Let's Talk Maternity Leave | Teacher Vlog

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I have a ton of balloons in my car so I went ahead and summed up how much money I spent on TPT this year alone like this school year alone and then how much money I've spent on Amazon this school year alone and [Music] it's amazing the things that can happen when you just kind of put it out there even though it's like embarrassing that's what happens when you give six and seven-year-olds cupcakes my projector cough thanks morning it is Tuesday yesterday was a Veterans Day so we didn't have school so I just got to my classroom it's pretty clean because I love to kind of organized last Friday it's really cold outside for Arizona I think my car was saying 38 degrees which doesn't really happen and hence why I don't really have jackets I have like sweaters like little cardigans and stuff like that but I don't have jackets so my plan for today was to go to the mall after school and maybe buy a couple jackets I forgot that today is a huge event for a school today um AT&T is doing this huge thing for our school they are catering lunch for the whole school today from the Ritz Carlton which is crazy and then after school there's gonna have this huge amount with like over a hundred people from there and then our school and yeah so I forgot about that so know how well that's gonna work so we'll see I'm gonna go ahead and make some copies for the week and then I'll talk to you guys later but I'm wearing a school shirt now I don't know why I totally forgot that AT&T was coming today and that it was gonna be a big thing and I just wore regular wear clothes so I just I've been up buying a school shirt I mean it was bound to happen anyway and I'm wearing this it's much more comfortable it's not as cold anymore so um it's better today's lunch was so fun AT&T got lunch for everybody it was a very kid-friendly buffet so it's like chicken tenders hotdogs hamburgers TV and J's and all that stuff and I was just great all the kids were super excited so I'm really excited to see what's gonna happen next because that was not even the main event we didn't really know what's gonna happen so it's really really exciting I'm gonna go ahead and head outside because I think we are supposed to be there and I'll talk to you guys later okay so it's actually the week after I filmed this vlog and I don't remember and I don't remember if I talked about maternity leave or not but if I didn't I wanted but if I didn't I wanted to get your input either here or until just connect and if you don't know what teachers connect this is a great website for teachers and there you can post questions start discussions and it is just a great way to get help and help others but anyway I was just wondering what maternity leave is like where you work let me just put it out there I'm not planning on starting a family anytime soon I wanted to know what my Trinity was like at my school and right now it is not the best burn to leave and education is not great whatsoever so I wanted to hear when trying to leave or paternity leave is like at your school let me know in the comments below or let me know on teachers connect I'll have a link down below good morning it is Wednesday I love for two weekends especially when it is a Monday night you have off that is feel like you get that extra day off and then the next week when you come back is short too and it's just great so I'm currently experiencing that right now I love it right now I just went to my classroom I went to go get some copies that actually made yesterday and I forgot to get so they are ready to go I did it didn't you them yesterday anyway so it was fine I need to change my schedule because I don't know about you guys but my students are always getting on me when I forget to change the schedule where are my schedule cards I'm not in my last vlog I was talking about how my projector is so dim and it really is so I had also talked about in comments that my that RIT person told me that that is as bright as it gets um someone also said someone also suggested trying to trying to pump up the brightness with a remote but there is no remote um I haven't seen one since I got here I moved into this classroom and it was completely empty so I pretty sure I did not see everyone control but they did order a new bowl for me so hopefully that helps I do appreciate the effort anyway one thing I'm gonna have to start doing after school is putting my Kindles away I have my candles here after school I leave them charging overnight so that they are ready for the next day great I stayed up pretty late because of that AT&T event so after school was still I'm here for like a tiny bit and well I was getting myself ready to go out into the parking lot I saw some kids messing around with them and they were not my kids they were actually kids that are usually never in here so I'm thinking maybe that's why but that that like upset me a little bit so now I'm gonna have to figure out a way where I can have them ready for the next day because we do use them pretty much all day long how do you manage your technology if there's literally like no room or space in your classroom to hide your technology and you still want it to be charged and ready for the next day what do you do if they are if someone else is using class rooms let me know I don't know if that's a super common scenario but if you have any suggestions let me know I also ordered a new set of these and I did that because usually my reading groups are for kids per group sometimes depending on reading levels and like how much they advance or not um there's five and then and this one comes with four so I wanted to make sure that I had enough to accommodate bigger groups since all my kids love playing this game so I had ordered an Lucette with the money that I got from the refun of the little USB things that didn't work I am pretty sure I can get up to $200 I think reimbursed through my school for things that I buy but I have yet to use that just because I rather use that money for consumables such as construction paper paint and stuff like that then things like this that's gonna last me forever no matter where I go so because I bought this with my money it's mine to keep so I rather do that [Music] all right so it is the end of the day today was pretty good I met only met with one group for reading and one group her math like centers which is fine actually and that work stopped because yesterday was ahead of schedule so I met with more groups yesterday so I just caught up today my projector got fixed our IT guy came in and changed a light bulb and it is so bright it is great like I can't actually see what I'm trying to do I can find the mouse super easily kids can see it is great even with the lights on we can see what's on the board I mean it's amazing I am super super happy I haven't flogging a little bit more which means I have a little bit more time at classroom after school but you guys kind of hardest thing after school because it because of different persons in my classroom with my kids and obviously kids behave differently with different people and it's just hard for me seeing my kids behave the way they do with other people in it and we're a kind of courage to like step in because I'm not takes away from whoever's in charge um like their authorities so I understand which makes me understand why people will leave right after school but I want to get work done so I'm actually gonna leave pretty soon I just wanted to blog a little bit um after school I went ahead and printed more of these I've shown these in my channel a few times but they're just little positive notes and I like to print them on cardstock and in fun colors I use them whenever someone does something really really great and recently I've been using them for math facts so when someone masters their math facts for like one two three years stuff like that they go ahead and get one of these to take home um I think in last week's vlog I showed you how one of our what that book ended up it um last in last week's vlog I showed you home one of our Kindles got shattered limited screen is completely cracked and that's really sucky because I used our Kindles a lot that's a huge part of my teaching and who I am as a teacher it's to incorporate that technology in the classroom so having that crack is kind of it's just just really sucks because they want my Kindles to be able to last a long time since they're not cheap so I had to put together an Amazon wishlist and I included a screen protector for each of my tablets and a case I have cases for three of them so I need a few more I was kind of hesitant to do this like posted on classdojo because I'm the kind of person that does not like asking for help very often especially especially when I'm asking for material things when it comes to asking for help like advice and stuff like that I'm okay but like but when it comes to asking for material things I struggle a little bit more so I was a little embarrassed to do that but I did it anyway and I already have some awesome parents are that are ordering cases on the whim I went ahead and put poster paint on the wish list because we don't really have any paint here at my classroom for like arts and crafts or art yeah that was ordered already - so I'm super happy it also had a parent message meeting was like hey I have two Kindles line you're on the house we don't use anymore because we have iPads now do you want them like yes I do that'd be amazing it's amazing the things that can happen when you just cannot put it out there even though it's like embarrassing yeah that happened today that is really really great I didn't want to talk about something on here I wanted to ask you guys I was looking at the maternity leave policy here at my school not because I'm not pregnant just put her out there now because I'm pregnant I don't want to have kids anytime soon but probably like it then but maybe in the next couple years or at three or four years but I was looking at it and and I had also seen someone Instagram I think it was lip thb or something like that I forgot her username so sorry she wasn't live I was talking about maternity leave in her school and my maternity leave here from my understanding was for my understanding is that you can get up to 12 weeks of maternity leave using you're cured like paid time off and from what I understand from my pay stubs and stuff like that I accumulate six hours of paid time off every paycheck that's every two weeks um last time I checked I was in the negatives already because I took a day off for my wedding and I took a day off for my honeymoon and so there's that and then from my understanding and then also from I under and also from my understanding I can't roll over paid time out from ear to ear so if I don't use it I lose it basically so now I'm just wondering how that works with maternity leave it sounds to me like maternity leave can happen but it would be unpaid my husband on the other hand works for a really big financial firm and he gets paid paternity leave for four months so so I don't know I was just thinking what maternity leave looks like in your school or your district or your state that can vary from state to state company company school to school to search district pretty much everything but I'm just curious to see what it looks like where you're at I'm gonna go ahead and gather myself I'm gonna go and I'm gonna go ahead okay so I'm gonna go ahead and try to gather my stuff now all right I'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Applause] hey guys it is Thursday after school today was quite a day we had a birthday and birthdays always get kids excited which is great but then also kind of hard to keep them like you know into the routine because they're so excited for cupcakes or cookies or whatever so yeah we had a birthday at the end of the days so to set my outside after we had the cupcake because they were off the walls about what happens when you give six and seven-year-olds cupcakes pay for math I actually started to do track so I came up with a tracking system similar to the way I track sight words right now I'm getting a craft together we are gonna make a turkey I don't know but I don't know about you guys but every single holiday has been like sneaking up on me I just I just can't get it and I just can't get it under control and it's kind of annoying saving us next week and we haven't really done anything is getting crafts so so that's what I'm trying to do last year we did like we did a Thanksgiving placemat and I want to do that this year so moving that ready so I can have him ready to go but I just remembered I don't have like big construction paper like I did last year so I'm gonna go ahead and have to order that which leaves me two went into the same point I was talking to my friend al if you don't follow her on Instagram her knee hurry is her handle is elementary al I don't even how we started talking but we did and I'm so glad we did and now we're going to teach your heart out together but anyway we're just kind of talking about how much money we spend in our classrooms and how ridiculous that is and before I go on I want to say that that I know I'm not obligated to spend money I'm not obligated to spend my own money in my classroom but I do because I want these things to make learning a fun experience so some of you may agree with it some of you may not agree with it but it is my money and I and I do gets better however I want and this is how I chose to spend it and yeah so I went ahead and summed up how much money I spent on TPT this year alone like this school year alone and then how much money I've spent on Amazon this you're alone and whoa whoa when it comes to TPT I'm yelled at is I know that I buy a lot of stuff on there little by little I don't really realize how much I'm spending until now and then I usually use the money that I get from like my TPT store which is not much to buy things from them so when it comes to Amazon and TPB combined I've spent nine hundred m60 dollars this year alone I know I know I feel like part of it has a lot to do with the fact that I am teaching unavailable I am in a brand new school this classroom that I came into literally had close to nothing for besides beat that is curriculum and desks so yeah that explains a lot but that also makes me feel kind of sad good morning it is Friday I'm gonna go ahead and get some things ready for next week next week it's a really short week we only come to school on Monday and Tuesday and then Tuesdays are things hitting party in our classroom and after school as well I actually have to make a post on doors about that to make sure that parents are not confused that it's completely different things um anyway so yeah - it's gonna be crazy because for a little party and then Monday I kind of want to do another Thanksgiving correct because thanks can't even snuck up on me so I'm gonna show you my computer actually the creative classroom on TPT has this how to catch a turkey like step by step writing craft and I want to do that but instead of how to catch a turkey I want to do how to cook a turkey Thanksgiving dinner or something like that we have been practicing first and last type of writing so I think I'll be cute to see what they think any turkey shirt should be cooked so I'm gonna go ahead and get the things ready so my you can go ahead and make copies for me okay so I'm home now it's Friday um and it's 259 so I didn't vlog much today in the morning because morning I don't see cat remember what I was doing this morning that made me not vlog but anyway I was rough we did our turkey crafts and that was really and that wasn't really well really smooth it turned out great and then I realized that things were missing like things had gone missing as I mean possibly we're stolen so in my classroom I have a Writing Center and scented eyes kids to try the Writing Center I have like fun pencils fun pens scented markers tons of cool crayons they can use when writing one of the things that I added was a three pencils that I got from you buy in that Holliday little care package that I got not too long ago if you told me an Instagram do you know what I'm talking about if you don't here it is so three pencils that were holographic had a huge pencil topper we're there and they were fine the kids loved it and then today the students that were on that Center told me like hey Messiah oh they're not here anymore like the pencil was but the eraser on the top wasn't anywhere to be found and honestly that frustrates me quite a bit because I have no idea when it's happening I don't know if it's happening on my watch like when during a school day or if it's happening after school if you're not familiar with my situation the school that I work at a Houston after school housing after school program my classroom is used along with pretty much all but other classrooms so my students they after school in my classroom for an hour to do homework then they go to get snack and then it's time for like a club time still depending on what students sign up for the club different students will go to my classroom so as students anywhere from kindergarten to eighth grade and it's I feel like it's just a huge revolving door of students so I really never know who's there I want to say and I'm not saying that to happen after school it could have easily it could have easily happened on my watch but I'm just saying it's hard to pinpoint when it happened when there's so many students coming in and out of my classroom so yeah frustrating I don't know what to do I don't know guys that oh I think I already asked I think I already asked the student is walk but what do you do when your classroom is being used and kind of has to be used like there's really no way around it your stuff is like not respected and it's not the teachers fault it's just there's so many kids in and out that it's hard to keep track of things I think and I was talking to Alex about this and easier gesture just bringing everything that I have in my classroom home like back and forth but that's not ideal like it's my classroom I should be able to feel safe and secure in it to the point where I can leave erasers on a desk and they'll be fine but I also don't want to take away the fun little things like that because it's not fair to the students that do take care of my things and follow rules and stuff like that it is I feel and I also feel a it's not fair for me because it takes a while it takes away from my style of teaching so no guys I don't know you guys I I feel like last vlog I complained a lot and if you like this vlog aren't complaining a lot and I don't want to be that person that complains um their vlogs every single vlog but but I'm trying to stay positive I'm trying so hard to stay positive but it's hard when things like that happen like almost every day let me know what your suggestions are regarding the situation and just as a reminder after school has to use my classroom there's all the way around that let me know what you think I should do and then also I don't have space to like lock things away I literally don't have any cabinets in my classroom and so yeah I don't know what to do I just don't know let me min the cons well I'm gonna go ahead I actually order some groceries and pick them up I'm gonna go ahead and put them away and I'm gonna go meet up with my old team teacher we're gonna go have dinner so that is definitely gonna lift my spirits I love her to death so I'm excited to see her good morning it is Monday November 19th get November 19th this week is a very short week we only come to school today and tomorrow and then we have Wednesday Thursday Friday off which which I've never personally had before I know when I was in cool we only had Thursday and Friday off and this is pretty much the only school that I have known of that has Wednesday and there is a and Friday off I know some of you have a whole week off but I think we don't have that because we did have a whole week off in October so that's probably why I'm really really excited today because we finally got our pen pals back if you didn't know I'm doing pen pals with a fellow first grade teacher in another district I kind of met her last year she was student teaching at my school and first grade so she reached out to me not too long ago and now we're doing pen pals and I just picked them up on a Friday so my kids are gonna be so excited I also got three more cases I don't know if I said that yes I didn't see that last blog but but I did get two cases from a parent on Friday and then I got any more from another parent and I'm just so incredibly thankful for everything because everything's because everyone's been super kind so I did buy some thank you cards at Target this weekend so that I can write thank you cards I used to I used to be big on thank you cards and think you give soup last year this year kind of not been with it so I'm gonna go ahead and put tears down put laptops on desks and I'll talk to you guys later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so he's after school today was quite a day like short weeks like especially with really short weeks like those sakes like this week are always a little bit weird they're not bad they're just different and kids behave differently so we did end up doing a writing thing and tomorrow we're gonna make it into this turkey so it's a recipe on how to cook a turkey this is from learning in Wonderland and originally it's how to catch a turkey but I'm gonna make it how to cook a turkey so let me read to you what my students said it goes into cooking or baking or whatever a turkey is so this is what it looks like um they said first take out the turkey from the bag and put it on a big plate then add coca-cola on it and actually they have set a put coke on it and I'm like yeah I don't want to say put coke on a turkey or in a turkey so put coca-cola in it take off the bones because they will melt add hot sauce and pop veggies around it they had also said put marshmallows inside of it then put it then put the turkey in the oven for four minutes at 500 degrees and finally take it out of the oven and eat it with your family super cute so we're gonna make it so we're gonna make sewing out the writing portion all finished and we're gonna make the turkey part tomorrow's and let me show you what our placemats and then up looking like from last week that we're gonna use tomorrow okay so this is my example I ended up not purchasing the Tulpa 18 construction paper because I just didn't feel like going on Michaels I couldn't order it although Amazon Prime's so I just made do and I just put two of these together like me just put two regular-sized construction paper together and it works out better because that way I don't have to trim off anything off so they can fit in the menu size I'm sorry so this is my example I think it's really cute last year I went ahead and put almost like a garland looking thing right here says gobble gobble but not this year at home time to do that so that's my pimple and this is a student example look how cute that is so we are gonna be using these as placemats tomorrow for things I can see so far I don't know if I mentioned this but I did put out a sign up genius maybe like three weeks ago for our things hidden fees so just asking for like pie and plates and stuff like that and everything was filled within the first day which I'm super thankful for and and then I also asked parents to please bring them in last Thursday and Friday so we can have them ready for this week but no don't we've already brought this stuff in I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that they bring them tomorrow I know some people are bringing him tomorrow for some poor mashed potatoes and like turkey cold cuts kind of thing then they are gonna go ahead and bring him tomorrow because that makes sense but for like bread and stuff like that we don't have them in yet and I've had parents ask if they can bring in stuff but I don't know because people signed up for that but they haven't brought it in so I don't know if they if they don't bring it in by tomorrow then I'm gonna have to go and run to the store through my lunch break and I the remaining things so like I said hopefully they bring you in today is Monday so it is the day that I don't have any after school people use my room which I'm super thankful for so I'm gonna go ahead and finish putting my alphabet letters up I'm gonna go ahead and take these off and I might I'm not sure yet but we'll see what else I do also I have covers for all my tablets now and is such a beautiful sight so excited we have one for every Kindle and I actually have an extra one so okay there's one rips or I get a brand new Kindle of that size and I have a cover for that okay let's go ahead and hop into the cleaning organizing montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I usually sorry it's echoey um I usually don't film when I'm home just because I don't really do a lot of whoa I usually don't do a lot of work here at home anymore but today I am again sorry if it's echoey I'm up I'm in my office that's a huge mess and that's not and this is not like an office but I wanted to get some books let me just show you those are my reading logs here and I'm here and I forgot to pack some books I wanted to take this one with me and I want it Turkey trouble for today but that's fine yeah I'm gonna take these two books to school tomorrow and then I'm gonna cut these out right now I posted up an Instagram story about this so I'm gonna do that right now I can't believe I didn't I can't believe I didn't read like a lot of things keeping books like I did last here I separate holidays are just sneaking up on me and it's so frustrating but nothing ton of Thanksgiving things into tomorrow good morning it is Tuesday I have a ton of balloons in my car actually just explodes but that's because I have five of my students that are gonna be anything sitting playoff your school so I want to go and watch their play do them blue and any card it just because they just because I admire the way they committed to this play and just practice and practice and practice okay so it is my recess my kids made me out there for about 15 minutes we started making butter it looks disgusting but it starting to look thicker so we just Oh actually settled so we just have to shake it a ton more if it's not ready by lunchtime I'll do what I did last year last year I didn't do a good job with it I just bought butter and then put it in the container so the kids thought that that's what it looked like but some of them were looking good but some of them are really like what are you so I don't know for how long we're supposed to shake them for but it looks like I might be running to the store to buy butter it's true places with yeah so you can kind of see that it is forming but it's just like we look like butter okay so you might be able to hear the kids next door they are the after-school kids I'm just cleaning up a little bit my classroom my classroom was an absolute mess at the end of the day but that's because we did it so much like festive things so first we made butter and we have it right here it looks gross we did not actually try it um but it is buttery like if I shake it doesn't come out but I'm just gonna throw it away because I don't want it I also ran to his store to buy butter because I had kids put some in there and then with the label we made these things that are supposed to look like a turkey not anymore technically the cold fish are supposed to go on the finger things and the popcorn in the palm but I didn't have enough popcorn for that so just take that instead and the kids really liked it I originally was gonna go ahead and make myself and give it to the kids as a treat but didn't have time to do that so I had that cuts do it and they loved it after that we went ahead and we also finished our like how to make turkey turkeys today then we had our Thanksgiving feast we went ahead and move the tables like a banquet style so we were all looking at each other they're equally apparent came in to drop things off and she offered to stay and help serve which was a huge time-saver so all the kids got to eat pumpkin pie apple pie potato salad like turkey like lunch meat turkey cranberry jelly cuz I'm because a lot of kids don't much like cranberry sauce and then what else cheese string dinner roll and and juice so everybody had that and they all really liked that they were super happy we went around the table and said what we were thankful for um talking about what we're thankful for I also had her aid I also had my e to go ahead and pull one kid at a time and then record them saying what they're thankful for in front of a green screen and that's gonna be a Thanksgiving video for that I'm gonna post on dojo on Thanksgiving Day too saying Happy Thanksgiving [Music]
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 13,675
Rating: 4.6738195 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher, teacher life, kindergarten, first grade, that one happy classroom
Id: qnY32AqqtyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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