Gigabyte Gaming OC RTX 4070 Ti Review - 1440P + 4K Benchmarks

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the newer gigabyte rtxr4070 TI gaming OC should you buy it or should you skip it because a lot of people seem to be skipping the 4070 TI's well let's find out about Governor of the performance numbers and let's see if this should be your next graphics card how's it going everybody Welcome to we do Tech so alrighty before we get into anything else is seeing as everyone seems to just hate the new 40 series scores especially with the 4070 TI here I just wanted to make it clear yes the cards are expensive in general all around doesn't matter from who it is yes people also call me a Nvidia sure in the comments just because I'm not going to make this entire video about me bagging on Nvidia for Price hiking and all of that so I'm already preparing myself for the comments and then finally yes Nvidia should lower the prices will they probably not if they do it'll only buy a speed buy a small margin because I still owe the majority of the gaming GPU market so they can do whatever they want people will still buy their car so there's not that much you can really do except not buy a graphics card and then just wait for prices to drop which could take years so it's going to be up to you to actually decide so for this video it's not going to be focused on Nvidia and everything it's going to be focused on the quality itself because there are still plenty of plenty of buyers who are looking to get a new card especially something like a 4070 TI here and I want to go over the specifics the performance and everything for those of buyers because they still want to get the base Accord for their money which is going to be higher as well but this is going to be for them but I'll just before I begin I want to find out from you guys are you planning to upgrade to any of the new 40 series cards or are you sticking with your older card what's your plans or you possibly moving somewhere else let me know down in the comments below alright so the 4070 TI does have an MSRP of 800 not that it's necessarily going to go for that but the price is pretty much the same as the 12 gig rth at 3080 at launch the gaming OC model is slightly more at 870 or 21 200 Rand for year in South Africa and while the master of the top of Thrones version is going for around a thousand dollars which is definitely a bumper in price there now I wasn't able to review any of the new rx7000 AMD gpus but compared to the RX 7900 XT the 4070 TI is around a hundred dollars cheaper depending on which you go for so at least it's beating out something in price wise specs was the 4070 TI has a laser cores than the 3080 and a smaller memory of bus even compared to the 3070 which is a bit disappointing but like we saw with the 40 80 there is a more to it not just paper specs also with the 12 gigs of vram and the much faster clock speeds it does make up some water for that which will go over now after reviewing the 1490 a gaming OC I am happy to see that this chord is a much much smaller it's smaller compared to my face as well the 40 90 was a massive a thing so luckily you will be able to fit this card in your case boss be still on a mini mini ITX case but in a mid Tower it's not going to be a problem even if you mount your AO at the front it still gives them more toned down a gaming design but it will still look great in your system now I do also have the Dual or bias switch on the card for your performance mode and also quiet mode so you do have that for Io you do get a three display board version of 1.4 A's and one HDMI 2.1 Port I would have liked an additional HDMI port as some other cars actually do have one but at least I can use an adapter although I need to go buy one if you want to see more graphics card videos definitely subscribe because I do have more to come for new graphics card being a release as well so definitely subscriber for that now powerwise you do have the new 16 up in a connector which is in the middle of the card which isn't the greatest and you do also have the newest 16 pen power adapter with a two eight pins instead of four eight spins like we had on the 1490 now the adapter is much easier to bend because there's not so much cables going to just 16 pins but it will still say be careful because there hasn't been a lot of testing going on with these so with the 4090 once they did a burn out hopefully it won't happen with these but always just be careful not to bend it too too much and make sure that you connect it all the way in now one thing that I also noticed when actually trying to get the card out is that the release mechanism isn't actually at the top of the cord it's underneath and getting your finger in there to actually pop it out it's a bit of a struggle if you don't have a tiny finger now as for power drawer the 4070 TI has a rated TDP of 285 watts and in most games the power draw range between a 200 to 260 Watts but I did see spikes upwards to 280 Awards as well under the stock settings compared to some of the other cards that's actually pretty decent where some of the 370 TI's actually even use more than that so powerwise it's it's decent enough as for recommended power supplies depending on your system but you would recommend something like a 600 watt power supply just to be safe they will be able to go lower it just depends on the entire system of course now as for cooling this car does have a massive heat spreader twice at the length of the PCB it does also have this massive character at the back of the of the back plate which does allow a lot of the air to pass through it is actually quite larger than some of the other chords even compared to like the 40 90 so there's a lot more air ventilation going on just make sure that your case does have enough over insulation because otherwise that could be a bit of a problem but anyway as for how it did it did a very good job with ambient temperatures of around 23 degrees the Corder reached a maximum of 62 degrees at 72 percent Advanced speed the fans do ramp up very very quickly on the default a fan a curve option of where it ramps up from a 0 to 50 just like that when the temps hit around 53 degrees now my cord didn't experience any Coral wines I was happy about that I did experience it on another 47 GTI so yeah I'm I'm happy about that at least for this car as for how the gaming OC 4070 TI performed I did pair it up with the very toasty I9 3900k 32 gigs of Kingston's a fury Beast RGB memory running at 5600 and figures and the orus z790 a master review for that board is also on the channel so if you want to see that then go check it out now I didn't do any 1080p test because this card honestly destroys 1080p so moving on towards 4040p with a no dlss and settings on Ultra they're on on 40 40p it was only a plagues at a tail and cyberpunk on ultra settings that actually didn't reach over 100 frames a second but when enabling dlss or FSR and Ray tracing we do get a nice up to 20 to 50 percent the increase on the balance preset going up to 4K the frame certainly drops a bit but except for the bottom two again everything else reach over 60 frames a second on ultra settings then when enabling a dlss you do get upwards of a 50 a bump in fps now fortunately I didn't have any of the other 3070 cards to actually test it on the new 3900k system but I I was able to compare to the 3080 10 gig and also the 40 and 90. on 1440p the 470 TI was an average of a 25 faster than the 3080 but a 14 slower than the 40 and 90. not bad as seen as the 1490 costs a 50 or more in 4k it was a 22 faster than the 3080 and a 16 slower than the 40 and 90. now when it comes to cost per frame the RTX 3080 actually did the best here however that was with second-hander pricing it was at the original MSRP it would lose to the 4070 TI but the 4070 TI is still beats out the 4080 at 1490 when it does come to cost per frame in 1440p and 4K however if you can get the 3080 at a much reduced price point then of course it will be even a better option to actually get compared to the 4070 ti so you do have that second hand option now moving on to non-gaming benchmarks in a blender the 4070 TI is around 44 faster than the 3080 and 24 percent faster than the 4080. in a spec view Perth it's a much closer game here with it only being around a 10 to 20 difference between all of them now as for the clock speeds of the refinished in Nvidia Accord has a boost lock of 2.61 gigahertz while the gaming OC hits a 2760 megahertz now that is only on a paper and in game it actually range between a 2820 to a 2835 and again that was on a stock setting so if you wanted to overclock it a bit more you will be able to you do have the thermal Headroom there so if you do Tinker around a bit you should be able to actually get around the three gigahertz Mark although I didn't test it personally but I believe you should be able to get that so then in conclusion the 4070 TI doesn't disappoint in performance of being able to play games either 4K and 60 FPS on ultra settings without the dlss yes it isn't the cheapest costing a hundred dollars more than the previous 80 series card but at least it's around 20 faster than the 3080 I'm trying to be optimistic here however if you already have a 3080 it's obviously not worth upgrading to and you can have the option again of buying a second hand 3080 which is a very good option depending on the price point but looking at the second hand Market they're also selling out pretty quickly as well and because of that prices is going to increase for them as well so yeah depending on the price but if you can get them around like 500 dollars then that's a pretty good deal otherwise I would honestly just wait for like the 4070 see what's going to be there but if you're really in need for a new graphics card you've waited for years and years and years now after lockdown because of the prices went crazy there um then the 47 GTI is definitely still a good option performance wise I'm not talking about pricing and all of that because everything is just expensive but just looking at the numbers it is a good performing core and if I was really in need I would buy this card above the 4080 now we don't have the numbers for the 40 70 and the 4060 TI we'll see how they perform but for now it's a good card especially the gaming I see here is not too expensive compared to the rest of the the range and then also it performs very well it looks nice as well I would have liked a digital HDMI that's the only complaint I have cooling is also a very good so yeah that is pretty much it a formal look at the gigabyte RTX 4070 TI gaming OC good car to get if you want to get it for yourself I will leave links in the video description I'm preparing myself for all of the hate comments in the description and all the dislikes and everything but there's nothing really I can do about that I'm not forcing anybody to actually buy this card and there's nothing I I can do about it in videos so anyway thanks for watching guys if you did enjoy this video please like subscribe my comments like always big shout out to gigabyte for sending the card over for review and I will check all of you guys next time ah what was that cheers guys [Music]
Channel: We Do Tech
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Keywords: rtx 4070 ti, 4070 ti, gigabyte 4070 ti, rtx 4070 ti gaming benchmark, rtx 4070, rtx 4070 ti review, i5 13600k rtx 4070 ti, gigabyte, rtx 4070 ti 1440p, 4070 ti vs 7900 xt, rtx 4070 ti i9 13900K, rtx 4070 ti benchmark, i5 13600k + rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070 ti + i5 13600kf, gigabyte rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070ti, gigabyte eagle rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070 ti 4k gaming, nvidia 4070 ti, 4070 ti vs 4080, 4070 ti vs 3080, gigabyte rtx 4070 ti gaming oc, rtx 4070 ti in 4k, We Do Tech
Id: AyHEMukbe2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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