Microsoft Copilot Studio| Build Your Own Enterprise Copilot with no Code [Hands on lab]

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so here I am on the creation screen for my co-pilot and all I need to do is provide a name like I have done here and I've pointed it to the Holland America website now from here all I do is Click create and within a few seconds it will have created a co-pilot just like this one now instantly because I'm pointing to Holland I can start asking questions so here I say do I need a passp support for my Crews we can't necessarily anticipate all the questions that customers are going to ask but using the data on the website we search across that and we use the power of GPT and our generative answers capability to summarize an answer rich and with citations so that your users have full confidence as to where that data came from even better I'd heard that you know I need six month validity on my passport so I asked why do I need six- month validity but I don't have to say why do I need six month validity on my passport because the generative answers capability uses the conversation history and the context of the conversation so that I can have a natural and fluid engagement with my co-pilot now that's pretty incredible but beyond the use of generative AI to answer these probably thousands of questions any questions that your users have what most companies need is control to build more specific use cases and scenarios for their co-pilots and for that we use topics so I'm going to head over to the topics page now a topic is an individual module of conversation that you can design to determine what questions will your co-pilot ask what messages will it send I've started building one of these in our state-of-the-art dialogue Builder and you can see here it's actually Rel relatively simple for me to get going I provide some phrases that are examples of what your uh users might say in order to trigger that particular topic and then I can add notes to my canvas here I can add a question node to ask them if they have an existing booking I can Branch my conversational logic so if they do have an existing booking I can say great now I can get you personalized recommendations based on your existing spend based on your existing engagement your recent engagement with Holland America and adding more nodes to this canvas is incredibly simple there's a wide range of things that you can do but what I want to do is just add an extra message node just to really introduce the topic sure I'm happy to help you find that information and then instantly we can say what excursions are available for my Crews and you can see now that it's executing in the test chat on the right hand side I even have full visibility of exactly where I am within my topic at all times so the testing experience is really right there along with you so that if you want to jump out and make some changes and then carry on with your conversation then you can do that so here I can say yep I've got an existing booking it asks me for my booking number so we're now at that sort of it's gone down the right Branch for the condition and it's asking me the question so here I'll give it my booking number it then makes a call out to power automate we have integration with lots of external systems including power automate and right there it's brought back personalized recommendations for potential excursions for me on my cruise that's awesome adding a plug-in action is incredibly simple I simply open the Wizard and I can search across the available thousands of connectors I can search across my own pre-built connectors which wrap my own Enterprise apis I can also use power automate flows and the new flows for co-pilot that have been announced once I select one of these it takes me just three clicks to add it to my co-pilot and I've already added one here this is one of Holland America's apis for getting Cruise itinerary and booking details there's nothing really complicated here it's just going to call that API endpoint and return a Json payload with a lot of information but where this gets really magical is when I head over to our generative AI page and I enable generative actions generative actions will enable your Bot using the power of GPT and Azure open AI to pick the correct plug-in depending on the user's query execute that plugin and then provide an appropriate response without any authoring needed let's take a look at what that's like so I'm going to restart my conversation and now now that generative actions is enabled I'm going to ask what date does my cruise depart I'm also going to open a new uh Dynamic chaining log which will show me the plugins that have been picked for me by the co-pilot so as soon as I ask that question it's going to select hopefully the Holland America plugin it's done that but it's also recognized as Omar said before there's a missing piece of information that I just don't have in order to be able to execute this API so it asked me that question it's generated a question for me I didn't have to author anything so let's go ahead and put in our booking number and just like that it will populate the booking number called the API and generate a response for me a very succinct response that's contextual and relevant to my question what happens if I ask something more open-ended though so where does it stop that should select the same plugin pick the same plugin for me and then provide an answer now think about that that was a more open-ended question it could have I could have meant anything I didn't provide the content text that I was still talking about AC Cru I didn't even provide my booking number it used the whole context of the conversation that I've been having over the last few turns which was entirely generated for me to select that plugin execute it and provide me with this Rich answer and all of this was based of three clicks adding the plugin in three clicks is all I had to do to enable this experience
Channel: SkillCurb
Views: 6,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot ai, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft copilot studio, power virtual agents, ignite 2023, microsoft ignite 2023 keynote, microsoft ignite 2023, Copilot, Power Platform, Power Virtual Agents, Transform copilot development with Microsoft Copilot Studio | BRK212H, ignite, microsoft, microsoft ignite, ms ignite, ms ignite 2023, msft ignite, msft ignite 2023
Id: mKiMyZ-mdbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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