Giveaways + $2500 Step by Step PC Build and Setup with Benchmarks (14700K / RTX 4080 Super FE)

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what is going on everybody Welcome to Roby Tech and you know what it's funny uh I just want to kick it off by saying first and foremost welcome sorry that there was no stream on Saturday but when I was thinking about this case so this is an interesting case because this is the performance the antech performance P1 silent and uh it's uh from the same one as the P performance one uh te which but this one actually as you can see has no tempered glass there's like nothing that is displayed on this it's all about performance and silence and all that sort of stuff so when I was officially when I was officially going to do this when I was first going to do this I was going to put like a $3,000 build in it and I was like I was like you know what that's it's not the right kind of build and I was like you know what maybe what we need to do and we haven't done in a long time is literally take a build from beginning to end so you guys are literally we're just going to do it from beginning to end and the other twoo is that you can c cost this build down so right now it's $2,500 it's using an Nvidia RTX 480 super uh if you wanted to drop it down to something less expensive you can go to a 7800 XT or a 7900 XTX or a 7900 XT or 4070 TI Etc so this is what this is really going to do is we're going to start at the beginning we're going to literally take all the parts out breadboard it get it bios ready put an OS on it all that sort of stuff outside so we'll make sure it all works and then we going to do is we're then going to put it inside the case and you are going to get a complete step by step from beginning to end of the entire build all the way down to thermals and everything else so I also simplified I I decided I'm going to do air cooler uh we're literally just going to be it's going to be a very very simple build so if you were thinking of a great first build that you could curate down either by dropping the CPU down or dropping the GPU down you can make this as inexpensive as 1,500 bucks 1,600 bucks and still have an incredible system because all you'd really have to switch out is the GPU and that you know again you have variance in there between all the way from $300 all the way to what we're spending at $1,000 right so you can basically kind of tailor this build to what it is that you want to do in your budget but at the same time literally have an entire PC that you can follow a guide from beginning to end so we're going to show you the entire process so that way you know by the time if you were to follow along with this you would know how to completely set up a PC and then the other thing too is just really cool is that Maiden I don't know if he's here today on the show or not actually if you go to Maiden built a whole guide a step-by-step guide for installing windows we're going to show you installing Windows here today as well but if you wanted to follow along and know get some additional help we have that as well so a huge shout out to toio for resubscribing with prime we got James Amber amberger resubscribing Eric troll King resubscribing we got Duke aater 13 also for resubscribing uh in terms of giveaways well well you can see one thing right we're going to be drawing our winner uh for the Spider-Man PC uh here by the end of the week uh and then we have over here the giveaway for the month of um for the basic basically for the month January and February which is this project zero build it's a uh 14700 K with uh sorry 14600 K with a 4070 ti so that is up for grabs for one lucky sub all you got to do is do what many people are doing dropping their Amazon Prime sub whatever and then you are entered to win that amazing PC the other thing too is if we get a level five hype train $25 if we get 250 likes over at rch we'll also give away $25 if we get 50 Subs $50 100 Subs $100 and it goes on from there but today I'm really just going to kind of focus Less on a lot of the giveaway stuff and really just focus on doing the build you probably saw that last week with all the push to Twitch to uh to partner plus um I really wanted to kind of back off a little bit because there was a lot of of asking you guys to support me not to say that you don't need the support cuz that's how we do the giveaways and stuff but just a little bit more getting to the core of gaming and streaming and all that sort of stuff again so thank you very much to eigor Chio outrider all you guys can we just get to level five real quick because I'd love to just get started with the build uh and then we'll uh we'll go from there so if you guys want to just get it done redo your subs this is a great time to do it it also unlocks another giveaway which is also am we're at level three already uh and then we can start talking about parts and then start doing the build and getting into that so thank you very much for all the subs hey Roby curious so L um yours is this yours is this weekend the other one is being done the other white y70 is being done off because we ended up having an issue with the mobo so that one's just going to get done uh so yours is literally the only one left and we had to we just had to wait for a gap in the schedule so it was supposed to be this weekend but I'm not here this weekend so we moved it to next week so it's soon and then yours is the only y70 that we're doing cuz yours is the white one right yours is the white one right isn't that true l or is yours the black one cuz the black one's just being built because you waited so long and we you I wanted to get yours built so it goes out next week I'm just trying to remember you which one is yours so let me know if it's black or white CU that'll tell me which one you're waiting for uh The Monto King Pro arrived in the swap of smooth and couldn't be happier with how the PC looks boomsticks thank you very much for the sub poo but that's a name 200 2,000 thank you very much for the sub as well the prime sub guys we're at level three let's finish it out uh looks so cool yeah dude the Monte King is a fantastic case we're going to be a review of that one and all that that that that that case and everything as well um it's so good to see everybody thank you very much for tuning in today I think today is going to be a fun episode okay so black that's just getting built on Monday we're just going to get it built uh so it goes out because you've waited long enough you waited forever for your case the case is here we're just going to get it built so you can get it next week so I wasn't even going to plan on streaming it because you I didn't think you wanted to wait anymore let me know if that's not true but right now it's just literally sitting there for uh me to basically get taken care care of on Monday so what are your thoughts on the 4070 super 4070 super is the most interesting of all the super cards if you really want to know uh K Busa I literally have a whole review that's live up on the channel over at rych live if you want to see my entire thoughts and where it fits in a buyers guide and I just did a whole uh in GPU buyers guide too that should help you choose where you want to go in terms of your overall uh build and stuff like that yeah it's not on the schedule because we like I'm gone this weekend it was supposed to be on this week again but the only two is he had a problem with the board and then the board is coming in on Friday which I told you right so you knew that um and then the bill is just getting built so that was not that it was a different issue no because this was a 149 so no you're welcome lot that is you're we've talked so you knew what the plan was so yeah but just to reaffirm guys let's level three let's get two minutes let's just knock it out Mr SpongeBob Tech thank you very much for that let's get to level five then we can just get started on the build and and get this going right so thank you very much and all of that thank you very much Mr spongeb top Tech I appreciate the hype uh so it'll be announced early next week kaisi Kaba Kenobi Casi Kenobi uh we always announce them on the week and then you will that'll and then the one from there will be announced sometime in the next uh sometime in uh early uh March so Brandon thank you very much Brandon chance music thank you very much for the sub guys we're almost to level four and we always announce that you you don't have to be present for that one let's get it done guys thank you very much jet CH off resubscribing 20 months dude thank you very much for that uh so I like my recommendation for a board for am5 would be uh either an MSI MSI boards any one of those I'm really happy with um I know that there's some some issues with specifically the more simple stuff on the ASRock side so that's up to you if you want to go and do an ASRock motherboard um and then uh because there's been there's been some stuff like Gamers Nexus just found with u simple settings for PBO uh and then uh but I love MSI the they've kind of been an easy no-brainer for me so yeah so he said that that was the thing is like that's the and gigabyte is I have a hard time recommending gigabyte cuz I've had a number but they're sending me new boards so we'll start playing with those again um I've had a bunch of them where the land ports have died and stuff like that ack the only reason I'm saying is that there's a couple things okay let me just I'll I'll go through this ack is great easiest to set up their their RGB software is a giant pain and it does work sometimes with signal RGB apparently it's getting better and then there's been some issues with settings with PBO which uh Gamers Nexus just mentioned and stuff like that it does work in the advanced settings but on the top level settings there's been problems that's been the only thing there uh but outside of that they have some of the best just getting it set up and installing installing and getting it ready to go outside of the whole RGB thing uh gigabyte the only thing I've had with gigabyte hey thank you very much for all those subs guys but but buts Senator and everybody else uh gigabyte um it's just been like for me I've had I literally have a stack of them the land ports keep going out uh on them uh specifically I know a lot of people probably use Wi-Fi but I've just had issues with that outside of that um I haven't had much of a problem and their software has gotten a whole lot better MSI in terms of just they have been like my darling outside of the fact that they have essentially started adding additional adwar stuff into their their initial setup things as long as you're just smart about unclicking those uh it's usually pretty good but I've had uh two of their boards fail on me just in recent uh in a recent uh situation an edge both on AMD and on z790 but you understand you guys have to understand how many boards I use a lot larger than most people because I build you know we essentially do on average three builds a week plus more sometimes we do commissions and stuff like that so the thing is is like I'm just giving you sample numbers which have a tendency to be a lot higher than most individuals so we ever do a so we're supposed to partner with singal RGB it's one of the things they've been asking us to do it's just guys it's just time it's like I always have to prioritize cases and boards and stuff like that first but uh if there's an opportunity to do signal RGB absolutely will guys can we just got we're almost there we just got to finish this next level and half and then we'll we'll be good thank you very much uh buts anator for all the bits and stuff like that every time laugh out loud what did he say what was the issue uh sorry that every time I must have missed that King yeah it's on am on on Intel there hasn't been there hasn't been a lot of complaints on the Asus sides but if it's uh if it's um if it's am5 that seems to have been a bigger issue thank you very much for all the bits and stuff guys we're almost there we got just a little bit to go and then we'll be level five we'll get through level five and then we'll get started on the actual build and stuff like that hey thank you very much but stator for the two gifted Subs I must have Miss missed the comment hey in in entic Swig I like that name thank you very much for the gifted sub hey well duh thank you for Prime ubu thank you very much as well last one we got bus andat are getting two more replica gaming resubscribing with tier one okay guys we're almost there just got to finish this level and we'll be good 4 minutes and 40 seconds and then we'll get right into the build we're almost there guys thank you very much buts senator for all the subs we're going to get yeah we'll get there we'll get there we're almost there 4 minutes and 20 seconds and we'll be done hey Jimmy kex there he goes now we're level five and let's get into the build guys done $25 will unlock if you do more amazing we'll get to more subs and all that sort of stuff so let's go here okay so what's going inside of this build today this's got to be fun I'm sure org may have a little bit of heart palpitations but we'll see how this goes we're going to be using an Intel Core i7 dang it core i7 14700 k sorry about that Sean uh Intel Core i 714 700k the motherboard is Asus Pro art z79 that's actually not true either it's an MSI z790 Tomahawk Max Wi-Fi I'm going to get this fixed uh for the Nvidia we're using Nvidia RTX 480 super uh for the uh storage we're using a 1 Tab and four uh 2 tbte uh Gen 4 nvme Drive we're using the case we're using Kingston Fury uh Beast 6000 megga transfer Ram yeah it's actually not Beast it's just Kingston Fury uh and then we're using uh the arc performance one silent Corsair a115 cooler and then we're using the US Asus tough 850 wat gold PSU but I'm going to have Shan fix this hey Sean some parts wrong are wrong Tom can you send him the up pleas DED list and can and can I get a new one okay so sorry about that guys we'll get that fixed but that is what we're doing today yeah so this is a build this is straightforward what we're trying to do there's no cable extensions there's no additional fans there is nothing all of this is just about Simplicity getting a build built getting it into a case and then being done and then showing you guys from beginning to end what to do so what we're going to do is we're going to start off at the beginning we're going to take the case and put it away yeah it's a no frills build okay so we're going to grab our z790 and I want you guys this is some stuff that I would if I was doing this these are things that I would do to basically make sure that my my build just in general was set up for success if that makes sense so uh and again no very little RGB in this actually so yeah yeah we did we've changed all of this stuff to basically just make it as simple as possible uh hey Robby what would you recommend for streaming and playing games for example war zone war zone is a huge fan of AMD so if you could for gaming and streaming the ryzen 77800 X 3D specifically for war zone um cuz I'll just tell you Bob G thank you for the two gifted Subs I'll just tell you man uh Cod loves AMD I'm presuming Rob's doing this because he already tested it so we'll see I have not tested this but oh this beting have tested I have tested a 14700 K on an MA 824 and the this is one degree cooler than an MA 824 so this should absolutely work but we will find out because I we finished a review of this cooler and this cooler is a 250 watt TDP um so it should be fine we're going to find out okay so what you're going to do now is we're actually going to place the motherboard on top of the PS on top of the mobo box so this is a little bit different than what you would typically see um and then the 3080 has an RGB like it the it lights up but that's kind of it so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to go ahead and breadboard this so we're going to put in our and don't forget to hit the likes guys yeah this this is a this is a Fant this cooler in it's 99 bucks is a fantastic cooler so it should cool it no problem and it should also be quiet but we'll show you how to set it up to make sure it can yeah this is a special box so yeah just getting the graphic fixed so Roby uh while we're waiting for the uh the graphic of oh it's it's is huh no it's it's I'm just telling you what was wrong with it go ahead what's the question uh my question was how's big is this motherboard do we have anything to uh scale it with oh we do but I forgot him uh let me I'll have him bring him over I I was wondering where those came from let me uh I'll have my hold on let me just have my yes we do have something to scale it with let me go take care of that and not surp ruin the surprise [Music] okay there we go okay so what we've done is we've essentially put the uh We've essentially put that there's not going to be any uh there's not going to be any uh points today uh especially we'll do it for zip ties but outside that nothing else for for uh guessing and stuff today because I don't want it where the the clicks are going to be different so yeah okay so we got that in so next thing we're going to do is we're go and install our Ram which in this case we have the Kingston Fury this is just 6,000 Mega transfer no RGB ddr5 at 6,000 MHz chippy skipping leg [Music] day so it's actually it's not Beast well maybe it is Beast I don't know I mean I sent him the actual the actual uh model number so Tom Tom it now just doesn't say beast on oh oh yeah it is Beast never mind so that is correct there we go okay here we go let's get these in so for these we got double slots basically on the mobo here guys you zoom in hey Zig PC thank you very much for the sub you zoom in here right here it's actually showing you uh where you're actually supposed to put the ram we're going to put it in Ram we're going to basically put it in uh dim two and then we're going to put it here in this one as well so these are the two slots we want to stick the [Music] Ram oh that was a good sounding click though probably wouldn't have been good on the meter oh there we go okay so Ram is in okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and install our nvme drives yeah it is Beast Ram it's I mean again for me it's uh it's not I'm not overly worried about it for the ram because I mean for the colors because the case is going to be covering it I think you're all right for some people's color combinations I don't know why they decid to go bright yellow it does feel like a little bit kind of out there from a uh a visual aesthetic standpoint um but I mean it does I mean we've made it look good before we've used this in uh black builds and it's looked fine it's it's minor right I don't think it's as bad but yeah but I kind of like I kind of like the all black aesthetic and simpler of like the carbon and the OG version of the z790 versus the refresh version okay let's Grabber one tbte going to throw it in the top slot Roby is there still a peel on that on what the slot no no both of them are clean okay just the camera then yeah thank you for asking it's always like the part where you got to get this in Just Right wow there we go there we go pop this on now which very very simple it's got a little latch on it you just pop it in like so there you go and then we'll take the second one we'll put it into two there we go and there is no peel on this just so you guys know okay and then as you guys have requested people want to know things for scale okay so we want to make sure that we can show you guys appropriate scale um and so the team took it upon themselves to make sure that we could appropriately show you the scale of said components from now on so just so you know here is an ATX motherboard versus a banana [Laughter] so you might even be able to say that if you want to know if like to just appropriately measure it uh at all times so we can make sure that we know cuz I feel like this is this is important right like you really want to know and you want to you want a standard measurement for motherboards this motherboard is in fact 1 and 3/4 bananas in height right so I feel like that's really important to know uh while the motherboard box is almost a two total bananas in height so uh just you know standard standard measurement uh if you guys are curious about said lengths and we will make sure that we use bananas um for reference in all cases so there is a nvme versus a banana which is super important right you want to know that they are definitely not plantains no no and then there is a CPU versus a banana and then Ram is almost a banana in length you're not quite you know so again we have bananas on standby for all appropriate questions in the future this is the new imperial system coming from America get used it get used to it it's like everything is measured in bananas there we go now I know who sent these my wife was like what's up with the bananas I was like I think I know where those are from I was like they're going to let me they won't let me forget if they are okay cool so that is everything all on our motherboard and set and good to go next thing we're going to do is we're going to go and throw some thermal paste on here in our case we use nth2 and then for my spreading I essentially use a um I use a uh thermal paste spreader so when I what I do is I basically do a pretty good siiz dot you want to be able to spread it pretty easily so it's a little bit bigger than it's a little bit bigger than the Little P that they talk about I have a tendency to also make sure that uh it's essentially uh one one 125th of a banana in thickness in terms of from the bottom so like in terms of that's how tall my uh my dab of uh my dab of thermal paste is is 125th of the height of a banana so which everybody should know I mean like that's like a standard measurement right so uh yeah okay so we're going to spread that out you just want to make sure you have a good even spread here it takes some time do not use bananas to spread it though I'm just letting you know that might be harder there is a Japanese thermal paste though that smells like strawberries so if you're thinking of strawberries and bananas Falcon Northwest has put it exactly this is a very appealing measuring system it's Falconer oh kelt's like I'm so glad I didn't miss this episode oh I am I've been waiting since I got the notification it arrived well luckily it's it'll it'll be a standard from now on the bananas we need and bananas We Trust okay there we go okay so our there's our there is our thermal paste nice and evenly spread oh it's a it's a it's a universal you're absolutely right and thank you very much for uh for getting the team getting us bananas we're uh we're all about it I'm glad you were excited that you found something that you can add I was talking with Damian about it as soon as we uh had been joking about it he's like oh we should show do this like we could if we could get sponsored by doll that would be rad and then like we get like a free free lifetime supply of bananas I mean we could get some dll whips yeah oh that'd be amazing that's pineapple though we got to get pineapple into the into the show somehow right so what we are going to show you guys now and we're still getting this bread boarded is but we're going to test this with the cooler you can do this with an AIO as well we were testing the brand new Corsair a115 or a115 um uh cooler we have the review for this coming out next week uh so the video is an edit all that sort of stuff fan freaking tastic cooler uh in terms of just comparatively to their first entry which was almost 3 years ago uh in terms of performance uh it's better than a D15 and slightly I mean just slightly below an MA 825 or sorry ma 824 um so very very excited and they dropped the price from $12 $9.99 down to $999.99 so from a performance value it's actually still very very impressive when we tested it with the 14 600k or 13 600k I don't remember what we you'd have to go back and look at the data when the review comes out I was averaging around 82 which was actually pretty cool so we're going to be showing this off getting this installed and then we're going to we'll basically get everything so in this case what we're doing is we're going to build the entire PC outside of the case make sure all the components work so if there are any issues it's much easier to work in versus having to strip things out uh Falcon says get a larger cooler please this is a this is fine this is fine okay and then we're going to show you how to install this and stuff like that uh Speed Racer it got dropped before it even released so luckily because of just some uh some uh the way some embargos and things work they were able to bring the price down yeah it's the size of a house I like that uh for just so you know uh it's not the size of a house it's about the size of one banana in height so I'm just saying that's not a house you can't live in a banana but you can measure things with a banana so let's just make sure we get that right okay I'm doing well thank you very much for asking T man okay so here we are we're just going to take out our fans real quick and our other supplies we need which in this case is like they they've gone to this new recycle for everything which makes it a little harder in terms of opening and stuff like that but yeah there we go we're going to grab our cooler go from there uh the fans are 100 they're not they're I think they're 140s but the one thing that I really actually appreciate about this cooler is the size of the cooling plate I mean this thing is like a snuggie for your CPU I mean check it out guys go to top down here so you guys can just look at how big that cooling plate is very very nice size cooling plate uh for doing your installation and everything like that which is actually pretty cool so I like it I like it a lot and then now it just has the other thing that's really neat about this is the way that this works is it's on a rail system so here we'll go to a side camera here so you guys can see this actually we'll just grab our roaming cam it'll be the easiest way for you to be able to see it so you go to roaming here and then you'll actually be able to see there's actually little like almost little rails and you can just lift it right up and off and then the top of it actually has a rail system for basically putting the thing so like getting the fans on is very easy because you don't have to do any Clips or anything like that it just has rails that are on the fan that you just slide on and off so it makes it really really easy in that regard which is pretty cool so we've slid SP it out and it's now ready to be installed arus is asked is that fan fully user replaceable yes yep it is fully user replaceable you can unscrew the uh I'll show you a closeup here in a second yes you can you can replace a fan it's not like the ma24 they it's got brackets on it as you can see and you can just replace the brackets uh with if you wanted to replace the fan you absolutely could replace the fan so we're going to grab the Intel retention kit just going to be careful in opening this so it's got our Intel Clips there we go we got our thumb pieces of which there's four yes there are air coolers with with screens we've actually used them deep cool makes them um I don't I mean I wouldn't be surprised if uh we see and then we have Intel LGA 1700 I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in time Corsair releases those two like that there would be a Corsair one with a screen okay so there we go get our SC so getting all this out and I'll show you everything I've taken out of the paper here so you guys can if you're following along or trying to do this build you're not like what did he take out it's like I want to make super clear uh T man which news there was actually a lot of news today uh yeah yeah we can show you that uh James here in a minute uh I don't know if I don't I I'm guessing uh Damian's not here uh but I can I don't know if somebody can look up the cooler height real quick if uh or or somebody can look up the cooler height the specs say got to be careful here trying very hard to open this and not rip it so there we go and then there's our fan screws we're just getting everything out for our fans okay cool okay that's everything and this does work for AMD as well you can absolutely do this this is a very easy very easy um kind of cooler to get set up which is actually pretty neat okay so we're just going to get this all placed back together right so let me show you what we've got out so here is everything that you will need for this particular build so we have our cooler we have our fans or two fans like so we have fan brackets we have four screws for the fan brackets we have our LGA 1700 parts we have our Intel our Intel uh mounts and then we've got our Intel back plate so this is everything that you need for this particular build so that I took out of the the uh a115 box so and then again there's pretty simple instructions on how to do that okay so I can measure my banana that we have this banana is essentially 7 and 1/4 in long so that's how big this banana is 7 and 1/4 in so if you are curious like like if I say it's one banana it's 7 and 1/4 in in uh in length right so let's go ahead push this stuff out of the way start getting our build put together so we're going to grab our bracket right here which is already kind of built and what you're going to do is you're just going to literally set this on the back like that it'll just slip right in pretty straightforward process this here there we go we're going to set this and kind of set it down and roll it back up and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our brackets our little mounting screws we're going to mount them and go in every corner and you're going to go all you want to go as tight as fingertight as you can nice speed uh I would say be patient that would be my one sentence on how to do it be patient and take your time right if you have a question you don't know something look it up and uh there's no need to get it done quickly going doing things in a rush is what breaks components okay there we go tighten it really nice that you're back in it again yeah I saw that congratulations well that's unfortunate okay but they got it fixed they're going to they're going to refund you wow three more certifications that's a lot okay so I'm just going to make that nice and finger tight then we're going to do this next one and then on the bottom of this just as an FYI there is a little washer so you want the part with the washer down and the part with the silver up there we go okay next step is we're going to put this in what we should probably do is make sure that we're doing this right yeah it definitely goes like this but I'm going to read the instructions because this is not even so I'm just got to make sure and when in doubt read the instructions guys which I have to grab off of the box here just scrolling accept cookies put the back on put the screws [Music] on okay so it's at the top okay so I was right okay but it doesn't seem straight that's the part that's weird like that's not hey Zig Pig thank you very much for the five gifted Subs okay there that one's straight I just want to make sure it's even there we go okay there we go okay so just making sure that they're even now we're going to screw this down and you're going to want to use a screw to screw these all the way down you want to make sure these are tight cuz this tightness does actually matter that doesn't mean over tighten it just means tighten to make sure that it's all the way down because if you don't then you won't get a good seal against your your CPU got to snap those brackets out to max distance so the brackets are already there's only these aren't like uh Asus ones there's only one hole for the bracket brackets so it only it only goes in one way so yeah there if the since the bracket's all the way in and notice I'm just screwing this and making sure it's nice and tight just like that okay now for the next stop the next step we're going to take the Corsair I believe the Corsair is going on the right side [Music] so it's going to go like making sure okay cool yep so the Corsair is going to go on the left hand side like so just like that tighten it down there we go pretty straightforward there there we go same thing with this one tighten it all the way down make sure it is all the way down there should be it's going to stop you're not you can't go anymore and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our rail one and you're just going to slide this onto the rail like so makes it really easy to make sure it's snug there we go just like that okay and then you can notice that for the second one we got this we got to get this installed so the way that this essentially works is you're going to install it like this so that this is up at the top no we might do some Mickey Mouse play byplay a little bit later there we go screw this down same thing with this one just make sure it's nice and tight you don't need to overtighten it but just go till it stops you know there we go same thing with the left side yeah there's thermal p i put the thermal paste on beforehand the if you this is obviously we did this for the review so this one I believe the thermal paste is pre-applied on this there we go last one last screw whoops yeah I don't see a tube included all sort to note it does look like you can do pull pull on the fans if you have tall argb Ram yes you can and then you can just switch the bracket around and it it does provide you can see it has brackets for basically both modes which is actually pretty cool and then what we're going to do but we don't have tall Ram so we're just going to slip that all the way down and there we go now it is and you can see this a little bit from the side camera even if like this is fairly low profile Ram but you are getting some height uh some offset here so you could even go lower profile but this is actually pretty low profile which is why we got rid of the RGB Ram but it the thing is is that we have tested it with um like just uh RAM sticks and there was no difference in terms of temps if it was like straight ac across or even like this so it does a pretty good job of cooling even with this height of an offset good what I'm do now is I'm literally going to tuck these in here and this does actually have a splitter I guess I forgot to get it out of the box so it's just one of those things yes you are you are going to have to raise for Ram height forgot to get my I don't think it's in here oh there it is yep that's what I was looking for right there okay so that's all squared now okay so the last thing I I grabbed out of here was the braided cable that I'm going to use to essentially split these and then these are going to run into the single CPU fan and I'll show you the connection for that here in a second now what I'm doing right now is just tucking these under by the way people are always like hey is that going to melt the is that going to melt the cables or anything like that the answer is no there's no is issue with the cables the cables can totally be tucked under here and not have a problem so I'm just literally stacking these underneath do want to get them off the ram though there's a lot of heat pipe so there we go just making sure that the tuck is all the way in nothing is so there we go okay so now when you look at my my build you can see there's no cables you can't see them I'll show you via roaming okay so what I did here as you can see that I basically tucked all of my cables into this section underneath right off of the side of the RAM and then all I have so there's like very very little cable that you can actually see it just makes it a whole lot easier and then what you end up is with a single clean build and then for the plug I plugged into it's this one here on the right which is your CPU cable so the one over and then this is because it's in a splitter this will basically run both fans so you can see it's right up against the edge of the ram so it's sitting along the top of the ram so that's all your clearance and the entire board so now we are squar there well that's why we don't have RGB RAM and understand nvim this has like you're not going to see this is a simple build No Frills just making it really easy so at this point in time like in terms of just time and everything like that it's pretty simple what we've just been able to accomplish uh given the amount of time the next thing we're going to do now is we're actually going to grab our PSU and you're like what this is the part that I was telling you about that's a little bit different but this is what I normally do that you guys don't see but this is what I'd recommend doing so this is like a stepbystep Soup To Nuts taking you through the entire process you're going to we're going to grab our 850 W PSU then for cables we're going to grab one CPU cable we're going to grab our PSU cable do the Drew thank you for the resub zig PC thank you very much for the five gifted Subs by the way GL rods thank you very much for the sub as well and Zig PC for the other sub so we're grabbing our motherboard cable and then the last cable we're going to grab is actually our 16 pin and then you would grab your power cable but I have one outside of that so we're going to grab our PSU I'm going to grab my 16 pin connection and these are all the cables I'm going to take out for now me put this away oops oh this goes on the this goes in the aiio there we go okay so what we're going to do is just move this out of the way for now we're going to take a drink okay so we're going to take our PSU cable here we're going to plug we're going to connect that right here on our 24 pin just like that we're going to take our CPU cable we're going to plug that up here into our CPU either one is fine if you wanted to connect both you could I don't bother you don't need to and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my 16 pin and plug that in here take my PSU cable plug that in here take this plug this in here and take our CPU and plug it in right there okay and that's going to sit just like this so there's my PSU and then the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go grab my GPU to make sure that my motherboard is all the way up against the edge I'm going to take my GPU and I'm going to plug it in right on top here just like that I'm going to take my 16 pin connection I'm literally just going to plug it in right here and now the question is guys will it post so we'll let you guys answer that where uh while I plug this in and get this all hooked up to test so the question is will it post because this time we don't know we didn't test it so we'll let that run for a second now while we're waiting for that to run I'm basically plugging in I'm plugging in network I'm plugging in power and then I'm going to take my mouse and my keyboard and I'm going to plug those into too and this is what's the this art what we're doing right now is called breadboarding uh even though we're we would measure with a banana this time we're breadboarding okay so we're going to plug that in and what we want to do what we're testing right now and why we're doing this is that you want to make sure that all of your components work before you put them inside of the case we haven't even gotten to that part yet jins okay so we're going to go to there get that plugged in so what we've plugged in so far is our Mouse our keyboard and our power so everything's kind of plugged in there but one thing we're going to do before we get to that is we're going to pump we're going to pop over to here onto a laptop another desktop or anything like that what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and I'm going to search for MSI uh z790 Tomahawk WiFi DDR uh Tomahawk Max Max Wi-Fi I'm going to search for that and then I'm going to go to this right here which is the Wi-Fi here so I'm going to make sure this is my board I'm going to hit accept I'm going to go to support right there I'm going to go to bios and you see where it says Ami bios is this is all there Rel release was 1102 I'm going to download this bios and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a a flash drive take a flash drive I'm going to plug this in I'm going to open this file I'm going to go here to my flash drive MSI I have all of these ones that I've used so I'm going to go to z790 so I don't have one I don't think so I'm going to go ahead and grab a new make a new directory copy that open this and I'm going to go back to that folder I had open this up I'm going to copy this I'm going to put this in this folder and why I'm doing this guys is because I'm making sure when I make sure the system boots up that everything works all that sort of stuff I want to update the BIOS we're going to install Windows we're going to do all of that outside of the case to make sure it all works and it's all good to go before we even put it inside the case because when it's like this it's much easier to work on it's much easier to test things if you get a new if some component's broken you can swap it out test it make sure find out what works and all that sort of stuff so much easier State and then to easily unplug things versus doing this inside of the case yeah these are refresh boards so this one will work right out of the case yeah we won't have any problem there okay so we're going back to the cap capture we're going to go here click on this hit eject mass storage that'll give us our thing from there we're going to go to top down we're going to take our nvme drive or sorry our flash drive we're going to plug that in and then the last thing I got to do now grab our HDMI cable and plug that into right there as well okay so everything is good to go now what I'm going to do going go to the roaming here make sure my PSU is on okay so I'm going to click this on I'm going to take a screwdriver and then in this jf1 you're going to basically take a screwdriver if unless you don't have a power supply you're going to take a screwdriver and you're going to put it on these two end just like that and then that turns the PC on so I basically just jumped the PC and now you can see it's actually all on I touched it and now the PC is on so now we're going to test and you can see everything Powers up now the question is will it post so we're going to watch and see so now we wait oh that's a good sign we're going to start hitting delete there it is F1 to run setup okay so we are now posted so it did post so now we're inside we're going to get into the BIOS now a couple things we're going to do this first thing we're going to do is we're going to go to flash right here M flash you hit yes and it's going to restart yeah I want to give you guys the full rundown as well so this is what you should be doing if you're doing a new pc these are things these are steps you should take because doing stuff like this basically make sure your power supply Works your graphics card Works your cooler works your everything works again while you're ensuring that the the system is good to go so now what we're going to do we're going to jump down here to our SI we're going to go find our z79 z790 Tomahawk Max click this I know it's the it's the same one we already have I'm just running through because I've already updated we've used this before but I'm essentially updating my BIOS now so I'm going to flash the BIOS with the latest B fos so the latest bios flash right now if you're not using a refresh board you'll need to make sure your board has Q flash Plus or flashback to update your bios for fourth P gen support well this bios the reason it took so long is because this bios was actually already on that version I'm just showing you the steps so yours when you do this if you're following along and you want to build this exact same build you would just know that it was going to take a little bit longer so this is just this is not indicative of how fast it is and somebody says I've never updated a bios I'm too scared you should not be up you should not be too scared to update a bios however here's a deal if everything is working fine on your system you don't need to update your bios like that's the whole thing is a bios is not something like a Windows update or anything like that where you're like I need to get and make sure I update every bios that's actually not true um you should only update a bios when you're seeing things like I'll update bioses when I'm seeing some instability with ram and the other too is that as you use your PC you might see some of that instability that's where a bios update will actually do things like as RAM comp compatibility or micro code updates show up is in bioses it's worth basically uh doing that refresh or whatever or updating your bios in this case so but what we're going to do what I mean again that's where it's important to know what's going on in your bios and pay attention where you might see this be something more frequent uh in this case might specifically be because and here's this is the the big caveat if you are an early adopter say for instance you've done a z790 Max board or getting into 15th gen or ryzen 8000 series bios updates actually can do things like performance updates etc for your CPU so updating your bio bios especially if you're an early adopter uh may be more imperative versus if you are late adopter or you're coming into a much more mature platform where bios updates end up not being that big of a deal so um I like doing it via the M flash uh just because I always like UEFI doing it from within I know that there are some that are uh there are some that you can do it via ufi uh inside of like apps and stuff on uh the system uh I always I always like it better uh when you uh I always like it better when you do it from the BIOS it just feels less uh less prone to error and absence of logic that is absolutely true like right now if I was to lose power right now luckily all of these are on on a UPS I can show you the UPS here in a minute I'm just trying to get into the BIOS all right so so when you see here I'll just show you and this is this is always important somebody was bringing up this is a really key part right over here in the corner as you can actually see it right there there is our ups our APC UPS which is a battery backup so should something actually go wrong that basically keeps the whole we have a number of these sitting in the studio so should something actually happen we can actually we and the power goes out we never end up bricking anything like that so all right so let's go to capture the next thing I'm going to do and this is something that you can do or not I like to do it I'm going to go to F7 I'm going to go to settings I'm going to go to Advanced and I'm going to go to [Music] oh you know what it might not be where is it in this one oh actually it might be in simple storage no where is it sorry I got to remember where this is it's it's different for everyone settings are you looking for the cooler setting no no no I'm looking there it is so go to settings uh go to secure race hit yes and I'm going to boot into another tool this is if you're using if you want like especially if you're doing a new system you're using an old drive an OS Drive old anything like that I go into secure erase and I essentially will erase this this is a nvme drive already has Windows on it all that sort of stuff but I want to show you guys the entire process so I'm going to erase the drive so here it is you can see I'm in Secure erase now I'm going to go to the one tbte and I'm going to erase that drive not the second Drive the second drive already has G on it and I want to make sure we can still Benchmark stuff so there we go it's done and now I'm going to reboot this and then or alluded to it already now I'm going to go and I'm going to make sure that my cooler is set for box cooler which is going to be super important for this build and make sure that I'm I'm at Intel stock setting so we're going to do that next hey trying to teach you guys everything so you guys are so this is like the whole process that you should do when you're basically doing a build for sure okay so now we're in the build now we're going to do is we're going to go to Advanced here we're going to go to settings oh sorry we're going to go to overclocking and then we're going to go down here to where it says water cooled and we're going to change that to box cooler the main reason for this is notice next to it it says 253 Watts 288 Watts 20 496 Watts we basically need to make sure that this is at stock settings which is 253 Watts uh and that it will keep it basically this will keep our our um our system from uh getting out of control from cooling which if we're going to do a box cooler we absolutely need to do the other thing I'm going to do and if you want to know how to set up a Windows Flash uh flash drive we actually have a guide for that that we'll link here in a minute but this is a Windows Flash drive so what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove this I'm going to plug this in now and we're going to install Windows while this is all boxed and set up and again this will test instability if we need to do Ram changes or anything like that it's still doing it while it's outside oh there it is okay the tower cooler one is for they have a tower cooler and AIO one we are doing the tower cooler uh the tower cool the uh the Box cooler okay so we're back in capture here I'm just going to now one thing I'm not going to do and I always recommend this when installing Windows I'm not enabling XMP when installing Windows I'm just going to leave it with stack at 4,800 MHz and I'm good to go there so I'm just going to hit F10 and I'm just going to notice I changed my cooling down I'm going to hit yes and then it's going to restart and now we've got our boot drive in and now we're going to start the Windows installation yeah if you wanted to do if you didn't care but I will be honest people are asking about the water cooler here's the thing I would rather for me I have a tendency to set it to box cooler and then I use XMP or I mean sorry I use XTU or I'll just basically set the settings on my own in the Bios I find the fine tuning on Intel specifically you don't need that kind of wattage and a lot of times you'll end up doing undervolting and then increasing wattage over time um versus just doing it with what it does in the Bios which lets it run rampant other thing too is that letting it run at just max crazy a lot of time doesn't get you a higher Center bench score it just makes it a whole lot hotter and harder to cool yeah uh yes you have to do this in Asus as well you'll set it to Asus it's actually called it has a different setting we're showing you because this is build specific in Asus it's basically setting it to enforce all int enforce all stock settings and turning off what are called MCE or multi-core enhancement okay so we're going to hit next here install now you're very welcome Mark I am going to hit I don't have a product key I'm going to choose Windows 10 Pro because I just like Pro and as you can see with VIP cdk deals it's like cheap hit next go to custom I'm going to choose this this one right here drive zero cuz drive one is my game drive this is my OS Drive I sorry my uh Windows uh Windows installation media so I'm going to hit next here and then I'm just going to let this finish this is running Windows 11 so if I have an AO cooler so James my recommendation is always to run the Box cooler and run it Intel stock settings because again the difference in overall performance between the Center bench on that and the Center bench that you're going to get if you're running it at Max is maybe 1,500 points but the cooling capacity is going to be super maxed and at the same time uh the other thing too is that you're going to see almost no difference of frames especially if you're running at 1440p or 4K yeah yeah James it's that's always the thing is I would just I would leave it at box and I for most people I don't I don't let motherboards do their thing I've seen very few that have been responsible with the amount of power that Intel actually needs which is why in some regards don't get me wrong Intel deserves the WAP in terms of these things run hot it's just not as bad as people are saying does that Mak sense yeah windows installs fast when you have an nvme Drive pull that out and now we just wait for the rest so or that's what all of them do they all default to MCE reboot this yeah that's the thing is like it used to be a lot more that way it's not so much that way anymore which is why we do guides like this to show people that you don't necessarily mean to jam it with all the power in the world there you go Ika and it's really easy to find so we're just letting the install finish that's cool speed race yeah that I do like the I do like the yellow dragon then once we're done with this once this is all set up and we got everything in the next step guys will be essentially getting this inside the case which actually should be pretty quick and then we'll uh we'll go from there I'm glad you guys are enjoying this like I wanted I I want to do streams like this every once in a while and be a little Smarter with builds so we can show you so we can do a better job of showing you how to do setups and stuff like that like so have these end to end more builder friendly like new Builder friendly type builds um so that way you guys can see the whole end to end process the one thing I have to be really careful about is that um sometimes especially if there's a lot of RGB or you know aios and stuff like that is that this process is a it's usually hours of my time before we even get to a stream uh uh [Music] lucky okay here we go go to yes I'm going to skip the keyboard okay it says going to connect you to a network so here's a little little trick here guys when you see this and it's always nice to have one of these on hand if you end up with this little problem there's two ways to get around it there's the easy way which is basically using um a USBC uh network connection and and then that'll work no matter what when you basically get this sometimes it does it's too new it doesn't have the driver but I'm going to show you a different way so should you get into this that if you have this problem you don't feel like you're stuck so we'll go to here and you're going to hit shift F10 and then what you're going to type and I always remember I always try to remember this and then I forget but I I have a screenshot of it for this reason you're going to type uh here you're going to type O O B4 SL bypass nro o and o o means outof box experience and then bypass nro is basically T telling you it's bypassing the network so we're going to hit enter oops bypass check your Clash did I do it right oh oh B oh I did the wrong sorry I know what I did wrong wrong slash there we go so you do sorry back so forward slash and then nro and then it'll reboot and then we'll see this again I do it so much I do it so much and I you know it's funny icy sniper it's like one of those things it's like dude I do this almost every like a couple times a week and I could still never remember the command I can remember where front panel headers go but this thing it's like I know I know I always know Ubie cuz Ubie is out of box experience but if I knew what bypass if I knew what nro meant uh I would it would make it easier for me okay so this restarts we're going to come back in going to hit yes yes we going to hit skip and then now you can see it now has the option for I don't have internet so I'm going to click on I don't have internet and then continue with limited setup sorry the box is blocking it on a quick note if you're trying to avoid doing a Microsoft account unplug your ethernet cable no no no you don't have to do that either I'll show you I'll show you that trick you do not need to do that okay so what you're going to do is you're going to enter your name but if you I would show you how to do it there's actually a way to do that where you don't need a Microsoft account either um so you don't need to unplug your your network cable what you actually do is and this is for you to org is hit no than and then put in whatever password you want and then it'll air out and then allow you to just skip that so you don't have to have that either I've done the fake login before yes but on the updated one I had a problem giving me the prompt with the land cable plugged in yeah I've done I mean I've done this with all the latest ones and it hasn't been a problem that that is specific specifically a Windows bypass that's why it arrows out but yeah yep there's Zig PC talking about it too yeah so that's what you do is if you do that do know atank put in whatever password you want and it'll skip right through that uh so PC guy 8088 that's what we're talking about if you when you do that with the MS account when it says sign in signin is Noank put whatever password you want and it'll basically say like oh I'm sorry there's been a problem and then you'll just be able to go through the simplified process so that that will that's how you get bu it if somebody is actually using that account it will go into a recovery mode so be careful with that that one is specifically for that one that is owned by Microsoft so that is made specifically so Microsoft developers can skip it it's a test thing it's a test account so so that shouldn't that shouldn't ever be a problem unless they plug the hole but they don't they still in yep no it will not demand a Microsoft account so now we are in Windows so there's a couple steps first thing we should get and it depends on your motherboard you want to wait a little bit okay you want to wait a few minutes it may or may not work in this case waiting a few minutes now what I'm going to do is if you have this problem you would go and download the LAN because sometimes you'll end up with a thing that says hey this is a new install obviously something's wrong the best this is why I always have a one of these on hand one of these network connection things on hand um is so I can so I can always have a network connection so what I'm going to do is I'm going to unplug this plug this into here and I'm going to plug this into the USBC and now we'll have a network connection and then here in a second you actually see I have Network there we go okay so now I can go to settings I'm going to go ahead first thing I'm going to do is run all my Windows updates and then wait for that then I'm also going to run these which is also super important and then we'll just [Music] wait no it's no windows 12 will absolutely work on a 7800 x3d it'll also it'll work on old stuff too uh I think you I don't think I think that stuff's new enough that Windows 12 shouldn't have a problem with that uh device is a it's a USB just any USBC USBC uh ethernet connector so if you search for it you'll find it so we're just going to wait for these which shouldn't take too long and then once this let this finish too and then here is what I was waiting for the driver hit next and then here don't run Adobe don't run Dropbox run MSI chipset SVGA run Intel each uh you you'll put in the Universal you put in the scoring accelerator the io drivers the me drivers get rid of Norton get rid of CPU Z get rid of ADA and get rid of MSI wallpaper so those are the things that you're going to want to run and hit install and then that'll take care of all my driver [Music] things now sometimes that will pop you need a network connection for that to pop up so if that doesn't work what you would do is go back to your support on your website and download your land driver via USB device like what I did for my BIOS and then that's how I would basically go about then connecting to the internet if you don't happen to have one of these adapters so far pretty clear you guys understanding is it helping like you guys feel like you're learning so we're just waiting and this is always the fun part guys this is the other reason that I have a tendency not to do this on stream is because it is boring pretty much boring you're watching paint dry at this point in time so you guys are seeing the whole end to end process here and I wanted to do that cuz I knew this build itself is not going to take that long once we're done and we're then put this inside the case the case is actually going to go pretty quick we're not putting cable extensions in like all we're going to do is take this and just pop inside the case and that's [Music] it [Music] put this over to the side for now and thank you very much for all the subs guys all the support I just I really wanted to make this like I said I'm making this a little bit lighter this week in terms of just giving you more content we pushed so hard for the last three months to hit partner plus you guys were amazing in your support so I really appreciate you guys still subbing and doing all that stuff and hitting the goals it just means that we can continue to do awesome giveaways like PCS and stuff like that and at the same time then just get back to doing what we love to do which is make great content for you guys to see live uh AA I actually really appreciate the one drive integration especially as a as so like we use one drive pretty heavily I can understand if you're like big into the Google drive or other ecosystems where that could be a pain but like I feel like Microsoft's a little bit like apple like once you if you're deep into the EOS system it like the seamlessness of everything working together is actually really nice but I could definitely see how that could be annoying and the other two is it is absolutely worth updating all of your windows stuff cuz sometimes especially if you're AMD there are actually things that the Windows like Xbox game bar and stuff like that uh do is needed and used for for certain processing stuff like knowing when something's a game or not which can do things like parkour and actually tell 3D vcash and the drivers to know what they're do they're essentially doing the chipset drivers so please make sure that you do uh keep your windows apps up to date too yeah and that's the thing at ke it's like that's where I could see it be a problem um I don't use iCloud as much I use one drive and one drive actually feels to be more seamless on Apple and uh Android and stuff like that then iCloud was the other way um which is very Apple you know what I mean so we're waiting for the cumulative update to do and then let this finish there we go the driver utility is done yay so now what we want to do is load up MSI Center did it install it did okay okay so this is the next part is just getting this this part's important too because this is where you're going to go and get all your drivers and then last thing I'm going to do is grab cin bench oops unless I hit that button wrong it's going too fast grab Center bench there we go and this is how we're going to test our thermals okay so while this is doing its part I'm going to open up here start without your data continue and start browsing I'm going to go to dark and then what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to go and grab NVIDIA drivers so I'm going to grab 40 series 4080 super Windows 11 and game ready uh because I'm obviously doing gaming if you're going to worry about content creation then you're going to want to grab Studio drivers okay you let those download the other thing I'm going to grab next is Hardware info monitor from CPU ID and this is so I can just test my thing so I'm going to hit download that and then the last thing I'm going to grab is MSI After Burner okay and then then the LA the other thing from there I'm going to grab steam just going to let it download I'm not going to install these yet I'm just going to make sure they're all downloaded extract this oh dang it I hate it when it does that okay then we're going to go to start now skip I'm going to go to support go to live update and we're just going to scan this will just get us anything last that we need okay well that's weird it's not downloading but okay so it looks like everything here is good I don't need anything else okay so we're good okay so we actually have all of our all of our Hardware is done close that and then this is still installing okay so that's all restarted okay so what I can go ahead and do is once you want to make sure all your windows stuff is updated and running nothing's running next I can do is I can go and install my GPU driver yeah how are we doing on likes guys now it's up to you if you want to I would definitely recommend I always do this for Simplicity if you're going to worry about auto updating I would definitely recommend installing the GeForce experience um but because this is just I'm just simple and I don't want to bother logging in I'm just going to install the driver so that's that's a that's a personal choice some people are fine with remembering to update your driver but the one thing that's worth the GeForce experience in and of itself is telling you when there's driver updates which happen all the time but it's a personal choice not everybody's into it some people remember on their own there is not there is no way you have to log in that's unfortunately the problem icy sniper so I have a account that is just for stuff like that okay there we go driers now updated so we're done with that now I'm going to install Hardware info monitor and then the last thing I'm going to install after that is MSI afterburner I'm just anal with my my my buttons I like to have everything lined upell that I dream about things Way Beyond this atmosphere and then once this is done we're going to restart let it finish its restart process and then we're going to go into the BIOS and enable XMP and then we'll run one thermal test just to make sure that thermally we're in good shape because this might be something where I was wrong and we need to jump down to a third a 146 uh but if not then we can keep moving forward and go from there and that's why we want to do this when we're in bench state or breadboard state either way however you want to call it okay installing runer St statistics can you imagine flying weight like satellite in the black yes I do I have good internet speed uh Xbox gaming you can't use dual gpus anymore that's it's it's dead so no reason balber XTU is great if you want to tweak it um this will be I mean again I'm going to be at the top edge of a 14 7 here really building a simple No Frills uh gaming type uh rig right now so uh if if you were going to do if you wanted to do any overclocking then I would upgrade to a 360 mm AI in this case which this case would do absolutely no problem uh but given I'm I'm going for Simplicity and easiness then we're doing a box we're doing a really nice box cooler with the af115 the af15 I dream about things Way Beyond this atmosphere all right so we got that done so we hit finish so now we have everything ready the system is actually pretty in pretty good shape we're going to reboot let it update and then see what else we have we're going to let this update cycle once check Windows update to make sure that we're all up to date and then if that's good we'll go and do our we'll uh reboot and put in XMP and then once XMP is enabled we'll do a thermal test uh an AK 620 would not be you can do it you could theoretically we're going to find out here pretty quick you could theoretically do it with an assassin but an AK an AK 620 you would need to use on like a 146 147 is pretty warm yeah uh an i5 16 6400 and a GTX 720 is a little bit outdated at this point yes I would say 7800 x3d would be 7800 x3d you should be okay on an AK 620 it will be warm but it'll be okay gaming you'll be fine and I understand a gaming on an AK 620 with a 147 will be fine too it's just if you're going to push beyond that it'll still be warmer gaming is not especially if you're paying 1440p or or 4K you're not going to get you're not going to be over pushing those those uh those coolers it's only when you're doing cinn bench and stuff like that or if you're going to do any rendering that you're going to have a problem so the thing is is that what what tolerance you have is completely dependent on you like you could go in there and people be like I can't believe you're running a 147 on an AK 620 you're like I only game on it and it'd be like oh then you're going to have like high 80s in gaming that's fine you know what I mean so 7800 X 3D is kind of the same way but 7800 X 3D a 147 has a 34 35,000 Center bench score 7800x 3D is in the 22 23,000 Center bench range so you can see from a productivity standpoint there's a big difference 7800x 3D is like a 60 70 80 watt 83 Watts right org what's my is that right 83 Watts on Max versus 250 Watts on a 250 Watts on a 4070 a 14700 so a lot higher cooling needed for a 147 well the a am5 boosts so much they just use less power in general yeah uh I5 136 is great with a 4070 super yeah you're going to be fine with that you might see some stuff at at at 1080p but at 1440p or 4K well not your 1440p which is where you should be playing at that combination you're going to be fine guys head over to robobitch live hit that Thumbs Up Button there's 500 people here more than enough to hit 250 likes remember we unlock another $25 new a gift card we're just updating it says 120 on the spec sheet but it barely pulls 85 Watts when you do when kind of yeah benching yeah we've like you can go back and watch many of our streams cuz we always bench and show that stuff and I yeah I we're usually seeing 8090 Watts even when C bench 10 700k and 4070 I mean you're on the low end I mean honestly you're only using 50% of a 10700 you are bottlenecking a bit um but it's not that bad po but not enough like here's the thing if you are playing your games and you're happy then you're fine po but if you're not and you feel like it's stuttering then your your CPU might be causing problems that's the thing is upgrading isn't something where somebody can give you an end all Beall there is no one size fits-all it's is something not working well then then you might look at upgrading and in this case I would upgrade your CPU but if it's all fine and you're happy and you're getting great frames and you're content then there's no reason to upgrade that's a great combination uh Ace 2 again same question it depends on what you're doing with it if you're planning on playing cyberpunk 2077 on a 6700k and a 1080 that would be pretty hard all right so it's still just doing its updates guys we're this is always the fun part of watching uh always the fun part of watching Windows install so thank you very much for all of you guys for tuning in heading over hit that like button guys while we have the time okay so now we are in here let's make sure that we're all up to date the only thing we got to test is our settings here I'm going to go ahead and grab my second connection which is my I'm just going to go into a I'm going to get out of this so I'm going to disconnect my so what I've done is I've disconnected my network adapter I'm plugging this now directly in and I'm grabbing my uh my second Monitor and plugging this in Via display port you don't have to do this this is just so I want to let you guys see what I'm walking through all the time okay now we're back in the capture just going to go to display real quick and extend or duplicate keep I'm going to change this to 1440p and I'm going to change this to 150 okay there we go okay so now we got our now we're all like we're getting we're like into things are looking good so we're going to run here let's grab steam install it so we'll have a limited number of benching today just because we have to limit to what's on Steam unfortunately it's the only one that lets you transfer libraries which is cool okay so now we're going to go to steam settings library or download or sorry sry storage add a drive D then we're going to go to here make default there we go then we're going to see it's got a couple games to download real quick I'm going to go so I don't ruin this uh downloads limit download speed there we go just to make sure that you guys don't okay not that it's like a big deal but we only have a little bit to download okay there we go okay so all our games are downloaded now let's just check to make sure sure that we're good here we might need one more update okay so all our games are ready nice little reboot cool there we go guys we are good to go now the question is try this one more time okay we're all good boom okay so that's all done that's all done that's all done done that's all done okay now here's the question is this going to run okay so we're going to run cin bench this is in a bench situation so okay right now our temps are sitting at 72 which is actually pretty warm wow got up to 95 there look at the power though why is it so I'm going to make sure let's see what we are doing here we have 20% here there's not a whole lot going on okay so this might I might have a seating problem and this is why we do everything outside of a bench so we're going to go and run file Advanced 10 minutes start oh we got to 100 right away oh oh my gosh hold on the fans aren't spinning at all I'm like getting no fans it's just like oh wow okay see you can see look uh it's not spinning so uh it's not it's just been like passively cooling what is going on there okay so let's shut this down it's just been passively cooling the the fans aren't doing anything so something is going on here oh yeah I didn't plug the fan in all the way that wouldn't help oh those are hot okay we're going to shut this off for a second oh those are definitely hot just make sure all our connections are good yeah everything's fine just make sure everything's plugged in wow I like I like really like I like had all of that like just running there I'm going to take these zip ties out actually what camera are we on right now okay side okay I I can't believe that there was like no fans running that's pretty I like I was like dude that thing it was just passively cooling it fine keeping it at 71 with all of that stuff going pretty dang good cooler wonder how how much better it'll be with fans Okay so we've just disconnected everything I'm just going to make sure that we're getting it at fans going this time and I'm just going to run this separately all right here we go let's try this again Hey look it's spinning now I can't believe we didn't notice that [Laughter] guys okay going to delete got to put in our XMP now I was like dang dude what I was like looking I was like I don't understand and then I looked I was like there's no power okay we're going to put on XMP now so we've turned on XMP hold on one sec I'm going to do this I'm going to actually never mind I'm going to turn that off hit F10 okay and I'm going to disconnect this so you guys can see it this time I want you guys to be able to see everything yeah guys there's no video right now because it's I'm rebooting okay there we go okay so we're going to turn on XMP there we go okay so now XMP is on now we should be able to see how this thing actually cools yeah we're we're spinning now it's actually doing what it's supposed to do okay we're back in now we have windows installed we' have troubleshooted a problem like making sure that the uh yeah I see this is but this is why you this is why you do all the stuff outside right like we now know what's going on okay so we're jumping back in okay let's try this again that's funny that was funny let's check our task manager oops task manager check our Ram here we're at 6,000 mahz and we have two of four dim so we're good there okay let's open this up and C a bench [Music] so our temperature is now in the 40s that seems much better we're not running all that fast yet let's go to 10 minutes multicore and give it a go look at that look at that or are you seeing it yep 82 you could even play with this a little bit you've got a little bit of head room there it's probably going to get a little bit and then look at this I'm going see how below it is it's at 3 so it's within 400 points of average for a 13 for a [Music] 147 oh bomber when we get this inside of the case you'll hear nothing and I mean I got to admit man the the you're hearing the ca the air cooler is running it is not loud it's keeping that Center bench score there yeah guys this is going to be no problem this is going to be great you're going to be able to run this without much of an issue man that's awesome that's awesome yeah of course we're going to test this inside the case but we have great fans inside this case so again this gives me an idea do I feel good about putting this inside of the case do I feel good about what I've seen from a testing stpoint you know am I am I ready at this point given everything that I've seen am I ready to uh am I ready to to basically take that next step and and and go into the case I would say at this point in time absolutely I think what based on what we hold on one sec I'm going to run that one more time uh just to show so based on going in here uh throwing Center bench on here and then running this at 10 minutes and then hitting start that if you looked at this and your temperatures are like this right when it's running at this with this speed and everything like that you are absolutely in a great shape you could say hey I've you know where I'm at now is that I have built built the PC I've I've benchmarked I know my PSU my GPU my um my uh cooler works the temps are going to be fine so I don't have any need to pack anything up at this point time I would say yes I am okay to pass on and move to uh uh and move on to uh basically uh begin the process of putting this inside of the case and making sure that this is now going to run inside the case but I know all my components work and we're good to go so it's funny because nasty Yota is like hey CPU running at 240 watts is ridiculous Intel needs to fix their efficiency issues totally agree I'm not saying that they are on plus plus Plus+ plus but again when you think about the efficiency between this and an AMD it's essentially the total cost to you and your bank account is about what $12 isn't that what they said 12 bucks uh when you're talking about a 100 watt difference between a 7800x 3D and a uh 14 700k and that's rendering at gaming neither one of these are pushing anywhere near that wattage so I just want to be super clear I'm not saying that you're not wrong I'm just saying that please be I need to put it in perspective of what this actually means to a user and uh that sort of stuff so just want to make sure that that's uh that's uh that's tenable you know what I mean so going from there yeah yeah exactly you're I see snipers right what you're saving on natural heat you can now use this for cool so we're good there let's go and shut it down we've got everything set up there's a couple things off to do in MSI After Burner but we got games and everything let's now we've now progressed this to the point guys that we can move forward and actually build the PC so yay now we've got all this stuff done now I'm going to show you the process afterwards where we got it all going in there and good for them so one thing I'm going to do is make sure this is all the way run down unplug uh power off and unplug it you're just all we're going to do is we're not going to take the entire build apart we're just going to take apart the um we're just going to take out the GPU and we're going to take out the uh the power connection so I'm going to disconnect from up here I'm going to disconnect my Graphics stuff okay and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to disconnect my network I'm going to disconnect my Mouse and my keyboard those bananas are for measuring and again if you want to just know there you go that is the build versus a banana there we go now the next stop once we kind of have our peripherals out of the way and we're good from there just want to go back to a place where our system is ready for uh our system is ready for the next step so we're going to move all this back to the middle so now what we're going to do is we're going to disconnect our power from our mobo disconnect it sorry from our GPU disconnect our power from our motherboard 12 12 pin or 24 pin then we're also going to come back here and disconnect it from our okay so there's our and we can keep this together there's no reason to take this apart now so we're just going to keep it and set it off to the side and then what we're going to do here is we're going to reach in here and just push that button there's a little button right here and I'll show it to you after I take it out so right here on the motherboard is a little button so it's this it's the clip and what I'm doing with my finger is pushing it down so it unclicks and then that allows me to remove the GPU so that's what I did is I took out the GPU and then this is the state I essentially want the motherboard in now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go fix our cool our thing back here okay now we can start the process guys of zip ties so we can do the zip tie count now Blondie so I'm going to do here is I'm literally just going to get this all bunched up grab a single zip tie right now so the banana is 7.5 in if you want to know like the Banana's girth in terms of length and stuff like that 7.5 in so we've got that zip tied up now we're going to remove our fan going to put this basically in this little slot down here like I was doing before slide it back down and then as I close it there we [Music] go okay so now our cable management is done and we're good for here so now what we can do is we can take our mobo take it off of the Box we're officially ready for the box to go away and we're on to the next part of the build finally guys thank you very much Bas bison D and trolls Rock for the uh for the uh sub so we're going to grab our case now now reason that I I chose this case which I'm okay with for this build is that we still have temperature and everything else that'll be on the outside but this is a No Frills case there's no tempered glass you just this is a simple it's a simple case but it's high performance it's quiet and it's high performance we have high performance fans have high performance everything so it will be it'll work really well for the build that we're doing as an airflow build so we're going to remove this the other thing twoo it's also incredibly quiet so we actually have uh uh we actually have um uh insulation to keep it quiet but it's still got plenty of high uh powered airflow fans so here we go we're going to go to the other side here the side camera go and grab this there we go very easy to take off it's it feels super uh very premium in terms of that okay so then what we're going to do here just going to disc uh pull that off pull these off not that I need to get to that but it's a little easier if we do it this way just to make it light same thing with the front ow that hurt okay so now our case is lighter and we're good there so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to literally UNT twisty tie this that case is valuable is it how we doing likes on YouTube guys okay then we're just going to run this up and over makes it easy and then going to take off this one magnetic just to make sure it's easier to kind of move around and we're going to lay it down all of our fans and everything are already installed okay go to top down just for reference because I know uh no kilman wants to know it's how big a banana is in this case the case in terms of size to fit components in is a little bigger than two bananas so you have uh you have two bananas that you could put in here if you wanted to um and then uh you know if like you wanted to fill it with you know if you were just worried you're like oh I wanted to have like a place like a hidden place to hide all my bananas um they're 7.5 Ines I just need to put more bananas in here like I'm like if there's like a banana hiding or banana smuggling operation that you might be looking into you're like hey how many how many bananas can we get in here in case I wanted to use this build to just hold bananas um yeah we can give you some of that idea that uh you know if you're looking into banana smuggling there's some options here for you this may be a potential case for good banana smuggling so yeah there you go you can put you can put that many ban oh oh I threw it through and then just be careful when throwing your bananas because they can go over and through the case so hopefully that was a helpful metric for the banana stuff so okay so there we go there's your case bananas information okay so let's take our mobo or mobo now little bit of trick y there as we keep the rear fan cable from there we go actually looks really clean in there there we go grab our accessories now oops you're right it's 7.25 in sorry that was an accident my banana is not growing it is at Peak length it is at it is at ripened State there is no growing bananas oo I don't know I don't know how much the bananas were the bananas were a gift um okay let's get our motherboard in it's funny people were talking about the uh the yellow I don't feel like it's like too obnoxious I'll be honest is that it there we go yeah it seems like once you get it in the build it's pretty minor I mean at least it seems that way to me I mean you're looking at I don't know if it really pops all that much it seems pretty mild I I don't know it's your it's opinion the good thing is we're showing it in like an all black build right now so you can make the call of like whether you feel like it's that obtrusive but it does match your bananas right that is a good point I mean if you throw a banana in your build I think it makes the yellow pop more how we doing likes on YouTube logo banana would you guys be down for a logo banana oh shoot oh no uhoh I did it guys it's stuck in there I'm going to have to like it's like the worst when a screw gets in there there we go yeah I I need to figure out like we I wonder how many bananas we'd have to have to test volume of every case I got it I found it everything's fine we're okay everything's okay nothing to see here how are you salar he's like dang it I had one job this is my moment oh dude that fan barely fits in this case I was like if it went any higher I don't think you could do high-profile Ram with that like it would not I don't know if the front would close there we go it fits it fits yeah it does we're we're good on this one okay guys so like there is the build inside we're good good now we can go ahead and hook up our front panel connectors and all that sort of stuff there we go okay they did give me a splitter which is very great I'm very grateful for I like you better give me a splitter okay so let's now route all of our front panel connections okay so first one we have our fan our rear fan we're just going to run that right here okay so there's our rear fan let's grab our case thing here okay let's go to roaming here see what we got here in the back here so we've got number of cables here nice night I have to say these are really nice uh screw things okay here we go so it looks like our our fans are all separated okay so luckily thank you antech they did give us a 31 splitter which is nice so we're going to go and take these three fans we're going to plug them into here then here's our length we have not a lot of length so let's see what we have terms of fan hitter okay so we can actually run this up here yeah this might be the best yeah we'll run this up here too so we're going to run this up to the top slot that's going to come out right up here where we ran our rear fan okay oops it stays okay so there's that now next up thank you for the zip ties ante okay next up we have our twisty tie undo this okay so we have a single this looks like a beautiful thing right here single front panel header which I like have a single front panel header which makes this easy so we're just going to run that right in here and it's going to come right up right here it's going to come out right there so down at the bottom slot right there okay out of the right rubber grummet okay we're now going to take our our USBC and our USB 3.2 connection right here and we're going to run them to this slot right here just come it have it pop right through so you're going to come out right here and then the last thing we're going to do is we're going to grab our HD audio connection and that's going to go all the way in the far rubber grommet over here they're just going to go to the side here and then pull that through and then now we have all of our front panel cables run and we're good to go okay so let's go to top down and get all these connected and beautiful looking and you can see why I chose this cuz it's just a very very straightforward easy build so let's start up at the top we're going to take this right here which is our this is our exhaust our rear fan and we're just going to plug that in right next to the CPU cable there we go perfect and then we're going to take this connection run those all the way down we're going to plug this into system fan right here okay so there's all of our fans hooked up so make those nice and tight then we going to take our USB 3.2 we're going to connect this right here and we're going to take our USBC connect it right there make them nice and tight and small going grab one zip tie and zip tie this right here there we go push that down want it on the other side of the rubber grommet not you'll be able to see it cuz there's no tempered glass but I still want the the front to look good okay so there's that now over here really really straightforward we're going to take a front panel connection there's a front panel header right here it's one ker so it makes it really easy we're going to take this HD audio we're going to run it right over here there we go guys all of our connections are plugged in they look nice and neat clean now the big thing is just making sure they're really tight on the other side not that you'll be able to see them cuz the case has no tempered glass but for me it's all about if you decided maybe you wanted to buy a tempered glass panel from antech or whatever it was you could and stillplay your display your components okay so now we're going to go to the other side here and now it's time to just make this look nice so it looks like we can do this and then I'll that's going to be easy to fix okay I'm going to disconnect this right here you guys having fun still it does raxus and this is this is the silent version but yeah you could get the T1 and then you could follow along if you decided you still wanted to just have it you wanted to show your components you absolutely could um and it will look good so I want to make sure it still looks good Ry is already passed it but one of the things you should check is the standoffs on the case oh that's a good call sometimes boards don't always have a screw go in the middle or Etc every single location and extra standoff could make contact with components on the board and cause a short so that's why you're testing it outside of the case first because if it malfunctions inside the case well that's when you have to continue troubleshooting and standoffs are often one of the reasons yep which is a good call in this case we'll know right when we test it but the question is will it post and then that could be one of the reasons it wouldn't post it's a good call there we go I would say like somebody was asking is that something that happens very frequently nowadays it's not as frequent I mean it's not as bad as it used to be but it's still something absolutely worth checking all these little things are just going to add up to being more successful with the PC you build right like it's little things that you can do that are just going to save you heartache at the beginning okay there we go here we go just need a couple more nothing too crazy but enough to just really kind of make sure that we have a solid job here 28 to 250 guys let's finish out those likes on YouTube there we go okay now let's cut these okay now we're just going to do is we're just going to zip tie this to the edge here so you guys can just see this we're going to zip tie these down this is kind of like the last of the little Cable Management I'm going to have to do the one thing that's really nice about C builds like this is just how simple istic everything is going to be comparatively to some of the other builds you see me do yeah this will be this will be very OCD friendly and we don't have cable extensions either so and that's one of the reasons I chose the a the couple things I chose the power supply I chose right because of the cables that already come with it and then B also just because of how easy those are to even Cable Management once we're done and there's no SATA there's nothing I mean it's just it's a minimal number of cables for this build too I just wanted something that was simple for you guys to be able to follow along with no tur do I wanted to give something that was like if somebody wanted just a simple build we don't do this very often just wanted something that was like clean easy done you know what I [Music] mean I need to be actually really careful actually hold on realize something I'm actually going to change one thing guys up here at the top I'm going to disconnect this connection right here this is the for this rear exhaust fan which I'm going to actually do is I'm going to run it down and I'll show you I'm going to run it down here and down to the the other the other header that's down here you'll make for a cleaner build experience okay take some little tweezers and a little where is my there it is and I'm going to just grab the oh ow and then pull that here we go so pull that out and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this plug that right there okay so that makes that clean then what I can do now is tuck the rest of this [Music] cable and then now that you can't see that cable it's completely hidden so what I did is I just ran that and I tucked the cable and then now that even makes less cabling here on the back as well there we go there we go okay so there is the build as it sees as as it sits right now we still have the oh one note don't over push these there we go now this will still get hidden but I'm just doing this just to oh no there we go oops there we go okay so that's how it would look right now so build is pretty dang clean next stop guys is let's go ahead and put our GPU in and then we'll install our we'll install our uh our PSU pretty plain looking build as you can see still very clean looking there it is one more three apparently this one is trapped underneath this one wow you're like you're not getting this out unless you take this out okay wow that's really locked in there they're like that is not coming out okay let's grab our our GPU looks really good in there need 22 more likes on YouTube guy to give that to give that away five more on uh five more on uh five more uh Subs to give away a $50 new gift [Music] card okay guys there is that okay so builds in gpu's in now we just got to put in our PS U which all we got to do is grab over here there's our PSU tray or [Music] PSU slot thing okay dmat taking it closer okay so here's our PSU already ready we just need to grab our [Music] screws there they are [Music] just need four okay let's grabb our screwdriver here we want this this way I guess we want it this way okay getting that in there and then what you're going to do is you're going to put one screw just not tighten it all the way just one screw in each slot but don't tighten them down main reason is you want to just make sure all the screws will be in the right spot if you overtighten it you'll find out that sometimes you'll have a hard time getting all the screws in there we go and once you have all the screws in actually feel free to tighten it all the way down there we [Music] go right now let's just run this through we're take our cables just run them in into the slot in the [Music] back and then we're going to take our screws here we go there we go now our our psu's in tighten it down all right guys last part so there is our 16 pin which we're going to run top down we're going to run it right out of the bottom here just down like that really not a lot to plug in here okay okay this is kind of Twisted in here so I'm going to fix this just going to make sure it's not braided or there it is okay so that's going to go up here into this little slot right here okay there's that and then this one is going to go right here okay so there's all our cables all run to the right place flip it over okay so we're going to grab our GPU I mean a a motherboard I'm going to try and keep this a little cleaner not since I don't have cable Combs per se what you can do just giv how thin these are is we can use zip ties to just give it some some conformity so you still have a clean looking cable group there we go so that's a nice clean looking cable group this one just going to run this right here and then we're going to run all the extra cable down think this is Twisted a little bit okay same kind of deal means you don't need don't necessarily need cable Combs you can kind of create your own you just want to make sure they're evenly spaced there in terms of length just trying to figure out where your best length is there more at the bottom there we go okay then last cable is our 24 or 12 or sorry [Music] CPU goes right up here in the top Corner left or right either one we'll do one kind of zip tie to clean this one up too if you were planning on installing any additional top fans try to plug in your EPS for a store it will be more difficult yeah I wasn't we don't need any for this build for sure but yes I was again Simplicity but yes it's a good call okay there we go okay so now what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and clear all these so that way you can't really [Music] see you just want to twist these under so they're not hit their hidden there we go twist them under so it just looks like there's a cable thing there nothing you can see same thing with this [Music] [Music] one here we go one more guys and then the build is done oh no it's not I got to plug it in at the back there we go all right okay there is our build from the front which I mean still I mean even without cable ties still looks nice and clean if you were to open this up and see this build without all of the stuff inside of it you would still be like wow that's a really clean looking build which is kind of the point right so again just making it look nice even without cable without cable Combs and saving you some money cuz all you're doing is uh yeah the default ones on the on the this on the on the Asus psus a for the price and I mean they're not that much more expensive and honestly for the cables you get very very cable manager friendly all right so now let's go to the other side let's finish this off just to finish this build yeah I'm a kind of a big fan of Asus psus there we go kind of put away my zip ties too soon [Music] there we go there we go okay that takes care of that again still keeps it nice and clean couple more zip ties guys we're done just to keep this clean there we go okay let's just get this done [Music] you [Music] okay just going to take a couple zip ties just to make this look a little bit prettier then we are finished finished these are aesthetic zip ties no real purpose they're just literally to make the build look better what's up PC guy how are you here we go okay there we go guys build done you want to skip this part you can in terms of cables it's you don't have to do it yeah MAA or you can use a you can use a thinner you can use a one of the the easy DIY those have a tendency to do a really good job too and giving you room okay guys so there's the cable management for the build looks pretty clean right even the bottom looks really clean and out of the way so and then the front of our build also looks good okay there we go guys the full build it's all black and clean but yeah there's like you like again we're going to hide it all but again you still have something that looks and if you wanted to do if you wanted to do the the um if you wanted to do the uh the tempered glass you could but I mean we'll just go like this so you can see there's your there's your cleanliness of your build just a very very smoked out all black build with no cable manage I mean no cables cable Combs no cable extensions just very simple that we got built in I mean due to 645 and we benched it we put an OS on it we bios updated it all that stuff live on stream there we go throw a top on now there will be the only light you'll see in this will be the uh the only light you'll see in it will be just the GPU light okay so we're just going to pop this in now okay so before we turn it on you going to do one more time will it post did we find some mistake did we do something we're going to do our zip tie count we're going to go through our sponsor real quick and then we're going to turned on and talk about deals too so just in case you're curious um how big how big the case is versus a banana there you go that's that's it versus a banana and then if you want to see does a banana fit inside of the case there's your banana in the case so there you go so you have no banana questions I've answered all banana questions the TD I don't know what the does anybody know what the heat absorption is for a banana okay so let's do zip tie count which I you guys will probably be surprised but I mean zip tie count is high for a couple reasons one um I needed to uh I needed to substitute cable extensions so I did it with zip ties a little bit okay so here what was our zip tie count odd or even is the question it's still Hefty okay here we go zip tie count OD or even one two three one two three 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 there's 10 1 2 3 4 5 there's 15 1 2 3 4 5 there's 20 1 2 3 four 5 25 26 26 zip ties guys it is even today 26 zip ties in this smoked out build all right let's take a look at let's take a look at our sponsor today and then our deals and then we'll turn it on and uh just check what thermal differences was were are is am was been being if anybody knows what that is here it's an English joke okay let's take a seat here o is m r was were Ben be throw the banana in they say I have not done the 903 Max but Cape uh I will uh I will request it from montech so we can check it out always down to do new cases okay so you get finished with a build like this and you're like hey well I want to put Windows you saw what you saw today during the stream how to install Windows and all that sort of stuff but if I want to install Windows you can head over to VIP GDK because if you were going to buy it at like new egg or or uh even at Best Buy uh it'd be 107 bucks for a copy of Windows 7 Pro or Windows 11 Pro but here at vipk you can pick it up for $23.65 but if you click on the icon and you hit buy now and you use code RBC check out RBC hit apply what was $23.65 Drops all the way down to $16.55 now these all are RM they only work with uh the build that you built they don't transfer between builds and if you change Hardware to a certain degree uh you will have to buy a second code but for the most part uh they have great customer service we've had thousands and thousands and thousands of people people who've used uh these uh codes before and if you have questions you can just ask right here in chat also if you want to pick up a copy of office if you don't want to play for Office 365 here's office 2019 uh regularly this would be $250 almost $300 but if you buy it here it's $678 but same thing guys RBC at checkout uh hit apply what was $678 drops all the way down to $47 3 so that is it VIP cdk if you have questions you can obviously ask in chat you'll seeing it uh pop up a ton of times here on the uh yeah it's yeah so it it depends seems to be motherboard only yeah outside of that it seems to be pretty good you not saying if you switch out an nvme or GPU or anything like that it'll be a problem but if you have questions you can always ask right here in chat we have tons of people again have used them and then again they have great customer service as well just remember VIP SL cdk use code RBC at checkout okay last thing I want to tell you guys about a lot of people don't know that we actually have our own website with awesome things like and I'll show you some of that stuff for instance if you wanted to have a commission built like LOD does or other people do you can over to just hit email robit and then you can also find here for all the affiliate links if you want to help us when you're buying Hardware this is a great place to go before you click just click on the link and then we'll get a little commission uh for anything that you buy other thing worth checking out is Insider inssider this is a great place to get all of the content and all of the builds and everything that we've done over the course of the week as well as giveaways for instance we're running the uh cyberpunk giveaway right now so if you want to find out what PCS we're giving away or what's coming up with the schedule head over to VIP uh sorry inssider for that we also have all of our builds here for instance here's the antech 1 performance silent build that you just saw as well as a video so you can literally find the parts and then follow along with the build step by step um it's a great resource and then again we get affiliate links for all this stuff but it's a great place if you're like o what was that build he built you can find all of that stuff right here uh great place to just find our builds as well as links for all the parts under resources and this is a new thing uh we have things like our GPU drivers uh minimum PSU requirements and then even stuff like how to install Windows so a step-by-step guide so if you're ever curious or want to know how to do it you can head over to resources or like and then get that information but last thing deals let's see what's going on here um okay stream deals uh KY portable monitor 15.6 1080p full HD USBC monitor uh on sale $15.99 so if you want to basically a nice productivity monitor that doubles your productivity when using a laptop these are great we've used a number of them all of them are actually pretty straightforward especially the $100 ones if you're just using them as a secondary monitor fantex eclipse g3a love this case uh tempered glass ATX midtower 360 mm AIO support at the top and in the front on sale for 59 bucks so if you want a beautiful allwhite build it's got a great RGB band too course s nightsaber white Wireless RGB gaming mouse uh with slipstream which I really like slipstream uh back uh $30 off making it $139.99 and you get lots of RGB I know a lot of people like the nightsaber mouses deep cool AK 620 zero dark another great AIO um really really like this and and usually very inexpensive and performs very well um it's uh $59.99 wow that's a great price for that uh CPU and if you want to know how that Stacks up head over to our air cooler um we have an air cooler Olympics that shows you how it Stacks up versus air coolers like the uh a115 we're showing here this one's crazy Sapphire pulse RX 7900 XT on sale $699.99 that is a Bonker price for an a 7900 XT so if you're looking for a great GPU that is a crazy good price for that GPU and then finally the Corsair K65 mini 60% mechanical keyboard uh $40 off making it $69.99 so anyway guys my favorite ones are honestly the uh these three right here the cooler that case and then that GPU those are all great prices and great performing products um for really really good price so if you're looking to pick up a a uh a GPU or case or looking for a new case for your build or even an air cooler uh and you could do a AK 620 with a 13 a 146 or a 700 x 3D and throw in that 7900 XT and you would have a killer build right there so anyway guys that is it for deals everybody say thank you Tom good job Tom you're amazing sir okay so we're going to pull this through here now the big question is does it post I'm going to take the banana out cuz I don't want to fry it don't want to fry a [Music] banana okay so now we're going to plug in all of our cables so if PSU GPU H sorry Lan and GPU and we'll throw this in [Music] there throw that in there out of the way let's grab our Mouse and our keyboard uh I was going to yeah if we could I thought you were going to run I asked you to run one it's it's too late now don't worry about it now Blondy cuz we I don't want to I don't want to hold it for that long it's all good okay here we go guys it's going to be pretty dark inside but I will uh we'll go to side camera here side there lift it back a little bit it is on and then three two 1 there it goes that's it that's the only light that's all there is it is already posted we're going to hit delete in uh I missed it I did oh no maybe I didn't all right one thing I am going to do real quick guys let's go to easy mode I want to go [Music] to Fan info and then we're going to go to our system fans system fan one okay we're going to go into our fan curve here we're going to put smart fan mode and we're going to put it at pwm and then system fan 6 Smart Mode pwm okay so just to make it quieter so that takes care of that CPU pump's fine everything else is good I just want to make sure those fans are set up correctly okay so that's everything xmp's installed everything there we're going to hit good and and we're going to go from there okay so our build is now ready I have to say man it looks really good I mean we haven't put the we're going to put the cover on it and completely block it but in terms of cleanliness this build is looks really really nice all across the board if you were to get this from like an SI or anybody else you'd be like I am very happy with just how smoked out this is and honestly that Founders Edition GPU looks really good in there but we're going to test the thermals andu off here in just a few minutes okay let's throw in our other cable here okay so we have all everything in now okay let's go ahead and put in our cover because remember we are not this is a this is a just build it and go still made it look pretty in case you decided you did want to put in the um you did want to put in the tempered glass but this is the silent just performance build right there we go so there is nothing inside of this now and that's how it looks so let's open up our CPU ID in cinch how much warm it runs right now look at that idle temp 34° so that's great let's go to 10-minute duration and 10- minute duration and start remember this is an air cooler and I I'm not surprised to see the temps actually lower because the air the G the air the cooler is getting direct fed look at that we actually gained almost 600 points compared to when we were running it as a bench but right now the the G the CPU is getting direct the air cooler is getting direct air flow so actually seeing better temps than what we were seeing when it was outside because of the air that it's being fed right now it's sitting at 80 it's sitting at 80° remember it was sitting at 82 and higher and look at that cinch score I mean this thing is just doing a great job of just feeding it what do you think of that org and listen how I mean it's it's it's you can hear it but for the most part it's pretty quiet if this was underneath a desk or something like that you would not be able to hear [Music] it apparently some PC can I don't know how you would do that I mean you I mean again thermal past is a pretty important part of the whole the whole cooling process there for sure no he must have left it's all good yeah 7800 X 3D well yeah you can get to 90 and 90 it's uh yeah it's 91 for a 7800x 3D um and then for an Intel an i7 it'll be 99 yes org is right but I mean like putting paste on is pretty easy and cleaning up okay guys so there it is 82° I don't think we're going to have any problem here let's test gaming real quick I'm going to go and open MSI After Burner set this up when it's when it's not under load it's actually very quiet too M okay so let's go to monitoring we're going to do GPU temperature one there we go we want GPU usage we want vid usage we want memory usage we want core clock we want memory I don't know if we care about that and then that's it for that now CPU temperature there we go CPU usage CP clock CPU power CPU power and then we'll change frame [Music] rate and then we'll change frame time to text and graph okay there we go everything's set now let's just hold on real quick we go down a little bit okay cool okay let's start with a let's start with a banger start with some uh start with some uh cyberpunk 2077 oh dang it Library do not show ready played stream mile games okay there we go so you change you go to frame time and then you change it from on the right you'll see an option that says uh ma it changes text to text and graph okay going to go to play okay hitting allow and by the way we have new parts list so I'm going to fix that real quick so I can show you guys what parts are inside of it so again just to remind you what we're running in here is not this one there it is core i71 14700 K MSI mag z790 Tomahawk Wi-Fi we have an Nvidia GeForce RTX 480 super uh we're using Kingston Renegade 1 tby and a 2 terb nvme storage we've got Kingston Fury b 6000 megga transfer 32 gigs at d ddr5 we have the antex performance 1 silent the Corsair a11 a115 air cooler and then we have the Asus tough gaming A50 W ATX 3.0 PSU and that's what we have running inside this build again it's all about Simplicity easy to uh to uh put together and you've seen it from Soup To Nuts today let's pop this in and get this a give this a go look at that temp the four it's 6670 still air cooled beautiful temperature there so like again don't need to add any additional fans or anything like that let's put this on Ray tracing let's put it on on overdrive we'll put dlss on we're going to run it at per uh balanced we're going to run it with Ray reconstruction and then we'll see this is like fullblown and then 1440p full screen and then we'll just we'll give it we'll give it the the best it can really pushing the 1440p and again this build is going to be be great I guess the way to think of Nvidia is NVIDIA is like the good allaround they can do it can do single player excellent and then it's also great at multiplayer as well and so what you guys are going to see here is where these are where Nvidia gpus really shine at highly polished overthe toop single player graphical experiences like cyberpunk and we're running 1440p no frame generation uh Ray tracing uh on with path tracing and re reconstruction hitting 70 frames per second and look at those temps 73 on our 147 57 55 on our 4 super Fe and this is an air cooled 14700 K so again you're looking at this build will not only you could do productivity air cooled you could do gaming air cooled gaming streaming this is a great streaming SL gaming rig for Content creators who just want a No Frills rig and really want to build a PC for them for by themselves you know what I mean that's what I wanted to do is just make it really easy for somebody to follow along with there you go right there 81 frames per second and then if you just wanted to let's just put it down put it on Ray tracing Ultra this is Ray tracing Ultra so this is without this is not over the top this is just regular old s uh regular old uh regular old uh cyberpunk 2077 without pth racing so this is what AMD would be capable of running uh not the frame rate you're going to see here but still uh could run this particular setting there you are 118 117 frames per second so if you wanted that greater than 100 frames per second without using frame generation which frame generation now I mean ra nvidia's done some really impressive stuff to bring the overall frame time way down with frame generation but yeah beautiful temps that 147 is running beautifully the the 480 super is running beautifully again both of them are being fed with lots of air from those performance fans that come with the silent right which is nice and again also running uh running at good temps uh no we do micro we've done mini it we did the incor 100 Max we've done uh Inc inor 200 PS we're doing fractal teras here pretty soon so yeah Okay cool so there's there is cyberpunk 277 and running on this this amazing system let's check out Starfield then we'll end it with uh uh uh Call of Duty will it run midlife dude nothing runs midlife crisis except for crack cocaine I don't know I I love builds like this I love it when plans come together and this is a build that a plan came together that we tried something and it did better than I thought yeah Star Citizen is going to we're we're getting ready to do a really cool um series on ultrawide gaming like what is the best gear what is the best combinations for ultrawide gaming both in AMD and Nvidia and then also a a guide on ultrawide monitors so uh cyber um obviously Star Citizen will be a part of that yeah that's a 5600 x3d with a 67 XD is 6700 XD is a great one shaquandra okay so we're going to go here let's go to display we're going to turn off whoa okay go to ultra let's just render it Max and to see how this runs at 1440p we're going to turn off we're going to turn on there we go so this is just raw Ultra oh without motion blur raw um starfields oh thank you I'll turn vsync off there was something I would miss thank you James okay so there we are this is 100 plus frames per second and we're in we are in City right now and this is not this is not a dlss this is just just raw for uh raw Starfield with Max ultra settings they've definitely done a lot to help improve the quality of the game again also look at that look at the um the ram the vram is another thing with in terms of optimization we're at sub eight gigs and if we did dlss which would switch the temperature we'd probably see some spike in overall GPU memory so let's sit there let's say hey can we if you wanted to throw here we go we go to gaml uh sorry display oops display let's go to gener let's go to dlss we'll set it to balance and then we have they're good there and now we're wow we actually wait did that work yeah it did okay setting it to balance no frame generation it's actually almost better to run it at Raw there we go this is why it's always good to test but yeah there you go so there's Starfield let's check out Cod yeah that was weird okay last test of the evening guys this is at 2K Sergeant nobody this is a that's the 4080 super could do 4K no problem um but I I targeted this build at 1440p it's like a hyper 1440p build this build will last you a long time at [Music] 1440p I like I actually like fortnite um it's actually a game I enjoy playing so um it's it's one of those things that I've thought about putting up before playing fortnite but uh yeah it's there's no reason not to I actually really like the game uh yes M I am playing Persona 3 Reloaded it's uh it's my play on my steam Deck with my xra glasses game uh I don't play it I have played fortnite with my son Aaron is more of a Call of Duty player um but he's been getting and he went to Apex for a little while and then they played fortnite for a little while but now they're back on COD he's really good at COD okay here we go guys accept accept acknowledge continue continue continue continue continue not now [Music] restart did you guys so let me ask you now that you guys have seen almost this full episode we're about wrapped up here after this we're going to do our giveaways what did you guys think of this this show what did you think of showing you the bench process showing you upgrading the bio show you installing Windows show you like how to do it step by step by step did you enjoy this one yeah I read it all AR axness I haven't memorized you guys liked it did you love all the detail okay good well I mean that tells me something so I'm going to try I'll try and see if I can schedule these on like maybe once a month basis and really just kind of create one it's a nice change of pace thanks eagor yeah they're like not like every build we want to see the fun builds too okay so let's go to here go to Graphics go to Quality we're going to change it to basic apply we're going to put it on Fidelity cast we're going to change the render resolution is got to be 100% uh patch racing off dlss off frame generation off and then everything else here is fine let's go to display reflex is on vsync and menu is off custom frame rate unlimited everything there is good okay good okay so we're good there we're just going to wait for this to finish which is the preloading okay 78 80 82 okay 89 93 97 okay here we go 97 okay so let's go to here private match Benchmark see how this runs start and here we go guys this is 1440p Fidelity cast at 100% it should be uh I don't know if this is 100% resolution it was supposed to be I should have checked that because this should not be this High yeah this looks a little bit low mean don't get me wrong those are nice frames one person did not enjoy this form oh because they the like dislike some person disliked I thought the render resolution was 100% but that didn't seem like it oh it's 50 okay let's fix that and that was still great there we go okay we're good okay let's try that one more time it won't be this High not that this screen seems to work anymore but there that seems more reasonable I'm expecting I'm expecting to be in the 200s High 200s and then now much cleaner looking but still great speed now if you ran like an AMD card this would do really well on an AMD card and especially if you did x3d laser 2000 are they really hard to get I is a 480 super hard to get I didn't know it was hard to get I thought I was under the impression it wasn't okay and there we go guys 257 frames per second so 257 frames per second those are great numbers so there we go okay well again guys just to recap what we built today so we built a simple build just making it as easy it is to build in this is a core i7 14700 K MSI mag z790 Tomahawk Wi-Fi Max video gForce RTX 480 super fe uh 3 tabt of Kingston Fury nvme drives uh Kingston Fury 6,000 megat transfer 32 gigs of uh ddr5 the antech performance one silent the Corsair a115 uh a115 air cooler and then we have the tough 850 W gold ATX uh PSU um and again today we showed you not only benchmarking thermals everything else I mean The Thermals were great but we also just showed you how to build it how to set it up how to bench test it how to make sure that the entire process and the whole thing comes through and then this is the build that you can to get and we you saw us do it in just under what just under two hours we got this whole thing built from end to end and it performs beautifully uh you can also change how much you want to spend on it you you could go drop down to a 4070 TI a 4070 super um you could drop down to a uh you could drop down to a 7900 xdx 7800 XT that would you'd have to change some cabling in there but again we wanted to give you something that was easy to follow along with and at the same time had some flexibility so if you followed this guide and you were like hey you know you have room you could drop this all the way down to like 16,700 bucks um as well and even throwing in a 146 if you want to somebody wanted to know a dad joke so we got a dad joke so here we go Dad joke time now another robit dad joke phone out okay we're going to start the we're going to start the giveaway for the two $25 new gift cards Exclamation point Exclamation point Community starting that giveaway right now two $25 new a cards up for grabs exclamation point community so again uh you know just a build that you could if you wanted to you could start at the top and basically get that done uh or you could drop like or you could start like what we built here or you have some flexibility to change CPU to play change GPU you and still be able to follow along with the steps very very easily um Dad joke though I hated facial hair but then it grew on me I hated facial hair but then it grew on me there it is Dad joke dad joke and let's quit out of this and there we go guys so that was our build today which I think came out fantastic it looks really good very simple uh and easy to follow along and I hope everybody just enjoyed uh going through that process today I really like how this came out and we will have a video out that'll come out for this that'll show this like in detail with b-roll and also how it performs in other games as well so um there will be a follow-up video to this for sure as well so okay 30 seconds guys what was the result of the Paul you can no longer enter the raffle guys you no longer enter congratulations to Blackhawk Blackhawk me and Jim the human Jim the humanoid congratulations you guys you are the winners of the uh the2 $25 newa gift cards okay guys that is it for for me uh we are back on Tuesday we're back on Tuesday sorry Thursday for an Intel live show now we are wait waiting we're going to be doing a I believe Thursday stream is still happening it's supposed to be a geometric future I know I know geometric Future model 8 it's called The Cowboy we're going to be doing an all noctua build with the noctua 4080 in it so it's going to be all knock to a themed the only thing we're waiting for that may change it is it is we're waiting for the uh we're waiting for the cables and stuff to show up from cable mod so that it's brown it's silver with brown and black so Brown and gray uh Brown and stuff so anyway that's that's currently the plan that may shift because I'm I'm going to a bachelor party I know yes I'm going to a bachelor party this weekend so there is for sure Intel live we're going to be talking about MSI laptops plus we're gonna be checking out um oh my gosh helldriver so that new game hell driver hell diver from uh Sony so we'll be playing that on Thursday and then there may still be a stream on Thursday afternoon I will let you guys know it just depends on if we get the cables from cable mod so yeah the noctua 480 is a big card so that should be a lot of fun yes we have a 7900 XT build 7800 we have an all AMD build coming up next week inside of the gados uh neop P1 so that's going to be happening next week we have a brand new uh ch30 digital build coming up for their new Mini ITX ch3 360 from Deep cool uh we have the BTF from Asus coming up we have another fractal Tera build coming up so we got we got all sorts of stuff and then some even some new stuff uh from some new cases as well so we got a lot still going on it's still going to be a great time but anyway guys that's it for me have a great rest of your midweek get over hump day and uh look for a brand new video on the PA 602 tomorrow uh and then we will see you guys on Thursday regardless for Intel live at noon Pacific time that's it for me we'll talk to you guys later bye
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 37,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, how to build a pc step by step 2024, 4080 super pc build, 4080 super build, 4080 super benchmark, 4080 super review, 14700k 4080 super, 14700k 4080 warzone, 14700k build, 2500 pc build, 2500 pc build 2023, 2500 pc build 2024, antec performance 1, antec performance 1 silent, corsair a115 air cooler
Id: ymPcsNUDwak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 12sec (12792 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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