GIMP Tutorial: Put Someone's Face on an Object

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this is Nick with logos like Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can take someone's face and superimpose it onto an inanimate object using and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes amusing and both of the images I'll be using for this tutorial are linked in the description of the video in case you'd like to follow along so the first thing we'll do is we'll open up the image of the oranges so I'm going to right click that and go to open with and there's our oranges and then we're going to open up the image of the angry face open with so that should be opened in a separate tab and what we're going to do with this is we're going to right click this layer and go to add alpha Channel and then we'll right click that layer and go to add layer mask and we're going to want white full opacity chosen and click Add and I'm just going to zoom in a little bit up to around to our face where that is and in order to do that I'm just holding ctrl and rolling up and down in the mouse wheel and there's also a zoom picker down here in case you don't have a mouse wheel but what we want to do now is we want to crop out the area of her face and to do that we're going to grab the brush tool and then we're going to want to use black and the brush we want to use we want to use a really really soft brush we're going to go with this one right here I think is that the softest brush there is hardness zero to five and we want the brush to be really big so I'm going to make it about make it about that big maybe a little bigger than that we want it to be like yeah we want it to be this big because we want the we want the edges going around her face to be really really soft and we want to be like a really smooth transition so I'm going to go ahead and start erasing the area outside of her face using the black paint brush you want to get rid of the edges and the borders like that get rid of the hair try to get rid of the hair while trying to keep some of the eyebrow in there get rid of that okay one a little too far with that one like that and get rid of this right here and that should be pretty good what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to grab the hard brush hardness 100 and I'm just going to clear out a square going around to our heavy enough that we don't have to clear out the entire image we just need a certain portion of it cleared out that should be pretty good and what we could do now is right click on that layer and go to apply layer mask and that finalizes it and then we can grab the rectangle select tool and just click and drag to create a rectangle going around to our face and we can just go to edit copy and then we can come back over here to our oranges image and we can go to edit paste adds new layer and what we want to do now is we'll grab the scaling tool and click on the face just hold ctrl and grab one of these corner arrows and scale that down and let me just put this over here to see how that looks I'm going to scale that a little smaller go ahead and click scale see how that looks I'm going to grab the move tool and I'm going to put that over the yarn here let me zoom in on this so you can see it better like that that's pretty good I'm actually going to rotate that around just a tiny bit it looks like it's off-center I'm going to grab the rotate tool now just click and drag to rotate that around just a tiny bit maybe like that so it looks horizontally even then go ahead and click rotate and that should be pretty good that's a good starting point so what we want to do now is come up here to where it says mode click that drop-down we'll come down to where it says grain merge you're going to use grain merge that's going to make it kind of orange what we could do now is right-click that layer and go to duplicate layer and up here we'll go to this drop-down and we'll choose for this one we'll choose multiply and then we'll duplicate this layer one more time right-click it and go to duplicate and we're going to set the mode back to normal and what we want to do now is leave some color behind for like the white teeth in the in the color of the tongue and the white of the eyeballs if you notice here yeah thumbnail I have that color left in there so that's we're going to do with this layer so what we're going to do is we're going to right-click that that layer and go to add layer mask but for this one we want to use black followed full transparency so we could work in Reverse that's going to make the whole thing transparent and we're going to take the white paintbrush we're going to color back in the areas that we want to be visible so let me make this brush a lot smaller maybe like that still too big all right that's pretty good and for this brush I'm going to use the next one down the next softest one down hardness 75 and I'm going to zoom in and paint in the eyes to reveal the eye the white of the eyes in the eye color you can paint that in I'll come over here do the same thing to this eye to move the page around I'm pressing down in the mouse wheel and moving the mouse if you don't have a mouse wheel it should be little scroll bars and the sides here go ahead and paint this one in as well it looks pretty good and now I'm going to come down here and do the same thing to the mouth the inside of the mouth of and get to delete the teeth first paint all of that in maybe get some of this orange going up at the top of the teeth over here get some of that out of there come down here get that out that's looking pretty good and now we can just make this brush a little bigger and just fill in the rest of it I'm using the bracket keys to make the brush smaller and bigger there's also the sides meter over here color that all in and that should look pretty good let me zoom back out I'm gonna press 1 on the keyboard to zoom at to a hundred percent and it's looking pretty good but the only problem we have now is that they sort of like this like this bright area showing through if you notice it's like yellow going around the face you can almost kind of see the outline of where we crop the face in there from this image so in order to get rid of that outline that outline is mostly showing through from the first clipboard layer right here if I turn those off you'll see that's where all that brightness is coming from so to do that I'm going to click on this first clipboard layer I'm just going to right click that and go to add layer mask and for this one we want to use white fill opacity go ahead and click add we want to switch our brush back to black and we want to go back to this soft brush over here click on that and we'll make this brush bigger as well and we're just going to go through ok maybe not that big we're going to go through and brightly lightly touch out the areas where it's really light very gently you don't want to like erase the whole thing to just pick key areas and get rid of that like around the eyes here let's get rid of that if you're on the side of the mouth and you don't want to go too overboard with this otherwise you end up with a lot of been missing like that so we'll keep this try to keep this somewhat on the light side and maybe one up there like that and just try to blend it in and make it look natural like that and only at least click on this first layer here and you can see that's pretty much it we've we finished our little facial face transplant onto the orange here so if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 183,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, gimp, tutorials, for, beginners, face, transplant
Id: bVbYXsBxpiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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