HUNGRY SHARK IS JUST SO HUNGRY! | Hungry Shark World Gameplay

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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications Oh Gold Rush Gold Rush let's do it let's get all these golden fishes so I guess Gold Rush is probably all mega gulp what I just ate a giant whale [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Ken and welcome back to Mobile Monday we're checking out a new game for the channel called hungry shark world now this is the sequel to Hungry Shark evolution and I'm sure that you guys have seen this game before it kind of reminds me a feeding grow fish a game that we all adore in this of course you're just playing as a shark though and then you unlock like bigger sharks as you progress I don't quite understand all the details to the game to be honest with you because I just started playing I played one round before actually starting to record the game so I'm learning as I go so you have to bear with me but so far I've really enjoyed what I played it's pretty cool you swim around you eat all kinds of fish you get bigger you get XP gets all kinds of weird things show up on your screen and all flashy kind of stuff and you're like what's happening I don't know it feels good I must be doing something right so it's gonna be a good time I guess there are multiple levels that you can play but you have to earn these shark-fin coins in order to unlock the other levels so I don't think we're going to mess around with those levels right now we're just gonna play on the standard Pacific map you also get a pet that follows you around I don't know how to unlock the other pets I mean it's like a little dog what is happening and and just like a baby beluga whale or something I don't know no that's a baby dolphin it's adorable we have this guy Kraken this is what we're using right now so he follows us around and helps us I guess I don't really know how it all works to be honest with you look at Dave Dave's just a happy little shark look look at how happy is Snuffy is terrifying that's a that's a very very angry seal who's pretending to be a shark I have no idea what's happening here this guy is from 1988 apparently Chris Chris the pixelated shark and there's all kinds of other stuff I have no idea I there's a lot to unlock let's just say that apparently you can get upgrades for your shark by using these these purple diamonds of sorts I don't really know how that all works and you can also give your shark different costumes what and they give you like buff like that gives you health huh interesting I don't think I'm gonna mess with that right now I think I'm just gonna play the game so here is our shark selection screen you can see there are loads of sharks that you can play as but you have to get to that point you have to unlock them as you progress I played one round I managed to get this guy to level 9 which increases his stats which is nice but he's just a baby shark he's an extra small black tip reef shark a nimble little shark as they would call him so let's play as him again until we can unlock the whitetip shark which it looks like we're pretty close you can see that bar at the bottom of the screen 78% so we got to fill that thing up to unlock the whitetip shark let's do it all right to the Pacific Islands we go we'll play our first round here apparently there's power-ups that you can collect as you're playing I don't you know there's a lot that I don't know that I don't quite understand but I'm just gonna I'm gonna swim around and I'm gonna eat people yeah okay hey probably shouldn't have been swimming there oh that guy is gold that man is made of gold I think I want to eat the golden man okay I'm not sure what that does for me but I'm glad that I did it oh there's a golden lady okay I'm also going to eat her okay that was that was delicious although I don't know like with the eating solid gold actually be delicious probably not I would think not it would probably hurt your teeth even if you are a shark okay so if you guys haven't seen this game before it's very very simple to understand you can see in the upper right hand corner I have my life bars now I keep that life bar nice and full by eating the fish that are around me and that's fish that I can eat now there are fish around here there's other sharks and whatnot that can hurt me and they will do damage to my life my life bar we don't want to mess around with those guys they're too big they're too scary they're mean so let's not do that oh that guy got me huh I don't know what that was see there's all kinds of sparkles and whatnot I just collected a letter I have no idea what that means I did just fill up my gold bar which gives you like a like a I don't know a boost for a little bit I don't know exactly how it all works oh my gosh I just swam right in that mine that was very dumb the game was getting kind of wonky and I swam right into it let's eat this diver so that we can get some health back ok so we also have a boost and we can use that it charges pretty fast so we want to keep an eye on that take good advantage of our ability to boost ourselves nice and quick so that we can catch these sneaky little fish look at this this is a nice little school of fish that we've completely ruined I'm so sorry oh you poor things ok we got gold mode but we can't eat everything while we're in that mode but I imagine that oh my gosh that's a giant squid ok probably can't eat that guy quite yet so we'll just hold off on that why is this what my Kraken just ate that glowing turtle I don't know what that means hey you're glowing okay I ate him I don't know if that did something but I ate him alright great so like I said learning as I go but I am enjoying the game quite a bit so far oh I see I need a medium shark to eat that guy oh my gosh that's another shark watch out for the other sharks they will eat you they will bite you and they will hurt you ok no stop stop attacking me okay we got swordfish here we can eat these guys right they I think they're poking me I think they're poking me they're too fast he ran away from me okay fine okay we need to find like a school of fish really fast cuz I'm in I'm in a bad way I need health Oh oh that's a nice little grouping of please please give me health back Oh keep going alright come on gotta get all these little fish all these little fish need to eat them up alright good don't touch that guy he's dangerous oh there's a shark a shark we don't want to mess around with the shark No [Music] he just killed me I just got murdered by that shark okay you know okay alright fine fine have it your way did we get to okay we unlocked the next shark that's awesome we're also getting like achievements or something the score of at least a thousand we're getting more of these shark coins we've unlocked a new shark this is very good let's go over to our shark selection screen so this is the guy that we unlock the whitetip shark we also unlocked the porbeagle interesting so these are all small sharks but they're different they're all unique in their own way I guess small sharks can equip one pet they also boast a three times points multiplier during Gold Rush the following things can now be eaten and we can also break bones I guess so that gives us access to areas that we didn't have access to before I don't know again this is all new to me so let's just play we're gonna play as the whitetip shark let's do it never mind we're not gonna play as the whitetip shark because I don't have enough money to buy him Oh interesting okay so we've unlocked the small sharks but we can't actually get them yet because we don't have enough muddy that is very disappointing alright well let's let's play as this guy again and let's try to get enough money so that we can buy one of these small sharks try out a different shark we can go to the South China Sea apparently this is a special event for four days okay sure I don't know what to expect here but let's let's go oh man okay I don't know like what we can eat and what we can't eat I guess we'll just have to learn as we go don't eat the pollution by the way that's not good for you you do not want to eat garbage oh my gosh that was a mean-looking dolphin these are oh my goodness these are scary-looking dolphins oh that's nice some garbage dump okay great you found the garbage dump in the ocean that's very nice what a lovely lovely place to be sunken cargo ship Oh interesting okay we're gonna eat this scuba diver I'm so sorry sir are we gonna eat him okay that took a lot longer than I was expecting it to but we did manage to eat the scuba diver let's just continue our feeding frenzy here what is that that is an electrical fish that I do not want to mess around with there's another scuba diver we're gonna eat him we are so going to eat him I'm real sorry but not really because this is my ocean get out of my ocean oh gee okay I don't know what we're trying to spell here noises there's scary noises over here I don't know if we should be heading in this direction maybe we should go the other way ow that was rude scuba diver shot me well we got Gold Rush there's not a lot of fish to eat around here though it's a waste it's such a waste of our beautiful gold rush opportunity okay there's a man on the docks there okay I guess we'll just go back the way that we came I don't know what else is around here and we can go deeper Oh careful of those mines let's kind of scare me I don't know how those work no scuba divers me he absolutely decimated me okay I accept my fate and we get enough coins I don't think we did not even remotely close that's fine I didn't really like that level it was scary and I didn't understand what was happening let's go back to the Pacific map where things are more lively okay home sweet home this is this is where I feel comfortable my first run that I did off camera was actually really really good and then of course as soon as I start recording I just embarrassed myself and do really poorly but that's okay I'm still learning like I said I just got a mission complete I got a score of over 1500 sweet don't mind if I do I don't know what that jug was that I just ate but sure why not are you you're not me I'm scared of you there's a sunken ship over here apparently I do see an arrow okay I can't eat you I need small sharks to eat those big old crabs okay we are heading deeper into the water than I have ever been and this scares me alright there's lots of tuna eat up all that delicious tuna oh that's good food right there what is that as a glowing monster fish or something I don't know it just gave me gold rush though oh I can't eat these things Oh what he killed me so fast I did not stand a chance against that guy I think that was a hammerhead shark that thing absolutely destroyed me but we are getting coins so I mean I guess that's good so I can spend these diamonds that I have to get some buffs I don't really want to use them yet cuz maybe there's better stuff we can buy later on I don't know I'm just gonna play the game Spock default nothing special right now remember we're trying to get to 3000 gold that's specifically where we need to get in order to unlock the first of the the small sharks so hopefully we can get there let's just let's eat Lizzie that's what we do hungry shark need to eat these pork people just unsuspecting enjoying their vacation here in the Pacific Ocean and then getting eaten by a shark out of nowhere I just caught that bird out of the sky that was incredible we got gold resident try to get more more people I'm on the beach okay probably don't beat yourself probably want to stay in the water not a great idea to try walking around on the beach as a shark alright I think I'm just gonna hang out near the surface maybe eat these people I mean they seem to be pretty good for for getting points don't mind if I do I got a survival bonus upgrade I don't know what that means but I'm glad to have it I'm so sorry you're getting eaten you're also old that man has a gun he is shooting at me I do not like that okay let's let's leave did not realize that there was police officers on this beach with guns alright let's keep it going play it cool I like staying near the surface that seems like a little bit safer than other areas of the map although like sometimes I just kind of get on a roll and I just kind of keep moving in the direction that I'm going and then I end up somewhere that I probably shouldn't be I don't know what this mega bar is below the gold rush bar I wonder how do we fill it up do we get though oh maybe it's the purple I don't know that didn't actually seem to do anything I thought maybe because it was like the same color as these purple guys that maybe that is how you build up that mega meter I don't know there's a lot of stuff in this game that I do not understand yet hopefully I will figure it out eventually but right now it's gonna keep eating stuff and collecting letters I don't know I got a mission complete I survived for at least two minutes congratulations to me that's a a tuna don't mind if I do oh that's a big shark that was a very big shark I need I need to eat oh my goodness that guy got me he got me real good well mahi-mahi yes oh my gosh there's a giant whale I gotta go say hi to that giant whale but first I'm gonna eat all these guys alright let's go check out this giant whale please please I'm so hungry I'm such a hungry shark please don't let me die not like this Oh Gold Rush Gold Rush let's do it let's get all these golden fishes so I guess Gold Rush is probably Oh mega goat what I just ate a giant whale because I had mega Gold Rush or something I don't quite understand it but I I also ate a mine okay that was crazy I just wanted to say hi to that giant whale I didn't realize that I was going to be eating that giant whale today no get away from me monster ow ow I got poked I got poked to death by the swordfish saved me I didn't get it in time that's a bummer but if I'm doing my math crackling here I think we made enough money to unlock the next shark we just got like a lot of stuff let's let's see go to the shark selection screen we have 4000 gold we can get we can get that guy okay so we have the option for the whitetip we could get the porbeagle which looks very happy he looks he looks really really happy to be here we could also get the blue shark which doesn't look as happy but he looks really fast speedy with an extra boost kick interesting I think I'm gonna go with the poor beagle he seems to have the best bite he also has decent speed his boost isn't great but that's okay let's get the poor beagle all right by him okay so he has been selected look at how happy is clapping and all that fun stuff what an adorable little guy whoa what is that first of all let me just see this thing so you unlock this by getting the whitetip reef shark and the blue shark so we got to get the two small sharks that we didn't buy that's kind of a bummer that thing is freaky looking Spike's on its back that's really cool all right but let's play as the poor beagle I think that's how you say it I don't know I'm probably saying it wrong but whatever and then do we get an extra pet we have to buy these pets I don't I don't have enough money for them so I'm gonna quit a jellyfish or the Kraken cuz he's the only one that I have access to right now let's continue our adventure let's try this out all right our time has come to finally experience what life is like as a slightly bigger shark than the shark that we were before this is pretty cool so I'm very excited he obviously does a lot more damage than the previous one and then of course we can eat fish that we weren't able to eat before so I don't know specifically which fish those are I think there was like crabs there was definitely crabs that we could eat I don't know what else we could do also we can break through like bones I I guess those are barriers that we have to punch through and that we can only get through now that we have this size of a shark cut again I don't know how it all works but hopefully I figure it all out okay let's yeah gold rush give me all the delicious Goldy fishes oh my goodness that is fantastic thank you thank you for that very special gold rush ok so far this is going pretty good oh that's another shark I don't want to fight with ok all right I'm gonna eat this thing I don't know what these things oh they give us gems okay so I mean obviously that's something that we want to do we want to eat those guys so we will continue to search for those things when we have the opportunity all right gold rush please thank you all right that was fantastic don't mind if I do thank you very much continue the chaos all right that wasn't a great gold rush but it was there oh my gosh that's a big that's a big boy oh don't go that way just just don't go that way that was a terrible terrible run at least we leveled up our our adorable little happy fish shark man level 3 it's not great all right we're gonna give it another go here hopefully this run goes a little bit better than the last one can I eat this turtle now I cannot I need a medium shark in order to eat that big old turtle all right that's fine it's fine I didn't want eat him anyway well we got pelicans oh my gosh that was quite a jump quite a leap indeed let's eat these poor people he's poor poor people they have no idea what is coming for them it's a very happy shark a very happy shark who is also very hungry oh this is a waste of gold rush there's nothing here for me to eat no what a waste that was terrible alright it's okay it's okay we can we can make it up hello lady you get eaten sorry got a survival bonus upgrade again not sure exactly what that means or why I got that but I'll take it so I'm definitely weary about heading into deeper waters cuz that got me into a lot of trouble last time oh there's another shark I'm scared I'm scared I can eat you now yes that's one of the things that we can eat now that we are a small shark and not an extra small shark alright keep it going keep it going gold rush oh it's so good thank you thank you for all that money hello sir I'm sorry to ruin your vacation I'm sure it was lovely while it lasted but you got eaten well gold rush again pelicans eat up the pelicans okay okay yeah yeah we got more I got it I got a mission completed oh not bad not too bad okay I think this is an area that I have not been to yet oh that's probably why cuz there's sharks that keep attacking me get me out of here oh my gosh I was stuck for a second that was very very scary we got our health back though we're okay everything's totally fine oh this is like a volcanic area there's a whole lot of squid around here and all that's a big crab I don't think I could fight him not like this oh that seems dangerous okay yeah skull and crossbone probably don't want to go that way oh don't eat me get out of here get out of here gotta get out I gotta eat what is that I don't know what that was please please help I'm starving I'm very hungry shark please please oh there's a big old school of fish thank you thank you so much oh my goodness that was scary okay we almost died let's not go down this way this there's that shark he's very mean mean okay okay we got gold rush though we can we can eat him now jump come here oh yeah don't eat the trash though trash is not good for you what is this thing nope that's garbage don't eat garbage mahi-mahi that is not garbage that is delicious that is delicious fish meat and there's a there's a scuba diver oh I'm so sorry sir oh man these poor people just enjoying the beauty of the ocean and then getting eaten by a shark just sorry I'm very sorry I got a letter don't know what it's for I just ate garbage probably shouldn't have done that it's mega gold rush we can eat mines right yes oh my gosh that was so many points don't mind if I do I'll need another mine am I still owe these giant turtles no don't go into the mine okay okay that was a nice little super mega gold rush I still don't understand why that happens but I like it Oh spearfishermen you're done get out of here no no no escape for you oh there's another guy with the harpoon no oh I got shot what a jerk no that shark came out of nowhere he betrayed his own kind he could have eaten the scuba diver he goes for me instead very rude very rude but that was a good run we got a lot of points we got a lot of money and we're very happy shark and we unlocked the new pet Felix and a chef's apron and a poncho oh my gosh we're getting all kinds of stuff leave all this money keep it coming keep it coming oh yeah nice halfway to the medium sharks as well but guys I think that's gonna do it for this first episode of hungry shark world let me know if you enjoyed this and if you want to see me play more hungry shark world there's plenty more to see that's for sure but that's gonna do it for this episode of mobile Monday guys I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 613,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: play hungry shark evolution, mako shark, mobile game, lets play fun, family friendly, all sharks, kid games, hungry shark world, reef shark, hungry shark evolution, hungry shark world gameplay, feed and grow, let´s play hungry shark evolution, shark attack, hungry shark, kindly keyin, great white shark, feed and grow fish
Id: AYf3G6PQy88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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