Do this NOW, how to kill Lawn Pest quickly using Cutter Bug Control // Lawn

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okay your phonetics walking back to Bermuda grass central with byd guys this is gonna be one of those quick videos I like making videos like this because some of these questions need to be answered and a lot of people are always trying to figure out how can they kill the insects in their lawn weight in this video view idea is going to show you how to use this product and how to apply [Music] okay you're off you're next some of you guys you don't want them on lawn spreader you don't want to deal with the bags so this product here is I want to say one of the best that you can buy in a big-box store it's fairly inexpensive around buy ten bucks you can see what sony says it basically kills up to 12 weeks last all something and guys this thing kills a host of bugs all right it kills mosquitoes and fleas just for the start basically kills on contact feel real fast and it covers 5000 square feet of your lawn now this product can be found at Home Depot and Lowe's I've seen it in Walmart but I don't see it that often I'll also leave an affiliate link that you can buy it through Amazon if you interested in buying it that way because the COBE 8:19 just want to have you shipped to your home all right so let's get to it okay guys wanted to show you this real quick it's a 32 fluid ounce bottle hopefully you can see that right there likes a pickup in each store one thing you need to do guys and I always stress this please guys before you apply this go to the back of it open it up and read the label read all this information alright but I know you guys some use ibid that's why I'm watching your video okay so I'm going to show you this make sure that you measure your yard make sure you understand this only covers 5000 square feet you cannot spray 20,000 square feet of lawn with this product and expect for it to work like I suppose so so measure your lawn make sure you get the UM the square feet and remember width times length equal square feet I'll give you an example if it's 50 inches excuse me 50 feet wide and 100 feet long that's 5000 square feet guys that's how you do it with timeless lasts up to 12 weeks you're going to show you a couple of things before you start when you're at the store guys to make sure that that rubber gasket is in there don't walk out the store without that rubber gasket being in all right this is how you turn it on and off all right now these bottles have a safety feature built in you see that a little yellow tab right there alright you're gonna have to take that yellow tab and pull it out once you pull it out then you're able to turn it on and off alright and that's purposely put there so in the store some idiots but it's for your protection now if you want to put it back in there cuz you're finished with it you didn't use all the product or whatever snap it back in you have built in protection all right I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to use this product a cameraman it's not here so got to do it by myself let me show you how to use a are for next before I go any further guys if you're getting value out of this guys please click that like button guys hit that subscription button ding that notification bill everytime PYD uploads the video you will be notified by show you this real quick alright now I'm gonna go ahead and screw this on here hopefully you can see me but always make sure that gasket is in there hey guys this is simple just first thing you do is screw it on see that now once you got it you got it on that tight I want you to flip it upside down I want you to give it a shake now guys the reason I do this because I'm always checking for leaks and stuff like that so when I turn it on don't go everywhere alright next thing you want to do is to go ahead and pull your safety plug out remember hold on to this if you don't use all of it in other words if I got 3000 square feet and I spray 3000 I still got 2,000 square feet or four product in here I can always put this back in here and give it to a neighbor put it back in that give it to a neighbor and let them use it on their yard alright so we're gonna go ahead pull that out alright your next step is this ok you are fanatics your next step will be to turn this on and mine is a little leaky from this backflow preventor thing right here I got to replace that but turn it on alright okay you are fanatics next step guys make sure you have some gloves on some glasses face mask if you feel you need to feel like you need one and guys what we want to do is this right here now generally this will work better if you have somebody pulling your holes but if you don't I tend to put mine over my shoulder like this and that way I can walk with it what you do is you go ahead check it on it'll make a couple of little popping noise alright and what that is is that it's that chemical that's come and let me show you this real quick before we even go at first one thing I like about this thing it has a meter on you see that you can see your product as it goes guys that's freakin awesome right there now if you're buying products and they don't have meters on them I'm sorry that's an old bottle old product because most of these products coming out now have meters on them the heads are different all that good stuff so make sure you get one that has a meter so you can always keep it out of your product and once again this is the cutter Beck y'all can but control spray concentrate all right turn on the guys what you want to do you want just make sweeping motions now it will sweep out as far as you want it to and right now I think I'm sweeping about who I want to say about 30 30 feet 30 feet and like I said just bottle covers 5000 square feet guys and what you want to do is you want to walk real slow with it because you want to get a nice coverage now there's no speed I can't really tell you you're gonna have the eyeball that meter based on how fast your pace need to be is for a sprint because some people will say oh it came out so fast that up only did you know 2,000 square feet and I did the whole Obama now what happens if you over plot nothing you know gonna have some seriously dead bugs in that area what happens if you under apply you spray 5,000 over 10,000 then it's gonna work a little bit but you may not get the effect that you want all right coming questions should I spray this when the yard is wet PYD recommends you don't read the label guys read the label but spray it on a dry lon it works better now don't be out here spraying it in you know thousand degree weather you know I try to do it kind of and at the end of the day when the Sun is set that's it but when the Sun is going down so it's a little cooler right now I think it's like in the mid 70s right now all right so you see I'm working my way back now instead whole just getting on your nerves guys then you can take that hose and pull it and it's going to pin on where your hose out lady is - on the side down here they start be coming this way Coles outlet down there now somebody could be behind you just depends on how you choose to cook it up now does this have have an odor I smell an odor but it's not like bug sprayer nothing well then again it is kind of like bug spray but it's not for roaches if it's kind of like a sweet smell that's good that's the only thing - like a sweet vanilla maybe but guys you see how I'm doing it even application kind of creeping back don't want to spray this right before a rainstorm you don't want to do that normally I say maybe a dance so now you guys with pits you got pits you cannot walk your pets kids or people back onto this lawn until this product has dried that's why I recommend you doing it later in the evening so you don't have to worry about your kids and that's my did you do it in the morning also cuz it'll probably dry out faster when it when that Sun hit it you know and I'm looking at my meter guys and went down a little bit like say this is not 5,000 square feet I'm only doing this part for the video but you know nice even application guys nice even application you don't want to be doing this you don't want to do that you don't want to be running through the art doing that you wanted to apply evenly so you can get an even keel now this stuff says it kills grooves you know I don't know how that's how do I know how it would work you know it's gonna have to get watered in probably later on you know it's gonna kill those groves on contact cuz groves are not on top of ground right so you see how BYD did that guys that's just nice even application Thanks even application they see unification now you can always cut it off move to another part of your lawn and treat it with this and there are many products like this I just chose cutter because once you build up a brand and a name and it's been around for a while you know it's going to work I read the reviews on the reviews are not bad at all it says only one I know that says it lasts all summer 12 weeks so it's a fantastic product to use on your lawn guys and like I said I hope I answered all your questions pertaining to this this product right here likes it this is non sponsor guys but there will be a link in the description if you're interested in buying it the realm is also check this product out hit that like button let me know what you think so guys hopefully that video helped you if you liked that video guys hit the subscription button click that notification bell everytime BYD uploads the video you'll be notified by youtube so guys you still want to know more about insect control click on this video right here guys you want to know about how to kill them ant mounds in your lawn click on that video right there guys the merch is available and remember one thing you're tuned in to bermudagrass central with BYD this is Mike Bowman
Channel: Bermuda Grass Central
Views: 124,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kill lawn pest, insects, Cutter bug control, Cutter Bug Control, how to use Cutter Bug control, Lawn pest, Kill Lawn pest quickly, lawn pest killer, best lawn pest killer, how to kill lawn pest quickly, how do you get rid of ants, get rid of ants in lawn, BermudaGrass Central, lawn care, intergrated pest removal, what kills lawn pest fast, cutter, bug, control, how to kill crickets, how to kill tics, how to kill mites, all season lawn insect killer, insect killer, bugs in lawn
Id: 1NnpoK9FzBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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