Advanced Japanese Lesson #68: Q&A with Chris Broad from Abroad in Japan! Chris Broadとの質疑応答

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

"Come to English to teach Japan" sounds like a challenge...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JZ_TwitchDeck 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
email cottony hong-won no calls out can i massage yoga okay Q&A with Chris brought from abroad in Japan who has let's see eight times as many subscribers as me yeah forty forty thousand twenty times that would be twenty with a question why did you start making YouTube videos I made YouTube videos because when I came to Japan there weren't that many YouTube videos around about Japan sorry like I looked up where I was going in tahoe q in the middle quite North middle of nowhere and there was nothing about it did you make videos before you came to Japan yeah I used to make a few corporate videos I wasn't particularly good at it it was more just a hobby that I did for fun I often dreamed of being a filmmaker but I put the dream of the dustbin but I realized it was such a difficult drill I think I've never be able to do it so yeah but things have worked out pretty well since then and YouTube's actually a pretty good kind of pedestal or pedestal pretty good stepping stone yeah how I get stepping stone pedestal which so it's a pretty good stepping stone to that dream that go ahead uh still on stepping stone I think are better to mix up than the difference between 2011 eight in terms of division what has been the best aspect of living in Japan slash experiencing the culture so far being Duncan you heard actually heard it here first chili coke Kevin oh no interesting story when I first met Chris December 2016 he didn't know that my name that I had a real name that wasn't dogging so it was like three hours after we had finally met and he said to me Logan isn't a very common name is it and I said well no because it's not my real name nice little guffaw do you watch anime or manga me you know I go into it she's moving to Japan actually mhm okay one of my favorite directors is Satoshi caught yeah yeah yeah perfect blue yeah that's like one of my favorite cremator yeah I think my favorite one of his movies is millennium actress did you see your name I did all the rain yeah I went in thinking I don't want to like this because everyone likes it yeah I don't want to be the same no watch sells actually is quite good yeah that's basically the design is coming at all you have any favorite Ghibli movies have you seen that many no I'll actually no I haven't seen any studio do budino ago I mean tackle talk one night really that's pretty shocking I think I watch I watched at least like three or four films a week I haven't seen a single that's a lighter on that monster I've learned that the best thing going into movies just to not have an expert yeah yeah I agree I'm planning on going through all the hoops to hopefully teach English once I've finished my degree curious as a music performer major slash education major how uncommon is it for foreigners to teach subjects outside English I've I've got a couple years and already learning yeah yeah I've never reduced some sports alts who do you think are you know rallying or certain specific sports generally it's it's English all the options are limited mm-hm well I got a French friend who really struggled to find a French teaching job come to English to teach Japan but you said come to English to teach Japan I probably did come to English to teach Japan yeah come to English deceits Japan I came to Japan to teach English with the idea of doing something after finishing teacher what is your favorite hobby outsider user I think that's a good question literally all my time is film a video right about a video filmed the video edit the video the whole process takes up all my time but I guess the one thing I do spend my free time in the moment is kind of learning about filmmaking yeah like I've tried to bump up the level on the quality of the videos the last six months I got a new camera and that's the easy way of doing it right but I think I think I think the fact that I didn't know that you got a new camera speaks to the increase of the quality perhaps and that is because of my free time well I'm not making another bloody video I'm learning how to make the videos better especially you something like travel hmmm I don't I I want to make it feel like you're there the view is there right so I've been thinking how can i what's the best way I can do that how could I do that yeah and having a new cameras allowed me to do some new nice new cool camera shots so do you stabilize you can do more much more dynamic shots so now with the camera rather than having a still shot of an object or a thing yeah panorama I can zoom in or out do you put a lot of thought into like specific shots before you go to the location no but I tend to experiment once on there so one of the main differences between our videos is that my video is the only difference each time is the script itself so I don't have to worry about like going to the location or getting any shots or anything like that whether or not you wear the hat that's another big decision I have to make do story if it's travel you don't have any time to do anything you tell it with the camera you have like an hour or so to film something quickly think of a funny joke to try and give some background where is Indu script your content sometimes it was just me in my apartment I'll script here because you can get your point across across it easier you can make it's easy to make it Jake yeah think of something but we travel No yeah I'm basically the opposite like every gesture that I do and all my videos is always scripted and planned out beforehand because I'm so bad at impromptu content which you guys can obviously see this video come to English to teach Japan on the same film the same scene three or four times and go back and look at it work out which one was better yeah there's a lot I think subtlety and comedy is quite important I usually do between 10 and 20 takes for each line in each one of my videos so yeah really yeah well but a big part of that is the fact that I I'm doing it in Japanese well so usually like the first at least the first five takes are me trying to get the Japanese correct right so once I get the Japanese correct I can start thinking about the naturalness of like the gestures and stuff like that even though most of my videos like I don't know two minutes long the initial raw footage is always always more than an hour but I mean yeah I can relate I was making comedy videos you're pretty different in your videos to real life but you say come to English to teach Japan I probably do I know of Japanese stereo types of the Americans and perhaps the rest of the world but what are our stereotypes what do we think of Japanese people stare well all Japanese people are friendly polite I find sometimes older people older men in particular can be quite rude and annoying yeah especially underground trades sometimes I've the only mild racism I've experiences sometimes in the presence of elderly Japanese men they do this thing they go but they're not opinionated but that's not true they are opinionated but I just don't say it as much as well yeah I think that's like in Wesleyan culture it's like this is my opinion and I want you to hear it now Dogon whereas in Japan it's more like people hold back their opinion so maybe I've had a bit to drink it might leak out is there an anime character stronger than mother I would see how to do cool geeky scotch confit the husband thought that all this is good one Battle of the convenience stores which is your favorite and why my favorite convenience store is 7-eleven okay go it's a jack of all trades master of none for example Family Mart has the best fried chicken Lawson's has the best maybe the best coffee I like it because of the the cheese tortillas that they've recently implemented those those are good what tips and advice would you guys give to someone who wants to come and work in Japan temporarily like minimum one up to five years yeah yeah that's only gonna be here temporarily the reason that I don't recommend English for people that want to be in Japan for more than five years is because oftentimes people are they're in love with the notion of living in Japan and teaching English is just a means of getting to Japan and they don't realize that they actually have no interest in teaching English they're just in really into like anime or something like that so do you cool geeky Scott County tells about develop your skill set outside of teaching English during those five years because you don't want to graduate from college and have a degree in something and then never build upon those skills then teach your native language and basically perform as a tape recorder identify moments like a job doing some like yeah yeah exactly a consultancy job to do this he's got friends back home at like Google or Deloitte like whom he likes to go both of you smile through the entire Q&A I think that would be really I think I'd be very disturbing like a Stanley Kubrick fair what inspired you and continues to do so I I used to play video games a lot but I realized that life is like one big video game it's like an RPG right every time you meet someone it's like gang a quest unlocking new adventures and excitement you could go on GTA and drive around the mountains and do stuff right it always it surprised me when I see people play like Skyrim or GTA and they're like yeah I know the things they do in those games I think you could do that in real life you could build a business in real life you could yeah two places meet people that's what motivates me the idea that you can think of something right and then you make it happen at most I hate the word youtuber it's empowering it's empowering you can do what you want I can wake up tomorrow think what kind of video do I want to make should I go and make your video in Tokyo shall we go and travel somewhere just by meeting you here today I've a lot a quest the Dogon quest Kyushu say reward the rewards where I've got free pizza after I got back from study abroad I read this book by this Japanese author called well the book was called minka by Kanye ha - domey it's actually one of the short stories in this book but she writes from the perspective of a schizophrenic person Skid Row's gets a person yeah and so like every two pages like she says and what just happened was actually in my imagination and this is what is actually happening and it just like blew my mind that something so creative could even exist or the twists that become well-versed after six pages but the way that she wrote she made it so convincing that you stopped at you just like her it became a surprise every time that it happened yeah and so I just thought oh this is so cool I want to get into writing I even really been five and it's decided to use e to go want to do look more like it's a comment from the hate mail video someone's very clever remember that from like three years ago y'all really been as far as even just I forget that he's what do you say you so what you're drunk do people ever ask if you guys are related I've never gotten up but I do think we do look slightly similar yeah I think that certain side angles profile props you're a lot slimmer than I am and I people to the side look to the side people can make up their minds spider-man or the flash spot amount of spider-man would you like to learn another language - and if your answer is yes which language is it monstrous yes and the language would be Spanish hello - it's cool for five years but okay I uncas do because there's a castle I know that because my moral exam they were like crystal because there's a castle I didn't really make any sense she laughs I got base I I have found that the more Japanese that I know the worse my English gets like considerably come to English to teach Japan as long as I'm still very interested in creating YouTube it'd be difficult for me to pick up another language I think if I did learn another language like Spanish I'd do it whilst living in Spain yes that's the real excitement of learning a language half the fun of learning Japanese for me was using it like learning a sentence telling some grammar and then using it knowing it seeing in everyday life is interesting one what forward idiom can you think of that sums up your life right now or could you wait or could you make one yourself I need too much peace to think of that one Pete's idioms which is your least favorite Japanese word or phrase Sugoi desu there yeah it's just that kind of often it it means what does it mean how'd you spit means ice amazing isn't it literal translation the actual translation is well just oh that's normal those are superficial sometimes canned response yeah oh my god it's like the only to Japan YouTube guys that I know in one picture what's happening says Rossi Cat Cat Barry can't Barry she's very excited give a message to Rossi Cadbury I can't believe you know me because I only have a 20th as many subscribers as Chris what's your favorite type of pudding and why would that be so this is Jenny I don't have a favorite so Freddie have a favorite toy um he's got his own homemade ginger beer ginger ginger ale ginger ginger ale yeah for Simpson ginger beer and ginger ale was great pronunciation I don't know yes probably possibly know in the UK ginger beer is non-alcoholic there's probably no difference there right just different countries so what's your favorite pudding ginger ale how many kilos is Chris I don't know what do you think well I'm totally 185 centimeters if I stand up straight so how much do you weigh uh help people make 67 68 kilos thanks question ginger ale just turned depressing do you brush your teeth before during or after a shower depends what I shower every arts there's no definitive answer you are turning Japanese yeah are you guys youtubers are you youtuber unfortunately unfortunately will you be going to this Saturday's youtuber hanami in Tokyo no actually I don't think I was even invited what are some things you wish white people realize about Japan I don't know what the implication of the question is is it is it well I think what do you want white people I guess we could just replace that with foreigners what are some things you wish foreigners would realize about Japan it's a country with four seasons you I want white people to know about Japan is you're not special just because you're in Japan actually that's a really good point this is sort of your Logan pool video now no this traveese well this is this is a topic that I've been meaning to talk about I think there's a misconception that the current situation in Japan in terms of foreigners and foreigners in Japan that can speak Japanese people think that it's like what it was like 20 or 30 years ago where like if you can speak Japanese really well it's like this huge deal and like you're one in a million where in reality like quite honestly there's thousands and thousands and thousands of other foreigners in Japan that speak Japanese just as well as I do they're just not making youtube videos about it it's good thing to keep in mind you're you know special you're not special well I want to ask you this question from Dogon to Chris right and you can ask me after we're done maybe this is my unconscious way of saying ask me this question because you're into film and cinematography what are your favorite films and why one of my directors I had to do a piece on when I was a student the school was Martin Scorsese I could alter theory which is I can identify somebody's work just from the way they produce Martin Scorsese but yeah I studied Goodfellas and Raging Bull oh yeah it was absolutely incredible mine's Scorsese there's all sorts of tricks he like changed the shape of the boxing ring to make it feel more intense and crammed people smoking like put smoke into the boxing ring to heighten it and make you feel like it was telling it to hell yeah you know if you watch Raging Bull it's a master class in cinematography any film of Roger Deakins seems to have done you know if I Blade Runner 2049 Zakaria No Country for Old Men Skyfall Skyfall I really liked it to think it was a particularly good Bond film it was alright the cinematography was amazing so often the cinematographer can raise the ghetto yeah absolutely do you think Ridley Scott I do like Ridley Scott but I could be a bit here Mitch sometimes I feel the exact same way of here's some fantastic movies yeah blade right the first blade rounds one of my top like 10 movies gladiator yep that yeah for baby oh yeah it's a few hit misses that alien covenant was a bit crap the original aliens the original aliens my favorite movie he's by far other directors the Coen brothers yeah yeah I love the Coen brothers I like Quentin Tarantino oh he's quite yeah he's very identifiable definitely I quite like some James Cameron David Fincher David Fincher's had a a bit of session with him recently well David Fincher and also Aaron Sorkin mmm his writing is just like it's like next-level but yeah this is a show that was particularly good yeah weird Addison fantastic mr. fall okay I actually haven't seen any of those movies I've heard that Budapest hotels like one of the grand Budapest hotel is one of my favorite movies I have to check out it's like watching a theatre performance in film form Oh what about Cameron Bure his name right now Paul shoot he did there will be blood he did Magnolia he did punch bars I love yes yes he's amazing yeah I quite like he's right now really want to watch buchiach again I was his best I think his best is there will be blood yeah definitely definitely maybe this is what I like about your new videos one of the things that I think is what one thing that I think is very difficult to convey in art in general regardless of the medium is a vague but intense emotion so I was like for example between anger and sadness right so it's slightly ambiguous but intense right so I think this kind of reflects like I sounds so pretentious again but human nature to a very large degree like it captures it very well so a lot of like my favorite songs like oblivion by crimes it's like you can't tell if it's sad or like kind of like inspiring and I think that's what makes it really really good and that's why I liked the ending of there will be blood so much it's like we don't want to explain the ending of there will be blood without spoilers it's difficult in itself ambiguity executed at genius levels in my opinion that's a good way of saying it is there will be blood that's your homework you watch there will be blood go and watch it well thanks for having me here Dogon it's been philosophical and ginger ale riddled conversation yeah that's beautiful yeah it's been very nice having Chris in kyushu first time here it is actually yeah I did we missed that out first time in case you loved it so far yeah do people know where you live can I say the tamarind yeah I live in bed so on scent and the road and the age the back is beautiful it's like I was driving down the sea from the bathroom felt like being in California or something mmm yeah palm trees and mountains and sea oh that's a stunning place yeah um takishi bring your family bring your friends bring your cat yeah but now I've got to go back up to the north I think it's like a thousand kilometres north over here to send on you should plug your shirt as well I've got shirts but yeah for off kids like a sake but it's a play on words ginger I'll see you guys
Channel: Dogen
Views: 257,124
Rating: 4.9751959 out of 5
Keywords: Dogen, Japan, Japanese, Foreign, Chris Broad, Abroad in Japan, Q&A, 質疑応答, 質問コーナー
Id: P6i2SaPC6Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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