Create Caricatures with GIMP | Tutorial

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this caricature effect using and in all in order to follow along with this tutorial you'll need to download and install an extension for called gimmick it's a free download I'll put a link to it in the description of the video so just go ahead and download that and install it before you fire up and then we'll be good to get started so starting out here you can see I have this photograph opened up with if you'd like to follow along with what I'm doing I'll put a link to this photo that will be in the description as well otherwise you can use whatever photo you'd like so the first thing we want to do is just right click on the layer down here wherever your photo is and make sure alpha to make sure you click on alpha add alpha Channel if it's already grayed out then that means you already have an alpha Channel and you're good to go and then we can get started so the first step would be to separate the subject from the background and to do that for this one for this image I'm going to use the paths tool which is over here you can click on that where it says path or you press B on the keyboard and I'm gonna zoom in under the on this area right here by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel a few times and I'm just gonna click I'm gonna start clicking to create points going around the edge of the subject here and if you don't like if you if you accidentally misplace a point you could just hit ctrl Z on your keyboard to undo that and you could also click and drag to create make the line smooth going around or like rounded edges like the shoulder over here let you see I'm doing and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go through here and I'm gonna draw this line going around the subject here and then I will catch up with you when I'm done okay so as you can see here I finished creating the line going around this subject what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna click I'm gonna continue the line going around the outside of the subject here on the outside of the page border and by the way to move the page around I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse and I'm gonna bring the line back to the starting point and I'm gonna close the path by holding ctrl on the keyboard and then clicking on the original point and then I'm gonna press ENTER on the keyboard and that's gonna create a selection from that path now let me press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% I'm gonna go to select invert and that's gonna invert the selection so that I have the background selected and not the subject and then I'm going to press Delete on the keyboard to get rid of the background and if you're using Mac you can just go to edit clear wherever that is there it is clear otherwise if you're using Linux or Windows like I am you can just press Delete on the keyboard and once we've done that we can go to select none and let me just click off of the paths tool onto some other tools so you can see that we've now separated the subject from the background the next step would be to separate his head from the rest of his body because the effect part of the effect is making the head bigger and the body smaller so I'm gonna go back to the paths tool and I'm gonna zoom in under this area over here by going to by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel and I'm gonna create another path going around the edge of the the head or there's your others for the jawline here I'm gonna go through it go through here like that just like that and then I'm gonna finish the path up going around the outside of the subjects head zoom back in over here hold ctrl and click on the original point to close the path press ENTER on the keyboard to create a selection and with that selection we want to right click inside of that selection and go to select float and it's gonna create a floated layer right here in the layers panel what we could do is we could right click on that floated layer and go to to new layer and what that's gonna do is it's gonna create an entirely new layer it's gonna take the head and put it on its own layer separate from the rest of the body so let's go to let's click off of the paths tool I'm gonna click on the move tool actually just so we can remove that path here I'm gonna zoom out a little bit what I want to do next is scale down the body so I'm gonna click on this layer right here the bottom layer which is the body if you toggle the visibility you can see which layer is the body the top layer is the head the bottom there's the body I'm gonna click on the body layer down here I'm gonna grab the scale tool over here where it says scale scale tool click on that and then click on the the subjects body like that you're gonna get these four you're gonna get these nodes around here I'm gonna take this node on the top left I'm gonna click and drag that down and then I'm gonna hold shift so that it locks the proportions I'm gonna scale this down about that much I'm gonna press ENTER on the keyboard to finalize that I'm gonna grab the move tool and I'm gonna take this body and put it towards the center of the page here and once I'm moving it I'm gonna hold ctrl on the keyboard so it locks it onto the horizontal axis like that and once we've done that I want to make sure that this layer is the same size as the entire image as you can see here it's kind of smaller so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to layer layer to image size and what I'll do now is I'll take the head I'll click on that layer again with the move tool and I take the head I'm just gonna position it over at the body like that and again I'm gonna make this layer the same size as the image so I'll go to layer layer to image size now what we need to do is add like a bit of like a cartoonish effect where we accentuate some of the contrasting features like for this image I'm gonna I'm gonna click accentuate like the the face he's making here with this lips and the chin and everything like that to do this we're gonna be using the the warp tool so click on that the warp transform tool if you press W on the keyboard to grab that and if you notice here in this drop down we have all of these different methods we could use for warping the image we can move pixels we can grow the area we could shrink the area swirl or a smooth and like and so on and so forth so for this image I want to accentuate like the lips here so I'm gonna click on grow area I'm gonna choose like a soft brush with soft edges like this brush right here and I'm gonna zoom in on this area let me change the size of the brush that's a little smaller I'm gonna put it like this maybe about this size you can change the size of the brush manually by using the bracket keys if you use the left bracket key it'll make it smaller if you use the right bracket key it'll make it larger I'm gonna keep it about this size and I'm just gonna click like that and as you can see it's gonna grow the area click on that a few times well maybe not that much you could hit ctrl Z if you go a step too far and that right there is about what I'm looking for I'm gonna press Enter so that it finalizes that I'm gonna grab the move pixels tool I'm gonna make this brush a little smaller maybe I'll bring these lips down a little bit to make them look a little bigger like that again press ENTER to finalize that let me zoom out a little bit what I want to do is uh accentuate the glasses a little bit too because the glasses are like kind of big and we can we can you know enhance that by making the glasses look even bigger so I'm gonna grab the grow area tool again I'm gonna make this a little bigger with the right bracket key I'm going to click on that to make that bigger same thing over here make that a little bigger I'm gonna make the head smaller I'm gonna go to the shrink area the shrink area selection let me make that a little bigger as you can see this boils down to like just personal intuitive nough slike this is like a lot of this is like freehand you kind of kind of have to just like see try it out for yourself to see how it works and again we shrunk the area but now it's looking like the heads looking a little stretched out so I'm gonna go to the move pixels tool I'm just gonna bring that down a little bit maybe bring that in maybe I'll take these glasses and bring them down I don't need to be up there like that let me bring the shrink the tool size like that maybe not that much that right there is pretty good and then finally I just want to make the nose a little bigger because it's a little too small for the face here so we go to the grow area you just make that a little bigger and then when I did that when I did that it took the edge of the glasses and made it warped so I'm gonna go back to the move tool bring that down a little bit and move that in like that and I'd say that's good enough I'm gonna press ENTER on the keyboard to finalize that and then finally with the body down here I'm just gonna make it a little smaller up top I'm gonna make the shoulders a little less narrow and I'm gonna make the neck like skinnier so I'm gonna click on that layer to activate that and from the warp transform menu I'm gonna choose shrink area let me make that brush much bigger maybe going over the entire body like that and I'll just go ahead and click on it once to see and as you can see it's shrinking down the size of the body of the upper body anyway like that and that right there is the effect I'm going for I'm gonna press enter on the keyboard to finalize that and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this top layer right here I'm gonna right-click it now and click on merge down and that is now one single layer so the next step here would too would be to add an effect to make it look like it was like painted or drawn in manually so to do that I'm gonna apply a series of different effects here the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to filters enhance and I'm gonna choose noise reduction and with noise reduction I'm gonna take this and bring it all the way up as far as it'll go to the right which is I believe it's 30 let me bring over here all the way to the right 32 go ahead and click OK and as you can see what it did was it smooth it allowed it smooth it out a little bit to make it look more kind of like a painting now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to use the unsharp mask to bring out some of those features a little more let's bring out some like the dark areas and the boundaries and stuff I'll get a filter enhance unsharp mask and I'm gonna take this standard deviation I'm gonna bring it to the right a little bit and if you notice on the page it's changing you don't want to go too high with this UV so that you end up with something like this but at the same time you don't want to go too low so that it still looks fuzzy you want to go with something in between maybe like this right here go ahead and click ok and then the next step would be to smooth out all of this in here so to do that I'm gonna use the gimmick filter so I'll go to filters and I'll click on gimmick we grab that window let me bring the size of this down a little bit and the setting I want to choose I already have it selected here you want to choose repair from this list click on repair and then go down to smooth a nice atrophic if that's how that's pronounced and then just go ahead and click OK and then just give it a minute to do its thing it'll take a minute or two as you can see it's smooth out the image a little bit now it's not quite where I want it just yet so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna apply those steps a couple of more times I'll go to filters enhance noise reduction again bring that all the way up bring that all the way as far right as it'll go I'll just go with 28 like that click OK go to filters enhance unsharp mask bring that to the right a little bit like that click OK and then I'll apply this filter again filters gimmick and I'll apply the smooth filter one more time and as you can see there it has kind of like an oil painting sort of effect if you notice here there's a little bit of like shadowing and shading going around the edge of the of the subject here that was from the the gimmick filter it did that constant coincidentally so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right click on that layer and go to alpha to selection and then I'm gonna go to select invert and I'll press Delete on the keyboard just to get rid of that and I'll press select none and let me zoom back out over here and as you can see we have finished we've created our caricature design using but if you compare it to the original you'll notice there's a clear and distinct difference between the two this one's more of like a caricature and this is the original so that is how you can go about creating caricatures with if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 83,398
Rating: 4.9504733 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp create caricatures, create caricatures tutorial, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: UoLlxs2aDHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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