Girls Who Gave A "Nice Guy" A Chance Share Their Stories - AskReddit

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I was stupid and I felt sorry for them has anyone ever given a nice guy a chance after they've thrown a tantrum my sister did she is a hairstylist and one of her clients was very aggressive about asking her out he repeatedly bought flowers concert tickets and other gifts which he brought to her at work and she said no each time because he seemed a little off he got in a car accident and was really badly injured and she felt sorry for him so she went out with him finally they dated a few months before breaking up I don't know the exact reason why but after that he started stalking her it's been over five years since then and he is still keeping tabs on her she's reported him to the police multiple times has a restraining order and has blocked him on Facebook and everywhere else but every few months he finds a way to contact her so if you get weird vibes from someone don't give them a chance or you might end up with a lifelong stalker like my sister has met a guy online and he seemed really nice he was a tad pushy about meeting up but I ignored that little feeling we met up shortly after for a quick date I think we got coffee and chatted it was instant chemistry he had two sons and I have two kids both open to blended families goal-oriented smart easy conversation we decided to go out again the next night really nice date and he was a complete gentleman he mentioned on the date we'd have to get the kids together to see if they liked each other I laughed it off like yeah maybe down the road we just met and continued the date two days later during our texting I casually mentioned I was going to take my kids on a nature walk and I'd text him when I was back he shows up with his kids now I don't have it in me to be mean to children so I played nice and introduced myself they were around five and seven and very sweet boys but inside I was creeped the hell out after we parted ways I called him and told him that was not cool at all of course he played victim and hurt until I said I was uncomfortable with what he did then it was I'm just trying to love you and your kids how can we be together if they don't meet and you should appreciate a man trying with a woman with two kids as if he didn't have to his damn self he sent hangri messages for about a week I never would respond and he went away to clarify this all happened in a two week span from start to finish I didn't but my friend did see me and this guy had a mutual friend this guy saw himself as a white knight and would use that term to describe himself he had a code of honor and he was always somebody who'd walked the girl home lend out his jacket that sort of thing well mutual friend was asked out by the sky and he threw a fit when she turned him down so she gave him a chance at first she was happy he pulled out chairs lender his jacket brought her gifts that kind of thing but it became apparent that he was incredibly possessive and things were always on his terms so they've broke up about six months after this guy was dumped he decided he liked me telling him I wasn't interested didn't work the first or second time so the third time I decided to just come out and tell him I was asexual I hadn't done so before because I wasn't sure how he'd take it he decided that I was lucky he was such a nice guy because if he wasn't then he'd have taken that as a challenge I haven't hung out with this guy since then just no a girlfriend told me that when she was still new to dating she gave a nice guy a shot they were in different states and after weeks avoiding him a sexy picture or video she agreed to FaceTime him with a wink-wink agreement that things might get steamy the day comes in this three hundred pounds on washed dude called her 190 pounds five feet six inches nice but bigger than he liked and suggested she start working out he then pushed for an in-person visit near him so that he could show her the wonders of carnal things she ghosted him shortly after that I dated a guy in high school relationship was okay but it was long distance so we amicably ended it he was the one that brought it up and I agreed fast-forward six months and he randomly messages me everything is friendly until I mentioned that I have a new boyfriend the conversation did a quick 180 from hi how are you - you'll never find someone like me and how could I start dating again so soon I blocked his butt real fast and he was right I never did find another guy like him because I married the new boyfriend and we're still together 18 years later I had a guy who would constantly ask me out or make really awkward advances for like a year I finally hit a pretty low point after coming out of a relationship and agreed to go out on a date he seemed actually kind of nice and we ended up dating and lived together for a bit it all turned sour though when he realized that all his cute punk girl BS he had projected onto me wasn't Who I am and I wasn't changing to what he wanted me to be and then all of a sudden he was out with friends constantly and coming home drunk the morning he came home around 6:00 a.m. telling me he kissed another woman finally woke me up and I left him he would still send me messages for months after we broke up not acknowledging my replies saying I have a boyfriend and it's inappropriate to say these things even now if I unblock him from social media I'll get a message within a few days saying things like hey still beautiful I see or hey cutie etc etc and he gets blocked again ugh he didn't throw a tantrum but other people convinced me that I need to start giving the nice guys a chance I didn't really find him attractive but he was really nice to me so I was just like okay fine and then on to two years of a toxic abuse relationship where he was always right always belittling me always reminding me that any time I felt uncomfortable with something or upset about something it wasn't because he was doing something wrong it was because I had an abusive childhood and I just didn't understand what real relationships were like I went to bed crying every night I remember he never wanted to have sex the only times he wanted to have sex was after he broke me down and I cried myself to sleep then he'd come to bed saying I just love you so much you're so amazing the best I felt so unloved and desperate for affection sex with him but feels so empty and alone afterwards it wasn't until I was free of that relationship I realized how messed up it was I'm still trying to forgive myself for allowing myself to be in that situation for so long I'm so happy I escaped way too many times in college I had guys in the friend zone who I decided to give a chance because I was stupid and I felt sorry for them I last straw was when a guy took me shopping I said yes in lonely desperation on a Friday night this was a Saturday afternoon after every store I went into he would either criticize me for not wanting him to buy me anything I'm not much of a shopper anyways or asked me for sex because he bought me a used video game I wanted never again there's a good reason in cells or in cells I was once in a similar situation I dated a sweet guy but honestly sweet is subjective he was a gentleman but he insisted on always opening the car door for me he literally would not let me touch the car handle like at all letting me eat first always instead of both at the same time cause honestly it's not a biggie for me commented that I should never cut my hair etc I felt like I was with a man from the 50s it was draining to be treated like a queen instead of an equal other than that he was okay anyways when I broke up with him I felt like he didn't want to let me go like I had to explain over and over again that I wasn't feeling it and that he deserves someone that would feel the same way about him he hung up the phone with you don't know what you missed out on hmm okay I guess it was my first experience on OkCupid the guy seemed okay on paper we swapped non nude pictures so none of us would be surprised with the way we looked we talked on skype for two weeks because at the time I was in campus town and scrolling OkCupid for my hometown I told him I would be back home after finals and that it would take two to three weeks before we could meet in person it was good to talk to someone who wasn't outright trying to sexualize me I don't remember the convos but I thought it was good enough to meet him in person anyway so we meet I got dressed up and he was in t-shirt and cargo pants I bought us both latte it was a coffee date we sat down and he talked mostly about himself his job at some point he stood up walked behind me and started giving me a shoulder rub while I was seated I never asked for a massage and why would I accept one in public I got bored so I pretexted a family supper to leave and he was like huh too bad I could have had brought you home and I thought I'd told him already it wasn't going to happen so soon I decide to let him know on skype that there wasn't any spark and that I wished him good luck on OkCupid and he exploded at me howl women are the same we want a nice gentle guy but won't give them a chance house sparks are made up by rom-com to trick women and in real life that doesn't happen instantly how I led him on because we talked for weeks and now I just decide not to push it further how he is done with women and so on then he blocked me yeah I'm about done with people trying to get in my pants out of sheer desperation I don't think this is quite the same thing as giving them a chance because I'm already in a relationship and I'm not into anyone else but I did put up with seriously creepy stuff both before I was in a relationship and after from this guy he acted like unsolicited gifts were the way to work his way in even worse when I'm in a relationship already then had multiple unintelligible meltdowns if and when I so much as mentioned my boyfriend's name I don't get it all I do is treat people like people with respect and it lands me a bunch of people who only care about themselves they who want nothing more than to drop their bad lives in poor decision-making skills on top of mine anyway I'm taken and my boyfriend is the best person in the world for me I was celebrating my last day in a city I had lived in for four years and had invited a bunch of friends out for a night on the town and one of these friends was a self-proclaimed chauvinist who insisted to walk on the outside of the sidewalk so I thought it was uncomfortable that he kept on switching to the outside as I didn't feel I wanted that treatment there are no horse carriages that splash poop on people anymore I don't need a walking feces shield thanks but he basically ignored my lack of comfort with that and continued to explain that it's his duty to do that he ended up eventually full-out yelling at me and I cried and left that was my own night to hang with people before departing anyways we loosely stayed Facebook friends just because I feel like he is a litmus test to the crazy stuff the internet is doing to the opinions of people and I'd like to keep a tab on how bad things are getting the end I dated one for two years he seemed nice and was happy when I first started dating him cause girls didn't give him a chance due to his looks he was super nerdy I was 16 and he was 19 he was very needy and always demanded we do what he wanted I missed out on a lot of things including missing out going to see Phantom of the Opera with his mom because he didn't want to go and would get sick at the last minute when I lost my virginity to him he said I basically snatched him because he didn't realize he wasn't ready for something like that till after we had sex about a year and a half into our relationship he got religious so then whenever we had sex he would want us to pray for forgiveness afterwards but if I refused sex I was a cold which I actually left him for a female partner I am bi and that's when I realized that it was a super unhealthy relationship I finally allowed him to take me on a date to breakfast figured midday would be ideal to meet up in public I offended him immediately when I spoke to the waitress I said we have to when she asked how many we had he insisted that she was asking him not me and I emasculated him in public I laughed it off as a joke I grew up with all brothers surely he was trying to be funny we sat down the waitress asked for our order I gave her mine he groaned and asked her to come back in a second he told me proper protocol was for me to discuss what I wanted to eat with him allow him to make the decision and he was supposed to relay that to the waitress not me I told him he was crazy and left blocked his number ghosted completely I wouldn't call myself a nice guy but I'm a people pleaser to an unhealthy degree my wife was the first to consistently call me out on my thoughtfulness that left her feeling overwhelmed constantly she consistently informed me that I need to chill out and focus on myself not on her that she would be just fine and I can leave her alone we're approaching three years married next month still have things to work on but her ability to consistently and lovingly eventually tell me how my urge to please her was not pleasing to her was monumentally helpful took me a long time to understand it and I thought I had strong self-awareness before I met her if you think there's a glimmer of hope there please do your best to lovingly tell that man child he can chill out it helped me to be asked if I had fears or thoughts about why I do those things to challenge my notion of normal and let me self reflect in it still took a while to get it I had an experience with a nice girl red flags everywhere but I have it a shot extremely bad situation it began with her moving into my place without asking within the first two weeks thinking it would be a surprise that I would / should love she didn't work but expected me to make all the money and also do every single chore since it was my apartment it was only our apartment when she wanted to decorate something her way or change my stuff around she attempt Ramat anything possible and if nothing was wrong she'd make something up to lose her mind about she also hit me with the why don't more guys just want someone who will love them unconditionally the irony of that escaped her men should want crazy girls because they're crazy because they love you yeah at that she did do this thing where I would come home from work and she would be naked except for an apron thinking that was a classic man fantasy and expected the world for doing it it was great until I quickly realized it was for leverage she expected the world of me while claiming to be the greatest woman on earth despite not ever showing the least bit of actual respect my axe had a friendzone guy in the classic sense of the word she knew he liked her basically abused him to buy her food and clothes and stuff he sort of seemed to expect her to come around and like him some day he had very little social skills and didn't look after his appearance I met my ex in second year of my uni she introduced me to her best friend who was the most quintessential neckbeard looking guy though admittedly he grew a thick beard all over his face but never trimmed it long story short he had been her flatmate in halls and they developed a friendship which was her stringing him along in him buying her stuff she would take him for friend dates at least once a fortnight he brought her crazy expensive gifts designer clothes handbags perfumes I was always uncomfortable with her abusing him but I mean the guy was so cringe-worthy it hurt this is how bad it was at a party once we missed the last train she called him at 4 a.m. and he drove over to the other side the city just to give us a lift back to my flat the whole relationship she seemed fine with me but we broke up on graduation mostly amicably due to us moving to different cities so friend-zoned guy lands a massive job and is paid like ninety thousand pounds as a graduate in some software thing all of a sudden she comes round on him she made an Instagram post about how she finally fell for her best friend last I saw on Facebook they are engaged she does not work except for selling stuff on Facebook and Instagram thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a date with 90k software guy click the right box for the stories about creepy men playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 185,300
Rating: 4.917872 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts nice guys, reddit nice guys cringe, reddit nice guys story, reddit actual nice guys, reddit dating nice guys, nice guys, r/askreddit nice guys, nice guys reddit, nice guys dating, nice guy cringe stories, nice guys funny stories, nice guys horror stories, stories of nice guys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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