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oh my God here it is guys for the low low price of $13,000 I got the world's biggest TV smuggled out of China and let me tell you that was not easy I mean look at the size of this thing 115 in there is no way you are sneaking it anywhere it came on a pallet so big we can't get it off the back of the truck guys I got to give you an idea of the scale of this thing can we get a normaliz human out here look at this the part about unboxing it on the truck that's a joke right no that was real we're going to have to get this crate off if we're going to get the TV off why why can't we just put it on the lift that's too big it's too big for the lift how are we going to get it open for context guys this Beast is triple the size of the best selling TVs in North America and you can't even get it here why well China has put it on its no export list at this the old okay uh I was kind of thinking you know there's probably some padding in the crate some extra it's right there you know what's funny though is I've seen this IMAX enhanced badge on things including my laptop but this is the first thing I've seen it on where I'm like that makes sense why aren't you available able in North America okay we do have some theories about that we're going to talk about them later though okay I think I got it oh yeah it's not going to fall well we wanted it to fall oh no it's going to fall oh it's going to fall it's going to fall now and now I'm stuck too wide for the truck okay so maybe we won't wait until later for all of these one of our theories is that it's simply too large for the logistics system that currently exists for transporting TVs around the world never mind getting it to the store how is the customer supposed to get this thing home okay now getting this off the truck is going to be fun the packag is around 230 lb it's got a handle here though the bottom coming up the bottom of the TV oh yeah it totally is this is justtin tape this whole so we need to have the wooden pallet small problem this is a lift over the oh wait have we done the sponsor read no we haven't oh no we were supposed to get into the basement a lot faster okay well why don't we segue to our sponsor thorum check out their rings and watches made from unique materials like gibian meteorite it's not too late to buy yourself or a loved one something special this holiday season so go go to thor. comom and use code LT to get 20% off small problem it looks like the TV was supposed to stay on this bottom pallet and we were supposed to remove the thing securing it to the other pallet now we have no real way of moving it because it's a slide off the top style box and um we don't have new straps just wrap it back together one two three oh my gosh all right all right oh my my feet my yeah yeah my feet my foot here got it got it good the driver said oh it's not too heavy which I think says a lot about about the driver and a lot about us as well cuz we're dying up here that's not what I expected to happen you race me up you you are you okay yeah yeah we're good woo how the hell are we going to get this into the house do you have a cart no if this was in the shape of a barbell I could lift it yeah yeah yeah sure Adam okay how's that we're on the pallet you know what the good news is that when you buy this in China it comes with free installation can you imagine if this TV got water damaged before we get it in there that's a like diagonal size and then what's this uh kilogram so 171 that's like 400 lb is that that must be the Fright weight that's like for the entire packaging this say 171 kg which is way higher than what they had on the website yeah that explains why it was impossible to move yeah because that's 400 lb and that's a manufacturer date so it's pretty freaking new W pretty new this was made 52 days ago oh Li I have news yeah uh you definitely don't have warranty oh how do you know it has to be TCL authorized like installation we're definitely not TCL authorized TCL please authorize us okay watch out you're hitting the column on the way in you know what we get all the way to what like 140 150 in before it wouldn't get through the door I think that's probably too small yeah yeah we're fine go bigger oh wow that's uh some that's in that's some nice cardboard juice that thankfully scraped off before it got in the house got any more of those Band-Aids uh no stepped on a nail I just want to appreciate the scale of this thing how big do you think this TV is relative to the size of that box 55 in 65 this is a 75 in TV the thing about diagonal measurements is that it's nonlinear a 65 in TV is way bigger than a 55 in TV and a 115 in TV well it's stupid what do you think of our new TV here here come help me try to move it tving okay there we go it weighs almost 200 kilogram oh my go I'm pretty impressed that we could move it at all then I wasn't helping you did great don't mind us it's worth noting guys that there are Home displays that you can buy that are larger the difference is that for something like a Samsung the wall it comes in a multi-panel assembly that you then stitch together so while there are no bezel it's not really the same as this single pane of glass one piece display there's five tiers of energy label thingy so this is like apparently tough tier okay green what does that even mean though we haven't really talk speeds and feeds it's 5,000 nit PE brightness we have no idea what kind of window size that's going to be but if it's even 5% 2% yeah it's going to be I hearing so here on there it says four Candelas per watt a Candela is equal to a knit 5,000 nits that means that this TV can pull 1250 Watts at this stage if we try to do the review of the TV in this video it's going to be a feature film so this is just going to be unboxing and we're going to try it out and then I mean we're going to run this thing through its Paces right yeah I mean it sounds like it's an actually incredible TV second video by the way speaking of second videos lm. g/f flat plane we're definitely going to have some extras from this one over there hey D what is only5 watt okay I'm not sure if I 100% believe that but if it's anywhere near that that does away with one of our other theories for why it couldn't be exported out of China which was maybe that it wouldn't meet International Energy Efficiency requirements oh okay okay cool big reveal uh wait are we ever transporting this thing back to the office you guys wanted this for a video wall for like virtual production well yeah but I was kidding really I have a 3D projector screen in my garage I haven't even installed yet no way no way does it come with a box for it yeah come on Yo the TV in here is huge wow okay hey Li you took got a brand new room yeah does it have Vasa mounting no what it does not are you serious at least there is no evidence anywhere on their website of documentation that they have it they have a proprietary mounting scheme oh my look at the size of these screws look at the size of this fo um hey lens yo this is actually pretty useful what is it that's the marking for where you mount the uh holes oh perfect let's hold on to that Holy crap it is not thin yeah wow wow she's a chunky boy I appreciate this I hate I hate thin TVs that are fat at the bottom it's just a lie it's stupid make it thick the whole way put better speakers in you heard that he likes them thick damn straight love you shay dude if we were hoping that a lot of the weight of the box was the stand or something I really hope that the stand isn't sold separately before you pull off this foam there's one more bit whoa what are you buddy you get a TV and some fun toys you can't use that it needs a flared base it's very important the the factory floor space just to pack this thing is nonsensical which actually was one of our other theories maybe the volume that they can produce of this thing is so low that they just can't serve the market outside of China with it that and it's an unproven Market that's true will people even buy something like this with all the challenges that are associated with it look at wo whoo whoo whoo hey first look oh it's so big by the way I saw something on the back that I think you're going to like check this out enio Ultra base backfiring subwoofers what does this even mean they call it a 6.2.2 system so two two subs and two top firing speakers I guess you know I think they're really stretching the term if you can afford this TV and you use your onboard speakers I cut you I think this grid wait is that is this part of the TV or is this part of the alignment thing that's the T I like it less than we did before that's oh they're handles wao genius oh wow and it's got a thing through it so you can uh one moment please what are these like are these like Furniture feet Adam I can't think about that right now I'm busy putting handles on my TV oh it has face it says it has the um the the base I don't realistically think we are getting this all the the way on the wall today I think that's part of the I wasn't even loading it planning on putting it on your wall I didn't bring Hardware like yeah I thought we would put it on the feet that I thought it came with ah that I hope it still comes with that I hope it's coming with uh must be somewhere we got we got one piece of foam left to remove I really don't think that one contains feet guys it occurs to me we haven't had a look at the io yet is this oh hey hey how you doing HDMI port for scale oh my God I was kind of expecting this remember I talked about this when we were talking about the video and I was like oh we should do like my port for skills it looks like mini HDMI I even knew it was going to happen and it's still it doesn't look like a proper HDMI port technically they're all 2.1 but also they all have different uh specs oh that's because they changed h HDMI 2.1 if you have certain parts of the spec everything is HDMI 2.1 now so the ones that are high bandwidth are number one and two at 4K 144 and 4K 1220 and then HDMI 4 does EC and HDMI 3 is like your I don't know you plug your CH cast into it well you're in China so you're Ali xiaomi box xiaomi box there okay I like how HDMI really looked at USB and said yeah that's a good way of naming stuff is this a coax or an they have an aerial oh an aerial yeah cuz I guess is there still broadcast television no way no way it has an AV Jack you could plug a composite input into this thing hell yeah you better hope there's a good upscaler on this could you imagine 1080p at this size even 4K at this size yeah it's actually it's it's 38 PPI I've got the wattage now it's 1,000 Watts now 950 WS so they have these little hooks that come out so you can hang the TV and then has the weight like from the TV so then you can hook onto there and then they just fold back in that's a right but did they include feet no no no uh okay this is a step up and Step Down Transformer basically what it does is it takes whatever Outlet you plug into and it will be able to Output either 220 volts or 110 volts so it's easy to convert between uh either side if you're plugging in something that's only sold across the world you know how many people have bought this TV from like the tabot official store two really one of two baby let's go let's go like sold two I can't believe they show that that's us oh my god wow their splash screen looks like ass at this size it seems novelty sized like it seems not real you know but that's a real TV one that's on the TV yeah okay so you know whatever 22 30 that's a 30in ass monitor so we have the tagline the legend of the giant screen at the top of 10,000 elephants which Andy has translated basically what we assume that they're trying to say is that it's like it's like elephant sized TV and it's like the peak of TVs it's like the best and the biggest peak of like imagery stealing Apple's branding they're calling this an xdr display oh really extreme dynamic range uh which is not true cuz the HDR spec goes up to 10,000 nits still HDR still HDR here's the biggest one that it's tough to figure out an A++ butterfly wing star screen mhm no I don't know yeah it's the structure of the LED panel thing that they have yeah so when we go down here to the butterfly section we discover that it's a VA panel oh which is totally common for displays especially a lot of TVs yeah but I wish for gaming that it was not 144 htz interesting I don't think I've seen a TV rated above 120 before oh yeah that's right when I was looking at the ports yeah there's one port that I guess you could use a PC for the input and just manually configure none of this explains why they can't export it from the country so here's my theory it's because this is a micr lens array TV wasn't this my theory what but go ahead take it well okay I added to your theory anyway it's a micr lens array which is a technology that is owned by LG ntcl is not LG but LG only has the patent for that in the EU and in North America they don't have it in China so TCL took their micr lens array Tech which from my understanding boosts brightness and viewing angle cuz it's basically a little lens on top of every pixel or every sub pixel every pixel so maybe it's that it's too close they don't want to deal with a potential legal battle so why even bother getting it certified to export from China especially because probably of all the other things we talked about already the good news is MLA patent expir in 2025 this is great TV placement desktop oh my God you need the phone number do I have to like WeChat login oh no shut up what it asked for a phone number does it have to be a Chinese phone number oh just wake up Dad it's like 5 it's 512 now we got it we got it thanks Dad what is this uh it's uh pairing the uh pairing process for your remote is this Google TV no definitely not Google TV there's no Google in China they de Google it but they can still use the Android yeah so it might be Android TV but not Google for sure hm wow I don't even know hold on is that in or not yeah wait why is this not working oh it is working I have it watching a 10-hour YouTube video of white oh what what the Adam this is totally non-scientific we're going to test it properly we can also we should turn the light we should turn the other the filming light yeah let's lose the light we probably got enough light in here anyway holy it's at 42% oh my oh my gosh oh look at how soft the lighting is this is 2400 Lux that's insane I can actually see the green blue and red sub pixels like easily to the naked eye but at the distance that you would be viewing a TV like this no problem in fact yeah why did I even say before that 4K is not enough because it's a function of screen size and also Distance by the time you're so far away from it it should be fine are you kidding me it wasn't in bright mode this is so cool you can automatically set your HDR mode I have never seen that before not on a consumer TV sure on like a a monitor for professional work that is so cool so you don't have to rely on it to detect It Black Box bouncing in white screen screen test oh dimming zones they claim 20,000 but that doesn't really make sense from what we know about other TVs from other companies that are being released next year our guess is that they're taking the number of LEDs per chip and they're conflating that so if you divide it by the six LEDs per chip that they have on this TV yeah it becomes like three 4,000 which is in line with what we expect from most TV manufacturers with that said there is some Bloom around it but this is a worst case scenario in content I actually don't know if this is going to be a problem I feel like a kid like I do feel like a child at this point yeah I I feel like I'm at a different scale yeah or like the first role off like a theater I am actually really impressed by the convincingness of the surround so far like holy actual um Can manually set it to Dolby Atmos so let's see if that helps they not really feeling the rumble there nope it looks like we won't be evaluating sound right now but what we can do is put on something visually stunning like Disney's Encanto and see how it looks what always blows my mind is here watch this just look at the rainbow over there and SP uh the particle okay that looks incredible I feel like the motion Clarity isn't quite there compared to like I'm used to an OLED TV at this point and also maybe it's just the scale makes it more noticeable I think so we're sitting really close it's also oh that looks so good though wow there is no question that this absolutely crushes the experience of any projector though yeah you simply cannot I mean in HDR you simply cannot have highlights like that out of a projector wow wow here it comes here it comes [Laughter] wow if it was 3 years ago I would say yeah it's kind of competitive but the way that oleds have come down that's tough that's tough if we don't think about it in the realm of TVs think about it in the the realm of projector replacement well then it's not that far off that is considered to be the bang for the buck HDR projector it's like $66,000 right that's green that's another couple Grand at that point do you spend another few grand and have a TV yeah maybe man it's like you can't really put that in your living room and well watch it have the window on not at all that's another thing to factor in is I can install my own projector but most people are going to have a professional come and install their projector and given that installation which is also required here is included in the price well hey that's another probably at least a few hundred bucks if you want a professional to come in and do a really good job of it from a more comfortable distance you don't notice the motion clarity as much either I'm sure there was a better way to do this we're at 370 what what's going on right now uh the the splash screen 780 That's the menu wow 800 WTS at bright mode in SDR we're getting around 450 and then in HDR we're getting just shy of 800 watts from the wall which is absolutely wild even if you factor in that we have to convert from 120 volt to uh 220 or whatever it is I think I have more questions about this thing than I had when we started but I think that's going to have to wait for the long-term impressions in review just like you're going to have to wait to hear about our sponsor Forum the season of giving is in full swing and it's not too late to pick up a last minute gift for that special someone with thorum it might not arrive in time for Christmas Even though they ship within one business day but your gift will be so unique that you best watch out for any mistletoe that's still lingering around after the holidays check out their handcrafted rings made from unconventional materials like wood from whiskey barrels and World War II rifle stocks every ring comes with a free thorum silicone activity band and an American Walnut Wood ring box and they even make minimalistic automatic watches using some of the same unique materials like Hawaiian coawood and gibian meteorite that's the kind from space best of all they ship to most areas worldwide and all their products are covered under their lifetime warranty so check them out at thor. comom and use code LT to get 20% off if you guys enjoyed this video maybe go check out the one where we installed this projector in the theater room I thought this was the end game little did I know
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,697,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tcl x11g, tcl 115 x11g, tlc 115 inch tv, linus tech tips, projector replacement, txl x 11 g, chinese tv, biggest tv, largest tv in the world, tcl biggest tv
Id: aB5xGd6hZmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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