to display we're going to change our where is it custom frame rates unlimited apply and then we have make sure that vsync is off is off okay there we go okay here we go okay so let's jump into multiplayer make sure I so yeah okay I think it's multiplayer triple XX mil uh cookies sorry I almost said it cookies thank you very much for the gifted sub one minute and 25 seconds Guys 1 minute and 25 seconds still to go I can never remember where the stupid it was here last time it might is it it might be in private match no there it is Benchmark okay can never remember it they moved it from the other one settings why does this look like it's not there Graphics custom oh no unlimited right cool we're good it feels feels like vsync is there unlimited vsync I want vsync not on vyncs off vyn oh let's just turn it off okay there we go okay there we go okay so let's here we go let's start The Benchmark just so you guys can see how it runs 1440p 1440p cast no up ues here it is and then we'll we'll call it after this we're going to have our winner in just 10 seconds here it is guys the winner of the PC 5 seconds while looking at this ridiculous gamepl of Call of Duty on this $1,800 build if you just want to know how well it runs here we go congratulations to J Charlie J Charlie congrat now hold on don't leave yet we got to verify guys we got to verify this don't leave yet because we may rerun this we may rerun this or pick a different winner so don't quite leave okay don't quite leave 1,071 people here right now 1,071 people here right now 209 frames for second running on this Grinch St Christmas PC once I hear from Blondie once I hear from Blondie make sure J Charle reach you whisper her on Twitch to claim you got to reach out and then she's got to verify so stat stand stand by we got to we got to we got to figure it out okay hold on no way congratulations J Charlie make sure that you reach out you got to talk to Blondie yeah he's here but we just got to very make sure that he's here hold on we'll let you know hold on stay tuned it's not done yet there we go guys average frames per second on this Co this amazing system 220 frames per second yeah 220 frames per second this is what you would get if you're playing multiplayer uh multiplayer if you had uh if you had uh done this okay let's check one more time by the way the yeah guys the bot does what it does I had I had I I had 86 people enter and I saw no errors so everybody got who tried to enter it did enter so even if you don't see it you are there we're confirming now hold on I know just because you didn't win or you may not have won don't mean you have to get mad okay so here we go let's try it now let's just do uh Ultra and then just this is what it'd be like if you were going to play if you were going to play uh campaign and don't forget we're going to have more giveaway PCS we still have two more P three more PCS to give away guys so tune in on Tuesday tune in on Thursday we're giving away and then there's a PC we're giving away in January which is the sub only one so there's still two more PCS to get one of which is better than this one which is a Talon which is crazy so hold on stay tuned we're finding out yeah Tuesday and Thursday yes I think thanks Superman man it's it guys he still has to verify the other things that we have so so this is this is basically the absolute this is on Ultra sorry on Extreme Ultra this is ultra like if you were going to play campaign here's how it run blond's running it she'll let she'll let me know it takes a little [Music] while and there you go guys there is Call of Duty which ran absolutely beautifully so there you go that is my entire process yeah it'll play crisis all right so let me just go through real quick while we wait for the confirmation just real quick what's actually happening so uh we are done with this build as far as we just once we verify that we have this person is won uh if this person is won uh we are back on Tuesday for the pre-built and gaming we're going to be checking out the Falcon Northwest Talon the Avatar build with the special edition Avatar PC uh and the Avatar GPU we're going to be showing you how it performs showing you the build playing some games on it and then we're going to be giving that PC away live on Tuesday starting at 4M Pacific time should be a shorter stream only a couple hours and then we have Thursday Thursday I believe we are back where we're going to be doing the um uh Starcraft special edition inz XT case with the raisen the ryzen 7900 XTX and ryzen 7800 x3d special edition Starfield build we'll be building that and giving that away live on stream as well and then lastly uh we are going to also have uh this amazing system that we're going to be announcing in January so that's also up for grabs this month uh and then lastly in early January by January 15th we'll have the cyberpunk 2077 special edition PC that'll be with an RTX 490 uh and a 14 900k that'll be given away not on stream but giv away di gleam so uh did we redraw I'm not I didn't see that I'm trying to find out what she said she's still waiting we're waiting we're waiting we're just waiting for blondie we we'll just redraw but we'll if we need to just stand by let me see I'm looking at my phone I think she's having a she's having a conversation on Discord I'm texting her just talking to her it's a little faster than trying to read it they're talking they're talking hold on sorry guys we're very careful when we ver give away hot PCS we're just making sure okay yeah it takes it takes a little while but the other thing too is we verify it just takes a little time okay PC is confirmed guys congratulations uh to uh to J Charlie you are the winner of the PC now Congratulations by way guys we are back on Tuesday for another PC giveaway then Thursday for another PC giveaway congratulations again we will see you guys on Tuesday have a absolutely smashing Merry Christmas thank you to all of the amazing uh Subs bits follows and everything else and the over a thousand people who tun well a thousand concurrent literally probably way bigger than that people who tuned in today we hope to see you on Tuesday have a happy holiday and we'll see you guys on the next stream talk to you guys later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 13,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, pc building, bequiet, bequiet 800 dx, BeQuiet Shadow Base 800 DX, be quiet! Dark Rock Elite, Dark Rock Elite
Id: 6kZF64yBdn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 53sec (12653 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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