First Formal Observation of the Year! | Teacher Vlog

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this happened also do you like how I halfway put up this yeah I need to take away the painters tape last year was just amazing and this year is just hard turn up it was an accident things happen I don't know they like it so I'm just going with it [Music] my name is Monday I decided to go ahead and delete the footage from the last two weeks that I got just because I was still behind on editing that it just was overwhelming and didn't make any sense to just keep it so I'm starting over it is Monday November 5th and I am in my classroom I intended to come over the weekend but it's so hard to come over the weekend when I just love being home with my husband so I didn't which is fine um I did get some things organized on home and prepped for this week so the fact that I didn't come in this weekend isn't that big of a deal today's also the data after school does not use my classroom so I get to stay in my classroom without any kids and it's and it's quiet and nice and I can just get things done however I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to stay here because we might have to take our dog to the vet she has like a like a lump on her leg and it was leaking over the weekend but the vet was closed it looks better now but we still want to make sure that she's okay so if we were able to take her in today we well if not we'll just take her whenever they are available but yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and get some things prepped and I'll talk to use it [Music] hey so it is after school my knees are the days where I get to be in my classroom just with myself without the after school kids in my classroom at all which is really nice I picked Mondays because I feel like those are the days where I'm trying to catch up for the week especially because I don't come in during the weekend I used to good a lot last year and honestly I enjoyed it a lot but this year is just a little bit different so I'd rather just stay home over the weekend and just be with my dog be with my husband and stuff like that so I don't come in during the weekend which means I need to catch up on things on Monday so now I'm doing that I am trying to redo like my calendar area right now as you saw in that little montage earlier I like the way I had it but I feel like it was taking a lot of space and we didn't really use it at time I don't do calendar the way I did in kindergarten I wanted to do it like that but it wasn't really working out for me because um that area where have my calendar in yeah was too is too tight of an area to have students sit at and do like a calendar routine and then maybe I wanted to do almost like a digital calendar routine but I don't have a smart board so I just have a board with a projector which could be done but I feel like it would not be very interactive before the kids and on top of that even if I wanted to do like a PowerPoint kind of thing I wouldn't be able to because my projector is so incredibly dim even with the lights off even with the tablecloths covering the windows it's so damn you can't really see anything so I try not to rely on that because you can't see anything so for the skills that we would be doing during calendar like counting um patterns in addition and stuff like that I'm just doing during math centers so yeah I still want to be able to count the days we've been in school and display like important events on the calendar so that's my wacky bit but I want to condense it so I'm gonna go ahead and change my 10 frames to smaller timeframes and I also already made my jobs a lot smaller than I used to be so I'm gonna go ahead and do that that's my plan I also want to fix my anchored learning little station it's falling apart and I don't have a hug with it I have no idea where mine went so I have to borrow one I'm gonna fix it I want to take that alphabet thing down it's not my favorite I only got it because I'm unit one and and that one was already made and I was from Michaels it was like two dollars so that's why I got it I think it's cute but I don't think it's a very functional because it's kind of dark and you can't really see the letters very well so I'm gonna go ahead and put my own ones that I made last year and I'm gonna put them up I also have put some numbers up and see if I can do maybe I don't know I don't know we'll see what I can come up with okay I just changed my seating chart it took a while I finished my calendar area right there I also cleaned my back counter a little bit I stored away some things in storage boxes I mean I've been buying those plastic storage bins and it's been helping a lot I finally fixed my ink or your learning area I also type together all the desk likes together that way they don't move too much and that's pretty much it so I'm gonna go ahead and get my stuff and go home because it's all because it's already 5:30 - okay so it's the end of the day I've been in a classroom for about an hour I was just filling out a post observation form that I need Friday I did have my first from observation at this school last Thursday I think you I'm pretty okay like I don't think he went bad it definitely I didn't bomb it but it definitely wasn't my best day I think my pacing was off and I have known this I need a new procedure for how to unpack and went to a pack and I'm gonna have known this for a while but I just haven't heard of the time to come up with a new one because I feel like I'm always trying to catch up on something and it started crazy but other than that I think it went well I had lots of I had lots of student discussions going on I had movement and feel like a head active participation strategies I feel like that was good so we'll see how that goes let you guys know I have my meeting on Friday so I was doing that that's pretty much all I've been doing I cannot stay here because Alex and I are gonna go take our dog to the vet so I think I'm gonna stay here for maybe about 10 more minutes and then I'm gonna go today we started painting on time this rocks and all we did today was just paint them so we did like patterns room I'm off the goal for today was just to cover the entire top of the rock and then we'll finish it then we'll then we'll flip it over once they're dry and finish that side next Tuesday and then we'll actually go ahead and write the message on them the following week I just use acrylic paint and then just like super tiny paintbrushes and hopes that that would make the students not waste a lot of paint because I did not paint myself and it was not cheap because it's our curling bait we also had an assembly so that took a really long time I think it was longer assembly than usual so that took up our entire afternoon we did get to do math centers and I feel like that's going pretty well I just right now I'm letting my students to choose what center they want to work on it but I don't have it displayed like I have my literacy centers displayed that paint so I need to work on that today I did not meet with any literacy groups I felt like I was selling with other things in the meantime my new seating chart is working pretty well for the most part there are a few students I'm look if you up in a bot I'm gonna give them maybe like two or three days and if it's not working for them then I'll figure something else out I'm tired I feel like I'm getting sick yesterday didn't feel good once I got home I felt like I didn't get home until like 5:30 almost 6:00 in it and then to go home and cook dinner that's hard and I'm still working at home I was trying to get assembly like Oh words ready and stuff like that but I feel like I'll get the hang of it eventually maybe get back to where I was last year last year was just amazing and this year is just hard hey guys it is Wednesday our meeting after school was cancelled so I'm able to be in my classroom for a little bit after school kids are still using my classroom so I feel like I can't really get a lot of work I'm asking them like I want to but it's fine I know I have at least 30 minutes right now cuz I just left for a snack so I'm gonna go ahead and do that Tay was not the best day I was unable to meet with my reading groups this morning has centres we're just kind of off for some students which was throwing everything else off so I just kind of had to just walk around to make sure that they were doing the right thing and they knew what they were supposed to be doing and yeah though that was a little bit yeah that was a little sucky but it was fine after that everything was after that everything went really well we had independent reading we'd have story time we had math time we went to PE we had math rotations we had catch-up time everything went so smoothly after lunch so I'm happy for that I need to clean my back table and I just need to clean up my back counter so I'm gonna go ahead and do that this will be like a little cleaning montage so enjoy [Music] so for classroom management I have this like golden ticket system if you want me to make a video more about my classroom management this year because it is different from last year let me know but yes I use golden tickets and I find them literally everywhere so my husband is usually the one that does laundry and he gets so mad when he finds the golden tickets in the washer or the dryer because they're literally everywhere but I just forget that I have in my pocket I bet it'd be fun to do his little segments and vlogs every now and then I'm just I'm gonna see what ends up in my pockets at the end of the day so I'm wearing a card and I was like pockets like this so they are both heavy so the first thing I have is a marker I have a lipstick I have some golden tickets I have one two three four five six of these either I took away during the day or I just hide my pocket to give out I don't remember and that's all that's in that pocket actually no and then I have some tape and then like a little unifix cute then in the other pocket I have my doorbell [Music] then I have an unequalled in ticket and then for some reason I had I have this little red ticket that we used for our book raffles at the end of the month it is not the end of the month so I don't know why happens and then lastly I have my keys so that's everything else in my pocket today I'm gonna go ahead and empty them out that way golden tickets do not end up in MoMA hosh do your pockets and up super fool at the end of the day - I'm like you know okay so the after-school kids started using my room shortly after my last clip so I stayed around a little bit longer just to put up a new alphabet I think I mentioned this book and I'm actually gonna go up a podcast before I forget so I tried putting those up but it was kind of hard with kids in there so I just left I was gonna go to the gym having gone such a long time but I'm just so tired and it's like I am physically tired but also mentally tired and I feel like I've been this way since the beginning of the school year and I did not feel the same last year it's been a really hard and difficult start of a year I mean it's the second quarter already but it's been hard to getting used to things and learning Haddam and learning how to do things and [Music] go ahead and go put gas maybe I'll say about t.j.maxx in the way on my way home but I'll talk to you guys tomorrow good morning it is Thursday and I just got to school so I have a whole class set of these headphones I have a microphone which is great but they're USB so I cannot use them with my Kindles so I thought I was super smart and I thought you know what I'm gonna go ahead and buy some adapters so they can bend the candle but still plug in and we can use a microphone because I do have these headphones so we use for Kindles and they work fine but I have like a small issue with my drone with my digital portfolios so I love having students explain their work I love having them record themselves and explain their work but there's a few problems with that problem is my classroom is quite small it is not the smallest classroom in the in the school so I feel like I shouldn't be complaining but it is quite small and I love having students just like move around the classroom and stuff like that the noise level I feel like is a little bit amplified because of the size of the classroom because it all just like really close together because there's no room to like pick up a book and then record yourself reading it it's just wouldn't work so my temporary solution for now was to have whoever was reading a book to themselves or recording themselves or taking picture of their journal and reading it I would have him step out in the hall like right outside my door but then that would just create a big like a big line of students waiting and it was just a lot of opportunities to just misbehave and make bad choices so I decided you know what I have these headphones with a microphone I'll just look at Amazon and see if I can find an adapter which I'm sure I can Bob plenty of adapters and I did I bought two sets so it came with so I have eight in total which is great because I have nine tablets those students could still be in the classroom recording themselves and their learning and I would be able to hear them on the portfolio and it would just be but they were so key in the classroom while doing it it would just be better I thought maybe it was a headphones that I picked up so I use other ones and they're not working so they thought maybe it's just the adapter nope I just feel can't defeat it I've been trying so much to just try to adapt to this new smaller environment and make things work with my ideas but I feel like every single idea that I have gets shut down because it does not work and I'm just hello it's feeding that's a great start to my Thursday morning hey so it is after school I feel a lot better my morning had a rough start after finding out that my idea was not gonna work I already got the process started for a refund that really affected my mood when it happened I was just so annoyed and felt kind of defeated because I don't know just I want to be I just want me I just want everything to be super smooth my classroom and a little things like that don't help but it was a good day sigh posted this on Instagram and I posted that because I finally tried out mice on the walls game show like full force with my guided reading groups and then went so well they're so excited about it they absolutely loved it so let me stop so I'm gonna talk a little bit about what it did and yeah okay so I don't have like little decodable readers or leveled readers at all like physical ones but we do have reading A to Z or you can print off leveled readers so that's where I make books from and it kind of works out really well the Monday's first thing in the morning we go on the computers and we log on to our reading agency account and each students gonna have a book assigned to them so actually each reading your pass their look of the week assigned to them on there so they go ahead and listen to it read it and take a little comprehension quiz first thing on Monday so that when they meet with me they already familiar with the book then they meet with me we read it we talk about the book and then we start comprehension questions after that and just like discussions so to make those fun and entertaining for first graders I do what's called miss Annabelle's game show I'm not entirely sure where I got this idea from I started doing this in student teaching out of the blue my student teaching mentor did not do this I must have seen it somewhere on social media or something but I really can't remember where I got this room so at the time I used to use little LED light that you push and they turn on as buzzards and I still help them but I still eat something stir gram last week I think and there's so much more fun I bought these from Amazon I'll link it down below and these were like $12 I think so these are recordable answer buzzards so what I do is I give each student a buzzard and it has a button right here and push it and I have them say their name so would be like miss Danny ball so when they hit their buzzer to answer a question that's what I hear and there's and they gets so excited doing so I had so many students wanting to participate and it was just a really productive 15 to 20 minutes I'm I got a trading table and it was so so so so much fun to make it a little bit more engaging I do put game show music on my phone so it seems more like a game I hold my you by the ruler that I got so this because I don't have like a microphone I used to have one in kindergarten but like a foam microphone um so just hold this and I'm like welcome to Miss animal games like I do this whole thing and they loved it and it was so so much fun um oops I did not get to meet with that a that having done this we're like begging to do this sue and I'm so excited so I would share that with you guys so that print of mine that completely turned my day around I was in such a great mood after that and I felt like it showed through my teaching and it just became such a great day until this happened can you see it's like all cracked and I post yesterday I had a student break scissors like completely in half then this happened but this was a complete accident so although I was upset for like a second um I did not react like I did not yell or anything I just kind of like took the tablet walks away and then once I knew that I was calm enough I talked to the student and sure enough it was an accident things happen and I just fell on the floor as the student was trying to put headphones on so this happened it still works look you can still swipe things and everything it just does that pretty and I think my principal is gonna replace it man that did not like completely ruin my day or anyone's day we just must past it and kept going with with our math centers I started doing these so I put these together last week I bought it off of teachers for teachers it's a bundle I'll link it down below if I remember so it's just addition facts and if they're 1 through 10 and I color-coded them so one facts are pink dark pink and then they have their reporting sheet right here so the way I've been doing it with small groups or mostly pairs at this moment is will go through addition facts will just go through them and then once your cup once you're comfortable with them we'll go through them again like flash cards both whoever it says it right first they get to keep the card and we do that a few times um once we do that a few times then we do this thing right here and it's laminated so I can use it over and over again they have a minute to go ahead and do them and then they'll take a picture of it and put it on their digital portfolio and if they have mastered it then they get to move on to the next fact family thing but even though like I feel like to me doesn't sound like that much fun I also had students begging to begging to work with me and I even have some students wanna do this during free playtime today's so I don't know they like it so I'm just going with it right now I am catching up on grading so I'm gonna continue doing that because I in about 30 minutes I have to leave Alex I'm gonna go visit my dad and have dinner with him and he lives about an hour away so um that's why I have to leave pretty soon and honestly yesterday was kind of a day too I don't know why I got home and I was just so tired felt kind of defeated and I don't even know why to be honest a little bit I remember why but I did but today after was like getting over that hump in the morning I feel really really good I feel good about where I'm at I feel good about my class I feel good about my teaching everything's like really great right now tomorrow I also have my post-observation conference with my principal up and we're going to talk about hi did I I ran into her in the hallway here and there and she's been telling me that she's excited to talk to me about it and all these other things but I'm I'm still a little nervous I yeah because I feel like I'm really hard on myself when it comes to like teaching himself like that as you can probably tell now because I've cried so many times you could I have set the bar really high for myself and I don't know why but sometimes it's discouraging and sometimes it's great so I don't know we'll see how tomorrow goes know what you guys know I'm gonna go get I'm gonna go ahead and get back to grading and also my room is not that messy and I love it I also like been a bump that up a little bit I feel like it looks a lot more clean and sleek okay so that's the end of the day it has been such a busy day I had three meetings today two of them before a total clock and I don't know if I got through things off a little bit because I'd be out of the classroom and then come back okay so I had three meetings today the first one was at 7:15 the second one was at nine o'clock and then the last one was after school Fridays are also the days were it's gonna be more laid-back we do catch up on work reinforce skills stuff like that um Fridays we also usually have computers and library um during my typical every ten Bligh Bree was being used so um I didn't go and I also didn't really want to go to too much because I was gonna be I was gonna have to leave like right in the middle of it so I decided to just have my student stay in the classroom and just work on a Veterans Day craft so we all made one of these I did these last years well in kindergarten and they turn them pretty pretty okay and then we we also read this book before we started the crafts that you start off with that but it's just a little reader about veterans say this is from simple kinder then we did a writing portion so they wrote what Veterans Day is and they wrote something about Veterans Day so that's what they did instead of library and then I went to my meeting and I was there for like maybe 45 minutes I think and then I came back to the classroom we did literacy rotations because since I was the meeting I couldn't get computers like I usually do and we just did literacy rotations and then we went to lunch then I had my last meeting at the end of the school day I've been telling you guys about it it was my post operation meaning my first formal observation it last week I am honestly I'm super hard to myself I I personally felt like the lesson didn't go that well but after talking it through and we and going through every component what do you use the Danielson framework so we were going through every component for domain two and three I had clicked it pretty well like I am so happy right now I've been so good obviously there's still obviously for improvements I'm gonna be working towards making some of those threes and two fours I know I'm just so excited this is definitely a great motivator because lately I hadn't been feeling like I was like a teacher and this is just a good reminder that I am doing pretty well I have found that when I get into my moods where I'm super like critical of myself I just gave him some I just get in my head and I'm just like it's the end of the world so of course I'll try and talk it out with my husband but bless his heart he has no idea what really goes into teaching and it's hard to talk about teaching with him when I'm trying to get out of this funk so um thankfully there's a great teacher here that's but my mentors pretty much since I started college and when I talk things out with her I feel a lot better because then I'm able to clearly see that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing and that's what this post-observation meeting we did for me today's um super happy I'm over the moon in a go ahead and finish up okay : board outside I put up a Veterans Day bulletin board we're gonna have like a Veterans something event in our school next weekend I think so it'll be nice to just have that up so I'm gonna go ahead and do that [Music] okay so you tried making copies but people are like printing lots of things so it's kind of hard to so I think I mean I don't really need copies right now I just I just wanted to make them but I can always have my aide just run them real quick in the morning so I'm gonna do that right now I want a clean mind cluster I tidied up my classroom earlier this week some time and it just felt so much better so let me go ahead and try to do that right now because it really made a huge difference and I'm pretty sure kids are not coming back in my classroom right now so I'm gonna go how to do that I also do like how I halfway put up this yeah I need to take away this paper tape [Music] I do not know how that him to me but I decided to make my reading all copies for the entire year that way I'm ready and I'm half my Homer copies all the way until the end of December so at least I'm organized in that sense makes me feel kind of good so I'm gonna go ahead and just find a clip of them all together I don't know we'll see what else I do next okay so that is basically it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please give this video a thumbs up also don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 7,530
Rating: 4.8647342 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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