GIMP for Beginners: Light Bulb Fish Bowl Tutorial

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can use to create this image of a I guess you can call us a fish tank inside of a light bulb and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes am using so will minimize this and we'll get started here in the first thing you want to do is open up the image of the light bulb I will have a link to that in the description of the video so just go ahead and save that image and open it up with and it should look like this the first thing I want to do is rotate this around so that it's sitting on its side like in a thumbnail here so I'm going to click on the rotate tool which is over here and I'll just click and drag on the image to rotate it around until it's sitting like that and then we just go ahead and click rotate then I want to right click on this layer and go to image layer to image size and then I want to fill in the rest of this transparent area so I'm just going to click the button over here that says create a new layer and we're going to just name it just let stayed layer we want the layer fill type to be white and just go ahead and click OK and I'll just click and drag this down beneath the light bulb image and I'll just right click on that and go to flatten image so that's all one image and then we should be all set to go so the next thing we want to do is import the image of water and I'll have a link to that in the description of well it's this water slash PNG you just click and drag that into and I should put it on top of the light bulb as a new layer and once we've done that we want to go to the drop down over here and select multiply and you'll be able to see some of the some of the light bulb beneath that and what we want to do now is just shrink this thing down so it fits better inside of the light bulb so we'll come over to the scale tool which is over here and click on that and then hold ctrl and grab one of the corner arrows and just scale it down like that just to take this little center point and bring this over here and I think that should be pretty good that's a pretty good size right there we can go to scale and what I want to do now is just rotate this around just a tiny bit if you notice in the thumbnail here I have it kind of look like the water is splashing up like against the against the inside wall of the light bulb so what I'll do is just click on the rotate tool I'll click on that and just rotate it around just a little bit counterclockwise like that go ahead and click rotate and that should be pretty good so what we want to do now is get rid of all the area outside of the light of the light bulb so that the image so that the water image only resides within the light bulb itself so to do that I'm going to right click on that layer and go to add layer mask and just go ahead and click add we want white full opacity go ahead and click add and we're going to want to grab the paintbrush which is over here and we want to make this black if it isn't black I'll ready to go ahead and switch it around so that this the foreground color is black and the brush I want to use is this one over here and that's a solid one but the one next to it it's a little softer and I'm going to bring the size of this down a little bit it's a little too big from where I was previously using maybe I'll bring that down a little more another way to change the size is to just hold down the bracket keys that's what I like to do what we can do now is just go ahead and paint out we can go ahead and get rid of the outside area and I'm just going to zoom in on this a little bit I'm going to hold ctrl and roll up on the mouse wheel to zoom in and I'm going to I'm going to press down on the mouse wheel to move the page around just like we do in Inkscape this works the same way so I'm going to go around the edges and erase the blue area around the edge of the light bulb and I'm sure I do this a little quick here in this tutorial I'm not going to waste too much time making this look perfect just go ahead and erase this out here let me get this out here you could also use the erase tool instead of applying a layer mask but I think this is a better way to go I think the layer mask is better because it let's say like with the layer mask for example let's say you accidentally erase that part well with the erase tool you could just undo it but with the paint tool I mean with Y with the layer mask you can just switch this back to white and you can color it back in like if you make any mistakes let me switch that back to black we finish finish up this out here come around the outside here again I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse to the law to pan the page around like that erase the outside of this over here and as you can see here I accidentally like clipped off a little bit of the inside there so I'm just going to switch the brush over a white I'll shrink that down a little bit and I'll just paint that back in and this is what you can do if you really want to spend some time loops if you really want to spend some time touching this thing up and making it look nice once we mess up again being a little heavy-handed here this is good if you really just want to spend some time make this thing look nice and picture perfect and I'm going to press one to zoom back out to a hundred percent that's pretty good for now and we'll leave that as it is for the sake of this tutorial and what I want to do now is bring in the image of the goldfish so that will be linked in the description as well so I'm going to grab the goldfish and click and drag that into and there's our goldfish and I'm going to take the scale tool which is up here and click on that and just hold ctrl and scale this down about that small and put this over here let me click scale to see how that looks maybe able to scale that down a little more there we go click scale and I'll just grab the move tool and just position this right about maybe right about there and we want to do now is make it look like it blends in like it actually belongs in the image and it's not just like pasted there like a cut and paste type of things what we could do is go to mode and choose multiply and it kind of looks like it's part of the image there and what we could do now is one final step is we could click on the the light bulb and I mean the water layer the middle layer there and we could just touch the colors up a little bit if you notice they made the colors pop a little more in the thumbnail we can go to colors hue/saturation I think it actually looks pretty good how it does now but it's and I hope you want to play around a little bit you can bring the saturation up maybe bring the lightness up or down or whatever maybe try different shade more like an aqua like that and you turn off the preview to see how previously look that's how it looked before that's how it looks now and that's alright I'll just leave it like that and click OK and I think I should pretty much do it one final step would be I if you notice it put like the reflection of the light bulb underneath it if you'd like to do that what we could do is we can right click on one of these layers and go to flatten image and then I could um I'm just going to hit ctrl C to copy the image and go to edit paste adds new layer new V a new layer and then I'll go to the flip tool which is over here and we're going to want vertical selected and just go ahead and click on the image to flip it vertically and the mode we're going to choose multiply again we'll go to the move tool and I'm going to move this down I'm sure to hold ctrl so it locks onto the vertical axis bring that down to about there maybe I'll rotate that around a little bit with the rotate tool click on that rotate it around just a touch click rotate go back to the move tool put this right about there and that looks pretty good what we can do with that is we can take the opacity and drop that down a lot maybe like that much and now we can grab the erase tool and grab like a like a much softer brush like over here and raise the size of this brush up to like to like almost 300 and kind of just like brush out part of that that reflection image to make it look like it fades out into whiteness and that should pretty much do it we've now created our little light bulb fish tank so if you have any questions let me know and as always [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 289,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, graphic design tutorial, gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp beginner
Id: DUAb6-nJto4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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