GIMP Tutorial: Wrap Text Around A Circle

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[Music] this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can take text and wrap it around a circle using so let's go ahead and get started here in a game the first thing I want to do is create a new document so we'll go to file new and I'm gonna size this document at 1280 by 1280 pixels I'll come down here to Advanced Options and we just want to make sure where we have background color set to where it says filled with so just go ahead and choose background color should be there by default but if not go ahead and select that then go ahead and click OK and we're gonna have this new document here now I'm just gonna zoom out a little bit so I can see the entirety of the canvas I'm gonna hold ctrl and roll down the mouse-wheel a couple of times just so I could zoom out and see that and what I want to do now is add some guides to the document so I'll go to view no I'm sorry we'll go to image guides a new guide by % and I want to choose vertical and 50% and go ahead and click OK and it's gonna put a vertical guide and halfway through the page and it'll do the same thing horizontally so go to image guides new guide by percent and I'll choose horizontal and again 50% go ahead and click OK and you should now have two guides horizontally and vertically going halfway through the page dividing it into fours like that and then finally I just wanna come over here to where it says view and make sure we have snap to guides selected it should be set there by default but just go ahead and check that anyway just to make sure it's rather important so once we've done that what we can do is we can grab the circles and ellipses tool or just the ellipse tool rather ellipse select tool click on that and bring the cursor over to the intersecting area between the two guides and then click and drag to creates to start creating an ellipse and then hold ctrl + shift so it makes a perfectly symmetrical ellipse like that and then release it somewhere about halfway through the page right about there is pretty good and once we've done that I'm gonna go to select and I'm going to choose two paths and that's gonna create a path from the selection and what we could do now is go to select none and then we can come over here to our layers menu and at the top of the layers manual you'll see three different boxes one that says layers this one that says channels and this one that says pads we want to go ahead and click on that box that says Tad's and it's going to show us the pads that we have which is this one that we just created I'm gonna click on the eyeball icon over here to activate that so we can now see that red circle that is our circular path and we're gonna be wrapping our text around that path so let me click back on the layers a box to get back to our layers and I'm gonna grab the text tool now and I'm gonna create two lines of text one line of text is gonna wrap around the top portion of the circle and the other line of text is gonna wrap around the bottom portion of the circles so we're gonna create two separate lines of text we're not gonna create it all on one line we have to do it separately so to do that we have the text tool go ahead and choose your font over here you can click on this I'm just using leap gothic I already have the size set 107 you can adjust the size to make it fit accordingly I'm using 107 spacing you may have to adjust the spacing a bit as well I'm keeping mine at 5 go ahead and write some text here for the sake of this tutorial I'm using the words wrap your text and again you could double click it to select everything and then you could change the size over here you can change the spacing and so on and once you've done that that's for the top I'm gonna come down here and create some more text the bottom line is gonna be around a circle now let me just grab the move tool and bring that out of the way I'm gonna bring this oops wrong thing I'm gonna grab the text and just move this out of the way it doesn't matter where it is I just would rather be away from that circle it makes life easier so once we've done that I'm gonna take the bottom line which is around a circle which is this layer up here and I'm gonna right click that and I'm gonna go to text a long path and if you notice it's gonna create a path going along the bottom or the inside of the circle like that and once we've done that I can turn off the visibility of that text layer because we don't need that anymore and I'm gonna create a new layer with this button that says create a new layer and edits the image we're gonna use transparency go ahead and click OK and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come back over to this pads man and you're gonna notice there's gonna be a new path created from that text and I'm gonna right-click that layer and go to path to selection and I'm gonna fill it in with the color that we have selected as our foreground color so if you'd like to use a color other than black go ahead and open up your color menu here and change your color now otherwise just I'm just gonna use black like for this so we'll go to edit fill with foreground color then we'll go to select none and then I'm gonna go ahead and delete that path now because we don't need that anymore I'm gonna click the button that says delete this path and I'll come back over to the layers menu and what I want to do now is just rotate it around so it's at the bottom of the circle so I'm gonna grab the rotate tool I'm gonna grab the text I'm just going to rotate that around until s at the bottom of the circle like that go ahead and click enter press Enter to finalize that and then I just want to adjust the layer so that it's back to the size of the canvas so I'm gonna go to layer and layer to image size and that portion of the text is now finished so what we can do now is we come back over to our layers dialog we're gonna take this text and we're gonna do the same thing but the problem is let me show you here if I apply this if I right click this and go to text along path it's gonna apply it to the inside of the circle as well which doesn't make sense because we can't put it at the top of the circle we need to reverse the direction of the path so that the text is going along the outside of the circle so to do that let me first undo that to do that what we want to do is we're gonna come over here to the flip tool and where it says transform make sure you choose path right here we're gonna choose path and then bring your cursor over to that red circle and go ahead and click it now when you click it nothing's gonna happen on your screen but what happened internally is that it reversed the direction of the path so what I'm gonna do now is close out of that tool make sure you select layer again just so that it doesn't default back to path next time you try to use that tool and you're wondering why it doesn't work so all right know what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna where it says wrap your text I'm gonna right-click that layer and go to text along path again and now it's putting it along the outside of the circle and what we could do is now is just repeat the steps that we did for this one we can create a new layer click okay turn off the visibility of that other text layer come over here back to the pads tool I mean to the pads menu right click on that layer and go to path to selection now we can go ahead and delete that layer or that path rather and go to edit fill with foreground color and then select none and then finally we come back over here to our layers menu we'll go to the rotate tool and then just go ahead and click on that text to rotate it around so that it's at the top of the circle like that and go again press Enter and then go to layer layer to image size and then we can actually go back to that pads menu and we could just turn off the visibility of that or you can delete it if you want either way we're finished with it and that's how you could wrap text around a circle using get now if you notice here there's no actual circle here if you want to add a circle back what you could do is you can go to the background layer right click on it and go to add alpha Channel and then press Delete on your keyboard to get rid of that background there so now it's transparency now it's a checkerboard you can export this as a PNG graphic and import it into some other graphic that you're working with or you could just add a circle to it now you can click on the ellipse select tool bring the cursor over to the intersecting area of the guides click and drag then hold ctrl and shift make your circle a little bit bigger than your text and then go to edit I'm gonna fill with background color because if I fill it with the foreground color we're not gonna see the black text up against the black background so I'll click fill with background color and there you go we can go to select none and there you have it we have a circle with some text wrapped around it using so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 375,579
Rating: 4.936523 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, wrap text around a circle, gimp wrap text circle, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: _Wq_A-jkWQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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