Trying to Make it to Winter Break!

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so I go over and ask like what are you guys looking for and turns out they're looking forward to also preparing for our winter festival oh my goodness it's next week oh my goodness next year I probably won't do Elf on the Shelf only in first grade I've kind of trained myself to type in my name wrong [Music] hey good morning it is I'm getting ready to go to work and I was about to pack my lunch but Alex already packed it for me he packed yogurt for me a chocolate yesterday's leftovers so that's super nice of him he does that every once in a while no I'm just gonna go ahead and see what I'm gonna eat for breakfast and probably make me a toasted bagel before I go to work I'm gonna stop at the store and just buy some containers just because I want to start the gingerbread wire months today I mean I don't get that you okay so my classroom my eight it was awesome and let me borrow this but maybe um but I didn't want the movie I was looking for it all over the Internet so I wanted to play like I wanted to buy a digital copy of it because it's easier to keep track of but it literally couldn't find that anywhere so I love right there room I used to fit in kindergarten before or the letter of the week and then after that I used to do a CBC words when we went over the whole alphabet feel like that doesn't necessarily work too well in first grade because they can do more than that so I don't want them to be like so don't want to be super easy I want it to be somewhat challenging and inline to in an aligned to what we're working on so I found this originally I found there for Thanksgiving and it was really nice and I loved it so I bought it for December this is from I think it's from Miss Palestine Henry honey mousse or Mrs Henry in first Mrs Henry and first basically write the room but instead there are these little cards and you have to match to write punctuation mark on your recording of sheet recording sheets look like this and then you also have to figure out the secret message to find the gingerbread man which is really nice so I have a I have an answer sheet I should have that's probably a good idea and I think that bundle came with four different activities this is the first one we do for the first week and maybe I'll change it out next week and stuff like that also for writing I switch off when writing between a free write and then a prompt so I get started with did free write and today we're gonna do a prompt for prompts I use these prompts it's for the whole year and they are separated by month I will link these below as well as the gingerbread grammar thing but I love these so today we will work on this one this is I will ask the actor for and that's me I'm gonna show you where our elf and then up to the alien here's our elf we ended up naming him Rudolph snowflake [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] so it is the end of the school days actually and now her after the end of the school day I was just talking to teachers I've just had a quick little meeting after that so that's what I didn't vlog but I've logged a little bit of our gingerbread making ornament process my hands are like I don't know like Sophie like they're full of cinnamon but it's fine oh yes we made gingerbread ornaments today I thought it was gonna be more of like a whole week process but we got him done today uh-huh I just like crank them through and it was so fun last year I made them with my class but I actually did it make them myself I had a volunteer I do them and then turn out great so this time around I made a mess this time around it was me that was working with students and making them in case you want to know what I did or use to make them fourth of a cup of glue like Elmer's glue one cup of apple sauce and then tons and tons of cinnamon I was just adding it until it became more of like a dough consistency and then I just rolled it out stamped out two gingerbread man and that's it super easy super fun I also made sure to add like a hole on the head so I can put ribbon around this and we can hang them and yeah that's it super fun the kids loved it I am so glad to have that out of the way because now I can go back to regular things for the rest of the week and then do something fun again next week next week we are making gingerbread houses cleaning now and I'm gonna go ahead and go to Target I have to buy some Secret Santa stuff you I totally meant to blog at Target but I forgot I was shopping for my Secret Santa last year a few teacher youtubers got together and did a Secret Santa so this day we're doing it again not everybody's doing it because people are busy and stuff like that but I am and I want to make sure it's sent out by tomorrow I'm so tired yesterday was super tired too pretty sure I felt this hired last year too I love love love this time of year but it's definitely exhausting I can't even begin to try to explain how tired I am it's all because of Christmas but it's totally worth it because I love this time of year like I said I was actually thinking about why it is I'm this tired but then obviously I realized that it's because I'm still teaching all day long but but in addition to that it's almost you know the quarter is I'm trying to get so I'm trying to wrap up the standards that we've learned about this year or this quarter and while also doing all these fun Christmas activities in my classroom and also preparing for our winter festival oh my goodness it's next week oh my goodness we have a Winter Festival next week where my students are gonna perform two to three songs I was gonna add one more but now that I actually say it out loud and it's next Friday like literally next Friday I don't think I can do that we've practiced songs here and there but not anywhere where we should be and it is super hard to fit at all and now I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can fit everything in the box that I bought and then I'll talk to you guys later okay so the thing that I was worried totally fits in the box and it fits perfectly [Music] and I just got to my classroom I'm just turning on all the Christmas lights then after I'm done doing that I'm gonna go ahead and flip over all the gingerbread ornaments so they can dry properly if I turn that one off and that one but yeah today is 1 0 we have PE and I'm also gonna set aside some practice time for my students to practice our winter festival songs I'm also going to put up a post on class dojo my reminding parents about it and asking parents if their trials aren't gonna come because I have this thing in mind that I want to do for the performance and if not everybody's here then it's gonna be kind of know hey guys it is Monday after school I didn't really vlog last week and let me explain why so I originally planned to do vlogmas for the month of December and I quickly changed my mind after uploading 3 videos in a row and here's why a lot of people who do vlogmas like a lot of people and i person loved watching vlogmas but i but i noticed from those 3 videos that my engagement was so much lower than it was when i posted it once a week or twice a week unless i'm trying to figure out why I realized that again so many people were doing vlogmas so there's definitely a surplus of content being put out daily and also the majority of people that watch my videos are teachers or are college students wanting to be teachers so right now for teachers is really really busy I know I haven't been watching a lot of videos lately because I'm super busy and then for college students it's finals time so they're also very busy studying so they don't they probably don't have time to watch videos so what I decided to do is that instead of posting every single day and even every other day like I had mentioned after that's why I'm gonna post twice a week because if I were to post every single day that'd be so much more work for me December's crazy and the return on my time investment my work investment and everything would not be nearly as high as it is usually when I just upload once a week so I hope you guys understand but yeah I do have videos planned out for you guys though okay so yesterday I was planning and I spent probably an hour and a half making a PowerPoint presentation basically for CK Lee for at my school we used to killya four phonics and last year in kindergarten I used to use Saxon phonics and they had pursed and I had a purchased a flip chart thing that went along with every single lesson now because I'm not in the same grade level and I'm not in the same and then we're not using the same curriculum I don't have that and I also don't have a smart board so it's kind of hard to find resources that work with that of a smart board and will only work with a projector when my computer is like literally across the room so I spent so much time you see that doing the lessons for the week I think I ended up with like 350 slides so let me just show you real quick okay so this is where we're at we're unit 3 lesson 11 and hi I sometimes change to order around depending on what I think is gonna flow better so we were gonna practice some sight words or tricky words as they call it but I like to call it set word and we're gonna play a site word basketball with it I have a site I have a basketball hat that I'll link down below and insert right here in the screen so you can see what I'm talking about and usually I would let each student have a turn shooting the ball but that would take forever and it wasn't nearly as engaging because they all knew they were gonna get a turn so I decided to do it this way instead so it says if you get this and you get to shoot a basket so they're looking for this on their set word and I also have a clicker so I can point and move through slides since I don't have a smart board so then we just go around the room each say a sight word and some people would get a basket so that's what we did oops then we had our spelling words at the bottom and then we and then we sorted them by sound so we have two double O sounds and oh you sound and a sight word so we went ahead and sorted them and I just wrote on the board with a regular marker but yeah that took me forever to do yesterday I think it took me an hour and a half if not longer and I wanted to do the same thing for a math but I didn't get the chance to I think only had today and tomorrow covered so hopefully you want to get home I can keep going I loved having this ready it brought me back to last year when I felt like things were more stable our gingerbread ornaments are finally finally dry so I do have to go buy some white puffy paint so we can decorate them and play them on a tree but seemed pretty good our elf is currently taking a nap put him in a tissue box and right here and originally he has some tissues covering him but I guess some kids needed tissues so they just kind of took them I feel like my room is such a mess I think I can't stand it so I'm gonna go ahead and clean everything up okay so I got some scholastic books that I thought I would share with you guys I love buying books for my classroom I think it's great to have a variety of books in your classroom so I definitely do buy the one dollar book deals we buy a couple of them one from a classroom and then one to give out for my monthly book raffles so let me show you what half this time so first I got this one which I got this one which is Merry Christmas Pima we read about today then I also have it's an old lady who swallowed a bell then I hadn't buying some of these phonic books and just because it comes with about ten of them and it says twelve of them but but two of them are activity books but I did buy this set this time around their distant princesses and my girls are super excited about it in the past I've purchased the Pokemon version of this I've also bought the flying our version of it and I want to buy the Marvel superhero version of it and then probably something else I also have a Pixar version of it so like movies I thought this one because it was free I don't really know what it's about I have this one which I already have but I'm gonna give this one away in a book raffle because my kids love elephant and piggy books goodbye autumn hello winter and I think I have gonna buy a winter hello spring as well I bought three of these books I thought about two but I guess I bought three twas the night before Thanksgiving same thing same goes for this one this one is no turkey for Thanksgiving then I'm excited to read this one right before I pull her Express this is do frogs drink hot chocolate then I have snowman magic twas the night before Christmas dude deines or how do dinosaurs I mean Christmas missile is no missile lose some mistletoe and Pete the cat saves Christmas and then I have another phonics that's for it was an old lady who swallowed some phonics then I got the other copy of this which again I don't know why got three makes sense to get two but not three then too many - - which is probably something that I'm going to read next week next week I'm gonna do a Christmas around the world type of thing and like originally I wanted to do it this week but I couldn't get the materials ready in time so I'll just do it next week prime rate graffiti I think posted on Instagram is like boarding pass that thing that I loved I know really wanted to use my classroom but she wasn't gonna have it up for at least a week so I went ahead and made one myself that looks pretty similar and just kind of fits my needs a little bit better so I will show you though so so I will show you that once it's ready so we are gonna be talking about Hanukkah because I have a student in the class to celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas we're gonna be talking about decibel size and then Christmas here that's how we're gonna end it off and then I have one more that I forgot but I have all the books ready to go and I got the little readers from simply kinder and I also got another little activity book to go along with it so um so I did put the tree and I'm working right just kind of taped the sides to make it strong does that make sense because I lost the legs I don't have it fully decorated yet though because I have all my ornaments here so whenever I catch a student being kind or going out of the way to help others I go ahead and tell them to put up an ornament so today I told a couple of students and I already have maybe like ten of them so the kids find it exciting and I feel like it's a great way to promote kindness so that's what we've been doing I'm gonna go ahead and tidy up a little bit and then I'm probably gonna head home just because I don't feel like staying here much longer and whatever I have to do here I can probably do at home and since already have my week planned out there's so much I have to do here so I'm probably gonna go by the puffy paint and then go home and that kind of works out because plugs Alex and I have to meet up with someone later this evening so want to get dinner ready before that talking about dinner I suck like literally suck at cooking I try my best and typically if I find a recipe that's easy enough and has super detailed steps I can make it happen it won't necessarily look the prettiest but I can make it happen but sometimes it's a little too overwhelming trying to find out trying to find new recipes to have like a variety of food throughout the week when you know it's super crazy here at work my brother just signed up for one of those like meal delivery services that they kind of give you the ingredients and be like here you go put it all together and they don't remember which one he got I don't know there so there's a lot of them out there but I forgot which my brother has but my point is he got it so he could learn how to cook I think he's on his second week and he's been sending me pictures of what the food looks like and it looks so good and he says it's pretty easy so I kind of want to give that a try I don't know do you guys do anything like that and if you do which one do you like I almost forget to show you guys look how cute this is I don't know if you can see it very well but it's a mini apple pie in this super cute packaging that my aunt gave me she made it super cute hello guys it is Monday December 17th so it is the last week before we go on break and things are crazy it burns all over my floor my room is a mess but there is a method to my madness I'm gonna set you down and just kind of talk about the day okay so first of all I have four kids out today which is which makes a huge difference when you argue when some of your other kids get pulled out for services or when you are benchmark testing so your aids helping you and she's testing other kids outside of the classroom definitely makes you too but we are almost done with the math benchmark now we're gonna move on to the ela benchmarks after that we're good to go um I also started kind of feel like I'm not really doing a good job of this but we're doing holidays around the world and I want to do one each day this week so let me show you kind of what I have so I made this and the graphic may seem familiar I saw that primary graffiti posted this on Instagram but she didn't have the product ready of time and she's gonna take about three or four days to finish it so I didn't have that kind of time because I thought I was gonna do this last week so I ended up just doing my own which is very very similar if not pretty much identical to what she did and I just wanna put it out there I'm not taking credit for this whatsoever so actually link her product down below if she has it up already because I think it's really cute in order for us as a class to travel to our destination everybody has to have a boarding pass that looks like this um now I don't know that's what she had intended with her product list from doing so let's get there being good and whatnot I'll give him a 14 passed it dealing kind of what I did today I made sure that all my students had a boarding pass by 1:30 because that's when I wanted to start and this with the boarding pass stuff anyway so if you see mrs. holiday air flight and they just put like random numbers yeah I don't know what those numbers mean um gate 1a just because we're first grade um date December 17th that was today time 1:30 class we're first first class for first grade I don't know c23 4 and then holiday destinations right here it says Mexico / Las Posadas and that's what we were learning about today so once everybody earned their boarding pass we went out to the classroom and online they all had their boarding pass and I cut and I scanned it downloaded a beep sound effect on my phone and I would like to scan it and when it would beep they would go in to our airplane which was our classroom and then I played a video of an airplane taking off so what you would see if you were looking through the window and kids were super excited then once we landed I wrote field were this nation and if they were reading our boarding pass they would know already but they weren't super excited that it was Mexico today that purchase a while ago some of simply Kenner's easy readers for kindergarten which work for first grade for like things like this so when in access the holidays around the world little bundle and I printed off las posadas once so we write it together as a class and then we started on our scrapbook you also watch some videos on YouTube to more to better supplement this whole thing and yeah so then this that kind of made myself I feel like those done very last minute which it was because it was done last night so I feel like if I do this again I'll definitely make it better but it says they want destination think we'll their boarding pass like it goes to scrapbook and then I'm here is similar product room simply kinder we just read we read about this as well and we glued it there and then on here I actually use my green screen as you can see just take a picture of my students in front of like a pinata cuz a book little reader that we had talked about BFS and they didn't know that that's what I was taking a picture of because all they can see is a green screen so super cool see the reaction and then in the next page is a here are three things I learned so they're gonna be right so they wrote about three things they learned about the holiday anything for God's it could always reference back to that little reader which my students did yeah is it the best no but I'm trying when I'm giving it my best shot and I can always improve it for next year I didn't vlog much last week but I do want to talk about this because this was hilarious um so last week I think we had a birthday so we were eating we were eating almost finishing up the treats which are doughnuts and I had a student the had a wobbly tooth and this student had been telling me about this wobbly tooth for like two days now suddenly I see everybody like literally by the door on their hands and knees trying to look for something so in my head I'm like okay they probably saw a dead bug I don't know so I go over and asked like what you guys looking for and turns out they're looking for a tooth it's like oh my goodness okay so there I am to on my hands in Eastern look worth trying to look for a tooth and I asked the student like are you sure you didn't swallow it because it's not anywhere in the floor and the student was like no like I saw it fall I know I didn't like okay so he looked for it for like five minutes eventually my aide comes in she's also on the floor looking for the tooth and I kept asking the student are you sure you didn't tell away and then I thought to ask the student let me see your teeth right now so this student opens her mouth wide and the tooth was still intact quartz it had not fallen so we spent all the time and even the student spent all the time thinking that their tooth had fallen when in fact it was still in their mouth only in first grade so I'm gonna go I didn't clean up my classroom and then I'll talk to you guys and see what I do [Music] hey guys so it is the end of the day I'm home already it's like 347 that's pretty early today was crazy busy we'll have two days I mean tell break which reminds me I have to post a dojo reminder hey Siri remind me at 6:30 p.m. to put a dojo reminder about earlier leaves on Thursday and no after school on Thursday I've half said like four reminders on my way home already because I don't want to forget we were trying to finish which is for the most part we did are our gifts to our parents we are making them eight books they want to get to be done I think they only have three students that technically didn't finish and that's only because the paint was drying sit so pretty much you're all done with the actual contents of the book we also had an assembly today so that was from that took about thirty minutes maybe overall to is really really busy I have to take my Christmas tree down because if you remember my Christmas tree didn't have legs but I had to figure out a way to make it stand up but this morning it was kind of like slanted so I tried to fix it and they just kept falling so decided to just put it away I went to the store after school to buy little gift bags for my student gifts last year I wrapped them this year I do not want to wrap 20 of them so about gift bags I thought hot chocolate no I bought chocolate milk so I can have my hot chocolate some for Thursday which we were doing our Polar Express last year I mean is like really yummy Chuck hot chocolate which was just regular milk a bunch of chocolate chips that melted in the crock-pot and I put a little bit of condensed of sweet condensed milk and it was so good I also put marshmallows this year however I don't want to spend that much money on it so I just bought chocolate milk shoutout to Elle that gave me that idea thank you I also bought like Avery packaging labels so I can just go ahead and put that on the bag so givebacks to make it more festive because they're just like brown paper bags basically I'll show you when I'm done okay so I'm in my office I go in here because there is no furniture I have like a cube organizer and my printer and that's pretty much it if I don't I plan to work on my office over break we'll see how that goes but right now I'm just taking off stickers off of little tumblers I'm gonna start making them last year I put these little kid clip weren't thinking that I bought from that I bought from with it or did I buy come from I think I bought them from learning Wonderland so they are they kind of look like my kids sort of just I put those inside here and then I also have their names on there [Music] these are the backs that if I don't work I'm not sure but I already did it anyway so I bought these bags I'm just brown paper bags are pretty sturdy areas you're gonna be throwing trash anyway but some of these Avery labels and I use them all the time so I don't mind five minutes I will do these two sheets and that eight left I need this okay I hate when you put reminders on I hate when they put reminders through Siri and it totally does not say what you meant this to say anyway I made this label on PowerPoint screenshot of it and then I put it on this and I just put it on the template for those tags or labels whatever then you printed it and that's it super easy personalized works great now I'm gonna put the things and I'm gonna put the tumblers inside of them okay so it is the next day it's my camera dirty as it is the next day I did to my classroom to myself after school but I was doing so many things I was trying to finish putting together our gifts for parents for like from the kids so that's a long time and then there was also an event after school was like a father-daughter dance kind of thing there's a lot of people coming in and out of the school um I try to put a sign outside my daughter size like medium progress hoping that you know no one come into my room but still it happened anything that would so that's why they don't blog I also go it's also like 8:15 p.m. I got home about an hour ago and I'm just exhausted so tired tomorrow is the last day of school for kids so it should be jam-packed we're having our polar express celebration so with hot cocoa cookies PJs watching a movie I think I just have maybe eight gifts to wrap and then finish putting together my bags I also want to make a label for my parent gift so I'm gonna go ahead and go get some more wrapping paper from downstairs I don't talk about it here um I know this cool little gift it's like a tumblr it's a really nice one I don't drink coffee but if I drink something it's probably water or Thai tea and I can put in here so it says Miss OH - sua what is - it's gonna be my merry at last name I do plan on changing my last name probably over winter breaks and that's what I have the most time to do so I also have to figure out how to do that because I have no idea where to start - yeah look how cool it is it's white and sparkly has Donuts all over it and they spelled my new and they spelled my future last name right um so so many people get it wrong it's funny because they spell this right but they still my real last name this happens a lot by the way they switch the egg must be SA and do feel V al not as a and da vol I have a few user names at work that were given to me with my last name spelled wrongs I've kind of trained myself to type in my name wrong super cute I also got a few more gifts today he goes a couple of them I did want to talk about something I'm still in the fence about it I haven't made my mind up but I'm still gonna talk about it so last year and this year in my classroom I had an elf in the shelf and it was so much fun last year I had a lot of fun putting up the elf in different places and usually I would move the elf after school when the kids left so in the morning when I got there and the kids got there it would be in a new place and they worked out really well because there was because any after-school activity would not be hosted in our school it would be hosted on a separate building for after-school activities so there was so the chances of my kids coming into my classroom while I was moving the elf after-school we're pretty much slim to none this year if you've been with me for like at least five blocks then you know my situation is different there's an after-school program and it is in my classroom so obviously I don't move the elf after school because my kids would see but there's also a before school program that starts about 15 minutes before contract hours start so basically there's always kids in school this year has been kind of harder to keep up with the Alpha Michelle I think there's been a couple of days there's been two days where I forgot to move it and kids were fine they didn't question it too much but I felt horrible because it's super simple it's just moving the elf but there's so much going on that I forget and I also had an incident yesterday kind of an incident um where I had put the elf in a plastic shoe bin and with a with a little clothes inside of the box I wrote help so it looks like the else needs to help to get out so had the shoe bin right here I had another shoe bin on top in another one I'm tops it was at the bottom kids love that I was there but then the next but then the next day I think I was say I don't even know what day it is um the next day the bottom shoe bin with a elf was up at the very top and it was flipped over so a lot of kids were upset that that happened I do not know when it happened but I do know who did it because I was told me and that student that stuff to it and technically that's it didn't touch the elf but they did mess with elf so I think that next year I probably won't do Elf on the Shelf if I was in my old school I totally would it still do it next year just because I was able to move it after school and it would be super easy now this school there's a lot of more things coming into play that can affect when or how or what I can do with an elf so I think that's way too much to worry about especially in December so I'm not gonna be doing Elf on the Shelf next year I'm not a hundred percent sure I'm not yet but I so now it's one and a half days before break and I just don't think I can handle it again next year and I feel like I'm gonna drop the ball so I'm just not gonna do it so I mean in the comments below if you do Elf on the Shelf okay so what was I here for okay good morning it is Thursday it's the last day before break I don't know what my voice sounds a little weird but today we're doing a Polar Express kind of thing with hot chocolate cookies watching movie PJs I wasn't sure how many kids I wasn't sure how many of my kids were gonna wear PJs because I posted it on Jojo and only five pants I've seen it so far cuz I'm thought to play it safe so I'm just wearing this like top from home baby leggings and then this um coat but I did bring my fuzzy a lot of sweater to to change into instead of this in case there's kids actually PJs but so far some kids with PJs so that's a good thing I got all my gifts ready so let me show you that I bought these bags that one right I made these labels my computer I put their names here that you can't see and then I just put a wrapping paper as tissue paper cuz they didn't have any I'm say again so yeah I have 20 of these let me show you what they look like they said last I guess it is after school it's all done taking everything Christmas down because it was tiring I am exhausted someone to take things down and I'll talk to you guys in a little bit and talk to you guys about how today went [Music] okay so I'm pretty much I'm taking down the Christmas stuff except for that so I'm that I never finished putting up some boroughs roof um and I did change this border to black I loved my color scheme last year and I still do I just think it's too much for this small space last year I had the same things that I have now and it felt fine I felt relaxed and whatnot but now that my space is smaller it seems just like there's a lot more colorful it wouldn't I still have the same stuff if not less and they've just gets to me so I can only imagine that it gets to the kids as well so I'm gonna go ahead and change some things to mostly black and white it's kind of like my classroom rolls with a few pops of like color so I decide that changed my blinds you can't really think of the super bright but I changed him to white trying to go ahead and change this train you can't even really tell but I'm gonna change it to black as well and I kind of want to paint the classroom white we'll see if I am effort during a break if not and I think it'll be easier because it's great so we'll see so I'm hanging out in my classroom and and I'm trying to get my stuff together and it's kind of hard um so I did bring this huge bag that I'll show you right now and funny story about that bag is I went to like a 31 my pants got 31 like products selling party and I hate going to those I hate being sold to because I always feel obligated to buy some things so this time around it was one of my really good friends at the time that was hosting it that was hosting it and I didn't want to buy anything nothing really caught my eye or or and or anything like that so in an app I'm is $50 basically a laundry hamper what they describe to us I think it's called a utility bag that I never use except for like this time of year so I have all my Christmas gifts on here ready to go yeah this is literally the only time in the year where this is useful I am gonna head out because oh it was another holiday party that I'm going to with him absolute get ready I'll talk to guys later okay so it's Friday December 21st and today was the teacher in-service days so I got my report cards all ready to go um I got my benchmarks oh and put it by my awesome aid and I'm pretty satisfied with the results I know I have to reteach a few things but it's not that big of a deal I also got my Dibble scores and I'm pretty satisfied with those as well I don't know what I've vlogged about I think just gonna be old short little clips of me throughout Christmas break because they just couldn't keep it together and I couldn't go this in the vlog because I was so incredibly busy and now I'm free this is literally the first break that I haven't worked in like two or three years some definitely gonna take full advantage of that and the other things so today we had a little breakfast at our school we had a Secret Santa which is always really fun and loves Secret Santas and I totally knew who my Secret Santa was she did awesome she gave me a Target gift card which is always great and she also works out Altos so she gave me like a face mask and like highlighters and stuff like that which I'm like yeah I'm gonna go home now I'm gonna get some rest I'm kind of tired and I'll talk to you guys later I hope you guys enjoyed this weird ramble of a vlog and yeah I'll see you guys next time bye you
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 4,502
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Id: eRrNuZ4_ARo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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