Getting Ready for the First Day of School | 2018-2019

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guys I was just sitting here like why will my stapler not staple this into my math board you want to know why because it's a whiteboard [Music] good morning guys this is no longer going to be considered a classroom setup vlog it's just going to be prep for the new year because my classroom is basically set up and now it's just little organization things little detail things it's just ready which is crazy so if you're new to my channel hi my name is Breanna I'm a third year third grade teacher however this is my first year and third I previously taught two years in fourth grade but I just taught math and science so now I get to teach all subjects and it was my choice to move down to third grade and it's the best decision ever so far I'm not typically a person that likes change I've lived in the same house my entire life well obviously until now I grew up with the same people like I followed the very strict path of graduate high school go to college get a job it's just like life has been so I guess cliche for me and I don't like change and this decision was a big one for me and I just felt in my gut that it was the right thing and I couldn't be more happier right now like I'm so mmm I'm so proud of myself for doing this so some exciting things first of all I printed off some accountable talk posters which I'll show you when I get to school but guys I went to a target last night that was a little bit out of my way because well not out of my way but not in my town because when I went to dinner with my boyfriend and his grandma they had the alphabet erase oh my goodness so I bought 10 packs word work is happening and I'm using these now what I need is a little like bead organizer because I want to separate the letters so the kids don't have to look for them I have one on my Amazon wishlist it's always linked down below you guys have been so generous to me oh my goodness I love you guys but people always ask me if I had a pa box and honestly I think an Amazon wishlist is kind of better because sometimes in PA boxes some people send you like a lot of like really cute things but are they practical you know so if you're interested in helping out my classroom it's linked down below by no means do you have to but you guys are amazing and I love you and I will also be picking the giveaway winner today for my planner that I'm giving away I will not mine but the planner that I have that I'm going to give away I'm not that creative yet so yes I'm excited let's get going it's 10:00 a.m. we're little 8 Peeples [Music] [Music] okay so I do this circle something for centers and silly me I laminated regular printer paper this is in the school laminator this circle is real whack anyway like I don't it's fat I don't know what happened to it cardstock clearly is so much better but these are my ones from last year I definitely just want four groups for math I have 23 students I feel like I should do five groups for a reading and just have them go to four centers a day so I think I'm gonna do that honestly and this circle is so tiny I might need to make a bigger one I thought I was accomplishing something but they didn't turn out good so I might just for the boy last year I had a group I had three groups when my AAG students would leave but I do this rotation thing for centers got the idea from the kindergarten teacher and I will love it from that same kindergarten teacher I got these yellow bins because they match my really good stuff ones I have the big ones these are smaller but I thought I could take away two red bins and do two yellow and start getting rid of the red because I don't like the red and I honestly let's see I have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so now I have ten red bins I honestly might spend ten dollars at Dollar Tree or something and get more pink also guys my librarian watches my videos and she's like I was so sad about your Charlotte's Web book so I got you a hardback oh my gosh guys I love my school and I love you guys and I love YouTube and I am so happy I'm going to stamp this book and hold on to it so until I buy a container for these to sort them by letter I'm going to store them just all together in here this reminds me of Finding Nemo when the fish are swimming to the bottom of the net and my whole drop and they're set free oh my gosh this is so satisfying like Target how are you selling these for a dollar this is genius oh I got some stars because I thought these are really cute for game pieces and stuff [Music] do you think we have enough letters to spell every word the kids may spell I think we're good I'm going to add my 5800 stickers that Esther got me to my sticker bin which surprisingly is kind of running low all these stickers came from Carson Diller so you know I'm Carson dill oh so happy oh and I have these Paul stickers I was going to use these because kids get paused at my school for PBIS and if an individual student got one I wanted to put it in their planner I want to do that this year here are the accountable talked posters that I printed out I'm going to cut them into just the circle and I'm going to put them on my library wall just to liven up that area they are from Tina's teaching treasures and they were free on TPT so I'll link it down below but there's restate agree disagree build on go beyond and explain and there's like the title for it which is cute the only thing about these is they do have the description which I wish you would add some that have it without the description because I just feel like that's a lot of words and I wish they just saw this part but I like them they were free so I had an extra one printed out that I didn't laminate so I cut out the circle and then here the ones that are laminated I feel like without the background they kind of get lost so I'm going to keep the background so I put the title in the middle and circled them around it and I put these two a little bit lower than the center I mean it's fine I'm not obsessed with it there are just a lot of words so I lifted the right side up so that you don't have to worry about them being lined up and it kind of makes a weird wonky circle and I like it so those are ready to go there's my new tight a home guys I feel like anything I put there is just gonna look so sad oh my gosh I don't know now I have it awkwardly spread out I just don't know what to do with this guys I was just sitting here like why will my stapler not staple this into my math board you want to know why cuz it's a whiteboard alright so I fixed the problem hung it up with sticky Clips no worries there I kind of hate how they like are visible but whatever I have a blank piece of paper in there because I'm going to I think I'm going to write my I cans this year I don't know yet but I just wanted to see if it would look okay because that dry erase sleeve is really messed up it has scratches from my kids using it but it looks great so use the adult sticky clips to hold that up I've rim four anchor charts and then some fun things down here you know I like it I like it too locked I hung up this Lego banner over here they're literally foam Legos have fun I almost put it on my desk but then I'm like no the kids are gonna poke it with their pencils and it'll be destroyed so hung it up here I got this at Target like two years ago but it's from the party section I'm sure they still have it just to jazz up this area and my whole degree was based around Michael bricks so I love it here's what the box look like if you were curious alright so I got two different roles of cricut vinyl that's removable and it's matte and it's sticky the one set of colors is more bright and then this one is more primary ish I want to put candy laying on my floor hey guys so I've been socializing again talking to some second-grade teachers about some of the kids in my class which is either a blessing or a curse to do I don't know if I recommend it My partner teacher from last year came into because you know she just misses me so much and I'm very hungry right now so I'm very fuzzy in my brain I moved that title again I think I'm gonna put a multiplication sign in a division sign under it whatever it is what it is I tripped over that wire almost caused the fire and I made a Candyland piece so I'm gonna cut this out and trace it on to my vinyl and put that on the floor and I think that's the last thing I'm gonna do today cuz I've just been sitting here looking around I have some people coming in tomorrow to help me Candyland floor is about to happen guys I didn't show you the process of this but literally I traced one of the pieces on my Candyland board and there it is I brought it to the printer and blew it up I traced on the vinyl on the back of it and I cut it out with scissors and I'm about to put it on the floor it's gonna lie a little bit differently I like how the first two pieces look the rest I mean obviously because it's not flat looks weird so we'll see how that goes it looks so cute guys candy land floor is done I love how it turned out I think it looks so awesome it just leads you into the classroom it doesn't really have a purpose I mean yeah they line up there but they don't obviously all need a spot I just think it leads you into the beautiful place and it just makes it nice so I did get this laminated today this is my newspaper from Space Camp that has all stories about everything that we've done with space that have has been printed before it's all there I got it laminated so that it's preserved and I'm going to have my parent volunteer cut it out tomorrow I'm still debating what I want to do with my noise letters if I want to bring my pencil back over here although I like it there I might not put anything here just to make it less crowded so my Center circles rotations are going to go there save this cabinet for science and social studies stuff so I'm probably going to combine this with tomorrow I won't be able to film much tomorrow with a parent volunteer in here so I hope you guys enjoyed if you're new to my channel make sure to subscribe hit the notification bell give it a thumbs up and click around on the screen now to see my other videos I will see you guys well actually this is gonna be in another video good morning I my cameras on a different setting oh my gosh guys this shirt is so big on me it used to be like a little like casual shirt but I need to get a smaller size wow that's exciting today is also exciting because I have a parent volunteer coming in to help me so I've been printing all morning I printed I did buy that math task card bundle I think I talked about it I'll link it down below it has all standards for third grade math and it's majority work problems and that's what I look for in my tasks card Center in order to prep that I printed out all first quarter standards and I'm bringing my laminator to school those are for my coworker bringing my laminator to school I don't know if I'm gonna start laminating or have my parent volunteer help me out with that but yeah hopefully a lot of like logistical kind of stuff is gonna get done today like stuffing folders different things that's just helping me prep for open house and the year so I'm really excited I'm going to head to McDonald's get my dollar large coffee if you've heard about Dunkin Donuts giving sorry my camera shaking if you've heard about Dunkin Donuts giving teachers free coffee medium sized hot ice every Monday in September give this video a thumbs up unfortunately Dunkin Donuts is really far away from me and so guess I won't be happening but that's okay we'll just deal with dollar McDonald's okay Duncan is close to my heart I'm a Duncan girl and the South has ripped that away from me but that's okay let's go to my classroom I wish I could do that with every single one of my students my friend at her school they have individual meet the teachers so like beginning of the year conferences to meet all their students and all their parents and just have one-on-one time it was literally amazing and they were helping me out I posted on my Instagram story oh my goodness I printed out my first quarter task hearts for math and my parent volunteer laminated them all and cut them all so first quarter is ready to go I have their pencil boxes on their desk they kind of look a little crazy they're just very big but that's okay I think it's because they're all spread out in random places right now and I think when the nametags are on it it'll look much cuter but the girls put those together for me so we have a glue stick a half of an eraser and these are the facial sponges from Dollar Tree that I use as whiteboard erasers and then they're going to have it nice the marker in here and a highlighter and they're going to keep their pencils in there so I don't know if it's better to put there or have it on the side not angled the girls pulled out all my Scholastic magazines and I attached the welcome letter all about it on there they also stuffed my folders with the form that I like to have in there on the front just put my extras in here for now that's one thing I don't have right now is like an extras bin because I used to have the Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday bins these to put them in so I don't know if I want to do one bin or get one of those pocket organizers I might end up doing that that hangs on the wall the girls also helped me sort through my place value discs and they took out all the ten thousand hundred thousand and millions ones because we won't be using those so these are all ready to go all right guys I think I'm going to head out for today because getting close to the end of the year so parents are like frantic I did meet two of my students today they're twins and they helped me in my classroom my guys showed you and then another parent just called me so things are happening guys this is crazy they are opening this school tomorrow so I'm going to come in so this will just be a little three day getting ready for the first day of school video putting final touches on the room so I guess I'll just see you guys tomorrow but I just wanted to show you the pencil cases I've put them specifically in the corner they're very massive I know but I just want to see how the kids do with them I just feel like it's so much easier to have everything right there because zipper pouches like you got to dig through and just like what in the world you guys oh my gosh I truly wish I could sit down and meet all of you and just talk about teacher things for hours let's see what we have here the mailman is probably like this girl is crazy and orders way too much from Amazon oh my goodness Lani I believe it's Lani hi Breanna enjoy this gift for your classroom I hope you have a fantastic school year I love watching their videos okay so now let me see what she's actually worth because when I was picking these out I didn't know if they were the right size but binder rings oh my goodness oh I see some good stuff in here oh yes these are perfect they're like smaller but they're a little bit bigger than my tiny one I definitely need these I probably need the ones that are a little bit bigger than this as well oh my goodness that is awesome she got me the counter I don't have anything like this in my classroom which is weird because I feel like this is a staple and I mean it was probably Maylene but someone was talking about putting counters or maybe it was Michelle someone was talking about putting counters on a game and being able to see what's underneath it so that's why I picked out transparent counters oh my goodness Expo markers okay so if you guys have no idea what I'm doing right now I have an Amazon wishlist I don't have a P o box but I do have an Amazon wishlist and it is the most amazing thing ever you guys are so overly like too kind and but what an Amazon wishlist is is I put the products on there that I would like for my classroom I don't need them but hopeful things in the classroom and I wasn't sure if I put the hard cover or the paperback version of Charlotte's Web and I'm so excited because if you saw actually I think it's a part of this video but my library and gave me a hardback and now I have a paperback so this one I'm going to keep in my library oh my gosh and the pictures are in color it's full color edition and then I'm going to keep the hardback as my copy because this is such like this is the book guys like oh my goodness and I really want to do what Malins doing and write like donated by so thank you so much Lonnie oh my goodness I have never read this book but I hear such amazing things and I am so excited to share it with my students oh my goodness I don't even know who this is from how did that happen oh my goodness normally when someone buy something it takes the other thing off that's great because we do Charlotte's Web as a book study so what is this okay they have all these things that say like send a thank you know so hi Breanna I am in high school and live near Boston I want to be a teacher in the future probably an English teacher but your videos make me consider early Edie I love reading and your student should to enjoy Molly Molly thank you so much oh my goodness I love reading too and it is such a goal of mine this year to have my students fall in love with books my two girls that I met today they're like we love reading and oh it just makes me so excited thank you so much Molly I need to keep these notes so I can send thank you for it okay and then we have this other ones you guys hi Brianna I really enjoy your vlogs on YouTube I pray your first year in third grade is awesome Carla thank you so much Carla you want to see what I got oh now I'm never gonna like run out of Charlotte's Web so beautiful thank you so much Carla Pippy Longstocking see this wasn't on my list but I think what you can do is if you get something on my list then it lets you add other things but that is so kind oh my gosh I have the old versions of Pippy Longstocking but this is so cool oh my goodness thank you so much look at all that three Charlotte's ones oh my goodness you guys just won my heart no words morning guys I go back and forth between makeup no makeup days but it is Saturday and I'm able to get into my classroom today they opened the school because there has just been a lot of movement this year with teachers to different grade levels or new teachers coming in because we had retired teachers so they're just giving us the time we need especially because normally we have workdays that are considered optional and workdays that are considered not optional so when they're optional we don't have any meetings and we can work in our classrooms typically we have like at least one or two optional days before the school year starts well this year they're all optional so you have to be there for everyone which means we have meetings every day next week so we truthfully need all the time we can get now me I'm good my classroom is pretty much set up I still want to make my Hungry Hungry Hippos hungry hungry kiddos from my lunch choice other than that I mean I have to make an announcement thing schedule cards I can't do any of that until next week because I need to figure out what's going on there so I'll probably sit in my classroom and start planning a little bit today just because the atmosphere just gets me in the zone and I'm going to like plan out Center so I'll talk through that with you guys I feel like that would be helpful because you always ask me about my centers in general this will be my first year teaching reading so it'll be for my first year doing reading centers but I think I have a good idea of how it's gonna work I have all my Charlotte's Web books and other stuff that you guys sent me because you're so amazing so I'm gonna label those and put who they're donated by and everything there's a lot of movement going on behind me I'm gonna head to school okay so I feel like I haven't done a nice little sweep and I want to talk well I did it so first of all I moved multiplication masters over here again I think I'm going to print out a multiplication sign and a division sign and put those below it and I think that'll bring it all together I also have set out these bins which I need to label these are for when students bring their supplies at open house more of like the community supplies like I have Ziploc bags glue sticks baby wipes and tissues so that's what these are going to be for I need to go through my supply list and see what exactly I'll need to label those oh yes turday the girls helped me take the social studies and math textbooks out of these little cubbies up here they are really old curriculum that we don't use anymore so no need to take up space this is how the pencil boxes are looking on the desks which I don't mind now that they're straight still need to figure out what I'm doing with all my bins and I also need to find a spot for these because obviously we don't test that we die so we don't use them every day I might put them in one of my crates because I don't know what else amazing this and then keep them tucked away back here because these two boxes won't be here so let me see how that looks that's definitely simple and efficient so I'll probably keep them like that this recess been the trouble with having it over here is every day when we go to recess the kids are going to have to come all the way over here to get it but I kind of like how it's tucked away because if I put it anywhere along this wall since none of this is going to be here but if I put it anywhere along this wall it'd just be out in the open so I guess that is the best spot for it over there so now I need to get a little bin for my counters that Lonnie so graciously got for me see if they'll fit in this little container this is from Dollar Tree I bought these when I could not find the smaller little snack containers do you fit nicely in there I'm just thinking about if I want to sort them by color because if the kids use them for a game they're all going to need to have like the same color the skinny Expo markers are really great for centers because the kids could just write so much thinner so again thank you ani I got this container last year from Office Depot I think it was kind of expensive for what it is but it's really sturdy so this is something that is going to stay over here I don't exactly know how I'm gonna store it yeah I could put it in the bucket with the other Expos but or I could put it in something like this we'll see all right so that's all labeled and ready to go I hate how that one has scribble on it but whatever I could have used that one for wipes but I didn't see it until the end and my tissue bin is already full but I just designated this area for tissues and paper towels maybe I can open up this bin over here see if I can open that for paper towels but I just put that there so I didn't forget I need to watch her paper towels too so right now I've been labeling at my ela TAS cards because I did label my math ones yesterday and I like how I did it and I'm going back through these in a mind if I don't label them I will never use them because I will have no idea what they are some of them I'm not even 3rd grade standards they're just there I guess unless problem installation is but like I have my standards I'm checking Common Core trying to figure it out all right so I got a couple things going on here I planned out my math and reading centers I tried to do five groups for a reading cuz I wanted them to be smaller but it's just so hard because then centers is just so jumbled so four is just so much better and the most kids all having a group is six so I think it'll be okay and I wrote down things that I still need to prep which isn't really much I also printed out my plans from last year because I like how I started the year so I'm going to do something similar I made little notes last year remember to pause and reflect about how everything is going so precious so yeah I printed those so I can figure out what I want to do the first week of school I also printed this work study bingo that came from the teaching Oasis graphics the so called designs Oh nope that's not how it came from that's just where the picture came from I'm definitely going to take some of these activities but also add my own to this that way my students can keep track of their word study for the week and I think I'm going to put this in a clear pocket sleeve whatever it's called and throw write on it with Expo marker so they can go through it week by week so they can do multiple of these activities during their 15 minutes they have but they don't have to get through them all but like the ones with websites and stuff I don't want them to do so that's why I'm gonna change some of it and I don't want a free space gotta be straightforward eager-beaver right here but I just went through my place value this is the scrapbooking container from Michaels they're normally $10 do not buy them for $10 wait until they go on sale I think they were like $3 each when I bought them but I stored all my centers in here this summer as I was making them and that's where I'm going to put them back but I take them out and use my drawers there so they're more accessible for my students in here all of my place value which is what I need right now I don't know if we're gonna go into comparing but I'll pull that out later if we do the first week but here I have value and expanded form word form and standard form I'm just different games with that so I'm going to start getting the materials together that I need for these just to have them ready and see how I want to store them because last year I stored them in these Dollar Tree portfolios so I kept the instructions in the front and then on the inside were the cards and materials and game board ooh stuff but as you can see the slighty thing fell off so now this one is not going to open and I have to go through this because there's clearly things in here that don't need to be so that's what I'm working on right now I've talked about this before but this is from games for gains and it goes up to 10,000 our standards say we only go to 1,000 however it's just talking about the value of the digit in the thousands place so I think they'll be fine with that one and same with word form and standard form if they can say 1000 they could say 3,000 so I'm not too worried about those I also fixed my color order for all of your OCD hearts or just aesthetically pleasing organizational hearts I'm also going to go ahead and put out my place value discs these I purchased on Amazon last year from Learning Resources I believe I had my girls sort these yesterday so in here is 110 100 thousand and I have a kit for each table group I also have one kit for myself so I'm going to put these in the second drawer at every table group that way they're just out and readily available for when we use them there's definitely an activity in magic and math magic of math that has to do with place value discs so yeah so I came up with a great idea because I was looking at my games and it was like every student needs their own color obviously and I was looking at my little counters here and I'm like my little containers guys oh I need a different one these are literally perfect for everything dollar tree ten come in a pack they're either rectangular or round and they're really amazing run to your nearest dollar tree I'm telling you they are also what I have my Dyson so the one game calls for two dice and the other game calls for one it's prepped it's ready to go they the kids don't need to take the dice out of the container they shake a minute there's plenty of room for it to move around and it doesn't make that annoying table rolling noise let me just say right now if I never took the time to sort those colors out I wouldn't have been able to use them because or the kids would have wasted so much time looking for their color so if you get transparent counters if you get transparent counters or you have some type of counter and you want to play games for gains games or just other games where kids need markers and things like a little marker piece not an actual drawing marker I highly highly highly suggest that you get the little containers from Dollar Tree tend to a pack they're usually hanging on like in a column and sort your colors out I'm so excited so now I have all my materials for three these four games and having different games it actually depends on what I'm teaching but having the four different games is going to allow my students that element of choice so they don't necessarily get to choose what center they go to when however when they get to that center there is some type of choice there I think structured choice is very important and just like that all of my games are prepped for the for about the first two weeks of school because what I like to do for my game center is have it be my spiraling center so what I'll most likely do this year is pull the standard from the previous week and that's the game - they'll play for the first two weeks of school however as I'm introducing centers it is ready to go and available for what I'm going to be teaching them and since place value is basic concepts that shouldn't be too difficult though I have my dice and all the different colors now I'm trying to think about whether I want the kids to pull out the whole drawer and take it with them or just carefully take all the materials with them it don't want someone to accidentally step or sit on the drawer so they should have enough hands to be able to take it all with them and I also haven't decided if I want my carpet area to be the area for games or if I want the round table to be the area for games I have to decide between math facts and games which I think let's see when I made my schedule I'm rotating math the room and math facts so math the room is my task cards so game is going to be a constant math the room I'm having every other day that way the first day they do it I can collect their papers grade them not nice fairly 4th grade but check for accuracy and then on the next day math the room will stay the same however they'll go back and correct or they'll go to the cards they haven't gone to yet so that leaves the day open for math facts so I will probably independent will be at their seats technology will be at their seats in the beginning that way there's less chaos we can work to being able to spit around the room but especially when math the rooms going on I don't think I want people spread around so that means I want that table always to be used so I will do game at this back table it would then be sparked smart of me to have centers somewhere near this table but that's not going to be the only thing in there so they can easily get their materials and bring them and since it's on the table I may be able to allow them to bring the drawer but yeah I just wanted to show you guys that that's ready to go on top here I have things from last year that I need to clean out as I go through this stuff from last year these target dollar spot erasers I use them as game pieces they do get kind of dirty so I'm just going to toss them and replace them with new ones since they're so so so so cheap I also like to use my task cards my math the room as spiraling but for the first two weeks of school I'm going to pull out MBT too so I got these vocabulary cards off teachers pay teacher's Island get below but I got the math and reading bundle and I'm just taking them I got them last year and putting them in the corresponding bin I don't know if I've talked about these before but to start off my math fact center I'm just going to be using addition and subtraction obviously until we teach multiplication and division down here these are from games for learning by Theresa Evans were free downloads and they're just little bump games so basically involves rolling dice and putting a counter in a spot she went ahead and put the number smaller so you don't need to use a transparent counter to still see what's under there what bump is is if a student rolls a certain number and puts their thing there if the next player does that number they bump that person off and when it's all covered whoever has the most wins really basic you can do with everything my kids loved this for multiplication last year I think I bought the entire bundle from teachers pay teacher's that's what we're going to be starting with in the beginning I need to gather the materials for these and then I'm going to put them in the top drawer that's where I have my math fact label just real quick for my memory I put my pocket full of primary writing prompts in the red drawer okay but last year I had the kids cover up the space with an expo marker mark and the lamination got ruined so then I started with having them put them in the dry erase pockets but we were always out of Expo markers so I'm definitely going to use counter so I think I'm going to pull out the stars to have the kids use the Stars for these activities the star racers from the target dollar spot is what I'm talking about I just did the same thing with the Stars that I did with the transparent counters I'm definitely going to go back to the target dollar spot and get at least one more pack of these because for 60 it's just a dollar and these are going to be really fun counters I can see the kids loving them I have these bumpit games that I'm going to throw in with that Center as well just for the beginning of the year because like I said real basic facts here but these I got from Carson de Lucia you know I talked about their warehouse sale that I'm obsessed with or it used to be so I've never used these before but I went into my cabinet looking for flashcards and I came across this game so this is definitely going to be something that I'm going to have to explicitly teach my kids how to play because it is a little bit more in-depth even though it's for ages 6 and up but basically you're kind of making like dominoes you're connecting the equations together that equal the same number and then there's different action cards and crash cards that I'll have to read into but this will definitely be something that I use to introduce this Center and also since I have two and four groups can play at a time I'll introduce the game on one of the first days of school and we can practice rotating with everybody getting a turn to play this as well as the other games in math facts that way they're comfortable with it and I won't need to give further directions on that what I think I might do is teach the game to my whole class and then while two groups are playing with the rest of the kids I'm going to be showing them something on the Chromebooks and then we'll swap so that way I won't have to teach multiple games at once so I finally got batteries for my touch light I got this at Dollar Tree I was there last night looking for more and I couldn't find them what this is for is for when I'm working with a small group when the light is on kids won't be able to interrupt me the only thing about it being right there this direction they won't be able to see it so I guess I should really I mean I like that it's right over there but I should really move it to the other side perfect alright so you haven't like seen my face all day I'm getting really hungry and it's about 2 o'clock and it is Saturday so I'm going to head out I'm not going to do a walk around my room because I haven't changed anything so I'll probably just make a quick list before I go that's what I always like to do of either things I still have to do or make or organized because I definitely need to organize this over here and I need to make work folders next week we are in prepare for the first day of school mode guys next week I don't know if I will be vlogging as much we have meetings all throughout the week and just everybody's gonna be here very echoey in this hallway we'll see that's it for this three day prep video I hope you guys enjoyed make sure to hit subscribe hit the notification bell give it a thumbs up and click on the screen now for some of my other videos and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 12,891
Rating: 4.8914027 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, the classroom diva, the lettered classroom, tina bietler, elementary, a cozy classroom, pocketfulofprimary, vlog, weekly, prep, preparations, new, school, year, third, 3rd, grade, organize, centers, literacy, math, word work, math facts, multiplication, addition, subtraction, setting, up, my, setup
Id: ya707KcTW6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 21sec (2841 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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