INDIAN GIRL Told She's TOO DARK SKINNED, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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wow this is such a beautiful dress um excuse me what do you think you're doing that's my dress oh um i'm sorry didn't you get my email you're not playing cinderella tonight priya is you get to be one of the stepsisters what this has to be a joke or something right because everybody knows that princesses are supposed to be light-skinned not dark-skinned princesses can be any skin color now either take this or you don't have any role tonight this is ridiculous boss sorry to cut in i know this isn't the best timing but the landlord came by and gave us this past due rent notice either we start selling more tickets soon or we're not going to stay in business much longer maybe you can turn things around for us that's a lot of pressure but i'll try my best [Music] yeah right more like you'll make us lose sales you know you don't have to be so mean just because you're not playing the main part tonight i don't get it an indian cinderella that sounds ridiculous i'm supposed to be wearing that dress sorry i know it's a bit uncomfortable you know if you had blonde hair like cinderella you wouldn't have to wear a wig don't worry about her she's just jealous priya look what i brought you some wait what are you doing why are you wearing a wig because cinderella has blonde hair mom not black cinderella is a princess right she can have any color hair she wants anyways i was thinking for the play how about if you wore this indian dress what ma no are you trying to embarrass me what do you mean you're not actually considering wearing that are you why is there something wrong oh no not at all i just thought that if priya is gonna be wearing that then maybe she should fly to the ball in her magic carpet too okay big news everyone i just got word that someone from creative artist agency may be coming to see the show tonight what are you serious they're like the biggest agency in the world you have to let me perform a cinderella then oh no no no we don't have time to make any more changes okay everybody that's one hour to curtain if you are not performing tonight please come find your seat in the audience here i brought you some chai and put out no mom i don't want that i need to concentrate but please okay beta i will be cheering you from the crowd so what do you think for you oh sorry i just can't stop thinking about caa being here but the way the wig looks great it's a little bit uncomfortable but i'll make it work awesome good luck tonight thank you wow you look like a real monstrosity can you just please leave me alone i'm just saying nobody wants to see a brown girl prancing around on stage pretending to be a princess i wouldn't be surprised if you got booed off stage you know what ashton you should really just please educate yourself yeah you ready to put your dress on oh um yeah i am thanks [Music] the dress looks so beautiful too bad it's wasted on you [Music] that's really right here i know there's more actors than people in the audience i don't know what we're gonna do okay everybody we are just about at times so let's uh where is priya she was about to change into her costume the last time i saw her maybe she got cold feet you know it's not too late to make me cinderella okay thank you ashton that's very kind of you but we're gonna oh priya there you are wow beautiful priya you look stunning thanks okay i'm ready to go okay great so the first scene is between priya and ashton let's give him a little space everybody okay places come on let's go let's go thank you look i don't want there to be any tension between us when we're on stage so i just want to say i'm sorry really wow i wasn't expecting that sorry this thing is just so uncomfortable here let me help thanks ashton you know i have to admit i was wrong about you ow oh whoops it slipped oh it came off what'd you do that for sorry was an accident we have to be up on stage soon how am i gonna fix this oh well no i feel awful and i wish there was something i could my dress oh no i'm so sorry i feel so terrible i can't believe you just did this i said i'm sorry [Music] look at it on the bright side at least you want to humiliate yourself on stage anymore my daughter is in the show she's playing cinderella she's the star of the show that's incredible are they serving tea by the way oh no no i brought my own would you like sir um priya where are you going i'll be right back priya slow down beta what's wrong tell me what happened i don't know what i was thinking i could never be cinderella what of course you can you've been working so hard for this i'm not talking about the way i asked ma i'm talking about the way i look everybody knows princesses are light skinned no that's not true yes it is snow white light skin cinderella light skin and blonde hair rapunzel light skin elsa what about pocahontas she was dark skinned wasn't she a princess okay fine maybe there's one how about moana forgot about her and esmeralda from the hunchback of notre dame and raya from the last dragon oh and your favorite jasmine from aladdin they're all dark skinned princesses right so you really think i can be cinderella i don't think so i know so because princesses can be of any skin color thanks mark you're welcome now let's go the show is about to start so hurry up wait what about my wig you don't need any wig beta your hair is beautiful just the way it is what about my dress it's covered in stains well we do have one other option what's taking so long this was supposed to start 10 minutes ago we can't make them wait any longer maybe we should just cancel the show i told you it was a mistake to make her cinderella i should have listened to you okay fine i will just go out there and tell them all that the show's canceled i'm here i'm here oh priya what are you doing where were you why aren't you ready i'm sorry i had a little bit of a wardrobe malfunction but i can perform like this if that's okay with you guys uh i can't be serious cinderella doesn't have black hair and she doesn't wear an indian dress says who besides it's not like ticket sales could get any worse i mean okay what the heck let's do it what but she can't whip [Music] places [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen we have a very special performance for you tonight a cinderella like you have never seen before [Applause] it was around here somewhere looking for this i take it now tell me did you steal it no it was given to me given to you given to you know nothing is ever given to you for everything you must pay pay pay no that's not true you see kindness is free love is free now feeling more confident than ever priya or cinderella gives her best performance yet when the play is over the audience gives a standing ovation everyone is so excited but no one more than priya's mom word quickly starts to spread about this new brown-skinned cinderella with black hair as the news starts to go viral more and more people come to the play [Music] before long all the seeds start selling out there isn't a single open seed in attendance the director can't believe it and then several weeks later priya gets a visit from an unexpected person are you ready for anything so long as it's with you my princess thank you very much for coming out ladies and gentlemen if you are interested in some merch it's available at the concession stand drive safe thank you so much you did amazing tonight you really think so yeah um and i i was thinking if maybe you wanted to grab dinner sometimes yeah i don't think so you see you're a prince on stage but not in real life plus she has dal in on at home so you can run along i'm sorry mom what what'd you do that for he was just trying to be nice you know the rules you're not dating till you're married you were so good it really is good great show tonight oh hey thank you and you are oh sorry chris meyer yeah i'm with creative artist agency i was hoping i could talk with you hi chris i'm ashton not sure if you saw the earlier plays but i was the original cinderella that's great actually i was hoping i could talk with priya what but she doesn't look yeah of course i can introduce you chris not a problem hey priya i have somebody that i need to introduce you to hi hi priya my name's chris i'm with caa and we're a talent agency oh my gosh i know who you guys are okay great great that makes things a lot simpler uh i've been watching you perform for a while now and i was wondering if you'd be interested in signing with us are you kidding yes of course that's always been my dream great great well maybe you and i could sit and talk or maybe the three of us could sit and talk and uh chat about business yes i would love that awesome you know i got to ask you're at the talk of the town right now how'd you write so quickly well let's just say i had my own fairy godmother by my side oh beta that's so sweet thank you you know this for a cause of celebration so how about some child oh i have some oh would you like some please yes okay sure oh what the heck i am so sorry i can't believe you did that she said she was sorry sorry about that that's okay uh should we talk business yes wait not before we get some more chai of course priya do you mind if i get a pic with you of course not beautiful dress by the way thank you you know my school's putting on a cinderella play and i was thinking about trying out but this girl at school said i was too dark is gonna be a princess do you think that's true well if there's one thing that i've learned it's that princesses can be any skin color and i think you'd make a really pretty cinderella wow thank you so much i'll never forget this thank you [Music] [Applause] honey there's a lot that can happen on a lawn drive great a flat tire it says there's no service why did some car just pull up the hot dogs there's a guy that just got out if he's a killer you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 19,185,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: KBByHnaTf50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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