Am I Losing It? | Teacher Vlog Ep. 23

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I don't know what I was thinking and I feel like I'm a broken record I always say that and I'm like doing out sound like a grown-up right now he's like nope [Music] alright so it is Monday afternoon it's 3:14 and I'm just cleaning out my classroom I think my classroom is an absolute mess and I can't stand it so I'm just organizing you a little bit and then I'm gonna make some examples of some things that I want to do tomorrow I think I need more centers and I saw someone else to do this so let me show you so basically the worksheets that I used to do for morning work I'm gonna try to make that into a center that way there's also more accountability for it sorry I had a notification that way there's more accountability for it and I can see how they're doing as opposed to them just doing hands-on centers which don't get me wrong it's really really great but sometimes I feel like I can't really tell if they're doing well or not because I'm focusing on this group right here and then there's some kids over there and I have no idea they're doing it right so I'm gonna add a few more centers for accountability also yesterday I posted something on my Instagram story and it was just like some little stickers that said I mastered my site word list like a boss and I had some of you asked me what I was doing I was oh my god I wasn't super heavy-handed with this eyebrow whoa so I have these little site wordlist these are not my idea but I am loving it so far so I have list 1 through 6 and they include all the site words that are that we have covered this quarter or since the beginning of the school year so from quarter one and quarter geom they're in the same order that we cover them so for the most part I have about eight and in the last two should be review or the last one should be a review word I kind of tested my students to see where they were at so we went through list number one if they got him all right we moved on to list number two and so on and so forth let's say they were at list number four and they did not remember what find was I'll put a little dot next to it and also make a little box on the corner here so then I will write them their name on the back with a wet erase marker and then I'll also write the date when we last reviewed this I will keep the laminated copy and then I have some not laminated copies and I will just give them a list I'll pull it off and I will mark the words that they miss the or that they need a little bit more practice with and then we'll take them home parents know about these and they should be practicing these at home if not we still have get a little bit of practice here in the classroom but this is just something that we've been doing and we make it a big deal when someone moves up a list or they're closed or something like that I always give them a sticker and we make it known that they moved up the list I like this also because this is something that parent volunteers can do sometimes I don't really have anything for them to do so let's say I'm all cut up with copies and cutting and laminating and everybody's doing what they're supposed to no one really needs help then that's when this can come in and they can just pull students and they'll have like a list and I'll have a list of them and I'll have a class list for them to see and they'll just be like okay a little Suzy go get your list and they'll look at their list I think need a new list for whom then they'll get a new one I also forgot to mention what I do with a little box that's on the corner if they miss the word so let's say they miss little I'll have a little box in the corner and I want them to get it right three at least three times before moving on to the next list because I don't want it to be a theme that they just remember that one day and they don't remember it the next days so I'll just put tallies inside the little box that way I know how many times have gotten right and um yeah that's what I'm doing like I said I am just gonna clean up today was a good day it was a good day to be back definitely feel like a Monday but I am happy to be back I definitely didn't miss my kids I am in the process of taking down Thanksgiving stuff it's still November but I'm just a little bit over the whole Thanksgiving thing I'm just ready for Christmas so I took down some little turkeys that I had in the windows I might take down that today or tomorrow and that's gonna stay there for now because I have to think of something that we're gonna do for that on my Instagram story I posted like a little snippet of my lesson plans because I was done and all had quite a bit of you asked me if I could share that template with you it's just a template on the word document that I created but if you are really interested in it then I'll put a link down below where you can download it and maybe you can use it for yourself I know a while ago I had a few people ask me to share the template and I never did not because I didn't want to but just because I forgot I'm busy but if you are interested in my lesson plan template it will be in the description box below and it will not be colored or anything I'll just be blank unless you have the funds downloaded then you will not see the coupons that are used but you can always just just use your own alright so I just finished making the examples for tomorrow for our journals so this is our site word journal and you can see there's some entries already but tomorrow I'm starting this off where they can highlight the site word so that's what it looks like super super easy business it needs to be this sometimes it just gets flew all the way but as long as they put it in order because let me show you the actual obviously it says no in our site where it's on so they have to be able to put it in the right order math journal for tomorrow so it's just which this kind of meets our standard for representing numbers or making models to represent numbers or whatever um so we have a ten frame we have the actual number and then just building it so it varies from time to time systems they use tallies sometimes you just make a group of twelve and then this entries just from the math journal that I had back but I decided to start making my own just to meet the needs of my students now tell you how long it took me to find my journals I don't have like a specific specific spot for them so I was just looking for them and I could not find them for the life of me and then finally I remember that last time I use them because sometimes I don't make an example because my students are pretty fast the last time I used it it was a sub that there I had a sub so I loved it for the sub and I could remember where this sub lifted and then I finally found them like 30 minutes later I was about to start making myself a new one because I couldn't find me I was so happy alright now I have to clean up the mess that I made while I was looking for them alright I'm officially done so I am gonna head out yeah ts tomorrow all right before you go this is what I was telling you about about like the morning work we used to do so this we never did but if you want to start doing it just for handwriting part this so I have these little book boxes from Ikea supplies new house and my excitement here so they don't have to like ask me constantly what they're supposed to be doing especially when I am working with students or small groups the next one is this one again I did it in a for every student and supplies these are so awesome for me right the room I used to put it I used to only print three of these and put them in like those like she protect your pockets or whatever but now I wanna see how they actually do it just because I'm curious I mean they used to do it right Owen time ago when they introduced it but I want to see if they're still doing all right so I have there for everybody clipboards because I'm only going to have two people doing it at a time and then just process well it's just a afternoon it's 3 p.m. today I'm gonna put you down me here today felt like a really long day actually it felt like a really long morning because we didn't have specialists and typically today would have been the day that we had counseling but our counselor was out today so instead we started our phonics a little bit earlier and that meant we had a little bit more time for centers which ended up working out just fine because I did want to introduce what I talked to you guys about yesterday like the required centers and to my surprise my kids really really wanted to use like they didn't want to do all the hands-on ones at all David's really women to do they look I think and I think it's because they can use things there that they cannot usually use on a regular basis so for example the smelly gel crayons they love those because they're just so smooth when you color and they smell really good so I think they really wanted to do that they also wanted to do the handwriting book which I really thought was not something that they were gonna want to do but they all wanted to do that and I think it's because of the Clerc pencils and and cut in the cutting one they wanted to do it because they got to use a hobby like a really chubby glue stick so for the most part a lot of my kids are getting those centers out of the way which is awesome because now they can just do the fun ones if they want to nothing not that those are not fun because obviously they want to do them but they can do like the painting or the like a resource stuff like that so I'm just putting together and interventions folder and this is gonna be I kind of want to start writing down when I do interventions and what I do at this is great intervention sorry so I just have paper for each of my students and it's gonna look like this it is this intervention log it says date skill slash standard activity and results or by result I mean did they get it did it not get it maybe did they forget from last time or something like that so that's what I'm gonna start doing I know there was a way where I don't know about you guys but in our school district our school district invest a lot of money towards our dibbles and by that I mean classroom teachers do not have to benchmark any students we have people that come into our schools and benchmark every single one of your students so in ten minutes everybody is done and then we also have instant data so soon as they are as soon as they are probably 100 or benchmarked then we can see the data right away because we progress monitor and benchmark on iPads so we don't do it on the booklets so as soon as they're done it goes up onto their profile I know that the school that I student taught did not have this it was the classroom teachers responsibility to benchmark and fill out those booklets and stuff like that but we don't have to do that here which is really nice but I know there was a way where you could click on a student and depending on their like scores it would give you become like it would recommend activities that you could do with them so I'm trying to find that and I can't remember for the life of me where that is but in the meantime I think I'm gonna take a break from this I got the kindergarten creat again I'm so excited so right now I'm gonna fill in unboxing and by a time you're watching this it's probably already gonna go up so look in the description box below and go onto if you haven't already this four o'clock I've made some copies I filmed the video and now I'm just getting things ready for tomorrow I went ahead and already did the show so it's the same thing as today I went ahead and did that and then I went ahead and just took pictures with my ladybug camera or a document camera so I can put them on a flip chart that I'm gonna use tomorrow so let me show you what those look like it's just a worksheet that we're gonna be doing before tomorrow for math will be cooling operate as a group and the reason I wanted it here so we can use the tools that the Promethean Board has I'm gonna be trying this out and I think I know I mentioned a while ago that I wanted to be doing this instead some hanging out tomorrow and this is an ex worksheet I was trying to see if it worked let me just erase that and then I am also going to start doing the morning message I do a morning meeting but I don't do a morning message which I don't know why don't so I went ahead and there's something that's super cute but it says not super cute but it says good morning today is Wednesday I'm so happy to see you today today we have Jim let's make it a great day so these words that you see in yellow are words art sight words that we've learned so they should be able to know how to reap those I don't have another one then I just pulled up my phonics lesson for it tomorrow and then this is something we're gonna start doing for writing I have a few students that are struggling a little bit with sentence and sentence structure they doesn't really understand what a full sentence is what these and this is myself with my left hand to make it seem more like a kid they've them so I'm going to tell that I have a friend that wanted us to fix her students sentences so we always talk about how a good writer starts with a capital letter I use his finger spaces and uses a period so that's what we will do for this one you'll also talk about how it has to make sense so this one says can't stand a candy snow obviously that won't make sense so we'll write a new one on the bottom this one does not have finger spaces for a period so we'll fix that one and this one just says cat so it's not a complete thought or sentence so we'll fix those tomorrow I think last well I may have mentioned that I have submitted copy requests for some Thanksgiving hats I had an attached a bunch of cardstock to it and usually they're really really quick to fulfill your request so within a next day or if not the same day they'll have it ready so mine was not ready and it wasn't and they just like kind of disappeared into thin air and I finally got it yesterday about a week too late I did submit it about three weeks ago or maybe two weeks ago I think it wasn't the 15th I think yeah it was I submitted I submitted the request on November 15th and I ended up getting it on November 27th so a little bit too late actually think that was for the best because the hats that we made ended up being a lot more cuter more cuter a lot more cute then the hats that I was going to make it was just more like there was more autonomy to them so like the kids gonna make it their own instead of just cutting and pasting something oh my god my skin is like breaking out so bad so then I'll just save those for next year in case I want to do those next year and the reason why I never got them until today is because I forgot to put my name on it so in the little paper that we fill out to submit our request it says like teacher and I put kindergarten I don't know what I was thinking but at least I got my cardstock back the extra cardstock because it was a lot of it also said the summer starts on Saturday and I was really really considering doing vlogmas and if you don't know what vlogmas is is basically when you vlog every day leading up until Christmas and I really really wanted to do it and I still really want to do it but I don't think I'll be able to because as it is I'm kind of really behind on vlogs I think right now I'm like two blocks behind and I'm trying to catch up but maybe I don't know maybe I will do it maybe it won't be as bad if it's like one blog a day and anything shouldn't be that bad but I don't know I really wanted to do it but I don't know how is it like almost December and there's so many ends like you see that that's crazy hey guys so I am back at my apartment I'm about to head out to the gym but before I but before I left I wanted to just check my comments on YouTube I do have an app on my phone it's a YouTube creator studio app and you can see the comments there as well as replying to comments and that's what I've been doing looking at them on my laptop I'm seeing that a lot of them do not show up on the app and let's say like you comment and I comment back and if you call them back again on that thread it will not show up so I didn't even know you commented backs so I think from now on I'm gonna go ahead and start taking like maybe like five to ten minutes every day and just look at the comment section on my videos and reply to as many comments as I can because I don't want you to think that I am ignoring you if I don't answer your comment it just sucks that a lot of comments we're not showing up my map but at least I figured that out now also I am planning on trying to get a peel box pretty soon I know I want to ask about it when I sent darren's box out and they told me I needed two forms of ID I need a driver's license and then a passport or something like that and my passport expired then they told me like okay you can use your lease well my lease like I do have an apartment but it's near my dad's name because when I first got it I didn't make enough money to be on the lease so the lease isn't there my dad's name so I can't use that my car isn't there my dad's name as well because it's his car that he lets me drive so the car insurance is on there his name too they told me I could use the school ID and I have my my university school I think but obviously even and even though this I have like an expiration date or anything on it I can't use it and then I tried showing them my teaching ID with like the district and they won't accept that either so I'm kind of at a loss of what other form of ID I can use because they are not accepting like the social security cards yeah I I don't know what else I can possibly use oh and then I couldn't use my driver's license at first because the address on it was my address back at home so now I finally changed it I got the new one today so now I'm trying to figure out what other form of ID I can use yeah all right I'm gonna go down alright so it is the end of the day on Wednesday and today was actually really good day I feel like I always yeah today was a really good day I feel like we got a lot done progress reports go on Fridays so I've been trying to get all that assessment done for the most part I am I just need to assess a few more students and I'll be done today we had Jim so it was nice to have that extra time just to plan yesterday so I started making a sign up genius for our gingerbread making our gingerbread house making party event thing so in case parents one or like donate stuff or bring in stuff for that event then they can go ahead and sign up for something I really really love it sorry I'm like fixing some things right here I really really love sign up genius that's how I schedule my conferences and it just makes everything easier and yeah if you haven't used it you totally should it's amazing they finding some really well for sex and phonics there is a portion pretty much every single day where you go through letter cards so there are two cards that you go through or two different sets that you go through and one it's just like a letter card the other one is a picture card so the picture card is a key word and then the letter again so that own you're supposed to say the key word and then the sound that the letter makes so for example for hat I mean so for example for H is hat though the way we do it is we do the letter card and then the picture card so we do H hat so obviously if we do that every single day I I definitely see the benefits of doing that every single day because it just kind of sticks better but it can get very repetitive and very redundant so in order to keep it a little bit more exciting a little bit more engaging I will say it in different voices and the kids will say it in that same voice so for example if it's the letter H card again so H hat huh will like will whisper it will say like we're angry and sometimes we'll say in the weird voice like I just because it's funny and it's and the kids are when I do that more kids are engaged than they would be as opposed to if I just did it like normal like H hat and we were doing that and I had a parent volunteer in the back because I think we started we started some phonics a little bit later than we usually do so I had a parent volunteer usually I have parent volunteers during centers and not necessarily during my instruction time and I could see him in the back just kind of laughing and it was just funny and then also when we were doing that one of my students was like you sound like a grown-up when you do that and I'm like doing out sound like a grown-up right now he's like nope so that I was funny too so after that we did centers for centers the center that I showed you yesterday that had more like paper pencil centers the kiss still really liked them and they want to keep doing them so Mike you know what if you want to do that go for it and during that time I tried assessing a little bit I had a parent volunteer do the little sight word list that I showed you with students to that one really well so then after that we had lunch and after and then we came back and then we read a story I forgot that I had bought a big bundle of Mo Williams like elephant and piggy books so I have I think ten books so I read one of those today so I actually read one of them on Monday and my kids really loved it so I read another one today and it was the one that's I'm a frog and all of them absolutely loved it and no it's really really fun to read that book to them if you were not familiar with that book it's basically just a piggy pretending to be a frog and the elephant just doesn't want to be a frog and is very adamant that doesn't want to be a frog and in the end you find out it's because he wants to be a cow so after a ride we talked about what it means to pretend and we talked a little bit about the story did it follow a leader inside the classroom usually we do follow the leader when we're going to lunch so I'll like run through the playground and the equipment and the like just follow me in a straight line this time you played follow the leader inside for like three minutes and we were all pretending to be something so I'd be like okay so follow me and we're all pretending to be frogs so we're all jumping like frogs and saying ribbit ribbit and then like okay now we're gonna be cows because of the books at cows and then we were penguins too and at first I had a student that was like do I have to and I'm like I mean you don't have to but it would be really great if you did and the student camp didn't want to participate but then that student just ended up wanting to like what started joining the group and it was fun they want to do it again tomorrow so we'll see so I decided I'm gonna play it and I always put it down here so I decided that Wednesdays they're gonna be the days that it's a me day so by that I mean I'm not gonna go to the gym I'm not gonna say super late and I'm just IMing do something for myself almost like Michelle does like her teacher three like every week she does something for herself Wednesday's are gonna be the day that it's something for myself so um earlier this week our new custodian was walking by and cleaning my classroom and he was listening to like very like old music kind of like Frank Sinatra Sinatra music so that reminded me of the notebook and I used to absolutely love that movie and I have it I just don't have it at my apartment is that my dad's house so I decided I'm gonna so I rented it on Amazon and I think once you watch it you can watch it again if you rent it there if I'm hopefully I'm wrong that'd be great so I rented it on Amazon on Monday and I was gonna watch it on Monday but I decided to hold off on it and I'm gonna watch it tonight I'm gonna go get myself some food and just watch the notebook and that's it I'm so looking forward to that I know it sounds totally lame but I really really I am really really excited so yeah well he's one things are gonna be the day for me I know it's like super counterproductive that I've been going to the gym yeah on Wednesdays I'm gonna like not eat healthy and I actually don't eat healthy on Saturday and Sunday so we'll see how that goes so there's just what it looks like I think it's a really cute graphic it just says December classroom events those are the events we're gonna have in December and I just realized they're actually back to back to back so gingerbread houses is on Monday Christmas parties on Tuesday and then Polar Express it's gonna be on a Wednesday so we'll see how that goes and I just made this on I know I always talked about it I have the premium membership I have the premium membership and it comes with a ton ton a ton of templates so I'm going to so I love using it for class stories all right I set all of my morning work on the tables I cleaned up and I'm going home so much for my day and got the usual which is a number seven and I wanted an apple pie because I love apple pies from here and I paid for it and everything then I get to the window they're like we're actually out of apple pies what do you like in strawberry pie instead and I don't like strawberry pies I want like apple pies like no no I don't I'm sorry and then they're like doing an ice cream instead and I don't it's fine like whatever just keep the money and it's fine it's like okay and then they'll they're trying to get my stuff and then like you know what we're actually waiting on Fri so can you pull over somewhere I'm like fine I'm just trying to have a me day all right I'm home now and as usual I'm just sitting in my car for just a few minutes before I go up to my apartment um I'm or calm down now I'm not gonna lie I was very annoyed that they didn't have apple pies because I was honestly looking forward to this apple pie the whole day if not the whole week because I knew that Talos may be the day where I was gonna eat my chicken nuggets with my fries and then have an apple pie after while watching the notebook so now my plans are have changed um but it's fine now it's really not that big of a deal it it really isn't but I was just a little bit annoying and that was also a little bit annoying of that I have to wait for my fries and then once I got my fries you're like you just want to wait another 10 minutes for your Apple hi Mike no thank you and I'm like it's fine like I'll just leave without it um I'll just sleep with my meal it's fine then like are you sure Mike yeah anyway uh I'm just sitting in my car I don't know I think it's where did I do this but I kind of like it um when I get home I think I've said it before in another vlog but when I get home I just park my car I just parked my car and I turn that off I just take my seatbelt off and I sit here for a while and scroll through like Instagram or Facebook or me some watch and over sometimes even watching YouTube videos because my apartments literally super close to the parking lot so my phone connects to the Wi-Fi so yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and start heading up and watch the notebook guys it's for 25 and I'm in my PJs watching a movie and I'm so happy really kind of lame how excited I am for this but I'm so excited you hi so it is Thursday afternoon it's 3:40 and I'm gonna head out to the store real quick and then come back to my classroom I do have a list of things that I want to buy to decorate in my classroom I didn't realize that December is tomorrow I don't know why but I thought there was 31 days in November there's not so I need to get my classroom Christmas ready or like holiday season ready and I'm gonna go ahead and do that and I'll take you with me I also have to buy other things too for my classroom like maybe some command hooks and snack for my kids tomorrow so I'm gonna take you so I'm gonna take you with me hopefully uses a little bit better but I have all these things so I'm going to show you what I got at Dollar Tree first and this is not really everything that I got in one trip like right now these are just things that I've been kept accumulating see I bought a tree topper a tree skirt some binder clips like the big ones because I am going to put some things on the ceiling is gonna be little snowflakes so you need a few of them um I got some hooks because I'm a little bit tired of all the jackets just ending up on the floor and like people make and people are tripping over them so when I put some hooks somewhere in our classroom where students can hang their jackets oh I got two packs I have eight hooks then I got some washi tape it's pink and I'm gonna use it for my center station I want to add more centers I need more room so I need to read like section it again and then I also got to accept it and I also got two extension cords all right stay right here does have some stamps cause tomorrow is price box I needed a few more items I got some Christmas pencils and some Navy how do i phrase this maybe an else is gonna come in visit us so we need a little bit of that I also bought some of these I bought quite a few of these so enough for 18 I think I think I have an 18 of these spheres I have two 18 of these ornaments because this isn't any part of the Christmas presents to parents and when I measure how tall each student is and put the ribbon inside or measure each student with ribbon and put it inside and I saw it on Instagram so I thought I'd give it a go I like that these come in two set because I know at Walmart you can buy these but it comes with one it's one for a dollar so easy to $4 so I think that's a pretty good deal and it just kind of works out I don't know about I don't know if I would do it again next series depending I didn't get as depends on topic my class size is then I also have some glow sticks again then in here are just more clear ornaments then in here I think I'm not going to show you because student that watches my videos so in there it's maybe enough maybe it's not I don't know okay there's nothing to Walmart I have some ornaments I also bought this box to store things in I need because as I'm accumulating more things to like things for the Apple tasting things for our Fall Festival thanks for our Thanksgiving feast I need a spot to put the mats so I figured I would put so I figured I would have used this box for that and just put it above my shelving area over there so then I also bought some garland it's 50 feet right I mean I don't know if I'll need 50 feet but if I do it's there I have some colorful Christmas lights and some ones that like drape a little bit so I'm gonna put those on my window then I also bought more of these little LED lights because I heard that sometimes our elf brings good tables a little Christmas tree so I figure this would be really cute to hop on I bought some lights and then I bought the ribbon that's gonna go in the ornaments I have this type of ribbon and the neighbors have like this snowflake spider ribbon because they don't have enough of one close enough all right so there's everything that I have I also have wait a minute nope I also bought [Music] because I am gonna make thank-you notes to some parents that came in and helped a lot during our Thanksgiving feast so some say thanks a latte or something like that still that's what these are for and then I also have these glitter ornament that I'm gonna be attaching some string to and just hanging from the ceiling which is why I needed the binder clip so when I go ahead and start decorating [Music] [Applause] [Music] I could have sworn these were supposed to be multicolored but that's alright okay so it is Friday room is a mess and I literally just spent the last hour trying to format this calendar this calendar so let me show you ahead this calendar I had actually shown you like the full-size version of it so I had actually shown you this size so it's just like a page like this and I wanted to do that but now I kind of want it like pop and I kind of wanted a like a half sheet calendar almost I don't know how to explain it so staple it and then yeah do you know what I mean and it proved to be way harder than I thought it was gonna be I don't know I just couldn't figure it out I don't know if it's because I was Friday and I'm so tired but I just can't figure it out I had to like use scissors and cut the papers and glue them on to other papers and go and copy them and copy them again and then double-side them and finally I got it but now I'm left with a bunch of hmm I'm left with a bunch of what are we saying I'm just left with a bunch of white papers I'm gonna try it one more time and then I'm gonna go home alright so I am actually leaving its 425 and I left my classroom a little bit of a mess like I cleaned it up a little bit but I clean that up a little I cleaned it up a little bit but I just so tired and I think it has to do with the weather it's super cloudy it's so gloomy it's a little bit chilly and honestly I love it it's a perfect weather to just kind of stay in bed and watch a movie so that's why it's so hard to stay later and clean up and organize and stuff like that let's try let's try to ignore the glitter so anyway I am gonna have to come in tomorrow because I have to put up Christmas tree that our alpha silly balls and then I have to decorate a little bit more so I want to put the snowflakes so I'm gonna put the snowflakes on the ceiling like I said I was going to and I went to put the lights that I didn't put it yesterday and I'm one to just organize my classroom if it's organized then I'll go ahead and film a classroom tour and that's that and since I'm gonna come tomorrow I'll just keep on vlogging tomorrow and I will and that will be part of this vlog but before I go I do want to talk about our day today and it was a really good day it was a really good chaotic kind of day so we did our morning work we went to our specials and my kids absolutely loved the decorations that I had up it was a little bit it wasn't too much it was just like lights in the garland or whatever but they really liked it special was one of our aides came in with a special delivery from the North Pole and it was a package and it was still cold so we went ahead and sat on a circle we passed her on the package so we could feel how cold it was and then there was a letter attached to it which I will show right here and it basically was just a letter from Santa introducing the elf saying that he sent the elf to our classroom just to kind of check up on us and he will report back to him my kiddos were absolutely excited about it we did a centrist as usual everything else was as usual for our letter crafts today we did a rabbit's because it was letter R week I don't know if I had mentioned that before I don't think I had um and then we went to lunch after lunch we did our usual routine so we relaxed her a little bit we had a read aloud and then we had a journals so for a journal so everything was the same and then right after journals we started to math a little bit different so we started coming up with names for our elf and I picked three of them and then we all voted on it so we were counting we were adding subtracting and stuff like that within this little activity so I'll show you like a little poster and then so are three options were elf a jingle or snowflake II I think it was and jingle won the vote work a little bit influenced by my vote I should have voted last but I voted like in the middle and pick jingle so people started picking jingle but I liked jingle so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and leave and then after that we after that we went outside for recess and then we had a prize box which was super chaotic in my price because what's going on my kiddos were making a like reindeer hat I'll put a picture of it right here of where I got it from and the link will be down below as well hopefully super cute and then ended up working out because it was our week so our reindeer and then I also give him ring pops at the end of the day for our week so now I'm gonna go
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 5,582
Rating: 4.8273382 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Id: DSuQbCybJbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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