ULTIMATE PC Repair Challenge: Anthony vs Linus

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I still enjoyed it even if it didnโ€™t quite go go plan.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CBlackstoneDresden ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If anything, this stream goes to show how skilled Linus is at hosting. It's obviously not an easy thing to do but after watching this compared to other streams where he's been the host, it's clear to see how talented he is

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ihavesalad ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Struggled watching this one. Sorry. The two big points first. Give the ref a microphone. Have Linus host.

Riley doesn't have sufficient Tech Support knowledge to cast here and it's not his fault, that's not his area of speciality but please just have people on the microphone who know what's going on. We as viewers were completely in the dark here with only occasional snippets of info.

Let the contestants talk through their methodology at the start. Muting Linus' mic as he was commencing was infuriating. He was giving us the most interesting bit of his thought process - where to start, and why. Instead we got the hosts talking to each other with what could or should have been pre-show back and forth.

When Anthony was stuck on the data drives without raid he needed a hint to prevent the obvious stall out while already massively behind. This was a one horse race and it was clear the PCs weren't identical. We need captcha cards so we can see bios settings. Tighter benchmark requirements or a clearer end point of hitting something like 120 fps in CP2077 with everything on max, or whatever the latest and greatest title to sell GPUs is.

I'm sure these are massively complex to set up and run, and you have my respect for organising it. They've been great in the past so I don't want to come over too harshly. This one had some fun moments; the dummy ram, the anticipation of a hard reset when the PSU wasn't strong enough, but I'm not sure those moments justify the almost 3 hour run time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DualityDrn ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Anyone catch when Anthony said "afraid Linus is going yolo" and Reilly thought he said yellow. Then Anthony says something like racist much.

That was getting a little awkward lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The-Real-Donkey-Kong ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Well, that was an interesting watch lol. I really hope noone got chewed for this, while it was messy in every way, it still was interesting to watch

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Goggi-Bice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow what a mess. Where to begin.

Did the hosts not know they were hosting until 5 minutes before the stream? If you arenโ€™t going to tell the audience what the fixes / challenges are upfront then hosts need to know what is going on so they can actually call shots like a host should. As it was arranged this was basically just watching Linus and Anthony fumble around for 3 hours with no way of knowing who is doing well or not.

Is Riley always this bad without a script / editing or did he just wake up in a bad mood or something?

The hosts not only didnโ€™t know what was going on they didnโ€™t know the rules and didnโ€™t even know how to properly end the challenge. They didnโ€™t know how the scoring worked and no final score was given and it sounds like the scoring system you came up with was kind of dumb - if the penalty for not fixing a problem that doesnโ€™t cause an immediate failure of one of your goals is less than the amount of time it would take to fix the problem then what is the point?

Also, and here is where this goes from just being a shit show to actually kind of pissing me off - it was really really clear that Linus was trying to throw the match because he knew that people would be happier if Anthony won (or that it would be funnier or make for a better video) - why else would he dick around in minecraft for so long when he had no way of knowing how far behind or ahead he was of Anthony? Iโ€™d accuse them of planning it that way from the start but frankly it doesnโ€™t look like they planned any of this down to them not even having a novelty award ready and resorting to grabbing random merch from the warehouse so I assume this was Linus acting alone.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KnowMatter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just want to say how much I enjoyed this even though it was a bit messy. And I also want to shout out that budget seasonic power supply for mostly pulling off its rendition of the little train that could.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Flattoecory ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Being able to hear the broken down results would've been nice at least. Like, I get that the whole thing was very disorganized, but we didn't even get to see the results of all that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mikaeo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Was the RAID array not configured properly, or did Anthony not notice it, and then reset his BIOS, potentially deleting the most obvious clue that there was an array? I think Linus first noticed it in the BIOS... not sure. I skipped through and watched at 2x.

It still doesn't add up if Anthony was saying the 2 RAID drives were identical "in more ways than one" in Windows when they should have been striped in RAID 0.

Also, did Anthony's PC actually get different capacity NVME drives? Or was this a frustration-induced oversight and mixup on his part?

I'm also not sure what the problem was with Linus' radiator fans. If they were all facing the same direction, then either way is fine.

As for scoring criteria: penalties should logically be adding more time than it would reasonably take to complete the task, and thus should be specific to the omission. They could have just shared a scoring rubric with us at the beginning and referred to it throughout. Instead they had a buggy scoring app. Oh well.

It was still entertaining somehow. I still enjoyed it.

I'm curious about Anthony's drives though, so I hope we get some explanation eventually.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TrustWorthyAlias ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
to pc tech support challenge number three the finale it's me versus anthony each of us has an identical computer that's beautiful but unfortunately fundamentally broken and we are going to be competing to see who can first diagnose these pcs and get them back to the righteous powerful performant beasts that they are supposed to be we're just going to throw you guys over to our live commentators alex and riley who are going to run you guys through the rules because i have absolutely no idea what's going on all i know is i got my trusty screwdriver i got a broken computer and i'm gonna win this thing i love the confidence welcome back build sport fans i'm riley i'm alex and we are hosting this pc tech support challenge number three so we're gonna go over the rules real quick obviously they both have linus and anthony both have pcs that have a number of things wrong with them and they're what are you what are you pressing a button oh we're going to go to the rules they're the rules so here's the rules only use the hardware at your workstation uh obviously all glass panels must be attached slash closed when running benchmarks so none of this none of this open test bench stuff okay we're professionals we aren't but they are if you miss any errors you'll receive a penalty on your final time okay so you might you might be tempted to skip something here but it'll come back to bite you later there are also a few bonus error errors you could attempt to solve for some additional time off your score but you'll need to figure them out wait there are bonus goals but they don't know what they are chase think critically okay i mean that's just general good advice uh so you could you could make a mistake and receive time off but you could also get it back if you find out one of these bonus uh goals as well they're going to need some critical files that have been provided via a flash drive that is available uh somewhere around there in the in their vicinity i'm assuming yes did you put it there i did not okay but someone did we have we have faith all right oh you've got the drives they've got the drives don't worry okay here are their goals these are the goals yeah not the rules go ahead alex they would like to achieve a minimum score of 14 600 in a single run of cinebench r23 they will want to use the time spark or time spy extreme 4k directx 12 benchmark to beat a score of 8 100. surpass these read and write speeds on crystal disk mark and copy the provided world save to your minecraft installation folder and complete the in-game task additional details will be provided when you load into the world okay and i'm i don't think i'm even aware of what gay oh it's minecraft yeah it says right there i read it earlier and they hadn't decided it was minecraft okay classic game and so and so what without any further ado i think we just get started with this thing right i mean am i ready we're ready we're ready okay so we're going to count down you guys are going to hit your start buttons i'm ready are you ready anthony i guess so where do we go on five hold on do we gotta do a little bit of trash talk first because i i think it's kind of time for a little bit of trash talk very nice float plane i knew you would be doing this okay floatplane chat wrote me off they immediately wrote me off they're all like linus hasn't even done any linus hasn't even done any tech support or pc technician stuff since he was at ncis he's going down i will have you know i was doing pc tech challenge diagnosis yesterday i had an issue with nvidia surround and i didn't solve it but what i did do was send an irate email to nvidia complaining that i couldn't resolve the issue so you don't need to have tech support skills contacts i leveled up all right anthony what do you got what do you got what's your biggest diss oh this is rude my biggest diss is that the motto for geek squad is kira at celeritas speed sorry accuracy and speed in that order so that we'll see how that works out yeah geek squad from best buy has a latin slogan that motto all right amazing okay guys how do should we ask you how you're feeling about your chances oh i'm a hundred percent i'm 100 there's no way i'm losing this i feel like it's coin flip i think it's just gonna be a wash for some reason i i that that shows me more confidence on anthony's side i don't know linus he might be blustering riley i lost your feet hopefully i can still hear you guys but he's talking he's saying something um yeah just tell us when to get going uh well we definitely can't start or can we start we can just start can we if you can't hear you then we can't start yeah i can just need to cut it down you're back oh here he is all right let's get let's get started with this thing why don't we alright are you ready i'm ready all right anthony alex i'm ready everyone's ready five let's say it together okay oh my god no five the first thing i'm gonna need to do is get these points this thing ever heavy my goodness tempered glass side panels are can be a nightmare to deal with all right now obviously oh linus thinks he's we're the hosts of this stream linus my we'll call on you in a second [Laughter] oh man so this i'm excited for this because these guys i mean you have more pc tech building support stuff uh experience than i do that's for sure i'm cheering for anthony you can't show favoritism all right let's go let's go to linus he's talking all right all right you're on linus well something that i'm a little confused about is compared to some of the previous tech support challenge computers these look fairly like good you know i don't see anything immediately obviously wrong with it let's move around to the back side here uh all right this is a little funky we've got a displayport cable we're using this looks like uh this looks like cable oh well there's a problem apparently in shipping our graphics card popped out of the pci express slot so um i mean that's fixed i mean that might have just happened you're just gonna be doing running commentary the entire time i mean like we don't have your mic on he can't hear us i'm capable of that i can hear you uh we had your mic off there for a while but you were talking to the to the to the cosmos hoping someone was listening here's a liar um all right let's go to anthony hello hello how's it going muted for the last little while what did you just discover well i mean the first thing i discovered is this gpu needs to go um the other thing was okay the very first well i mean that's not that's not the problem the problem is that it's kind of in the way and the other problem is that it's got this weird stupid cable thing coming out of it i don't know what's going on with that how are the cables coming out of the gpu i know yes however the gpu is usually flush with the back panel this is not uh the other thing that i've noticed is that the uh the cooler there are uh some fans that are not necessarily pointing the right direction uh we'll see how else how much else i get here oh man what is this bracket is that a case that has a vertical gpu mount in it but they have a cable mod vertical gpu extender in it yes oh excellent so we just made this more difficult oh yeah that's the job let's go back over to linus hey linus what have you found so far so far i have found a loose connector in the power supply i'm just popping the power supply out so that i can get a bit of a better look at it um i found a loose connector in the power supply i found a taped over power connector for um what appears to be the built-in fan hub uh so that's that's broken that fan hub has no power obviously those fans are not gonna get any power so i'm gonna have to do something about that uh what i'm probably intended to do here is use the included commander i can't tell if this looks like a commander pro so i'm going to move those fans over to that but i'm going to worry about little things like cable managing fans a bit later first i want to trace all my power supply cables and make sure that they're all kind of somewhere useful obviously the pci express connector being disconnected on the graphics card now what i'm worried about is that we went with a vertical graphics card for a reason i'm i'm wondering if mayhap's uh something's being hidden back there so i'm going to take a bit of time i'm going to pop that graphics card out i'm not going to try to turn this thing on until i've just given it a once better you want the vertical gpu because it looks better you might as well leave it where it is probably oh i i completely agree by the way i just found out that jake apparently designed these challenges this time around so i'm expecting them to be absolutely evil i mean i did find another one just now one of my drives i noticed that i have two two and a half inch set of drives down here one of my drives is unplugged so that's something that i can remedy for oh and this one was loose one was unplugged out right and one of them was loose so we've got you don't necessarily need to bolt those drives in you know they're chilling they're fine all right i'm gonna go back to anthony back to anthony let's check in hello again anthony a little question what do you have besides just your pc to help you fix it what do i have besides just my pc to help me fix it and a great attitude i've got an ifixit kit i do have a monitor keyboard and mouse so i could just power it on and see what happens however i don't know if i want to do that um maybe i will did you you didn't bring any uh did you bring any custom tools that you were prepared to think will help you uh i brought this it's like a i use it for poking and prying at things sometimes everybody needs a poker and prior that's that's it that's the joke pan fryer any day of the week i mean linus has the whole build question i can't tell you what linus is doing you can probably hear him talking to himself though he might still be doing it right now he thinks he's hosting a video well yeah i mean i've been talking to myself too so presumably it's a good mental health practice no i don't think i should all right let's go back to linus all right linus you're back on are you just going to be uh fiddling with the spaghetti the whole time or no no no i'm solving problems right now are you concerned are you concerned that you're kind of missing the the forest for the weeds right now not at all i'm finding that's so that's a craze as well of course for the weeds no i'm finding lots of problems i just found a sata cable up here that's not connected so i'll be dealing with that uh oh wait i'm going back to anthony anthony what did you just discover uh literally every one of the ram is like dummies uh okay well hey you know sometimes you find yourself in a situation where the ram that you have is not actually ram and it's just a bunch of plastic and you know i think this is a metaphor for for life so what do you do when you find yourself with a with four modules of rgb plastic rgb not volatile or non-volatile yeah i was uh i was unscrewing the cpu bracket um cooler bracket and i noticed that the ram was askew and i'm like oh i'll fix that i'll just reseed all the ram and uh yep so wait we had an issue one of the one of the errors was that the ram is a jar but then it turns out that all the ram is just fake ram anyways i guess so yes well that's pc tech support challenge you know this is these these are these are designed to replicate real world issues yes that people might i have never had this issue before you've never no you never had bought i'm gonna i'm gonna go away from anthony just so we don't distract him for a second you've never bought a full pre-built pc and discovered that one of the components is not actually a component is just kind of a placeholder piece of plastic well i got a dell xps desktop that had a gt in it which might as well have been a placeholder oh shots fired yep against the that poor old gt40 yeah what a or 740 just a terrible graphics card i mean i don't have uh i don't have similar i don't have a similar story because i don't think that's something that actually happens in real life but this challenge is not designed to replicate real life exactly it's supposed to test these these champions abilities yeah so let's go to linus it looks like once again talking to himself hello what are you doing linus i'm just making little notes for myself i'm trying to figure out all the things that i have found so far one thing i found that hopefully is one of our bonus objectives is our sponsor obviously this video wouldn't have been possible without intel who is the sponsor of tech support challenge thank you intel i have no idea what the talking points are for it because we kind of forgot to mention them up until this point in the video probably something about 11th gen core being great for gaming so uh go ahead and learn more about them at the link that is presumably in the description you'll also find links for all the parts uh affiliate links and the video description as well now i have found something new since you guys last talked to me there's a sata cable going into the motherboard that was just running up to absolutely nowhere here and i have rewired all of the fans and their rgb cables to the commander pro so this built-in fan hub is now doing nothing and the same goes for this built-in rgb hub both of these guys right here are now useless are you worried that you're going to spend a lot of time on the rgb and make sure that all the fans are going just like perfectly but then you try to you know getting to get into real business and you know what you you've discovered that uh your pc looks really nice but and you can fill the blanks um i mean i'm i'm not worried about if you're asking if i'm worried about not being able to fix the pc no that thought had not entered my mind i found a loose screw there's a loose screw sitting down here in the bottom of the case is you don't have nvidia you don't have nvidia and speed dial for this one i don't need any video on speed dial okay we have email god what year is it that's true that's true i shouldn't have i shouldn't have used that metaphor to begin with see you later i'm gonna return to anthony hello anthony how's it going uh it's going um it looks like there's nothing with the cpu or socket that's nice wait the cpu might be the wrong cpu damn you all wait okay well uh how do you know that how do you check uh well i know for a fact that we are replacing things so this precedent has been set now i need to check it again anyway this power supply i noticed when i was looking through the boxes here there's no way in hell this power supply is gonna power a 3080. wait a second how do you know that did you do the math like it's a 550 watt gold so i mean hey is there another don't underestimate uh components you know like sometimes they got a little hiding you got another one in the box oh yes it seems like you're actually finding problems with your pc now somebody just left that in there i don't know why i don't know why that would they don't know why it's here huh there's a lot of parts lying around uh you know lioness media group headquarters here that's true let's let's go back to the linus and see what he's finding all right hey linus hey linus i'm back wait you heard me say that before we switch to you i can't tell if you guys are just kind of trying to psych me out and throw me off the case or if i'm actually if i'm actually missing something huge here i don't think we could i don't think even if we tried yeah i although i want anthony to win i'm not going to intentionally make you lose well i mean i don't think you have that power i'm i'm i'm good i'm good you're just telling linus you don't want him to win yeah i'm telling lattice that i don't want him to win that's very nice that's not a secret that's not a secret everybody likes to root for the underdog you know what i'm saying i just alex just for anybody alex just wants to root for the underdog i get it maybe anthony's just a nicer person whoa he's a gentle giant and you're more of kind of like tamales you know i'm a nice person a very nice person look how nice i am watch this i'm gonna nicely fix up this computer for you guys faster than anthony yeah whoever whatever the customer was who sent this computer in for service you are i mean you care about that hero i'm their hero yeah they accidentally nope that's a spoiler this is not about competition for me okay this is about customer service all right are you going to just try and turn it on right now i am i'm going okay just see what happens has anthony tried to turn it on we can't tell linus yeah no i don't think you're allowed to tell me that okay okay respecting the spirit of the competition here okay that's brilliant linus and i believe in you we'll check back in with you in a second here bye-bye as he starts talking wait so anthony has not tried to turn on the pc yet right no i think that he wisely is just finding the what's wrong with it pretty much completely tearing it down and i mean reassembling in a way that he knows it's going to work if he tried if he tried to boot the pc with those fake ram modules would it have it might have gone into bios or something not even no it wouldn't have it wouldn't nothing well i mean that would be a dead giveaway well something's wrong but you don't know what yeah it's better to find out it's better so it's a better strategy do you think it's a better strategy what they're doing right now well history has showed before because when steve and jay were doing this in number one or two i don't remember which one i think that was one steve completely took the computer apart reassembled it and he won because he found stuff whereas jay tried to do what linus is doing do a piecemeal like and he missed a couple of things interesting i mean that's definitely that's definitely the dilemma when you're doing any sort of troubleshooting it's like do i just go back to basics and and start start from scratch or do i try to slap some duct tape on it yeah all right let's go to anthony hello anthony what are you working on now right now i'm trying to clean up the power supply cables um particularly i'd like to get this shroud out of the way um yeah are you uh when you build a pc normally are you kind of like a spaghetti in the back type of guy or business in the front spaghetti in the back or are you like uh it needs to if i have to be perfect if i have to choose one of the two it's going to be business in the front uh spaghetti in the back but uh i would prefer it if it was clean squad does geeks have a latin i'm not sure if there's a latin phrase about cleanliness i mean sure i'm sure there is but now i'm going to google what that phrase is in len google what phrase is mine business in the front spaghetti in the back we'll find out spaghetti let's go back to linus here hello linus how long until you try and power on i was waiting for you guys okay you're waiting the time is running the clock is ticking you can't wait the time in the world all right uh this one oh the confidence this motherboard has um onboard power but yeah there we go okay cool now we're gonna find out if we get any kind of signal from this machine uh the rgb is all lit up that's something that i fixed already proactively i believe my fans are all either spinning or going to spin yep there they go all my fans are spinning however it would be pretty oh okay my monitor wasn't on let's uh that's step number one let's give this the old resetty set also and i know about that the monitor's got to be on graphics card got pulled out while i was trying to hit the power button oh oh anthony wait we got to switch back to anthony anthony your timer stopped what good gravy come on hit it oh my gosh how long was that now stop hitting it no no oh no okay we broke it all all right we're going back well that's what you get for having an ease like a linear key key switch right there did anyone notice oh wait we should have we will be able to tell afterwards when it actually stops it'll be fine but we don't know how long it was stopped for because there's a discrepancy all right we got it we got it all right we're back on new lineus what did you just discover found your fake ram whoa fake is a strong word i mean it's technically still ram uh-huh no no it's actually technically not it's well you're saying fake ram it's right in the name if i had called fake modules you could have said yes because they're technically modules but they are pretty random just pieces of plastic with rgb so random access memory you know what though you know what though i like them i'm gonna keep two of them oh man confidence do you think that'll cause trouble in your benchmarks uh nope no i don't think so why would you use i've already got uh i've got a 16 gig kit here this is no this is no problem this is no problem all right yeah but once you're done you'll be done wait but you don't you don't have i i'm confused about what he's got does he have four real modules or only two real modules i have two real modules and two just rgb uh aesthetic ones just like that just like was intended okay that's the correct that's the correct configuration aos rgb memory two by eight gig two rgb infused demo modules also included see correct configuration that's a little judgy i feel like it's right on the box it's on the back we know if this is a daisy chain motherboard in which case you could make an argument that you can go faster why are you why are you giving them tips we don't know that we don't know that but what we do know is that we're in windows and i'm going to go ahead and just give it a quick i want to have a look at the bios before we go any further all right all right i'm going to switch back to anthony hello anthony hello i love this so what are you doing how are you timer again oh he hit the timer again but looks like he fixed it okay should i like just move this whole thing over like should i should i like push the timer somewhere else um you know it's a timer so i'm gonna although actually your timer is kind of useless now at this point because uh yeah you're almost a full minute behind so we might as well we're just going to use linuses all right i'm going to linus elias you're back what are you finding in the bios so far i have found a bit of a confusing thing it appeared as though the xmp profile was loaded but for whatever reason it um didn't actually apply like it's running at ddr4 2666 so we're going to see what's happening with that i can see that i have a an mp600 boot drive it's probably probably an mp600 pro and that's probably in the wrong slot but i haven't dealt with that yet i will i will go deal with that later um i just want to poke through and just see i see we have rst with intel opt-in oh no okay yeah so we've got rst so that means that those two and a half inch drives are running in raid of some sort uh fortunately i had them both plugged back in before i even tried to boot so yeah here we go i've got my two terabyte m.2 and then i've got my two mx500s from crucial linus it's pretty boldly of you to assume that both drives should be plugged in um no i really don't think it is given that we have rst on here i think that's a pretty good assumption if you're feeling good you know i'm not gonna i'm a little surprised computers i'm a little surprised that there was nothing bunged up with the cpu everything's in silent mode i don't think we get any points for uh silent operation here so let's go standard mode yeah jay could have been a jerk and bent a pen i mean i could have fixed that though sometimes he just does as a as a prank on people in the office i really do not see any problems here all right well hopefully you find one we'll check back in in a second back then oh wait that's that's anthony hello anthony what hello have you found any more problems it looks like you're doing quite a bit of removal uh well i'm just trying to uh get some space uh this stupid shroud is like kind of right in my way however that might be enough for now the other thing was completely unnecessary because we're not mounting anything to it so yeah that's basically it for now i think i see a loose sata cable back there which again is blocked by this well i mean the sata cables aren't even connected to anything are they we do have ssds yeah okay okay you know what we're going to check in one second because alex and i have something to discuss uh-oh later what are we discussing i just wanted to check in where what the progress is and and discovering these errors because i think we know that uh some of them some of them have been discovered so like the ram sticks the fake ram sticks they both they both found that right yeah i can it seems like linus is a head right now unfortunately are we not supposed to tell everyone we're not supposed to tell everyone all the errors but we can just we can say what they've discovered okay so because i feel like lioness is about to well make some progress should we feel like get back to have his computer shut down on him you know as i was going as i was going through i realized that there isn't a ton but it seems like linus is making a bit more progress than anthony what do you think it does seem that way let's go we have to stop him just kidding what have you found in windows uh so far in windows i have found that my drivers are missing for my raid controller it doesn't appear to have slowed me down though because my benchmarks drive has shown up with all the benchmarks that i need sitting there on it i'm going to go ahead and fix that though anyway i also noticed that my update for windows 10 version 21 half one is pending install it would have been nice if you guys updated windows before doing this i'm really sorry about that linus also i had nothing to do with that chase they were built a month ago they were built a month ago apparently well i'm i want i want bonus points for finding that i don't have g-force experience what's the manuals i don't know if not having g-force experience is uh you're the pc tech support guy what do you mean maybe a user doesn't know how to install the drivers or whatever i just want to make sure that i have the latest drivers before i go ahead and run my graphics benchmarks here that's generally a good thing to do i'd say um i noticed that let's see benchmarks i noticed combustor is here i don't see afterburner you know what i'm i'm throwing g-force experience on here 456.38 oh no is he going to lose some points from from the chat for using g-force experience instead of maybe i'm going to lose points for that get real you know just from the chat it's perfect i don't think that i'm not i'm not commenting on whether it has any impact on your final score i don't think it well you know i don't know let's check in with you later messy i don't like it but it's what we got for now all right we're back to you anthony hello you don't like your spaghetti messy the only way yeah i guess um unfortunately the way things are uh i need to make some uh messy spaghetti you know sometimes you gotta mess up your spaghetti a little bit you know that's that's what my grandma always used to say she definitely did not say that i am not going to keep these down here if i can help it so you had to replace all the cables didn't you um not all of them but yes all the power cables yes all of those well yeah since you're you have replaced the power supply from what i understand here yes okay i mean oh i have an update on the latin by the way you want to hear it sure business in the front spaghetti in the back in latin is according to google nego negotium negotium in fronte spaghetti and there go okay that sounds about right yeah so maybe that'll give you some energy to you know power through here sure hello linus hi i found out anything else i found that my bluetooth drivers were out of date so i'm going to go ahead and get that fixed up one of the first things you want to do with the machine is make sure that all your drivers are up to date i am downloading my rapid storage technology installer right now so i'm going to go ahead and get that installed i've got hardware info so i'm going to fire that up real quick here and see if there's anything that jumps out of the page at me as being a problem wow sounds like you're uh you're going you're going deep on this the platform is not supported how far away uh lions how far away do you think you are from uh running your first benchmarks i mean i could probably run my first benchmarks right now if i really wanted to i'm just getting my latest graphics drivers installed here that is now done oh boy i'm a little confused chase just gave me a look i'll be right back what was the look ah page for this board i think chase is confused because there's nothing wrong with this computer it's like a fine computer it just needed a little bit of tlc a little bit of you know cables reconnected i'm surprised you guys threw me such a softball here now the look like chase gave me had nothing to do with you it was just something we share sometimes oh okay got it perfect yeah it was just a personal thing all right well that's no problem you know what i'm so confident that i'm gonna go ahead and run a benchmark here that is very exciting now hold on a second oh the rules all right okay linus will be right back it looks like you're trying to figure something out there give us an update in a minute for everyone just joining us here this is pc tech support challenge three linus facing off against anthony in the battle to fix a pc that has numero numerous errors innumerable you might say except you might not say that because there's a finite amount but uh for anyone just joining the rules involve uh them trying to fix this pc if they miss any of the errors they're gonna get a penalty uh there are some bonus challenges that i believe none of them have found yet is that right there was there was one to do with the the riser kit that we're not going to be specific about but yes so i don't believe any of the bonus goals have been found yet is that correct okay all right let's head over to anthony actually and they're only allowed to use hardware at their workstation oh yes and then as when they get into the benchmarks they have files available to them i don't know if linus is going to be uh he looks like he's really raring to get into these benchmarks and i think he's going to run into one or two things that might make that an issue for him all right take us away take us to anthony alex hello anthony people are saying this is pre-recorded how can you prove it isn't um what happened today there was a surface pro event also there is a liberal minority government for which we only have a couple of seats to go that we don't really know yet um what else um for the canadians that'll uh that'll maybe convince for the canadians uh here's my watch it uh it says that it's 1 38 p.m on wednesday the 22nd so there you go oh now what have you found in the back of your case there uh well i found that the crucial drives uh the ssds here um they were very much interfering with the power supply to the point where i'm not quite sure how they got at the end to begin with um probably with a lot of effort so i've removed that and i dug out the uh what do you call these 2.5 inch drive sleds for the back of the motherboard here and off we go oh i pinched the cable that's cool actually that's probably fine but um let's not do that in a tech support challenge tech support challenge we should have had a we should have had a theme song theme song could have whipped one up real quick tag support i'm just gonna make one unless someone says something just gotta do it right now nope maybe later i challenge you that'll be um let's cut off anthony here for a second we'll be right back anthony hosts only the glass panels i just saw someone mention in the in the chat that you have to use the glass panels are we allowed to remind them about that or they just well but it's the kind of thing where like this is this is pre-benchmarking it's true well linus is getting started i mean he's back in the bios now but but this isn't like the benchmarking this is the pre-benchmarking just see if things are working fair enough i think it's totally fair so he can't well if he runs this if he runs a benchmark and we're and he gets a result and he's like look this is my result then we'll say uh mr tech tips not this time you forget about glass panels also the people want us to rap battle that is definitely not happening let's go to a puzzled linus i will last one line hello linus you look puzzled uh you went back to the windows installation because you missed cortana a little bit don't you i am a little confused about the drive configuration here to be perfectly honest with you uh it appears as though my boot my bootloader is on the secondary drive and my windows install is on my well my my primary drive so the bootloader appears to be on the mp600 and my primary drive is uh the crucial p5 by the look of things um or wait maybe i've got it i think i've got it the other way around i mean it's one of those things that doesn't strictly speaking prevent the computer from working at all but it's not ideal i do need to get this raid controller figured out you did get it figured out no i need to that's that seems important for sure i mean and so how much of a performance hit would you expect if you're not able to sort this out uh zero all right you want a z you're expecting a zero performance hit uh for having my boot loader on a different drive yes i'm expecting a zero performance hit for that yep all right i don't know how else i can uh instill a lack of confidence in you except by kind of being vaguely alluding to things that might hinder your performance don't worry i got this place uh okay oh man nobody's worrying should i download from deviceinbox.com uh-oh yeah that seems safe yeah it seems perfectly safe uh well i'm going back to anthony so all right see you later anthony mr young yes you still appear to be cable managing i'm attempting to i'm noticing that there is a significant amount of uh redundancy back here well you want to make sure that the uh you know there's backups on your backups because you never know when uh uh cosmic radiation will cause some bit flips in there you know you never know yeah that's true you want to make sure your rgb patterns are you know just just right you know exactly exactly several milliseconds out unacceptable yeah no absolutely not well you know if it gets out of sync you have one fan display in blue one of them is displaying oh my gosh can you imagine yeah that would be so embarrassing that's the worst it it would basically be the end of your social life if you had one anybody who comes over to your house and looks at your pc will immediately unfriend you on facebook yeah basically oh so i'm just taking these out to remove the clutter okay and how are you feeling i mean like uh you're you're still kind of needling away at the internals of the pc how are you how far away do you would you say you are from uh running some benchmarks um [Music] i mean it's hard to say not 100 sure yet uh probably i don't know like give me half an hour an hour is half an hour okay what was it you cut out there for a second i'm not trying to oh geez is linus like already built like booting is that what he's doing like i don't no no we asked blindness the same question to do all this we asked linus the same question i mean there's uh there's a plethora of issues whoever sent this pc in for repair did not treat it kindly no they didn't especially when they installed the wrong ram sticks well i mean actually that's not dangerous it's just stupid you know well it's stupid that you can do that not that you did it just to be clear you can do that oh yes the people are saying to brag about how you're one minute ahead of linus oh well [Laughter] yeah okay i'm a minute ahead of minus i was gonna say you know you're not gonna be able to rely on that little little sneaky little timer trick yeah you pulled earlier twice i was moving stuff around okay i'm just kidding you know if you hit the timer again i won't hold it against you all right well i'm going to return to lil sebastian little sebastian hello linus how you doing uh i see that you're like what are you what are you doing i see that you're doing something oh i want to check uh which are the gen 4 capable m.2 slots pulling out the map yeah i hope nzxt has it clearly labeled on here if they don't then that's when you're pulling out when you're pulling out the paper manual the paper specifications listing for some things you know you know that you're in a bit of trouble i don't know when it's the ones that fold out like a map like that you know it's not going to be the most useful very frustrating yeah it doesn't it doesn't say which ones are gen 4 hopefully either online or it's just labeled on the board so it's pretty clear that i believe the two terabyte drive is the uh the mpc oh no it's not oh shoot i totally clicked the wrong thing uh stop benchmark oh well that's easy okay so let's try this one what have you discovered still possible they're in the wrong slots though i do have my games drive up now though so i've got my minecraft installer and my steam library perfect you're going to need that both of these drives are definitely at gen oh no we do not want to update right now both of these drives are at gen 3 speed so i just need to figure out if i have to physically swap them or if it's just a matter of reconfiguring the pci express link speed in the bios which you guys might also have dinked with now uh resetting the bios is never against the rules right or did anything reset what resetting device if you want i think it's fine oh wait that was not that was that was against the rules previously i'm not sure what yeah never mind i didn't hear about anything about that this time chase we'll talk to chase okay chase all right see you later lioness talking in a second chase is he oh you're not chasing jake do you know if resetting the cmos is against the rules it was in previous challenges all right he's gonna go find out all right let's let's go to linus we're not sure about this resetting the cmos rule so just don't touch it for now sure no problem okay see you in a second i just wanted to check in one more time yes before we go back to anthony i just want to check in one more time on on these uh you know what what errors they found so far because now we know uh linus fixed his corsair commander right for the most part yeah it looks like anthony's rewiring the entire thing they can reset the cmos okay we'll tell line to set in a second oh we should tell them now all right we'll tell right now linus yes resetting the cmos is not against the rules this time around oh okay you can do it if you want to but actions have consequences i know about the raid configuration it'll be fine and so do i see you in a second let's let anthony now oh well but he hasn't even gotten to that it's fine he might be on the assumption that you can't do it yeah all right anthony what's up we are obligated to inform you because we just told linus that in previous challenges while in previous challenges you were not allowed to reset the cmos in the motherboard in this one you can we can because in the third movie all the rules change all the rules change ever see rise of skywalker uh i have seen it they just threw a lot of stuff out the window in the whole sequel trilogy can this start being a star wars stream right now i liked the first one the first one was okay yeah it was it was fine it had it had the bones of a good trilogy that it turned out to just they didn't get enough kelsey i can't believe i successfully just transitioned this stream into a star wars stream i love it well subscribers they're just movies they're just movies they're just movies podcasts subscribe today okay we'll we'll get back to you in one second all right so the fan controller the corsair uh wait the built-in fan controller and the corsair commander what's the difference is there a difference between the fan controller and the corsair commander yes well the built-in fan controllers on the motherboard yes oh gotcha do we know if they found that um you i believe anthony did i mean it seems like anthony's gonna find everything uh with the amount of time that he's spending uh rerouting these cables and plugging them in all sorts of which ways what i think is going to be interesting though is that linus has yet to swap his power supply and that's where a lot of anthony's time has gone that's true and it's going to be because he might be able to just get away with it like it might not shut down but they're running at 30 80. i linus has ran some uh storage benchmarks but he hasn't run anything that's going to really uh you know require some processing power yet yeah once that time's fine come off so they're gonna because they still have to do a cinebench benchmark yes they have to do a time spy 4k extreme yeah that's gonna be and they have to run a minecraft benchmark is that correct or they just need to run minecraft they need to get in the game you need to get into the game and punch a tree chase that's all who came up with this i thought it was going to be at least a dirt hot can we change it to a dirt hut yeah they have to build something they have to like build it build it they have to like build a republic of the notre dame chapel or something complicated anyways they're definitely not going to have to do that all right but uh yeah i feel like in the hardware in the hardware section linus is pulling things out all right let's check it yeah hi what are you what are you it looks like you're fiddling around with things you really shouldn't i mean that's that's that's delicate hardware you know you guys say that you're not supposed to be trying to mislead me but then you mislead me this is definitely something that i need to do it's more that you're doing things that uh obviously look uh somewhat you know like you could drop that drive something dangerous could happen i'm not gonna tell you what it is i think i'm going to be all right i'm moving my gen 4 drive into the gen 4 slot so that i can get the correct benchmark results here as long as you're using your uh fancy ltt store screwdriver then you're you're good to go of course i am i haven't even been asked to plug ltt store in this stream and look at me never leave home without it yeah when am i going to get one of those linus i want one yeah as an engineer oh this is annoying well i guess this cover's not going back on all right why not because it's not because there's a heat sink i'm not putting it back on you don't like heat sinks besides it looks cooler this way okay but you can't even see it it's behind the gpu actually since i'm in here i might as well fix the power button i've had to keep reaching in to hit the hardware buttons over and over i don't know that's part of the difficulty that's part of the thing oh i don't think it is i think i think that just putting them back is probably best i was just waiting to do it later i already knew they were off well how do we know that you're a real pc tech support technician if you're not willing to use a screwdriver to short pins in order to start a motherboard is this a power led you know this is oh damn the power led was actually in right just the disrespect ah my mic all right i'll get that fixed all right no i'm i'm disappointed i'm actually i'm disappointed in you guys i thought this was going to be harder why are you disappointed in i bet this isn't even a problem that was supposed to be on the thing one of the pins in the audio uh header is pulled out well that's just that's just realistic that's just the way things come sometimes so i'm going to fix it what's that i i i bet that wasn't even supposed to be a problem i'm just saying he says that's not supposed to happen i guess i haven't had attention to detail that should be worth bonus points i found a problem you guys didn't even know you are going to be you are going to be promoted at best buy linus thank you thank you so much riley you're moving up you are truly a wise and benevolent god what chase says we've already we've already been at it for like an hour that's not true 45 minutes on the dot right now all right so that's that just shows you you can't trust chase yeah and besides if chase says we've been at it for an hour i mean in hours the minimum that i'm going to be billing at best buy anyway so there's nothing wrong with taking the whole hour wait a second all right let's go ahead and all right flip this on like i was expecting i was expecting the front usb to be broken or something or like you know well you're not working maybe it is we'll have to see i think so because i'm already using it smart guy maybe at the end of the stream we'll find out it was a mac the whole time talk to you in a second see you later anthony anthony how's the spaghetti has it lost a little flavor it has firmed a little bit it's cooling al dente is actually the way you want pasta to be you don't want it to be too pasta i should say for the americans because they passed up here in canada yes did you yeah yeah so you know that's that's true i do like some al dente uh you know it's coming along it's getting a little better you know this is still a rat's nest but that's basically what you get with rgb unfortunately um there's not a whole lot i can do about that because the cables are kind of going in every direction uh but yeah that's i mean it's looking pretty nice though i think we're ready to get the power supply back in there yeah i do have to say you have spent a lot of time dealing with cable management it has been a problem he's not happy like i can't get at most stuff because the cables are in the way and uh you know do you think that we should have given linus larger fingers for this challenge [Laughter] yes give linus larger fingers let him figure out what it's like to have large fingers wait how would you know when you want i feel like linus has like maybe a tiny bit of an advantage with his tiny little yeah his baby hands are a legitimate advantage little baby hands i feel like uh but i mean it certainly hasn't stopped oh you hit the timer again anthony good gravy okay let's put that thing in the ground or something or something is that wireless see that's that's what happens i'm like i'm moving around and that thing's got no resistance whatsoever so i don't even know that i'm pressing it oh it's not a it's not a mechanical switch it's not a mechanical switch it's linear i don't understand i don't understand why people like linear switches what kind of a pc tech support challenge is this we don't even have a mechanical giant timer switch from a giant's keyboard chase what oh he should have given chase is apologizing to you for not giving you the giant novelty non-linear mechanical keyboard switch ah as well he should and then giving you full instructions about how to use it in lab what the hell all right let's go back to linus whoa anthony just discovered something what what okay should we check back in with you are you are you just like are you hurting yourself in your confusion uh there's a lot of confusion right now yes okay we'll check back wait what what is it i'm actually curious i don't understand what it is either yeah like i think at the factory they managed to tangle these up like like oh no they're actually a bit flip hit it and it got messed up or a cosmic ray that's what you call that's what you call a fifth dimensional uh power supply cable it's intersecting with other dimensions it needs to yeah yeah yeah so it's the tesseract of psu cables no all right i'm going to go back to linus he's doing great hopefully you figure that out anthony we'll be back in a second what are you doing i have a bit of a problem my system is not posting right now oh what did you do is this is this graphics card here for me to use it uh it's not a very useful graphics card yeah what what is it yeah no answer where did you even was he supposed to have that it was on the side bench it was right next to all the other stuff for the tech support chat that's your breaking rule number or whatever it was don't only use the things on the bench no i'm not it's right here all my other stuff's right it's a disqualification absolutely i'm getting a vga post error um and i'm a little confused because my graphics card has been working fine up until now what did you do before that error started well i moved my nvme drives but the only reason i can think that that would matter is if there was some kind of like eight eight setting in the bios and i didn't see anything like that you know what i could do let's try another slot do you think you just borked it i really doubt it moving m.2 drive around should not really bork anything yeah but like did you tickle the gpu in a bad way and make her go zap anything's possible but it wouldn't be the first time seems pretty unlikely well that's why i grabbed that gpu that was apparently there as a as a testing extra piece of hardware next to all the other hardware an astute an astute viewer on flo plane just uh suggested that you should have used a gamer's nexus mod mad and included an anti-static wrist strap so that's something to think about it would have been a pro move for sure although we have our own mod or mats they're not mod mats no they're they're desk pads they're not those type of mats different yeah we're still getting still has something on us i'm still getting a vga post error all right well hopefully you figure that out pretty soon extremely strange we'll get right back to yep i have no clue what's happening linus if that makes you feel any better are you saying it like that i feel like there's something hiding there no i legitimately just don't know what's going on i think he might have killed his gpu oh dear well good luck linus see you soon uh i was just gonna ask is it the power supply no i because because he didn't switch out the ps the the 550 for the 850 right it but that wouldn't give you a v8 vga error because he didn't do anything that would have drawn enough power at this point for it to be an issue so why else do we have a vga error chase do we have any information here but i mean this is this is the nature of the game here you know like we set we set the the playing field and then life's chaotic you never know what's gonna what's gonna what's that okay so apparently these systems were runs were put through their paces and made sure they made sure that everything was running okay well yeah it was running okay a couple minutes ago but i'm assuming that you put in the like real ram sticks before you did this he says yes work on him backwards the pc's turned around dad jokes i need to stop so this is a bit of insight for the viewers apparently the way that these systems were tested was they set them up completely fine they've run a ton of benchmarks to make sure everything's oh looks like linus has this thing back up but hold on hold on hold on they they run the benchmarks they make sure everything's good to go and then they one by one break components and switch out components and cause issues so that they know that they there is it is possible to get it to a stable state so you know the the the playing field's fair telinus yes to linus linus it looks like you figured something out here hey guys uh well no all i figured out so far is that i think my gpu may have actually done i'm not actually in the system i'm on the onboard graphics right now i'm just trying to i'm trying to figure out if i have my crystal disk mark thing figured out and that that kind of stuff here unfortunately i have a new problem what do you think could have happened my he says go ahead i i have a new problem my crucial p5 is now not showing up which is not what i expected because both of my nvme drives showed up before i swapped them between the two slots oh you swapped them because of the uh pcie specification yep i see so does it seem like something's wrong with like just the pcie in your computer right now um yeah that could be and if that's the case then it is possible that there are pins bent or tape on the bottom of like a couple of pins in the cpu or something along those lines that is a possibility and that was going to be one of the things i was going to explore soon but it is um that would be a very nasty form to do it did work before but i don't know if it was actually working at the correct link speed i didn't check the link speed for the gpu oh boy although i guess so that's a pcie 4 gpu but it would have had oh i think i just figured it out never mind talk to you soon you said see you later oh wait okay so viewers yes i think happened enlighten us did linus reset his cmos so what i'm thinking happened is that that's a gen 3 riser and it would have reset to gen 4 when he reset the cmos on the pcie slot right so now he wouldn't be able to use that riser with that gpu because it would just not work that's what i think is going on oh but he did put it in the slot maybe maybe he just actually broke his motherboard put it directly in the slot he broke his motherboard he might have actually just broke his motherboard how do you know it's the motherboard not the gpu uh because there's issues with the ssds as well so oh and how would how would how would he have broken it how would he have borked it i i don't know you never know the people are saying that i'm giving them hints but i actually like this shouldn't have happened as far as i know yeah we might actually be running into a technical life he might have actually just broke it chase is giving a hesitant nod okay so if linus actually broke it oh wait we're back on linus it's a lie yes yeah what are you looking at i'm looking at my core i7 11700k i had thought maybe i because i never checked actually what cpu was in here i thought for a while maybe you guys gave me a 10th gen cpu and it didn't support pcie gen 4 but that is not the case evidently um so we've been we've been informed by uh management yes stream management that if a component is actually broken you will get a replacement so uh don't uh don't be afraid don't be worried that you're gonna lose the challenge because of this oh i see can i tell them that i already did okay okay although also like if you broke it that's not excellent if you're a pc tech support it doesn't look good just say that i was on camera the whole time i didn't do jack i mean you definitely did it was it was working and then you touched it and it stopped working now it could be just shoddy workmanship all right we haven't checked in with anthony yeah so let's uh see you later anthony how is it going uh it's going pretty well how are you pretty good i mean we're fine but we're not in the middle of a you know excruciatingly stressful challenge is it i don't know is it stressful like anthony seems pretty chill i think he always seems chill though yeah it's impressive given that he hasn't booted his computer yet i know that you're just trying to rattle me but i am also a little bit concerned that linus is gone yolo gone gone yellow yolo what did i hear you okay nevermind i feel like i heard something that wasn't actually said um what are you working on right this second anthony i'm getting the power supply back in um god these cables uh deep in thought contemplating how many uh well i mean i guess you wouldn't know until you start until you fully reassemble everything but uh how many errors do you think you've gotten in in relation to the total like how many out of the total errors uh like hardware areas yeah i feel like i'm addressing most of them i know that there's still uh the um fan orientation at the top that i need to deal with what's up with the fan orientation i know that i haven't addressed all of them yet but uh you know one thing at a time now well that's a great attitude a lot of people think they have to fix everything all at once in in with pcs and in life and that's just not the case will these doesn't work in between in between uh giving people a hard time about fixing pcs and talking technical stuff we're gonna give some uh little life life lessons life lessons you know you can never have too many of those like don't go and buy a super expensive blazer when you can just find one at valley village the valley village in the states the lmg rack um you know you guys know what value village is though right i think using context clues they can figure it out the thrift store [Laughter] good old sally ann okay okay all right see you later anthony uh what are you doing i think this gpu is dead did you run over to newegg real quick and uh get it get a get a new gpu at the ncix auction bell bought me uh bell brought me one so i'm gonna give this a shot belle's always looking out for us yeah i think that we need a time delay here so especially with the shortages it's um normally about two three weeks to get a new gpu maybe a month thousands and thousands of dollars yes well particularly for a 30 80. they'll rma it for you but it'll it she takes some time oh that's true i had a friend that got a 30 80 and it died or it was just doa switched over to my zotac card here guy to gaming forever let's see if this puppy fires up i'm hoping for the best i didn't see any bent pins in the cpu socket or anything like that lights yeah we got all of the lights that was not the issue but it it doesn't it doesn't hurt to have some lights i know that much i mean it's it's gonna look nice you know at the very least linus if you bricked if you pricked your entire pc at least uh you know you can use it for decoration now i did change some gpu related bios options i turned on above 4g decoding and i turned on um oh bloody hell the name escapes me now um resizeable wire yes thank you i'm a little little i'm a little frazzled so it is possible however unlikely that one of those settings is maybe not correctly implemented in this nzxt bios because there should be no problem turning on either of those things with an rtx 30 series card and it's possible that is preventing me from posting because both cards failed to post now are you gonna go ahead and do the gpu right now i'm not no oh face switch away from linus be right there see you later oh linus might be chase is saying that linus might be right about resizable bar being wrong apparently that was not tested so for the previous for the previous for the previous tech support challenges was linus involved in yeah i know yeah but was he involved in validating the pc okay was he gonna get bonus points for that or just necessary to make it run wait before we switch back to anthony so i think i have some answers about what they've all gotten okay they both figured out the corsair commander thing i believe they both figured out the fan controller not working uh anthony seems to have identified that the radiator fans are flipped he just he only said oh i've got to solve the radiator fans but you just flip them he didn't he didn't say specifically well okay yeah right he knows that he has to do that i haven't heard linus say anything about that i haven't either so but he's got eyes he's probably figured it out he's got eyes but that doesn't mean you catch everything but we'll see we'll we'll check in with him although we can't ask him specifically if he's caught it we need it can we get can we ask the cameraman to get an angle i thought we could all right see you later and then wait wait the underpowered psu linus appears to have not actually changed his psu still he has not people are saying that that might have been what killed the gpu i highly doubt it he didn't do anything that would do it because having an underpowered gpu would not kill something oh minus is back in the windows with the gpu linus you're back in windows yeah my annoy level is pretty high it looks like resizable bar support is broken on this motherboard causes a no post so here i was going for an edge in my benchmarks and i ended up wasting like 15 minutes diagnosing a gpu that's perfectly fine on a motherboard that frankly shouldn't have the dial in the bios if it doesn't properly support the feature i love you guys nxt you heard it here first fix it wait so this is is this chase's fault or is this nzxt's fault it would be nzxt this would be nzxt's fault when i say when i say chase i don't mean necessarily chase specifically i mean the complex of people in the background that he represents yeah chase is just one man oh sorry i'm just getting in the way of my password here you were part of the build team let's distribute the let's distribute the blame there are at least three or four other people who are tangentially connected anyways uh i'm happy for you linus i was actually concerned that you killed your gpu yep no i'm good now something i'm still a little confused about is that i'm still not running at pci express gen 4 speeds on this what i think is the force mp 600 drive here well i don't think that's any reason to be angry i didn't say angry i said confused oh well that was just pre-emptive don't get angry later well uh so now you're on your path again or are you still uh hitting some roadblocks here you think i'm still a little well i'm still a little uh i'm still obviously there are roadblocks yeah i don't know what's going on with these drives here well godspeed thanks anthony what's up how perfect do the cables have to be not that perfect i don't have the cable guard back in the cable what sorry the cable guide it's the the you know the grommet no not the grommet what's the cable guide the um [Music] the trough where you uh through all the cables i just removed it the uh the channel yeah the channel the chummy yes the technical term i think is the chummy and jig the chummy and jig yes both together yeah it must be uh must be a new from noofyism if it's chummy magic i guess yes you put the chummy over the fish and grits you guys are both from are you concerned at all about shroud are you concerned that it's not going to post when you finally get to hitting the power button an hour later uh i mean slightly however i don't see a reason why it wouldn't at this point i've already looked at pretty much all the things you know there's probably something i haven't seen though i'm always open to uh looking like a so is your uh is your is your game plan right now to kind of like absolutely make sure i mean is this a steve steve from gamer's nexus strategy that he employed in the in the first one where you just make sure everything is absolutely good to go off the bat before you even boot anything and then hopefully by the by the end you know by the time you get actually windows running it's like you know whatever sound effect you want to put in there for smooth opportunity pretty much well it's it's clear that the other it's a bold strategy we'll see if it plays off a forum works out for him well i'm hoping see what my hope is linus will be less thorough interesting and he'll have to spend more time going back and troubleshooting you think linus is gonna kind of go quick right off the bat and try to barge his way through uh troubleshooting instead of kind of like being being a bit more zen about it which it seems like is your strategy yeah i guess so i mean i'm not necessarily saying that linus is gonna you know mess everything up i'm just saying that uh you know if i were rushing i probably wouldn't have noticed a couple of things so uh wait like what yes specifically uh like the rgb thing um that wasn't obvious to me at the first because it's just a rat's nest but the fact that i resolved to fixing that rat's nest allowed me to understand that we didn't need that much rgb okay well i think we have some things to discuss anthony we uh we'll check in back with you in one second not one second but you know what i mean wait because something that anthony just said made me think uh he is taking his time well i don't know if he's taking his time but he's spending a lot of time getting these cables just perfect you know yes and i don't i don't know i don't think he's even going for aesthetics but he's like you know he's trying to plug everything in properly and make sure everything's good and he thinks that that allowed him to catch something that he might not have otherwise if he had gone a little faster but as far as i can tell linus is linus fixed everything with the cables fairly quickly well but he's missed he's missed the big one in the basement what's that oh the power supplies yeah wait so when when he when linus goes to replace the power supply that's going to be quite a big yeah it's going to be re-cable everything but i am genuinely concerned though given that i am team anthony um there's a lot of software issues with this and those take a while to tease out so kind of stuff like i don't think he's swapped the drives yet um anthony hasn't swapped the uh the he hasn't yes the ray config well he's got his two sata ssds mounted in the back there they weren't mounted there before i think they originally were in the drive cage right uh yes under the front yeah he completely removed the drive cage because i think that the new power supply wouldn't really fit with it in there is anthony really is he is he going for aesthetics here because i don't i don't believe that aesthetics are going to give you a ton of bonus points right is that right chase has that says there's one bonus involving using iq software and led strips but that has nothing to do with the cables no well it's you know this is a strategy for sure one thing that's going to be very interesting is that one of the problems that's with these computers is that the gpu is at 50 power which if linus doesn't catch it might mean his computer doesn't shut down and he never notices the power supply oh i didn't even put those pieces together i mean we would be very interested we didn't go through all of the uh errors that exist in the system for the for the audience because you know you're supposed to discover it as the contestants discover it but you're right the gpu on for both of them is set to 50 power yeah so it's up to them shut down it was really up to them to kind of like have the knowledge that with an 1100 700k and an rtx 3080 and you know whoever whatever else you got in the system you're supposed to understand and know that 550 watts is probably not going to cut it for that stuff yes i think we have to go to anthony anthony yes you just you discovered something uh yes i did discover something i discovered that there is some additional rgb in the box so that thing that i had to take out may not have been take edible however i don't think that it's necessary what what thing uh that you took out what is the thing you're referring to uh one of the rgb controllers is there a brand name for that oh my god is this sponsored by corsair no i just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing there uh lighting node no no that's fine it's fine yeah you i got what i needed is it sponsored by corsair it's not we're sponsored by intel though thanks intel love you because there's a lot of corsair stuff in here we got a course here case you got all corsier fans we got corsair cooler hey hey they're not paying for any of this let's just settle down well jake built a system and you know he's a fanboy oh yes uh so you took you took the corsair uh rgb hub out correct okay but not the commander pro the commander pro is all i need ha-ha what did you say about the commander pro uh pretty sure it's a commander well it might not be a commander pro it's a something though i need to get to the bottom of this but it has just enough channels to handle all those fans and all those rgb so um yep so wait a second wait you're thinking of what's plugged into disregarding everything in your case and just installing the commander pro or what are you saying oh my god okay this was already installed yes that's all i need at least for what's in the case right now if i were to install these then i would need to reinstall one of those hubs i may or may not do that it depends on whether or not i think that linus is behind i feel like that's one of the extra tasks well unfortunately we can't give you any information on that front but we can check with linus because he appears to want to say something so see you in a second hello you look impressed i got my windows updates you're either impressed or frustrated yeah i mean the start menu had the option you know restart with updates and restart not with updates and i i clicked the i said not with updates and it was like a good idea microsoft thought that was a very funny joke you made by getting that yeah i so i misdiagnosed something earlier i thought that my um i thought that the install was spread across the two nvme ssds and i thought that was going to be causing some problems for me but actually all the boot information is on the main system drive so the only thing i'm a little confused by now is now that i've verified that it is in fact running at pci express oh i've got an idea actually okay well at any rate it boots without the crucial p5 so now we know that for sure um i might just have to give crystal this mark more threads because i've got it running at gen 4 speed i verified that using hardware info now but i'm not getting quite the results that i'm supposed to in my randoms random reads and i think there's a sequential rights there's a there's a handful that i'm not getting the results i'm expecting in oh okay well you got a bit more work to do to try and uh get to the bottom of that then i guess the good news all right we'll check back in oh good news the good news is that everything about the system from a hardware standpoint is basically at the point where actually you know what before i fire this up i'm just gonna pull that extra stupid sata cable while i have easy access to it so everything from a hardware standpoint is done now and i can whenever i'm waiting around i can be cable managing and getting it getting it cleaned up i've decided not to put the cable mod gpu holder thing back in here because i don't see any reason to add an extension to this graphics card when i was already having some difficulty with it um well i mean except for looks yeah there's never a requirement it's not in the rules so i don't really think you can dock me for it yep that's true all right all right we'll check back in in a minute good luck does he know we can dock him for it yeah one of the bonuses is vertical gpu that's right well and specifically because i did you say this case comes with a built-in vertical gpu mount i thought somebody said that we didn't oh but you didn't oh it's a it's an optional upgrade and you have to buy it right okay so that's not here but we are using a special a a specific cable mod third-party one is that right yes although i think that anthony's very confused about this because he appears to have disassembled his gpu riser and wants to put it in the case properly but i guess that we now know that we don't have those parts let's go back to him wait wait wait wait wait mr young okay yes what are you doing you always come in and alex yells come in a very questioning energy i feel like it's like i'm sorry i'm judging how's it going anthony there we go well it's going i'm a little confused yes which is bound to happen when troubleshooting uh computers is it something to do with this uh this gpu riser it is so what are you trying i was sure there should be another one what what are you trying to do with the gpu riser yeah so i feel like there almost certainly needs to be a different riser but i don't see it anywhere okay one second we need to talk to chase chase what are you saying yeah we don't want them today right okay so we do not have the official uh riser kit for this case all right anthony we've been told to inform you that they did not purchase the official corsair riser kit and that you're supposed to use the cable mod one or if if you want to use it do i use it it's it's i mean um the the only the only official goals are are these uh you know those benchmark goals that we laid out earlier so it's up to you whether you want to use the riser kit or not i mean i could just as easily use this bracket to hold the gpu upright well like not upright like in the slot that would be pretty funny just just prop it up no that's not what i mean what i mean is the gpu here but this is an anti-sag bracket at least i think it is uh maybe i don't care i might not care i mean as long as it runs you know that's true that's a thing i don't i don't see like if um let me put it this way to you if the customer said hey i've got this thing that i just bought to put my gpu vertically then i'm going to tell the customer hey this is the thing that you should this thing this is the thing that you just bought you should probably return it and get the right thing right in the meantime let's get you up and running well you know this is the pc tech support challenge i think you uh you should be following your instincts on on the way to check that support support the tech let's switch over here okay good luck anthony linus how is your ssd benchmark great i have slayed the i have slayed the benchmark dragon uh could you figure out what's the problem uh the problem is that crystal disk mark needs to be configured to use more cpu cores than just one yeah for a gen force to perform their best now how is your cinebench doing uh i don't know we're about to find out this is my first run i'm not expecting it to be a problem though i already tuned the maximum turbo i already reapplied my thermal compound just in case there's anything stupid there i haven't actually checked to make sure that my pump is powered um now that i think about it let's find out uh yeah it is so everything there should be fine but we'll know in a moment fourteen seven seventy two we're done for detention is good and the minimum score is fourteen six hundred so yeah i don't believe it with that one you are uh as long as you as long as you can run that with the uh side panel installed that is oh sure yeah that's right oh all right he's in trouble that's not gonna make a difference yeah the people are saying no panel i figured that this was all just testing at this point i i'm assuming that you wouldn't try to submit this as a fraudulent right all right i forgot i got this don't you worry don't you even worry about a thing all the lioness fans out there in the audience don't worry i got this still real nonchalant attitude i have no idea where anthony's at but i'm sure i'm doing okay and if i lose i have nzxt as a scapegoat because that really should have worked we can always just tweet angry tweets at them or something okay if it makes you feel better anthony also had a red herring because chase didn't buy a part of the case didn't buy a part of the case uh you know what i did well uh his case was missing the entire front section i wish i wish nothing but the best for anthony that does not make me feel better at all i we'll tell him you said that nothing but success for anthony today nothing but success all right we need to tell anthony this right away he needs to hear this direct from the big man anthony yes linus wishes to tell you he wishes you nothing but success who [Laughter] i i didn't catch that oh okay you just didn't hear it i thought you were throwing shade no that was from linus he wishes you nothing but success in this uh this little competition well i wish i wish linus all the best in his endeavors both in this competition and in life chat chat liked that one who linus i've never heard of him i only know the tech tips man do you know the tech tips man the tech tips man detectives stan we could we could go down the whole rabbit hole um all right so you're swapping the fans right now i am playing with fans right now all right careful play with fans and you might get nope no i can't finish it he swept burnt swerved is what i was thinking of because it rhymes with burned you wanna you wanna riff on that a little bit alex nope okay let's uh let's let's return to linus let's check it let's check in with the with the list all right see you soon anthony what's your name anthony here alex yes see you in a second andy are you rooting for me wait you just went back to headline is i don't want no all right we need to see where these guys are at because like yeah because well i'm slightly concerned that linus has missed a lot of things right has just barged along enough that the penalties that we have for missing those things will not add up yeah he's i mean he's very very confident obviously he's like i'm going to have no problem but i wish anthony the best you know what we have a checklist yeah we got the checklist i mean of the heart are we allowed to let the viewers know all of the errors okay all right so it appears that so linus reset his bios yeah um but i believe that one of the errors was that xmp was not set yeah he fixed that okay fixed it all right i didn't know whether he had gotten to that or not but i mean regardless anthony hasn't gotten into it because he hasn't booted his system yet yet to open or to turn on his computer oh my goodness um obviously anthony's replaced the psu most of the hardware issues they've both figured out except linus has not identified the radiator fans flipped the wrong way yet right yeah i'm very curious what anthony's doing right now i think that's maybe a necessary step to flip the fans up linus's camera he's gone hello anthony uh what are you doing to your radio why are you going in the top there i can't get to the uh rear screws for the fans were you surprised by this alex uh no follow-up questions oh that sounds annoying honestly it's bad case design yeah that just is irritating whoa throwing shade at uh wait who made the case corsair yeah of course there those are actually a pain in the butt a little bit but you know to be to courses credit you're supposed to have this like set up ahead of time so wait oh right yeah but i'm taking that out on some of the cases you can undo the top so that the whole thing flips out i don't see that here it looks like it's riveted in oh maybe there's screws either way i had to take out the same number of screws i'm sure actually riley i just realized something we haven't overhyped oh we have an overhead cam we haven't been using that at all yeah it doesn't really need to remind us about this come on chase we'll give them both overhead cams we're giving chase a real hard time through this whole stream but what are we gonna say tell you follow you on twitter that'll make it better right too much contra follow chase on twitter at too much contra what is contra and how can you i know it's a game but how can you have too much oh you're playing too much contra that's relatable hashtag i've played in any s game you've never played contra all right uh anthony we'll check back in with you in a second because i have something to say alex that's private just to you yes and the viewers we had some people in the chat speculating that linus's camera cut out for a second was he cheating it's not something i would put past him basically every competition that he did what could he have done he was putting his side panels on his computer i don't know but he's linus he owns the company who knows what he's capable of while the while the lights are out we're we're not getting into this riley okay all right conspiracy theories i'm not about them all right but it was out it was out for like maybe a good uh 30 seconds i do not believe that the government has nearly enough competence to pull off a conspiracy linus isn't the government he's a private entrepreneur he'll stop at nothing to gain the the money from those shareholders i do not think that he has the confidence we don't have shareholders by the way uh but um okay fine if you go to linus this is if you have faith in them all right here we go linus hi linus one question what your camera cut out oh and we want answers what were you doing the battery what were you doing in the dark by yourself i was putting my panels back on putting all my pcie covers in place my system is now bad is now ready to be returned to the customer i'm now re-running my nvme benchmarks here you think it's ready to return to the customer i think so all i have to do is validate it now okay well all my drivers are showing up everything's right drivers have shown up pci speeds well cinebench we haven't technically run without the panels on but i'm sure it's going to be fine i mean i'm i'm smoking these crystal dis benchmarks it's not even close these benchmarks i think you mean double them that does look pretty impressive yeah i feel like that whoever created those benchmarks did not do a good job at setting it up yep but that's fine because uh sorry chase it's not about i mean you know they were just trying to make sure that it's running that it that is my problem boys there was a reason they were sending it in to you know yeah all right this hypothetical customer all right cdm with panel done one of my benchmarks is done and here's another one for the books here we go all right we're not gonna watch the whole thing but uh yeah we'll check in with you and what i'm telling you i want to watch the whole thing you want to watch the whole thing all right what is this multi-course are you guys are you guys do you guys have some sort of like you know fantasy going on where i haven't managed to fix the computer and you get to watch me fail is that is that what's what's shaking here i dream about it actually precisely what i'm doing right now that's my fantasy i mean the funny thing is maybe there's something that i was supposed to have noticed that i didn't that i missed but maybe i compensated with my other tech skills you know what i'm saying like maybe i missed some cpu setting but you know by changing my turbo duration i have overcome i've overcome that problem you just kind of short took a shortcut past the issues that's right i i go straight to go collect my 200 because that's my hourly rate by the way uh all right we're at 14 773. i believe that is validated is it 14 that's true yeah yep okay with the side panel on this time got it you get all right cinebench is in the bag for linus big momentous moment okay maybe maybe that is a moment that's a big dub chase just said it's a big dub so 3d mark i'm coming for you all right here it comes we'll check in with you in a second i i kind of want to just so do you have it installed i guess that's not a question that you know just do you just want to watch me like blitz through the rest of the benchmarks here is that is that what you guys want because i'm down i really want to see what happens when you're all right boot up 3d mark okay i'm genuinely curious all right let's see let's see what happens ladies and gentlemen just gotta just gotta fire it up here you know where just make sure he runs the right one which is times by waiting a little minute here we go stream fires up 4k you know it's getting yeah fired up okay all right just it's it's running it needs a second i wanted to avoid okay i didn't hear watching no no it's it's running don't you doubt me riley it's running oh no hey i'm not doubting i'm not doubting i'm just saying you know computers take a while to do things and sometimes things don't run exactly the way you want 3d mark should probably be launched by now future mark system info service what are you doing well end task see you later buddy uh hmm i see afterburner is like kind of stealthily running on here so we're gonna we're gonna on it's at a 50 power limit we'll deal with that yeah i wasn't going to run it without checking that smart guy uh who are you calling smart guy here so you just fixed the power limit you're both smart i haven't fixed it yet i'm still waiting to see what happens when 3dmark actually launches here which it is refusing to do that's okay though we have ways of making you talk is this some maybe someone else is on the steam account initializing no i i just signed into my own because i didn't want to deal with that oh that's that's that's smart wow he thinks of everything this guy is a muslim copy of 3dmark uh okay wait jason very important to say see you in a second linus what's up yes so he is wasting a little bit of time and he's installing it i thought he was trying to run it no right he already it looked like that was just a play button he already has installed but what alex what's your prevailing starting uh when in doubt turn it on and off you you seem like you uh you were wanting to witness firsthand uh something happens because you think that's gonna happen yes as soon as he tries to well he might get the 3dmark interface up and running i think it's going to be what you mean even like just the program thing where you click the bench no like the second that he clicks go the second that he clicks a benchmark are you gonna go back to linus so for the viewers he currently has a 550 watt power supply in his computer and he has not figured out that that's what's on the go he did figure out that afterburner had the gpu set at a 50 power limit yeah but he has not changed that yet and as far as i'm aware i mean looking at the error list okay one second let's go quickly to anthony okay linus anthony yes you're about to turn it on i see yes and from what i hear i am far behind linus who said that uh well there's no sound isolation like he's got ears yeah it's true linus and anthony are uh technically in the same room all right we need to go back to linus though but our set is one big thing did you fix the power limit i guess i fixed the power limit okay excellent so you should be good to go well apparently i have to [Music] uh wait what are we running times by extreme 4k oh yeah apparently i don't actually own this one that's fine i don't even care i got it well uh i can we can tell you that line or anthony is not currently running it right now so you should be uh good to go no no that's fine i'm just gonna buy it they're in different i know he's on different oh he's gonna buy to not look at my payment info real quick here linus is just about to flex on stream i just flexed 10.99 canadian just dropping it like it was nothing i i i think yeah i think it's not i think it's not a very big flex you know i mean do you know how many lattes that is for me i i haven't you could buy me instead look i spend all my money on benchmarks not fancy coffee so i wouldn't know how much a fancy coffee costs i went to the car dealership looked at the lamborghini and said you know what no 3d mark instead [Laughter] exactly the lamborghini was this big you know what's important yeah you know what's important in life all right maybe maybe one day there will be a lamborghini benchmark that we can use we have a bmw one don't we i'm installing time spy extreme directx 12 benchmark for gaming pcs i'm at 48 48 installed wait does he run chase you said was already installed oh all right we need to go back to linus he made it more difficult for himself took off okay you guys signed up did i break yeah we were gone we just had stuff to do yeah that's no problem i got stuff to do too like winning actually i have no idea anthony might be done for all i know yeah anthony you booted oh we're we tell you gotta tell linus it's we gotta tell lions of seal wait wait wait yep okay anthony go ahead no no we have to go back to linus okay we're back what we're with you linus what in the world we're switching switching flip-flop well there's a lot happening on both sides and it's difficult to deal with it's true no problem i've never had a problem i've never used a stream deck before did you know that linus this is not the fastest way to run this i mean just he's in his own world he just lives life on a different level than us hold on okay benchmarks details we gotta not include the demo here that is not necessary we're gonna just run the benchmark this is not a demonstration this is a execution no demo we're not in demo mode here well we're in demo mode we're demolishing the competition i don't like it i'm not competitive all right i it's just it's just you know i feel bad you know what riley that's true i never did get a competitive vibe from you i see i don't even know how that's an insult but we're not going to get into we're not going to get all that in a dumpster i mean clearly i i have low standards if you ever wanted anything then i might have gotten a competitive vibe you know what i mean that's true yeah i'm just kidding riley wins at lots of things riley i mean i found i found this jacket you know on this rack that you got from the thrift store and it's pretty it fits me great it actually does it looks really good on you there's a lot of stuff you can find on the side of the road that's uh you know perfectly great my dad my dad used to pick up chairs from the side of the road all the time our house looked fantastic you know what my uh my new chairs from my backyard i found them on the side of the road they're really nice they're all my dad they're all metal they're they're painted black they're not even rusty or anything i was like exactly score do you have any idea good to go picture costs with the like 400 tariffs from furniture on furniture from china right now oh my gosh furniture is expensive yeah you might as well just find a computer on the side of the road instead of doing all this work yeah well this is a pretty good computer i don't think you'd find a computer that's running this flawlessly now that it's all fixed on the side of the road now that it's completely fixed yes every component completely fixed back to normal you guys keep you keep kind of going on about this are you guys just still mad that i didn't put on this is the pc this is the pc tech support challenge are you just mad that i only have 16 gigs of ram because you can take off points i i beat the benchmark score i'm running it i've got xmp and and and and the bonuses say bonuses are for finding the errors okay right so i don't actually have to i don't they're not necessary to complete oh if you complete them well you know what no i am sticking with my two steps the bonuses there are specific bonuses in regards to certain things but you do have to identify and correct all of the issues i want a bonus for that audio connector that was broken okay i will give you a bonus yeah all right i'll make sure that that that gets tallied up one point so it seems like that c sonic power supply is just it's just doing it it's doing okay yeah i mean like i was wondering because like when you find the benchmark i didn't notice anything like stuttering or anything or like a low frame rate although we're watching that monitor through a camera through another monitor so you know it's not the perfect uh example oh he has an egg he wants to say something i want to go back to anthony's we've hello anthony yes what you got here what's where what's what's shaking i'm just poking around the bios for a minute have you found anything interesting in there nothing's really standing out to be honest it looks any treats any goodies in fact i should just load the defaults and uh people are oh no i'll save that and then do my thing just to be safe so how are you how are you feeling about um the hardware itself are you are you fairly confident that you well i mean you're booting it up so i guess you'll find out but how are you feeling so about your work so far i mean i think that it's quality work but fast work i don't know is this the type of work is this like the same type of ethic you were using while working for geek squad pretty much uh we didn't really gut and rebuild pcs though that was more of my previous job and that was a little bit more ad hoc i mean okay so so we're not supposed to really give you give each other updates uh on each other but i have to let you know that a moment ago linus was you know he just took a second to floss in front of the camera so if you can find a way to kind of put in a a an equally i don't know what do you call that taunting move at some point i mean you don't have to do it right now i'm just saying no no i'm just putting the side panel back linus uh that was some that were some moves i gotta say i ran the 1080p version of the stupid time spy benchmark oh that was a big waste of time not because that's all that could take me that could cost me that i mean i don't i don't want to say anything but this might be a tortoise and hair situation that's okay i'm super you're one of them for sure i'm super confident though also did you take off the front panel of your computer yeah i feel like you should put it back on i feel like this looks really good but i believe that one of the rules is that you have to have all the panels on no uh do you no i thought it was just the side side panels no i mean let's check fair enough i guess i mean look if i've got an rtx 3080 this case no offense corsair is not the best for optimal you know super extra great airflow around your gpu correction correction the rules do state all glass panels must be attached slash closed when running benchmarks hold on a second because i've got the rules right here rule so do i uh if you miss any errors you'll small penalty there are bonus challenges use only the hardware at your workstation all critical files are on a flash drive those are the rules these are the rules okay so i i gotta say chase the that's true and i have that same list of rules without the bit about the glass panels but there was a slide there was a powerpoint slide with the glass panels thing so actually do we care about that this challenge right now this case okay look at the aesthetic all the rules about panels are off it's clearly designed to be run this way if you if you want to look at it it's awesome chase says keep the side panels on yeah of course the side panel but it's not but nobody runs a computer like that look you got all your dust filtration right here all right i mean hell we're talking about the front panel let's just lose the top panel too why do we need that why do we need that restriction you don't need airflow restriction no okay you do not have to have the front panel on we've got it from hq all right all right let's let's go back over to anthony cinebench how's it going um it's going i'm just this is a preliminary run i i don't have the other side panel on i just realized but i just want to see where it goes it's a single core multi-core we're looking at multi-core it looks like yeah it is multi-core is it we're only doing the multi-thread right we're not doing so yeah yeah that makes oh my goodness oh i guess we should tell anthony that linus has gone rogue and decided that the front and top glass panels do not have to be on right so you can take those off yes apparently because oh it's more effort to convince linus that he needs to put them on more effort to try and get more this is significantly lower xmp isn't it yeah that was your cinebench test was running a bit lower than you wanted it is on hello he's deep in thought and concentration let's uh yeah it looks like linus found something well i don't know they're cut cut back to just us for a second here alex no i want to be online what are you showing why don't you want to talk to me why do you want to talk one-to-one alex this is really between us i don't think i'm supposed to be able to run this benchmark with a 550 watt power supply but it's working fine hey did i mention that see sonic is a regular sponsor of ours they make great great quality power supplies we've got a freaking focus tier gx 550 running an 11 700k and an rtx 2018 now the thing i'm checking right now because even though i might be able to complete the challenges with this power supply i wouldn't in good conscience ship it to a customer the thing i'm checking right now is to make sure that the rog strix 850 that i have here and this focus use the same pin outs because then it's a super quick swap i can just throw a new modular power supply in and i don't even have to rerun any of the cables i just got to check if they're pin to pin compatible so a hack that i figured i would use to figure that out is i would check the compatibility on cable mods website oh yeah i was uh genuinely disappointed that your computer did not shut down when you put it on the 3d mark we were uh yeah we were waiting i was so ready oh that's so funny um okay so rt series is asus and c sonic but uh a little robbed of a spectacle yeah linus just for the lols would you be able to run prime95 and firmware at the same time for us i i can try it for you but i actually did not see that in the goals here so i'm not going to waste any time doing it while i'm on the clock okay uh anthony accidentally hit his button so you can pause it right like that see what happens i'm just curious wait no what no don't pause it i'm just gonna i'm just gonna complete it now hold on a second you guys are asking for a minimum score of eighty one hundred oh perfect okay then we're good oh what did you get i'm 8175 in time spy extreme 4k no you didn't i did excellent so you you found the power limit in afterburner and you're using the 550 watt power supply that you're supposed to replace yep what kind of a tech support challenge is this the kind where i win all right uh time to fire up minecraft here now this link is broken on the desktop here so we're going to want to go ahead and uh figure wait wait yes was that supposed to is this valid i need to i need to understand what's going on i think it's valid you got like we say benchmarks do the benchmarks he did the benchmarks but the 550 i gotta say the 550 watt power supply is one of the errors listed so does he have to replace it he got the score he noticed the 550 he did say that he was gonna swap it so he did oh right right yeah he's looking right now at the cables he intends to swap it i'm not sure whether he knows that he has uh you know a somewhat sizable lead over anthony at this moment given that anthony hasn't discovered the other errors with the gen three and gen four ssds being in the wrong slots although that's a pretty few might have swapped those right at the first at the start oh you think so i don't know if he did i don't yeah because he wouldn't you wouldn't really know until you went and tried to bench crystal disk mark should we ask him sure anthony yes um how's it going um i guess we'll see i just set up the minecraft benchmark uh i might have to overclock the cpu a little bit uh why do you say that but you're just getting oh no there's score that's uh significantly better for 14 86 14 886 okay well that's a passing score looks like your cinebench is good to go quickly a screenshot green shot that sucker so have you ran have you run uh crystal dismark yet not yet do that now was it a success what was what what then did you success to crystal duskmark did you successed yes did you success did um we'll see we see we should see indeed did you do anything with the ssds yet i kind of sort of reseeded the corsair mp600 i'm seeing that the read speeds are not quite what i'm looking for so oh boy don't tell me there's an we're not going to tell you anything well i know you're not going to tell me anything what are you thinking what's your thought process right now my thought process is that there's a m.2 slot that i am not aware of oh my god why is it an accordion road map whatever you call this crap i mean those are the funnest ones why have a book when you can like it's like a treasure look at it it's like you're watching a nicholas cage movie yep okay well typically called national treasure and that's it all right just a second i want to go to just just us now you want to talk to me alex no i want to talk to the viewers they're all saying that i'm giving too many hints okay but what's your response i don't know i like giving hands a certain extent i feel like we have to give some hints because or no maybe we don't i'm not i'm trying real hard not to give any hints i feel like that's my i'm like a tom holland situation here i'm just like letting leaks out all the time unless i really try i like giving hints i want to see anthony's success oh i see yeah you're you're a you're an impartial not an impartial observer he's also just quite behind at this point he is and i wasn't totally sure if he'd found that yet so as far as we so the only thing left for linus to do at this point is to run the minecraft benchmark well but he also has to swap the power supply and i don't think he's done the fans he has not swapped those around oh anthony quite a bit of time so but but this i guess this comes back to the same question we were talking about where if he doesn't catch all of the hardware errors that are listed but he achieves the benchmark results does he is that a win yeah what are our penalties here chase oh he gets a penalty and and in the previous challenges if i remember correctly i i don't think we really addressed this this time around but what they said in the previous challenges was that if you get like the penalties aren't worth uh overlooking like it's not worth overlooking the hardware errors in order to to to get the benchmark result and because the penalty is so bad that it's gonna screw you over so what are we doing what's the rules here couple minutes okay so each error that they do not correct gives them a couple minutes so two minutes added to their time two minutes two minutes but a bonus is five minutes have either of them completed any of the bonuses so far we have windows set to power savings plan currently so uh the idea is that they were supposed to take it off the power savings plan in windows the other bonus one is using iq software and led strips which i also believe did anthony might have added that i'm pretty sure linus did not i think linus did not or i mean anthony did not add it he was just he did not he was thinking about it and then the third bonus option was to keep the riser kit installed that we were talking about that cable mod riser kit although in fairness i would put the gpu in the slot because it's going to run slower with that riser cable are you sure about that yeah that's a that's a gen even riser oh right right because it's a gen 3 riser cable and this is a gen 4 connection yeah i mean from what i understand about those riser cables they they're not supposed to affect oh wait we need to tell linus what his thing is that he needs to do right now what the minecraft thing he knows what he has to do in the mind once you once you load the world save then the challenge is going to be self-explanatory okay there's going to be a bucket and a rock and a line let's put it in there hi you're booting up minecraft what are you seeing i am trying to figure out how to get the i've never i don't play minecraft i am trying to figure out how to take the punch a tree uh thing that's in my usb folder and import it into my game i found a guide how to locate minecraft java edition world saves um it's apparently supposed to be in app data but it's oh minecraft hello hello okay we've got progress here you found the save i have found the saves folder that's step one i guess yeah perfect okay yeah punch a tree just goes it looks like right in there perfect so now i'm probably going to have to relaunch the game let's even quit the title you're going to find out you're going to play it within that uh in that tiny window there yeah make it bigger please what are you doing we can't see anything look i was trying to what kind of a showman are you i was trying to figure out the challenge first all right okay i think i'm in pretty good shape here i just gotta figure out what the hell sodium is and figure out how to turn on full screen bloody hell where is the full screen option in here oh well whatever there problem solved okay all right we're going to come back to you in one second collect the wood all right uh oh he's going never mind don't count punch a tree collect the wood punch a tree collect the wood okay so i have to i can't fly so that's inconvenient all right i'll let you try and figure this out for a second we'll be right back um we got some people in the flow plane chat suggesting that the psu error should be worth more than two minutes yeah because because this is i mean like is the fact that he was able to get everything running and everything's just like totally fine he didn't swap the fans he didn't replace the power supply uh there's some other things that he didn't do in the hardware i believe i don't know that might be it but regardless yeah people are saying in the chat that 15 minutes is the power supply swap some people are saying it's a 20 minute penalty because because anthony actually yeah i mean that's that's fair because anthony went through the whole process but is the goal to equalize or is the goal to you know see that linus i think that got it running i think we can just have a democracy the chat um people just put in how long you think it should be i mean some people are saying 45 minutes 10 fields i'm seeing a lot of tens linus lost power did you just lose power just now okay let's go back to him minus what just happened what has happened i finally uh i finally ate it on the 550 watt power supply minecraft minecraft was what defeated it hey i mean it's a it's a very very popular game there's a lot of uh you know people out there i thought i was out of the woods so i never actually double checked these pin outs let's uh compatibility here we go all right wait so you you were trying to look at the compatibility you just stopped and was like i don't need to do this i'm better than this well i didn't need to it's not about being better than it's just if i don't need to i don't need to well all right but the regular people do is that what you're saying focus gx 550 works with both se series and rt series and rog q r s that's probably t z uh wait w x why is rog not on there oh here it is rg strix 850 gold white edition se series rt series oh fantastic okay i don't even have to change up the cables this will be quite lucky there i did not get lucky i got knowledgeable yeah that was actually pretty smart i don't think i would have thought about it you would have just tried to switch out the camera swap all the cables yeah yep google that's very very powerful you can't see what i'm doing candy andy so i'm just taking all the cables that are wired up in here already and i'm going to do a quick i'm going to do a quick swapperoo and then we're going to chuck this power supply back in there we're not going to have any more power issues okay well let us know how that goes we're going to anthony anthony you got a score on your screen how does it make you feel deep inside huh you got a score up on your screen how does it make you feel um bad oh sorry to hear that mostly because microsoft edge decided that okay it just stopped well it decided that it wanted to install part way through this test so um edge microsoft edge yes no one's ever been mad at edges isn't that supposed to already be installed in the system why was it windows update or something oh my god so it's messing things up this these two speeds are fine the write speeds but read is way down after the first test so i just need to re-do those tests i guess [Music] redo them no modifications uh what modifications are you talking about i'm not talking about anything i didn't even alex did you i think alex said something i said nothing at all he is very soft-spoken though so sometimes it's hard to pick up i did move the uh corsair mp600 to the appropriate uh m.2 slot that's why that's why we're getting these high scores uh however wait which drive what which drive did you move to which you cut out sorry which drive did you move to which now i moved the corsair mp600 that was installed in the lower m.2 slot to the upper m.2 slot where the uh crucial p5 was right um and moved those around so that was the modification that i did and yeah i had you know full disclosure anthony that was the modification i was referring to and we weren't sure whether you had done that or not so okay yes i have done that um fair enough so yeah i'm pretty sure this is just a result of edge uh i'll need to redo these tests so uh we will tell microsoft how uh how upset you are about this and see you later okay so that answers the question i was actually getting worried because i thought that he had not switched the ssds yet no he swapped him but he needs to enable more cores and crystal districts ah yes that's not even something that was listed as yeah i think that he can get the scores that he needs without doing that face is saying he potentially could he he's supposed to they're just supposed to figure this out so it's not part of the official rules or goals that you assign more cores to crystal dismark that's just that's just basic well not basic but that's computer stuff that these highly technically proficient individuals must know okay would you do that would you know to assign more cores i don't use crystal desk mark very often but i do normally just give it all the cores that i have if i'm trying to test an ssd give it all the cores you got yeah i just completely destroy it well it looks like linus has his power supply plugged back in all right let's check back in linus it looks like you've got your power supply plugged back in there lights pretty light burner down sure do all good you're you're not going to burn down the build corner nope well i mean that's always good that's that's usually the goal let's get our minecraft fired up here okay um then what happens are there any settings that i can come on full screen please actually i'm going to go back to anthony for a second you're more than what steam link okay so i'll do it anthony how was your crystal desk mark uh it did not come up to speed i am wondering if the original tests were in fact correct this is another video driver too you're you're wondering whether edge had any effect or whether that was just kind of a annoyance i'm wondering if the original tests were these uh these results on the paper here uh were done correctly whoa as in we're done on both machines and this is what we got on both machines he is throwing i don't think this ssd has quite the same performing he's casting doubt on the initial testing configuration um i'm wondering if they can't do it properly i'm just going to say you can beat that score well this is the score that i have the the score is much higher in most parameters except for this here um and i'm thinking that passing score in almost okay yep yeah everything almost everything passes except for a couple of tests that's why i'm wondering if the drive might be slightly different and this was just run on 86. wait a second camera person can you zoom in on those on those scores real quick uh oh anthony can you tell the camera person to zoom in on the scores real quick okay all right gotcha yeah we're we're just uh we're just we're you're so close oh man okay i think you can figure it out yeah i can figure it out yeah you can figure it out so you're telling me that there's more to this well computers are you know there's lots of moving parts and uh electrons flying all over the place so many things are going on in there i'm sure there's something you could do linus is tr okay anthony we'll be right back how to turn on cheats linus anthony i heard that you're trying to cheat right yeah you're not anthony you're a linus what are you doing well there's nothing wrong with enabling flying in minecraft as a performance you're on camera what you can't fly well what do you mean you can't fly i can do whatever i want oh no i don't want to lock the difficulty chase accessibility settings hold on a second chase accessibility can he fly or no he's gonna come over there everyone wanted you to have a mic anyways i should have had a mic uh just for the audience um i specifically i specifically disabled the cheats on that world safe he cannot fly unless he gets an uh level editor and does it in the third party right now don't you know that oh don't don't all right one sec let's go back to anthony yeah well have you successed wha what what's up heavy success crystal dismark not quite yet i am going to disable windows security real quick um i know that this is not something that i should have to do all right see if you can hear me if you can hear me laughing it's not at you it's at something completely i really don't want to hear you like to give you a hit okay good but i know that the chat will get really mad at me what i want to give anthony a hint but the chat will get too mad we probably could i'd say we could okay chat can we give anthony a hint yeah let us know in the chat okay well you did but then uh wait people are saying give him a hint hold on anthony we'll be right back um the chat is saying that linus can enable lan mode and he will he could enable cheats that way i'm not a minecrafter but what do you think about that chase he could okay apparently if he knows about it you don't think he knows he doesn't play minecraft he only ever plays fortnite save the world yeah according to chase could just walk and find a tree way faster than he has like we've done all of this it's the challenge just to be clear is the challenge here literally just to walk to a tree and punch it okay and chase is coming back all right one more time they can't hear us right now no i know okay we're clear on that so alliance is wasting a huge amount of time because like basically he spawned in a desert but the trees are like maybe less than a minute away it's a little ridiculous i don't know what he's doing right now yeah if he literally just started blocking you he would find some trees really quickly um oh boy he's probably already doubled his time in okay he's probably already doubled his time let's go back to anthony a lot of people oh he's got a no clip thing going on here go ahead hello anthony how how are you doing uh we'll see in a moment have you changed anything i trimmed the drive and i disabled windows anti-malware so all right hopefully that will do something that might give you a little bit of a crystal disk mark uh anything in crystal disk mark the settings appear to be exactly the same um right the people are saying no hints so that's all that i can say okay well some people are saying no yeah most people are saying no hints yeah there were a lot of yeses at first and now there's a lot of notes let's let's just uh see what happens see what happens what i didn't catch all right i just want to go back to linus for all right let's check in what's your strategy now linus like what are you doing i'm trying to add a tree i'm trying to have a tree i have no idea how to do that though i feel like you're i don't know if that's that's uh that's breaking the matrix i don't think that's the same tree so all i have to do it's true all i have to do is add a tree but the rules also say you have to use the world save provided in your flash drive i did okay it's not wrong i started talking there hoping there would be something to save it but nope okay nope there was nothing well i mean that's uh that's a strategy for sure uh this may be this may take longer than figuring out how to enable flying all right well good luck classic linus you know he's trying to cheat so hard that he's just he's screwing okay so right now as it stands obviously anthony's a bit behind hopefully he figures out the core thing with crystal disk mark although from his from what he's been saying i'm not super optimistic yeah i think that he's treating it as if the test is the test yeah as opposed to you can just change the test and get higher numbers but uh as it stands now what kind of penalties are we looking at for both sides that's what i'm interested in so the psu they actually both got that so now line is they're both running on the proper power supply line anthony flipped the radiator fans around but linus i believe did not we we were going to ask him about that but then we didn't yeah so that might be two minutes uh and then they got the rest of those xmp not linus got that i'm not sure whether anthony got it probably let's go to the raid zero drivers they both figured that out after burner i'm not sure linus is or anthony has a reason to look at afterburner yet so i mean there is actually quite a few penalties uh that is on the table for both of them even if they were neck and neck in terms of the actual benchmarks being completed right now so i'm not sure let's go back to anthony anthony yes anthony hello what's up he's like i'm busy hello hi yes we can hear you uh what what uh what benchmark run is this five or six hmm no hints though nope all right i'm going to go back to this oh wait okay what hello let me just let me just make something very clear yes we're all listening if i set these settings to anything else these change so what i'm looking at right now are the settings that i've been using and they are the same as the settings that are here if i change to nvme ssd that changes what these are if i change to peak performance profile that changes what these are so if there's anything that i can change in here that has not already been changed like nothing everything is exactly the same visually as what is on this piece of paper and also the drive that is on this piece of paper is significantly different from any drive that is installed in this machine so i am 110 like i'm getting kind of mad oh no so anthony don't get angry please all right the the the people are saying the ties have turned they're saying hints just change the number of cores anthony there it is number of what what do you mean available what are you talking about like in crystal dismark yes are you saying to change the thread count yes because that's what's shown here uh maybe chase should just talk to you yeah chase is coming over all right they're gonna go to launch chase is on the scene oh wait all right we'll talk to you again in a second well you trimmed it come on what are you doing linus i'm trying to figure out how to change the biome because that's why i have figured out how to do so why why are you doing it the challenge is not to hack minecraft well like it's not it's just a punch or tree it's literally just punch a tree how is this thing so utterly impossible to use i don't understand it how is it not as simple as right clicking on and then it doing things uh you know what you know what's not impossible to use regular minecraft where you go in there find a tree and punch it no i don't want to hike you want to go the opposite way this is like this is like the ultimate tech nerd solution to a problem linus what are we gonna do with you well good luck all right even if it were one of the drives over here because okay all right we're we're back on we're back on you anthony what's uh what so even chase is confused what's going on so that's the mp600 that's the drive we're talking about here yeah yes one drive is missing but that is the drive that is supposed to be benchmarked yeah so i'm looking at exactly the same settings i don't know what you're talking about with regards to change the number of cores um are you talking about this drop down here because if that's the case then it says five right there are you talking about um setting it to nvme ssd so that we have a num a higher number of threads in these random 4ks if that's the case that's not what it says right here so something broke down along the line yeah something seems to be broken down i think you can skip this one so what wait what's the uh yeah what's our problem here conclusion here there was something wrong with the testing methodology before the challenge even started um yeah so like one of them is missing that's probably on me like that's probably one of the um wait yeah that's probably one of the sata ssds i probably disconnected it on sorry what i'm trying to say is the ones that you have showing up yes what exactly i mean yeah we're a little they are okay we're gonna let them troubleshoot a little bit here anthony alex i just want to ask you if it turns out to be the case that anthony's system is a little borked by no fault of his own what do we do we just let him go past this one i guess we asked chase since he is the arbiter of this competition but he is but also jake belvance is over there and i mean he's got a head on his shoulders there are a lot of people saying that it's the raid but i don't think that's the problem because the that's not the drivey's benchmark yeah those aren't the drives or benchmarks yeah so there's number there's a number of drives in the system there's the raid zero uh which is set up on a a pair of sata ssds is that right uh yeah yeah and then there's a gen 3 m.2 ssd there's a gen 4 m.2 ssd and that's it so he's supposed to be benchmarking the gen four let's just go to linus he has something cooking linus what are you doing have you hacked the matrix yet i am trying to learn how to use world edit i [Music] do not know how to minecraft so i mean and it seems like instead of learning how to minecraft you're learning how to uh hack minecraft which is not basics here we go found a youtube video this is the how to basics world edit basics here we go boys minecraft setting a block oh yeah see how that guy just walked up to that thing and punched it that's something you can wasd is is our keys uh you could use okay uh people in the chat you know just you know i don't even want to give you this linus but people in the chat are are noting that world edit is not something you just pick up in two minutes okay hold on a second but little do they know your line is sebastian so linus lil sebastian tech tips he can do anything max game i have no way of typing anything which is interesting is the console disabled linus try typing this w a not cheating s d i'm trying to put down a tree then you want to click the the right mouse button left mouse button i forget yeah i haven't played minecraft a long time in a few minutes to wrap it up okay here we go i gotta say yeah i gotta say even though linus is very um hesitant to actually play the game here we go we played the intel processors are working great thanks for sponsoring this stream intel haha all right see you later linus yes chase what's what what what the heck is going on what's going on chase come here come come talk to the people the problem with anthony's computer at the moment is that his c drive um the drive that we're testing is the larger capacity slower speed one and for whatever reason the um nvme 4 ssd was not showing up for him oh weird so that's why when he's testing it it's not getting the right speed but are they supposed to be testing the boot drive or the gen 4 drive the gen 4 drive yeah and it wasn't showing up it wasn't showing up so he ended up testing the boot i believe so yeah well that's your problem we ran into okay so should we check in with anthony now the boot drive is supposed to be the pci gen 4 drive for some reason his system is not the boot drive is supposed to be the gen 4 drive yeah i thought they asked the raid 0 is that boot no oh i see that's just for minecraft oh the raid zero drive is for minecraft gotcha gotcha guys all right okay let's go to anthony anthony poor boy poor soul what has happened what have they done to you what have they done to me oh these fools so uh wait the problem is that the gen 4 drive is not showing up and that's the one you need to no no the gen 4 drive shows up and it's working it's a different drive that's in this test the drive i have is one terabyte this is 512 gigs that's on this piece of paper here it's a different drawer you're you're you're guessing that you are getting lower numbers because your drive is a higher capacity one than they use to get the initial numbers not necessarily that it's higher capacity but because it is different the different drives um i believe it was supposed to be the same model of drive at least right like it so like are you testing the mp600 it's an mp600 yes but it's a one terabyte that i have and the one in the in the test is an mp600 512 yes well it doesn't say mp600 at all it just says 512 for actually 480 gigs i'm guessing that either way you would need to have uh the mp600 as the one that you're testing to get those numbers yes that is the one that i am i am testing the mp600 that is what i am looking at and so chase chase anthony have the exact same ssd okay according to chase you have the exact same ssd the number he tested both computers and he said those numbers came from the ssd on your computer on my computer absolutely not this screenshot is not possible from the mp6 he says this screenshot is not possible he says it's a 480 drive on the on the initial test jay says he does not know what happened uh i believe uh as a host i feel like this should we should just skip this test yeah that's where that's exactly what i was about to say the people are saying skip it anthony you're officially allowed to move on past this checkpoint drop it yeah something else that is not your fault yes i mean that you know that that doesn't mean that everything's laid out for you perfectly but uh you know obviously obviously there will be some calculations to be done at the end uh to to to see what kind of penalties and bonuses this this factors in here all right so let's just go back to linus now wait before we go to linus one second linus i gotta say there are some people in the chat being like this is rigged so you know linus could get ahead or whatever however you know i'm not i'm not cheering for either of them you said you're 100 on team anthony yes it i mean linus con linus kind of blew past the initial phase of kind of like troubleshooting the cables and the you know what what things are plugged in the which way and whatnot he kind of blew past that phase a lot faster than anthony did so because of that i think he's got he's had a lot more time to troubleshoot some of these software issues so i think regardless of anthony had gotten past this phase linus is already two benchmarks ahead of him or as lioness got her as long as he got this in a bench linus is done but he's just being an idiot he's done but he hasn't punched a tree yet yes right so i mean you know depending on how long it takes to to do the linus method of going the long way around anthony may catch up yes because i know that anthony's probably just going to get into minecraft and just start walking i don't know that but i certainly hope so the people are saying that it's raked so anthony can win this this is not true i just want to see him be able to move on he's he's he's two benchmarks behind yeah all right we're gonna go back to linus all right here we go linus have you figured anything out on how to punch a tree yet have you built an operating system yet i've got punching i've got punching down all i need is a tree you're punching down is what you're saying just need a tree got the punching got the punching figure figure it out check it out punch that's step one yep what chase says make sure you collect the log collect the log no problem collect the log that drops from the tree uh wait so did you actually manage did you learn how to use the other thing is that hold on a second now world headed is that what it's called why can't i fly okay what are you doing happy enable flying minecraft cheat command hell is the command slash ability at player mayfly true all right back to game uh this guy may oh player hold on okay what is anthony oh no wait i can't talk no they're incomplete command what i i believe that you'll find the command one day linus good luck all right anthony what are you where are you oh you're trying to get to 3dmark now you're not speaking to anthony what there we go anthony yes you're uh you're making your way to 3dmark we see yes okay i just want to say on behalf of uh linus media group i'm just so sorry this was on behalf of chase i'm sorry [Laughter] this is bizarre but don't worry because we're gonna factor it we're gonna we're gonna figure this out okay because this is not there's there's more to this story there is more there's so much more why what what are you saying so you know those two identical drives they're identical in more ways than one and in this case they're identical in such a way that windows didn't know what to do with them when they were both connected now that i've disconnected one it looks like this folder is no longer here so i need to figure out what to do with this um maybe i'll just like rename this folder yeah okay okay we'll we'll be right back wait a second does he not know that those drives were in a zero configuration it would appear now odd he does not know that they were raid zero so you need both of them in order to function as a single drive and now he's he's confused as to why he disconnected one and a folder disappeared okay more hints time for more answer now let's let's just go to linus here okay cool though there's nothing but desert as far as the eye can see yes so yes that's how deserts work yeah usually unless you're on the very edge although there's water there's water right there yeah you're not in a desert you're not gonna die any time soon lions don't worry about it or is it a mirage oh is this minecraft rtx or is that just how water looks in my craft now that looks nice oh it's java there's nice shaders oh my god okay we're swimming in a while since i picked up minecraft yeah yeah i played it the other day and i was like oh my god this looks amazing the way just normal minecraft when you boot it looks like this now no no you have to oh oh you gotta get sonic ether's unbelievable shaders or something it makes it look real good dang that's beautiful i could look at that all day yeah all right we're going to how are you doing we're fine we're good we're going to punch a tree now what do you see is that them on the horizon do you see some i do i see trees so it appears that after all of your your efforts to yes to run around and find the long way around i'm checking why did why did the commands not work uh because chase decided because this was a moral lesson for you linus yes well that's have you seen those you're supposed to just follow the instructions do the right thing i did follow the instructions instead of sabotaging anthony's pc what cheats are disabled linus that's i just made that pretty much it no the cheats are enabled we're going to take that the wrong way i figured out how to enable the cheats how long do you have to freaking this is i mean how do you select a sword scratch at a tree like a cat you're supposed to punch it hello although chase did say get the wood so he did say get the wood i don't know how to equip a sword oh there people are people are you know how do i equip it i have no idea this is crafting whatever i apparently have an iron sword now wait i am not swinging it though was he allowed to look at chat my hands are gone i haven't been looking that's a cheat that's cheating it's not i'm just joking they have shaders blah blah blah is it just slash game mode one what no it says what are you doing well now i just want to know oh game mode creative well i'm not telling him that yeah all right no okay cutting line us up for a second uh as as many people in the chat are noting correctly he's clicking instead of holding oh whoops uh how do i he's clicking instead of holding oh he did it all right of course this is how a tree works i don't know where my inventory is i have i does not inventory i don't know how to play this game through the tree the viewers are saying to press alt f4 and that will solve your problems thank you that's very helpful auto jump oh my gosh okay okay wait we'll be right back linus linus appears to have completed with the punching of the tree all of the goals set out uh in the in the rules is that correct it is correct uh we do need to have confirmation we need to validate however however do we say all right you finished all the goals and that's it ends time and the time or or or do we say well there's some things you missed there bud shakes it's up to him it's up to him all right back to line he opens the inventory of course why wouldn't it why wouldn't it be why would it be not anything we cut back to you right as yet all right here's your here's your stupid birch log you happy i am happy chase chase all right chase says you can hit the timer if you want to sure yeah if you think that you're done oh i'm just thinking that you're done all right okay linus is officially done two hours 30 minutes and 46 seconds um apparently that was an hour over time this was only supposed to take an hour and a half an hour and a half well damn daniel what are you talking about the other ones the previous ones were like three and a half hours all right they they do get complicated they clearly do all right so tell me why the commands aren't working now i want to know the answer chase why are the commands not working because you have the wrong attitude okay chase come over here i thought he was miked yeah i mean he should be made next time maybe if he actually started maybe if we actually hire an audio engineer team he'll be miked so supposedly i have cheats enabled so why don't the commands work there's it's it's gone anthony's top down is gone david just dropped the drop the camera he's like i'm over sorry game mode yeah creative i already did that i can't go to both i just did that did i mistype it or something okay so we have we have both of you on right now all right gg anthony where did anthony go oh there's david putting on the camera what's up yeah what happened to anthony um the overhead um the power for it cut out and david snaps that because that's where my audio is so uh ah yeah ah i see rock on all right so wait gigi i spent the last probably good lord i have no idea how long figuring out how to enable creative mode in minecraft so wait we're on both right now okay so you are linus and vice versa okay is this the end what is this i guess this is the end it did well you guys got to tell us you guys got to tell us how our scores stacked up here because i have no idea what anyone else's times were like well that's a good question oh we do have a spreadsheet don't we has someone been updating that brilliant okay chase come over here and tell us what the final score i think we got him right here all right here we go okay so uh the actual total that i'm looking at here is this the w is that the penalties or is this the like come on guys i believe in you what's the what's the higher number what's the chase come over here actual total of penalties okay wait i know that then i can do that all right so we got linus huh the one that's green is the winner that's the most simple way to do it okay so um linus accrued you did finish first linus yeah during your what do you mean well you've well i just finished like two minutes ago yeah yeah you finished your goals anthony has not finished his goals yet he's still not finished well he ran into some issues i spent like over half an hour around trying to cheat at minecraft it's just impossible chase just switched things hold on a second there's some last minute additions here what a twist oh my gosh now he's reversing it what in the world okay back to all right all right all right linus you finished first you finished your goals all right but due to errors and and omissions during your your build process you accrued a total of 24 minutes and 30 seconds in penalties errors and omissions why don't you tell me what my errors and omissions are and i'll see if i will after the stream joe i need to hear them now the stream will be a one-on-one we'll go for coffee there's lots to talk about no they got to hear you got this one here hold on hold on yeah let's get this let's get this corrected what did i air wando mitt because because he got that wait which one you just clicked something let the record show i asked chase to grab a mic before we started and he said he would this would be a lot easier if chase could grab a mic chase i think that your scoring system is completely wrong okay so if we look here his penalties are going down as i uncheck the things he's done this this is working the opposite way it should yeah why don't you guys just tell me what i didn't get and we'll start with that you didn't flip the radiator fans because they're flipped the wrong way no they're not somehow wait did you flip them no i didn't no no they're an intake i want them to be an intake there's nothing wrong with that it didn't affect my performance at all oh oh yeah no i i i was aware of that i also thought about using the radiator in the front of the case but my concern was that i'd be drawing in warm cpu heated air and i would be pushing that over my graphics card which is not not what i want okay yeah alex do you understand what's going on with this i actually agree with linus in this situation i think having this intake is perfectly valid well this is still good you still gotta you still get a penalty for it because you were supposed to do it that's two minutes whatever yeah it's all right it's fine fine i'll take my two minute penalty i'm good okay so linus accrued a total of 29 minutes i i think that the thing's just broken but we can't give these speeches i think we can just say linus has won because anthony did not finish it's not finished yet i'm installing 3dmark linus is anthony's installing 3dmark we're going to okay let's just wait i'm just kidding i don't know i think that's i think we have to call it yeah okay all right uh well hold on a second anthony are you on the line right now yeah which of your challenges have you completed um i've got cinebench and well that's really about it we ran into issues with crystal disk mark um and i cannot run 3dmark because it is currently on a corrupted drive so on a corrupted drive yep well wait anthony did you fix the raid there was a raid yeah so the two sata ssds were in a raid zero configuration well that would be wait what in in raid zero configuration how uh uh i don't know the end chase do you want to come over here all right yep i think we can call yeah yeah let's just call it okay if we're that far away hey gigi anthony thank you very much and uh thanks to our hosts and of course thank you to our sponsor intel and everyone who provided hardware for the challenge today we almost had a bit of a mix-up with the hardware where we thought the graphics card was dead but hey good news for msi it's not nice yay so you guys can check out the links to all the hardware that we used today down in the video description you can also find all the info you need about intel's 11th gen core processors and uh hi what is this this is your prize for winning congrats oh this is my prize for winning thank you very much i i will treasure it always i i only have hundreds of these in the warehouse already this one this one though this is this is magnificent is this the sample that we got from uh from a manufacturer we were thinking of doing a blanket yeah wonderful wonderful thank you very much thanks everyone for tuning in and we will see you again at the next pc tech support challenge i'm just kidding these things are a nightmare to run and i think that's pretty much it for this series unfortunately [Laughter] who knows how to turn it
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,872,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: 1pDpl9Zkmtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 44sec (9884 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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