How to Exterminate German Cockroaches 100 Percent for Good. This treatment never fails.

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hi this is guy i've been doing pest control for many years now and i've been licensed in several states well i'm not licensed anymore because i'm retired now but given that many people need to save money these days i decided that i would share ways that i learned over the years on how you can do your own pest control effectively safely and most importantly inexpensively my goal is to save people money so if you find this video helpful please share it with someone you know who may also need to save a buck on pest control also if you would like to see more of my videos then please click the subscribe button and don't forget to click on that little bell next to it so you get notified when i have another video published now today we're going to talk about completely eliminating your german cockroach infestation and when i say completely eliminate that is exactly what i mean in this video i'm going to show you how to send every one of those disgusting things packing and when you are finished they will never come back again before i get into it though i want to start by apologizing for the length of this video i have given a lot of thought on how to keep this just as brief as possible because i know a lot of folks like their videos short and to the point the problem is that i have no choice but to share a lot of information and that's because i am not planning on showing you how to control german cockroaches i'm talking about eliminating them entirely now i have watched all sorts of videos on youtube and although some of them will claim to get rid of all your german cockroaches the truth is that they are only showing you how to control them the main reason for that is because it's been long thought in the industry that it is impossible to completely eliminate a german cockroach infestation i'm going to explain to you why this is in just a little while but i want to make it clear that it is very possible to get rid of all your german cockroaches and make it so that they never return and i am going to show you exactly how to do it so if you have watched videos on how to eliminate german cockroaches before and you tried those methods with let's just say limited success or you hired a professional pest control company and they had to continually continually come back to keep the roaches away then you have come to the right place since i am retired now i do not have access to industrial kinds of buildings so today i'm going to show you how to treat your home but this method will work on any building including homes restaurants hospitals hotels apartment buildings condos and so forth so if you are a pro and you would like to offer a total elimination service to your customers that have german cockroaches with no follow-up treatments required then this video is for you as well as for the do-it-yourselfers now let me say that i am not here to put down the professionals far from it i am here to assist professionals here's the thing though you see folks just about all professional pest controllers understand that the gold standard for german cockroach infestations is to try and knock down the population to the point where the customer doesn't see them anymore but they understand that they must keep returning to the customer's home or place of business to maintain control and that's because they were they were not able to eliminate the infestation 100 percent now that's not a criticism it's it's just the way it's always been done now i am sure that there are some pest controllers that have already figured out how to do this but not many if you are one of those pest controllers who have actually pulled it off then congratulations you can stop watching this video otherwise please keep watching you see let's face it it doesn't matter what type of pest you're talking about in order for them to even exist then there must be some of them still around or they could not reproduce this is basic biology 101 pests pests do not miraculously appear from nowhere they must come from somewhere and if you get rid of all of them then they simply can no longer exist it's kind of like saving the whales if the whales go extinct and there aren't any more of them that's it they are gone forever it's no different with roaches in your home or business once they are all gone that's it you will not have any more of them does that make any sense you don't need to be a brain surgeon to figure that out right it's just common sense of course you could always introduce new roaches into the environment but most of the treatments that i am going to show you today are permanent so in the unlikely event that new roaches are introduced into the environment eliminating them will be very easy the truth is though that i have never seen a reinfestation after this treatment has been performed properly okay so why are german cockroaches considered so impossible to get rid of well the problem with german cockroaches is that they breed at an insanely fast pace so even if you manage to kill every single living roach in the building even if there is just one egg sac left behind then you will have another infestation very quickly if it was only that way with the whales wouldn't that be great anyway i'm not trying to scare you but you need to know the truth the ugly fact is that female german cockroaches lay egg sacks that contain 30 to 50 eggs in just one egg sac and one egg sac can multiply into literally thousands of roaches in a single year yeah you heard me right thousands and if you are seeing german cockroaches during the day then trust me you don't have just one egg sac you have thousands of egg sacs each capable capable of producing thousands more new roaches each year do you understand what i'm saying let that sink in for a minute let's be really conservative here suppose one egg sac just produces one hundred thousand more roaches in a year if you have ten egg sacs then that's a million new roaches in a year that's just 10x what's that you say you think i'm exaggerating okay let's run the math then now i don't want to spend a lot of time getting into the life cycle of the german cockroach but basically you were looking about 100 days from a female basically getting pregnant to producing more females ready to get pregnant so to keep it simple let's just say that you get new roaches about every three and a half times a year conservatively if each egg sac yields just 30 new roaches and just 15 of them are females then those 15 females will conservatively turn into 225 new female roaches in the first 100 days that's 15 times 15 equals 225. even i can do that basic math then 100 days later those 225 female roaches will become about 3 375 female roaches the math those 3 3 375 females will become about 50 000 female roaches 100 days after that so in just 300 days you will have 50 000 female roaches and keep in mind you will also have another 50 000 male roots in other words that's 100 000 roaches in less than a year now 100 days after that are you ready for this you will have about 750 000 females and another 750 000 males for a grand total of about one and a half million roaches in just over a year so if you want something to keep you up at night now of course there will be somewhat fewer than this because there will also be some roaches dying off due to things like old age and other causes so let's say that one-third died during this time that still leaves you with a million roaches in just over a year so how many do you think you're going to have a year after that listen to me if you are already seeing these things then again you don't have just one egg sac laying around you have thousands of egg sacs just laying around and they're like little time bombs that are ready to go off and they will go off very soon and let me tell you newborn roaches become adults quickly and the females waste no time producing more egg sacs what's worse is that the egg sacs are not affected by pesticides that's right you can literally spray the egg sacs with pesticide and they will still hatch and may be perfectly fine and guess what there is no way that you are ever going to get pesticide on most of the egg sacs anyway because they are well hidden and well protected now i know that my pros out there are saying wait a minute we use insect growth regulators so the nymphs will never be able to reproduce and that will end the infestation well if that were true then why do you need to continually return to the account for follow-up treatments the truth is that igrs are an important tool in treating cockroaches but they are not a panacea for getting rid of them completely it takes more than igrs and baits to get the job done look i'm not trying to freak you out here but you need to know exactly what you were dealing with so let me be clear if you are seeing german cockroaches during the day like when you go in the kitchen in the morning and turn on the light and then you see some scamper away then you don't have thousands of roaches you may have millions of roaches already make no mistake it's really that bad now if you are watching this video then you clearly have access to the internet so if you don't believe me look it up do your homework you will soon find that i am not exaggerating it's common sense folks if you are the customer of a pest control company that is selling you a service where they need to keep returning on a permanent basis then they did not eliminate the problem because if they did eliminate the problem then they would never need to return i'm sorry pros i do not mean to make you angry with me but you know that's the truth the thing is that it doesn't need to be that way though now there is a way to eliminate the problem entirely so that you never need to return to the account now well it it may seem in your best interest you know at least your best financial interest to eliminate the need for return visits and eliminate a steady income from all your german roach customers at the same time you know in your heart that it would be the right thing to do and since most pest control pest controllers are really very honest at least my opinion they are i'm guessing that most of you will end up adopting this strategy at some point in the future now let's face it it's also common sense that even if you get rid of all the roaches and all the egg sacs you can still get reinfested if you bring new roaches into the environment and generally that is true but like i expl i explained previously this is not necessarily the case with this system if you do it correctly then not only will you kill 100 of the existing roaches along with the ones that that hatch from those egg sacs we talked about but you are also very unlikely to ever get reinfested and if you do then you do not need to do a full blown treatment to get rid of them because the pesticides that we will be using literally last forever i'm mentioning this again because i want to point out just how easy it is to get reinfested german roaches will climb on you now they'll do that when you're going to a restaurant or even somebody's home they can climb in your luggage at a hotel and i mean even a good hotel you can even bring them home with you from a hospital and how about all those boxes you get in the mail german cockroaches love boxes and all it takes is one box to contain german cockroaches and that can infest the delivery truck or van and in turn infest the boxes that are being delivered worst of all if your neighbor has them they have also been known to just walk over to your house at night because they're nocturnal and infest your home as well that would be the cockroaches not the neighbors hopefully not the neighbors and needless to say if you live in an apartment building or condo then your neighbors can certainly share this problem with you because roaches move from one apartment to another uh very easily both laterally and vertically so if the people next you have them or the people upstairs or downstairs have them then you will most likely end up having them as well that's why you need to do a permanent treatment so if these things are reintroduced into your home or business they will scamper right into this permanent barrier that you placed around to kill them now i should warn you that this method is not fast and it's not cheap but it is totally effective and it will work in any building i have personally done this for an entire hospital with total success and if you do it correctly it can not fail okay i told you that this method is time consuming but it does not have to be done all at once this is something that can be done in stages for a home you can do it one room at a time and for larger accounts like a hospital or hotel it can be done one area or floor at a time and still be 100 effective so if i have spiked your interest then let's get started of course the first thing you're going to need to do is make sure that you actually have german cockroaches perhaps the only good news about german cockroaches is that they are very easy to identify they are about a half inch long most of the time they are light brown in color but the color can vary sometimes and they can even look black now they have wings and i am told that they are capable of flight but i have never personally seen one fly the most identifying feature of german roaches is those two parallel lines that run from behind the head to the base of the wings if the roaches that you were looking at do not have these lines then they are not german cockroaches and you can stop watching this videos this video right now now as with all insects they have six legs and believe it or not you can also smell them okay now that you know what you're looking for you need to well go look for them the most likely place to find german cockroaches is in the kitchen and if you wonder if you want to find the roaches the easiest way to do this is to look for fecal matter which kind of looks a bit like pepper and you're going to find it around pipes inside you know inside cabinets on cabinet hinges on the sides and backs of appliances you know behind pictures or any place where there is a crack or a crevice where cockroaches can hide they love small spaces and you will often see them peering out at you while you're doing this inspection since they also like dark places it's a good idea to use a flashlight in addition to fecal matter you may also see dead bodies or body parts lying around where there is activity also you may actually see live cockroaches that scamper away when you get close if you see live ones during the day then you may have a serious infestation because these guys like to hang out at night and they avoid coming out when it's light out and when there are people around next inspect the bathrooms bathrooms are also a very likely place to find cockroaches again check the cabinets pipes around the toilet behind mirrors and so forth finally you may also have a you may also have cockroaches in your dining room living room bedrooms you know so forth you may want to look behind and under furniture behind pictures and electronics such as the tv also look around your computers video game consoles speakers and all that sort of thing now these guys also love heat so anything with a motor or electronics is a great place for them to hang out okay now that you know that you have german cockroaches and you have found a lot of the places where they're hanging out let's start treating them the first thing you're going to want to do is what i call phase one of what's going to be two phases phase one is that kind of quick knock down that the professionals do all the time so if you're a pro then you may want to just skip ahead to phase two because phase one is pretty much the standard stuff that you are doing already if you are a do-it-yourselfer then what you need to do is employ baits dust an insect growth regulator liquid insecticide and a good cleaning of everything so let's start with the cleaning now you can hire cleaning service to do this for you but it's certainly something that you can do yourself you want to be sure to remove all sources of food you know that includes crumbs grease on range hoods stoves cabinets and so forth do not leave dirty dishes lying around including in the sink or the dishwasher move appliances and clean them inside and out be sure to clean under and behind appliances as well make your kitchen and other areas in the building just as squeaky clean as you possibly can like me your household should have a strict rule of only eating in the kitchen or the dining room look like all living things roaches require food and water to survive so naturally it helps if you deny them an easy food source and in the absence of other food the roaches will be more likely to eat the bait that you're going to use also always be sure to wipe down all sinks prior to going to bed to deny the roaches a water source after cleaning the next thing i like to do is apply a dust most pros are going to use a dust that is going to have a quick knock down and i do that too but i also follow up with a long lasting dust dust later but we'll talk about that in phase two for now a good choice of a dust and i always get a little tongue-tied when i say this for some reason is defense deltrimethrin dust go ahead and say that fast three times it's available from do my own dot com solutions pest and lawn or amazon and at the time of this video when i've made it you can expect to pay about fifteen dollars for a one pound bottle now you want to apply the dust with a handheld duster like this and do not overfill the duster filling the duster about halfway is all you need and puff some dust into all the cracks and crevices you know any cracks and crevices that you can find is a good place to apply the dust uh you know you can apply the dust under sinks on the bottom of the base cabinet near the walls and in all the pipe penetrations also apply the dust under and behind appliances and then any other place where the dust will not be disturbed by children or pets the reason you want to dust prior to baiting is because the dust can contaminate the bait be careful not to use too much dust roaches may avoid dust that is in piles so you want to use just a light dusting so that they'll excuse me so that they will crawl through it next i use a liquid pesticide on all baseboards i think a good pesticide to use indoors is temprid fx insecticide you just mix it in a one gallon garden sprayer and give the sprayer just a couple of pumps you don't want much pressure in the sprayer that way you will just get a light spray on the baseboards do not limit yourself to kitchens and bathrooms though you need to treat all the baseboards throughout your home or any business or building that you happen to be treating again this product is available from do my own solutions pest and lawn or amazon and at the time of this video is made you can expect to pay about 55 for a 240 milliliter bottle now i suggest mixing it 16 milliliters per gallon of water but you should always follow label directions because sometimes label directions can change and always in pest control the label is law so you can buy these single dose packets but they are only eight milliliters each and so the cost of one packet is about ten dollars that means you would need two packets for a cost of twenty dollars to make one gallon of finished product that should be enough to do one treatment in the average home but it's a lot more cost effective to buy the 240 milliliter milliliter bottle because you can use it later for other types of pest problems if you like now let's talk about baiting the best places to put the bait is where you see cockroach activity since you did your inspection you pretty much know now where where most of the activity is located so what bait should you use well there are a number of baits available and i think they all work pretty well i personally kind of like max force impact cockroach gel bait but like i said there are others as well and i think they are all you know fine to use now again you can purchase this these products from do my own dot com solutions pest and one or amazon and i i suspect you can expect to pay about 35 dollars again there are other baits that you can use and i don't think you can go wrong with any of them for that initial knockdown treatment now baiting is a main line of defense that is used by the pros but the problem is that the roaches become resistant to it and you need to change the type of bait that you use periodically because the roaches can become resistant to it and any one particular bait may stop working after a while now stop and think about that for a minute if the bait is killing all the roaches then how can they possibly become resistant to it well you know you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if the roaches are becoming resistant to the bait then the bait is not killing all of the roaches in fact some of them may actually be eating the bait and they are not dying before they lay their egg sacs so their offspring won't die either that's why the pros need to keep coming back so they can keep changing the baits the theory is if you keep rotating the baits then the roaches will not become resistant to them seriously i mean seriously if the first bait you used was eaten by a roach and it didn't die before laying an egg sac then guess what baiting is not going to get the job done couple that with the fact that not all of the roaches are even going to eat the bait then you can understand why you know what it is i'm saying here baits are not 100 effective i mean they will help to get that fast knock down that you want because they will kill a lot of roaches but they will not eliminate the problem so you cannot rely on baiting alone to get a 100 extermination nevertheless baiting does need to be part of your initial attack now be careful not to overdo it with the bait cockroaches don't eat very much so just use small dots placed about 12 inches apart and never apply the bait in a straight line apply the bait behind appliances like microwaves and under range hoods apply the bait you know again using small dots you know inside cabinet hinges also place some of the bait where the dishwasher meets the cabinets and don't forget a couple of dots inside all the drawers as well now roaches love outlets and switches so be sure to apply some bait there as well and you know a favorite place for cockroaches to hang out is under sinks so place some of that bait on the pipes and don't forget your electronics either put a small dot of bait on a piece of paper like a sticky note and place it behind all your electronic devices like computers game consoles tvs tv boxes and other devices after that you need you need to use an insect growth regulator like gentrol point source igr these are really easy to use you just break the amp ampoule at the end of the disk and place it where you see the activity in the cabinet's drawers under the refrigerator and other areas that out of reach of children and pets finally i mop all hard surface floors with ny board d insecticide because it can be mixed with water and it leaves a residual insecticide behind when it drives it dries i have also filled a spray bottle with this stuff and i sprayed it lightly on carpeting prior to going to bed this way the roaches will have no choice but to cross it when they travel across the floor now you're going to want to to use this product every time you mop your floors or clean your carpets until the infestation is completely gone now people always ask me if this product is safe for people and pets well fear not the toxicity of this product to mammals is so minimal that there will not be any harmful effects to people or pet okay now that you've finished phase one it's time for phase two phase one was that fast knockdown so that we won't see these cockroaches anymore but trust me they are still breeding in your walls and other areas that are out of sight and that is why we keep coming you know they keep coming back and that is why they have to continuously be treated by the pros and they keep making those return visits now before we get into what to do in phase two we need to talk about how german cockroaches think because if you want to eradicate these guys for good then you need to think like a roach now normally i do not go into too much detail about specific you know pest biology or anything like that but if your goal is elimination of german cockroaches then you must understand the reasons why phase two is going to work and so i apologize but i need to explain some german cockroach facts before we can proceed further the first thing you need to know about german cockroaches is that they have been around for something like 300 million years that's right you heard me correctly i said millions of years they were thriving long before humans appeared on earth and they were literally sharing the planet with the dinosaurs now as we all know the dinosaurs went extinct but the roaches did not and there are reasons for that these guys are the ultimate survivors don't be fooled into thinking that these things just hang out in your kitchen or your bathrooms either oh no they breed so quickly that they run out of room in your kitchen and then they move on to other areas of your home or business excuse me since they are nocturnal and search for food at night if you see them during the day it means that they most likely got pushed out of their hiding places by other roaches because of overcrowding in other words at the point you see them it's bad and they are very likely all over your home or business so you cannot just treat the places where you see them wow you look a bit frightened well that's understandable but i'm afraid that it gets even worse back in the day when i first started doing pest control we used to fog these things with a pyrethrin what we didn't know was that we were really making things worse when we did that you say you can't use things like fog sprayers because these guys can literally hold their breath for about 40 minutes with no problem at all so when they get a whiff of the pesticide they can just hold their breath and move deeper into the walls and they can make the infestation even worse and don't even think about flushing one down the toilet they can survive then seriously never never ever underestimate these things now here's a fun fact german cockroaches can literally live for an entire week without their heads i'm not kidding they may not be able to eat or drink but they do not need their heads to breathe they actually breathe through their bodies so a female may be able to still lay egg sacs even without her head are you kidding me that's amazing of course unlike people german cockroaches do not lose their heads often okay just a little joke there to you know kind of try to lighten the mood apparently a very little joke anyway these guys can live up to a month without food and a week without water that is generally not necessarily not necessary for them though because they are cannibalistic yeah that's right even after you eliminate all the food sources they will literally eat each other so starving them is not a practical solution removing removing all the food sources does help but that is not going to stop them do you see what i'm saying here you're kind of getting the picture now this is not an easy pest to get rid of they are not like treating ants or termites those things are easy german cockroaches are survivors and they are very hard to eliminate that's why so many pros have that paradigm that they that eliminating them entirely simply cannot be done okay i am so sorry about that lengthy discussion about how cockroaches survive but it's important that you understand what you're dealing with you know there was a house on long island new york where german cockroaches were so bad that they had to literally burn down the house the pest controllers wouldn't even go in there the fire department was there for safety reasons and someone told me that they were actually the fire department was actually blowing the roaches back with fire hoses the roaches were pouring out of the house by the millions and that's a true story folks if you want to know just how bad this can get then take a look at these photos if left unchecked german cockroaches are going to overrun your entire home or business okay now that i have you and you know then i have now that i have rambled on endlessly i should say and i have you really concerned about german cockroaches and i've i've i think i'm exhausted what i have to say about german cockroach biology and i think you understand why phase one and that knockdown treatment that we were talking about and what the pros are doing will not ever get rid of the problem let me explain to you what will and this is where we're kind of getting into phase two for starters the only way you can make sure that you achieve total extermination is to treat every possible place where cockroaches can hide and where they can multiply and you must treat these areas with a pesticide that never loses its effectiveness i know on the you know on the face of it that this sounds a bit crazy but i assure you it can be done now this will not be a fast process it can take weeks to treat a house and it can take years to fully treat a hotel or hospital how long it takes will depend upon how many people are working on the project and the size and type of the building i did a hospital like this and they would only fund one person to do the job so there was one pest controller that worked about five years before the entire hospital was fully treated however that that did end their cockroach problem forever and as far as i know they still do not have any cockroaches and this treatment was done almost 40 years ago that's right i have known how to do this for a very long time but this is the first time i have ever had a platform where i can share the knowledge about how to do it so the theory is if you place a permanent pesticide that is not harmful to people or pets but deadly to cockroaches and you place it literally in every place a cockroach can hide or reproduce or in fact every place that a cockroach can possibly set its foot then it is impossible for them to exist in that environment of course there are some places where you cannot treat with pesticides and we're going to talk about those areas later but the vast majority of areas that can be treated the way i am suggesting is what you need to do so in my opinion that means extensive use of boric acid and borate i like these products because they are inexpensive readily available and very effective not to mention that they never lose their effectiveness i think this stuff has a half-life that's longer than nuclear waste they are literally good forever now they are slow acting to be sure and it does take some time for them to do the job but that's why we did phase one we needed to get that quick control so that the cockroaches would you know not be so noticeable so that will allow us to do phase two and completely eliminate them without them being a particularly noticeable problem for you so we need to give time in phase one for the boric acid and the borate to work so start by purchasing a duster like this one and a lot of boric acid dust you also want to have some of that nyborn d insecticide that you used in phase one if you are a pro then using an electric duster is a good idea however if you are a do-it-yourselfer it's okay to use a handheld manual duster as well it takes a bit longer but it will get the job done electric electric type dusters are quite costly so just go with what you can afford a good duster will only cost you about 15 bucks and again you can get them from do my own dot com you know solutions pest and lawn or amazon i have two of them one i use for that fast acting dust and when i use for boric acid and i just mark them with a sharpie so i know which is which the boric acid dust can be used in all hollow you know spaces such as wall voids ceilings inside hollow doors in attics around pipes you know in cabinets under appliances you know and around electrical outlets and switches you know furniture etc pretty much any place you can insert the duster either through a crack or crevice or by drilling a small hole or any place you can put it that is out of sight and away from people and pets you should use the boric acid dust in conjunction with the knife or d for wall voids drill a hole at least one quarter inch wide you want to drill the hole between the wall studs about six inches below the ceiling if you start to see wood coming out of the out where you're drilling the hole then you need to drill in a different spot because you're drilling into a stud an easy way to find the wall studs is to use a stud finder and they are available from home depot lowe's or amazon and you can obtain one for about you know for under 30 bucks just place the scanner on the wall and let it calibrate then move it slowly across the wall and it will indicate where the stud is normally studs are located about 16 inches apart but that is not always the case so you need to run the stud finder across the entire surface of the wall and make a small mark with a pencil where each stud is located again you do not want to drill into the studs so you are going to drill about halfway between the stud locations then just puff the dust into the wall now sometimes builders install horizontal nailing space where the drywall is joined together because they put the seam like halfway up the wall so you also need to run a stud finder vertically down the wall to make sure that this is not the case if you find that there are horizontal members like you know wood two by fours or two by sixes whatever that are halfway down the wall then you also need to drill a hole between each stud below the horizontal members i know i know right now you're probably thinking that i am totally crazy and there is no way that you are going to ever drill a bunch of holes in your walls well all i can tell you is that if you don't then you are most likely going to still have german cockroaches you're you're probably not going to get rid of your infestation if you don't but don't fret about the holes though for drywall holes you know they can be easily repaired very easy to do if you're a homeowner or if you're you know if you're a professional pest controller you know you can hire a handyman or something to come you know behind you after you finish the job and and they can repair them for you or you can train your staff how to do it it's really pretty simple just purchase a couple of cheap broad knives kind of like this these here and some spankling compound and you know basically fill in the holes it doesn't need to be perfect just don't use too much spackling compound after it dries you can take a damp sponge and lightly wipe off any extra spackling compound prior to painting the sponge will remove the spankling compound very quickly so be careful not to overdo it if you do not have any touch-up paint to go over it then go into a closet and cut out a four inch square piece of painted service surface on it like an inconsistent inconspicuous place on the wall and then you can just kind of like spackle over it where you did the cutout just measure out a four inch square it doesn't need to be perfect just kind of get it somewhat close then just take take a box cutter or a drywall knife and cut along the lines that you made you just want to go deep enough so that you get through the paper and not so deep that you cut all the way through the drywall next just take a putty knife and carefully work it under the paper to remove as much of that four inch square as possible if you don't get it all that's okay you just need to you know get enough of it so that home depot will lowes can match the paint as you can see i did not get the entire square off but that's okay i removed enough to get the job done now all you need to do is a quick repair to the damaged area it's pretty simple you're going to use the same broad knives and joint compound that you use to patch the holes that you made with the drill just apply a thin coat over the damaged area you want it just thick enough to cover the damage apply pressure on the knife so that more pressure is on one edge or you know one side of the knife than the other so that you can kind of feather in the joint compound onto the drywall it takes a little practice but it's really not that hard once you get the hang of it now let it dry overnight and then you can smooth it out and feather it in a bit more with the sponge the big the big box stores sell sponges just made for this purpose but the truth is that any sponge will do the job now don't get the sponge too wet you want it wet but not dripping use a light touch because the sponge will remove the joint compound very quickly and very easily so you don't want to overdo it and you should know that the wetter the sponge is the more quickly it's going to remove the joint compound now let the water dry off for a few minutes and then apply you know just a thin coat this will allow this was going to allow you to really feather in the edges very well a lot more than the first coat again allow it to dry overnight and then lightly sponge it smooth like before you want to feather in the edges as best you can so that you don't notice them when you paint now it doesn't need to be perfect because it's inside a closet where nobody is going to see it anyway then just take this painted piece of drywall to home depot and ask them to match the paint make sure you tell them that this is for touch-up and you're going to be using it throughout the house and it needs to match exactly make them redo it if they do not get it perfect the first time because you don't want the touch up areas you know you're going to have a lot of them you don't want those touch-up areas looking like a different shade so make sure that they match it perfectly now i think you know generally about one quarter paint should be enough to touch up the entire house but you may want to buy a gallon to do other touch-ups that you have around if necessary and you know of course if you've painted different rooms different colors then you're going to need to do this for each color okay let's talk about how to treat over suspended ceiling if you are a professional pest controller and you have an electric duster then you can simply remove a ceiling panel and blow boric acid dust across the entire ceiling now dusting that launch of an area with a hand duster is not very practical so i suggest you you know for you do-it-yourselfers instead of dusting it with boric acid mix up some of that knife or d in a garden sprayer and spray it lightly across the entire ceiling again just like i've explained before just one or two pumps on the sprayer is all you need you don't want to use a heavy spray across that ceiling just a little light spritz is all you need if you apply it too heavy then it you know could drip down and damage the ceiling tiles now you may need to remove several tiles to reach all the areas of the ceiling now let's talk about doors there are two ways to treat a hollow door the first way to treat a hollow door is to drill a one-quarter inch hole right through the top of the door then puff in the boric acid after that just seal the hole with some caulking the kind of stuff that you'd use to caulk the exterior of the house or something or you know you can use some silicone and that's pretty much it the other way that you can treat a hollow door is to remove the doorknob obviously drilling through the top of the door is easier but this method will also get it done after the doorknob is removed just drill a one-quarter inch hole into the door where it's not going to be seen so you're going to drill right through the hole where you remove the doorknob apply the dust and caulk the hole the same way as you would if you would went through the top of the door all you have to do then is just figure out how to put the doorknob back together and that's pretty much it now puffin some of that dust into all pipe penetrations every pipe penetration or crack and crevice that you can find like under sinks or anything like that now german cockroaches love to hang out in outlets and light switches so remove the covers from all outlets and light switches and puff dust alongside the box between the dry wall and the box also puff some dust on the top of the box between the box and the drywall and puff some on the inside bottom of the box and be careful not to get the dust on the outlets or light switches themselves because boric acid dust can be somewhat corrosive then of course all you need to do is replace the covers if you are a pro and you have an electric duster then it's a good idea to blow to blow dust across the entire attic of the building if you are a do-it-yourselfer again it'll take you a long time with a little hand duster to [Music] treat the entire attic that way so again what i would do just like with the suspended ceiling i would mix up some knive or d and put it in a garden sprayer and lightly spray down the entire attic with it don't try to get it soaking wet you just want a light spray that will cover all of the flat surface surfaces if you overdo it then you could have it kind of like dripping down onto the ceiling and that could cause water stains on the ceiling now should that happen and you get water stains on the ceiling they sell a product called kills just treat the water stains with kills just paint it on with a paintbrush and then you can go over it with a white ceiling paint which are available from hose and loan depot home depot ace and those kinds of places for furniture puff in the boric acid anywhere you possibly can turn over couches and puff the dust into all voids even if you do you need to make like a small hole for the dust earth through the fabric on the back of the furniture you could naturally you're not going to want to do any damage to the fabric that's visible to everybody but when you flip it over if they you know sometimes they have fabric on the bottom that you can make a small hole into to puff it in okay let's talk a little bit about applying niboid the fact is that boric acid can only take you so far it is simply impossible to treat everything with boric acid so we need to also use the knife or d now i have found that the easiest way to apply it is to simply pour some of the mixed solution into a spray bottle just follow the label directions and mix it at the same dilution rate as you would if you were mopping floors let's start with the base cabinets just lightly spray the walls and floors of all the cabinets i also spray all the pipes under the base cabinets as well and don't forget to spray the underside of the sink while you're at it it's a good idea to remove all the drawers and spray under the countertop and treat the bottom and sides of all the drawers now i like to shake the bottle every couple of minutes to kind of ensure that it stays well mixed even though it's probably not necessary but i figured you know it's easy to do and it probably you know just can't hurt so why not do it now while you have that spray bottle handy go ahead and spray the sides of all appliances and the sides and fronts of all cabinets as well be sure that all food and food handling equipment is removed or covered prior to the application if you get the product on food preparation surfaces such as countertops then simply wash that area with soap and water this product is very easily removed and really not harmful to people at all anyway if you get surfaces a little too wet and they're kind of dripping then you can just wipe the areas with a rag or paper towel that is dampened with some nyloid d solution you don't want to remove the pesticide but rather just kind of smooth it out and leave it wet now don't worry if you get some nibori d inside the dishwasher it will wash away with the first load of dishes and it will not cause any contamination whatsoever now i know i said not to get any of the knife or d on the counter tops and that is correct but you can spray some on the countertop splash guards and the walls above them you don't want it on the counter tops themselves but you do want it on the splash guards and the walls because food is not prepared there but the roaches will definitely be using these areas as a super highway now if you get some on the countertop don't worry just wash it off with soap and water next go ahead and spray nybore d on virtually every surface you can think of where you will not damage electronics or contaminate food or eating surfaces some examples are you know treating kitchen chairs you know just spray the legs in the bottom of the chairs and smooth out the lick with a liquid with a damp rag or paper towel or something you should also treat the kitchen table legs and also underneath that table as well you don't want to treat the top of the table because people will be eating there but you can't treat underneath and believe me cockroaches can be hanging out under there in bedrooms go ahead and treat the dressers inside and out remove everything from the drawers and treat all the drawer surfaces spray down every single door in the entire house and spray behind all wall hangings such as picture frames and mirrors if you have bookshelves this is going to be a great place for roaches to hang out so remove everything from those shelves and spray all the surfaces of those bookshelves now don't forget those ceiling fans either if you think german cockroaches won't infest those things then you are mistaken now don't spray directly into the fan motor but you can treat the blades and you can wipe off the motor itself with a rag sponge or paper towel that is wet with the knife or d just don't get it into the fan housing itself of course you should also spray all air vents and i would spray down all the walls in the entire house as well in the bathroom be sure to spray around the toilet and all other surfaces you know such as the vanity doors and walls if you have a medicine cabinet remove everything out of the medicine cabinet and treat the inside of the cabinet as well for electronic equipment like computers tvs gaming consoles and so forth so you cannot spray these devices directly but you can spray a rag or paper towel and then you know wipe on the knife or deer in a way that does not allow the liquid to get into the device kind of like what you did for the ceiling fan it's okay to wipe those surfaces you just don't want to spray it into any of those holes or anything where it's going to get into the device and short it out are you getting the picture here if it's a hollow space then it needs to be treated with boric acid even if you need to drill a hole if it's a hard surface you need to treat it with knife or d the key to effective treatment is to leave no stone unturned you must treat every place that a roach can set its nasty germ-ridden disgusting gross ugly vile foot that does not contaminate food or damage anything the only exceptions are things like electronic equipment you know stuff like tvs gaming systems routers computers microwaves and so forth and of course motorized items like refrigerators to treat these things we are first going to prevent any roaches that are inhabiting that equipment the ability to go anywhere else try to think of that appliance or electronic equipment kind of like an island if you surround that island with pesticide then when the cockroach leaves the island it is going to die and if it returns prior to dying then it will take a lot of its relatives with it this holds true for any offspring that may hatch as well since the pesticides we are using are permanent the roaches are now isolated to the island that they are on that is to say the refrigerator the computer tv or whatever it happens to be now when i say permanent these products are only permanent until you wipe them off if you wash the surface they're gone because they they are very very easy to clean up now our opening shot is going to be to treat all parts of the island that will not be harmed by our pesticide that's why we treated all of uh these sorts of items with the knife or d do you remember we filled a spray bottle with nybor d and sprayed the sides and backs of all the appliances like the refrigerator stove dishwasher and the microwave oven we also treated all the electronic equipment like computers tvs game consoles and so forth by spraying the nybor d on a rag paper towel or sponge and wiping out on all the surfaces that would not allow the liquid to enter the unit it is very important not to get any of the liquid inside any of the electronics or you don't want it contacting any of the any of the motors either because you don't want to short them out you should also apply the nybor d to all surfaces of tv stands tables chairs and so forth no matter where they are located you should also do the same thing with the sides of cabinets that surround those appliances and electronics you see we will allow them the cockroaches no escape whatsoever if they try to leave the island they will die now that we have them isolated it's time to kill the ones that are still inhabiting inhabiting the island there are some people who will advise you to take the equipment apart and vacuum it out but that can void the warranty and most of us simply are not qualified to be doing that anyway so since roaches cannot leave the island you know to do things like get food or water without dying their only options are to either eat each other which they will do because they are cannibalistic after all or they will have no choice but to eat something that we give them to snack on that means going back to our baits again just like in phase one we are going to use small dots of bait placed about 12 inches apart since some items may be small it's okay to place the bait closer together than 12 inches if it's necessary and it's okay if you place the bait on a piece of paper and place it next to the item that you are treating if applying the bait directly is not an option in that case next we are going to use the gentrol point source igr just place the disks disks under appliances or close to electronic equipment in the case of computers for example just place one disk behind the computer itself so since the roaches are isolated and must remain on the island and since they have a life cycle of about 100 days we need to be a bit patient with them so what we're going to do is replace the gentrol igr every 90 days and we're going to bait them and change the baits every 90 days for the next year so every 90 days you're going to use a different brand of bait trust me they will be gone long before the year is open but i do not take chances with german cockroaches now just a quick note about carpeting i think it's a good idea to spray carpets with knive or d just before going to bed but if you have small children or pets then you may want to vacuum it up again in the morning if you find that to be too you know labor intensive then just spray the carpeting around the walls about four inches out from the wall also spray under and around all the furniture at least a couple of inches this way the roaches will still need to contact the nyborn d if they attempt to cross the floor from one location to another but they're going to have to contact the knight board d the reason i suggest this is because long long exposure to knife or d can sometimes be a skin irritant if your kids routinely play on the carpet then this could be a problem they certainly are not going to get you know sick or anything like that but it is possible for them to develop a rash or some type of skin irritation and it's the same for pets too now this is not as much of a problem for hard surface floors that that you have mopped with the knive or d i specifically checked on this issue and was told that mopping with 9 board d should not pose a problem to small children or pets when training for german cockroaches i recommend that you start with one room and complete that entire room before moving on to another room so that you don't forget what you treated also after treating that room it's finished forever you never need to go back and do it again unless of course you remove the product by cleaning then you have to retreat always start with the kitchen and then the bathrooms then finish with the bedrooms and other living spaces also don't forget the garage trust me these guys are out there too and it's the same for businesses always start with the kitchens and bathrooms and then treat the rest of the building one room at a time now be creative and get the entire family involved see who can think of things to treat that other others have missed and after you have finished treating everything you can think of with the boric acid or the nibbler d and of course the bait then go through the entire building and look for things that you may have forgotten to treat even the best of us will forget to treat some things from time to time but the good news is that it's never too late if you think of something you forgot to treat even a month or two later just go ahead and treat it when you think of it when it comes to eliminating german cockroaches you can have no mercy and offer them no place to hide where they will not encounter the pesticides or the baits when you think about it this treatment plan is just common sense if every single roach has no choice but to touch or eat a poison then they simply cannot survive in that environment now one final word before i take my leave of you i know that some folks are going to ask if the knight board d is safe to spray all over the place i mean you're basically covering the entire building with it well fear not the answer is a resounding yes like i said before the active ingredient in cyborg d is basically boron this is essentially the same stuff that you will find in borax when i was a kid they used to advertise it as 20 mule team borax and you could use it to wash your laundry and clean your house with it now if it was around when i was a kid then you know that it's been around a very long time and that product is still around today and a lot of folks still use it for the very same purposes i mean people literally wash their clothes in this stuff and then they wear them it makes your whites really come out nice so is spraying nyboard d on everything harmful no it isn't it will kill the roaches really well but it will not cause harm to humans or pets i know i said it could be a problem for carpets but the operative word there is could spraying carpets may not be a problem at all just something to keep an eye on because the boron will come off on your skin a lot easier from carpet than it will from a hard surface the only other thing with nybor d is that you don't want to ingest it so don't treat food preparation areas with it and don't treat the kitchen or dining room table tops with it you can treat under the tables and of course treat the legs just not the top again i apologize for how long this video had to be but i think after watching it you can understand that i really had no choice okay that's it for me today finally if you found this video video to be of any assistance to you in any way please click that share button and pass it along to a friend and if you would like to see more of my videos then please subscribe and don't for don't forget to click on that little bell next to the subscribe button so that you get notified when i have a new video available until next time thank you so much for watching and please do not hesitate to ask questions i am always here to help
Channel: Guy's Pest Solutions
Views: 56,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: German, roaches, cockroaches, pest control, pests, insects, insect, bugs, pesticides, pesticide, treatment, bug, extermination, exterminator, pest control company, DIY, do it yourself, vermin, how to, how to eliminate German cockroaches, German cockroaches how to, how to kill German roaches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 22sec (5302 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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