How Much Weight I Lost Travelling 2,000km Across Japan

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Well yes but actually no

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Survalla 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
kyouma buck to the vision still a little movie back to the future neither together oh yeah psycho the show mmm time to elaborate this that no sir no Laura Donnell O'Connell it's good Testament idea Chuck you bitch-ass they're not give me that ski bury ya yeah gomathy go go go Johnny be good Nazca be good hmm rooster me hmm target right time most coyotes no sir there abouts 2018 it's all nothing good girl punch myself in the face [Music] I genuinely don't know why drink this stuff actually taste I swear well you know what there's no disappointment without expectations and I had I had high expectations for 2019 after finishing my teen thousand kilometer never-ending cycle of despair I was gonna kick off the year fitter than ever before I was gonna run up Mount Fuji backwards I was gonna launch my TV career once and for all and finally help people declutter their everyday living with my unique groundbreaking philosophy Luke Jennifer I want you to look around the house possessions in your life that don't spark joy and then I want you to burn them burn Marie Kondo would have loved it and yet none of these things happened instead I spent six months this year hunched over a laptop editing 27 videos about a bicycle for those of you who are new to this channel and don't know what Jerri cross Japan is basically 18 months ago I decided I wanted to get fit by cycling 2,000 kilometers across Japan and along the way I'll vlog every single day of the journey the end result was a 27 part travel series and to call it an adventure would be an understatement you know against the backdrop of jaw-dropping landscapes mouth-watering dishes and eccentric characters and guests it was epic in scale it really was and above all along the way I also got some free biscuits however off camera the entire project almost completely broke me and from start to finish you can quite literally watch my face crumble in real time evolving like a broken Pokemon so today I'm here to offer you four life lessons I learned on journey across Japan whether he watched it or not and to give you the inside scoop on what went on behind the scenes why I cut out one of my guests entirely why it took six months to produce and of course how much weight I lost along the way and somewhere near the end we'll try and work out if it was all worth it or not and if I would actually go back in time and punch myself in the face last year instead of doing the obvious thing which is of course to travel back 2,000 years and get a selfie with Jesus he'd love it look at its how come the upload schedule seems to be so irregular maybe I'm imagining but I swear you said weekly videos or something like that I never said weekly videos every single day of that trip every single day of that month long journey across Japan I'm gonna be making a video and putting it up on the channel daily it's true for some reason when I came up with journey across Japan I thought I could cycle 50 kilometres a day film the whole thing upload it and somehow have daily videos I don't really know what I was thinking in retrospect maybe I drunk a little bit too much Pocari sweat and whilst I did have a small team with me to help film it all ultimately I decided I wanted to edit them myself because I'm an absolute control freak and surprisingly during the first week of the journey somehow we actually succeeded I'd get up eight o'clock cycle 50 kilometres in the rain film two hours of footage finished the day of cycling check into a hotel have a quick dinner comprised of energy jelly and then edit it around until four o'clock in the morning and then repeat the process all over again although there was just one problem I was very nearly dead in fact at one point I did fall asleep at the wheel or the handlebar and then my stubbornness in not letting other people edit the videos for me was ultimately my downfall I guess against all odds the cycle was completed in 46 days and every single day of that journey I did vlog in it we did film it and because there shot in real time we can actually watch my facial hair grow and become more and more horrific as the episodes went on however by the end of the cycle all the videos have piled up and because we had two hours of footage for every single episode it took me six months to work my way through them and whilst the last episodes of the series were amongst the most watched the sporadic release schedule cast a shadow over the whole project and well ruin it for a lot of people unfortunately and when the final episode in Kagoshima was released in August I turned my back completely on journey across Japan forever and never looked at a bicycle again the fact the sight of bicycles makes me physically sick [Music] looking back at it all now I realize the problem was I just didn't know what I wanted journey across Japan to be cycle series of weight loss series or a straight-up travel series it's very much a jack of all trades but master of none it's a valuable lesson I'll be taking forward into next year's project journey across Japan to abroad on a skateboard yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be amazing now I'd rather put my fingers in a blender this year I felt a mixture of anger a disappointment constantly angry at myself my handling of it all and the fact I've wasted so much this year and disappointed that I let thousands of viewers down I let you guys down by the way I handle it all so for that I am sorry genuinely be bold always push yourself outside of your comfort zone but know your limits especially if you run the risk of letting people down because it is the worst feeling of all well that I'm falling off your bicycle one of the criticisms I got on journey across Japan was that it was too scripted it was too choreographed and pre-planned and that's great constructive criticism although has got one tiny flaw and that is none of it was scripted didn't fall off a bicycle for fun or cycle through a flood for my own personal amusement because cycling 2,000 kilometers and filming every single day of it simply wasn't enough we also threw challenges in as well to add fuel to the fire oh for God's sake interact with locals ask three people to say journey across Japan on camera and there are some fantastic challenges including pimping our bicycles out with retro video games and dodgy pillows speaking only Japanese for one whole day soon at all soo bahk would steal a copy attempting to get strangers to say the phrase journey across Japan or beer with limited success journey a cool [Music] journey across Japan journey across the Japan one of the more difficult challenges was to meet a stranger for the day and get a tour around the city of Matsuyama and remember when it came out the capsule machine and looked at it I kind of thought oh god I'm screwed it's really hard to do something spontaneous like that in Japan usually so I hastily made some phone calls to some Japanese friends and real terrowin turned out had an old school friend in Matsuyama who was willing to show us around for the day feel like I'm in a spy film the only way we know how to meet is that she's eating oranges because it's the local dish of Matsuyama what's the code word enjoying some oranges yeah I'd love an orange and that went on to be one of my favorite days of the entire trip thanks to that challenge and thanks to Kazu seeing this beautiful city whilst being shown around by an eccentric japanese woman with an obsession with oranges but I think the best example of creativity and the desperate circumstances came from the stretch along Miyata wears a beautiful stretch along the coastline there's absolutely buckle there to do and while cycling through this abandoned place that time had forgotten Gerry the animation man and I received a capsule challenge to make a Japanese commercial in less than 24 hours at first because we were in the middle of nowhere we had nothing to really go on or nothing to do we were just going to go to a beach and just sit on a beach and make a quick commercial there but as luck would have it we found a train station with a bespoke wonderful train museum complete with an old unused train carriage there's we saw a train carriage that's in the museum on them online yeah and I can see it there just inside oh wow that's sick eyes closed and after dropping into a nearby Don Quixote store and kitting Joey L in a stylish doctors outfit and turning him into doctor jelly we're pretty much good to go really one actually oh we populated the train carriage with members of our production team and off we go that was it dr. jelly was born no no cut [Music] thank you those are thee as a great example of teamwork and creativity born out of desperation and actually if I had to do one spin-off series out of journey across Japan it would be making like a series of commercials or short films within 24 hours within one day I think it'd be quite fun who knows hopefully we can resurrect the great doctor jelly along the way as well although we're still waiting for a callback from the company in question heard nothing nothing at all when I think back to Jen across Japan I don't break it down by the locations themselves I break it down by the guests that join me along the way and I think there was about ten not including the random strangers that popped up as well admittedly the most bizarre encounter we had on the trip was a stranger on a beach time-traveling man as I like to call him on the fateful morning that Reata rode joined the cycle he was sitting on a beach and I filmed a little intro with the camera filming him introduce himself and he had this horrible smug expression a smug expression that could break a thousand mirrors good morning everyone several weeks later I found myself editing that footage and as I played it back I noticed in the background behind me otter oh there's a guy that dives into the sand kind of perfectly into frame and now I'm joining the tour to this day I don't know who what why or how but it was so perfectly timed it was so intricate that I genuinely think it might be a viewer from the future who came back in time to photobomb one of the episodes I think the funnest random encounter with a stranger though is when I was in the gutter with my good friend Roy and we went out for fried chicken for lunch and we came across the eating champion of Niigata a small local girl who could eat a seemingly never-ending bucket of food as they don't know how the science behind this works given her size that bolt it was absolutely mesmerizing watching her devour all that food and then jump up and down to somehow let the food go down at a gestured system don't know if that worked or not if you're a doctor is that is that a thing I don't know it seemed to work very she ate it all and at the end of it all I was stood looking like a bit of a loser an absolute mockery of my eating capacity given that she was half my size one of the most disappointing aspects of journey across Japan was the fact that I cut out my good friend Emma tokidoki traveler from three days in Kyushu at the end of the cycle and unsurprisingly people have been asking me all year what happened why did I remove her from the videos and the truth is she made fun of my facial hair one too many times she had to go if something doesn't spark joy in a you know this girl no the reality was Emma was a great guest we had a lot of fun a few days before Emma arrived I came down with a nasty cold 40 days of cycling had finally taken their toll and stupidly instead of resting up I carried on cycling I carried on going for it as I said earlier if you push yourself to your limit you have to be prepared to suffer the consequences and after 40 days of relentlessly pushing myself finally my body told me to off and she stopped by that point not even doctor jelly could have saved me from my predicament good morning everyone and welcome back to journey across Japan never-ending cycle of despair we are a coma Kabu Kabu Kabu to wink yumoto today that hot they're joining us is our final guest our third and final guest even though we've had four or five guests oh but today we begin our last leg of the journey to kuma I've been really struggling the most I feel really drowsy I think it's the first time you've been to one way to do that again so excited now you might be thinking wait a minute that sounds hilariously entertaining actual bottled despair on camera release it put it online but it wasn't entertaining it wasn't good it was me struggling to speak for three or four days looking like I wished I was dead sorry my days already got tough and say through no fault of Emma's and the videos were never uploaded and I stand by that decision Emma was good I could edit it in such a way that's just Emma and me blurred out on the screen like some sort of dodgy some sort of dodgy hentai video and I apologized to Emma for not being able to feature on Jen across Japan and I apologize to you guys that were looking forward to seeing her and seeing the last few videos in kishi that is easily one of my biggest regrets of the whole trip I do hope Emma and I can work on some videos together next year because we always have a lot of fun together I owe her a debt as well as all the guests that joined on Jen across Japan and the crew that made it possible Yeah right it's a cliche but people do make the journey especially if they time-travel from the future to throw themselves in the sand obviously one of the main reasons I did journey across Japan by bicycles to get fit as opposed to go to the gym and run on a treadmill I wanted to go and do a real kind of cross-country adventure and honestly the actual cycle was incredible I'd recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat in the first three months before I even started cycling I got a fitness tracker I started doing 10,000 steps every single day I've also cut out a lot of carbohydrates love rice noodles bread I went from being 86 kilograms in August to being 82 kilograms in October just before I started the cycle the first few days of journey across Japan were the toughest especially going up hills absolute nightmare I had to get off the bike and run up with it instead the hardest and most rewarding day of the trip was the shippin army Kaido cycle over the Inland Sea of Japan across the beautiful chain of islands about 70 kilometers in length fortunately I was with Sharla and she struggled more than I did so I felt pretty good about myself I felt pretty good about that by the end of journey across Japan I could actually see my cheekbones for the first time and think about decade it was magical it worked that being said my face did look absolutely atrocious it didn't help that while I was on journey across Japan I had the worst diet I'd ever had in my entire life the diet comprised mainly of convenience-store fried chicken energy jelly and a mixture of Pocari sweat and coffee and there's no doubt the diet definitely negated some of the health benefits that came from doing exercise every single day nevertheless on the last day of the cycle in Kagoshima I weighed in at 77 kilograms as much as I considered taking the obligatory before-and-after photos of me topless holding the phone like that with the mirror like everyone does I didn't want to keep a little bit of my humility intact because most of it got out the window by that point but I'd lost 9 kilograms from the day that I decided to go on journey across Japan so with that in mind it was a success right yeah a success Chris lost weight no not entirely the subsequent burn out from the project mentally led me to eat my way back to happiness and worst of all editing videos is just about one of the most unhealthiest professions you can have hunched over a laptop for up to 16 hours a day eating a diet exclusively comprised of junk food of diabetes and because I had to edit literally dozens of videos as you can imagine the compounding effect wasn't particularly good and in fact when I ended additive the last video for generating cross Japan are is back to being 86 kilograms not good really but it's not completely depressing ending since August last few months I have been doing 10000 steps every single day and I'm now back to 82 kilograms and I am going to keep that up and I'm going to continue to do it until I find another physical challenge to sink my teeth into next year I'd do it all over again do I regret journey across Japan no I don't I regret the execution and I've had some time to put some distance between myself and the project I look back at it all rather fondly all I'm left with are the amazing memories of all the things we saw we dare to experienced along the way the sad reality is being bold of trying to do anything different it's always risky and yeah I could have just sat at home and made videos that were far simpler cheaper and easier to produce but I really didn't want to show you as much of Japan as I could in a way that I thought would be fun and ultimately it's up to you to decide whether it was worth it or not but hopefully at least just one of the episodes on journey across Japan showed you somewhere new taught you something interesting or made you smile on a bad day and I think it was worth it maybe journey across to the journey across Japan journey across the Japan journey across Japan a journey across Japan yes yes gotta go [Music] Chris you're a real monster Hippias bunny who was walking this man come on girl daddy's students don't really know what far from okay [Music] oh you followed your dream yeah I did to be on the board in Japan Channel not really [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,227,541
Rating: 4.9801917 out of 5
Keywords: japan travel, japanese food, japan, journey across japan, abroad in japan
Id: z21-0KajJyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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