How To Clone Your SSD to a New Larger SSD!

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[Music] what's up folks welcome back to the channel today we're going to be doing a quick follow-up video to my acus 14x laptop upgrade video in that video I'll do a quick walk through of how easy it is to get into that laptop to replace the SSD but in the comment section I did receive a question from a subscriber and the question was if I replace my SSD don't I lose my windows license settings and installed applications and the answer to that question is if you're buying a new SSD from one of the well-known manufacturers of ssds you'll have access to their cloning software and that cloning application will allow you to clone your hard drive on your laptop to your new SSD so that when you do the swap you don't lose anything and your computer boots up like it normally would only this time you'll have the additional storage that you're looking for now in order to go through the cloning process you're going to have to get an M2 SSD external enclosure and that enclosure will allow you to connect your SSD to your laptop for the cloning process and in this video I'm going to walk you through that process so let's get into it in this instance I have another laptop that we're going to upgrade the SSD but I'm going to show you what you have to do first before replacing your drive you're going to need an M2 SSD enclosure in order to put your new SSD in and plug that into the laptop so that you can clone your existing hard drive or your existing SSD on your laptop to the new SSD that's going to be housed in that enclosure I'm going to show you quickly how to install the new SSD into the external enclosure right before the cloning process it's pretty simple this particular one is an ssk M2 SSD enclosure which I got from Amazon there are plenty of options on Amazon but I'll leave some links I'll leave a link for this one and links for other options in the description below this is the same drive it's already open I just had to put it back in the Box before because I used this Drive previously to do the SSD upgradeing on my Asus [Music] 14x [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to make sure the notch lines up with a notch here on the enclosure you going to slide it in depending on the enclosure some a little different but you're going to slide this one at an angle until it pushes all the way in and you no longer just see the gold contacts then you push this down and we're going to get the screw to screw that in so it lays flat [Music] someon closures they come with two cables one a USB a to c and one USB C to C since the laptop we're upgrading has Thunderbolt ports we'll use the US you see the C [Music] cable we're good to go once you see it lit up then you know the drive is connected all right so now that we have the external SSD enclosure connected to your laptop the next step is to begin the cloning process but to do that you have to make sure you have the image application for whatever SSD you purchased so since I have a Western Digital SSD I went to Western digital's website and I downloaded the imaging software that they provide for cloning and that is the acronis true image for Western Digital I'm going to put links in the description below for this tool and for tools that possibly could be used for other uh SSD manufacturers whether it be crucial Samsung Kingston I'll provide some links below just to make it a little easier for you guys to locate this applications if you need to do uh if you need to clone um and there are also some other some other options that you can find that could do the same thing but typically your best bet would be to use the application that the manufacturers have readily available that will pretty much guarantee that you won't have any issues during the cloning process so here we are this is a chonis image for Weston digital I'm going to hit on clone dis right now once I hit clone dis it's going to ask you to choose what clone mode you're using and the easiest and recommended way is to go the automatic route because it would just pretty much do an exact replica of your existing drive so you won't miss a beat all the partitions and everything remain the same except when you're done you'll have more storage because you have a larger drive so I'm going to click next now what I do is you you have to select the source disc and the source dis is typically going to be dis one depending on how many drives you have on your machine or what particular drive you actually want to clone you may not want to clone your C drive you might want to clone a different drive this will work for that as well so I'm going to clone my window my C drive which is my operating system drive and uh so I'm I have that highlighted and I'm going to click next so now scanning the system looking to see what drives are connected and making sure that the drives are compatible with the cloning now you select the destination disc which in my case is dis 2 maybe different for you but I also do advise that if you're doing this process try to ensure you don't have any other external drives connected because you don't want to have any confusion and make a mistake and select the wrong drive because then you can lose a lot of information if it's the wrong Drive selected all right selecting this two and I'm going to hit next you want to delete all the partitions on the destination hard drive because you want this drive to be like the source drive so so you're going to click okay to confirm deletion of partitions if you have any partitions on the destination hard drive so I'm hitting okay okay next step select the required cloning method and you want to do it's very straightforward what you want to do you want to replace a dis on this machine now if you want to do something else then you have those two other options you can to choose to use on another machine or you can use as a data dis but we're going the straightforward route since we just swapping out our hard drives all we need to do is choose the first option so I will select next and I will choose proceed so now it's locking the partition on the drive so that nothing can be written to it during the cloning process and it's going to do its analysis to give us the estimated time left as it's copying and merging partitions all right so about 10 minutes later the disc has been successfully cloned so now what you would do is shut down your machine you're going to disconnect the external SSD from the machine and you're going to remove your new SSD from the external enclosure and you're going to swap out your existing SSD for the new SSD once properly installed you boot your laptop back up or you boot your desktop back up whichever one it is and your machine will boot up as normal with the new drive with all applications Windows settings your windows and your current Windows license intact all with the additional storage you were looking for with this new Drive folks I hope you found the video helpful if you did please smash that like subscribe and notification icon to be notified when I drop another video I'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: BE Well Tech
Views: 6,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clone nvme to nvme free, how to clone ssd, clone nvme to nvme in windows, how to clone hard drive, clone a hard drive to another hard drive, clone a hard drive, acronis true image, acronis true image for western digital, acronis clone ssd to ssd, acronis true image install, copy a hard drive, asus zenbook 14x oled, lenovo slim 7i pro upgrade, ssd to ssd clone windows 11, cloning nvme to nvme, cloning nvme, ssd clone software, usb 3.1 to pcie nvme ssd enclosure, clone nvme, ssd
Id: G1jjf2xTGvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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