So Grateful! | Teacher Vlog Ep. 16

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today has been just a weird day so I was here for like over 12 hours straight I want I'm gonna organize my closet and color code and color-coordinated all my clothes and that's what I would so he has some things don't change [Music] all right so I'm in my classroom and yep it is a huge mess so I'm gonna clean up a little bit I'm gonna print out some of my master copies for the week and I think that's pretty much all I'm gonna do today because I have to go grocery shopping and all that stuff so I'm gonna clean up and I'll talk to you guys and a little bit okay step in here for a while and I decided to organize my instruction paper I wish I would have I wish I would have shown you what it look like before but it was a complete mess couldn't really see what colors I had so I ended up putting all my like longer construction paper right here and ISTEP writing it by colors so I have all my tan ones right here like a little darker tan right here blues and they put like sentence strips right here's it so I can know where like the pile or the stack begins and ends so these are not separated by car just yet and neither are these I'm going to have a pan volunteer separate them for me I have my letter size construction paper there too as well as my Astro brights paper and I thought I was running out of a surprise paper but then I organized it and I realized I am not so this is where I'm gonna store it for now and I have to buy more hanging folders because I didn't have enough but I have all my a strip rights paper right here this is a surprise paper but like the cardstock one and the musicians are right this one is just a regular one that didn't fit and they didn't want to open it just so it went no get all messy this is just regular printer paper this one is cardstock paper and then right here I have more construction paper so this is definitely going to so this is I'm so glad I did this I've been wanting to organize my paper for a while now so I mean it's not finished but it works ok so it's 2 o'clock now and I'm gonna leave now because I have to go get ready and go have lunch hey guys so it's Monday cno's day I my post-observation meeting and I was a little bit nervous especially because I think I told you guys that I accidentally used the wrong worksheet for my observation but it went really well I am really happy yeah it went really really well and I'm proud of myself for that I don't know like I don't want to say too much but yeah I just went really really well and I'm super super happy right now in my classroom it was an absolute mess I can't make copies because the office is closed and I had two meetings to go to before my post-observation meeting so I guess I'm gonna have to come in a little bit earlier tomorrow and make copies for the day and then I'll make the copies for the week after school so I'm gonna go ahead and clean up because my classroom is an absolute mess especially my round a bright round horse my horseshoe table and on my desk they are a complete mess I'm gonna go ahead and clean those up so last night I actually want to sleep pretty late I think I want to sleep like at 11:30 because I was finishing up my lesson plans I just kind of got distracted and it's a grocery shopping it's had to clean my room before I love some plant but I got them done then I realized today that on Friday is a half day so we're getting out at 11:00 I think and I didn't write that on my lesson plan so have to change that and see what I'm gonna do I also created sorry I also made some things for my aide to do with the kids that she pulls so I made like a maimie mat I want her to work on like letter ID but like the letters in their name I think that's what's gonna be more spin official for them so I made a mat that's like says her name and then underneath a builder name with like tiles or like magnets and then they write it and then there's flashcards with their names I hope that make sense I can't show you that right now because it has the student's name so I can't show you but I made that and then I made I had two worksheets let me show you the worksheets at me one morning work this week I want to do Monday Wednesday Friday - I want Monday Wednesday Friday to be to be like literacy so like letter of the week and select that and then Tuesday Thursday I wanted to be math worksheet today we're gonna do this one today just okay just to see if they remembered the letter from last week okay so here's a worksheet that I made it's not the prettiest worksheet but it will do for now eventually I will tweak it so we are working on matching numbers - like amount of objects so I have this one that we're gonna do tomorrow let's just zero through five and it's with fingers so you can see I'll just cut them out and then glue them when they go I also have this one we're gonna do on Thursday this one is with ten frames and again it's not the prettiest one but I'll work eventually to make it more like aesthetically pleasing in my eyes but this one's they're just gonna match so I'll count and then match it to the numeral and then trace a number so that is what I made less yeah we I'm so glad we did the wrong worksheet thing all right it says 453 and I'm getting ready to leave all I've been doing is kind of like organizing my closet as you saw so I put away more construction paper and then I cleaned up like one of the shelves because it was an absolute mess and now it looks a little bit better right now I'm right now I want to kind of organize my parent volunteer area so I can have things ready for them tomorrow that way you don't have to stop like my instruction to tell them what to do so I'm gonna go ahead and set it up put sticky notes on the staff and organize my back table and then they have to do some things to do some things but I want to do something for my classroom once I get home since I can print stuff there even colors so I'm gonna do that right now all right things are looking ok now except for my back taper I still have a few things but I think I'm just reeling in there because there I thinks I'm gonna need out tomorrow anyway so yep also my desk is not looking too bad I mean and this needs to go I mean what the drawers are a whole different story yeah I just have some things for tomorrow to copy and that's about it also I don't know what to do for this so when I found that I was gonna be a kindergarten teacher or I was gonna be hired to be a kindergarten teacher I started looking for kindergarten teachers on YouTube and I found the letter classroom when she was still a kindergarten teacher and she was talking about smart art so I think that's something I'm gonna do because I love doing crafts but then it's gonna hard to incorporate them in when it's just a craft so remember her having like a really cute craft but it had other components to it like sight words and stuff like that so I'm gonna go ahead and try to look for something like that you know one of the teachers here did like a really cute newspaper owl because it is like an week so I might do something similar to that but add other things also tape today for sight words we did like set work basketball and I got this idea from Greg from the kindergarten smorgasbord he posted a video on this he it was a little bit different because I didn't have the equipment that he had so he had like a basketball hoop that you wear on your head and he punted off-site words on green paper not green paper orange paper and the kids would like read up and then they would come blade up and try to make it into the basket which was really fun however I don't have that thing and I know he got it from five below 5 and below or whatever it's called there's not one of those stores near by where I live so I improvised with that part and I just said I'm gonna be the hoop and I just put my arms out like this and the students would read the sight words so I had the side words from last week they we could pour that and this week so just kind of like a review for sight words and we reviewed them all because we couldn't play the game until all of us could read the site words or could remember the site words and then I would pick sticks and the person would come up to the front pick a set word read it show it to the class the class would read it and then they would crumble it up and they would try to shoot it so they would try to make it like between my arms and if they did that would get a point if they didn't they didn't get it then they didn't get a point if they got to five points and they would be able to do a KO noodle and my kids were able to get to ten points and so we got to go noodles and they absolutely loved it the only thing I was kind of nervous about was like the cleaning up of it because obviously paper balls were going to end up like all over the place but my kids were very quick to clean up like I didn't even have to ask them they like took it they took initiative and they cleaned up all the paper balls by themselves which was awesome so I think I'm gonna keep doing this and I might just change like the themes here and then but they loved it so I think I'm gonna keep on doing it I just wanted to share that with you because that was such a fun thing tomorrow I do have my pre-conference sorry I'm like looking at my calendar right here I have my pre conference tomorrow after school for my instructional coach observation I know so another teacher is also getting observed for that and I think we're both teaching math so originally I didn't want to teach math from my observation I wanted to do phonics just because well at the time when I set that up I was more comfortable with math but now I'm feeling more comfortable with the phonics I guess it it works no at this markup I don't but anyway I accidentally gave her the wrong time I gave her their time frame from nine ten to nine like fifty but I realize that that's my center is time so I can't teach phonics during that time since to my reading lab kiddos get pulled out and I can't teach phonics um what any when kids are being pulled out so I'm gonna teach math I'm gonna go home and kind of look over my plans and yeah we're just gonna observe me on Wednesday so by the time you're watching this you're actually watching this a week later I didn't really do this on purpose but it just kind of ended up but it kind of ended up working out I was just really busy and I kind of want to take a weekend just to myself editing takes such a long time especially because my vlogs are usually like 45 minutes to an hour long it takes a really long time to go through all that footage and cut out things that like I mess up with or things that I probably shouldn't talk about but but yeah I wanted to take a break and that's what I did I actually wanted to be productive but I was not very productive so and the reason I say that it's kind of working on us because by time you're watching this I'm on fall break or my fall break is about to end and obviously if I'm not teaching during fall break then there's no point in vlogging because what am I going to talk about like me watching Netflix at home I know that some of you we want to see like more of my personal side but I was advised to keep my personal life and my professional life separate so that's why my vlogs are basically only about teaching and nothing else just because again I was advised to keep those two separate I know there are other teachers I know that there are other teacher bloggers here on YouTube that show more other personal live they show their significant others you show their families and stuff like that but I think but obviously things vary depending on where you work so in case I know that there were some people asking if I would ever have my boyfriend and my vlogs and the answer to that is no but like I said I'm just trying to play it safe so I know that often times when I show things that I make for my classroom here on my channel you guys ask me to put on teachers with teachers or I say I'm gonna put it on teachers be teachers and I end up not putting it on teachers be teachers it's not that I don't want to it's just that creating products for TPT is actually kind of time consuming like for me I don't mind if like let's say I made these cards I made these I have who have I made these cards for example these are like I have who has cards and they're the alphabet cards well that reminds me wanted that reminds me I wanted to make number but for example if the clipart is not perfectly centered for things that I make for my classroom I'm okay with that but I'm sure that if my clipart was not perfectly centered people would notice and they would limp and then they would leave me a bad review and ultimately that hurts my store so that is kind of why it takes a little bit longer I can't really just upload it I know some people wouldn't mind but again there are people that do you mind and I understand that I mean if you're paying for something you want it to be good and for the most part I do receive pretty good feedback on my items that are on my store I did I think I've only had one like almost negative feedback but I think it's just because the buyer didn't really understand what the product was I think he was for my borders and those borders are obviously not editable they are just it's a border it's template of a border that you print on asteroids paper or colored paper and then cut that open this border and the buyer wanted to be able to edit it and so yeah it wasn't editable and I didn't like it but now I made it like very clear in the description that is not editable so I just gonna why it takes me a while to get products up in my store but I'm hoping that during fall break I will have more time I don't know how much time I will have because I will still be working at a day care but I hope that have time to at least make the Go Fish well to at least make the goldfish one available over here I'm gonna show you something that I made I think he started showing you this in last week's blog but I hadn't finished it so I showed you that I made some letters with a hot glue gun on wax paper or parchment paper sorry so is this what they look like and then just put them on rice I should've bought white rice I thought I did I mean it is kind of white and I just put some like Halloween erasers in me so I'm just gonna kind of hide them in there and here is a recording sheet I have to make one for lowercase letters so this is what it looks like they will they are just going to I don't know and they're just going to record what letters they found in the bin yeah I'm gonna introduce that sensor tomorrow I should really go home like this is what we're gonna do for whatever centrist it's gonna be a little crap so I can't have this bulletin board filled but it's gonna be a purposeful crap so I have all the little pieces to it so circle a smaller circle some legs and there's gonna write the right and then they are gonna write their site words with a white crayon and then just put some eyes on it so it's gonna be one of the Centers I'll have hopefully a parent volunteer helps with this if you know I can fully in with myself it's not I can totally supervises myself as well but I'm gonna make a web on this one and it's going to say caught up in a web of sight words and the spiders are gonna be all around it so just want to show you I mean it's not like Eunice spider but maybe I should have something here all right I just finished filming a Q&A video and it turned out to be so incredibly long so editing is gonna be so much fun but thank you to all of you that asked questions on my Instagram again if you did not get a chance to ask a question I will have another Q&A not probably next month so be on the lookout for that all right so I'm getting really hungry so I think I'm just gonna clean up and go home even though I don't want to go home see aren't those trees cute tomorrow I have an observation for my instructional couch I did meet with her today we just kind of talked about my lesson plan and honestly I am a little bit nervous she is observing math and I feel like maths not my strong points right now uh-huh I am following a kinder math lesson so should be fine so gonna scared what is the subject that you find the most difficult to teach I feel like math is more difficult for me to teach it doesn't come as easily as like other subjects for me to teach and I don't like this feeling I hope I get better I mean I feel like I have gotten better from the beginning of the school year until now but I want to be even better if that makes sense I also have to feel my outfit real quick for an outfit up the day video even though I don't want to because I'm in a huge fan of my outfit today so I guess I'll do it anyway whoa it was a really busy day today is Wednesday it's already after school is 3:43 stuff in here a while today was really released so the kids were dismissed at 1 o'clock but again I still have same contract hours that's totally fine I had four meetings today back to back to back to back and I didn't expect that I don't know why just I didn't think I was gonna have that many meetings but it was okay um for one of the meetings a Liberian came from like another library like a public library and she caught us all like at least thirty books to all the teachers which was amazing so I have them on a bag I'll go through them later um right now I'm just sitting down doing report cards but I'm really really hungry and I'm kind of not feeling great so I think I'm just gonna clean up here and the classroom and then just take everything home with me and do it from and do it in the comfort of my own home while watching a flick that just sounds a whole lot better I am so hungry my head is kind of hurting I didn't really have a good lunch because I didn't like what I brought for lunch so I just basically ate mine grapes and my watermelon and that's about it and that is not a good lunch especially when I didn't have breakfast or I had a banana for breakfast so also a student gave me this bracelet in the morning and I thought it was super cute this particular students not like super like affectionate towards me or anything compared to all the other students so that's student giving me this bracelet totally made my day I had two pair Mullins here's come in today and I'll show you what they were working on I think I just trying to showed you yesterday wooden wanted sees you for the flashcards so I had a parent volunteer come in and he did him for me I didn't know it's gonna be a heat I thought I was gonna be bit mom but it wasn't that but I'm so thankful so this is what my flashcards look like and they'll just you know I could just use these and kids will like Tracy what their fingers hopefully there's and hopefully that just adds like an extra element to flashcards um I'll show you are a little craft I kind of showed you yesterday but we officially finished it so maybe I'll do that bulletin board and then I'll leave but this is my example it's a little spider just with a few of our site which from the last three weeks and it's just sad words is a lot of spiders super easy to make it literally took me like 20 minutes to prep and he just has our same words so I'm gonna go ahead and do that actually [Music] all right third Asst and I'm on the side right here I'm just going to put I think it's gonna say something online some caught up in a web site words and I think it looks cute right so I mean I kind of I'm about to leave I'm gonna set up McDonald's and I'm gonna get something named because I'm starving and I don't know about this week I just feel off this week um sorry I just feel tired I don't know if it's tired yeah I guess I do feel tired and because I feel tired I'm I'm not as motivated as I usually am like usually I'll be my classroom doing things but right now it's almost gonna be five and I really didn't do that much I mean I had a since like three o'clock and I really didn't do much I just had my bulletin board I did a few like I did a fear like report card things and then I just didn't do anything and they don't like feeling this way some hoping of the break will like gave me a lot more energy and I will not feel this way I think that might be a little reason why um however I do think my situation at home has a lot to do with it so hopefully that situation gets better and I can get back to my regular routine but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and leave if I do anything school related oh I'll get but yeah all right so obviously I am home now and it's been a while I just lemonade these that I'm gonna need for my lesson tomorrow I am being observed tomorrow for whatever reason I thought why is my hair so weird today I don't know I today has been just a weird day my hair feels like extra fluffy and I don't know if I like it but anyway I thought I wasn't get observed today sorry I have my McDonald's right there I thought I was gonna get observed today but then I rechecked my calendar and I'm not getting observed until tomorrow so then I switched lessons so I need these for tomorrow these are gonna be part of my lessons so again these are from kinder math from Terra West and they'll just be playing these in partners for a little bit they'll opt out a action I guess and then those other students gonna guess what number they were acting out so hopefully that goes well I haven't done this with my kids yet but this is the first time that this was introduced in the curriculum so hopefully it goes well so ever since I was just working on first I made these to put on my bulletin board and they just look like this then I was just working on these like puzzles almost I do have some that I got from Pinterest they were free I don't know exactly the website but if I do I'll link it down below but those only go up to ten so I think we've mastered that like one through tens I'm gonna make eleven through twenty okay so my students really like this almost game board like game that I have in my classroom the one that I have is also from kinder math but it doesn't have anything in the little boxes or circles I think it is it's just for them to count so they love that games I figured I would kind of run with it so I made this it just has pictures so when they land on something let's say they land on Apple then they'll have a recording sheet that I have not creating yet that I will create right now and they will just write like a because a is for Apple so I'll record the initial sound if that makes sense I'm also going to try to make this same kind of template game type thing for sight words so let's we'll see good morning it is Thursday and it's gonna be a really really long day so today in the morning I have morning duty and then after school I have a school event that I volunteered to help we are required to pause here like this we are required to help out a to school events and Kenda round up is one of them so I signed up for the first one just to get it out of the way earrings but yeah it's gonna be a really long day the event goes from 5:00 to 7:00 and I'm probably gonna have to say after to help clean up so we'll see how it goes and I think I can leave for a little bit and then come back but then there really is no point since I live like 20 to 30 minutes a week so I'm gonna stay in my classroom the whole time and hopefully get some work then okay so it's Sina have the date on Friday it's actually pretty early it's only one o'clock but my hair looks crazy but I didn't get a chance to vlog very much yesterday because it was a really really busy day yesterday is when I got observed by my instructional coach and yesterday I also worked in a school event so I think we are required to do two after school events per year and I did this one so I was here literally until 7:30 ish last night so is here for like over 12 hours straight and surprisingly I'm not as tired as I thought I would be oh my god isn't straight me crazy okay this is better but yeah surprisingly I'm not as tired as I thought I would be but today did I feel off and I think it's mostly because it was a short day it was our first like half day ever for me and for my students so it kind of felt weird all we really had time to do was just our regular morning routine so we did our morning work morning meeting calendar and then after that we didn't have specials because it was a half-day so we just did a little bit of phonics and then we went straight into centers so we did two center rotations then after that we went and watched the homecoming parade which took about like 20 minutes and then after the homecoming parade we went to lunch so yep but and then after lunch we came back we did a little bit after that we did have a little celebration because we reached 30 like whole class all-stars so we reached out yesterday like just in time like perfect timing and so he had some cupcakes some juice and watch the movie and after that it was just time to go so yeah it was a really quick day and right after school I had my post-observation meeting with my instructional coach and I think he went really well um so basically what my instructional coach did while she was observing me was she drew she just wrote on everything that I was saying and she would coat it I asked her to focus more on my questions to the students so she would code my questions and she would code them according to whether they were congruent to my objective or they were not congruent to my objective so if I'm asking the kid like Kingstown please she would write that down and obviously that's not congruent to my objective if I'm if my objective is for kids to count like from 1 to 10 or something like that but my academic questions were pretty much all congruent so that made me feel good one thing that I got out of this observation that I'm glad I did is that when I walk around to see what students are talking about I walk around like in like a G almost so I kind of avoid like the top right hand area and I didn't notice that until right now when she told me that when she showed me kind of like a diagram of how I walked around the room hums to that that's really good to know because I did not know that I didn't really walk towards the kids that are sitting up at the front so yeah that's good to know all right so right now we are free to go we don't have to say until 2:45 but I am gonna stay here and organize my classroom I don't know if I'm gonna come to my classroom a lot in the next week because I am gonna be working at the daycare so um I was doing my report cuts right now and I'm almost done I just basically need two more grade students to put in and they're pretty easy and then I need to do my comments which I pretty much have like almost done I just have to input them but the computers being super super super slow so I'm gonna take a break and just organize everything before I do I have parent-teacher conferences coming up in the couple next couple weeks so I planted some things out to half vary for conference so let me show you so I have two evaluations that I'm gonna get my students for self evaluations first one is this one so just has this is how I feel about fun accenture storytime journals math science social studies recess and exploration so that's one of them that they're gonna complete and then I also have another one that's how I think I'm doing in blank so how I think I'm doing following teachers directions how I think I'm doing when listening to others and so on and so forth at first I was gonna sit down and do it with them but I figured I that's probably not gonna be the most accurate representation of what they feel so I'm gonna have my aide do those and then she can just give him to me when she is done then I also have some conference for reminders these are all freebies on teachers make teachers by the way so if I can remember to link them below I will and then I'm also gonna have this for parents I'm gonna send this home for parents when we come back from break and it's just a conference survey so they'll just times are like what are some areas of strength that you are seeing in your child how's homework going for you it's your child reading with someone at home too they need help finding books do you have specific questions or concern you want to discuss so this is a really cool thing to have that way you kind of have something beside it's great to talk about and it's not just like awkward when you were talking to parents well I put my I finish my bulletin board someone to show you what it looks like so that is just what it looks like and I think it's really cute alright so I just finished filming a video by now you should probably have already seen it and if you haven't I'll have it linked down below but my classroom is an absolute mess and I just want to go home but I can't leave it like this and of course is typical procrastinator me that decided to start organizing instead of doing my report cards that is usually what I do that's what I would do in college I would have like a big assignment due and that be like you know what I'm gonna organize my closet I didn't color code and color-coordinated all my clothes and that's what I would say so he has some things don't change I am gonna finish cleaning that mess up my dad is actually gonna stop by in a little bit just to say hi and then I'm gonna clean up my desk area pack up some things and then just go huh I'll play come on Sunday and try to file away some things and organize more things and cleaned up my classroom it's something you want to talk about right now you know how like when you're little there's always like those urban tales like oh my school is haunted mines very staple there there's always those like the rumor is like oh my school is haunted like literally every single school that I've been at as a students has been haunted even when I went to school in Mexico the bathrooms are haunted there was graves underneath the school or stuff like that also when I was in high school hi there was a high school in two Elementary's that were very close together we would always say that there was tombstones like somewhere around the area because supposedly that used to be a Native American burial ground but again that was always just a rumor until one time I was like a sophomore in high school with my friends and I decided to go look for them and we found them and that was really scary I don't know where I was going with that but basically what I'm saying is that schools are always haunted supposedly right I saw this video on Facebook of a school like in another country and the security cameras caught something on camera I was too scared to even watch the video I've been hearing things that the school that I work at is haunted and I personally like watching like paranormal story times on YouTube I like watching those type of videos not scary movies but just story times and I enjoy them even I get scared but I don't wanna like experience those things and I'm scared that I will which is why I decided that whenever I'm in my classroom or whenever I come in during the weekend or something I'm only gonna come in when people are here because I've been hearing people tell me stuff so people have told me that they hear things in this pod or like things will fall and stuff like that and lately things have been weird so as having lunch either day and my bathroom and the bathroom door and the bathroom is just right there which was completely open just like closed all of a sudden and that was really weird and we were just like you know what let's not even acknowledge it let's just keep eating so that was weird so my computer has been like turning off randomly this week in it and I know that the computers turn off automatically at 8 p.m. but this isn't happening like at 9:57 a.m. or some random time like that right no I don't think I caught it in camera but I was just organizing things and I had like the roll of stickers that I gave to students on my little easel right there and it's a pretty good set like the and the latch is a pretty good size so it's if it's really well there and they're just like fell out of nowhere so I'm like okay that's basically just tell me I probably have to leave soon and I will is your school haunted if it is tell me in the comments below what you have experienced or what you have heard about your school I probably shouldn't be me talking about this because I don't want to attract more things but here I am alright so my dad just came and left and he is tell me you know what you should apply just go home you've had a really long week which I have my dad has been saying like you mean in my apartment for I don't know like he says pretty much all the time now just again because of our family emergency he wants to take care of stuff when I totally understand that because he's in my apartment all the time that he realized how late I stay especially yesterday since I had that school event so he's like you should probably go home and just sleep because you got home really late yesterday and you got up really early so I creams gonna clean up clean up blood just like basically hi to clutter pack up myself and then go I'll just come here some other time okay it's us I'm sitting here getting ready to go I just started thinking I am so lucky to be doing what I love every single day in a non super cliche but teaching kindergarten is something that I've been wanting to do for a while now and I didn't think I would be able to it's not like I didn't think I'd be able to because I was not capable of doing it but it's just because of my certification my certification is in elementary education not early childhood it's just funny how things work out like if you really want something you you can get it and I did and I loved it so much I really really really enjoy what I do I love my students so much and I honestly would not change this for the world I am so happy with the decision that I made to come to this school even though the other schools I was considering are really really great schools I'm just happy with I'm just so incredibly happy with the decision that I've made not only do I have amazing parents and students and and I'm teaching my dream grade but I am in a really great school and I have really amazing team members I'm just gonna wanted to stay here for a little bit well it's nice and quiet and just be grateful for what I have going on for me right now because even though things have not been so great at home because of everything that's happened I still have this amazing thing that makes me happy every single day and that I have to look forward to so I am so thankful for this and those I'm super cheesy but I am I am I will leave it at that and oh well yeah I'll leave this whole blog at that and then in a very positive note and I was you guys in my next video bye
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 8,292
Rating: 4.8577776 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher
Id: 5rtePm4hgDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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