DIY General Exterior Pest Control

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hi folks my name's guy and I've been doing pest control for a really really long time and I've been licensed in several states now I'm not licensed anymore and I'm retired but I've looked at a number of pest control videos how to apply the pesticide and take care of your home yourself that way and I've noticed that many of them are really telling you to do it the wrong way and so I thought I'd take a minute to really explain the proper way to do pest control yourself now this is not going to be a five-minute video because you can't explain how to do proper pest control in five minutes so if you want to watch one of the five minute videos how to do it then go ahead and do that and when it doesn't work for you please come back and watch this one and I'll show you guaranteed how it's going to work 100% of the time now the first thing that you're going to notice is most of those videos show you to use one of these and these are great for solid applications like a wall surface or concrete they work pretty well for that although they're very time consuming but if you have if you look at area like next to me which is gravel or you have a dirt area coming up next to the house this really isn't going to apply enough volume of pesticide to do a good job so what I'm recommending for you today is if you're treating the exterior of your home is you go to something more like this I know I got this one on Amazon a few years ago and I noticed they don't sell them anymore on Amazon for some reason but you can get them locally at Lowe's or Home Depot Harbor Freight I think has these for about 20 or 25 dollars now the one I had I like this one because it comes it has wheels on it but if you have one like you get at Harbor Freight that does not have wheels you can kind of put on yourself this is a backpack sprayer and that's what they are selling and of course if you're you're young and strong you can fill this thing up with four gallons of water and slap it on your back and you're good to go but I happen to be 70 years old and there is no way I'm filling this thing up with four gallons of water and putting it on my back I am going to hurt myself if I do that and so that's why I wanted one on wheels but if you get one that is not on wheels all you need to do is just get yourself anything like this like the hand taught these are available for under $50 again at Harbor Freight and just put your backpack on it and get yourself a bungee cord like this and it's pretty simple to do just go ahead and slap a bungee cord around it and you'll be able to wheel this thing around no problem at all and not hurt your back okay so now a lot of these come locked in leaders like this one is now I kind of can judge about what a gallon of water is but what I would recommend that you do is mark this so that you know what a gallon is and a gallon isn't okay so the way I like to do it is just take yourself a gallon of water and pour it into the unit like this pretty simple and then you can see where the watermark is and all you do is make a mark on it and just mark it one gallon then what you do is do that another three times and you'll have a mark for each gallon now why do you want to do that because you don't always need four gallons of pesticide you might get to a point where you only just need one more gallon to finish the job and you don't really want to be estimating with pesticide so I'm going to stop the video right now and do the rest of them so you don't have to watch me filling this thing up and then we'll proceed from there okay so you can see how I did that so now we have our markings of one two three and four gallons so that we can measure out our pesticide correctly so let me put the cap on this thing because they're not going to do any pesticide just yet first of all before you do any treatments at all it's really really important to use PPE personal protective equipment let me show you what that is real fast first thing you don't want is some goggles because you definitely don't want this pesticide getting in your eyes and believe me when you're treating outside you can get some wind that can blow it in your face or you know some drips or something like that so you want to be careful same thing I have here an n95 mask these are the kind that you see in hospitals and stuff but this one was made specifically for more industrial use you know and pesticide is a good one for it I've had this one now for probably about eight years so the only thing I use it for is pesticide so and I only use it for you know maybe a couple of hours at a time so the mask lasts quite a long and finally you want yourself some good gloves you don't want the disposable ones that you get they're just not going to do the job you don't want anything that's going to leak again these are chemical resistant gloves and you can see they go quite high up your hand and your arm because you don't want to get any pesticide in your skin now I also recommend that you wear long pants and long sleeve shirts it's Florida where I am and so it's a little hot out here so I'm not wearing long sleeve shirts today and I am NOT going to wear the personal protective equipment but that is because I am NOT going to use pesticide I'm just going to demonstrate using plain old water because if I was wearing all this I wouldn't be able to talk to you so to make this video a little more comprehensive I'm just going to simulate using pesticide now that brings up the question which pesticide should you use I have two recommendations for you the first is a product a lot of people tell you to use it's called talstar it's a good product and you can use this inside or outside although I do not recommend the use of pesticides inside unless it's a last resort but if you really want to get good control there's a better product but I'd start with this I start with the towel starts a little safer than what I normally use but it doesn't always get the job done quite as well as what the next product we're going to recommend so give this a try give talstar try this gets mixed one ounce per gallon and you can apply this every three months at a gallon at an ounce per gallon okay and even has a neat little measuring device here although I typically do not use the measuring devices that they provide I get myself a measuring cup from the dollar store and I find that that's more accurate and I just like using it better now if you don't get good results with this then I bring out the Taurus SC and this is what I always use I just this is my go-to product I like it this is really Taurus SC is a termiticide that means it's designed mostly to kill termites so one of the side advantages of this is there's a good chance if you use this like I'm telling you you're probably not going to get termites either we're not going to do a termite treatment we're going to really be doing a treatment today for general pest and this is labeled for general pests as well so some of this has lab with the leached into the ground near your foundation and you're probably going to get the target the termites as well because termites are subterranean means they have to return to the ground every day and so and that's why they use this they usually trench your house and that another story and they pour this in and the termites pass through and it kills them but if you put enough of this on the side of your house some of it is going to leach through and probably give you some termite protection although that is not the we're not using that to treat termites today I'm probably going to do a video later on at another time to show you how to treat for termites and I have a way of doing that for about 50 bucks and it will get rid of any termites that you may have in your house and it's a treatment that you can do every year for 50 bucks never have a termite but for now we just got to talk about general pest here in Florida the things that we're really targeting are things like cockroaches we have a big problem with American cockroaches also people like to call them palmetto bugs in the South because they even though they're cockroaches that kind of makes it sound better that they don't have cockroaches the american cockroach is typically an outside bug but they do come inside from time to time when it gets too wet or too hot or something and you find them in your house this will stop them cold also things like ants we we get a lot of cop inter ants and things like that that like to nest inside the walls and the eaves and the Attic and stuff like that this does a good job for that and we have another thing here we have ghost dance they're really really tiny tiny ants that you can hardly see and this does a good job for them as well so this talk it's just about any pest that you'd want and does a super job but the only thing is this is a bit more hazardous to use than the the Taurus that I'm sorry then the that then the towel star also don't ever ever under any circumstances use this inside your house this is strictly an exterior pesticide and again it's a little more hazardous to use you don't want to put this inside your house okay so this product is labeled to use as a standard pesticide but unlike the towel star you have to be a little more careful because if you mix this full strength you're only allowed to use it every six months if you want to use it every three months you have to kind of mix it half strength so it also has a little measuring device and you if you if you look closely at this I'll give you a little close-up of it it's marked point eight ounces and point four ounces the point eight ounces is if you're doing the six-month treatment the point four ounces is for doing the three-month treatment obviously the point eight ounces is going to do a better job than the four ounces but you're not supposed to do the point eight every three months okay just so you know all right so let's get started let me show you how to do a proper pest treatment we're going to assume and don't forget you know one of the mistakes people make that you have four gallons of water here you don't want to put 0.8 for four gallons because remember you got to do this four times so it means you need three point two ounces if you're mixing this full strength you with me okay so let me actually get into the actual technique of how we're going to do this I'm 70 years old so if I can stand up now that's going to be a miracle in itself I'll be with you in just a moment okay we're going to pretend that this jug of water is actually one of our pesticides because I don't want to work with life pesticide today because I'm not wearing any PPE so I've emptied my applicator my and this is battery powered by the way so the first thing I want to do I don't want to put the water in first I want to put the pesticide in first it's low foaming and so I shouldn't have a problem I'm going to pretend I'm mixing this full strength and so since its point 8 ounces per gallon for 8 is 32 so that's three point two ounces per gallon I wish they would have diluted this so it was like even ounces what like they did with the towel star that makes it a lot simpler just four ounces you're good to go so you got to do a little bit more math with the Taurus SC so what I'm going to do is measure out three point two ounces and put it in and then what I want to do the reason I'm putting that in first is because if you put four gallons and I'm only going to mix one before gallons if you put four gallons of water and then you try to shake this I'm sorry I don't think in depth if you try to shake this thing it's kind of heavy to do so if you put the pesticide in first the water from the hose is going to kind of mix it up for you so you don't have to be busy shaking it so I'm just going to fill this with water and of course again remember you're wearing your you're wearing your PPE right now so if anything splashes up you won't get hurt okay I didn't quite put forward four gallons to make it easier for me but we're gonna pretend again that I filled us with four gallons of water okay folks let's make sure that we have our cap screwed on tight okay now you may have noticed if you're really observant that I'm wearing different clothes than I did at the beginning of this video and that's because I kinda ran out of time the other day when I was doing this and so I have different clothes on now before I go any further I want to make to say a word about liability since I am NOT a licensed pest controller you need to understand that any of the recommendations that you take today are at your own risk and liability I cannot be responsible if you get into any problems because you did something that I recommend always always make sure that you read and follow all label directions so if something on the label disagrees with something that I'm telling you you should follow the label okay let me talk to you a little bit about cost i similarly call I paid about $90 for a 78 fluid ounce container of the Taurus SC and I probably paid about the same maybe a little more for the talstar but this is what I typically use is the Taurus SC and I just treated the house one of them again one of the reasons that I'm in different clothes today is because I had a stop and shooting the video from last time and start today but one of the things that I did was I actually treated my house and my daughter's house who lives next door and my house I ended up using 20 gallons of finished pesticide they said well that's a lot of pesticide and this is $90 for a container that sounds pretty expensive but stop and think about it the only using 0.8 ounces per gallon right so that means this container makes about 97 gallons of finished pesticide so around that term now let's say roughly a hundred gallons right and it takes me 20 gallons to treat the house that means I can treat the house five times with this container right and since at that dilution rate you're only treating every six months that means I'm going to treat two and a half years for about a hundred bucks right so that's not bad when you stop and think that a pest controller is going to charge you about $25 a month or $300 a year and they're only going to come out every three months so it's really pretty inexpensive when you stop and think about it okay so it's now maybe $40 a year as opposed to $300 a year so you save a lot of money if you do this yourself okay folks here I am again remember I'm only using water and that's why I'm not using any protective equipment now what you want to do is catch up on the foundation by the side of the house about two feet you don't need a whole lot of pesticide but when you're treating the gravel here or if you have dirt going up to it you need to use a lot more than most videos show you because most your pests a living right in here with a wall and the dirt kind of meet that's where they're breeding and so you need to kind of really soak it in there with those things meat and even the gravel here or if you have dirt give this a good soaking because if you just give it this little spritzing like they show you it's not enough to get the job done and here with it with the trim pieces catch that too again if you're doing I'm only going to do this pop but I'm just showing you if it's dirt do the same thing put a lot on it and on your windows I own toin to get it on the glass so I just catch the bottom sill and then I go around just on the concrete and that's done okay if you have a gate like this wasps love to live in these gates so what I always do is I give them a little shot like right in here and that'll stop any wasps that you have now if you have a wooden fence that meets the house like this great place for carpet to ants to be getting into your house so you definitely want to treat both the side of the house where it meets the gate with the fence rather where it meets the fence and catch it pretty good and if you have any chases like this like I have oh they don't not always sealed so you want to catch that entire thing as well also what I do is I also catch my fascia boards around the soffits here and if you have any cast have a crack right here I just shoot some pesticide right and always stand away by the way so that you don't get dripped on and then you want to catch just a little bit under the eaves and that's it just all around the house okay and that's going to stop brown recluse spiders wasp anything that's going to be nesting up in your eaves now if you have a gabled roof you're going to need a ladder to get up there always work away from the pesticide so start shooting it here and then work down toward the ladder and move the ladder don't don't let it drip on you don't want to get this pesticide on you so always be careful like that all right don't forget your air conditioning units either you want to catch around the pad again about two feet out and make sure you catch behind it and if you have a chase like I do a lot of times use a hollow catch up in here to catch around the roll the unit okay if you have bushes you also want to treat them I just give it a little spritz on the sides and the top both sides of the bush but I really at the base where the roots are you want to give that a really good shot of your pesticide just like you would near the foundation of the house same thing with the trees we want to catch all around those as well okay for your ancient stores you don't want to use too much pesticide just a light spray will do right at the bottom of the door and go all the way around and then catch same thing as you would around the building but we have concrete here so we don't need quite so much pesticide just a light spritz all the way around and you're pretty much good to go okay for your garage doors pretty simple same deal is the entrance door just catch up the garage door a little bit and again about two feet out on the concrete and around the door [Music] and that's all there is to it I happen to have a sidewalk that goes around a good part of my house so if you've got to treat a sidewalk there are if you have to treat the house you definitely don't want to forget about the sidewalk and so if you've got to treat the sidewalk make sure that you catch a good amount of pesticide right here because your pests are really going to be breeding right where the dirt meets the concrete and it's the same thing by your house right where the soil meets the side of the house you really want to get that soaked in so do that on your way your sidewalk speed the ground okay and don't forget to catch the expansion joints in your in your sidewalk as well and that's going to follow through with the drive for you as well which I'm going to go out there in a minute and show you the drive way also okay here on the driveway it's the same thing as the sidewalk you want to catch the expansion joints and right next to the driveway we want to flood in a pretty good amount to your pesticide right in here because that is where your bugs are actually going to be breeding they have if you have these electrical boxes phone boxes in the net cable all that sort of thing it's a great place for bugs to get into so you want to just go around them don't electrocute yourself but spray around a little bit all the way down to the ground and if you have any penetrations going through make sure you catch those as well so I don't have a whole lot of penetrations in this house but I try to keep them sealed as much as I can have a little opening right here but if you have pipes going through the house anywhere electric wires you name it you always want to make sure you soak them pretty good because bugs definitely like to get into those places don't forget to treat your sheds either because you don't want any bugs in your sheds as well so again it's the same thing you're going to treat up to feet catch the grass around it catch all around the door you know these edges here anywhere get around the windows same exact treatment as you're going to do with the house but do it to all your outlying buildings like sheds I've pretty much shown you how to treat just about everything you could possibly want to treat now it's real important to understand you're not quite finished with the job just yet though it's really important before you stop - number one clean up your equipment do not leave any unused pesticide in the container well you've planned this thing out pretty well so your pesticide applicator or sprayer is empty but if it isn't always make sure that you take the time to dump out any unused pesticide and then after you dump out the pesticide make sure that you rinse this out at least a couple times put about a gallon of water shake it up dump it out put another gallon of water and then run it through the sprayer just so that there's no pesticide left in the hose or anything and then dump it out make sure your sprayers nice and clean a couple reasons for that number one you might forget what you have in the sprayer you may be using this sprayer for weed control or something like that and you want to remember what you actually have in the sprayer also like me if you use more than one type of pesticide you may forget what you actually have in the sprayer and number two and probably even more importantly is this pesticide can sometimes or for weed control products like roundup can congeal in here and actually get lumpy and so when you shoot it through yours wand it can clog everything up so you want to make sure this is nice and clean when you're finished finally when you're all finished with your pest treatments for the day always take a shower I don't care who you are you are probably going to get some of the mist from the sprayer on your skin some kind of way even if you're wearing a long-sleeve shirt you might get some on your you know the overspray on your neck if it's a little breezy or something or catch some drips you don't want any of this pesticide on you at all and also as quickly as you can you know after you take a shower be sure that you wash the clothes that you were wearing because there is going to be pesticide on those clothes and you don't want to keep that pesticide in the house so run that those clothes through the washer and take good care of finally with your gloves that you're wearing after you wash out your container make sure you wash the gloves too just take some running water with the hose and wash off the gloves and clean out your measuring equipment and anything like that make sure there's no pesticide on anything that you've been using okay that's it for me folks sorry it took so long to do this video but I wanted to get it right and make sure you were going to get really great results if you like what you saw give me a like and I'm really going to try to get some more pest videos together for you like termite treatments and maybe fire ants and some other things so we're till then take care
Channel: Guy's Pest Solutions
Views: 76,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bug, bugs, insects, cockroaches, spiders, spraying, exterminator, extermination, infestation, infest, save, save money
Id: 3ESGJsn3MLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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