The End of Twitter as We Know It

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in Pokemon I use my master ball immediately what and then when I had to catch Mewtwo I was in total panic forever because I was a kid and I was a and I was like at my friend's house almost crying because I didn't think I was gonna get you remember what you used the master ball on no probably not probably like a Butterfree or something it was like probably something stupid like a Scyther or something like that or it was yeah this is what I feel like when you guys talk about sports I just don't know what a master ball is yeah I used to my master ball and Wayne Gretzky just so I can make sure neither of you understand this conversation um all right what is going on people of the internet welcome back to another episode of the waveform podcast we're your hosts I'm Marquez I'm Andrew and I'm David this week we've got a whole bunch of a variety of stuff to talk about we're gonna talk about Twitter one last time because they're changing their name I guess we'll still refer to it as Twitter this time even though there's still this time references of Twitter all over it still I want to refer to it as Twitter for the rest of time I probably will still keep doing that until it's gone uh we're also going to talk about some tech that we've been enjoying lately and I want to talk about uh a little bit of a topic that Linus actually made a video about and sort of expand on it uh and I think that's actually where I'm gonna start I'm going to start with everyone should watch linuses one of his recent new videos which was about let me look up the exact title because it was pretty I think it was called base models are a lie or something yeah like the biggest lion Tech or something like that let me find the exact okay starting at is the biggest lie in Texas oh so like yeah base models you think of like the starting at 200 but there's also much higher specs available that type of thing is the biggest lion Tech and uh I went into it thinking he was going to talk about certain things and he talked about mostly computers and I think that's what the focus was the thumbnail was him holding a laptop but I wanted to like expand on that a little more because I feel like there's so when I watched that video I just thought like oh that's different in different um product categories so in computers which is what his video is about he's a hundred percent right like the base product the base product is usually bad and the starting at price is basically just add advertising yeah no one actually buys anything at that starting price because most people it's late yeah the Celeron pixel sleeps they took it off the market because it was so bad it's like the sacrificial product that lets them have better advertising which is weird because it's usually the worst version of the product yeah but it's not like usually it's not pixel slate bed usually it's just decent enough to qualify within the upper the better specs of ones you should usually really get in the computer world it's it's more obvious than ever because like say take a laptop for example you have a laptop that says starting at 5.99 but it'll have only four gigs of RAM and only 128 gigs of storage and it's like well obviously I'm going to be upgrading those things I don't think you should buy a laptop these days with only those things yeah and then laptops these days are less upgradable than ever before especially if you focus on Apple like he did you get a laptop that is basically stuck at its exact spec no upgradable storage no upgradable Ram forever so you really are definitely not getting the base spec so the starting at Price kind of feels like a lie because you're never really getting that um but then I thought about other product categories and the other two that came to my mind maybe there's others that came to your mind when hearing about this is smartphones and cars in cars it is a complete lie yeah you basically can't unless you're going direct to Consumer you basically can't get a base price car they'll always have the commercial that says well equipped starting at you know 29 99 but the 29.99 is is not a real car that you can get it is well equipped different than starting at yeah that is a little it's in the 30s but starting at 20. I mean that's their version of well equipped that's a whole that's a different way to like slide you in there I guess probably because base model is impossible to get there like you know maybe we should stop saying this but just even base model if you get like the whatever like a RAV4 at base a lot of times in different places they'll have all these packages that are on top of the car and you're like oh I don't want that and they're like it's on the car already I don't know what you want the dealership the all-weather package yeah yeah and also like a lot of the base versions are missing like many things you would obviously want in a car I was gonna say that's that say that sounds kind of like a slight too to say well equipped at this price it's like our base model sucks our base model is not well equipped yeah they can say that video it doesn't have to eat anything yet but you can say that when you can never buy the base model they can be like yeah that those ones you don't want to buy also they're not available in our parking lot right now like so you don't get it yeah it's all about which ones they can sell off the lot and uh they're they're trying to sell things with higher margins and they don't really want to sell the cheapest possible version uh which is often not a good product anyway but then in smartphones though in smartphones I think most a lot of people actually do buy the base yeah model and that's fine because most people weren't thinking they're going to upgrade their phone at any point down the line so they're getting whatever the 128 gig version if they need some storage they can pay for that but a lot of people are cool with 128 gig base model of whatever phone they just bought and that's totally fine too so I think that's actually it's different in different parts of tech there is I feel like I can almost make the argument that in smartphones it almost changes a little bit though because the one of the first things I did think of was the Poco phone and I feel like when you're getting into these cheaper budget phones they are kind of doing this weird thing of like we've seen xiaomi a couple times do the like this is the 79 phone that only 200 of you can get and then it turns into 150 which that's almost worse it's worse yeah but it is different and like the pocophone when it first came out the um it was like this is the 300 phone but 99 of people are viewing it reviewed that like 450 version that was cooler which is just like so it's on other versions of this yeah that's one of them where it's like we most people will hear that this phone starts at 299 but every single person reviewing it is reviewing a more expensive version of it that's one thing that happened with the pocophone that usually happens with computers they don't ship the base version to reviewers and then the other version is when you see the the line up on the on the website of like all the different specs it's capable above I think like take a Razer laptop for example that you can get like a 120hz display or a 4K display and then it's capable of like up to 12 hours of battery if you have the worst display they will list up to 4K display and up to 12 hours battery next to each other as if you can get a machine with both those things but that doesn't exist totally that's another thing that happens all the time that drives me crazy yeah so as a reviewer I try to say how much the thing I'm reviewing costs and sort of evaluate different pricing tiers and should you get the base version should you get the version I reviewed somewhere in between here's what you should upgrade but yeah those two things drive me crazy yeah I want to step back on the on the laptop or computer versus smartphone thing again um I had a I have a wild story with my sister and I think I told you guys this when the M1 or possibly M2 Mac Mini was out or I guess M1 they there was like this deal where you could get the second storage tier the 2 56 gigabyte option which also came with a little bit more RAM I think for like fifty dollars more and it can't that deal came out two days after my sister bought the base model and so I was like I'd message her and I said if you can you should return Yours and get this for fifty dollars more and she was like why and I was like I think you're gonna have this spec forever it's twice the storage and she was like what do I need storage for and I was like wow there's so many people that I think it's hard for us to see outside of this because I cannot imagine having a laptop with 128 gigs of storage we like make videos and it's like two terabytes for a project I'm like importing footage right now but that was a laptop game right no that was the mini okay sorry it depends on which shoes what people are gonna do like that with that computer right so the 128 gig version exists and theoretically there's a non-zero number of people who are totally fine I think there's a lot of people that are totally fine with that yeah like if you look at the iMac like the all-in-one iMac I would bet you that most people bought the absolute base model and that's that's why they didn't upgrade from M1 to M2 yeah I think when you look at what Apple sells in the stores too like if you go to and go to like pick up and you spec something out especially like a custom computer with certain brand and certain storage you'll always see a longer lead time for anything that's not the base model but if you spec a base model it's like yeah we got these in the stores the opposite of the car lot yeah yeah it's exactly yeah yeah I think it's also that that would be my argument for why higher end smartphones make sense to buy base models because like most of us have cloud storage and stuff like that we're not storing a million things on our phone so yeah 64 still feels kind of low but I think a lot of Base models now come with 120 years and like that's totally reasonable for a phone and a lot of times phones you're not cheap obviously there's some outliers but you're mostly just upgrading the storage for like a non-based model pretty much that's totally fine like a base model is a great it's a great price yeah it's interesting you don't really see phones where you're just like well this model is 60 hertz and if you get more storage you also get 120 hertz you have to go to the pro okay that's it that's interesting because it's it's different phrasing it's kind of the same thing like if you just want to buy the iPhone the base model is just the iPhone 14 and then you can buy the 120 hertz model but that comes with more storage and different materials and stuff right and a different name but it is kind of like the base model but then it's like a different size and you have different cameras with a bunch of it comes with an extra camera it comes with a bigger higher refresh rate screen those I would say most of the company knees are usually pretty good at differentiating that but when you come to like carriers in the US I was going to say it before with like Samsung will be like get the s23 starting at and it's the like regular s23 price but when you're looking at that like that guy's probably going to sell you on like the s23 ultra that now is at least 700 more dollars when you think about it that's really smart from Apple to make the regular iPhone 14 the exact same size as the 14 pro because I'm sure you're getting a worse screen but like every other company if you get the pro the screen's bigger and that like sucks for a lot of people that don't want massive phones Rog phone there's a couple Rog phone specs they're all the same size but the pros well that phone is probably the most computer-like phone yeah adjacent is that like his laptop adjacent oh yes where when you upgrade the specs you actually do get an overclock CPU and Instagram extra Ram which nobody really cares about in phones anymore you don't need 24 gigs of RAM on your on your phone yeah that seems like something everyone should have yeah but it is it is actually pretty wild that um like people don't really need 128 gigs of storage on their phones yeah I don't think so you know how much storage you use on your phone right now I could well I just started using the pixel phone I could look at my iPhone I checked recently I'm at like 212 gigs on my iPhone so I could not do the 212 yeah I could not do the 128 and I don't think you could make room uh if I didn't so when I fly I listen to music and it's all offline downloaded already so if I blasted my whole Spotify Library I could probably get under under 128 but I don't want to I'm currently using a 158 gigs so you couldn't use the one 28 yeah I mean if you really wanted to delete a ton of stuff but that's that's no sacrifice I would get the second but honestly yeah it's because I download a ton of YouTube videos I'm looking at the biggest storage things I have 36 gigs of YouTube videos downloaded Jesus that's easy to clean though that's so easy it's easy to clean I fly a lot and I download like 30 videos I do that I download them on the runway and I like hold my phone up to the window and like download yeah yeah you gotta just plan an hour more ahead and it's so much easier than to like please download before this takes off the second is podcasts I have 23 gigs wow and then Lightroom Lightroom I only have 12 gigs which is surprising I feel like most people have like their photos and videos are the most I have huge files because I transfer full camera images to my phones and I usually edit photos on my phone because I know that that's exactly how people are gonna see it sure so true yeah I could do one I have 113 gigs used yeah yeah I but is it is crazy that's pretty easy remember the time when um everyone had the eight gigabyte iPhone and people were like running into storage issues all the time like my mom would only ever upgrade her phone because she couldn't take any more pictures I'm pretty sure that that's the number one way that people run out of storage because yeah other than that like unless you download a bunch of offline files whether it's music or movies or whatever yeah that's going to be your biggest files yeah like if you have an iPhone Pro and you just turn on prores by accident and shoot a bunch of 4K prores like you're gonna cruise through a couple hundred gigs if you want to be really tinfoil hat you could just be like well they're making these super high resolution 100 megapixel sensors now on phones because the storage is way higher and then you have to buy the higher tier or the better cloud storage they do a good job of like binning it down like they're not actually I think I know the numbers sell and like you can like you can buy the pixel has a 48 megapixel camera but you literally can't shoot videos it like all bins down but yeah they're they're trying to give us a good experience I think at the end of the day so ideally you know yeah compression it is I just want to say one more time I would never buy a computer with 128 gigabytes of storage no but talking to my sister I'm realizing how many people would that I also agree on yeah I think you're totally right with like the iMac I mean think of like Chromebooks also like a lot of people the reason they buy Chromebooks is because they know all they have to do is really look on the internet and do stuff so like why do you need storage to browse the internet and watch streaming okay so a question for everyone is there a piece of tech that you think you could be totally fine living a lifetime with the base version of yes it's called the iPhone 12 mini and I've been doing it for years you have the bass based model 64. is that 64. 64 gigs cutting it close are you close to the top of 64 or not I was until I updated to the iOS 17 beta right somehow wiped 20 Gigabytes of system files off of my phone if it works it works them off yeah like before it make some space I'm waiting for him to find out very important stuff I had been like juggling you know my last six gigs for like a year you know what I mean yeah yeah and um and things were starting to like not work like not nothing involving my voice work it's like voice to text didn't work Siri would never even load like if you get it uploaded the models it was like I can't there's no more storage I guess so but with the Veda and all of my new space and she lives also I just want to say this is I was talking to hayato but this is maybe unrelated so maybe it won't make it but I accidentally slammed a glass bottle down on the screen of this phone and the glass bottle broke the iPhone is ceramic Shield did we just talk last episode about a bottle hitting earphone and it or denting the bottle yeah to the pixel the pixel dented the metal yeah wow yeah these are tough phones can beat drinks pretty easy I will say a ton of people buy the base model airpods like even the old airpods with the long stem I see so many people that still have those like I actually see way more of those than airpods Pro are they the base are they the USBC ones there aren't any USBC ones right yeah or sorry lightning I meant that up well the old base ones were a headphone jack so that's where we're going wait you mean that just cut all of this out cut all of this out I don't know if I I would consider airpods base model because you can't upgrade those are ear pods I thought no air the wireless earpods we're not talking about earpods I wouldn't say that's a base model though because you can't upgrade that version you can just get a better head but oh you're saying like the Gen one like there's airpods and airpods pro yeah and airpods are one thing the base model and then the you can upgrade to noise cancellation and now you have but they're also a different shape but it's a totally different product but you could make that same argument for like a regular phone versus a pro phone right oh interesting how many parts of the boat do I have to take off to make yeah but well no I think the pro phone there's still a base model of a pro phone yeah so do you think yeah the uh the the iPhone example where you have the iPhone 14 iPhone 14 plus iPhone 14 pro and iPhone 14 pro Max all of them have a base model okay that's true yeah okay you're right that's true but I think also when you walk in the store a lot of people go what's the new iPhone yeah and they end up with the basement I feel like you mentioned that before as like the step out of the base model as like to thinking of it as a bigger picture but I would still consider I think most of our listeners would consider each of those having a baseball it's just storage I think the same thing happens with airpods like people walk into the store and they just say I agree yes and they buy the cheapest airplane I agree yeah it's maybe not technically right but I think that's how people think about it and people do that yeah or getting into semantics it sounds great I know people listening to this podcast are like that sounds insane what do you mean you just walk in and say iPhone but when you go to a store and listen you're like oh my God they're just asking for the iPhone yeah and they have nothing else to say yeah it's crazy it's crazy sometimes yeah do you have a base model at them phone I live on base models all the time because cloud storage is a thing yeah 128. less than that I've done in the past 32. no I also got to say something that hurts is when you're trading in phones less and less they ask for the storage that you're training in so it's like really on Apple at least does not ask for the storage tier so you get the same amount for a 512 gigabyte iPhone 14 pro then you'll get for it well here's the Dirty Little Secret it doesn't cost them a lot to add more memory this was the Crux of Linus's video oh really in case you haven't watched it I mean you should watch this video because really good and it's a learning experience but that's the number one thing that he talks about in his video is the amount that someone like apple charges for eight more gigs of built-in storage versus the amount of extra cost there is to Apple is a it's like a 300 plus markup every time I will say that's very different than it used to be because I remember buying my um my first iPod and it was like the option between like 8 in 16 gigabytes of storage and back then storage was really expensive they still upsold you on it but it wasn't like today where like like memory is the cheapest possible component yeah I just think it has definitely stratified over time I remember specking my computer back in the day when I built my HP Pavilion dv7t on hp's website old yeah I know but it was like going from so when you went from four to eight gigs of RAM you went from 32 to 64-bit windows and I remember looking at that and then looking at other computers like that you could buy and how much they charge for an extra four gigs of RAM and it was very consistent across the board and now it's like if you go to Apple it's literally like 200 more dollars to bump up your RAM yeah that's watch Linus's video but that's the main point of it is storage is the highest margin thing do you guys have any base model things that you can live with yeah I think I would be able to live with a base model rivian r1t if given the chance that's not the base I think I could live with the baseball you mean the new dual motor one whatever the cheapest now has they're now shipping the dual motor version so there's the quad motor launch edition and then there's a base model but those I think when you look at like rivian and even Tesla there's so few specs that they're kind of all very similar to the base model baby base model is great I'd be fine with one yeah that's fair that's fair I would say my car I could do the base version Model S long range Model S is the best version yeah that's true yeah oh yeah the fact that it's long range do you get a wheel or a yo you get a yoke still oh yeah you can option A Wheel I believe or might be better it might be vice versa I think it's a wheel now and you can option it sounds like the baseball is better well that's the question is I guess that question because it's the model S the base model or is the model 3 the base model yeah I think the model S is different from them I think yeah I think you're right yeah all of the base models are fine yeah they used to have a very bad base model model S is the model 3 Pro imagine if they called it that's the person who just walks in and goes I would like a Tesla which one oh yeah the model Y is the model 3 plus yeah and the S is the most it's got more storage I guess the pro Max it always works true it all works out it's perfect yeah yeah I would like a car please here you go yeah here's a model three um it's hard for me to figure that out I'll have to do more thinking on that because my entire life basically has been very much like if I cannot afford the version of it I want I will just wait like I'm not I'm not bad about needing to save up more money buy things though I also do not buy things almost ever I guess another question for you spends to like what upgrade isn't like yeah what are you just okay with on it it just doesn't matter to you not that you're saving money it's just because you don't care about generally like clothes I didn't mean in general I'm thinking like in Tech is there an unnecessary upgrade that you make anyway like you don't care about like you're not gonna spend money because I get what you mean by you want to spend money for the thing you want but is there something you're not gonna also spend an extra two hundred dollars to upgrade something if you don't care about that right so is there something which I'm sure you'd have to think about first I'd have to think about it pretty much every upgrade we make is because we really want it yeah yeah and like we're spending extra money to get it I think that's a good thing to live by also like if you want something that's expensive and you really want something that right then you can't afford it's way better to just wait and save up for it because then when you buy the cheaper version you're just gonna be sad with the thing you spent a ton of money on and then that's that's a lesson I learned from my mom when I was like nine yeah because I wanted a toy and I bought the cheap version it broke within like a week and she was like see how'd you just waited two weeks of a lounge you deserved it the kid Adam deserved that let me tell you I have trauma let me tell a really quick existential story okay yeah when I was in fourth and fifth grade um we had every week we would get points at at the end of the week if we didn't like get in trouble right and have our card moved or whatever classic fifth grade and on Friday afternoons uh we'd watch a movie and you could either spend some of your points I think we get 100 points a week and it was like 50 points for a candy so you could buy two candies or you could only spend half of them or you could spend none of them and at the end of the year we had an auction where everyone had to bring in something from like the thrift store or something and we would like have an auction to teach kids how auctions worked but fourth and fifth grade we had the same teacher so you could keep your points over into the next year if you wanted dude I'd be saving this is confused good life lesson 30 000 points at the end of fifth grade like what am I getting I just imagine cash this in for a Tesla yeah I'm imagining fourth graders at a thrift shop buying things for no so literally I didn't spend a single point for two years because I was like I'm gonna go to that last auction I'm gonna get whatever the crap I want yes right that's me so that's what I did um but it's cool I ended up buying like a PDA that I didn't use and then through I get away that's the most dated oh of course we did yes yeah yes uh but the interesting life lesson in that is that I did have to think about like huh it is worth like having small amounts of happiness throughout your life right like maybe I should have gotten some candy every now and then because I felt extremely powerful going into that last auction but I felt really empty when I bought the PDF yeah the PDA tasted disgusting and I have a theory this is a theory I love that story because it reminds me of I have a theory that there are basically two types of like video game players if you're playing a first person game you know how you can kind of like go through the game and upgrade little bits as you get more VC or whatever right oh I got enough for the thing I'll buy something oh I got enough for something new I'll buy something every single time and then there's the other person who's like I'm gonna get as far into this game as I possibly can without upgrading a single thing yeah and I'm gonna go to the absolute limit of this character then I'm gonna go to the store and I'm gonna Dominate and I'm gonna buy a ton of stuff and I'm gonna crush this level yeah I'm gonna go 40 more levels with this exact setup right grind super early there's this roll through the other version of that is like do you play the game straight through the store remote and do all the bosses at like the lowest level of XP or to do every single side quest so you just walk up to the last boss and like one shot yeah yeah because you have so much like so many stuff I like saving it I get I get some value out of like saving it so like if I can save two more weeks of allowance and get eight gigs of RAM on a laptop I'm doing it yeah there was a time in Pokemon Gold where I upgrade or I evolved my Cinder quill into a Typhlosion before I even left the first town so I just rolled up to the gym leader go to level six a gen one only what gold is amazing anyway is amazing best game I had a level 36 Pokemon and destroyed their the gym leaders level six Pokemon and it's really fun in NBA 2k there's there's a storyline it's probably similar to Pokemon but literally like you go through college basketball and then you go through early like overseas Pro leagues trying to get scouted and you like you try to get as far as you can without upgrading any of your skills and you're just like a bum on the court and you can barely score but you're barely holding on and then you get to a cut scene where it's like sorry son you're not good enough to start I'm like wow I need to get better then you go to the store and you buy all the skills and you Max everything out and you come back and you just are a God on the court but it's so fun I always feel like it's gonna feel better than it does like when I destroyed that level 6 Pokemon with my level 36 Typhlosion I was expecting it to feel amazing and I was just like feels kind of empty I can Pokemon needs better I can tell you why the other side sucks strength animation in Pokemon I use my master ball immediately what and then when I had to catch Mewtwo I what was in total panic forever because I was a kid and I was a and I was like at my friend's house almost crying because I didn't think I was gonna get do you remember what you used the master ball on no probably not probably like like a Butterfree or something it was probably something stupid like a Scyther or something like that or it was bad this is what I feel like when you guys talk about sports I just don't know what a master ball is I used to do my master ball and Wayne Gretzky just so I can make sure neither of you understand this conversation anyway we're pretty off the rail yeah I think it's probably time for an ad take the base model as far as you can and then uh spend what you think it's worth use your master ball and use your master ball on the first level trivia time all right so according to motor one what was the best selling car of q1 2023 oh I know the answer I think I know the answer yeah yeah nice in the U.S in the world in the world I know worldwide there's an article about this yeah I don't I love this question me too 20 Club I know it's not the Fiat because apparently they only sold like 20 of them in the q1 in the US or something like that I want us all to get this one yeah I'm gonna get the company you're gonna give them hints I think we can all get this one right I'll give you hints you don't have to give me we'll do it at the end of course I'll just get it wrong I'm fine all right all right I do need to catch who you have the most no David has the most points it runs on gasoline it's the hint oh my gosh okay we'll be back after the break oh we were still going foreign is supported by Shopify if you're tinkering with an idea for a new business whether it's the next selfie stick or your hot new take on an ergonomic keyboard or it must have a gadget that's so secret we can't even talk about it yet Shopify can help you get started on the right foot Shopify is a sales platform you can use to start a new business or help grow your existing operation Shopify makes it easy for 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pickup Lincoln pickup truck same company iOS 17 code hinted action button in iPhone 15 promo that sounds dumb wait a minute action buttons are sick yeah but it's also very unapple-like I was immediately reminded of the remappable Google Assistant physical buttons that we used to have on phones okay you could remap to other stuff yeah there's only a few phones that have custom remandable buttons uh there's only a few phones with extra buttons at all in the first place like Sony has a shutter button like a camera button you can launch the camera and take pictures with the specific dedicated camera button but there's a few phones um I want to say Asus has done it a couple phones with an actionable like a custom map has done it a lot Samsung yeah you can remap now right I think so I'm pretty sure you can it was only Bixby for a while it might only be to Google Assistant I think it might be just a Google Assistant there used to be like the Zenfone I think six it was seven they always used to have this just extra button you could do whatever you wanted with yeah which is sick it's sick it's very Android yeah on an iPhone what would that action button do because right now yeah the only thing I can think of Apple watch Ultra has the what is it called action button there's an action button so you can kind of map a few different things you can start a workout you can open a certain workout with that button what would an iPhone action button be well here's the thing to do I was worried I was like is this only gonna be for exercise but on your phone like that seems a little bit weirder but in this article it says that it might be able to do open accessibility camera flashlight Focus mode magnifier shortcuts silent mode translate or voice memos shortcuts seems dope oh they're gonna that would be nude if you could map it to a very specific shortcut that would be amazing Siri shortcuts is the best possible case and even then it kind of feels hacky because like if I wanted to open a website it would be like all right hold on let me launch Safari type it in refresh like it has to kind of go through a process yeah um I if if Apple does this I can imagine it being neutered and like you can only do a certain set of eight things with it and five of them are dumb like change your focus mode with one button yeah it's already like it's so easy time like okay the mute switch by the way on the iPhone is like one of the smartest things they've kept around because not a lot of phones do that OnePlus had the alert slider for a while but like just that quick like mute yeah it's so it that's been great we love that an action button I would want to be able to launch whatever app I want yeah let me just pick an app on my phone and launch it yeah I don't think they're gonna let us do that probably not which is a bummer you could probably do that through shortcuts yeah yeah technically yes yeah and it would it would take like an extra second yeah an extra second but it would like that the action button on the watch you can map through shortcuts and have it do a bunch of oh really yeah yeah that's cool so if they take that same thing and put it on the phone I would imagine it would work similarly I wish it didn't feel so hacky but that is true it does yeah it does eventually pull it off if there is a lot of cool stuff but yeah like whenever I watch Quinn do things about shortcuts it feels insanely hacky yeah but it's still kind of cool this is cool too it says the action button may also take over the volume up buttons duties in the camera app it could activate the autofocus when lightly pressed while a firm press will take a photo resembling conventional camera buttons and a hard prolonged press will initiate video recording I think they'll do that that's dope because if you could just like start recording a video instantly from your lock screen that'd be really cool I can't imagine the half press working that sounds you would have to be well it's um so it says it's probably a solid state button and then full press to take the shot what is it auto focusing on that it's not all red um it's it's acting like an alpha camera so it has continuous but if you would move something around and you just want to double check because the sensor is so big that it actually has natural depth of field now yeah it just feels like most phones like are Auto focusing on something and then you have to tap to pick something else so Xperia too so a half Touch of that doesn't necessarily pick what you want it's picks What It Wants I guess the Sony experiences you can tap a certain autofocus point and then autofocus with that point with the camera that's just acting like an alpha camera basically so it's a little more advanced it's cool yeah the iPhone I suspect won't do all that yeah but you know it'll be cool to see a an action button will they make it orange is the question yeah it's okay I want it to be a certain color I can't wait till it's just Siri oh God no the power button Siri they can't do that to me they can't do it what if the power button powered the phone off it whoa does but now you have it you have to have to hold that I know I know volume up exactly volume down maybe God if it was just it was a bad joke I'm sorry that would be the worst thing they went back to Power and then made that cereal unremappable Siri button that would be awful there was a major rumor that the buttons were all gonna become solid state and then that rumor went away so maybe this is where that rumor started from this could just have an extra button that is solid state so potentially it's all real buttons but this is the first haptic button yeah or like solid state button and then they see how well it does and they can judge how close they are to making all the buttons haptic yeah makes sense you just let like 10 Apple leakers get a freebie off their wrong prediction that they got yeah I mean the pr the rumor score is like 75 possible it says so this could be totally wrong interesting but you know we don't rare we kind of rarely do rumors on here but this one seems kind of fun and interesting I'm into it yeah I'm into special colored buttons on phones too so I'm kind of hoping for that I doubt that they're gonna make it orange because the only reason that's orange is to be like a dive watch true yeah make it red apple please I think there's no shot there's an accident the Brand's gonna have a field day with this neon okay let's have a moment of silence for Twitter because it's no longer called Twitter technically technically depending on where you look depending on where on the site itself you were looking it's uh it's been officially rebranded to X and it's and it's x's and it's x videos that's not true um it's just X related things there's an X logo the the little bird is retired makes you wonder about all the people who bought the bird statues when they sold all that stuff I wish I could the little birds Legacy um I don't know that I'm gonna call it X I'm still calling it Twitter like I think when I say it in public to a person I'm gonna I'm still gonna call it Twitter I don't know how long it's gonna take to catch on probably a long time so you're saying you don't want to follow changing one of the most household brand names in yeah like existence exists this is the head scratcher to me every time a well-known and at least decent reputation brand gets killed hbi yeah that's so just max like everyone knew that brand yeah not that everyone used Twitter but everyone knows what Twitter is and to try to start that over but with some sort of like I mean it's like meta like we all know what Facebook is and we're not calling it meta yeah but that product is called Facebook yeah they at least did that yeah it's a product inside of a brand it's like alphabet for Google right there's an umbrella company and if they just made X the like parent company which they did they did make X corporate ex-corp then they could keep the Twitter and they can keep the Twitter name yeah but they're just shafting it I have two theories around this um two possible theories one Elon is actually trying to do what he says he's trying to do which just which is basically to create the WeChat of oh he said that already he yes that's what he says but he could just be saying it you know I mean that's what he's been saying forever whether it yeah he's talked he's talked about making the x app forever when he was making PayPal he tried to Rebrand it to X and he got ousted I think he likes the letter X yes and Tesla SpaceX sounds cool though I'll give SpaceX sound cool that's cool yeah this they couldn't just call itself but my other other Theory uh is that he's trying to basically bankrupt the company but in a way that doesn't look like he's trying to bankrupt the company because if he bankrupts it but he has like plausible deniability that he was just trying to make it better then he gets out of having to pay a lot of money so yeah that's a hell of a I mean I like it it's a hot I don't think uh he still owes like two-thirds of his net worth to this company yeah but I think someone like that is more motivated to prove everyone wrong yeah should we make it the everything app probably which is true the complete opposite direction I mean bankrupt I think that's what he's trying to do I think there's very very little chance of that happening because like there's plenty of people who would love to own the app that controls everything in the world like why wouldn't you want that but that's a stretch for a website where you can just be really mean to people online in 280 characters and you can make a lot of money off that yeah I mean they're they're starting to roll out ads obviously we talked about them doing Creator payouts and then sort of adding some Creator features and that's at least progress in some direction um but yeah it's like it still says tweets all over the website and like what's going on on Twitter it says Twitter all over it if you go to not logged in there's a giant button that says join Twitter next to the X logo so there it is I just don't understand it's like I mean I think we can all agree it was probably like they were going to do this and then Elon was like do now Orwell announces it and then everyone inside was like oh we are not ready for this yeah now they're slowly changing by the time this episode comes out maybe they'll only be like seven instances of Twitter still on then like the hundred there are right now but uh it's been changing a lot this week it's just so insane that Twitter has its its own lexicon there's I tweeted this Twitter like DM like every tweets it's the thing you want to create uh quote tweeted there's um subtweeted is like a thing in culture you know like there's all of this stuff and like no single brand except for like a Google has been able to like make its thing a verb yeah it's like it's so hard to do that naturally that like why just like burn away Saran Wrap I mean it was yeah there's a lot of other things those aren't verbs should I q-tipped my ears I'm gonna Saran wrap this true yeah yeah but boom it's like you're just burning all of this like naturally occurring lexicon that everyone would die to have is that it's what you like strive for arguably the most valuable part of Twitter yeah like when you talk about the most valuable brands in the world a lot of time it's like what is Coca-Cola other than a couple formulas and some sugar and a bunch of ads like the brand Coca-Cola and the mind space that it takes up in most humans like knowing about the thing is the most valuable part of the company yeah and that's true about a lot of the biggest brands kind of like Nike Jordan Google and I think if you were to argue like what's the most valuable part of the dumpster fire that is Twitter and their headquarters it's probably their brand value yeah and to just nuke all of that and call it something totally new that let's be honest our parents are not going to call it X like we don't really know which is like what do you pay for and also yeah it's like when he paid that's exactly that's the that's the craziest part he paid actual dollars for it and nuked the most valuable part of it yeah he didn't really pay for the users because like he did but there's not that many people on Twitter compared to like a lot of others yeah there's one more people who just know about Twitter yeah like the Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel one of them the Mean Tweets thing oh yeah that everyone knows what a tweet is yeah it's so also you go to you go to any um newscast or sportscast or anything Twitter doesn't pay any of these people to have their logo on the screen they just put it on the screen that's for free and imagine how many like companies and stuff that have Billboards or signs on buildings or trucks that are going around with like the Twitter logo as their list no just the Twitter logo to go to their social and now all of those are yeah every food truck in the world that's the other thing every food truck has like an Instagram logo a Facebook logo a Google Plus logo and a Twitter logo yeah now two of them are dead and then that's just unfortunate it's just the SEO of X also like is terrible what are you this before you type Twitter because you knew what it is now it's like X find them find David ML on X like what is going to show up on Google doesn't sound great this is the only reason why I have that like kind of theory that he's just trying to bankrupt it to get out of the payments because like it seems like the most illogical thing that he could possibly do but maybe he's a genius and we're all idiots who knows or maybe it's just a bad move and he made a bad move I think that's just it yeah but I think it's such a bad move I think and they could go back right now I agree I think they're supposed to bring the bird backs people agreed with him that it was a good move I guess I'm sure there are plenty who agree with Elon around him I feel like well and that's not just Elon that's every billionaire yeah yeah I'm I'm bummed I'm really bummed I really hope that things change in the next like couple of weeks and it goes back they'll change I mean it's just it's a day by day thing this is like the fourth week we're talking about yeah we record on Wednesdays it could be totally different by Friday and I don't know dude it could be Google on Friday you know Twitter plus I was I was thinking what if what if meta rebranded threads to Twitter and I said they should just call it why I I made that joke actually I I said people are always talking about X but nobody's asking why that's funny but Twitter's available now Twitter is available if threads became Twitter it would be like it would be like the Charlotte Hornets yeah like the Hornets went to New Orleans became the Pelicans got the Bobcats and then re became the Hornets yeah yeah T3 threads is T3 I'm going with that all right does that make Mark Zuckerberg Michael Jordan uh in the Hornets example yeah he just sold though Jordan just sold the Hornet right so what does that say about it okay it would be funny because Mark Zuckerberg has wanted to own Twitter for like ever and if he ended up owning Twitter just not the original Twitter it would be really funny so I guess but the thing is as much as we all talk about Zuck and not wanting to be all using apps where Zuck has all of our data he's kind of been the most successful at for as much copying as they do at Social Media stuff in general there's a I watched the it was a clip from The Lex Friedman interview that he he interviewed Zuck about I don't know a bunch of stuff but there was a clip where he he literally asked him like okay what do you think about what Elon is doing with Twitter and the answer was really interesting I'll link it in the show notes so you guys can watch it but he it was along the lines of like Twitter is an idea that could have a billion users they just never had the execution and the business savvy behind it to actually get there there's no reason why Twitter shouldn't have a billion users a public town square is a good idea like there's a lot of things there that make a lot of sense it's just for whatever reason Twitter was never able to execute on that Elon still trying to execute on that and then there's some teasing at the end of like would you do your own thing and then he was like what I don't want to say but uh you know this is like a month before threads so we kind of all read between the lines in hindsight but I think that's the Zuck thing is like we'll turn this idea into a billion users it is interesting I read a lot of analysis about why Twitter became such a thing that it is and apparently it's well what a lot of people have said is that Jack Dorsey really had no idea what he wanted it to be so he just sort of let kind of the people on Twitter create Twitter and that's why it became like successful I mean that's why Reddit was super successful and now they're like just kidding yeah screw all that yeah and obviously they get into like weird stuff and like you could say that Elon also wants Twitter to just run itself um obviously you get into weird moderation issues and that's like the biggest issue with social media overall but yeah I think a lot of people are saying threads even though it seems like it has a lot of potential they're specifically been say they've specifically been saying like we don't really want this to be like a news and political place and it's like that's going to become a thing it's been weird that they're not embracing the the clear like you need the power users you need the one percent of people who post the 99 of stuff and a lot of that is the like fast-moving like there's an earthquake right now now you all know about it before it even hits you there's news now there's things happening that's like the engine of Twitter but the thing is like Facebook right like Facebook went through all of this stuff where they everyone was like you're the Arbiter of Truth now and so they went through like this insane like Congressional hearings and all this stuff and they they don't want to do that again right they're so terrified because threats is not even that different from Facebook right the only difference that thread hat threads has to Facebook basically is that you can follow whoever you want and Facebook did eventually add that feature but they were too late to it so now threads is kind of just like Facebook 2.0 but they are really scared of being Facebook 2.0 because if they allow this kind of like political thing that's take over and then there's like election interference or whatever and people like yelling at each other they really don't want that so their Facebook notoriously not the person you want in charge for yes exactly it is really interesting to watch the types of things that the algorithms on threads incentivizes yeah because like you can't just like stop people who are being political or newsworthy from being on threads but you can Surface other things more often and that encourages that sort of behavior positive stuff positive reinforcement yeah so you kind of stuff I assume that when we see things on the home page by the way they introduced a following yeah in the most Instagram way yeah it's like sort of tucked away yeah I know where to find it but it's there but I think they're going to be showing people the stuff they want more people to post and so I when I see the when I load up the homepage on threads I'm paying attention to what types of things they're showing it's a lot of text only posts yeah it's a lot of people's reactions and actual threads happening yeah uh not so much videos I can't remember last time I saw a video on my threads homepage yeah so yeah I would like for Threads to be able to replace what Twitter did for me which honestly was just news aggregation was the biggest aspect of Twitter there was like random fun friend interactions and stuff but like the biggest aspect for me was like we drop links in the slack all the time like I do go to like the Verge every day and read all their articles but I'm not on every single News website every single day so Twitter is a really great news aggregator and it's great because if you're mentioning like The Verge The Verge posts a ton of articles but the ones that are popular that are the ones that people are interacting with on Twitter and then popping up in my view yeah so like it's basically a free way of being like these are the things people are more interested in that's what maybe we should talk about right it helps us write the podcast so I would like threads to to serve that role yeah for sure but by default that is news so it's not it's not like political news I don't think they're gonna get away from news that much it's like yeah has to get there eventually to even be kind of competitive with Twitter it also needs a web app because it needs a web app so bad oh my God yeah you heard I can't use my phone all the time to like find news yeah you heard us already with we want a following tab thank you kind of yeah please give us a web app please please please give us a web app yeah I'll leave you with this as food for thought to think about what threads is what it's trying to be and what we already know Twitter to be when you open up Facebook and go to the the box to post you know how there's a little bit of a prompt there already Facebook says what's on your mind when you open up Twitter says what's happening question mark exclamation mark right there that makes a difference what's happening that's the that's always for as much as we talk about like the conversations in the public Town Square or whatever I always just think of like when we share Tweets in the slack it's like this just happened this just happened that's what tweets are what's happening instant what X's are yeah yeah like literally you talked about that Apple Insider it was like posted 30 seconds it was a tweet that we found because it just happened this just got found I actually found it on threads well on threads on threads it just says start a thread oh wow so that's not a great time start a conversation cool one man start it through just relax I'm not gonna check Mastodon or T2 right now I'm just gonna leave you with those I will say threads has a 500 character limit which is nice Twitter blue people that have more than 280 characters that's great Twitter needs to change the way that this works because when you hit show more it brings you to a whole nother page and sometimes there's only like three more words and then you have to hit back I saw one recently there it was one more word and I was really disappointed oh my gosh it's just like the waste of my two seconds they should expand in line obviously yeah why don't they do that dude if they expanded online it would be amazing maybe I go on an X is working would you buy X blue if it did no there's nothing we could do X blue it's still called Twitter Blue by the way yeah it actually is yeah funny enough if you click on the Twitter website and you inspect element the X logo is labeled Twitter nope [Music] and that's a perfect place to end it yeah because that's that's the state of it right now trivia to add break trivia to ad break I like the sound of that yeah uh trivia question what letter is x in the alphabet what letter is x now quick all right 24. wait really four you're right 24. nice okay so we make fun of Sony all the time for their crazy wacky no good schemes oh no for their naming schemes everything about you is perfect yeah okay I make fun of someone else for example Adam hates K-pop the the headphones wh-1000xm4s um but that's a long honored tradition with Sony for example the headphones that came with the first ever Walkman was called the mdr3 and it was part of the h-air series of headphones or hair yeah crazy what year did those headphones come out with the first ever Walkman oh what is the tradition bad naming pretty much yeah Oh I thought there was gonna be I thought it was gonna be like the something 1000 so it's like headphones what does 1000 mean I don't know it's just their model yeah so why is it there if all of them are a thousand means wh is wireless headphones wireless earbuds I don't know why it's it's phonics nope phones nope well you were closest the first time it's true Wireless what yeah true F that's TF t w no yeah wait it's just so why is it I just don't get why it's wfwh and then XM model like number of it is what is the 1000 sounds I'm even fine with the XM what is the 1000 for it it's Free Press because we're talking about the sound so that's the trivia question that's true yeah okay so basically what does the Walking come out that's the question basically I know that you really yeah he did a whole episode I was hoping he wouldn't remember though because it was like three years ago I hope I remember correctly but I do remember you want specific yeah yeah he wants exact date do you remember that um another year he said the year I'll get I'll I'll have a year all right we'll be right back [Music] all right welcome back we got of course some new Samsung stuff to talk about they've dropped their new z-fold five Z flip 5 S9 tablet series and watch six series uh our Impressions video of the phones is up uh I don't know if you guys are interested in the others as much I'm personally very excited about the S9 Ultra tablet it's hilarious it's one of the most crazy pieces of tech I've seen in a while you opened it this morning we just heard you giggling from yourself just it feels like a monitor without a stance yeah the tab S9 Ultra it's a 14 and a half inch uh 1500 120 hertz tablet I thought you did that last year with the S8 I did and it's nuts it's just as nuts yeah it's just as crazy I love it just holding it I'll hand it to you you'll hold it you'll be like this is absurd okay it's great I'm ready um but the phones I'll just go over real quick the the stuff that's new because they are relatively minor it's quick and easy to summarize I'll put it that way the new fold has a new hinge it has a new brighter inside screen and it has a new Snapdragon 8 gen 2. nice that is all that's new you should definitely before uh it's so because of the new hinge the the entire form factor folds flat and gapless which is nice and that also does make it a little bit thinner flat um I think open is the same I believe it's the same size battery same camera same charging speed same screen size same aspect ratio same resolution same everything else but you know chip hinge brighter inside screen that's it for fold then you have the flip which is the same set of things it is a new chip again Snapdragon 8 gen 2. it's the new hinge again folds flat and instead of the brighter inside screen it is a bigger outside screen that cover screen is a 3.4 inch cover screen now with literally access to any of your apps they're basically matching what Motorola did but it's got a little bit of a cut out around the cameras instead of enveloping the cameras so this is the Samsung way it's a little bit safer but you can do up to like there's 12 widgets now on the home screens you can flip around go through notifications do more stuff on the outside watch a YouTube video If you really want to you can do any of the stuff you'd normally do on the inside uh just a little more access on the outside so you don't have to open it as much that's it that's what's new um I kind of said and I kind of proposed this like theory in the video that Samsung is very settled on these form factors and the more I was playing with the fold after I've recently used the pixel fold a lot I really want like a wider passport size version of what Samsung's built and I don't think that they would do that in this phone I think they would just make a whole new phone yeah I think they would just make a Samsung Galaxy Z flip mini or whatever z-pack they would make a new phone or something exactly uh so they didn't do that so I I'm I'm using it I'm demoing it I'm remembering all the things about this phone that I like and that I don't like and that number one thing is still that it's just like a tall skinny candy bar it's weird to type on like I don't like watching YouTube videos on it nearly as much as David you tweeted this morning you're using the pixel fold on the outside screen a lot me too it's one it's the best folding phone to use closed and I think that's what I sort of Miss about you know this Samsung phone which is State of the State of the art incredible displays very solid cameras okay battery like it's it's a solid phone but I just wish the form factor was a little different I don't think Samsung's gonna do that I think there there's an interesting comment too on Twitter keeping the screens the same aspect ratio for developer continuity potentially so that they can have the advantage of people continuing to make the most apps for their phones maybe I don't know but that's the new Samsung stuff can you use any app on the outside of the flip you can and you can sort of flip a switch to enable some will look ridiculous uh in the labs Canon should I guess are different things yeah you can literally go through the check box and same with Motorola you can just like check the box of like let me use maps on the outside and that's actually kind of useful let me use YouTube on the outside you can be a psycho cool sure so you can do whatever you want it's just some may look a little more ridiculous than others dang I think my favorite thing from unpacked was and it's not something I want to use but I just like that they brought back the classic version of the watch in the Galaxy watch six with the like actual physical turning dial I thought that was really cool on the four they didn't have it for the five because they had the watch five Pro which had a bezel but it didn't turn and then bringing this back I think a lot of people are pumped about that yeah and it's a little bigger screen a little thinner bezel but yeah if you can do anything with that yeah it's a UI it like it's like a digital move around yeah the UI with it clockwise Scrolls down counterclockwise Scrolls up that sort of thing yeah and it protects your screen which is nice just having that lip is nice to have exactly and then the S9 the Galaxy Tab S9 series S9 tablet S9 plus tablet S9 Ultra it's 14 and a half inch tablet it's it's literally almost this big just holding a touch screen 120 hertz bright 15 inch screen in your hands that's crazy it's wild it's actually gonna snap it in half again oh 100 I was looking at the the Samsung website and they make looking in the their ecosystem look very good like I wonder how it would be to spend a week just living with only Samsung things this was a take that I cut out of the hot takes video or I think I threw it in the intro maybe somebody said Samsung's ecosystem better than Apple's ecosystem whoa better's a strong word better is a strong word or else it's just as good they're just different like there's just different products there's no washer and dryer in Apple's ecosystem like there's just different things right yeah the Samsung smart things and encapsulates a bunch of stuff there's no smart speaker yet it's not canceled yet technically there's no smart speaker like the homepod um but I think you could live in Samsung World pretty easily you could look in your footage on your tablet is pretty cool yeah you got the like nearby share stuff with the computer and the phone and yeah they have a lot of they do have a decent amount of proprietary stuff that works with their devices yeah they got really good earbuds they make laptops you can use a Samsung Chromebook you could have a Samsung monitor you could have Samsung windows on your Samsung yeah Samsung laptops there's a lot of stuff that they make that all work well that's true that's very true so you could live in that ecosystem Samsung phone you wouldn't necessarily have a well you'd have to use Bixby so I don't really use voice assistance that much and you really have to use Bixby they let you use Google Assistant now don't they yeah I guess if you're if you're living in apple World you'd use Siri and if you're using if you're living in Samsung yeah yeah fully in it if you want to commit but it is an interesting question they of course all think about ecosystem all the time it's just one of them is notorious yeah yeah yeah it's uh it's it's interesting to see the Samsung flip versus Razer situation and how people respond to that overall yeah I think the same price yeah this is this this is a thousand dollars but the Razer a thousand dollars I think so the Razer plus okay yeah uh it is worth noting you had to you have to download a good lock module to be able to run any app on the home screen or on the front screen whereas uh on Razer it's out of the box oh for Samsung you do yeah oh interesting yeah okay but they do have 12 widgets that you can do um there's like a fitness widget and a clock widget and a bunch of stuff and it looks generally pretty good I think that it's interesting um Samsung over time because they have wanted to be sort of the apple of Android and they have simplified things we've talked about this a little bit with like you know the s23 phones are pretty much like the end the default NPC of smartphones now of an Android smartphone like what is the absolute base looking Android smartphone that's an s23 that's like the person that walks into the store and goes can I have a phone yeah yeah even or more generic specifically doesn't want Apple they're gonna get a Samsung I can't tell you how many people are like I have a Samsung s20 or it's like Samsung 20 Samsung Galaxy not even like Samsung or private Galaxy yeah yeah or that a Galaxy series a series yeah sound like crazy but like yeah I think that the reason that they're not doing the same thing as Razer with like the cameras in the screen is because even though Samsung does do a lot of like experimental stuff like they started the whole foldable Revolution right they now are settling into this point where they're like we just want to play Everything safe so let's make the cover screen not go over the cameras so everyone knows exactly where the touchable areas are yep exactly how this is going to function yeah you know makes sense yeah they'll probably run with this size display for the next like four years and the size phone yeah for a while I do yeah like you said I really wish they would make a passport style fold because Samsung could knock it out the park the candy bar for me is still too awkward to use and it makes you want to open it more often whereas like yeah the pixel fold I'm really enjoying but mostly close I mostly use it close it's one it's it's incredible I get why Samsung would rather be though the phone people enjoy more when it's folded out I don't do you want to be the phone that's more fun to enjoy closed or do you want to be the phone that's more fun to enjoy doing the thing that you're paying eighteen hundred dollars for that's fair there's advantages there's different yeah exactly I don't think they're dying to be the phone that's more fun when they're closed when they've put so much effort into being fair the folding phone yeah yeah there's just the battery implications yeah like oh for sure gotta be at least good to use yeah yeah Samsung also has really really good trade-ins for their own phones um someone noted to me uh today that the full the flip four uh you can get nine hundred dollars for a trade-in on flip four and if you're a student they have 10 off so you can literally get a flip five if you have a flip four four basically free you just have to pay sales tax solid which is insane and be paying a university to be a student yeah true yeah then you're just a small detail or using your old student ID and it seems like if you're trading in something that folds they give you like a very very good price for it yeah is that a red flag yeah get those things off dude I will say um I have a I was in um yeah I was along the Pacific northwest coast this whole last week and I stayed with some random person from Instagram who I didn't know um at his house and he's amazing he's great shout out to Abel but he had a flip Gen 2 or gen 3 I think it's gen 3 and the entire center part was cracked you know not in a way that like he dropped it and it cracked but like the creek overuse cracked it overuse and he said that that was his second his second model and that he had used his trait um his insurance to like get a new one because it cracked the same way the first time and he got a new one and then it cracked the same way again yeah and to be fair that was like I think that was a Gen 2 so hopefully the screens have gotten better now but I have seen things about people's foldables cracking I think Austin always posts it about everyone that he's ever owned yeah and it's kind of crazy that the outrage over that has like died down so much because I used to be a really loud thing whenever one thing would go wrong I think we know it like comes with the territory now yeah it's crazy I think that's a good segue though that's a good segue because our last segment on this week's show is a little bit of Show and Tell we're gonna talk about some piece of tech that we've used lately or that we want to share that we is really cool and just tell people about it I'm gonna go first because the Segway is I have been very impressed with the pixel folds durability just because I you know there's like a it's a notorious thing that these phones are supposed to not last very long I I talked about this last week on the Pod uh pour water on the phone took it to the beach all these things it still makes a grinding noises when I open it and close it and it's fine it's totally fine so just shout out to the pixel phone I also want to talk for a quick second on Sony's new w f1000 xm5s they're out uh there's an app now so we get to test them Dave's got a pair too yeah uh these are the earbuds that are basically designed to sound amazing and be worse at everything else that earbuds are good at like they're not supposed to work out in these they're not supposed to sweat in these you're not supposed I thought they had an IP rating they do but like you wouldn't get these if there's these are not workout headphones yeah I would get there's so many other pairs of headphones other than these for 300 they're like the Bose headphones that are also 300 bucks it's like yeah but I will say they do sound pretty good they sound really good and they have new processors and they have a new smaller form factor now that's the main thing I'm happy about smaller because yeah I wouldn't the the biggest challenge with these is they're always huge they're earbuds and they sound amazing and they have great noise cancellation but they're always huge and these are smaller and I'm happy about that and they Wireless charge yes instead of on like this side and I noticed that too pop it on the charger like that I love it it seems like they realize that the link Bud s which I love was a great like Series in a lot of different ways and they're like let's make them the the better sounding version yeah so that's my show and tell what do you guys have I want to go next I have the current Mouse I'm using to play games this is the Pulsar X2 this is the random Frank P version which you're gaming with a wireless mouse yeah no I've been gaming with a wireless mouse for a while okay I've realized my mistakes but I was using that crazy like 300 Razer Viper mini signature edition but it was just too small for my hand and after a while this I have to say for 95 bucks which is a great price for a wireless mouse it's not any more expensive to get the like there they worked with two different creators I said this is random Frank peas same price cool design it's been a great Mouse so far I'm like dominating my Premiere matches in valorant with it so you know it must be pretty sick um but yeah I just like it a lot it fits my hand really well and I think it looks sick cool cool would you say it's better than a Magic Mouse don't answer that yes uh I have one and a half things um so yeah I know I know all right I'm just gonna the first thing I'm gonna like tease a studio video um I have this 3D printed film camera oh my God uh that uses an iPhone as a viewfinder which is very cool well there's a lot of them can't buy this can people buy this you can buy this actually yeah there's a yeah yeah yeah working at The Kinks but like there's a few um yeah if there's a few Tech angles to this and that's why I'm making a studio video about it can I say what I love about it quickly yeah just looking at it I love that since it's on the it doesn't have a normal viewfinder it still has two levels on top to make sure that you're leveled when it's levels built into it which is cool that's really awesome it's a camera obscura so it doesn't have any wires in it whatsoever wow which is really awesome I've been making some really crazy photos on this from various trips there's a studio video coming out about it within the next like week and a half to two weeks so you're shooting film shooting film oh yeah I was gonna ask to hear the shutter sound I can show you the setter sound oh it's there filming this it's probably not quite as hold it up to the mic yeah do you want it to be one set yeah we'll do one second one second bulb oh it didn't it that's kind of nice that was one second you can also do like 1 125th where it's a lot faster yeah yeah cool studio video coming about coming out about that in like a week and a half to two weeks um the main thing I kind of want to talk about is actually software which is exactly what happened last time when I talked about Arc browser which by the way Arc browser is officially out version 1.0 so shout out yeah I can finally recommend it now yeah to download a browser yeah yeah you don't need an invite anymore so go download it it's the best um but the main thing that I want to talk about was this app called beeper and I used to write and make videos for Android authority and I've used I used Android phones my basically entire life up until I started working here and then it was sort of like on and off I was like on an Android phone sometimes and on an iPhone sometimes the thing that's like using an iPhone at all for any period of time will do to you especially when you make friends who are not in the tech space is you start Gathering people in your life that force you to use iMessage and that are rude if you don't in the United States this happens nowhere else I still have never experienced this yeah it's because you haven't used an iPhone for extended period of time get on iPhone for like three weeks are friends no I agree I agree it sucks but um there's an app called beeper which the point of the app is to actually aggregate all of your messaging clients into one window which I don't actually like the idea of that for some reason I'm a segmented kind of person but you can log in through your Apple ID and you can use iMessage on your computer and on your on your Android phone and it works really well it has basically all of the like regular iMessage features it's got voice notes it's got replies it's got tapbacks wow so for me it's great because I can finally like use whatever Android phone I want and not have people get mad at me you know this is worse than Twitter yeah people who complained that he didn't have the iPhone so it's so dumb um and it's only a problem in the United States but I've been using the pixel folds I really like it so beeper is very cool I think you still have to sign up for a wait list um I think I tweeted about it and the developer like gave me a code so I'm kind of let's just try that just tweet at the developer sign up for the waitlist because uh it's actually really good do you know what does that it doesn't have a waitlist WhatsApp yeah so here's the thing about it when I logged into my Apple ID because you have to like log into your Apple ID for it to work I got a notification on my Mac that said an unknown device in Kazakhstan has logged into your Apple ID and was this you so I don't know exactly how they're making this work it could be on some old iPhones it could be on a physical Old Mac it could be on a virtual Mac I don't really know so I don't I just have to remote into your computer real quick what I'll say is I took the Privacy risk um I like it but do it at your own risk the cardi B clip of her just being like that's suspicious yeah I've been enjoying it so I think it's just kidding you deserve to get bullied this with a hot tape okay I actually prefer the context switching of different messaging apps I do too I use the notification shade as my unifier but I prefer like when I get an Instagram DM yeah interacting like an Instagram DM yeah and then when I get a text into interacting like a text that's just me not everybody's like that but if you like it all in one place there's an app that can try I don't want to use the the reason that Bieber exists which is to integrate all of your messaging into one place you just after the iMessage part I just use it for the iMessage Fair okay because I can run it on a Windows computer I can run on an Android phone yeah for me that's great um but yeah I wouldn't want to like message in slack in an in a beeper wrapper right because that's weird to me yeah it sounds like wolf from the office just everything gets put into one space and you get sent a million different notifications yeah I guess it's the opposite but so anyway that's that's my pick what about you guys show and tell okay so I'll let Ellis go last because his is dope uh mine is this I'm on the 6A again just for I don't know reasons got bored but they have a teenage engineering pocket operator app exclusive to the pixel that's really cool really yeah it's really dope so like yeah is it similar to the nothing like beat maker thing that was already made by teenager yeah but it's better so does it make your phone special exclusive app that's a rare one so it has video also so you can record video and import samples and things like that so earlier today before we recorded I went into top down room and recorded a little beat and this is my beat and then you can add things so you can see in my face oh that's um that is such a throwback I don't know what that is wow uh shout out to Joe Penna old YouTube channel back in the day mystery Guitar Man just look it up and you'll immediately watch that and know exactly what we're talking about it was like I remember when he sort of like hit the scene it almost felt like this like next level of production quality for YouTubers because people were still just sort of like iMovie yeah being their way through skit and then he was like it's not even that crazy but it was just like it just I have a thing I have a thing for like when I can tell that a lot of effort was put into something I really enjoy watching it yeah and when you watch his videos you're like oh this took forever to make wow yeah shout out um my thing uh if you I put a link in slack because I mean not in slack in the show notes because no not in the show notes either in the Google Doc put a link in the Google Doc of uh this thing that I got uh because it's kind of hard to explain just a link called Ellis's thing it's a link called Ellis's thing yeah but essentially about a month ago I found a listing on eBay for a factory sealed Roland V4 ex which is like a 10 year old video processor that like sits on your desk and it's about the size of a shoe box and they're easier to find in Japan if you're willing to import them but I had never seen one Factory sealed this looks like a red means recording video you should make more of these you like my little unboxing I like it yeah I was not going to unbox it uh so I'm part of a Discord of people who like these sort of things and I like dropped in the Discord I was like yo I just got like a factory sealed one of those and everyone was like dude record yourself unboxing it and I was like I'm not trying to like Flex on anyone you know but they're like no we want to see like what it's like in the box so I'm about to give them this 4K my favorite part of the story is you're like I didn't want to flex on the people in the Discord by doing a top by like doing an unboxing and then I was like so you're now filming it on red but this thing is really cool and uh I'm sure I'll talk about it more can you give us a quick example of what you would like to do with it or like uh uh I have no idea what this one is nothing like an afterburner so this is only 10 years old yeah it's only 10 years old it looks older wow yeah it does um 2013. uh it does a lot of different things but if essentially you can plug a bunch of video sources into it like four specifically and then it has a bunch of uh Transitions and keys and wipes and diffusion effects built into it and then it has like color processing um it has different like feedback channels uh what does it do picture like the year is like 1995. I know it's like well that's why I'm saying this looks way older yeah so like picture like 1995 and you have like a big stack of home movies that you recorded and you want to like put music behind it and like transition between them you would use something like this to like edit it all together without a computer but I use it to make pretty pictures nice well this is good this is this is a good Show and Tell I think we should do this more often yeah as soon as we all have something else cool to share it's nice because like we don't always get to do the most the latest tech thing but there's probably something everyone has that they're like I kind of like this but we're way past the release date for it yeah or just randomly if anyone has anything cool to share we'll just do this one person show and talk yeah it'll be fun with that all being said we should answer the trivia questions all right that was so weird in the unboxing video Ellis posted he lifted the trade the thank you the lever as the music went on and I thought my computer started making noise whoa all right so trivia answers uh quick correction by the way a couple weeks ago I asked you guys what was the first commercially available smartphone with wireless charging no one got it so it doesn't affect the points at all but I said the Nokia 920 um a couple people in a Discord hit me up and were like actually it was the Palm Pre in 2009. I saw a lot of comments about that yeah but the palm tree this is why I didn't choose it because I was debating smartphone the Palm Pre you needed to have a different backing and a different charge you had to buy those separately it didn't come as the thing but it was available to buy so I'll say it was the different backing was it just backing that Wireless surgeon could go through or it physically had the computer I have no idea I think it was a yeah it was it like a moto mod wireless charger on the back I think it just put the coil in yeah it was like a completely different packing so yeah correction on that didn't affect the scores but yeah that's the the answer to that uh first question though comes from Ellis according to motor one what was the world's best-selling car of q1 2023 foreign already I think we're all good yep wow anyone want to read it or Tesla Model y Tesla Model y That's not what you wrote Tesla Model talk to me yeah Timmy it is the Tesla Model Y which sold 267 000 units if you'd ask me I could have gotten close to that too because I have to do a lot of research for the best-selling cars when I was talking about the F-150 Lightning yeah and I know how many y's and threes are sold so many cars and in a year they add up to 1.2 million and it's about 200 000 each per quarter I gotta say I rented a model y for one day when I was in San Diego and I don't really understand why people like being high off the ground it's very much the number one thing people want it's crazy yeah it felt so heavy and I don't know so my question was yeah basically what year did the mdr3 headphones from Sony come out three MDR Dash three wait oh yeah all right which is basically what year did the Walkman come out right also while we're waiting quick update on the score Marquez with two after that correct answer yes Andrew with one after that correct answer and David in the lead still with three will he hold on to it or will Marquez catch him if we all get it wrong will we will the person closest get a point how about that wait that's very closest without going over wait you can do outgoing over a year sure I can I think that's so much harder with a year on how long ago it was yeah because you're generally aiming probably towards do you want to sit at the big table for once touche touche you're welcome and read you're welcome at the stable anytime okay David and I went very I think it is the nine of the 80s though wait can you read it out I said 1973. I said 1971 I said 1989. that would give the point to David oh wait you are doing the closest yeah I'm doing close 1973 1973 is what David said the year was 1979. so you were the closest 79 [Music] I almost said 1988 that would have been close the original Walkman came out in 1979 the very first one yeah I know that we associate it with the 80s but I figured it must have been the late 70s yeah I probably went to her well obviously did I review that came out in 1989 oh wait no that's the I think the yellow one I'm thinking of the Nintendo Game Boy came out in 89. yeah 89 my bad I thought of the wrong thing okay that's fine I'm not mad thanks for watching thanks for listening thanks for sticking with us for uh a little bit of trivia but also a whole bunch of a variety of topics and some Show and Tell we'll be back with you next week be sure to like comment and subscribe and re-x this video when you see it see you guys later peace bye waveformers Bruce by Adam Molina we're partner with wow that's what you get for making fun of me in the trivia or I just forgot I love that you made direct eye contact with Alice immediately after by Adam Molina Spruce by Adam Molina and Adam my face oh my God waveform is produced by Alice once you get it wrong it's all over waveform is produced by Adam Molina and Ellis rovin we're partnered with VOX media podcast Network and our inter outro music is created by vayne cell [Music] that's blowing up on the Play Store is actually made by meta what did you know that Facebook app what
Channel: WVFRM Podcast
Views: 420,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli, Waveform, Podcast, WVFRM
Id: 0atwuUWhKWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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