GIMP Tutorial: Liquid Dispersion Effect

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this liquid dispersion effect using and at any point in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left hand side of my screen to see which mouse clicks and keystrokes I'm using and all of the images I'll be using in this tutorial are linked in the description section of the video so let's get started here and the first thing we want to do is open up a new document we'll go to file new and we're going to make this 1280 by 720 we're going to have two Advanced Options fill with background color RGB and go ahead and click OK and it should start you out with a white document like that and what we want to do is give this a colored gradient background like you see here in the thumbnail of the video so to do that we'll go over to the gradient tool which is over here and the gradient we want to use in this drop down over here it's at the very bottom of the list it should be the very last one that yellow orange gradient and for the shape we want to use radial which is right here so third one down radial and once we've done that we'll bring the cursor to the center of the canvas and then just click and drag and bring that line a little outside of the document at the top left hand corner like that and let go and I'll create a gradient like that and what we want to do now is import the image of the guitar so go ahead and open that image here's the guitar image right here I'm going to click and drag that into and there it is and I want to shrink that down so I'm going to come over to the scale tool and click on the image to scale down and I'm just going to zoom out a little bit so I can grab the corners I'm just gonna hold ctrl and roll down on the mouse wheel to zoom out then I'll hold ctrl and grab one of these corners and just scale it down maybe about that much maybe a little moral scale that down and that should be pretty good I'll go ahead and click scale and what I want to do now is rotate this around so it's sitting horizontally so I'll grab the rotate tool which is right here and then just click and drag on that to rotate it around like that so sitting horizontally like that and that's pretty good go ahead and click rotate and I'll just grab the move tool and I'll put this towards the center of the page and over to the right maybe about right there and what we want to do next is import the image of chocolate splash which will be linked in the description so just click and drag that in to chocolate splash and there's back and that should be created as a new layer by default and what we could do with that is we'll rotate that around as well we'll grab the rotate tool you just rotate that around until it's going a little horizontally like that click rotate and we want to scale this one down as well we'll grab the scale tool which is right here click on the graphic and hold ctrl and take one of the corners and scale that down and we put this over here to see how that looks that's pretty good we can go ahead and click scale and that's a pretty good size right there I'm just going to zoom in a little bit again to zoom in and out just holding ctrl and rolling up and down in the mouse wheel and I'm going to grab the move tool and I'm going to just position this so that it's sitting in a good area I'm going to put this what we're paying attention to mainly is the edge of the chocolate splash and the edge of the guitar we want them to kind of be lining up like that and we want this part of the chocolate splash to be going well into the red area of the guitar right here so this is a pretty good position for this maybe I'll move that over a little more that like that that's pretty good and what we want to do now is color this to make it match the color of the guitar that candy-apple red so what we'll do is we'll go to colors color a Phi and we'll choose red from this list right here it just so happens that this red happens to it works out so that it matches this guitar really nicely but if you're doing this with another object you can pick a custom color over here and experiment that with that but for this tutorial we'll just use the red click OK and that matches pretty good outside and what we want to do is duplicate this and flip it vertically and put another copy of it down here so what I'll do is with that layer selected I'll just go ahead and click this button over here that says create a duplicate of the layer and add it to image and with that duplicated copy I'm going to come over to the flip tool we're going to want vertical selected and go ahead and click on that to flip it vertically and then I'll grab the move tool and I'll put this over here on the bottom side we're going to make this one a little smaller so we'll grab the scale tool which is right here and click on the graphic and I'll just hold ctrl and grab the corner and scale that down about that much you see how that looks that's pretty good we can go ahead and click scale we just grab the move tool and position this right about there like that that's pretty good and the problem we have now is that these two splash things look a little too symmetrical like they they look like it identical like it's a pattern so if you notice in the thumbnail I made them look slightly different so in order to do that we're just going to deform this one a little bit just to make make it look a little more different from this one up top so to do that we'll grab the cage transform tool which is right here and we're going to draw a shape going around that object around the outside edge of the object it doesn't have to be like an exact perfect trim just a generalised shape like that and what we could do with these is we could take these individual nodes and pull them in and that will deform the shape of that object you pull them in pull them out you can select multiples and bring them in like that see what that does take this one pull that in maybe take these three bring them out there see what that does maybe I'll pull that one out see what that looks like and that's pretty good I'll hold it I'll bring that one in a little bit and you get the idea you just experiment with it a little bit see what looks good it doesn't have to be exactly like mine and once you have it positioned in such a way so that it doesn't look like an identical copy of the one up here which at this point I don't think it does I mean it does look a little bit unique once it's flat once we're finished altering it we could just hit enter on the keyboard to finalize it and what's going to happen is we're going to have these leftover areas going around the image so to delete them to get rid of and I'm going to grab the erase tool and I'm just going to zoom in a little bit I'm just gonna go ahead and erase those I'm going to grab the harder brush just go ahead and erase those little extra curriculars out here we don't need we don't need any of that any more of those now those that should be it so we'll go ahead and erase those you zoom back out and you can press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out to 100% and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go to the guitar graphics the one that says the layer that says electric guitar and we're now going to get rid of the part of the guitar that's on the edge here work sticks out from the splash the chocolate splash graphics and to do that I'm just going to right click on that layer and go to add layer mask we're going to choose white full opacity go ahead and click Add and we'll grab the paintbrush we're going to want black selected and we'll grab a nice actually it will grab a softer brush like that and just go ahead and paint out that area of the guitar to remove it from the graphic and I'd say that looks pretty good like that I think that pretty much looks a little too much and if you accidentally do too much you can paint it back in with the color white so that's another thing you could do and once we've done that what we want to do now is make the splash blend in with the actual guitar to make it look like it's actually part of it and to do that well first go to the top one well actually no we'll go to that we will go to this one right here the second one that says chocolate splash we'll right-click that and we'll go to add layer mask same thing white full opacity click Add and we're going to want two softer brush for this one and still we're working with white and I'm going to zoom in and I'm going to get rid of the parts that don't look like they should be there go ahead and fade this in I may even go along the top here get rid of that yeah that looks pretty nice like that yeah that looks pretty good and you get the idea just basically make it look like it fades in like it belongs there like that that looks pretty good get rid of that and at any point you can just zoom in to get a better view like see that's that that looks pretty natural right there maybe I'll get rid of this and one thing about this graphic this chocolate splash graphic is this part of the part of it right here looks a little rough like a little bit of a problem with cropping that out so I'm just going to fix that I'm going to grab the hard brush which is right here and I'm just going to smooth that I'm going to fix that up real quick and again if you want you could take your time and really go over it and make it look nice and smooth I'm just doing a really rudimentary gloss over of this for this tutorial I want to take too much time making this video so let me press one to zoom back out and that it could look better it's a little choppy but it's good enough for now I'll just leave that he'll is will come up here to this top layer which is the one down here we're going to do the same thing I'm going to right click that and go to add layer mask click add we're going to want to softer brush over here and I'm going to zoom back in we're going to start coloring this in as well are actually just erasing the unwanted areas over here we want all of this the white part of the guitar we want all of that to show through we want this part of the guitar to show through as well and smooth that out a little bit and again I'm going to fix that rough edge right there move that out a little bit let me yeah no it doesn't that's no good you know what I'm going to switch that over to white and go back to this softer brush and I'm actually a shrink this brush down by holding down the bracket key not that much I'm just going to put some of that you see a little bit of yellow showing through there I'm just going to paint that some of that white to put some of that back in there like that that's pretty good let me zoom out actually that could look better alright that's good enough let me zoom back out and we just go back to the thumbnail see if I missed anything I think that should do it yeah that's pretty much what I did in the thumbnail here so yeah that should pretty much do it for this tutorial that's how you can create this liquid dispersion effect using so if you have any questions let me know and usually and just watch [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 71,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, gimp, tutorial, beginner, liquid, dispersion
Id: fsfI6BRO3ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2017
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