DIY Pest Control [How To Do Your Own Home Pest Control]

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hey my name is Solomon Earhart with the Ruza pest control and when it comes to dealing with pests on your home doing something is better than doing nothing I'm gonna show you how you can do your own pest control on your home with just four basic products that you can pick up from any Home Depot or Lowe's so when it comes to treating your home there's four key areas that you're gonna want to focus on the interior and exterior perimeter of the home the garage cracks and crevices along the house that will allow entry points for the pests and the yard so when it comes to treating the interior and exterior perimeter of your home one of the more popular products that you can get from Home Depot or Lowe's is ortho home defense this product is made of bifenthrin which is a product that inside the home can last up to 12 months when you apply this product outside the home due to UV heat and sun rays it's going to break that product down in about two to three weeks so you're gonna have to reapply the exterior perimeter much more frequently the interior perimeter inside your home you're gonna want to provide a four inch band around doors window sills corners of the baseboards and then underneath the kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets when it comes to the perimeter of the home you're going to want to use the ortho home defense and create a 12-inch barrier completing the whole entire perimeter of the home to give protection evenly coating it so it's overlapping each other just enough to provide some good protection so as a home shifts and settles you're gonna get cracks and crevices along the foundation which are gonna open up areas and allow access points for bugs to get inside the home what we're gonna want to do for those areas is we're gonna want to use a little dusting product that's going to be easy to fill in those crevices you can pick up this bottle at a Home Depot or Lowe's it's called diatomaceous earth it's made up of seashells and what you're gonna do is you're gonna dust this inside those cracks and crevices and as the bugs are trying to use those entry points to get inside your home this is going to eliminate them from being able to reach the interior of the house so with the diatomaceous earth you want to find those entry points where pests contention get inside the house so you're looking for cracks crevices or anything that looks like it's entering into the Foundation's at home where the pests can get inside all you're gonna do is a couple different puffs just to fill in that space the garage of your home is an easy access point for any bug to get into the house and find its way so what we're gonna want to do is monitor and trap any pests trying to invade through your garage the best way to do that is some basic glue boards that you can put inside your garage to monitor and trap any activity trying to enter your home so inside the garage we're gonna use these tom caps to catch and monitor pest activity coming inside the garage I'm gonna fold these up and put them right underneath the sensor in every area of the garage I'm gonna put it right up against the wall to find it right where the path that the pests are gonna go so when it comes to protecting your home from pests most of the pests are gonna be coming to the house from the yard you're going to want to provide a thorough yard treatment to help eliminate ants fire ants fleas and ticks spiders and crickets and all other invaders trying to reach the home one of the best products you can get from Home Depot or Lowe's is andro quick kill this is a bifenthrin granule which is water activated it's gonna slowly dissolve into the soil after you spread it this bag says it covers 10,000 square feet but that's typically only for your general pests and it's not going to affect the fire ants freeze and ticks carpenter ants and things like that that would be in the arc to do that to treat a whole yard and actually affect the fire ants you would need about ten bags of this and spread it evenly throughout your whole entire property so to take care of the pests in your yard with this am0 we're gonna want to be using a grass seed spreader and we're gonna want to do five foot pass all the way up and down and covering the whole entire yard making sure you're overlapping the path that you made before to get a good even coat this is going to protect from the pests in the yard for up to three months but to make sure you're getting taking care of the fire ants the fleas in the ticks you're gonna need about ten bags of this to evenly coat the whole entire yard so when it comes to doing your own pest control for you to completely rid your home with pests using these do-it-yourself products that you can get at any Home Depot or Lowe's for the home that we're treating today you need about ten bags of this and zero to cover the full entire yard to rid all of the general pests up to and including fire ants antics one bottle of the diatomaceous earth to cover all the entry points cracks and crevices and about 6 to 7 gallons of home defense to treat the full interior and exterior perimeter for the barriers necessary to keep the pests out and about four of these Tomcats could cover a two-car garage so to give your home some protection for the next three months by doing yourself with these products that you can pick up at any Home Depot or Lowe's you're looking at a total of 186 dollars to thoroughly treat your own home so whereas these products are easily accessible and easily appliable to any home there are some shortcomings that they may have the am drill here being a bi fender and product it has a repellent factor to it which means if you treat your whole yard with any product from home cheaper lows in the granular form it can cause the bugs to leave the yard flooding into the home and actually giving you more of an issue than you had in the first place and the home defense here being a bifenthrin it's not a micro encapsulated product like some of your more professional products would be so the residual aspect of this home defense is only about two to three weeks on the home whereas your professional pest control products will have about a 90 day residual protection giving you a longer-lasting protection against pests from entering the home this product you would have to just apply it a lot more frequently outside the home to give you the same benefits [Music]
Channel: Aruza Pest Control
Views: 169,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Pest Control, How-to, At Home Pest Control, Spiders, Ants, Roaches, Pesticide
Id: ZjqbsUNMxJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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