These Are The Scams People Are Most Likely To Fall For - AskReddit

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careers where people cannot get a job and end up teaching the career what's the biggest scam people still fall for online charlatans that will share their secrets if you buy their course like here in my garage alright here's my secret to getting rich step 1 get people to think you have a secret to getting rich step 2 make them pay you for the secret this isn't a secret this is 100 percent how most internet marketing works I did that stuff years ago so I know essentially you're selling a method how to make money online book course webinar whatever those who buy your book or course are usually also marketers who want to know about your amazing method or many times also normal folks who heard about how amazing and easy it is to make money online televangelists one of my favorite last week tonight with John Oliver episodes is the televangelists one it's shocking how these people can still make stupid bank with all our easy access to information or various other forms of spirituality available with the internet I know someone personally who gives type to these people one time it was a near $2,000 donation she later asked for it back because the bills came in and she didn't have enough they told her no she still types to these people she still believes that by planting good seats by thoughts she will reap a reward from God online reviews a huge percentage of them are written by the seller if good or by a competitor if not there are places that sell you stuff cheap for good reviews they used to do almost free for 80 percent or more off I did it for a little while to try it out I rarely gave out 5 stars usually gave a true review of it if it was too bad I would tell them and not review it various Amazon sellers also offered to send you free stuff as long as you write positive reviews for them never trust a five-star review that conflicts with multiple one to two star reviews if one or two people mentioned issues in their negative review you are also going to have that issue and the product will be bad guaranteed this has been on my mind because of recent events the George Floyd petition getting 11 million signatures but sure they host petitions but when you sign it comes up with you want to chip in the price of a coffee for justice for Floyd and a rolling list of people who did many of the rolling list names are fake and is a for-profit organization you might assume at least some of your donations go toward the cause but no it all goes in the pockets of and historically they've been super vague about what they spend it on it's really lame if you want to donate to anti-police brutality movements or anything else use a GoFundMe or donate directly to a charity coworker in his late 60s fell for dating app scam so many times these women always needed money for something and he obliged then when they'd come meet him something else would come up he never talked to one of these women on the phone always texts best excuse was she has a text only phone so a beeper no a text only phone anyways he sent one scammer for $500 Amazon gift cards during a shift another one got $500 transferred said she lost it then got another $500 and he called her stupid thought he was talking to a adult movie star and getting special pictures which he showed us other coworker looked her up and found that same picture on Google Images guy getting scammed got mad found the actual adult movie star and messaged her then demanded he gets sexual special pics she has no clue what the hell he's talking about since he's been talking to a scammer wire transferred insane amounts of money once a week from five to seven thousand dollars bank would say sir you're getting scammed he'd tell him [ __ ] send it or he'd take his business elsewhere once he was finally broke and got nothing in return he found out he was getting scammed and called the FBI which reported to our higher-ups which in turn got him fired for being a security risk while we don't know the actual amounts our best guess placed it somewhere between fifty thousand to one hundred thousand dollars we told him he was being scammed for months before this point weight-loss pills and weight loss tea I have a co-worker who uses the weight loss tea and she calls it her poop tea she will drink it at the beginning of the shift and spend half the time in the bathroom it's so annoying because I'm having to pick up her slack and none of the managers seem to care by the way she hasn't lost a pound only gained a girl in my family was drinking slimmers D to try and help with losing weight because her digestion was sped along so much her oral birth control stopped working and she ended up pregnant be very careful dingdong enlargement pills if wiener enlarging pills actually worked Walmart would have an entire wall dedicated to selling them it's the same with those homeopathy people who say the evil Big Pharma just blocks it no if it worked Big Pharma would love to have those profit margins without any risk through side-effects and that magic quantum mat wouldn't have to be sold by some quirky lady at the annual fair hey babe I've just come in to some really great opportunities with this amazing team of women and since that opportunity is still available of course I thought of you they're looking for hard-working ladies who want to empower each other by starting their own businesses I know that sounds scary but just wait until you see the paycheck at the end of it you can be your own boss and take control of your finances these MLM target women because they seem to be more likely to be homemakers than men and often feel bored or life they need to contribute financially to the household a lot of the pitches that you're at home you have the time so why not make money from your phone since you're already on it all day anyway some careers are here because the people in those careers cannot get a job and they end up teaching so they are hired to train new students that will not get a job themselves for example archaeology in Mexico the old people are not leaving and not producing the future teachers are those that left the country to study abroad but they still have classes to keep the teachers salary these Facebook posts imitating real companies saying you'd win whatever they're offering despite the page being created hours ago and the only post being said give away the comments are always tragic to read usually accompanied by lull it's probably fake but why not I constantly see people sharing a pic of a brand new vehicle with the caption so-and-so from City and state was under 18 and couldn't claim our prize we want to give this away for free to whoever shares and comments on this post and that page is just the make and model of the vehicle and the album of photos is just the same vehicle no city or state or dealership mentioned and there's hardly any followers I can't understand why people think it's real taking photos with the characters in Times Square New York City I got robbed by those a-holes my mom and I took a few pics with them and instantly they held out their hands for a tip and even characters we didn't take a picture with started demanding money and harassed us total rookie scam someone replied I just moved to the DC area a few months ago when to see the Smithsonian and as I'm walking a guy comes up to me and says you look old here's a hat I'm a small-town Alaskan girl so I thought wow thank you he reaches out his hand and said nothing less than ten dollars please so I took it off and told him I had lice not gonna lie I attended one of those pyramid scheme meetings at my friend's insistence and men it was filled with low-income people and the whole thing was clearly targeted at them felt really bad seeing how they were being sold dreams of earning a lot of money and stuff such a scam the interview had over 30 people turn up and anyone who wasn't literally drunk or high at the time got offered a follow up interview that was actually just MLM sales pitch they phoned me at 7 a.m. that morning angry I wasn't there expensive coffins what the hell is up with coffins how the whole funeral thing is expensive and you're guilted into it because it was a loved one and you wanted to honor them right I remember when my BFS uncle died and the family went down to the funeral parlor and his grandmother mother of the deceased was just bawling as the officiant went through their options and packages the grandmother just kept saying over and over in tears I don't want you to think we didn't love him or anything we just don't got a whole lot of money made me really bitter toward the whole thing that all the money you donate to Greenpeace PETA children's charities etc that are run by people in full branded clothing with a fancy set up goes to the charity especially the ones where you have to sign up for direct debit how do you think those people get paid why are they pushing so hard and where is the budget for the fancy marketing material it's necessary to be aware of this so you can make your choices but a well-run charity will make more money for its cause than a poorly run 125 percent of 10 million pounds collected going to the cause is better than 80 percent of 1 million pounds and effective campaign make the difference of course 80% of 10 million pounds would be even better but it's important though to weigh up your own priorities and make your decisions on charitable donations based on these and other facts religion by far a scam doesn't need to be about money religion demands you to put aside your critical thinking your intellectual integrity and in many cases your morality in exchange for false hopes based on unjustified claims and it has billions of people in its sinister claws I'd say this is one of the biggest scams on this planet if not the biggest scam is a dishonest scheme a fraud a scheme is a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect more of implanting a false ideology either to make them feel better or to eventually make money off followers basically the same thing that college will bring you lots of money and happiness my professor used to tell her students that they would graduate and make lots of money I was about 30 at the time and called her out on a pretty hardcore and she admitted she had to do it because it was required by the college I was like damn I'm sorry carry on but still their kids they will believe you people think trade schools are bad yet more and more people and trades are making tons of money want to make money folks the trade industry needs people go get a trade make money then you need a piece of paper from some college to be successful most rich business owners are actually college dropouts that high school grades matter they don't at all ever the only matter if you want to go to a 100k a year school that will convince you to be educated in a field that you don't enjoy finally the biggest scam is the pressure the movie industry has placed on young people to be like everyone else and that if you're not hot and pretty you're scum if you don't have lots of friends you are a bad person hell I had a children book that the main character had lots of friends but the bad kid the bully his parents were divorced and so that made him evil and they shunned him like holy hell door-to-door magazine sales know that kid is not getting sent on a camping trip if he will just buy subscriptions to boy's life and wine aficionado most of the time they are in a traveling troupe that goes city-to-city pulling the same scam each time honestly just door-to-door sales in general are usually a scam don't trust the guy trying to sell you a new roof or a driveway resurfaced or a spanking new Hoover vacuum at your front door need a new roof or driveway call your insurance company and get a list of reputable companies even if you aren't filing an insurance claim they will happily give you the name of several companies that can be trusted trial charges just pay shipping for the trial sample but if the trial is not cancelled within 10 days of the order being placed it becomes recurring and you get charged full price for a bad product like a supplement when you try to call and cancel nobody picks up until after you the timeframe if you are lucky enough to have their number shipping cost is only six dollars but the total charge comes out to $90 the check outs often sign you up for more than one trial if you are not careful these usually target older people with wrinkle remover and eye serum and they hope that people don't realize until months down the line I used to work for a credit card company handling disputes and about half were on these unfortunately all multi-level marketing schemes they tear people apart and profit on those who don't have enough knowledge and cynically to avoid them extremely misleading ads and recruitment processes that put you into mountains of debt while you either try to take advantage of naive people to force yourself up in the pyramid while lining the pockets of those above you lead with your unsold product and debt leave with contacts who want nothing to do with you unsold product debt and no real job experience fall under the spell of a cult-like mentality becoming infatuated with the product believing only the best things about it the product just straight-up kills you it's a trap that preys upon the grieving the hopeless and the naive am I the only person that don't have interest in giveaways by influencers or shops to participate like share and tag three friends in the comments I don't like people tagging me and those things so I don't tag any of my friends and also you never know who wins I was friend of someone who did one giveaway some weeks ago and surprised that I didn't participate it even knowing it was a legit giveaway that raising children is a joy sure it's necessary for our species to survive but spending all your money to take care of you and someone else spending the remaining time you have to help them turn into well-adjusted human beings and giving them everything to meet social expectations of what a good parent is just so they can become adults and leave your exhausted mind and body in the socially sanctioned prison we call an old-age home to die really does not sound like a joyful life thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification belt to learn the secret formula to become rich click the right box for the society lies to your playlist let us know in the comments what scams aren't listed in this video
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 86,103
Rating: 4.918819 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts scams, reddit scammer stories, reddit scamming, reddit legal scams, reddit scammer, reddit scams, scammer, scams, fraud
Id: wanEzYfwmI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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