Getting Ready For Meet & Greet! | Teacher Vlog Ep.8

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oh hey there is a huge thing in my car [Applause] [Music] how many guys it is Saturday I'm not wearing much of it today because it's at a battery it is Saturday July 29th I think like I honestly don't even know what day it is but anyway it is 8:00 a.m. and I wasn't planning on coming to my classroom because last night I was super super tired I think it was about at like 9:30 but I told my brother I'm like I really have to go to my classroom but I don't know if I'm going to and I told them like you know like I haven't slept in in a long time I think I haven't slept in on the weekend since I was able to get in the classroom because as you know I've talked about this before I worked at a day care for cancer special needs during the summer so I worked Monday through Friday and the only days I had time to come into my classroom was on the weekend so I would had to come in for as long as I could which meant waking up early yeah I kind of sucked but I didn't mind it because I'm really enjoying putting my classroom together and setting it up but yesterday was so tired I'm like half asleep in I tried and I still look up at 6:00 a.m. without an alarm and I couldn't go back to sleep so I figure since they're already up in the morning - we'll be productive so I came to my classroom I just got here I also went to McDonald's to pick up some breakfast because the time that I spent in that classroom I usually don't eat breakfast until I leave or I don't need anything until I leave so I decided to eat breakfast firs and the start setting things up or cleaning organizing all of stuff I'm getting a lot of positive feedback on my last vlog I could talk about being a little bit um upset I guess over some comments but a lot of you are responding with a lot of positivity and I really really appreciate it some of you have been messaging me on Instagram if you ever want to reach me and I don't like comment back to you I think it's easier for you to send me a DM on Instagram I typically get those pretty fast or at least I try to I will never leave you on just read I'll reply some way or another so yeah so the Ana Hernandez so Deanna is numbers message mean she was super sweet still hi to you I really appreciate your message this morning and then also Selena from Instagram message me and apparently she's going to you a bay as well and she just wanted to know like what districts I recommend in Tucson or the Tucson area so swing up you haven't got my message already I'm replying so it's the weekend so that HP's not on luckily it's cloudy outside so maybe it won't be as hot today I do have a fan in here that my uncle bought for me and then my peeing teacher also told me I can use your hand if I need them I am going to eat my breakfast and I brought my laptop so I can make things if I need to because now I know the Wi-Fi password so let's see what's plan okay Austin some of you haven't seen that you prefer the longer blogs and I'll enjoy watching long walks to I'm editing man takes forever especially for me because I tend to stutter every now and then so editing that out is a little bit annoying but I will try to continue making longer blocks maybe over 15 minutes at least so I was going to show you I it was recommended that for meet and greet I have business cards and I was going to order some offices to print however because and I signed them and everything but I didn't place the order because I wasn't sure what my extension number is for my classroom I saw my email but I was wrong I had my extension number correct even though I thought it was wrong but I had my email from so they don't want to place my order because of us so yesterday was when I knew for sure what my extension number was and I knew for sure what my email was and I was going to place my order but they were not going to here until the fourth and that is a meet-and-greet and I could pay like more for them to be here on the second but that wasn't me like $30 just for shipping so I decided to just make it myself they were one of my teen teacher said that another teen teacher made magnets or had magnets with her info on it so I decided to maybe do something like that I ordered I ordered like business science magnets on Amazon they're like sticky so I'm going to use those and I think you look like a stick backpack for seven dollars which is a lot cheaper than it would have been if I order magnets through vistaprint because in this supreme it was like a twenty five pack for like ten dollars what it's still not bad so then what I did next I went on Teachers Pay Teachers and I looked up teacher business cards and I found this one which is cute but I'm going to keep this one I might keep on another one but I'll show you the one that I'm kind of leaning towards because it's that's cute so this is just the example so I'm not going to show you the actual business cards just because it has personal information so I'm going to print this out on cardstock and laminate them actually I don't know I'm thinking I have two ideas so either print them out on cardstock laminate them someplace on the magnets or print them out on photo paper and then place them on the magnets I'm not really sure yet what I'm going to do I I don't know because I did that I did watch some YouTube videos and they used photo papers [Applause] [Music] so he says that a few hours and I accidentally left my camera on but here's what I've done I moved my desk around and this one a partner teacher has it I think this is going to work better because because all the wires are just going to be like out of the way if I did that I put my alphabet down below a whiteboard because a lot of you suggested me putting it like where students can see it when I send out the carpet so that's where they could see it but I think I put it too far close to the window I think I'm suddenly North out for now I also put the labels on my supply caddies and I put crayon from each caddy I finished or I almost finish my birthday section so I went to the computer and looked up my students birthdays and put them on the top cakes obviously it's not going to stay like this I'm going to go ahead and go by like that floor tape that Dollar Tree sells and I'm just going to separate like the weather temperature days of the week I also finish putting this together not exactly sure where I'm going to put it I might leave it there I also put my numbers up so these are just free from Teachers Pay Teachers and I just added a border around them I also put this on my desk I just these were just printed on regular paper obviously printed in color and I just put magnets on the backbone so they could stick to my desk because I only have 14 students I am thinking of just using this table this is what in that table wait a minute those aren't maybe I think knows what I'm going to do and then just have five students there five students there for students there and not use the back cables if I can but that's just about for right now 3 3 3 3 and 2 but I don't want to have a table a table of just 2 or I can have 4 4 for I don't know actually if you guys have any ideas on how I can set up my tables for a class of 14 and please let me know I have five tables right now if I had 15 students that'd be great because then it could be three students per table but a house 14 hopefully I get like one more student sorry the Lighting's a little bit dark I just put my camera right up here and the windows are banging and the windows are making this start but it's Sunday I took that to my classroom in 11:00 last night I cut laminated a bunch of things so some of those things where it's being packed isn't just a blank one and have a few more of those in case I get new students that's what I'm going to do I'm also going to set up my welcome board I decided to go with we are so glad you're here instead of I'm so glad you're here because of what you guys are saying sorry this practice because of what you guys are saying is a common sight totally agree I have that I also made a new schedule cards I don't know if I showed you the schedule cards that I had made before they kind of went with my strep they kind of went with my stripe theme that I have on my word wall but now thinking back if they look kind of busy notice one than three very plentiful so how cute does this look I posted a picture of it on my Instagram but I just bought this little fake lamp lamp no fake plants and I think it just kind of ties everything together and I really like the way it looks I also put some of the contact paper on my desk and all of you were telling me to ask permission to you to do this to the desk but this is basically a big sticker and it does not leave any residue behind so I can easily take it off and there would be like no damage to the desk I'm going to put this cork board bulletin board thing up and then pull apart like personal things a like if kits makes me drawings or something is going to go on there and then I also I also order like a small toolbox not as big as the ones that all the teachers have on Instagram but just a little bit smaller because this is driving crazy what I'm going to keep on here are just like pens markers pencils and stuff like that and then on the tool box I'm going to have the rest of things so like some tax stamps magnets pop up all those things I also need labels for my tables that you see will have your own I also built my rolling cart yesterday I totally forgot to film it but it's right there I think it looks really good and I thought a few comments on a Facebook group that I'm part of the kindergarten Facebook and they were advising some people not to buy this because it's very flimsy but it was really cheap and I did not want to spend the hundred and twenty dollars from the one that's more sturdy so I bought this and only I'm going to use this the kids are not going to have access to it it's been half of my materials so I think that's going to last a little bit longer because of that I also put the cupcakes up I don't know if I showed you but I have I don't have that many students so I know that many candles and then for this market it is pretty beat up as you can see but one of my friends suggested so Emily if you're watching this thank you for this idea she suggested to put duct tape around it that way becomes a little bit more sturdy and it looks prettier too so I bought this really pretty mint colored duct tape and I'm going to start putting it around and actually just right now [Music] [Music] okay so I just finished the top of it and I think it's really good it definitely was a lot better than it did before I put the tape on it and it did have like a hole right there and it was breaking off so I kind of prevent it from breaking off any further I think I'm gonna do the drawers as well just not right now and I think I'm going to use the same color for the drawers too so my cooperating teacher from when I stood and taught just called me and she's at IKEA there's nine IKEA where I live the seniors like he has like two hours two and a half hours away but she's there right now and she called me because she found the magazine holders that she uses for her classroom and like book book boxes and those are really good idea and they're only 99 cents for 4-pack so she asked if I needed some and of course I said yes I also want the it's like a cube organizer but it's just like a single row I want one of those and I know they sell it out Walmart and I sell it at Target so the one at Target only has three cubes in the one at Walmart so I was from what I've seen is only comes in like a dark brown and one in a white and I know in IKEA they have it on sale for $40 and $60 like they have at Walmart and Target so I asked her she could pick it up as we said yes everything's like working out and I'm super excited I just love my cooperative features so much I know like I texted her earlier this week because I need chart paper I don't have any chart paper and I want it for the first week of school so we can like brainstorm ideas for classroom rules and stuff like that but I don't have any and I remember she ordered some so I asked her like where she bought it from or like a commune where I can buy some for brown seviche because I know I'm going to get like a step in to order things that's what office to order things off of officemax I think but I haven't gotten that yet and I don't want and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get it until and I'm pretty sure it's not going to come in time for the first day of school even if I were to order it right now that make sense so I asked her it's a kilometer from Office Max and I go okay thank you just like wait like you need some like yeah and she's like you know what like I'll just give you some one habit and it may rather give it to you instead of you buying it so she is an amazing person I think I talked about a my student teaching experience video but I absolutely love her she I don't know she's just super helpful like a genuinely nice person so if you're going into student teaching I hope your cooperating teacher is as awesome as mine because I do not just it has made this whole transition experience a really positive one okay so the next thing I'm going to do is work on this hot mess I want to separate it off because right now it just looks like everything super cluttered so what I did is I bought floor tapes that I'm going to use on the whiteboard [Music] well the a/c turned off so I better hurry up because it's going to get super high [Music] okay so for the most part it is done there are just something to have to print out and laminate so the things that are blank are the things that are missing so I'm missing a seasoned section I have the weather section complete temperature section complete I'm not really sure what I'm going to put there or if I'm going to put anything there at all I need I do have the days of the week there but I want them listed at the top for reference and I also want the month of the year listed right there I just want a metal bucket to keep the days that we're not using right here then I want to have we are going to have letter of the week so a little the week right there sight word of the week and a student of the week I think if not student of the day so we can get to know each other I think is going to be student of the day my next task is just to clear off this table somehow I want most of my tables to be cleared off so I can start taping the table numbers on to them okay so this is my welcome board associate we are so glad ours is flat oh you are here apparently I printed an extra a instead of a D someone go ahead and leave it like that and then print off and then print out the D laminate it bring here and have it all together okay there's a huge thing in my car morning guys it is Bay's 3d canvas can unhide over there a little bit earlier it's really good because have this baby in my car the new hire orientation b3 is done with and it was a pretty cool orientation today Marian tation hold called induction so we would learn more about classroom management and like lessons and stuff like that and then we went to lunch lunch is provided for us daily it was like a sandwich bar today before new hire orientation I showed you that IKEA thing that I had in my car so I have to wait for one of my friends to come and help me get it on my car and suppose like a good 10 minutes to try to get it on my car because we couldn't figure out how to make it fit out of my car but it's here now and I'm going to build it either later today or tomorrow I'm not sure yet but I am so happy because first of all I can finally set up my email so I'm going to do that in all of it but glows in the office getting my email thing set up my principles like you only have something for you and I have Kindles I have five Kindles for my classroom I'm so excited because I wasn't sure if I was in a Hannity and already thinking like okay I'm going to do a DonorsChoose project or like a grant through my school district and now I don't have to because I have it super excited and in the same little like time chunk that I was there some organization came in of like retired teachers and I guess I was picked and so were like other a few learning teachers to get this like goodie thing so it's like so it's just like school supplies and I know I got to meet the lady and I guess a volunteer in classrooms if you need them so I'm super excited I was just talking to my I was just talking to one of my team members for my pod members and I told her about this YouTube thing like how if I'm talking in my classroom I was talking to myself so she's like totally so she was like really understanding about it but I'm just really really happy like everything it's kind of falling into place I'm really happy yeah also damn if I told you guys a new tiered and new teacher induction the first date you were walking to lunch and also one of my friends from college and those guys like hey like did you go to blank high school and my smell I went to blank high school it's like only on I love your math teacher and it totally lost you with my trigonometry teacher and it's so weird like it's such a small world now we work in same district so I wanted to say that what I'm gonna get started [Applause] you guys it is Tuesday and it's day 4 of MPI and I believe it's the last date today tomorrow is when we have Arts District kickoff and for what I learned yesterday it seems to be really fun to take it really a serious place so tomorrow every single teacher from the whole district whether it's new or old we all meet at the district auditorium and there's a huge like celebration it's not just about like hey it's not just a sportin talking like hey this is what's going on is this let's change his look to the same parently they have like a theme eighth year and last year was like James Bond and then go like all out later that last year they had like a zip line going from like the on the box looks like us on top of an auditorium all the way down to the state and then like the stamps number and gangs and all that stuff because I'm really excited to see what it's going to be like because that sounds like really fun honestly my nti has been so much fun very informative I've learned a lot I've just had a really positive experience thus far but yeah also as I knew student yesterday I don't know if I mentioned it to you guys but I have 15 students now I have eight girls and seven boys so that's good I was talking to one of my front office secretaries and she was telling me that most likely there will be at least like two more students so I will be going up to seven-pole and also ask if it's possible that they'll move Kennon features up to first grade second grade because first grade it's pretty cool second grade is kind of getting there and she said that capably could happen but it's never really happened before issues and think it's going to happen this year because numbers are going up so that one person that commented that they were kind of afraid for me to be moved up thank you for coming tonight because I hadn't even thought about it so because of a comment I asked and everything's resolved so enter yes today I think it's only like a half day maybe I think so we have our curriculum training one of our major trainings so beyond textbooks and then after that we have lunch with our mentors title day where we're not supposed to know who our mentors were but I have known just like May so I'm going to meet up with her and I'm going to ask with the questions that I have her she's super sweet so I'm really glad she's my mentor and then after that I'm going to go to my classrooms have set some things up okay so finish the things that I was missing on my calendar board and then I also made I also planted out bees that are from teachers pay teacher's I think now they weren't free I'd enjoy body um which sucks because Ellie needed for or like a handful of them but it came with a ton of on foot since I have a small Haas there's no point in having a ton of clashing jobs so these were just I'm going to blur out her name but these are just things that I was missing to my season days of the week month of the year and these are going to go on I welcome board so you're just like Polaroid and they are smellin hip to have boys and girls and I'm going to put their name right there with a sharpie and I was kind of printed out like I was going to do it in a computer put their names on there but then that means I would have to review it for next year so disfigured laminate them put their name with a sharpie and then just erase it at the end of the day I mean end of the year [Music] okay so now I have to go is 717 staff to head over to my training so I'll be back to leave um this is just an overview of what I'm hoping my schedule will be like every day I did not come up with us whatsoever my mentor teacher sent me my mentor teachers that made her master schedule and it kind of tweaked it a little bit so then I have some helpful tips for parents again - something that I was given by my mentor and my my team so I just kind of made it my own so I just change the font and so on I made calendar labels like I showed you earlier but they're a little bit too big and I was going to leave them like that but knowing myself is going to guide me crazy throughout the year and nursing assistants I also needed this letter and they don't letter D for my welcome board because I couldn't find it then I have this for snacks I'm going to put that on the folders too so in case parents want to participate in this math calendar or or not I was trying to work on like my classroom procedures and stuff but I think I had them all in my head but another help to write them down or not parent response so again this was given to me I just kind of tweaked it so all about you so just asking parents to give you a little bit more insight so their child any concerns they have any goals they want to reach salons and the first day of school well they have to do it was just my welcome letter this was also given to me this was what the teacher before me have I found it in her classroom and then this also what my mentor teacher uses my school have kindergarteners wear lycra pants so my color is pink so I'm just so this is just another form talking about it important reminders exportation oh this is just saying how will your child get home so on the first day we have class and we'll just circle it actually sure you can put that circle one circle away bus route number parent pick-up don't forget to bring an ID because they have to have an ID to get to pick up their child or other then this is my meet the teacher letter so now I'm going to attempt to build my IKEA thing but it actually wasn't that hard to build I always had like this assumption that IKEA things were hard to build but this one is pretty easy [Music] norine we just came back from our district kickoff ceremony assembly celebrations thing and there was a district-wide breakfast right before it so all so every single person that works for the district was invited to the breakfast and I was kinda crazy to see how many people actually work for the trip so after the breakfast we headed over to the district auditorium and it was just a celebration so it was really fun the assistant superintendents were dancing and they played this like really kooky video and they recognized all their new staff certified and non-certified or classified sites called they also announced teachers a year and which of other things something else that I thought was really cool was that the CEO from the Phoenix Suns was there and he can give a speech and he got a little bit emotional but it was overall it was a really really good assembly ceremony celebration thing I enjoyed it so no it's eleven fifteen and a half times you can see my classroom I don't have anywhere to be until one that one would have a great little meeting but I did send an appointment to get my nails done I haven't had a doe manicure and a long time actually hasn't even been that long I think I my last gel manicure was in June when I left to Puerto Rico but for now I'm going to hang out in my classroom I have that thing to do it's just like a shoe organize their things I'm going to have a grand my desk just to kind of organize Center and so my team teacher has and I figured that's a great idea and it was only nine dollars at Walmart I also don't know if I talked about this yesterday but I was in need of a whiteboard evil if you see my classroom then you know that my whiteboard is kind of really awkwardly to the side very very close to my window so if I were to use it for instruction yeah it'd be kind of hard for the students to all seat yes they consider work but not all of them to beat all the ways that way yes they can be other seats but I have tables that are really far from the whiteboard so that is why I decided to just make it my calendar I do have a Promethean Board but for other things such as making anchor charts over just like smaller group construction I wanted a whiteboard easel I don't have one in my classroom I know my mentor teacher has one but she bought herself so I was talking to her and I was also thinking about asking my principal for one because she told us because she was going to try her best to try to buy it with like for money and if not then she would let us know so I asked her and she said she can look into it but then I was talking to my mentor teacher and she had a point she's like if you want it for the first day of school it's probably not going to get here for a while so I ordered one awesome Amazon and it was like only $56 it was very compact which was something that I wanted and yeah but literally with 30 minutes after I placed my order one of the Kentucky just came in with like hey I heard you are in need of an easel and I was like yes and now I have one yeah right there it is not as compact as the one I was looking at online but this is more like kid-friendly I guess that when I was looking at online with smaller I like presentation where I like about the one that was going to order online or that I had order online which I cancelled right away was that it was like was that you could have it tall or you can have it low and they would fold up if you didn't need it and it was magnetic too this is magnetic so it like that so now I'm just going to cut out my make picture letter and then I'm gonna laminate a few things and see what else I can see because I'm seeing we can make copies today the foreign office is closed for the rest of today and that is where our coffee machine has the item comes my mailbox and someone left me twice so I have three packs of why am i blanking on this glue sticks and one pack of crayons which is always nice to have something else that happened today that was really exciting was that if you're from Tucson and a teacher then you are probably familiar with it every year this law firm hosts I want to give away but kind of so you sign up and they'll either put you on the waitlist or you got it I was put on the waitlist so I didn't because I get it because I've been on the wait-listed I want to say like May or whenever it started feels like forever now say something posted how there were four openings and I was able to be bumped up to one of those openings so I'm getting free supplies on Saturday and I would have noticed if one of my teacher friends hadn't tagged me on that post because they try to tag me but it didn't tag my Facebook pants so I'm really excited more in school supplies okay so I just made copies for my meet and greet folders so there were just the documents that I showed you yesterday on my computer I think but I made some haul and colored paper and I just made like little stacks as you can see right there so once I my soldier is going to have my snack form transportation form and all about you form those are things that parents are going to fill out and leave with me so I can review them for the first day of school the next side is just going to have the pink paper that tells students to wear their pink band I have to get my brand so I can put them in there what else welcome so welcome to kindergarten letter helpful tips for parents what Ellen Civic print and all you have there ones so that's going to go on the other side and that's what they can take home in the folder I am also going to paperclip my business card to the front of the folder so they can take home my mentor teachers was super kind and gave me this first day of school lesson plan that was given to her when she first started teaching and just closely from a really really good teacher and honestly have super details and is going to be making my life a whole lot easier especially for the first day of school losing again welcome to paper clips and I Graham good morning guys it is Thursday I was about to check my Fitbit for the date when I forgot that I'm charging it because it was completely deaf service where I'm regular watch but I'm pretty sure it's August third but today we only have one more training and it's just fax and phonics so that is just a new curriculum that the district is also so we're all going to get trained to all k3 teachers are going to the same training however was I going to say however every grade is going to be at a separate location so will be s chaotic yesterday we had our first team meeting at least that's the first team meaning of their event view which that I was actually a part of like advented team meetings and missing teaching but obviously I was a student teacher and now all the connection teachers in my school know that I make these videos we actually pulled up my channel on the Promethean Board and the video that you see if you have subscribe started playing and they kind of watched a little bit of it and they was all have an awkward I hate watching myself on videos after I edit them I never watch them again just because I don't really like to but yeah that happened so I'm going to head out now I'm a little bit I'm actually a little bit early but I'm gonna stop at Walgreens and try to see if I can buy some batteries I know they were on sale over the weekend for buy one get one free so there's still a so forth a minute buy them it's not then no and they're so the reason why I bought batteries is because I thought this is just a light box from Walmart it's just a light box from Walmart and I'm plan on using this for like where does it date where letter of the day one does sound like a USB connection but I plan on using it with a batteries because I know the perfect place where I want to put it so I need better I also want to figure out this any way I can make my own like letters because that would be really great I'm sure there is a way there has to be a way so I am back in my classroom and I'm just getting things ready for tomorrow tomorrow is neat and great so I'm just making name tags and I can have an example one here without my kids name so you can see what they look like so I have these name badges I have a ton of them because in my last video I showed you that I got like a box of free supply of my hat quite a few I also had a few of them in my classroom already this is what they look like you to say hello my name is blank and I actually typed in the names of my students also I thought my name is on yesterday I decided to treat myself and I took a break after one of my trainings yesterday and I went to get my nails done and then I came back I had now got my nails done in a while so one of them feels nice for me to agree in the first day of school so it's always nice I feel so great when I have like a fresh gel manicure but anyway this is what they look like my we'll be wearing these name tags every single day for the first week I also have I hope I showed you that I show you guys I don't think so have this these are bus tags so it just has cows names from route number address phone number and then circle whether it's like Monday Tuesday one say whatever mr. Davies these are circles that say hooray I rock my first day of kindergarten and it has like a cute little clip art for melon head if you do like this I don't think I can put it up on my TPP so with that graphic because what clipart we chose I just got out of Google so scores I don't own the rights I don't have a license for it to like we distribute if I can find it I can purchase it then I'll put it up in my TPP so and if not I'll just take it off maybe put another clipart thing that I have already and that I had a license for and then I'll put it up on my TV piece or for like a freebie but what I plan on doing with these is like just fun hole punching them at the top and putting ribbon around this is kind of like a metal so that's all they will get the first day of kindergarten then I also have this this is just for like a little gift I'm making for my three team members and I'm also probably going to do it for my administration as well so my principal and my and my assistant principal it's just um almost like a bookmark but a little bit thicker and it says mark my words I want to put two sharpies on each one of them and that's the bottom it says it's going to be a great year sorry I totally forgot what the last clip was about so I'm sorry I started talking to my mentor and as well as another team member and we just talked about the first day the first week and a bunch of other things in life and then I got sidetracked and I started finishing my folders and cutting things and not just anything out and have you even done that make sure to blur out your shirt but as you can see Isis laid out folders and their little goodie basket which my mentor was so nice to make for me so I didn't have to worry about that right now I'm just putting velcro dots or squares I guess with nametag so they can just be like anchored down I finally figured out what my seating charts going to be are like my seating arrangement I figured I want to have four tables with students one team was going to be and one table is going to be free because I do have five rectangular tables my dad also came and dropped off the little bench thing that my uncle made for me and I think I'm actually going to change it for something boxes do think I'm going to switch them out so I'm going to have a one that he made on that side and the one that I have on that side here just because it will be easier for kids to access books that way oh yeah tomorrow is meet and greet and I'm really excited we do have to be here at 7 15th it's like a regular workday and meeting greats on stilts to turn to 2 3 so I have the whole day to prepare for it whatever I don't finish I'll just finish tomorrow it's going on because the era turned off already but I have quite a bit to do I want to finish a lot today I know a friend of mine is coming tomorrow to help me out a little bit which I do need because we had our Saxon phonics training today and I still haven't sorted out the whole critical level which I'll show you right now it's a complete mess I might keep it here and not have as many books in each bin because that's what makes it hard to get books out like from that pain bin it's kind of hard to get books out as well as that yellow pen because they're so cool but bins like this one and this one are pretty easy to get books out from there I think this is gonna be my reading area I am ventually going to put like a cushion on top of the bench and put more pillows I also want to put fairy lights right here just because it's kind of dark in this corner since I don't have like any more overhead overhead lighting right above it I'm going to post three lights which I'm going to have to because I don't have a good clog anywhere in your hair the nearest plug is right there I'm going to have to carry it all the way over here so I might need more fairy lights which is fine because they were like two or three dollars I finally figured out how to use my smart board I had a training about it yesterday and then I'm like I showed you but I decided to put my teach letters right there on top of the focus well I started putting the fairy lights on top of they kind of fell so fixes later after I finish the velcro things on nametags so I have to file all those papers and since filing folders and put it in the three bins I have more worksheets right there and right there and this is just what the band came in so it's a lot it's a lot to do is I think I'm going to have my friend do that tomorrow and then I'll just do other things that I know I can't that no one else can do only I can do I also posted this on Instagram today I bought what I showed you that it was the lightbox and I just have it say welcome one thing I'm going to try to get done today is make the curtains for this because it really bothers me that you can see everything that's there although it's somehow organized I don't like it I also don't know what to do with this big thing I don't really have room for it and it's kind of big and bulky [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what I ended up doing from my team and it's just like a cute coffee mug with their last name initial I made a little template that I showed you yesterday and I cut ribbon on top and I just put two sharpies so let me go deliver them it is 1:30 and I'm going to go ahead out and get something to McDonald's I haven't eaten anything this morning so I'm going to go get something I know it's pretty early so let's start I have left and ten might as well try to make into it a little bit yeah right now right now which is making labels and forms that I was missing I'm feeling pretty good I think I'm pretty much ready and there's really not much to do I do have a friend I'm going to come and help me I would be a great big picture for me positive and research is going to come in pretty early meeting Rosetta Constitution coming up at like 11 ish I'm going to have her file all my snacks and phonics worksheets because I think I showed you it's a lot of it and super time-consuming I'm going to ever do that while I prep everything else but yeah I'm feeling pretty good I also brought a change of clothes I'm like I'm awareness for meet and greet just because I knew that I like walking around and also we had to park really far from the school parking lot so parents do park in the parking lot um walking back and forth to my karma classroom which I haven't that much just right now it sucks because I get sweaty my boyfriend's a change of clothes and go out there you outfit option because I over plan like that yeah I think I'm just going to wear a dress and yeah I also made like a little like PowerPoint type thing but that keeps playing over and over and over again that just says welcome to kindergarten and I'll show you if you remember when we went to get back to the classroom it's almost meet-and-greet time I'm pretty much ready thanks God I have a friend that came and helped me and yeah now it's just another I'm waiting for the kids to come so I'll just show you a little bit of what my classroom looks like and what I have set up for meet and greet okay so this is the first thing they're going to do when they come in they have this checklist and on the back we have a scavenger hunt so the personnel so they'll meet me first is Gavin Joe hunt and then they have their folders and whatever is in their folders they turn in here so have I have them color-coded to that the forms are printed on so have that give you a short overview because parents already coming in apparently that's my friends [Music] but it's actually it for the video club before I go I want to give a few shoutout so the first one is these are pretty much these are all in Instagram and some of them have YouTube channels these teachers are on Instagram and some of them have YouTube channel so LinkedIn down below as well but the first one is teach like Bell on Instagram and she basically just gave me a shout-out on Instagram as well as another kindergarten teacher so she said some really nice things about me I think she said something on there who I love watching so much because she has amazing ideas for classroom decor I wish her luck in history of teaching and thank you for keeping me entertained remember No thank you for watching because if it wasn't for you guys like why I wouldn't have anyone to entertain does that make sense but she does have a youtube channel because she has a link on her profile so I'll link it down below my next shoutout goes to Jeremy Michael book I think if I you say it he posted a video of him planning and he has a habit liner which is awesome because I just bought one and he's just watching one of my videos actually my latest vlog so thank you he is he is a male first grade teacher so he has a really nice Instagram feed and I think he also has a YouTube channel because yes link on his profile so I will link it down below as well and then we have two more and one of them is Miss Rogers neighborhood and she basically made a collage of you can't even see I don't know why I always do that she made a collage of the two where she likes and all of them are just youtubers and love to just being I put into such as being put into that little group it's amazing so thank you and it looks like miss Rogers is a fresh great teacher and she's a new youtubers to go show her some love and tell her I sent you and last but not least is Miss Pete peaches and she just said it is no secret that I love watching teachers on YouTube as you do that's all I do more recently I have stumbled that won't happy classroom from her videos she is the absolute sweetest and I can't wait to see her journey as a first-year teacher so thank you so much all of these posts really make my day because often times I feel like I'm talking to myself as I'm making the vlogs but when you doesn't track this way with me it just kind of makes it more real if that makes any sense so thank you to all of you and thank you to all of you that also have messaged me on Instagram so again if you have any questions or just want to talk about anything the quickest way to contact me is Instagram because it's just a lot easier of a platform to talk through than YouTube and I usually try to get to every single comments on YouTube but it's kind of hard but it is so much easier on Instagram so if you want to talk about anything ask me being messaged me on Instagram so that is it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please give this video a thumbs up and I will see you guys in my next video which will be on Wednesday it will be all about back-to-school hacks
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 72,914
Rating: 4.8498402 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher, meet and greet, meet the teacher, classroom DIY, Classroom tour, Kindergarten classroom, Kinder classroom, Kindergarten teacher, iteachtoo
Id: 6lYot2Gq83Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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