Giant Lindor made...using a Giant Lindor

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- Oh my gosh! Oh my God, oh my God! - Look, it's a giant Lindor. - [Barry] It is, look at the size of it. - It's huge. - [Barry] It's bigger than your head Zoe. - I thought said it was a giant. - [Barry] It is a giant. - No look. - [Barry] What? - Oh no. - But dad, I thought. - [Barry] It's still Lindor though. - It's just a lot of little Lindors. - Where is the Lindor? - This is now my next video. (upbeat music) Oh yes, today folks we are going to be making a giant Lindor from a giant Lindor. We have got nearly everything we need and there's only three ingredients to make a Lindor. This is the mould. It's gonna do it. There's a couple of different ways, I'll tell you my thinking in a jiffy but first of all let's look at the anatomy of a standard Lindor. There is actually a small seam going around for two halves that look like they get merged together. There's also a little bumpy thing here where I assume they inject the filling, but more importantly it's got this kind of like innard, like a little belly button. So basically there's a chocolate outer layer and then in the middle, I don't think I've ever opened a Lindor so neatly in all my life. This bit in here is a chocolate truffle. So it's like gonna go for a ganache filling. Okay, so remember the nipply bumpy bit? Look, you actually got the Death Star kind of like inard belly button thing. Essentially, Lindor guys you have done half the job. You've made an amazing mould for people. When I just see a giant Lindor in a shop I want a giant Lindor, yeah? I don't want loads of 'em. That's all I'm saying. We're gonna lightly grease and line the innards of this whole thing and make the ganache first, and then coat it. We're gonna fill this whole thing up with ganache. This is when I start to, you'll notice in some videos, I talk and then I sort of end it with a question mark? As if to sort of say help me. Right here is 1.8 litres of double cream. Very naughty stuff but when you warm it up in a pan which we're gonna do and mix it with chocolate, two kilos of chocolate it will melt the chocolate and once it goes to room temperature you have a lovely, soft, gorgeous ganache. But first we're gonna line this. Because we can get away with greasing the ganache a little bit I'm just gonna get a very, very small amount of butter and work it all the way in but not too much and I might even dab a little bit of kitchen towel. Just want the ganache to be able to pop out of this frame. It's time to make the ganache guys. Let's do it. Low flame. Alright, that already feels like way too much cream, but hey, truffles. We do not wanna boil it we wanna get it to just under so it's really warm and it'll help melt the chocolate which we bash up right now. Big old bowl. To help break up your chocolate easier just go. Smashed up for ya. (upbeat music) Spread the chocolate between two bowls so that means I've got a kilo in each. So I divide the cream up with me jug, half in each. Stirring, stirring, stirring, we'll have a ganache. Oh yeah, right on there. Oh it's steaming you up. I'm keeping the other half of the cream warm on the hot stove but it is starting to melt the chocolate already. Look at this, oh my gosh. Stick with it, get every single lump out. (soft piano) Look at that, absolutely gorgeous. And we're actually gonna let it stand to room temperature just for a little bit. Alright so you might find you'll have some left over. Don't be tempted to have any like myself. I'm not gonna do that, I'm trying to watch my weight. I've greased these again so they are super, super greased now. This liddy bit here, the nipply bumpy bit we're gonna melt it. This is a very old knife sharpener. We are gonna brand our mould to create a hole in it that we can then pour with a jug, the ganache nearly all the way to the top in it. Hey, we're in! We are in baby, yes. Oh you see? (laughing) We've got a nipple now. I wanna make it a little bit bigger. Do you know what? Oh my God! Bit bigger. (laughing) I know it looks like I'm being a fool right now but I promise you I know what I'm doing. Boom. So I'll just give it a little wash and cool down but we've got a nice big pouring hole now. It's like a giant eyeball. Alright this could get a little messy. Baking tray is down. Seal pad for some of the mess and also it's a little bit nonslip so it'll help a teeny bit, and we're just gonna pour it in. We are pouring. (upbeat music) I am over the moon with how that's turned out. Just tap it to get that air bubbles through. See there's a teeny bit more. Oh my gosh it's coming out the sides. Okay, hmm, hmm. What's going on here? Darn it, I'm going to have to take an executive decision here guys, it's gonna get very, very messy. Oh no, it was going so well. Oh no. Mmm, that is tasty though. It is staying in there though, it's stopped pouring out now. Oh and that is rising, it is taking that. See how the top bit there is starting to shrink again? I think because the ganache is thickening up. Oh no, it's spilling out this side now. Damn it! Right, yeah I think we're gonna have to get messy folks. I can't unlock the bowl now. Oh come on now, don't do this. It's actually seized. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Alright, alright, alright. That goes in there (laughing) So we're gonna go for the two halves method. Come on, oh I hope it got enough now. Oh my God! (upbeat music) Okay, (laughing) what's happened? So what I need to do is not only get rid of that soon but I need to get this into the fridge as quick as I can to start it firming up and then we'll merge 'em together. I'm still hopeful though, question mark. So I've just come back and this has firmed up. I mean there's still a bit of movement in these but if you look at the ganache here, look at this. Ganache me up, baby. I need to get this properly firmed up and there's only one way that's gonna happen is where it was gonna go originally, in the freezer. Alright, that's the one with the hole in it (laughing). Alright, it's in. It's not seeping out anymore. All we have to do now is freeze it so they're like solid blocks and hopefully they'll pop out the moulds, but we can worry about that once they've frozen, question mark? I've got a hole in that thing now for no reason whatsoever but it's all good it's gonna freeze, it's gonna take hours to do that so I'll tidy up and I'll keep you posted. This is probably gonna be a two, three dayer. Good morning, I have left them overnight. Oh my gosh, I forgot about the kitchen towel. Okay, okay, that's fine. These are absolutely rock solid. I looked after a few hours last night and it was still quite gummy. I'm gonna start with the safer one first of all, the one we didn't put a hole in. I promise you I know what I'm doing. So there's a couple of different ways we can do this. I actually tweeted and asked you guys what should I do to help release it from a frozen mould? And the general consensus seems to either be a blow torch, using some hot towels, or you can submerge it in hot water for about ten seconds to kind of help it release. We're gonna go for that and hopefully it'll pop out and then we'll shove it straight back in the freezer because that will warm up slash cool down, warm up very quickly. Oh man, I really hope this works. So I'm not gonna submerge the whole thing in there. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, 10. Important not to get it wet. No, no, no, no, no come on. No, no, no. No, ah! Ah, let's try the hot towel thing as well just in case. I don't know if you're helping. I don't know if you're helping. Come on, work with me. Ah no. Oh my gosh! It's not coming out. Ah! (upbeat music) I'm just cutting chunks out of this. You know what? I'm gonna start again. Brilliant. We're gonna have to go back to the method I really originally wanted to do of the chocolate around the edge. Which means we have to go shopping and get another one. Alright, so oh my gosh, hello. We have got a new Lindor which means either way Mrs. Barry and the kids are gonna be very happy 'cause they can continue to nibble on them and also I'm probably gonna reuse some of the ganache in the middle of it I'm like, why am I buying all this stuff again? I've already made the ganache. Let's melt chocolate. So this is some pretty flashy expensive chocolate thatI've got that's actually pre-tempered. I think it's called kubachu. If you don't know what tempered means I've done a really cool video on it about how to temper chocolate and the difference. I did a batch of the future chocolate and it was awesome. I'll put a link in here. If I don't someone put it in the comments and say, Barry you forgot to do it. You'll get that nice, fingers crossed, shiny snapable finish. Pan of water. Gonna start to warm it up, and get yourself a bowl that's nice and wide. That's why I've started to get these bowls at the moment 'cause the bottom will go nowhere near that water so when we steam the chocolate we don't want that otherwise it will burn it basically. So we're just starting to melt it 'cause those smaller pieces they'll melt quicker. So this is where I can finally use my digital thermometer thing. Can you see that? That's 26 degrees at the moment. You kind of move it around to get an average temperature. It's quite good to take temperatures of random things like people and dogs, but don't get it in their eyes. We have to melt this up to 45 degrees. Here we go again. Alright, I've changed my mind again. I'm not doing this as the tempered one. We'll do that in just a bit but what I wanna do is just get one initial layer on there. I'm gonna just brush the chocolate inside. Well, actually I'll just pour a little bit, not too much. Woo! And then just work it up the sides. I'm just brushing it on. And then the ganache will go inside this and because of the weight of it and the fact that the chocolate is a little bit less gummy it should release away, question mark? Alright, so these two go in the fridge for like five minutes just to help start to seize it up and then I'll do another layer to really build that strength up. (imitates fart) Um, hello, I hope this is gonna work. This is a different camera now. I literally after that scene knocked my tripod and it smashed my camera. Luckily I've got a backup camera, another GH4 so it's okay. We can carry on and that means I need to get this one fixed. Slightly different lens but it's all good, question mark? What I was trying to show you is this has been in the fridge for just two minutes whilst I sent this tweet. A little update, and yeah it's firm so we're gonna do another layer. Just brushy, brushy brushy those sides, ah yeah. So I've go the ganache from the freezer I've put it in a larger bowl and I'm just steaming it through again. So a little bit of water just to thaw it out and that way I already know now that I've got here and here which I'll steam as well the perfect amounts to go into our chocolate moulds. Okay, so my cooled bowl and the ganache that I have got to room temperature but it was still of a clumpy lump like this but I don't mind, I'm gonna let it go in, here you go, go in, ah come on mate, come on. Boom, into the freezer this one goes. And I'll do that to the other half as well. Alright, see you in a bit. By a bit I mean a long time, again. Are they Lindor wrappers? - (laughing) No. - Alright, it's been in the freezer for about three hours so not a rock hard set. I wanna see if I can get it out, hot water again. Oh, (gasps) there's a bit of movement there. Hang on a sec. (upbeat classical music) Oh my God, look! Yes! Wait, we've got a bowl with ganache in it. Back in the freezer. I'm excited but we still need to do this one. Come on, come on let's do it again. (upbeat classical music) Yes! Look at the shine on that. That's not even properly tempered yet. There's a teeny crack but it doesn't matter. We're gonna bring the two together and then do one final coat. (laughing) Yes! So we are gonna potentially temper some more chocolate. We need it anyway to fuse it together. Might not need it but we need to join them so this will act as a glue. So we're melting it to 45 degrees. Alright so we just now leave it to drop down to 27 degrees C. But for a little bit of it I'm gonna use it as a bond for the two halves while we wait for it to cool down. I'm just gonna put a teeny amount on here to act as a glue. I need to work quite fast because this is frozen it's making the chocolate stick already. If a little bit spills out that's fine. Yes! So there's a couple of cracks here. I'm just gonna fill them in. So obviously right now doesn't make it look as pretty but I'm hoping that final pour will sort of abolish all this. And now only up to 32 degrees which will not take very long. The sun is beaming down on it. It's a good sign folks. And because I don't want it to melt the bowl I'm gonna leave it there to cool down a little bit longer so it'll pour and hopefully cling-a-ding-a-ding-ding. I put a shot glass in the fridge so hopefully that will help like, levitate it. Alright. - [Rebecca] That one? - Yep, thank you my friend. - [Rebecca] You're welcome. - So I'm gonna stick it on this. Um, can you explain what just happened? - It didn't go to plan. - [Barry] It didn't go to plan, the pour, I let the chocolate go too cold so the pour has made it seize and now it looks like a weird planet thing. Now I know that it comes out of the mould easily. I'm gonna go back to my other idea. - Okay. - Okay, so it is now seven in the evening. I've just made a fresh batch of ganache so that's all in there cooling down. The chocolate cup method worked an absolute dream so I've done some more. Okay, we've got 'em there setting but what I'm gonna do this time, in a bit, you've already seen it so I'll do that in a bit and put it in the fridge overnight. I'm gonna set the ganache in there flush but then this time cast one into it and then pull out one mould and leave the other one in the mould, let it set again and then pull it out and we should hopefully have a smooth finish that we haven't gotta touch. Good morning, it is day three. Three ingredients, three days. Kiss the kids goodbye to school and said, wish daddy luck. Let's try and nail this. So last night I made a whole new batch of ganache. It is really good. This is actually at room temperature so you can see it's got that softness but also it's firm. Now they went back into two more chocolate bowl halves like we made yesterday because that worked an absolute dream. So my plan is to take advantage of this base thing as much as possible by leaving it there, turning this one out add a little bit of chocolate and sealing that into that upside down back in the freezer to join it. If that works I can then slowly bring it up to room temperature, put it in the wrapper. I hope you'll agree if this works, this video has all been about perfection, making sure, I could've cheated. It's not about that, it's gotta be good, alright? You deserve better. Can you see that the seam there? I've just scraped away as much of the chocolate as I can but I'm gonna put some more melted chocolate around it, fresh stuff, so that when I put the other half in in a moment it will hopefully act as a glue to bond the two halves together. The main thing is to get this half out. Oh my gosh, it's literally just popped out. Look at this. Oh, okay that doesn't look so bad. After the last few days I'm gonna take that. So I've got some melted chocolate here. This is gonna set very, very quickly. Sit that in there. I'm gonna turn it straight over 'cause that should've sealed. Oh my gosh! (upbeat classical music) you can't see 'cause it's not a wide screen lens but that, that, I'll wait for you to stop. That spirit has worked. Yes! It almost sealed perfectly. It's still very, very cold. I can wipe that off but look at the shape. Yes! This needs to get to room temperature or at least in the fridge, so that's where it's gonna go so I'm gonna go walk the dogs wherever they are. So as I walk the dogs I'd like to thank Stuart for the motivational message on Twitter. Just get a snickers. If anyone from Lindt or Lindor's watching and wants to team up and make an even bigger one or show me how you make 'em in your factory that'd be pretty cool. (cheering) Hello. - It's real this time. - Is it? - I think. - Wow! - [Barry] It's even got the divot on it. - Oh yeah. - Can we just pick it up again? Oh wow, that's so heavy. Ready. - [Barry] Be careful there, oh you're going down the seam. Oh, okay. (laughing) - [Rebecca] Did you get that? - [Barry] Yeah I did. - Okay. And it smells, oh they've just eaten one. - [Barry] It smells like a real one. - She's just eating one (laughing). - [Barry] Thanks guys. Right, I'm going in. Is it good? - That's really nice. - Yeah, I agree. - [Rebecca] Oh, it's so nice. - It's phenomenal. - Mama mia! - What an adventure this has been. Three ingredients, three days, but a little project so-- - I'm gonna keep this wrapper out. - You can keep the wrapper, mate. - Well, can I keep the giant one? - Of course. - Yes! - Bye folks. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ So it's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ This could get a little messy.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 1,677,597
Rating: 4.7681069 out of 5
Keywords: Giant Lindor made with a Giant Lindor, giant lindor, lindor, giant lindor chocolate, giant lindt chocolate, giant lindt chocolate ball, giant lindt ball, lindt chocolate, lindt, chocolate ball, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, barry lewis, chocolate, chocolate truffle, giant food, giant, super size, worlds biggest, candy, truffle, DIY, giant food diy, cooking show, food hacks, homemade, ganache
Id: ATSlB4IAho4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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