People Share Their Craziest Dating Horror Stories - AskReddit

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do you want kids cause if you do you don't want to wait too long you're drying up what is the story of your worst date from the get-go talking to her was honestly like talking to a brick wall if i asked her a question her reply was typically one word or at most a single sentence and no questions in return or any effort to keep the conversation going at one point she got up to go to the toilet and the older woman who was sitting at the table next to us leaned over and whispered to me i have to say i really admire your patience she is a nightmare he stuck his fingers in my dessert licked his fingers and did it again i ordered a lemon meringue pie and offered him to some he said no only to then to proceed to say actually that looks good and sticks his fingers in for a taste yup i had been seeing this guy for a few months but he didn't want to commit finally took me out to dinner in public we sat at the bar a little after we ordered his two friends got to the bar and he immediately got up before they spotted us he went over to them and sat and ate dinner with him and texted me not to come over so i sat alone for most of the night until his friends left i matched with this guy on tinder and he offered to take me out to dinner i thought that sounded nice so later that night he picked me up we were driving and he asked me where i wanted to go i told him i was fine with anything he said okay then and pulled into subway he then told me that he wasn't hungry but that i should eat so he stood outside of the subway and watched while i went in and got myself food at this point i was already mentally done but i wanted to see how much worse it would get spoiler it got so much worse so i'm sitting in the car with a stupid sub on my lap and he decided that it was a great idea to drive around specifically through a dark isolated ravine that was nearby he drove for about 10 minutes into the ravine parked the car next to an abandoned tennis court and said okay you can eat now i was just thinking i really don't want to die here so i choked down the soggy sub while he stared at me the second i was done he pulled the car out and drove me back home i was so grateful to make it home in one piece that it took me several days to process how messed up the entire date was the cherry on top at 2am that night he came back to my house uninvited carrying a bag full of stale donuts and asked me if i wanted to have intercourse but it had to be without contraception since he didn't have any i had an old college friend come to visit me and stay for a weekend knew her in college she was amazingly intelligent and fascinating but we were both spoken for at the time years later i got facebook and she was one of the first people to find me both of us were single she asked if i wanted to date her i said hell yes i was thrilled at the prospect the short version the weekend was spent listening to her narcissistic bs she told me jokes that are as old as the internet reworded to sound like personal life anecdotes she told me all this insane edgelord bs she used to or still does like taunting police back in 2009 or sneaking cuban products back to america when the embargo was still in place she tried to start a fight with a bouncer when we went to a bar and she forgot her id back at my house a block away we visited some of my best friends and the moment we parted she talked bad about them non-stop my brother came by since i texted him i was out and hung out she talked to him for quite a while he left then she spent the rest of the night talking about how attractive he was at this point i was just counting the hours until she left i was no longer interested in her she finally left and i get a text that night you failed all my tests you laughed at my jokes that weren't really jokes you didn't defend me against the bouncer and you aren't interested in my passion fighting bouncers and cops and you sat there and took it while i talked about your brother also i don't find you physically attractive i didn't reply i just cut my losses and fell asleep several months later at 4am i get another text from her same text as i just wrote only this was out of nowhere and the injury following insult i gave her absolute hell for it and blocked her on facebook she then made duplicate facebook accounts and threatened me on those too she gave up eventually but i dodged a bullet he took off his pants after a first date of dinner and a movie he asked if i'd like to have some fun i said no he apologized for overstepping himself i told him hey i totally understand and it's okay now the confusing part he took my word okay as consent for i totally want to do intercourse now so he immediately and quickly took off his pants such awkwardness when i explained it was still a no so it's not my date because my bad dates are just boringly regular stuff but working in bars and restaurants i've been able to witness some absolute disease and boy does this one take the cake so it's a fairly quiet night and it's pretty early and i have a reservation for 6 p.m for two people young guy shows up for that reservation about 10 minutes early tells me he's very nervous as he's on a first date and hasn't been on many of them all that kind of jazz kinda sweet really anyways i see him and the girl arrives like 30 minutes late she then proceeds to get extremely drunk about halfway through the meal though she answers her phone takes the call and starts talking about her date in front of her date saying stuff like he's not really my type i don't exactly like him but i figured i had nothing else planned tonight so why not young man looks super discouraged pays his bill and leaves he's a nice lad i've seen him a few times at the bar i work it now one out with guy from work who i didn't know much about he turned out to be a genital in many ways and was drunk when i showed up low light of the night was when he started heckling the small cover band that was playing in the bar the guy on the mic said i'll give you ten dollars out of my own pocket if you can tell me this girl's name and you guessed it he literally blanked on my name in front of a room full of people forgot the kicker the next day he texted me saying you can try again as if i was the one who blew it i got a girl's number and went to the dentist a few days later four wisdom teeth and a lot of drugs later i apparently showed the dentist her number as my emergency pickup i have no memory of these events but apparently she picked me up took me to the pharmacy for my medication and dropped me off at my apartment where i passed out that was our first and only date apparently i didn't make a good impression can't blame her for that i have no idea why the dentist office asked drugged up me for a pickup number i assumed they couldn't reach my primary help number but i never asked i went out one night with some of my girlfriends i was the young naive girl in our group we went to this bar that is on a lake and had a great time drinking margaritas i met a guy we danced laughed really clicked my girlfriends were ready to go i didn't want to he was making promises that he could get me home but the deedee in our group put her foot down and said we had to go we exchanged numbers and made promises to talk soon and the dd took us girls home the next day i get a text from him i'm so excited because he had to be interested if he texts the next day right we make plans for dinner and he offers to pick me up him so pick you up at the same address me same address what are you talking about him the house i dropped you off at me you didn't drop me off him shut up we had intercourse in your driveway me um no we did not him yes we did me i'm really confused and i think you are too but i'm not the girl you went home with last night so the date died before it ever got started grateful for the dd though she was a lifesaver met online back in 2003 agreed to meet at a diner we both knew i got there first she arrived hit the gas instead of the break drove into the curb then hit a light pole which fell over and landed on a parked van no one got hurt but she was pretty embarrassed never heard back from her haven't had many dates but the worst or funniest was from tinder shock the plan was to start at my house as a double date than if it went well split up and go out it never got to the last part because he pooped in my toilet blocked it with toilet roll got embarrassed when my friend went in and left oh and he forgot his jacket in the rush so got one of his friends to come and get it the next day we were both broke so we went walking around this cute teeny tiny country town near us and then got mcdonald's to eat in the car so we could chat some more he almost immediately starts pressuring me for intercourse because he bought me a cheeseburger so i owe him he says he starts getting pushy and i say okay but let's go get some contraceptives from this gas station that's on the other of town i drove for this date so i take us to the gas station and tell him to go get the contraceptives while i wait i wait for him to get in the door and go a bit farther into the store before i drive off leaving him stranded in this tiny gas station in the days before cell phones got popular in a tiny country town with no bus service no ride shares and everything shuts down by 6 pm i know from mutual friends he made it home but they already knew why he'd been ditched at the gas station so no one cared about his whining about it [Music] my freshman year of undergrad my ta for a comp psi class i was taking asked me on a date he seemed nice enough so i agreed and we went to dinner at a random restaurant in the city he ordered for me which was not my favorite but i was like whatever cause he seemed to know the place really well he was a narcissistic weirdo and he talked about himself the entire time and kept telling me to pay attention he told me all about his ex-fiance and basically went on a rant about how white women are so entitled so now he's only interested in black queens it was making my skin crawl i felt physically ill at the end i wanted to split the bill he said he would pay since i'd be paying him later wink wink i didn't even know what to say or do i just stared at him and excused myself to go to the bathroom and i left through a side door luckily there was only two weeks left in the semester so i only saw him again for the final i was 28 or 29 years old at the time we'd been talking for approximately 10 minutes over one drink him so do you want kids cause if you do you don't want to wait too long you're drying up me him it's biology don't be mad then there was the time i met a guy for coffee it was like 9 or 10 a.m the coffee shop was busy but fairly quiet he'd ask me a question i'd answer and he'd loudly exclaim nice high five he did this like four or five times before i had to tell him to stop i didn't want to keep high-fiving met a guy had a professional night out he seemed interesting he invited me out for chinese food and a movie but insisted i come by his house first to meet his four dogs because not liking his dogs would be a deal breaker cool i love dogs i follow directions to his house which is a mobile home with a small fenced yard so the dogs must be little i think no four large mannerless dogs living inside this mobile home and the smell is completely encompassing turns out dinner and a movie meant watching one of the thousands of vhs tapes and dvds he owned while he tried to get the clothes off me while four big dogs bounced around i declined his kind offer of incredible fun and got out of there my clothes went directly in the washer and my car smelled like dog for days went to buffalo wild wings because he wanted to watch the mma fight got there casual conversation but he kept looking at his blackberry and heaving these overly dramatic sighs finally asked what was wrong and he said i didn't want to bring it up but my ex-fiance was killed in a plane crash today cue up the oh my god so sorry with a bit of skepticism fight finished he got our separate checks and then said he'd walked me to my car get there and he says so you coming over to make me feel better or what no sorry hard pass on the sympathy intercourse quick google search upon arriving home revealed no plane crashes anywhere that day which isn't to say there wasn't one but i would put a lot of money on there probably wasn't one he texted me the next day to say he had a good time but it was a shame i was such a buzzkill as a biological woman this was the first time that i'd ever gotten a date with a girl we were going to go out to lunch together and get to know each other i spent all morning as a bundle of nerves trying to be super pretty for the date i don't usually dress up at all we met up at the restaurant and she pulls out our bible and starts talking to me about how homosexuality is a sin and she can save my soul i had been texting this girl and she was really digging me i was in school for accounting and she loved that apparently she was tired of all these artsy guys so we go on a date her family works in high finance in singapore and is really well off i'm asking her about competition with hong kong sk and taiwan she tells me a little but then asks me about the industrialization of india and if i had seen any changes i've never been so i tell her i didn't know at this point she is confused and asked me why i've never been to my homeland i tell her i'm american and my parents are mexican her eyes got so wide she suddenly gets super awkward and says i'm lying she wants me to prove it so i show her my id that shows i have a spanish last name she gets super uncomfortable and tells me to take her home i'm like what the hell so i take her home and she is visibly scared longest 20-minute drive of my life i drop her off and that was the last i ever heard of her i was young and kind of shy and a pushover and i met this nice guy at a cafe and went on a date with him first he brings his dog to the restaurant and so we aren't allowed in weird but like hey maybe he thought they were pet friendly he says he lives nearby so i walk with him and intend to wait outside while he brings the dog upstairs he insists i come inside and die being a bit awkward reluctantly go up he immediately sits down asks if i want water etc i repeatedly remind him we were going to have dinner until eventually he agrees and we leave dinner is weird he had some god-awful views and i knew it wasn't going to work out wanted literal cat genocide shamed me for wanting to adopt and more i make a move to go home after dinner and he reminds me i agreed to a walk too so caught off guard i agree he then walks me back to his apartment and pulls a no i wanted to bring my dog and once again gets me upstairs and sits down and insists i sit behind him i sit there extremely uncomfortable while he puts his arm around me and asks uncomfortable questions i tell him i don't like being touched and keep asking to leave and it takes a while but we finally go for a short walk until i see literally just the first train i can find and made an excuse to get on it not the worst in comparison but i definitely cried on my way home because it made me feel so unsafe got the friend called bail out one time girl had to go to the bathroom right in the middle of it so i knew it was coming kept talking once she got back for a few minutes her story was rather impressive though she didn't stick with the my friend needs help she told me that a bus crashed and she had to get back to the hospital because there were multiple affected people that was interesting i met this guy at a coffee place he was nice and we met for coffee once more and then met for dinner at a bar the dude straight up licked my face we were sitting at the bar and i had turned to get the bartender's attention and he leaned over and licked me chin to temple i was visibly shook so he tried to playfully poke me to tone my what the hell face down and i asked him to stop he then leaned in and whispered i'll just poke your sleeping body later i made him leave i walked into his car and had a bouncer stand by the door and watch me i received several messages a few days later he was concerned he hadn't heard from me and was going to stop by my parents later to see if i was okay i never spoke to him about my address i told him i would call the police if i ever heard from him or saw him again thankfully i never heard from him again went on a dinner date with a guy he takes me to a tapas restaurant and proceeds to chug three drinks in a matter of 15 minutes the waiter asks if i want to see a menu and he tells them no so apparently dinner is not happening this guy sucks and he keeps randomly interrupting me to tell me where he buys his clothes so i excuse myself to use the bathroom and the wait staff pulls me aside and asked me if i needed help because it was looking bad they said they will tell him i left and to stay in the kitchen watching alien vs predator until he leaves i waited 10 minutes until he left and i went to wendy's for a spicy chicken sandwich i've shared this before but one time i was out on a first date with this girl i met online i thought she was very attractive and we seem to hit off well through texts we're at this bar and she suggests we play a people-watching game where we try to make up backstories for the other people there i thought it sounded fun especially since i played a similar game with friends on the train sometimes plus it felt like a good icebreaker to get us talking well she managed to take all the fun out the game by being ridiculously cruel in all her assumptions for no real reason at all it felt like she was projecting issues she had on to these people like one guy was sitting at the bar alone could have been waiting for someone you never know but because he was alone he was a loser with no friends that hates his life completely killed the mood and i lost interest in her after that couldn't see myself going on a second date with someone like that my first ever online date we had been chatting on a dating website and agreed to meet at a cafe i showed up about 15 minutes early she calls me and says she is going to be a little late i say no big deal 25 minutes later she calls me again and says she is going to be late as she locked herself out of her apartment i wait and wait at this point it's an hour after the agreed-upon time i see a woman who matched her picture enter the cafe before i can go up to meet her my phone rings i picked it up and she proceeds to shout at me where the hell are you is this some sort of prank i tell her that i'm at a table in the back of the cafe my first online date was informative as i learned why some women only post pictures of their face she was extremely overweight furthermore she was only in sweatpants and a sweatshirt all this is minor compared to what happens next after making some small talk i asked her how her day was going she asks if i really want to know i mistakenly say yes she launches into a rant about how she got fired from her last job because people were plotting against her a new job she signed up for was just a scam that stole her credit card information she just got out of an abusive physical only relationship her 25 year old sister was abandoning the family to move to new york city she was just kicked out of school because people said she was plotting to kill someone but she swear she wasn't people are always plotting to get me it seems i was too frozen to leave at that moment and stayed for about another hour trying to make the most awkward small talk ever thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a date with the girl from the last story click the right box for the radio tts dating advice playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 82,557
Rating: 4.9077902 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts date, awkward date stories, cringeworthy date stories, reddit awkward dates, most awkward dates reddit, awkward date, worst date stories, horror date stories, horrible date stories, bad date stories, bad date horror stories
Id: TABPfe0NftE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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