Get To Know Chris Broad from Abroad in Japan |Q/A with Shizuka Anderson

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hey guys welcome to Tokyo creative talk where we bring you the latest Japan news and also we introduce some of our influencers and creators at Tokyo creative first I'm your host Shizuka Andersson and today our guest is Chris broad I'm an influencer only one of the top hundred foreign bloggers living in Japan I'm not Twitter verified and thus I'm nothing oh no um so in case you didn't know he's from his channel is called abroad in Japan it is yes today is actually the first time that I'm meeting you yeah I thought you would Chris Sacca no sister the whole time oh but yes so it's the first time to meet you since this is kind of a good chance for me to get to know you I thought maybe the questions would also interest the viewers and your fans oh yeah I hope so I've heard that you live in the Tohoku area I do yeah specifically which part I don't know said no I for two years now and I used to live in Yamagata before that nice so on the on the west coast by the Sea of Japan right yeah it's a lovely area very nice unfortunately not that many foreigners get to go out there though because it's kind of seen as out the way right very true so what what exactly brought you over to this area most people tend to you know migrate toward Tokyo I came to power on the jet program oh okay and when when you when you come on the jet program you get to choose where your place and I was like I want to go Kobe put me in Kobe feel good and they went I want to get a Kobe you're going to gamma gotta another way save another that is and they took me like 500 kilometers north of kV in a really remote little town but it was nice a little volcano a little volcano and we all know wonderful though I used to joke around the whole time then there it was really lucky really lucky actually that's good and how long did you stay in that area so I lived there for about three years as capture cool and then after that oh yeah as much as I loved it as much as I want to stay there it's not many business opportunities in the middle of nowhere right right I thought if I want to be taken more seriously if I want to do more stuff I need to live somewhere that was more kind of connected then I took a lockbox it's easily connected to everywhere it's a good see and it's in Tahoe and I wanted to stay in Tahoe I find that people who live in Tokyo don't really go off taking them oh that's quite true actua like a big bubble right it is when you live a yeah never go out that's so true so why did you like why did you think Sendai leave him you said it ticked a bunch of boxes but you could have been in a lot of different parts of Japan Hey I guess send those quite nice it's quite laid-back they call it the city of trees oh it's very well connected you get to Tokyo 90 minutes ago to Osaka an hour by plane I get back to the place that used to live in about two hours my car so it's really low connected it's kind of laid-back and yes that was kind of it really just a good place to be geographically so you know I think there's nothing that actually like drew me to think oh I should go to Sunday specifically but yeah like those people go there for a rare fox village yep send those good for oh I love foxes and cats so we'll have their name oh you're 40 though but do you ever get kind of tired living there like do you feel like you just you've done everything that you can do in Sendai and you want to move to another part of you maybe yeah I have a little bit because I'm always traveling around I'm not actually instead by that much like half the year maybe I'm in Sendai so I haven't really yeah I'm really been that much the last two years no kidding see yeah I do more recently I've thought about leaving realized to Lana I don't know don't have any idea no I do okay it said no further features what has been like your favorite place to travel to in Japan mm I always enjoyed going oh Sokka oh great people have like you just mean every time I've been to a soccer I've met someone really cool and they might take me around and show me stuff and like ways how like kind of call the dentist so suck is like a real special place for me in terms of meeting people it's actually really good like a lot of people pick some places like just incredibly scenic and just gorgeous sightseeing spot but you kind of go more for the people over there yeah I mean when it comes to scenery I've got loads of places I can never really just pick like one ah I there's a really nice Island I was talking to Chris Bates yes there's really nice island off the coast of where I used to live yeah you never get a little island called Table Ashima an hour off the coast of Yamagata enter the sea and it must be like a mile or two long about a hundred people live there really like remote little islands it's kind of a really cool desert island kind of vibe to it and lots of little in there think of the sixteen hundreds of there's lots of pirates there really whack o pirates whacky but because it was old they were just like I don't know put wacko pirates and then for right career China Japan and they used to rule the Sea of Japan and they like still lays a treasure their treasure right I went there with some friends and explored the island and got lost and we found out those little caves a temple in a forest that was really well hidden it to get like sticks and beat away at the forest a half an hour to find the still 10 plus we had like a really cool adventure there alright the hard-hitting questions hard-hitting questions hmm so you're obviously very well-known youtuber now let's go to the point now well I'm in Shibuya I get stopped a lot so I try and avoid she's very particular a foreigner very so exactly yeah yeah and a Saxo Saxo yeah Anderson Duque oh and the Ginza line in general great I don't know ten people in one day talk to me I'm like Wow that's that sounds like success it's nice it's great to meet people but then you don't it can be a little bit awkward sometimes if you're not in the right mood if you're not awake oh hello yeah it's really nice and we take some pictures yeah you're getting selfies and stuff so yeah when people take those of you that much you get to know your your good angle that's one sitting in this chair right I know my side of the face is this side that's like I I don't know my angle is I'm pretty sure this is my angle something like this what do you think viewers leave a comment below what Shizuka's angle so it's you've kind of achieved a certain amount of kind of I would say success on YouTube but what right about the start of your channel exactly while always I'd always wanted to be a filmmaker I saw YouTube is a doorway into that you know when I was living in North Japan I thought this is amazing place and before I came to Japan I looked up stuff on YouTube online couldn't find anything about tolki can only find stuff about Tokyo back then right 2012 I think it was so I was like this is something I can do I can feel that kind of gap I can use my hobby I think I enjoy like making videos and tie it into something that's actually meaningful I show in Japan no wow I'm sorry this is like this I react to a lot of things it doesn't mean I find it interesting but like ya know I guess like I wanted whoa November black Wow so I guess I wanted to like remind my friends and family I was also alive this is my first time living abroad sounds like you know I'm doing stuff there like no one I think none of my friends are family actually watch the video oh they got discovered by people that were interest in Japan and then kind of things went from there and then you just kind of kept going with that like you enjoyed making the videos and yeah like I caught them the point where I realized that something could come from it like my first year after one year I had like a thousand subscribers which is like nothing these days but to me I was like wow thousand subscribers that's amazing right yeah and yeah and then about off about two and a half years I think I've tuned our views I had a hundred thousand oh that's why I was like okay I probably do something with this I'll finish teaching that's why I kind of start taking a lot more seriously right had you studied anything about filmmaking before or did you just jump into it it's more your hobby you know you find a lot of people who kind of okay it's tough I've done it for my hobby right Topher's videographers do it as a hobby and that was the same as me I taught myself how to film how to edit right and yeah and the good thing about YouTube is you're actually learning by doing right very oh you told me make a video you're learning something new you can push the boundaries each time and learn how to know from your angle how to edit better yeah the good thing about doing YouTube is very practical right actually learning a lot doing it you kind of learn as you go yes like a ongoing process lately so that's one of the good things about doing YouTube you can learn as you go right practically that's a great yeah it's a great point to make actually and I'm also wondering you've made quite a lot of videos in your career I imagine but what has been your most successful one to date do you think and what and what inspired you to make that video I think it was my um my second video which is about culture shock in Japan okay so this is like me just talking about how surprised I am about how small my apartment is or you know the food and stuff it's called living in Japan culture shock oh and I think it's got three million these or something wow that is PML at five years ago a long time but yeah that's always been people always like that one can I put so much effort into it and there's lots of nice music and stuff I tried to make it more like a TV show than a YouTube video the way I edited it so yeah but in terms of videos I'm proud of what how'd she know crikey oh really like yeah what has been your favorite video that you've made maybe the most enjoyable or actually well the last video I made was more the most ambitious video like oh it's kind of like a documentary about the the tsunami hit coastline I actually watched that one yes I thought that was very well but that was that we kind of I was like yeah I want to put some effort into this one actually make it more like a documentary right is that like the next level for me is to become a filmmaker right mm-hmm I just want to be a youtuber it's horrible being a youtuber is the worst ever be real filmmaker I want the boundaries and I thought that'd be a good topic to do it so you're kind of pursuing your passion I guess like saying my passion yes through YouTube but having to what do you do for living Chris I pursue my passion what do you actually do I make videos in my bedroom like you can make it sound a little more glamorous enough we're in a great studio right now with three cameras yeah right the same my passion as an experienced youtuber what advice would you give to new youtubers who are just starting out now my first of all don't do it for money because everyone who comes to me he's like I'm interested in making each other how much money do you make and I didn't make any money until like four years in lady money you could actually live off until I four or five years here but I did it because I love it I actually really enjoy their like the process I see every videos project right right planning it out maybe writing it filming it editing it putting it up it's a whole kind of fun mini project so you have to really enjoy the creative process as a filmmaker or just if you're a creative person and do it about something you're passionate about choose a topic you love you're passionate about and try and make every second of that video either entertaining or educational right don't go on and on one fine now like entertaining your education or every moment in your video and you'll keep the viewers engaged and watching more Wow excellent advice YouTube channel I do but I don't really make stuff any videos we made I have made two I'm sorry stop it is he's actually a terrible start I started like two years ago I've made 150 oh yeah how do you feel about doing it I have thought about it I haven't quite gotten down to it yet I think partially because I'm not sure what it is that I really want yeah and I think that's probably what a lot of people who are interested in YouTube are kind of stuck in at the moment like they they think I want to do something on YouTube but what exactly is content that I want to make in the people define something is you're really passionate about yes yeah we can make it about yourself I know a lot but a lot of vloggers do the vlog about themselves and their life kind of thing that's true I didn't do that I know my channels called abroad in Japan but really I just kind of see myself as a a gateway into Japan and learning about Japanese culture I've always tried to not be too much about me mm-hmm probably is and I mean the other thing is just get started to like pursue yeah get started right and then it'll kind of maybe you'll find your way as you're just doing it yeah you kind of find your identity as you go along like I kind of I guess I do my video he's almost in character like a kind of or sarcastic version of myself and you enjoy more right if you do that if you kind of see yourself almost as a characterization I see become who you want to be so you feel like the the person who you are on camera is a little different from your usual just sarcastic blum confident though to make it more entertaining right right not actually is another reason I enjoy doing it I mean I've met a lot of youtubers and they're very different on camera than they are in their life right it's really interesting you meet people who are very confident and ridiculous and crazy lie in front the camera and off camera quite shy reserved right and it's really interesting kind of comparison I hate the contrast the contrast really interesting yeah right well that's great I'm glad that like you have this kind of insight for viewers some of you might be interested in starting your own channels maybe you'll have your own persona maybe you'll be you have yeah you can do whatever you want that's the exciting thing about YouTube you can be here what you can make what you want you can do it you want it takes time don't think about the money aspect one thing that I'd like to know just kind of personally and I think that would interest you know people who watch your videos that maybe you don't talk about usually but when you're not making videos what do you do in your free time watch a lot of movies I've been watching so much movies and TV recently as a filmmaker you know you have to watch a lot of movies you have to kind of unravel the thing that you want to produce right so watch those movies and eat lots of food yes okay what kind of food everything oh yeah lots of crisps all of it Tori basically you know I watch those movies so I try to spend my free time doing something that's still kind of productive if I'm not being productive I feel really guilty okay I switch recently and I play it and what I do I feel really guilty because I'm like this isn't gonna take me a speculator to why I want to do right that's fate real that's good I'm glad that you're you're always having your goal in mind and you're kind of like everything you've set everything up to kind of be headed toward that my last question for you is if you hadn't become a youtuber what kind of work do you think you would be doing now instead I think I'd be a reasonably priced hitman oh not exactly what I was expecting reasonable choice hitman 2 kills the price of 1 Wow I feel make you know I think I'm a filmmaker yeah I don't think like you know I'd be doing what I enjoy which is basically making videos right I hate those how I don't know how I'd be doing it right I would be a filmmaker you'd be in the film industry some Hamo even my way it's probably cleaner I've worked my way up right so yeah start cleaning the sets and then be the senses slowly holding some boom mics and then working your way yeah I'll have to wonder why we do it's quite interesting think about it it is it's weird you kind of think about the alternate path so you might be on well yeah if I hadn't ever come to Japan don't know why I be doing again ah write something ever new mysteries of life never know just the main thing they think that we can take from today is pursue your passion Friday bike finding if I can just do what you're passionate about yeah I know it sounds like a really a cliche but yeah just do what you enjoy try and find a way of monetizing the thing you enjoyed basically and don't ever film why don't makes don't film while there's a construction company next door exactly hit it really put the mic yeah sorry about that because I think you kind of been annoying into the video mild buzzing the whole time through yeah yeah do what you enjoy find a way to monetize it why is it worth it so and don't be sick those are the keys to success according to Chris brought from abroad in Japan I think that wraps up everything for today thanks so much for joining thanks thanks Jeremy there's a lot of fun Jodi gives and I'm glad that I could get to know you so well and like in almost ten minutes in just ten minutes short ten minutes yes thank you thanks so much and hope to see you again here's definitely yes all right well thank you guys all for joining us today this has been Tokyo creative talk your host Shizuka Anderson and our guest Chris broad from abroad in Japan if you'd like to see more videos like this where we interview our other creators please let us know in the comments below of more videos like that for you if you so wish so please like and subscribe yeah subscribe [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative Talk
Views: 177,282
Rating: 4.9343066 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative Talk, Abroad in Japan, q/a chris broad, why did chris broad from to japan, abroad in japan life, chris broad life, who is chris broad, who is abroad in japan, abroad in japan everything you need to know, everything you need to know about chris broad, chris broad, tokyo, japan, japanese, jvlog community, jvlogger, vlogging in japan, vlog in japan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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