Getting started with Copilot Studio: Build your own Copilot in minutes

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good day there everyone Daniel Anderson Here and Now copilot Studio your no code or low code solution for you to be able to create and develop your own specific co-pilots is what we're going to take a look at today we're going to take a look at how we can connect your co-pilot to your external websites even your own documents and then also take a look at how we connect it to SharePoint and one drive to really create a really rich user experience for you and the rest of the organization so let's dive in and take a look get started set it up and test things out all right let's get started now for you to get started with co-pilot studio all we need to do is navigate to copilot studio. you'll be presented with this screen here and we can start a free trial so first things first let's choose our region I am going to choose Australia and we'll start our free trial so that is going to kick things off it's going to spin up our environment for us and you can see here once this loads we're going to have an authoring canvas for us to be able to create our first own co-pilot so we're now up and running and loaded you can see that power virtual agent is now uh Microsoft co-pilot studio so that's the welcome screen that we get we click on done and then we're taken to this screen here where we can create a co-pilot so I'm going to click on new co-pilot now we're going to create a co-pilot all around our policies all right so the first thing we're going to do is name our co-pilot so let's call this policy co-pilot and we will then keep the language as English now you could if we wanted to at this point in time pop in our website now this is an externally facing website and then we can boost our conversations with generative answers from that particular website but we're going to do that at a later stage so I'm going to click create then we're going to set up our new blank um co-pilot ready for us to then inject some content for some gener generative AI responses when people ask something of the co-pilot itself all right so our co-pilot is now spun up and we're ready to start connecting to some data sources now we can see here that we're presented with this screen setting up our generative AI where we can give our co-pilot knowledge for us to chat with it over we can point to websites internal SharePoint files and lots more as well so the first thing we're going to do is just connect it to an external website now I'm going to use the V Microsoft Viva website to start with just to give us an example I know it doesn't relate to policies but just to give us an example of what we can do now we can see here that when we're when we jump into generative AI we've got the ability to tick this box where it says use generative answers now once we tick that it lights up a couple of different different things for us where we can paste in our websites and our URLs now you'll notice that when I paste in I've already added the Viva website but what you'll notice here is if I start to type in anything more than two levels deep from a website you'll see that we can't do that so it has to be two levels and no more all right so now that we've already got this all up and running then you can see here that we can delete this if we want to as well so then I'll just paste it back I'll add this in and then the save button will light up um and then we need to save our uh our little co-pilot so I'll just hit that now and we'll remove it and then we'll add it back in all right so that's now the body is setting up and here we go now and we've got our tick box we're already here I'll paste in the Viva URL I'll hit add and then I'll hit save again now once that's saved what we can do is use our testing environment here to um provide some answers all right so let's have a let's ask our our co-pilot what the business value of Microsoft Viva is so let's um what is the business value of Microsoft Viva all right so and let's see what it comes back with so it's thinking it's sending it away and we're going to be presented and it'll come back with some generative AI responses for us now what's really good about this is that we do have uh some footnotes and some linkages and some references to the cont that comes back as well so we can see here that it has come back already telling me and explaining me with the from the content of that website what the business value of Microsoft viav is and you can see that we've got these little footnotes in here we've got our references and we can go directly to that particular website now another thing that we can do here is we can upload our own documents so let's find a document we're going to upload it into here uh and then let's combine our content both from the the the website and also with the uploaded document uh and see what the responses are with that content all right so I've got a document here all about the testing plan of a particular uh product that we have called the xt1000 so what I'm going to do here is upload this word document into the browser here and once it's uploaded we are going to then save our little co-pilot again and then let's ask it and have a conversation about this particular um this particular file as well so we can see here it's uploaded it's uploaded to dataverse which is very very interesting as well and it's going to be available for generative answers shortly so what we might do is just give it a few minutes here um and with the power of video editing we'll come back and we'll ask some questions all right so we're back we've given given it a couple of minutes now to reason over uh the data out of that document now let's find out what the project scope of this xt1000 test plan is all right so let's go um let's ask what is the project scope for the xt1000 test plan and let's see what we get all right so again we've uploaded our document let's now have a look and see um what we get back and see if we get a an accurate answer here so it's sending it away it's reasoning over um and giving us some ideas uh or coming back with the content and an ADD ative answer from that particular document you can see here that it tells me what the project scope was from that document okay and it also gives us a citation it also comes out the um gives uh and presents the key stakeholders so if I bring this document over here what we will see is that we've got a little table here of our key stakeholders here's the project scope um and it it's also re um surfaced the stakeholders out of that particular document as well so now we're pointing to a website and we're pointing to um to a document as well so we're starting to build out our little co-pilot now the next step and the next thing that we're going to take a look at is how we can connect this co-pilot now to our SharePoint environment to really give us a a real world example and the scenario we're going to take a look at is around our policies all right so we've got a document library and a SharePoint site that has all our policies let's have a look at how we connect this co-pilot to that SharePoint site
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 6,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LbWg_Bhq9Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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