GIMP Tutorial: Photo Pop Out Effect

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this pop-out photo effect where it looks like a subject is coming out of the screen of a smartphone like you see here on my screen using and if you'd like to update with these new icons I'll have a link to that in the description of the video and I will have links to the images I'll be using here in the description of the video as well and another example of this effect is here if you notice I have like the race car coming out of the phone here which is I'll be showing you how to do this so let's open up the photo first we're going to want the the mobile phone photo I'm just going to right click that and open it with and there we have that the first thing we want to do is right-click on the layer and go to add alpha channel that's going to give us transparency beneath it and what we want to do now is clear out the black area of this phone the way I'm going to do that is with the the pads tool which is over here the pads tool click on that and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to create new points going at each corner but first I'm going to zoom in by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel if you notice here the corners are rounded so we're going to have to make the paths rounded in that area so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start it out on the left edge I'm going to click the port point there and I'm going to put a point going diagonal through that curve right there put it right about there and then later on once I'm done drawing this I'm going to come back and take that line and just pull it in pull it in like that so it fits inside of the curve there but I do that less so what I'll do now that I have those two points there I'll come over here and then move the page like this I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse and I'll put the next point right here and again going through that rounded corner another point going through it like that come all the way up again pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse if you don't have a mouse wheel there should be these little scroll bars here on the side let's come back up here I should probably zoom out a little bit there we go put the next point right there the next point right there going through it back over here and again the point the line goes through the curve like that and take this next this final point will come down here to the original point and hold control on the keyboard and while holding ctrl click on that first node and it's going to connect it all together so now that we have a selection a path created around the the black screen there what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to zoom in on this I'm going to take this line and just click and drag it so it dips into the corner there and it's going to give us these two handles on each node and we could take these handles in order to adjust the the shape and curvature of that line like that it's generally good to have the the handle running parallel with the line behind it like that so you notice how the yellow line is running parallel with that white line right there that's generally good so it looks smooth it's like a smooth transition so let's come over here and do this to the next corner put that line right there like that take this one down here make sure that the handle runs parallel with the line that's pretty good and this is just one of several ways you can crop out that black area this is just there's something I haven't gone over yet in my tutorial so I figured I'd use this technique and this this tends to be my favorite technique for cropping things out as well because it gives you smooth fluid lines it's a little more time-consuming but gives you a better result it gives you a nicer look overall so bring this up here and it looks like we're all set so once we have that set I'm just going to press enter on the keyboard to create a selection if you notice that dotted line gets created there and once we have that selection made I'm just going to press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of it or if you're using Mac just go to edit and clear and now we have that area cleared out so what we could do is going to select none and we can get rid of those pads by just clicking on the move tool to get get rid of that and you'll notice we have the screen removed from the phone there and if you'd like if you'd like to use this image over and over you could save this as a template so you could always just open this up and drop different images in there just go to file save as and save it as a dot xcf file it's the default format and you should be able to open it up and edit it with again so what we're going to do now is add in the photo that will be inside of the phone image so I'm going to grab this picture here of this woman I'm going to click and drag that into and I'm going to take that layer and click and drag it beneath the phone layer so it goes beneath there like that and what I want to do now is click on the phone layer and just bring the opacity down like that and then click on the subject again that layer and now with the move tool I'm going to position this photo where I'd like it to be and if you notice here the area where the screen of the phone is is it's more clear than the outside area so I want our face to be coming out of the phone image here popping out of the phone like that so I'm going to position the photo accordingly so whatever photo you're using to do this with just make sure you position it so that the area that you want to pop out of the phone is positioned where it needs to be so I'd say right there is pretty good I'm going to leave that where it is and if you go and click on the mobile phone layer bring the opacity all the way up you'll notice the face isn't popping out of the phone yet so what we're going to do is we're have to delete that portion of the image in order for the face to pop out so I'm going to take the opacity of this and bring this down some more and I'm going to zoom in over this area that I want to pop out of the phone it's going to hold control and roll up the mouse wheel and I want to create another path going through going around the area of the face that's coming out of the phone so it's going to start right about here I'm gonna grab the path tool I'm going to put a point right there and I'm going to cut over the curved areas just like we did with the the corners of the screens and I'll go back and just dip those lines in to smooth them out going around the curves once I'm done click that right there click this one here and put that one there going through there and what I'll do is I'll just speed this up now because this is a bit time-consuming and there's no need to waste your time doing all this so I'll be with you in just a second okay so once we have everything all set here again just like last time I'm going to press ENTER on the keyboard to create a selection going along those pads and I actually turned off the visibility of that layer while I was doing that it might be a good idea to do the same yourself I just turn off the visibility now that it's back on I'm going to make sure I have that layer selected and just press the lead on the keyboard and again if you're using Mac you just go to select I mean I'm sorry edit clear and once we've done that we could bring the opacity all the way up and I'll go back to the move tool and we're going to select none I'll press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and you'll notice we have the effect in place we've completed the only difference here is that I didn't finish cropping out the the eyelashes here like I did on the thumbnail which I mean I guess I could do that but I guess it's really not necessary at this point that should give you the general idea of how you can go about creating this with if you want to crop out the eyelashes just turn the opacity of that back down some more and create another path in there and clear it out just like you did for the subjects image here so that's how you can create something like that using if you have any questions let me know it is always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 85,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, gimp tutorial, gimp photo pop out, photo pop out effect, gimp beginner tutorial, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito, nick gimp tutorial
Id: daodx-ConaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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