Tin Can Bread

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- Hello (laughing) Hope you're well. This might look a little bit strange to you unless you joined in the live streams, the last couple of weeks. Let me bring you up to speed. So basically if you didn't know, for the last seven to eight weeks, you guys on the channel have been watching videos that I filmed at our old house. I bulk filmed for like, 28 days straight in a row because we were moving house. Lots of you guys are going, oh my gosh Barry, why are you moving house? Like three times, you've moved house. It's actually three times in the last 17 years if you stagger it out. And Mrs Barry and I had the chance to move to our absolute dream home. It's a little bit smaller than our old house and it's a project house and unfortunately, we were supposed to be filming in here. (laughing) Let me show you it, yeah, it was supposed to be in here. Don't know if you can hear, but Amy just barked. The good news is most of the structure is done. And whilst I filmed all those videos I've been helping out the builders do all the groundwork, the labouring, I've got some guns, baby. And it's been fun, but unfortunately, as most of the world knows there's a bit of a pandemic going on at the moment. So what that means is, we're safe, we're happy, we're healthy as a family, and I hope all of you guys are as well. But basically, we have to film in this temporary kitchen, which bizarrely, once this is done, will be my office. So yeah, it's gonna be a little bit botched, I'm not gonna lie but I think you guys kinda like that. I did actually just set up some lights in here but it made me feel like I was at the dentist. And I was like, no let's just keep it rustic, you guys like that. It's probably gonna be about eight to nine to 10 to 12 videos of it in this kitchen but I still, with me and my family and the pugs, which are down there, conveniently by an angle grinder (laughing) This is my life right now. We are gonna do our best to just keep 'em as natural as we can until we move into this epic kitchen literally next door. When we were doing the live streams, I had loads of messages about that. Why did you move house, and stuff, but it's because it's our dream home, that's literally it. And, to be honest, if you're on Patreon, you will know there's a few other reasons, some actual quite serious ones, why we did move, just some concerns that have been removed. And also, during these next few weeks, you'll probably see this in use. When we moved into our house, not only did we realise that nearly all of the windows are not very good at all, they have very bad seals on them. (humming) This is turning to a life update. But this oven, which is a lovely thing, it's a gas hob with a flame that still works. Unfortunately, the oven doesn't work so luckily, we managed to get this stonking thing. It's about 150 quid and it grills and bakes and all that. We managed to have a roast dinner for the first time in weeks. Yeah so aside from like three crazy storms, every weekend right when we first moved in, life's been pretty kinda good but I do genuinely hope you're okay. I really didn't wanna show you this. We should be in there but don't worry. As these videos progress, maybe I'll give you like a little update. Oh we've done this because this, this door's being knocked through. We're gonna have a walk through it. So one day we'll walk back, deal? Deal. So when we first moved in, it was a little bit rustic and I wasn't filming so I was doing all the building stuff, helping out, all that stuff. I found something awesome that I was sent ages ago that you can actually bake bread in a tin. I'm using a different lens. That should work, see? Tin. You know that old thing of like where you put your ear to something like a seashell, you can hear the sea? It's exactly the same with a tin of beans. Although this was a tin of pineapple. And this is a tin of soup that I have not consumed yet but I'll pour it into a bowl and have it before we bake in it. These become vessels for individual portion breads that you can slice or just munch on yourself. Not on yourself, for yourself. Check yourself. Of course the other thing when you move house, there are boxes everywhere and there are boxes everywhere right now and we couldn't find our loaf tin. We wanted some bread and thought right, let's try this off camera, I did, it worked, so let me show you how we do it. All right folks, this is our temporary sink and we're just gonna get some warm water for our yeast, 300 mils of that. You might see some familiar faces here. The fake herbs, recognise those? And of course, the wrap master 3000. (angelic vocalising) All right gotta be very careful 'cause (mumbling) in fact, let me show you. My dog's bowls are literally by my feet (laughing) all right so warm water and we're gonna dissolve some sugar in (humming) You don't have to dissolve sugar in. Just gives it a little sweetness. We're adding sugar into the flour as well in a minute. Dissolve that through as if it was never there. This is some fast action yeast and some scissors that I bought online because I've been buying random online purchases. And then on that topic, thank you to everyone that supported the crowdfunding campaign. We managed to raise a massive summer backers considering we're in the middle of this pandemic. I'm starting to work on the second kit which is a baking kit soon, so I'll have some more news on that. What we're doing, adding the yeast into the warm water. Giving it a little whisk with a spoon. That's obviously not a whisk, I guess we're giving it a spoon, aren't we? Yeasty. It's nice and warm, leave it to do its thing. Don't be sort of holding it going, oh you're so comforting, you're so nice. It's very nice to hold but just let it have its own time. What you're gonna do, grab yourself another big old bowl. This is where it all starts to happen. We've got some bread flour here. Flour, this week, has gotten really hard to get hold of in the supermarket, so luckily we've got enough for this. On another note, out the corner of my eye, whilst we were doing the livestream, people were like, why have you got a washing machine in your kitchen? That's actually not uncommon in the U.K. actually. What an interesting subject, but off the back of that, someone on livestream said that in some countries, you have your washing machine in your bathroom. And I have this vision of it being upstairs, I don't know. So into this bowl is flour and some sugar, you can shimmy it around like that. Okay another thing I'm gonna add in is some butter and the other thing is some salt. So obviously this is Boston. I love how your ears just pricked up when I said that. So we'll just get ourselves a spatula. Oh my gosh (laughing) it's room temperature but it's still going everywhere. We're just gonna mix this butter in. All right, I'm relatively happy with that and didn't get any up my nose or on my face so that's good. What we're gonna do now is take our yeasty mixture, which has had, see this froth? Oh yeah, it's had about five minutes on its own. We're gonna pour this in. Oh no, little bit of butter left, darn it. Well I'm gonna have to properly knead it now, make sure it's really blended in there. But yeah that water will help melt it. All right so just mix this in to form a clump. What a word, clump. See that sort of going like ribbon-y, like that? That's another word. I'm just gonna take a moment. 'Cause these guys, they've been like, a bit out of sync. They're like, okay. I know the game now, this is it, we're filming, we're back to normal right? Yeah (laughing) basically sitting by my side. You kind of just dump it all in, I don't know why I was doing it all gradual like that but, see you wanna kind of get it all to bond together first of all. All right. There we go, I like how it gets to that stage where it just sort of cleans the bowl for you. All right so I didn't so salt bae but we can do an unnecessary flour bae. Get it onto your work surface and we are gonna have to knead this really darn well. Well I am particularly, just to get that butter through it. But it still feels a bit clammy right now, so just really let it absorb all that flour up, work it 'til it's smooth and elasticky and consistent. I'll show you in a minute. (thumping) This is a bit of a workout, but what is a workout is carrying blocks and plaster board, that's been fun. I've lost a teeny bit of weight and I've put it all back on by eating chocolate during the lockdown. Beautiful thing. Grab yourself a clean bowl that's been very lightly oiled. We now need to wrap master 3000. (angelic vocalising) Haven't done that for a while. I love it when, wrap master watch on Twitter, they're like, I spotted one in the wild, very rare. Leave this to double in size. Nice, gonna take about 45 minutes. All right, so this is what the kitchen will look like, pretty cool indeed. Quite simple material when we did like the sort of style of that, we just got the chance to have a whole island now and the appliance garage is back. The two ovens, we've got them. We've brought them from our old house, we love them so much. Except they're in the garage right now, getting very cold and lonely (laughing) You follow me Amy. Thanks mate. Feel like there's like washing everywhere and stuff. We're just kind of like living the rustic life. But hopefully you can see, look that's the window in the drawing. That's the little door there and this is gonna be the utility bit, okay? We're probably gonna use some of this kitchen for our utility actually. But there, it's gonna be good. Bread. Hello (laughing) it has been one hour and this has doubled in size. Wow, look it's breathing on the top as well a little bit. It had more but I knocked it away. Realised after 20 minutes, there's a hole in our door down there so it's quite cold in this room. Put it in a warmer place and it has risen. The exits are here, here and here. The other thing I did was I got my can. My soup which is cream of tomato, how do you get cream from a tomato, it doesn't have udders. But I've greased it okay, a little bit of butter in there. But our dough is ready to go. So let's unwrap it, oh have a little smell, have a smell. (sighing) Boom. I don't know if you heard that but it's like a whoopie cushion. One of the best pranks in the world, back in the day. I am loving that. Can you make bread in a tin? Yes you can. All right. Not gonna need all of this. Grab your can. And shove that in. Now I got my ratio wrong when I did this off camera before and that's probably likely to happen again. Yes, that feels like too much. Oh no. Yeah about that one. Yeah I'm going for about halfway up, okay? Now this is a wider tin but probably had the same weight in it because it's lower in height. Now, we need to brush the tops with a little bit of milk or water and if you want, which I didn't do before, we can actually put some poppy seeds or sesame seeds on top, whatever you've got in the cupboard. I mean you can flavour it, you can put herbs, you can do whatever you want but this, we're just keeping it rustic. As best we can. So this is that amazing oven that we've got and I'm gonna put it onto bake and you probably can't see this, there we go, bake. Oh that's better if I hold it like that, bake 230C and we're gonna need it for about half an hour. The timer doesn't start until it's actually heated which is really cool. Yeah so this thing, you can grill, you can toast, you can slow cook, we've got a funky light on it and it works really really well. It's by a company called Sage who we did the smoker with. Because basically, this oven's broken. I'm gonna use water because well, milk's quite scarce at the moment as well, so. Just gives it like a nicer colour with the milk. And I'm gonna shimmy some poppy seeds which of course you could have kneaded it all the way through the dough. I haven't got any sesame seeds here so this will do, or this will dough. Once the oven's done, in that goes. That's very very hot. So what we're gonna do is put it onto this lovely little dibby baking tray that it came with so that it fits. Okay boom, it's gonna be in the oven for about half an hour and whilst that goes in the oven, I'm gonna quickly show you something that I've become obsessed with. Putting my hand into an oven. Don't, don't do that (laughing) Could do with some help, all right in that goes. There is an important thing with the tins, actually I'll write that on the recipe okay? Just make sure you get the right one. The timer's started now here but this is something, see this? This is something called a Smart Metre. I've never had one in our house before. Since we moved in, this one's got it and it's like a little game. I'm looking at it going, we spent two P more on electricity by boiling that kettle, unbelievable. That's what our life has become, hasn't it mate? All right (laughing) something you don't see everyday. Do keep your eye on it and yeah in about half an hour, you should have delicious baked bread. Do make sure that it doesn't spill out to craziness in your tin, especially there's not much room. Right, little update (laughing) As you can see, the bread has risen more than it did the other day and it's got a lovely colour on it. But what I'm gonna do, I wanna make sure it's baked through. I'm gonna lie the tins down just to make sure that it's baked through. Yeah, should be about another 10 minutes. So I was saying, don't go anymore than halfway up the can. (clattering) All right. Five four three two (beeping) It's got an auto shut off as well so it won't even set my house on fire. (laughing) yep yep yep, there we go. It's a little bit scorched where it hit the heating element. But it's fine. Now one thing you cannot do right now is touch those cans. They are gonna be insanely judgement day, Terminator two style hot. Let it cool down fully and it'll actually release easier from the can. Just to let you know, I'm just about to take the thumbnail. Can you just stay there forever? Pointing the light in the sky. That's made the lighting amazing in here, look at that. - [Mrs Barry] And then we start going-- - Came to see have a look? - Yeah. - [Barry] Well they just want some bread, don't you? - Yeah. - If you want to make sure it's cooked through, you can take a sneaky edge off the bottom, I guess. I've not done this before. Well I didn't last time. And let's see, oh gosh. Oh there we go (laughing) look it's nice and baked. (laughing) Bread. Amazing. So you get more of the crust on the outer edge since it's exposed, but the rest is all baked through. It's just not gonna be, this is like your more sort of standard sort of middle of loaf bit. If you want the crust, you'll have to expose the tin like that. But I mean, that's the great thing. You get the lid. (crunching) (grunting) All right I'm gonna have the half eaten one. You guys gonna get stuck in? - [Mrs Barry] Oh I get the end. - That's the best bit, you get the crust. - Three, two one go. - It's all right isn't it? - Very nice. - So can you make bread in a tin? Yes, you can. Sorry about the random life update folks but some of you guys are saying, where are you? And for the next sort of, eight to 10 videos, we probably will be in this kitchen. We'll just make do and have some fun. But ultimately, we're happy and healthy right? - Yes we are. - We are, just about (laughing) but we hope that you are, wherever you are in the world. Please take care, we'll get through these strange times together. And if there's any recipes you'd like to see during the next eight to 10 weeks, I can do them quite reactive so do let me know down below what you'd like to see. Maybe some clones on some fast foods that you're missing? Some wacky stuff, whatever you'd like to see, we'll do our best right? - We will. - You just want some more bread, don't you? (laughing) All right, see you later. - [All] Bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns moustache goatie ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ - Don't know if you can hear, we're having a bit of dance party. Just to let you know, the spare dough, rather than sticking it in a tin can, cupcake tray like that, some lovely baked poppy seed rolls that I'm gonna dunk in the soup. Take care.
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Views: 140,732
Rating: 4.9019895 out of 5
Keywords: Tin Can Bread, bread in a can, homemade bread, coffee can bread, taste test, in a can, homemade bread recipe, homemade bread recipe with yeast, homemade bread easy, how to make bread in a can, canned food, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, cooking show, how to, learn to cook, cooking channel, food hacks, food challenge, how to make, diy, weird recipes, how to make bread in a tin can, tin can, can, bread recipe, recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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