BAKER SAVES 11-Year-Old's FROZEN BIRTHDAY ft. @RosannaPansino | Dhar Mann

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all right you guys real or cakes which one is it really all right moment of truth round two real or cake okay okay is everyone ready for the last round yes million dollar question real or cake that's real so we think it's real yes that's definitely real let's find out excuse me Kim come here for a second please oh yeah of course um by the way it was cake it's crazy you're more than welcome to try number one and number three but I wouldn't recommend eating the Xbox what do you think you're doing uh entertaining the guests you're here to assist me not put on a show and nobody wants to see you cutting into a bunch of things to guess if it's cake or not I don't think they were enjoying it I mean I thought so that was so cool I can't believe that was cake by the way not only do your cakes look nice they taste amazing too thank you so much you're welcome see they liked it you're missing the point you were supposed to be helping me did you see me struggling with the actual pinata of course not because you were too busy playing with a fake one I'm sorry Natalie I I should be more attentive you think now come on Kim I can't believe Natalie threw a fit at you it is not that big of a deal I get it it totally is she's always acting like you do everything wrong when you're the best person she has Amanda hands on the ladder please sorry all right there we go perfect oh my gosh my daughter is gonna love I love this you know what this turned out better than I could have ever imagined now the only thing that's missing is the cake do you know when you are so funny you guys are not gonna believe you hi I'm sorry is everything okay uh we worked so so hard to get you that special cake that you wanted for your party but I just got off the phone with our cake vendor and they dropped the cake inside the car I am so so sorry Mrs Mitchell you know what it's totally okay I know these things happen we can just get a regular cake it's not the end of the world what what I know honey and I and I am so sorry but there's just not enough time to order a custom cake and the party is in six hours but you promise it's just not possible now I'm sure if there was any way Natalie Kim can do it [Music] you can bake uh yeah that's sort of what I do wow I hate to ask but do you think you can make her a cake that looks like Olaf I am sorry for my assistance speaking out of turn but she can only do basic things nothing intricate like that yes she can I've seen her make plenty of custom cakes beautiful cake even if you could pull it off it would probably look nothing like what they're expecting you can't just please please please please I'm willing to take a chance and I could even pay you extra if you could pull this off and you can use my kitchen no I cannot be responsible for anything that happens in your kitchen ma'am I'm sorry don't worry I won't blame you no matter what happens she can do it [Music] I thought so yay started okay we're gonna have to head to the store get a bunch of supplies I mean we do not have enough time for this cake but we're gonna do it you better not mess this up [Music] I hate the way she treats you you can pull this off right I probably should have asked you before I volunteered uh yeah yeah I don't see why not and Rosanna who Rosanna Pansino my favorite YouTuber she makes all these great baking tutorials on her Channel and she makes the most adorable Disney cakes so we have six hours to make an Olaf cake to save a little girl's birthday party and your plan is to watch YouTube tutorials yeah pretty much [Music] you can win the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right foreign [Music] you can't leave before we sing Happy Birthday and Cut the Cake oh do you know when that might be it's ready [Music] are you sure about this she's sure I just hope it doesn't fall apart we didn't really have enough time to let it set I need to get a pick for our socials [Applause] happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Penelope happy birthday to you [Applause] [Music] this is the best cake ever [Laughter] I can't believe you pulled this off here this tip is just for you and I'll make sure that I pay Natalie for the cake I have never seen my daughter this happy before Penelope will remember this birthday forever all thanks to you thank you so much this really means a lot quiet you almost cost us back there yes we're starting to leave it would have been a disaster if I hadn't stopped it I was working as fast as I could Mrs Mitchell gave me that tip you know the trill I pay you hourly too much if you ask me so all the tips belong to me I can't believe she just talked to you that way you literally just saved the day I don't know what to do I mean I try my best but I'm always screwing up something in her eyes don't let her make you feel bad she's just jealous that you get all the attention you better get back to the party she sees us talking like this she's probably gonna come over here and yell at me again thank you so the superhero performers arrive here an hour before the guess and then we'll have oh is everything okay the icing melted off of all the cupcakes I knew I should have put them in the fridge what are we gonna do you have any icing or anything like that in the house no no I don't wait actually I do in the back fridge from a cookie decorating party I think I even have high feet how about I just run to the store and get you some new cupcakes Okay we have enough time that would be fine but these are the cupcakes that Devin wanted and I want the party to be perfect can you fix these cupcakes [Music] sure it won't be a problem thank you ah I'm gonna go grab you what you need supposed to be cleaning not fixing cupcakes that's not our responsibility I know take a second and then oh I know don't worry about it [Music] here you go hope this works thank you I'll just be a few okay okay [Music] oh oh my gosh this is perfect you are a superhero I can see why you guys are so successful you have a great team I'll be sure to leave her a big tip oh this is awesome Amanda can you give us a sec listen closely I need you to stop doing this this baking thing it's not your job I was just trying to help I don't see why that's so wrong what's wrong is that you're constantly disobeying me stay in line am I clear that's good because if I have to remind you again you're fired you can't keep letting her treat you like that you're way too talented to keep putting up with this I don't know what else I'm supposed to do I mean this is how I pay my rent and it's gonna take me forever to find another job so you don't need to find another job you should just start your own party planning business me start a business yeah no no that's crazy no it's not you know how to bake you're an amazing decorator practically do everything as it is my teacher used to tell me the secret to doing anything is believing you can do it even if I do know how to do everything the reason why Natalie is so successful is because she knows how to get clients I don't even know where I would begin to get my first one the hello why do you think I'm here I'm in charge of all of Natalie's marketing I can help you start an Instagram a Pinterest oh and you can make YouTube videos like Rosanna [Music] whatever definitely not [Music] Kim decides to follow Amanda's advice and start her own business Kim starts baking and vlogging with the help of her new business partner Amanda they create content for a YouTube channel where Kim makes custom cakes and desserts for parties eventually people start discovering Kim through all the content she creates and orders begin coming in before they know it Kim and Amanda are delivering Custom Cakes to people all over LA and over time their business starts exploding [Music] hey are you here for the party no I was supposed to plan this but last minute I found out they went with someone else I had a feeling it was you I'm so sorry Natalia I had no idea that they canceled on you yeah right sure you didn't look I know that we've had our differences but I would never do anything to sabotage you or your business I mean that well you wouldn't need to I sabotage myself things really went downhill after I lost you both by the way I am shocked how you guys have gotten to where you are so fast well it's like a good friend told me secret to doing anything is believing you can do it I love that anyways take care of yourself and congratulations on everything hey Natalie we've been really busy lately and we could really use some extra help give me a call sometime you want me to work for you more like a partner maybe I could do some cakes for your parties and you could do some decorations for ours and we could work something out thanks so much I really appreciate this you're way too nice I would have been way more catty there's no need or success speaks for itself this has been so great are you ready for things to get even better what are you talking about I guess you still haven't figured out whose party this is I was trying to keep it a surprise whose party is this [Music] oh my gosh you're Rosanna yep uh this is my niece's birthday party I I don't understand couldn't you have done this yourself I mean your cakes are phenomenal to say the least thanks and I could have but I've been watching so many of your videos lately that this was kind of my way of getting to meet you in person you watch my videos you're the whole reason why I got into baking in the first place oh that makes my heart so happy maybe we could collab if you'd be yes 100 yes okay great oh the Encanto doll wheel or cake it looks super real so I want to say real but knowing how good your work is cake oh it's real [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 6,344,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, rosanna pansino
Id: IkIYz7qurYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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