GIMP Tutorial: Text Portrait

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create a text portrait using and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using and all images I will be using for this tutorial will be linked in the description of the video so the first thing we're going to do is open up our image of Abraham Lincoln let's go ahead and save that somewhere where you can access it if you want to follow along I'm going to right click that and go to open with and again this will be linked in the description of the video and one thing I'd like to point out is that if you'd like to do this with your own picture or another picture you have to make sure that it's sitting on a transparent background first so if you want to use an image just go ahead and erase the background using the erase tool or the the magic wand - the fuzzy select tool or whatever it is that you like to do to crop out the background so for this one we have our background already cut out and now that we have this open we're going to click this button it says create a new layer and the new layer we want we want this to be white and go ahead and click OK now I'm going to click and drag to move that down beneath the Abraham Lincoln image and I'm going to click on the Abraham Lincoln image and I'm going to duplicate that by clicking the button over here that says create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image so we now have two copies of that and with this duplicate copy up top I'm going to go to colors and threshold and it's going to strip everything down to black and white and what I want to do now is just take this little node here in the center and just adjust this until it looks good something like that that looks pretty good like that go ahead and click OK to finalize that and what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn off this eyeball to make that layer invisible and I'll click on this middle layer here and now I'm going to right click that layer and go to alpha to selection and it's going to put an outline around the entire image and what I want to do now is from the colors here I'm going to change this I want to change this color to black we want black set as your foreground color click OK and we'll go to edit fill with FG color or foreground color and that's going to fill that in with black we can go ahead now and press select none and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to turn off the visibility for this layer as well so we have no layers visible and now it's time to add our text so in order to do this I'm going to grab the text tool and for this I'm using the font is Lee gothic loot you could use whatever font you'd like I've noticed that heavyweight fonts tend to work best with this for the size for this image this is a fairly large image so I used it a size 49 but this is something you could always adjust this as you go along for the color I'm going to use like a dark shade of blue something like something like that a little more okay and this is important here this middle line here the spacing between the lines we want to have that set to like negative 81 it you don't want to have a lot of spacing between lines of text and once we have that set let me just come up here to the top left corner of the page and just click and drag to create a box going around the perimeter of the image and that's where our text is going to go and I just grabbed some random quote that I found in Google from Abraham Lincoln and I'm going to copy and paste that into GAMP if you want I'll put this in the description of the video as well if you'd like to copy and paste this quote in here so we're going to do now is we hit control V control V to paste it and there it is let me press spacebar let me copy that even more I made this box a little too big you know what I'm going to take this corner and bring that right about there there we go so what I'll do now is I'll just stop again ctrl V to paste it control V control V control V and instead of doing this a million times once we've done it a few times we have a big-sized paragraph like that you can just go ahead and click and drag over all of that hit ctrl C to copy it make life a little easier then come back and copy paste that in let me zoom out a little bit so zoom in and out I'm holding control and rolling up and down in the mouse wheel control V control V and one more should do the trick and okay what we could do now is I'm going to right click that actually no I'm not going to right click it I'm going to duplicate that layer by clicking this button that says create a duplicate of the layer and add it to the image and I'm going to take that duplicate copy and just click and drag that down to the bottom out of the way for now we're to come back to that in just a minute and now we're going to click on this abraham lincoln the very top one we're going to turn that on turn the visibility on we're going to come over to the tool that says select bicolor and we're going to click on the color black anywhere on the image where there's black go ahead and click that and it's going to select everything that's black and we want to invert that now by going to select invert and now we can go ahead and delete that layer so we'll just press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of that and now we'll click on our very top text layer up here and press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of all that and now we can go to select none and you'll see we start we're starting to have the shape of Abraham Lincoln with all of the text in there and the next step would be to fill in the rest of the image with a lighter shade as you can notice what I've done here so with this one I'm going to turn off the visibility of this for now that top quote will come back to the second Abraham Lincoln layer right here we'll turn that on and I'm going to take the text this text layer and I'm going to bring this just up one layer above the white layer and I'll click on the abraham lincoln layer again and what I want to do now is let me turn that off let's click on this text layer right here we're going to change the color of that to a light green so let's grab the text tool and click on the text and then we're going to just change the color of that to like a lighter shade of green or whatever color you'd like really there's no you don't have to use the colors I'm using here I just thought this looks pretty good go ahead click OK and that changes the color of it ok maybe not that light it's really not that light I'm going to darken that up a little bit be something like that that's better okay what would you do now is we could turn on the visibility for that Abraham Lincoln image we could turn that back on we can click on that layer and again we want to go back to the Select by colors tool and again click on the area of the image it's black and then we'll go to select invert and then we can delete that layer by clicking the delete button and now with our text layer selected we can just press Delete on the keyboard and go to select none and we can turn on the visibility of the top text layer and there you have it we now have our image of Abraham Lincoln made out of text so that's how you can do that with if you notice when you zoom in to a hundred percent it doesn't really look that noticeable but when you zoom out that's when it really starts to come to life so that's how you can do that with if you have any questions let me know and as always thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 100,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, gimp, text, portrait, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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