Signs You Are Unattractive - AskReddit

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when you use tender for about a month and it runs out of people to show you what are some signs that you're unattractive if you ever tried to make a self-deprecating joke and everyone is visibly uncomfortable I've started doing this as I've begun to lose my hair the worst is when people are like oh it's not that bad I'm like eff off with that I have access to mirrors just laugh with me about my misfortune and we can both move on when you post a bikini pic and people congratulate you on your bravery or the lovely compliment it's good to see a real woman and afraid of what anyone thinks where your husband posts a 500 word essay on Instagram about how he loves you no matter what people think of your body ask a child they will tell you or people with intellectual discourse now there is a population that keeps it real one time one of my program participants looked at my face in full sunlight smiled sympathetically and touched my arm and said you should wear makeup you know to be pretty guys in high school made a list of their female classmates and rank them by attractiveness I expected to be at the bottom but I wasn't even in it I don't know if it makes you feel better but I'd say they view you as average enough to not remember but I don't think that necessarily means unattractive when drunk people sober up when you try to make a move on them so keep an ugly person in your car when you decide to drunk drive I had a co-worker try to set me up with another co-worker it got back around to me that this girl said you must not think very highly of me if you are trying to set me up with him a little more backstory this was almost a decade ago in a large workplace a hospital I read a few comments which suggested that maybe she didn't like me because of my personality and I don't think this was the case because we didn't know each other we worked in completely different departments I worked in materials management and she was a barista in the coffee shop we didn't know each other the friend who tried to set us up was a CNA who knew us both individually this friend spoke English as a second language and I firmly believe there was no malicious intent when she told me the baristas response my fren didn't quite understand it exactly and there was an intention to hurt my feelings when your bros girlfriend offers to hook you up with her single ugly friend even though she has many other very attractive single friends you and Bertha would make hey a couple that's pretty much how it went I get a text from my best friend's girlfriend and she's like I think I found a woman you would like at the time I already had two dates planned from tinder the upcoming weekend one who had dated for two months broke up with for six months dated again for one month I'm like awesome but let me hold off for a bit since I might be seeing someone I like what's her name then she started going on about how nice she is and how sweet she is I look her up on Facebook and I'm like oh when people say you look like someone famous and that famous person is not attractive two of the worst I got were meatloaf which ain't bad the dude rocks and corey from pawn stars which made me re-evaluate my life like me corey been both fat and skinny and he is a goofy looking dude regardless look at meatloaf in his prime he seems like a decent looking guy one time in high school these guys came up to me and a group of my friends of five girls they asked us to introduce ourselves and we started once he got to the girl beside me with two of us left to introduce a guy said you all can stop here we only need their names shattered my self-confidence people just don't pay as much attention to you as other people this could go both ways I remember when I was fat I used to ignore attractive people out of insecurity I don't ignore people anymore yay confidence but I still find it daunting to strike up a conversation with someone I like as I tend to get nervous when someone gives an approving look to your good-looking friend shifts their gaze to you and their expression just drops you always always get served last at the bar if the opposite sex is serving I have a friend that is pretty attractive a girl stopped him on the street to tell him that anyway when we went to a Taco Bell like store and ordered food the cashier was normally cordial with me and when he came in line she started to become giddy so yeah you can tell pretty quickly who is attractive and who is not when compliments are based around your personality I just wish I could find a man you will someday you're so funny or even worse when the only compliment you've ever received as your nice which is basically just a polite way of saying you are both ugly and boring and I can't think of anything to compliment when you use tinder for about a month and it runs out of people to show you and there are no matches meeting everyone in a ten-mile radius with tinder looked at your pic and thought nope also believe me I didn't set my standards too high less a sign of unattractive than it is of being thoroughly average but if other people seem to spontaneously forget that you exist the instant an attractive person enters the room I'd say chances are that you're good-looking enough to be an acceptable choice and to pay attention to normally but not enough to compete with the obvious first choices when you're going out with a group of friends and the opposite sex pays literally no attention to you I was out in a bar with three of my friends the four of us were standing at the bar and having a drink a pretty girl came up to the four of us faced her back towards me so as to physically remove me from the conversation and very clearly asked my three friends if they wanted to come dance with her group with what I'm told was a hair flip a smile and a low-cut top I know she was turning on the charm for the sake of getting free drinks for her friends and that nothing was really happening there with any of them but man it made me feel like such a loser when in cells don't think you owe them sex I'm so lonely if only I could just find a girl any girl well hey so I got a friend here WTF man no I have standards when every girl you're interested in tells you how sweet you are and that you'll make someone else so happy someday you could be average looking the girls are saying something positive about you after all but your personality comes off as submissive and needy that was my problem when your grandma tells you what a handsome man you are and you have to remind her that you're a girl someone replied I had an old woman at work berate me for 10 minutes today while I served her my boss was in tears laughing you a booger or some stuff hanging out your nose that's actually a piercing but thanks I know it is I'm just messing with you why would such a handsome young man put that crap in his face I don't believe it I got it when I was 16 I'm sort of sentimentally attached to it if I was a young girl I'd be all over you such a handsome man but not with that thing in your face maybe if I was crazy surely it scares all the girls away well I was at a punk show last night it goes with the territory you know she didn't relent the whole time I hope she comes back though I love a bit of banter with customers when a boy takes you on a date and it turns out to be a dare he was put up to by the other boys I was a complete joke in high school I lost baby teeth extraordinarily late so I was missing a [ __ ] ton of teeth had braces hadn't developed yet skin was flipping its [ __ ] with hormones and [ __ ] I looked like hammered dogs poop so their idea to add insult to injury was to take me on a fake date to laugh at me I was so hurt for the longest time then high school ended I got to college and maturity hit me like of us went from flat to a sea gained weight I was scrawny my teeth came in and the braces came off skin calmed down I'm 21 and I look like I just got into high school so same boy came back not realizing who I was when I was visiting home stood him up no joke stood his butt up f you on your social media your profile picture isn't a picture of you extra points if it's a cartoon anime character my crush does this I started talking to her expecting maybe an average looking girl at best but she was funny as hell turns out she's ungodly beautiful I thought something has to be wrong with the world well she just doesn't like to talk to people apparently makes it easier I don't think I'm especially unattractive but I used to work with this woman who clearly thought I was I remember once the topic of ugly people came up I happened to be looking down and she reached out and pulled up my chin looked into my eyes and said but we know is what's inside that counts so I guess my answer is people making a point of playing up your personality and non-physical good qualities people don't spontaneously or enthusiastically take pictures of you I have an acquaintance who is really gorgeous and photogenic most of her Facebook posts are her doing these spontaneous photo shoots with her friends where they do all these yoga dance poses jokey model poses just normal selfies etc people just want to take her picture another dude I know is also pretty good-looking like normal attractiveness and looking through his pictures people just take lots of random pictures of him being spontaneously goofy and funny for people who are less attractive taking pictures is more forced you have to ask people if they can take a picture of you people kinda reluctantly agree but they want to get it over with you won't have many pictures that capture spontaneous fun or goofing around because you have to stop and ask someone it'll be a quick hey we're hanging out selfie but we also probably won't look at the picture together I noticed with the more attractive / photogenic people not only are there more pictures but people want to look through them and comment on how awesome they are this probably doesn't apply to being unattractive but more to being not that attractive when they put in little effort you might get them interested in a date but it's low priority if you're attractive they'll make time not so attractive it's like maiya have nothing to do all next day why not when you're joking around with a friend insulting each other in the friend calls you ugly the rest of the group either jumps to your defense gasps or otherwise looks uncomfortable source grew up somewhat ugly when you're introduced to a new group how nice they treat you particularly the pretty girls if people are usually pretty cold you're not an attractive person or their penis heads if you're a guy and you've been told on multiple occasions you're being creepy even when you're doing some innocuous there's a good chance you're ugly I said hi to this girl and she said what's up creepy Dan and I was like what the hell that's my identifier that's my nickname that's not even a remotely okay thing to say to somebody like it's nothing when your best friend is you stand on top of your house and yell I'm ugly and I'm proud for the whole world to hear also if no one's boyfriends or girlfriends has ever even slightly jealous / suspicious of them hanging out with you I get some people just don't get jealous but if no one does maybe you're just so ugly you're clearly not a threat when the person you were with won't introduce you to their friends and family when I used to be fat I was dating this guy and he kept me under wraps other people found out about us and asked him about it he claimed he was seeing lots of girls due to my low self-esteem I stayed with him even though he did deny my existence and always tried to get with other girls I'm not sure where I fall in the scale because I get mixed messages but I used to be friends with a girl for a year and a half I could make her smile and laugh every day and have our long conversations she knew I was into her but she was in a relationship already eventually she dumped him and she sent me a snap saying guess who's single I took the initiative because if that isn't the biggest hit ever I don't know what is I asked her out and she said yes it took a month to set up the date she stood me up haven't talked since nice really helps to when the last chick I asked out stood me up to everything was go that day and I said okay so where do you want me to pick you up my house she said she never told me where she lived before then six hours later she said oops sorry I slept through my alarm yeah her 4:30 p.m. alarm you know how you have an app before telling someone where you live and before that I got cheated on just after my girlfriend made it official and told everyone from my real life when you are one of 10 women at a conference and the other nine are constantly having to fend off the attentions of 500 men and they leave you alone when you graduate from college only ever having had three dates the entire time when your parents get your and your sisters portrait and silhouette done by an instant artist at a theme park and they get them and take them home and leave the bag containing the drawings on top of the bookshelf where it cannot be reached for decades only for you to find it when they passed and you look and see one normal looking young girl and one unattractive one and recognize what you did in 30 years earlier regarding why that art stay the bag on top of the bookshelf when a good friend you've known for four years on the net finally meets you in person and when he recognizes who you are he involuntarily wrinkles his nose and jerks his head back for two seconds before smiling and greeting you when an employer is all excited about talking to you on the phone for six to seven phone interviews and then things progress and they do a video content er view and you get thanks but no thanks when you've been unemployed for six plus months in the dot-com bust and your former sister runs HR for a large local store with over 100 staff and wouldn't hire you because you didn't have looks up to their corporate standard when each of your former siblings have your mother to do the dirty work of asking you out of their bridal party presumably so that your presence won't wreck the look of the wedding and it's photos in one case it was definitely the former siblings idea and in the other case my suspicion was that it was the image-conscious future mother-in-law who instigated it when you've written a book with a co-author and when that co-author is asked to do videos based on the book he excludes you from the videos and instead asks another female to do them with him explaining to you that he needed someone with a more all-american look and when you later see the videos there's this girl with thick glasses and hair for his doubt six inches to either side of her face and you realize he thought that girl was more attractive than he thought you were when you're female and asked guys you're interested in if they're interested in you and get a reaction of puzzlement as if to say why would I be interested in you when you've given up on guys asking you for sex and start asking them and they don't say yes sounds impossible but this does happen when the only men interested in your either somewhat mentally deficient or fifteen to twenty years older than you and at least a few years into retirement and in both cases have almost no income and are interested in the cash infusion that could be provided by a girlfriend with solid professional employment my brother and I look a lot alike I consider myself more physically attractive throughout my youth than my older brother I'm taller have all my hair weight a bit less but he had the personality his mantra was I'm pretty he would tell girls how pretty he was in because of the way he was I will never date a girl from Victoria out of fear of being Eskimo brothers with my actual brother I on the other hand was secluded terrified of the opposite sex and generally a coward for most of my youth and even a bit to this day state of mind dictates how attractive you are you could look like Jaime Lannister or Khal Drogo and it wouldn't mean a damn thing if you're not willing to let yourself feel attractive thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the related playlist let us know in the comments what you think about looks do you believe these people are paying too much attention on them or are they right
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 434,995
Rating: 4.9429522 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts ugly, reddit stories unattractive, radio tts unattractive, reddit signs your ugly, reddit attractive ugly, attractive vs ugly reddit, reddit says i'm ugly, r/reddit ugly, reddit stories ugly, askreddit being ugly, signs you are ugly
Id: -8CuLwu78Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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