Tasty's BBQ Rib Sandwich | Barry tries #21

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♪ I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ♪ - Anyone remember that? Oh my gosh. (intense music) (popping) Hello everybody, hope you're well. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Today, I'm feeling very, very good indeed. I'm very excited because it is a "Barry Tries" video, and if you missed any of the videos on the "Barry Tries" posts to date, do have a Barathon at the end of this video. It's basically where you guys submit suggestions and I try them from chefs around the world, or just recipes you've seen online. I've been bombarded in the last few weeks about this recipe by Tasty. It's basically a barbecue rib sandwich. And you have a whole rack of baby back ribs. Now my morning so far has consisted of going to a supermarket and trying to find out where and what baby back ribs really are. And I went to three different supermarkets, actually. And they're all like, "We don't sell 'em." A quick Google search told me that, don't worry. We don't tend to refer to them as baby back ribs here in the UK. Oh my gosh, look, see? Sliding the bones out, oh my gosh, ah, ah. This is something called loin ribs. That's the same thing. It's basically a rack of ribs that we're gonna have boneless by the time in the end, and it's the most amazing barbecue sandwich. It's gonna be awesome. But these are loin ribs. There's bones in them. Baby back ribs, loin ribs, same thing. But the only downside to these is that they came in a pack where they've already been sliced, when really you want one long rack normally. But that's okay. We're gonna cook these slow and low, so we're gonna preheat our oven to 130 C fan, 150 C. But that is gonna really slow cook them, but while the time that is warming up, we can start to rub and get some real flavour into our loin ribs, nope, baby back ribs. So what we'll do is grab ourselves a big old pan. Apparently we need enough foil so that when the ribs go in there, any of the juices that escape, you wanna keep them in. So kinda like a foil parcel, so that it keeps it moist. So, really I should have one long rack like this, but instead I've got two, so that's... Oh look, it's got paper under it. We don't want a paper, it's just one, okay. Mixing bowl, I'm gonna make a dry rub. So one, two tablespoons of brown sugar. Ah, this is paprika. You know I love paprika, one, two tablespoons of paprika. I love paprika. A bit of pepper, nice. A generous heap of salt and some garlic powder. Smells really good, this is smoked garlic powder. It's the same, but with onion granules, some cumin and just for a change, I'm goin' for some hot chilli powder. Normally I use mild because that's what we have here for the kids, but I thought, you know what? Today I'm going all out, all right? Brilliant. All right, here are our ribs then. I'm gonna have one hand free. I'll take my wedding ring off because I wanna get one-on-one with this. Really rub it in, press it in like so. Oh my gosh, it really transforms it straight away. Do make sure you get every nook and cranny covered though. Oh yes, some of that sugar in there is gonna make it caramelised, so we've got that completely covered now. I'm really, really happy with that. We've now got the job with our dry hand of foldin' this in, (crinkling) but just make sure, you know, you've sealed it in. All right, so this is goin' in for three hours. Whilst we're waitin' for those three hours, you could watch "Titanic" or just clean yourself. But there's a couple of other steps we can do. And what we're gonna do, it gets glazed in the barbecue sauce as we saw. This is some barbecue sauce. I'm gonna do one, (spurting) oh my gosh, that sounded like a parrot. (laughing) Three parts barbecue sauce to one part runny honey. Oh my gosh, so we're just gonna mix that together. That's gonna be a nice sort of sticky, smokey, sweet glaze. What I'm doing this now to it, it's like, all right, what do I do for three hours? Nothing. ♪ I want my baby back, baby back, ♪ ♪ Baby back, baby back, baby back ribs ♪ ♪ I want my baby back, baby back, ♪ ♪ Baby back, baby back, baby back ribs ♪ Excuse me. - Excuse me. ♪ Chili's baby back ribs ♪ (laughing) Oh, I've had that in my head for years, oh my gosh. Can you tell I've got three hours to kill. There is one other thing we can... Well actually, a couple more steps to do, but there's one other thing we can do just to get done because the caramelization of the onions, that's one thing I don't really like sometimes about the Tasty recipes, they just sometimes just say, "Caramelised onions," and some of you might not know how to do that and there's lots different ways. You can just chuck the onions in the pan and they can caramelise naturally and just char. But I'm gonna do balsamic ones. Just a teeny hint of balsamic vinegar, mwah! ♪ Chili's baby back ribs ♪ (laughing) Okay, so an onion, when I caramelise them, I like to have them sliced thin, obviously I can just slap them down in my little gadget thing, but I thought I'd show you today because we got a bit of time. I like to treat an onion a little bit like a planet, okay? So you got your North Pole, and your South Pole. Or whatever you wanna call it. And all the time, I just slice through it like that. It's a kind of open up your globe, da, da, da, dah. See, you still got your Poles, like this. Fingers down like that and what I try and do is slice at an angle towards the Poles, basically. Like that, okay? I know this seems quite basic, and then you can get to this point if you want and keep going, or you can tip it on its side and do the same again. Da, da, da, da, dah. And you kinda get segments. An onion is a lot like a Terry's Chocolate Orange, except it tastes a bit more disgusting eaten raw. You just take that bit out and your little bits of onion will just fall apart. Isn't that cool? Onion party, I hope I've taught you something today. All right, big old pan. You can do this without oil, but I'm using olive oil, and this is one that's actually infused with a bit of basil as well, so it'll drive in more flavour in there. The only other thing to add at the moment, as I try and salt it, is a bit of salt. So what we're gonna do, although there's a natural sweetness that'll come out when you sort of char them anyway, we're gonna take them to a sort of golden brown stage on their own. This is brown sugar, balsamic vinegar. We will add that in once we get the onions browned, which will take about 10 to 15 minutes. So do it nice and slow. I mean, we've got three hours. (laughing) If you want them warm, do them right at the end, but I don't want them warm. I kind of want them to be sticky and jam-like. So that's been about 10 minutes now. You can see they're sort of caramelised and speckled. So some brown sugar again. Used some of that before in the rub. And (sizzling) one, two good splashes of balsamic vinegar. Whoa, that real stingy, tangy vinegar contrast with the sweet sugar now, so we're gonna keep pushing it through to warm through that sugar and caramelise it a little bit. Just make it a little bit more sticky. And I'll just leave 'em here with a lid on. So we're just keepin' this cookin' for another sort of seven to eight minutes, and what we're doin' here is gettin' like a caramelization process goin' on. It is extremely addictive just to wanna get a spoon right now, shove that in some bread and butter. But we're gonna load it into somethin' a whole lot better. All right folks, that has been (banging) three hours. (laughing) Whoa, the smell is phenomenal. Ah, ooh, ah yeah, you can see the juices. Ahh, ahh, he, he, very hot. (laughing) I just love how all that rub has clinged to them, nice. Now about two hours ago, I realised in the oven, I was like, oh no, I forgot to remove somethin'. There's a layer of fat on the underside of the ribs. If you get your butcher to remove them, I should've done that, anyway, really easy to do it with a knife. You just lift it off and cut it away. It'll make gettin' the bones out a lot easier. So that's what I'm doing right now. I'm just using a knife to run along the groove and they pop out quite easy. Of course, the good thing is about it is I can now line it up in one big old row, as one kind of boneless rib, bringing the two pieces together. And I can slather it, ahh, in this barbecue glaze. That goes under the grill, but somethin' else goes under the grill. On this board is some parsley that I chopped earlier, and this is a really nice sourdough loaf that I bought. So I halved this earlier. And this is some melted butter that I've just put in the microwave, de, de, deh. Just try and get this everywhere. (laughing) Apparently we butter both sides. I've never really buttered the outside of a bum before. The outside of a bum, a bun. (laughing) Well, true story for both to be honest. That was to get a bit of a golden colour on it, but this could catch quite quickly, that's the only concern. I don't want it to burn. But this is also gonna be a bit of a glue, the butter here because we shimmy on some sesame seeds on top to make it kinda be like a bit like a burger bun. Right, that's goin' in the oven. So that's goin' in and I will not think that's gonna take very long at all. In fact, I'm so confident it's not gonna take very long, I'm gonna try, come on, there you go, and slot the barbecue pork underneath it. I need you to see this. I just opened the grill, I've lowered the bread. It's looking gorgeous, but I don't know if I can get in there. Can you see that bubblin' away? Oh my gosh, it's time to get it out. Mwa ha ha ha ha. See, look how golden that bread is. Maybe a little bit charred on the top, but I'm lovin' that. Yes, mm! Ah, look, do you see it, can you hear it? (sizzling) Oh, ahh, it's hot, oh my gosh! Yes, oh it smells good. Ahh, so, so, hot, oh wow, look at that! (sniffing) I can literally just eat that, to be honest. But no, I'm not, look. Two spatulas for this, come on, out you go. Gee, oh my gosh! The bread has nailed it. And now the caramelised onions on top. Remember, bit of balsamic tang in there. A little bit of sweetness. I can now see why so many of you (laughing) wanted this recipe. Some parsley. Oh my gosh, look at that. The colours are phenomenal. It smells so smokey in here, I love it. And I haven't set anything on fire. And last but not least, our dome lid on top. (laughing) Look, oh, it looks like a McRib. Mrs. B, you're home. - Hi. - All right, look at this. - Wow. That's for my lunch? - [Barry] So apparently, (crunching) ah, that sound. You're suppose to slice it up. Oh, oh, oh, okay, ready Mrs. B. - Yes. - Ahhh. Remember, if you've got a "Barry Tries" idea or suggestion, I get a lot comin' through, just message me on your social media of choice @mrbarrylewis. - Don't know how to eat it. - Yeah, that's the small bit, you've gone for like a huge bit in the middle. - Oh yeah, maybe I should've taken an end. Mmm, oh no. (Barry laughing) (crunching) - Oh my word. - That's why I come home every lunchtime. - Yeah, I think you've been waitin' outside, just like listen, yeah, he's about to serve up, hello. Wow, there's such a fusion, a medley of flavours, isn't there? You get the crunch of the bread. With the butter on there, the sesame seeds, you can't really taste is so much, but there's so much flavour, and the tenderness of the ribs, I've never really had ribs without the bones and just chewin' on like that. That's why I don't really go down that route often. But even the caramelised onions, balsamic vinegar, bit of parsley, hah, you can tell it's good when Mrs. Barry just carries on eatin'. That's normally a good sign. (laughing) You literally have just carried on eatin'. That's, is there any... We've not really done this before and just been like... - Very messy to eat. - It is, but it's fun, right? That's the whole thing with ribs. Normally ribs, you get it all over your face anyway. - Very, very nice. - Okay, that's all I needed, thank you. (laughing) But that's amazing, so I would definitely, definitely recommend you try this recipe out. That's it, that really is it. (laughing) ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ I love the loin ribs name, but the baby back ribs just sounds so much cooler. "Austin Powers" movie, ♪ I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ♪ Anyone remember that? Oh my gosh, I've got random movie references in my head all the time. There's another one from "Austin Powers". ♪ I want chicken, I want liver ♪ ♪ Meow mix, meow mix ♪ I say that all the time. There's so many useful things, there's so many useful things in the world that I should know and I have those references in my head instead, please say it's not just me.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 121,365
Rating: 4.9196134 out of 5
Keywords: giant bbq rib sandwich, rib sandwich, barry tries, bbq ribs, tasty, bbq, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, virgin kitchen, barry lewis taste test, cooking, recipe, cooking channel, food, diy, learn to cook, cooking show, novice, easy, simple recipes, food challenge, how to make, does it work, put to the test, buzzfeed tasty, weird recipes, trying popular recipes, barbecue, epic, caramelised onion, baby back ribs, loin ribs, boneless ribs, how to cook, giant food
Id: by0PIg9jbPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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