Pizza Balloon

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- Ah, no! (laughing) (groaning) Good morning, everybody. Hope you're doing well. Or perhaps good evening. Welcome to the kitchen. It's a little bit of a gloomy day today. In fact, I bumped the contrast up in the camera. If I move, can you see? The lights are making halos. Yes, it's an angelic video. Today's video, as you can expect nothing less, is a little bit quirky. You guys know I'm obsessed with pizza. In fact, I'm doing a pizzeria in my hometown. Wherever you are in the world, one day come visit it. I'm gonna document it, don't worry. We're getting close. You're gonna love it. Imagine pizza, right, but with a balloon. Now, I wasn't prepared. I didn't get a balloon, but I just spotted something in my back garden. Bit like an air-hopper thing. Yep, one of these things. (laughing) Looks like bubble gum. Balloon. You get the idea. Pizza. Balloon pizza. The concept is, you make a standard pizza like normal, but then you put an additional layer of crust flat on top of your pizza, and you're gonna inflate by blowing it up. I've got a foot pump. We'll come to that. And by doing that, and sealing the air, and you have a dome which you then bake full of air, which we'll seal, and then you kind of have a dome pizza, kinda like a huge calzone. You then flame it for some reason, and then you then turn out, and you can use it as a salad bowl, or you can snap it off and use it as a dip. We're gonna do all of that. I love the idea of it. It's fun. The concept is cool. You get more. I love recipes where you get more than one thing out of it. I love bread bowls when you have the soup in the bowl and you eat the bowl. Oh. But, I've been ahead of time. I've made some dough. Oops. He's lost some weight, hasn't he? I even put a sun hat on him today, and the sun is definitely in. But anyhow, I made two batches of, well don't smash those on the floor, two batches of pizza dough. I wasn't sure how much I was gonna need. You see me, that was a pun. How much we're gonna kneed. You see me make these loads of times on the channel. I don't think the two ingredient pizza dough would work for this, but if you look on the channel or the website, there's loads of ones I've done before. But this has been resting for an hour to double in size. So we can just make a pizza. So spoiler alert, I'm gonna do nothing really flashy with this today. It's all about the concept of inflating a pizza. So I'm gonna just go for the box standard 10 I've used before. I've shown you so many different ways to do it. The frying pan pizza is an amazing act. Well, of course, if you can do wood fire, ah! So I'm gonna use this as my template. I think it will really help me today. Ah, yeasty. All right, so I'm doing nothing too crazy. I mean, I'd love to make it rustic, but we do ideally wanna make it round so it kinda works. (upbeat music) For the time being, I mean, as long as it fits, that's all that matters. (upbeat music) There we go. I actually quite like the fact that by trimming that off, we've got a bit of crust and a layer to use 'cause we're actually gonna egg wash this once we fill it. So let's go for classic source cheese and pepperoni. All right, so I'm just gonna put on a couple of spoonfuls of some tomato sauce. This is passata. It's got some basil in it. Very nice indeed. Gotta be mozzarella, hasn't it? I mean, I don't know, it doesn't have to be. It could be anything you want, but that's what I'm going for. I guess this is just gonna get effectively steamed in the dough, and melt, and cling all together with all the ingredients. And the pepperoni, I don't know what's gonna happen to this either. I'm thinking that that could actually shrivel up a little bit because it's gonna get hot for sure, and it doesn't really need that long normally when you cook it, and obviously you can eat it straight away like that. But we can decorate it once it's cooked. As always, notice how I'm talking about this quite confidently as if it will work. (laughing) But there we go. I could put that in my oven right now. It would bake. It'd be an amazing pizza, and I'd be happy as Larry, or happy as Barry. But now, we get the straws out. I forgot, I'm gonna put some oregano on here as well. I might as well. Bit of herby action. Well there's some basil in the sauce anyway but why not? All right, so apparently you get four straws. I don't know, I guess it has to be four, and we put them into the side of the pizza. So it needs to really be resting flush here. So it's gonna be in here. I'm just wondering with the paper if they're gonna seal up. Imagine that. And I know it's fairly obvious, but an egg wash is an egg beaten together, okay folks? It is not egg inspired shower gel. Well, it kind of is actually for your dough, isn't it? So I'm just gonna put that along the crust. So I'm just gonna caphilly. There's a little cheese pun for you there. Move this out the way. The straws are loving it. They're staying in place like a dream. I'm gonna roll out my other bit of dough. (mellow music) All right, I'm gonna lift it on, and then we'll cut around it. Let's tidy it up. I'm a bit uncertain if this is gonna work. Okay, so now, what I need to do is make sure that this is properly sealed in. So see the crust there? Where it's joined, the egg has almost sealed it as one already. I can lift it up, and it's actually, it didn't reveal in the tense, so you know it's stuck together. But obviously, we wanna make this perfectly airtight. 'Cause if it's not, we aint gonna get any air in there, are we? (Italian music) All right, so I've spun that all around until the straws, which I've still got that opening right in there. What I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna do a very gentle egg wash on here and then pinch it together to just hopefully give it one extra seal. (singing) this might be a bit over the top, but I just need, for piece of mind, make sure that there's no air gaps in it 'cause that's the, I guess, a really critical thing. Can you tell I'm just trying to hold back on the moment of just inflating it. (laughs) Right, let's blow up a pizza. (laughing) My actual plan was to use a foot pump. If this does work, I've got some confidence in it. I've got some dough left over. We'll maybe do that. I've got a brand new foot pump. So maybe we'll try that. (laughs) But here we go. Did you see that? That's amazing. Oh my gosh. Right, so I need to inflate it, and then pull the straws out, and seal the area in there, okay. (upbeat music) It's hard to see it. It's like a placenta. Everything's like a placenta in the world of cooking. Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay. Where's it going? Where's it going? (laughing) No, no, no, no. That was working so well. And I've got an air bubble in there, so there's definitely a hole now. I think it might of been one here. I feel like a bard. (laughing) Oh no, there's a hole in my dough. Ah, and another one. And another one. My dough is too thin. (fake crying) Okay. Well, you know the drill. I'm jut gonna have to make some more dough. We'll come back to that once I've got a new lid on it and inflate it again, and hopefully it will hold. So this time, I'm just gonna put it on the edge, and I'm only gonna do one straw 'cause I think that was enough. We'll get that one there though. I've rolled that a bit thicker. (upbeat music) I don't quadruple check this. That was so weird. I felt a draught on my face then a hole appeared in it. It doesn't want me to make it bigger. (laughs) I could leave it like that, but I wouldn't be happy. I'm gonna get my foot pump. This is a brand new foot pump that arrived because Mrs. Barry needs her bike tyres inflated, and it arrived yesterday, didn't it Boston? But there is an attachment inside, a very thin one, which is used on inflatables like the air hopper we had earlier. Yes, that's good. To be honest, looking at it now, it's not too bad. I should just crack on, shouldn't I? I've got a teeny bit of dough there just in case. (clacking) (laughing) That actually did work. Yeah, I mean that is kinda more lopsided. Is it breaking? Oh no, don't. It's sunk in again. It's sunk in again. Uh, I've got another hole in the top. Dammit. I've gotta go to shops. All right, so I'm walking to the shops. I'm probably gonna just try and grab some ready-made dough, and also I'm gonna probably try and get some metal or plastic straws because I think the paper ones were tearing the dough as I took it out. All right, attempt three, done a new egg wash. This pizza's wondering what the hell's happening to it. These straws are going in, and then this is a piece of dough that I used. I cut to size around the pan slightly. So I know that it's roughly gonna fit it anyway without much cutting needed. (groans) I'm getting holes in my dough. Fourth time lucky? This one's the fourth one. I've done a much thicker lid on it, but I was worried about that because of the weight, but maybe the air is what's doing it. It's stretching it so it is getting weaker. It might need it. (fake crying) All I do is I blow the pizza up, and then it deflates. - Yay! Quick put it in the oven. - Well that was going down. - So what's it meant to do, stay up? - Stay like that. - And then what, you put it in the oven to cook? - Well yeah, you bake it like that. I did that one so, I put so much time and effort into that. (fake crying) Be a YouTuber they said. I've got a fork and I'm crimping my edges. Because it was opening again roll up my crimped bit. I know, I can stitch an additional crust sort of wedge. (fake crying) Here we go now folks, another one from scratch made. Ah, no! What is going on? I'm doing this as best I can folks. Don't ever do this. This is summarising my day visually. I've got to stop. I don't want to stop, but I have to because I have to go visit Phebe's new school teacher in a minute, and I'm gonna be like caked in flour. I have to go get in my car caked in flour. I went to the supermarket again a minute ago caked in flour. It's just not working out today. So we will try again. I might do some tonight. I might have one more go tonight, but definitely tomorrow we'll have another good old crack at this. If not, just eat a pizza. Morning. I did not sleep very well. I just dreamt about pizza. Oh my gosh. I watched this video so, so, so many times last night. In fact, I studied it. I looked at it very closely to the fact, look, four straws there, going down. Look at that dough. Look how neat and smooth that dough is, right? So last night I made two really big batches of dough. This is with some extra strong bread flour with loads of yeast in there. It smells so good. This is a stonking dough, and I will use it. But I've got this theory. Because you know when you buy store bought pie crust as well, you can also get store bought pizza. So whereas yesterday I used a packet mix where you add water, which I don't mind so much, this is kinda dead against what I really wanna do. This is like ready made literally dough like this and also one that needs to be thawed out. So, I've got some dough, and I think that is a lot smoother and looks a lot like they used in the video. Because the one that I've got is so yeasty and bubbly, it could open up, stretching. I'm not ruling it out. We'll kneed more strong flour into if we need it. I used that food pun yesterday. Additionally, I was thinking, hey, maybe it could be that round pan, because in that video as well they have something that is flush. Could it be the ridges on my pan that I'm making it hit something, a kink, and it just bursts. I'm covering every angle here. So let's try it with a ready made base and see if we can make it work because that way I won't need much flour. Brilliant. Can you see how smooth that it is? It's almost like a pastry. Now that is what I think might help it. I've actually rolled that out into a fairly decent circle. I'm happy with it. But what I'm gonna do to make sure it's pretty much consistent for both of them, this is the top of my cake stand. You might of seen it before. And I'm just gonna press it down. Almost like a big cookie cutter. (laughing) Dammit. Okay, so that is better. I've just trimmed that off. I do still have a slight impression on it, but that's fine. I am more than happy with this. And it just looked like a much more solid dough. So we can put the pizza on here. I'm gonna build it and leave a really good edge alongside it. (upbeat music) Just doing my egg wash, and you can see we've got that good gap. Sit my straws on the pepperoni. Lifting that dough onto it. So you can see, oh my gosh, it's almost sealed straight away. Well I'm just gonna really press this down. And the straws are still in there. I'm actually still gonna crimp it with a fork just 'cause I want to. I think we're there. (yells) There's no major stretchmarks in the dough on the top. There's something about the way we're sealing it, but it's so hard to see it. Do you know what? I don't care. I'm gonna make this one even if it is like that, and see if it actually still rises. It's going flat as I'm talking, isn't it? Oh my gosh. I mean, it's pretty low, but let's just put it in there anyway and see if air gets inside it. Well I've started working on my next one already because, yeah, that's flat as a pancake. Still gonna be good though. Just gotta say, throughout this whole process of inflating this, there's been a lot of pressure for me just because purely, the dogs have just been sort of sat there just staring at me. (laughing) And then you look down, you're like. And they just stare at you. (dramatic music) I think we've done it. I want it to be bigger though. That is what I'm talking about. Yes! I'm getting it in the over like now. (laughing) Yes you pugs. Look at it. Come on. All right, just been in there 20 minutes. I'm so scared to take it out because I'm worried it's gonna go (sizzling) down like that, but I think the dough will have like hardened and formed that shape. It's actually pulled up around the edges a little bit as well. We've still gotta set it a light. You ready. (groans) I'm not. Woo, wow. Stay, stay, stay, stay. Oh my gosh. There was some steam coming off that when I opened the oven. (laughing) The really cool thing is, where we've joined it together, you can see here, it's sort of pulled it together as one big old lift of dough. So apparently we need to warm up some rum. This is spice rum. (groans) I felt like I need it. We're gonna warm this up, light it to flambeaux the top. I think that's a bit optional. I feel like I've got some good colour on it. So for comparison, this is the one I did earlier, but I took it out halfway though, so I couldn't get that colour on it, and this is the other one. Yes! Kinda wanna wear it like a hat. Do you? So I've just got some rum here then that I've warmed up. Put that into the jar. That's quite a lot. Don't know if I'll need all that. All right, I've just dropped the contract down on my camera a little bit. I've got my chef's blowtorch 'cause I cant' find matches. This is dangerous step okay. So if you are trying this, and you are not a safe person, bit like me, please seriously be careful. So we put that on there. Oh my gosh. And hopefully. Geez! Oh my gosh. (laughing) I don't know if you even saw that, but that was an explosion. So there we go. (laughing) To be honest, it had all been building up to that. I just wanted to do it. Unleash hell. Keep forgetting that there's actually a pizza under all this. My bowl, yes. Oh no, it's a bit (laughing). There's an air bubble inside my bowl, look. (laughing) Should we pierce it? Oh no, it's deflating anyway. Look at that. Okay, cool. I love the herbs inside it. You see all that in there. But this was why I wanted to take this recipe on because it's not just a quirky thing of being a pizza. It's actually a really clever and funky way of serving it. But we can bring this back to life some like rocket and a little drizzle of olive oil. (laughs) That's a pretty good pizza. But in here is what I really like. 'Cause not only can you fill it with some chicken Caesar salad. Got my chicken. Got my lettuce. Got my cheese. (humming) Look at that. Doesn't even need to stir that much, but you can eat that straight out of there as a serving bowl next to your pizza. Not only that, apparently, you can get yourself a little pot of sauce like this and tear off some of the bowl. And if you've got some extra sauce left over, dunky dunky dunk. Munch, munch, munch. Ah, that's good. And what I like about the pizza is it has steam dip. Like the mozzarella has merged with the sauce. It's all become as one. That is stonking. The flavours have all sort of steamed and merged together. There's a warmth and a lightness to it. It's not the crispest base at all, but it is cooked through. It's fine. Do I want you to try this? I don't know. (laughs) I'll let you be the judge of that. 100% use ready made dough, and just take your time with it and have some fun. Because if you can nail it, that is actually quite an awesome thing to sort of say, hey, I made that. But as for me and my family, we've got pizza for the rest of our lives now. So, see you later. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 245,486
Rating: 4.8552499 out of 5
Keywords: pizza balloon, balloon pizza, balloon pizza recipe, how to, cooking channel, food channel, pizza balloon tasty, how to cook, pizza recipes, edible bowl, inflated pizza, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, cooking show, food hacks, food challenge, learn to cook, nailed it, mvk tries, giant food, barry tries, buzzfeed tasty, diy, how to make pizza, party food, edible plates, uk, edible bowls recipe, the pizza challenge, myvirginkitchen, pizza balloon recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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