How to pick up girls (or boys) in Japan [Ft. JakenbakeLIVE]

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hey guys welcome my name is Kay I'm Jeff chinese-born bracele in Japan and I'm working at Target Korea there was a sales associate nice thank you for joining us and also could you introduce yourself as well oh my name is Jake and I live stream on twitch TV and I kind of just left in my life on Twitch I've done it for almost a year and a half and now I'm here hangout you guys took you created Wow Chris yeah sorry I'm sorry left it we all know that your mind is in the gutter no not me always but thank you guys for joining us this is gonna be a fun little discussion because we're talking about numba in Japan what is numba how would you like explain that in English no idea up chicks in Japan literally picking up chicks in Japan which happens a lot like when you go outside walk you ready especially Shibuya there will always be numbers like guys who are just like hawks like waiting for people that girls across the street and they'll just like right up to the girls be like see what saying save a saint when he's not when he's not and the girls would just like ignore that they just keep walking but that's really common Yanis I don't know numbers I'm sorry look no I know before the video before this video she's ago Thank You Chrissy Norton is so full of always don't believe a thing that he says yeah usually I'll bet you've nut but before don't tell me you haven't done it so I would say every guy has nan pod at least once but I think the difference between opera in Japan and Western cultures that when you dump in Japan a lot of times because it's a very like or not depends re Tokyo mmm-hmm because it's a very like bustling crowded city right a lot of times that nava happens outside of like a club or a bar they have its little drunk on the street and it's not it's kind of different from Western with a cat call right more like they just come up to you like like creeply haha I think and then kind of say like like some kind of weird pickup line that's usually cringe-worthy honestly I have no idea what kind of words it about lines it is because I just don't know in Japan no it's different it's different I would prefer if they came to with like an actual cheesy pickup well more respectful kind of or more like in their respective full way I think right yeah it just it strikes me is just so creepy the way that they do it like how do they do it have you ever been numb but yeah well me where it was only weird like what what happens like nasi wins is rigged I am intrigued I've got a kind of curious from a girl's side what guys Japanese guys do usually yeah I have no idea like you have experience right do you what is a normal number I like do you have you had a normal number before where someone was like just like you especially all Sapa we know like breach goal heatTech you're bossy oh you're the running day okay number but it means like hook to hook yeah so it's it but numba is the city yeah great it's looks like a plan we're good right and then people just come up to you I just think the same thing with yeah emails ecaddy must go oh is that usually the introduction introductory line yeah do you do you have time girls no or also what I get sometimes I got this last night actually I was like on the last train home and I was getting off the train at my station and a guy was following me and he was like he was tapping me on the shoulder and I was just like ah this again I was ignoring him I learned to ignore people before but yeah so home I ignored him but he keeps that tap me on the shoulder he's coming behind me it's like seen his head see was it I'm like I know what he's gonna say just ignore him ignore him and then he's kind of like EEMA you know Cuddy Muscat can you ask are you going home now are you going home that's really freaking going home it's like 1:30 in the morning what why would I stay out with you do you this is it hasn't ever worked for anybody I don't know don't know I want to meet him I don't usually say that but in Japan like so I'm excited when I live stream I'm outside like I want to seem should be at least 2 or 2 3 nights like a week whoa I'm not there to like usually till like 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. when I go home and so I like hours fancy crazy so I'm like an observation standpoint I've seen for like almost a year or if I over a year now just like Nampa in action like all sorts of it like I think the that like one of the definition or one of the like a summary of like picking up girls in Japan from my observations in Japan very aggressive and they do this thing and I notice a lot which is like think if it's like two guys cuz you leave they'll be in a group like a little pair they'll make the wall you guys ever see the wall they're going in front of the girls and like walk backwards in front of us oh I did dodge em and they're like they're like oh skiing like were you going like you do anything what're you doing it like and they Kate a wall like a barrier and they can't pass them I'm always like goddamn like yeah yeah yeah the wall I think I have seen that before though but I haven't seen them work in pairs that often usually it's like a loan alone wolf okay and it's really amazing how they'll just like turn their heads when a girl like goes by like a like a kind of cute girl let me like and then they'll just like just swoop in just be like you see was it soubise see what say and they'll kind of like do the backward walk to you like if they'll get in front of you and they'll be like see mom you know she gaudy Muscat beaut Irina don't like a nice guy but also annoying all times there's they're different right I mean you have the typical non pop for like trying to get a girlfriend but you also have like the catch catch ah right I'm trying to get you for like the red light scene mm-hmm right which I I which I've seen some like some weird like documentary style before where like they literally it's like they're trying to get you into their photography yeah basically try to they try to say oh like we can we can take pictures of you like you look like a model we can and then they're all sunny gets and all some yeah every hour seems like one piece of clothing just slowly falls off and there's like documentaries there documents like that guy kind of like showcases some of those I'm not too familiar I don't especially Osaka I must happen I think happens more often than Tokyo Kalakuta Hopkins often right we're like girls bars actually it starts so now it goes down the slippery path the red-light district the wow really hey I always am notice this is all based on my observations and opinion but you can observe a lot just walking around especially like Shinjuku at night yeah night Kabukicho is like a hot spot for that walk down that can we show Street at night and like there will be catcher guys definitely um when I first came to Japan I was super super naive I was like 18 years old and I'm from Canada so I was like really friendly if anyone said excuse me to me to talk to me I'd be like yeah like what do you say they see me be like CMAs and be like hi and I'll talk and they'll be like oh they're super taken aback at first cuz all the girls will ignore the out of them but I was just like wow what do you want and then they tell me about their like bar my olives God taking it it was like but I thought about it I was like no this sounds really sketchy I'm pretty sure this is sketchy he's making it sound good but that's how they get you if you're not yeah I could have been I could have been could have bunted you somewhere else also have you guys ever been like for some reason I've actually been like I was it called Chicana on a train station platform you ready yeah really weird it was in Kyoto to my girl girl girl girl girl interesting and it was really weird like she she um she touched my arm and like started feeling like and she and she was like back then when I first was living in Kyoto I was only like 20 I was very naive and then she's like a mamasan she was like 45 and I was like yeah I know right and then she's like wait guys can I join no I kind of walked off it was like to my first month in Japan so my first experience was like dude nah pop culture here is an expression Kyoto and I lived in a very in a car the countryside of Kyoto's yeah probably if I don't expect it at all or maybe obviously you do expect it more aggressive because actually there's not so many people are around you right so it's like you're in the middle of a rice fields right it's that kind of atmosphere right so maybe they don't feel so nervous like oh no one's gonna see ya do something naughty right I don't know I I'm just I love you I love to help don't don't worry and I love tap and oh I I'm just saying maybe I just had a bad experience but it happens a lot though like like numba but also like weird Chacon kind of bang like sexual harassment like also sorry cheek on means sexual harassment or what she calls a noun right she got is a noun in Japanese but she can sudo would be like to do to sexual harassment yeah and the the person who's doing is called a chick on a fencer or harasser you're right you can use it for the person as well so it can be used as the action and also the person who's ever you don't get a mix with kicking one time I have the chick on connect and the waitress registered and I was straight yeah I felt so weird speaking of like weird numpy experiences did you did you ever try before like did you try to know about someone so to be honest like I'm a very passive guy when it comes like talking to girls not because I'm nervous but because I just don't like I don't like to put in like a lot of effort I don't I'm just I'm just out like live streaming like honestly most of my time outside mm-hmm so I don't I don't try to like record situations or make it kind of weird but I do often if I see if you grow up I'll be like Hello just that very simple I've seen it before I'm like yeah I'm like the reason I do that is because I just figured like if someone is I don't know like if they're receptive and if they're like maybe want to talk to somebody new you want to meet somebody they'll say hi back but if not they'll keep their head down and keep walking which is totally cool like I won't take offense to that I don't really worry about it so I guess like I don't like to invest myself and something that I think has a low success rate so I just say hello I keep it simple and if they say hi back then you can make friends and go and do you actually like start talking from that sometimes yeah well when I'm outside I'm usually holding a camera of the huge setup right so it's like it's kind of weird some people like it some people don't like it so you get it out but that's kind of like a ice picker some time so I've like hello and I'm like hi what are you doing I'm like oh I'm live-streaming like oh wait and I'm like oh yeah is 5,000 people watching and it's like it's pretty cool and if they feel comfortable usually came back talk from there eat somebody but in general I don't I don't honestly I don't go outside I'm like alright alright man let's go outside time to go pick up some chicks I've done that before I get my past but like when I can you know kind of like good for you because I think a lot of honestly there are a lot of dudes who come here and do exactly that so there's like let's see we can pick up tonight when I yeah though she is about that like anybody Japanese guys for in case they're just ready to scout out girls it's a creepy place out there yeah and you've probably seen a lot of it cuz you're out there every day like every day it's last night I was screaming to like maybe 3 a.m. and I said I mean I just see it like a lot and like it's very aggressive and very touchy and like a lot of the times off when I'm screaming I'll say comments like damn happen America that girl would slap the out there you guys are like a new girl going like touching grabbing her arm or like getting in front of her and I'm like dude like I that's hit like I can't do this weird to me but yeah they are touchy I get yeah I get touched by random guys - I mean not in like a yeah like yeah like that I guess a lot of that anything I think someone has tried to hug me before um but it was in like a crowded place I remember what it was I don't know people really like overstep their boundaries it's creepy and it's really creepy when they do it late at night like seems like the last like if you're gonna try an UMP uh someone maybe in a more reasonable time of night then you your chances are a little higher not in like a dark place like that's just like so so bad everyone would say no I think has it ever worked for anybody you can see like outside I don't know I I got some Japanese fueled outside like after after hours you know like and you can see some weird things like picking up scraps like in like the term I've heard is like picnic shapes like they'll go outside of a club at 5 a.m. when it closes and you'll see like there's a club called Adam not only just name-drop Adam Adam it's like it's like yeah and a lot of people go there like are usually younger age range 580 when it closes actually on weekdays you'll see like salarymen like maybe five to ten outside the club waiting young girls strangles come out like every time wow they're trying to basically you just pick up scraps which is like either junkie boy that's what I've heard let's see what sounds super like derogatory talk to them and try to you know make something from that it's kind of yeah I mean for me I think it's like interesting but also kind of strategic oh but I'm pretty sure I mean that it would probably work cuz I mean they're probably drunk like wasted after mines but that's why it's also wrong you know cuz they're not in their right mind and they're taking advantage of that yeah but does that happen like abroad like how about in in LA what's the pickup culture like there do people pick up scraps oh I don't know I could just picture I got a bar in LA like that's a family and it's I'll say it's more direct but also more respectful usually so many more eject as in like if you see girls drink having a drink at the bar with their friends of you give it be drunk and go up tour or try to create like in entry to talk to her or like just to make yourself known and get like a simple conversation real quick right buy a drink whatever maybe in this very like that kind of like I don't like stick like the standard what you'd see I can a movie let's say mmm-hmm when you feel it's definitely a little bit different but yeah not to say either one is right or wrong it she's kind of it's a difference of that's true that's true I think in the u.s. or like North America there's more of a like let me buy you a drink get to know you a little bit it's it's more not so forceful it's like if you want me to buy you drink I'll buy you a drink yeah and you can say yes or no it's up to you but in Japan it's like on the street so there's no room for that kind of discussion yeah but what was I want to hear one of your like stories what was one of them yeah what was one of the really weird numbers that you got I don't know if it's a number but I got asked by like a weird guy says like can Thanks can you say what can you sell like your panties to him or your panties [Laughter] is all my friends like it walking toward me my aunty and then you run away you could have made a million bucks right there a white suit white suits are bad news any time makes you all white suit who does that can you who wears an all-white suit any time you see Simon it's bad news weird joshi kousei yeah just go say it's high school girls now getting this really really oh that's so inappropriate kind of focus more on the negative aspect of jockeys how about the positives okay so you two girls have been living in Japan mm-hmm what is a good way for a person to respectfully talk to you and come up to you good question you have to give tips to that foreigner I'm taking no schmuck so we all sweet cuz obviously girls both you guys are single so obviously both of you express you want a boyfriend so how would you like a boy to talk to you juicy information so like someone we don't know is gonna suddenly approach us somewhere well like well like no no no I'm just saying best-case scenario how would you feel respected by our guy like not on a street it could be any situation what is the what is your ideal situation for a guy to start flirting with you and realistic yeah so don't say it's gonna bring you some kind of Golden Slipper and you want to give you some Emmys back whatever I wasn't even thinking about that that's not that's not my idea do you have an idea like what would be a good number for not on the street there are more chance to yeah mm-hmm okay but if it was on the street then then how how would a guy charm you I think the automatic is like ignore yeah as soon as someone tries to talk to you in the streets like don't look at him come on if Justin Bieber came up to you what would you want him to say to you Bieber like five years ago no some with some like he's kind of scraggly he's kind of like the hottest dude in the world right who could be the nicest dude you're your knight in shining armor guarantee there's at least one of those guys who may come up to you well you know obviously we know what's disregard as disrespectful mm-hmm what would be regarded as oh I don't mind him strike a conversation with me I think there's it's a little tricky to pick up a girl on the street the reason is because she's probably going somewhere and doesn't have time to talk to you anyway okay so I think ideally you would be in a bar yeah where there's a little bit of room for like conversation so maybe you could buy her a drink and introduce yourself and then maybe you could chat a little bit and that would kind of make it a little bit more comfortable where you're not just like whoa stopping like encroaching on my personal space like it's a little more respectful but if it's on the street like you're you're busy you're doing stuff it's hard to stop and like talk to them so bar is the best kind of see and you guys would would be okay if a guy approached you and be willing to respond I think girls are also looking for something like looking for to me true maybe the other ways if it's not just like a Western bar you could go into a Japanese izakaya as well because people are drinking and they're more open to like talking to each other you might find like a group of people who are like partying as a huge group maybe you could like cheers each other and then you know everyone's having a baby yes is that do you meet people there definitely I've met people like so I'm literally I'm a very come out set career to the normal person because of what I do I'm outside like six days a week a street live streaming for like eight hours I'm always a side meeting people so I've made like probably a couple hundred friends here but not that like not that they're close friends I probably only have like a handful of close friends I've met a couple hundred contacts that people have hung out with other maintenances so and they've been all different situations where they on the street bar izakayas whatever maybe like events and Wow but yeah turn-key is a great place and yeah I have definitely cheers any friends of people interview really Tony key is short for Tony keys oh good Niki's okay which is a like a chicken yeah he's okay chicken necks 2d izakaya yeah everything's like so cheap right it's not an Advil but if you want to go meet people go there I've been met their advice but yeah I think that's a little bit about numba and like picking up girls in your pen like it's a mixed bag of things if you come to Tokyo you see a lot of people trying to pick up chicks in Shibuya and Shinjuku so if you want to avoid that avoid that area at night we're going like observe like is really interesting don't wash it interesting yes I just speak Chinese they don't understand that's good they go wait sorry I have a just funny story that I just remembered I tried to speak English to a Japanese guy who tried to dump on me like I was walking in he was like I see was he on his side and like I'm sorry I don't understand he's like all English Oh English oh oh I speak like no that's not you and you can only be try to talk to English it's like I got at another language now I'm started speaking French the next time yeah so advice for anybody who wants to avoid NOPA speak a if possible obscure language scare them off we should wrap up our video here I hope you guys learned a little something about picky girl you're so busy talking juicy man and if you guys have anything you want to ask about this topic we're picking up girls yeah or any personal experiences you want to share let us know in the comments below yeah leave a comment about any many specific questions you have for these two because I think many guys know I think many guys have want to know like more advice on how to actually how to actually get sewn Oh [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative Talk
Views: 83,667
Rating: 4.8637519 out of 5
Keywords: Nampa in Japan, TCTT, TC Tea Time, How to pickup girls in Japan, Nampa, pickup girls japan, Tokyo Creative Talk, how to get girls in Japan, tokyo, japan, japanese, flirting in japan, flirting in tokyo, picking up girls in tokyo
Id: Dw0Q-OaJ3g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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