Get Rid of Roaches, Mosquitos, Fleas | Home Pest Control

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now one other thing i did want to say is whenever i spray anything that's at eye level or higher i always do wear some sort of a mask or breathing protection so [Music] hey what's up y'all i'm alan hayne the lawn care nut thanks for coming back for yet another week so i'm not really sure how i ended up titling this video but i'm really going to show you today how to get rid of all of the bugs all of the creepy crawly things all around your house from the top to the bottom from the east to the west all true to lawn all true to garden all true to the trees and shrubs everywhere for me the main target is mosquitoes i have a real bad problem here in florida with mosquitoes so i'm going to show you how to not only kill them but keep them out keep them away i'm also going to show you how to keep roaches out of your house this will work for ants and fleas in the lawn as well as around the house pretty much all of the bugs this is a great way to do your own diy pest control around your entire home last year i did a similar video and i showed you how to use like stuff you could get at home depot and lowe's i'll link below to that but this year i'm going to show you how to use some you know what i would call professionally formulated products and a new one that i'm going to try because i'm trying to get some extension out of the application trying to get it to last longer and also trying to get it to control a broader spectrum of insects and bugs now before we go getting too crazy though the number one thing that you can do to keep bugs insects mosquitoes ants fleas all of that out of your house from around your house and all of that is to clean up don't let anybody tell you these are the messiest palms people have warned me about them and they didn't lie they are definitely messy look at this all of this stuff this can harbor all kind of bugs underneath keep stuff cleaned up by the way i know a lot of you in the last video noticed my new pool cage i'll do a video on that later not not really on the pool cage itself even though i'll show it it's just now that i have a cage there i have to redirect some of the ways that i'm irrigating and stuff like that i'm gonna mess with some eli hoes reel so i'll show you all that in a future video but for sure if mosquitoes are one of your targets then one of the best ways to guard against mosquitoes is to screen everything in it's also a very expensive way to do it but either way that's a whole other video that we'll talk about i still do use the lawn out there quite often and all around and so mosquitoes are still a concern for me because i like to be outside as much as possible it's also a good time to do any pruning these are bougainvillea look at these things another super high maintenance viny thing anyway but look it under here man this is just haven for insects and for standing water and moisture and everything else so okay there it is all cleaned up more bugs back in there one thing i did want to say before you go too far in this video this is not the gluten-free non-gmo way to kill bugs this is used in chemicals okay if you follow the label and you wear your ppe you should be all good you're only doing this a couple two three times a year you're not a pest control guy getting slathered in this every single day just keep that in mind it works and sometimes you do got to use a chemical to get the job done okay well there is a rain coming in so i may have to postpone this but i can still do most of the background shooting and everything here and then i'll just do the spraying in the praying later so when i go to treat for bugs around the house mosquitoes and that i have kind of three primary areas that i look at the first is the lawn space the second is the landscape and landscaping spaces and then the third is the structure and there's a little bit different application technique for each one of those but the products that we use are the same so let me go now and show you the professionally formulated products i'm going to use and i'm even going to break down the cost for you hey y'all okay so today's sunday i'm in the middle of doing the edit here and i just wanted to say one thing the products that i'm using in this video again none of this is sponsored i probably shouldn't have to say that because i always do tell you when things are sponsored this is not sponsored this is stuff that i purchased and i'm going to send out details on the actual products in an email this tuesday like i go into all the active ingredients what they're good for what they're used for what they do and why it's a really long email i've actually already written it i think you'll really enjoy it it's just really good detail and fun stuff all about the products that i'm using here for diy pest control and if you get here late and you're not on the email list by the way if you want to be on the email list sign up below but if you get here late and you missed it or whatever we'll also turn it into a blog post and i'll link that below for you so i just want to let you know tons more details there in writing for you and that way you can kind of dig in and learn a little bit more about these products and why i'm using them now before we go getting too crazy with all the spraying in the prey and i wanted to show you something i kind of discovered that should have been obvious to me but it wasn't and that is getting rid of the cobwebs that get up and around in the corners of like your porch or whatever in the past i would always crawl up on a tall ladder and use a broom and knock them down super dangerous right and i actually found this new way to do it that is super easy and it works awesome and i wanted to show you that first because before i did anything i got rid of all the cobwebs okay now before we get going on all the spraying and the praying and all that i wanted to show you one quick tip and i don't know if all of you around the country have this challenge but for sure in florida we do and when you have areas like this you're going to get spider webs all up around the edges and i'll get up there and show you they're not too bad right now because i've been trying to keep them cleaned out but the spider webs get all up in there and it just becomes a real pain and i don't even really burn any lights out here or anything because that's what they'll do they'll collect around lights but i have one light that lights up my flag right here at night and because of that there's spiders everywhere because obviously they're there catching opportunistic catching whatever flying bugs are attracted to that light that lights up that flag right there so i've tried different things in the past i've tried pressure washing up there it doesn't work plus that's drywall up there and so you don't want to pressure wash that it'll it'll over time it'll break it down so i've got gone up there with brooms and everything but what happens is it's a pain first of all to climb up there on a ladder with a broom but then secondly the spiders just jump away and then they crawl back up there later at least that's what it seems like so i've seen pest control companies doing this and so i figured i would try it and so i'm going to go ahead and give it to you as a tip right now so this is what they use and you can get these on amazon i'll link it below this is called a webster i mean it's nothing new i've seen these before but i never for some reason just never thought about it and basically you're just going to put that up there and the cracks and the crevices but again if you just knock them down it's not a you know they can come back they can you know itsy bitsy spider crawls up the water spout kind of deal so what you do is you get this this here micro care cs and you spray this on the webster and then you wipe and so it kills all of the spiders while you're wiping them away at the same time at least that's the idea plus if any of them do stick in that and you take that back in your garage you know you don't want to take live spiders back in your garage do you it's bad enough that all those beanie babies you've been collecting are full of spider eggs in your closet you know that's true too [Music] you okay you all right so here's what i'll tell you about this thing the head of the webster works great it's stout it wipes away all the junk really good but the poles that they send with it garbage and i actually bought what i thought was a three pole extension but it wasn't it was three separate so the poles that this one came with are entirely too short so i'll try to link below and find one that has longer poles especially if you have to get up in tall areas like that but the poles are garbage but i do highly recommend these heads that's what she said okay now i know some of you are gonna ask for a link to that product listen i don't know what's going on i went back and looked at the listing that i actually bought that from and it is completely changed now so there's some sort of amazon shenanigans going on with that seller so just look for your own webster i'm sure all of these things work just fine it's really the the pull that you want you know you want at least a 19 or 20 foot pole anyway let's move on now and let's go into the actual rest of the spraying all around the yard the the structure the trees and shrubs all of that and there's where i'm going to use the professionally formulated products and i use the same products and the same mix for all of the different application methods all right so here's the two products we're going to use and you got a little bit of math you got to do when you mix two together but again this is using professional professionally formulated products so the first one we're going to use is familiar bifen it this is bifenthrin it's the 7.9 formulation you can get stronger or higher concentrations of this but this is fine and it's inexpensive and it's going to work for most pests around your house including not just nuisance pests like we're going after here but also damaging pests and then we're going to use this this is new to me and this is my first time using it but i've talked to a few people who have said this is an excellent additive this is an insect growth regulator called tekopro the idea here is is that the bifen will kill whatever it comes in contact with and then the techo will remain as a residual and it's going to do two things number one is any adults that are missed it's going to make them sterile so they can't reproduce and then the other thing is any babies or small insects that are or eggs that are currently present it will keep them from growing into adults so that's why you add the techo so it's it's literally two modes of action is how we might say it with weed control and again i'm not a pest expert so i have done my best to read the labels here though to make sure that i'm telling you right so i was a licensed pesticide applicator in illinois in indiana for several years and what you'll find is that pest control and lawn care applications are close cousins and in fact at least in indiana illinois the basic license to be an applicator is the same for pest and lawn it's just the specialties are different so i'm going to do my best though to tell you what i've learned from reading these labels but it's your job to read the label of the product that you have and interpret it for yourself i am not telling you that this is the best way or the only way to do this what i'm telling you is is from me reading the labels and interpreting and doing the best i can this is what i think is the proper way to apply these products to your house to your lawn to your bushes and trees in order to stop these invading pests and so i'm going to just give you one quick tip that will save your life i actually do like to read the actual labels and you'll see that i make notes in here when i read them and i write on scribble all over them because it helps me to learn and then i do record things in a journal now i have my app but when i'm just doing my scribbling i need to put stuff on paper here um and then put it in my app once the application is made but i wanted to show you something quick because sometimes it can get a little confusing reading all this fine print so what you can do is download the label this is bifen it make sure it's the same exact product that you have download it and then what you can do is you can hit in my case i have a mac control f which is a search feature and a pdf and you go up here and you can search on a web page too and like i'll type in like right up here i'll type in mist because i wanted to see if i could use a mist fogger or a mister for this and what that'll do is it'll tell you all the places where that word appears inside this pdf see it coming up there and then you can see right here so that says avoid breathing spray mist but if you keep going through the different examples you'll see here right there mist blowers see that so i was able to find out apply this is under let's see mosquitoes probably yeah see mosquito control right there that says mosquito control and then all i'm doing is i'm using my arrows to go down and find the different places where the word mist shows up see that and you can see so under mosquito control it's going to tell me all the different you know places you can apply and what rates to use and all that but look apply with handheld and backpack sprayers or mist blowers right so you can use a mist blower and that was the main thing i wanted to find is can i use a mist blower or a mister to apply this product because i've never used that before i've always used a hand can and hand can is in there too so that's one way to just search a label pick a key word out do control f or command f is what i do on a mac either way you search through the document and you look for those words and then you read around them you read the paragraphs before and the paragraphs after and that's a quick way to get through a label and understand if you're actually applying the product right [Music] so [Music] okay now that all the lawn spaces are done the next thing i'm going to do is around my house the foundation of the house and up into all the cracks and crevices you saw we already cleared all the spiders out up through there but i'm going to spray spray all around the windows and doors and this and i can spray three feet up and three feet out and i can even go down through the beds and everywhere so that's what i'm gonna do next mixed rate is exactly the same as it was for the lawn and you know you're gonna have to estimate a thousand square feet of spray space there is a way to do it i've done videos on that before basically you can measure square footage you measure three feet up and three feet out and measure the length and you can get the square footage but just get a good soaking on it that's really what you want you just want to get everything well soaked all the way up and all the way down [Music] now i'm also going to spray i guess what you'd call the eaves or the higher areas up over by there and this flood tip doesn't do well for that it does great for the ground applications but every one of you that has a sprayer you will have one of these that came with it this is what you use to get up high i'm only i'm only going to mix a gallon for this because it won't take as much to do all of this [Music] now for this portion where i'm spraying all around the trees and the shrubs and the landscape underneath the plants and all of that over by there in the past what i would have used is a hose-end sprayer and i've showed you that before but these misters now are becoming kind of a big deal and i actually had two of them here i had a professional one that was sent to me last year and then i have this new one called the mosquito sniper that was also sent to me so these two products that you're about to see these were sent to me for free i didn't pay for them and now i'm going to go ahead and give you an honest review of each one now if your target is mosquitos and for a lot of you that is going to be a target they're a major nuisance pest then you may want to consider getting one of these missed fogger sprayers and i've seen these coming into popularity in the diy marketplace over the last couple years however these professional models like this one here can run you close to 500 in fact this one is 499 they sent me this last year this company petra i never had a chance to use it so we're going to try it out today but there's a new solution that's just come up and it's a guy and his wife they invented this and they're out of illinois over by there and it's the mosquito sniper system and it works in a similar way except this is like 35 bucks and then you just retrofit it onto a cheap pump sprayer like this and then use your current get lifted and then just use your current blower that you have so we're going to look at both of those solutions together too because this was something that probably most of us would not have paid 500 in the past but if this works just as well and allows you to spray up into your bushes and trees over by there get rid of the mosquitoes it might be worth a look so this is a professional version this was sent to me and i actually think they have these in battery powered now because you actually have to plug this in so 400 i think it is to plug it in forget it i'm not going to be tethered to a cord for 400 but i think they make them in battery powered now but either way pretty expensive but since they sent it to me we're gonna go ahead and try it and then we're gonna put it up against the 35 mosquito sniper which hooks on to your blower so before i put any kim's in it i'm just going to try it with water just see how it does i don't want to waste the kim's if i end up not liking it for sure if you filled this all the way you'd want to have this in an elevated position to mount it on your back easier but since we're just doing this little test not a problem okay here we go let's go tether ourselves up to some electricity beyond decked all right so not gonna lie that is really flipping cool it sounds like a giant vacuum cleaner but man it's it's kind of in between a mist and a fog almost so let's put some chemical in this and kill some bugs now i'm tethered to a 25 foot cord i suppose i could put a longer one on but i'm just gonna put enough in to do this section right in through here this is pretty you can see pretty heavy foliage and through here so let's spray and pray literally pretty cool 400 would be up to you but wow using the same fill rates i'm gonna do two gallons so i should be able to get 2 000 square feet out of it which is pretty much this entire front here right all the trees all the shrubs well they're mostly shrubs but you know what i'm saying over there okay so here's what i'll say about that thing um it's super cool and uh i think it works really well but i think for a diy we do this twice a year probably not worth the investment but i'll tell you what if you're somebody that has to spray like disinfectants out of school which i think is what a lot of these are being used for like you spray disinfectant spray across church pews or at schools or things like that this thing will be awesome for that and i think that's what they're selling a lot of these for these days so pretty cool now let's look at the diy version the mosquito sniper that is quite a bit cheaper and really made for us so you pretty much just set the sprayer up like you normally would then this is your mosquito sniper system this is the business end right here and this end here hooks on to the handle for the pump sprayer you see that get your blower and all that you do is this right here hangs down in front of the stream and you can even adjust this like you can take this thing i'm going to do that you can put it on the lower setting here so it you may you want it you want to be in the middle of your blower so if your hole is larger you use the lower setting and if you have so you know some blowers they're they're not round here they're more of a whatever rectangle so then you can move it up but you want it to be definitely dead center of the blower output seems good i think we're ready to go we'll test it with a little water and then we're going to go spray and pray this is just water so i'm going to test it in the same area i already sprayed because again just water and then i'll actually do some real spraying in a minute so [Music] so hey okay so for sure if you ask me does that mosquito sniper work yeah it works great is it worth 34 or 39 bucks or whatever plus the cost of the uh cheap pump sprayer yeah for sure it is and uh you can definitely cover a lot of ground underneath places you couldn't reach with other means with that so pretty cool when somebody invents something like that i'll give you links below they're not affiliate links nothing i mean they sent me a 35 contraption for free if you want to call that sponsored but other than that definitely a good buy and i highly recommend it all right so there you go guys there's everything i got for you this weekend by the way if you've been hearing like what sounds to be like gunshots in the background what that is is like half the people in this neighborhood are getting new roofs uh these companies they come by and they they find hurricane damage on people's roofs and everybody gets a free roof from their insurance company and all that i will not be partaking in that but that's what you're hearing that everybody in our neighborhood is is partaking in that at this point it seems like but anyway long and short of it is those are not gun shots but back to that mosquito sniper seriously i think that thing is awesome and you can adjust it so that it does get more of a mist i just like the little bit harder of a of a spray there but i'm really excited about that whenever somebody invents something new like that like in their house and and solves a problem i just i love getting behind that so definitely check that out tons of links below to all the other stuff and i hope this video has been helpful to you i promise you overall if you do this i mean this is a lot of spraying and a lot of praying but it delivers on what i told you it's going to kill all of the bugs around your house so with that i'm alan hayne the lawn care and i hope you guys have a great week and i'll see you in the lawn oh almost forgot brand new podcast is up i will link that below as well as i now segment out the podcast on another channel called lcn just lawn tips i'll link that below too for those of you who don't want to listen to the entire podcast but you like the segments and so with that hope you guys have a great week and i'll see you in the lawn you
Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Views: 235,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: get rid of roaches, get rid of mosquitos, get rid of fleas, get rid of ants, get rid of mosquitoes in, get rid of mosquitoes in yard, get rid of roaches for good, get rid of fleas in yard, DIY pest control, home pest control, home pest control do it yourself, home pest control DIY, best home pest control spray, home bug spray, outdoor mosquito spray, outdoor flea spray, outdoor ant spray, ant spray for yard, roach spray, lawn care nut, pest control, #mosquito, mosquito, lawn
Id: La3Ey-4SCoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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