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all right here we are at another crazy one i saw this one had to stop and we're gonna cut it in a typical juggernaut fashion we're gonna do it for free so hey if you do enjoy this video and you like these kind of videos please give them a thumbs up please leave a comment it really does help with boosting the video and uh ultimately if you guys enjoy it that's how we're able to continue doing these charity cuts now i don't know what's going on with this person but i imagine their life's busy and hectic maybe they got sick maybe their mowers jacked up it is springtime but we're going to come in they're going to get one on the juggernaut and come in and get it cleaned up so let's take a look at it we've got all of this overgrowth on the curb and it's down touching the street we got a little bit of trash no biggie we'll pick that up the edging let's take a look at the neighbors property the edging it's a little slim so we're going to come in and get that cleaned up we got a lot of clover i wouldn't call it really tall although you know it's about a foot higher to tires with clover and some of this other stuff's pretty decently high the driveway is not too bad but we do have overgrowth inside the driveway you know just grass growing up that happens and then over here we've got some trees and stuff that we're cut out on assuming from that front flower bed because they're all growing back and down the side of the house well it's not too bad not too crazy i'm gonna leave this on here this isn't anything to worry about you're not gonna break out from this you know figure out your vines so you know you're safe that right there looks like it might have been poison ivy you see how it kind of looks furry but this isn't i think this is a winter creeper some kind of yellow mist or something but anyways i'm going to cut it at the base it'll die she'll be able to pull it off later come down the side just a few sucker trees that we need to take care of and some weed eating really not too bad okay well i say that not too bad for me it's not too bad anything that's not six foot high in my head i'm like all right uh coming in here we got the nice edging that needs to be done does it look nice now it will look nice when i'm done all right over your own grass it's knee-high when you get that out there no biggie we got elms and red bug and uh a bunch of sucker trees a little oak another tree another tree somebody asked me about uh i hit a hose with a weed eater they're like aren't you uh you know aren't you worried that you just tore up their their hose it's very very rare that you actually break a hose with the weed ear unless the hose is super brittle and insanely old in which case i'll absolutely replace it i'm not even worried about that stuff so you know this is what it is now i'm not going to be able to wheat in here proficiently until i get this stuff out so let's go ahead and take that out now and we'll just toss it back out of the way for now and i'll come get it later oak trees oak trees a little bit of porcelain vine it looks like a grapevine right but you know knowing the oklahoma area this is probably porcelain vine which uh i believe you can't eat these leaves you can dry them out like kale chips or something um that's basically it now we've got a lot of bulbs here we're not going to cut this down but typically what i would do is once those die off in the heat you know because they're a spring plant they pop up they look pretty when they die off in the heat and start wilting that's when i get rid of them i cut them down now over here well we got some more brush that was cut and i'm going to go ahead and haul this stuff off you know we'll even pick up the trash let's go ahead and get into it what's up juggernauts hey welcome back to another one uh before i get into the video i got to say thank you to so many people for all of the kindness and support and you know just for being being there and going to bat for us you know i really enjoy doing this type of work i enjoy helping other people it's my passion and you may have noticed on this channel if you're if you've been here for a while i love helping people out that are new in the business i love helping people out that may need some kind of help now you can't help everybody but i can do my part and just like everybody else so i hope this inspires not only other youtube channels but other people in businesses not only in the lawn care industry but other industries to go out and hopefully give some kind of community service to other people now a lot of people say hey why did you make a video of it well that's the type of content that i create and you know it's one of those things that when i do create content that you enjoy you know that you interact with give a comment give a thumbs up it allows me to go out and create more content it allows me to go out and help more people you know in my opinion money's just a tool because a lot of people get hung up on the fact that oh it's youtube you're playing ads on it you're doing it for the money i'm gonna tell you right now money is a tool and it's a tool to help other people and a life spent helping other people is a life well worth living so big thank you to everybody this video got 8 million views on the boring channel but i just want you to know that even before the boring channel took off the realest of the reel when it comes to my subscribers started right here on this channel so i appreciate you guys for keeping me going and supporting me and keeping me motivated and i hope to continue doing properties just like this and projects for people that could use it and help other business owners grow now i'm gonna answer some comments through the video and hopefully um answer some of the the questions that came up through the other video so right now i'm edging first and you know people were asking why did i edge first or why was i using the string trimmer well i use a string trimmer because i'm proficient with it and i started this it was really really thick wet nasty overgrown stuff on the edge so i went ahead and switched over to the blade edger because it was going to be a lot easier to cut through everything you know when they're really really overgrown i gotta say i have never been a big fan of the the stick edger but as i start using it more on these type of properties it is much uh proficient much more proficient at cutting through well just thick and overgrown nasty edges so it is it is becoming a tool that i'm enjoying to use uh it leaves a very nice finish now there's a lot of debate on stick edger versus a weed eater and in my opinion uh stick edger is great for commercial if they have a long run with a edge where they have to you know trim for you know say a quarter mile or a couple miles you know some of these really massive apartment complexes they might have one guy that actually runs a stick edger all day and that's his only job so you know when it comes to that it's a much less fatiguing piece of equipment and then as far as like smaller properties like this unless they're overgrown like this one is i actually prefer a string trimmer because you can uh edge and we eat at the same time with the same piece of equipment without having to go back to the truck so that's actually kind of pretty nice and it will boost your production times way up and as you get proficient you know with with the string trimmer you'll actually be able to edge quicker and uh you'll have a real nice tight edge every now and then you will mess up and it won't be as clean but that's okay you can you'll you'll learn practice on your lawns that are weed lawns that you know they're not the nicest things in the property and get as you get better you'll start be able to do it on the the nice turf properties that you have so you know when i started i didn't have a stick edger it was probably two years before i got one and then by then i was so proficient with using a string trimmer that i just didn't like it so that might be um that might be something you're looking at if you're starting your business or if you're a homeowner you can use a string trimmer you know that's your weed eater if you're from the midwest but you can use a string trimmer and to do the same thing and get the same results now when it comes to like i said an edge that's overgrown like this it's gonna be a lot harder it's gonna be a lot more difficult you might take a a few weeks to weed eat it back you know each time you make a pass we need it back uh i get asked quite a bit or i gotta ask quite a bit on the other video if you know how much i charge on something like this or how much i would have charged so when i do a cleanup like this i would generally charge a 25 an hour clean up charges for me and when i had employees it was 85 dollars per man hour so 125 by myself or 85 if i had two people that covers business expenses and different things like that everybody charges something different and you should work your own numbers around your business now like i said for everybody it's a little bit different for me i'm in an urban environment and here's the thing i know that i am maxed out at a certain point there's only so much work that i can perform so you can stay competitive on price or you can come to the realization like i did i don't want to grow anymore and how do i make more income in the same amount of time i moved all my lawns to weekly and then i started charging premium prices that allowed me to get more lawns taken care of in the same amount of time but at that point i'm still making a modest living i needed to increase my price it wasn't a greed thing it's just a profitable standpoint the business has to make money and you have to make an income and you have to make a living wage and a salary so make sure you're not undercutting yourself because it's very easy to do in any business there we go put that one in the back of the truck along with that one there these are small enough i'll chew them up in the yard that one's pretty big hey i just got a phone call i'm on the phone with chris fisher with blind tv say whatever hey i gotta give a big thank you to uh blind tv i got a lot of pete from this video and uh you know i have a lot of cool supporters that went out of the way to uh go to bat for me because they they get what i'm doing and i just want to let all of you know that i really appreciate it hey i i'm just a big proponent on uh what juggernaut kevin's doing and paying it forward you know what he does is is a thinkless very selfless act that people don't realize and especially in this time of need or even in this society we live today where everybody wants something for something and for kevin to go out there and do that man i i had to definitely uh speak up my two cents and the fact that hey man if you're living your dream and your dream is to help other people out and that puts that smile on your face and then keep living that drink that's what's up brother i appreciate the support man all right hey guys i'm gonna link his uh channel down in the description in the description uh so chris is actually um chris is legally blind and like his passion is driving uh side by sides and stuff like that so this guy he actually owns a lawn business too so he mows and he's blind okay so i i love an underdog but he mows and he's blind and this guy drives like a side by side you said how fast they go uh he'll reach 107 right now that's pure insanity he wants to put me in a side by side so i imagine there will be a future video clip of me screaming going 107 in the sand dunes oh it's gonna happen all right brother i'll talk to you here in a bit hey if you guys could go give him some love that'd be awesome like i said i'll have his link down in the description um you know when it comes to this stuff so mr beast had had said his goal in life was to make a lot of money give it all away and die broke and i think that is i mean that's cool so i will say you know i've got people that inspire me in a lot of different ways but i've never had a whole lot of money to give i've never been able to help somebody out financially but what i do have is i've got knowledge about my business and my industry i'm in the tips and techniques which i share on this channel and then i also have my service i can go out and i you know some people ask hey how do you do these videos well you know it only takes a couple hours to go cut one of these types of properties and how much better does it make somebody else's life so to me if i can do that i'm okay with that i can spare a couple hours of my time then i make a video on it and i'm compensated not for doing the yard okay people get hung up on that oh well you made this video and you made money on it no i'm cutting the yard 100 free if anything it's costing me money you know this is time that i could spend out making money on another property this is time that uh i could spe spending with my family this homeowner didn't pay me a dime i saw the house saw they might need help i knocked on the door and i gave him some help i said hey can i work on your property i'm a youtuber and i film properties and i do transformational videos do you mind if i work on the property they said okay so i cut it it's 100 free for them and then i get paid from youtube for my time filming and editing which is a skill that is learned over time if you go back to my original videos they sucked but it gets better over time the way i speak gets better over time i've got a very expensive editing computer now i've got a uh expensive microphone because people told me my microphone sucked and i agree you know i've got several gopros so that i can get the footage and content for you guys and stay try to stay consistent we just hired and trained our first editor so big thank you to her i look forward to uh seeing if she puts out some really good videos so far her first video is on the boring channel and it's got 200 000 views so far as it sits so i'd say she's on a winning streak so far but without you taking the time leaving a comment giving a thumbs up now would be a great time okay now that you had a second to do that uh without you guys helping and supporting the channel i wouldn't be able to do that now i'm able to hire her and hopefully i'll be able to make her a full-time employee for our youtube business so thank you guys all right now i am going to come back and what i'm going to do is i'm going to mow twice so the first time i'm going to mow and get everything so i can see what areas i'm going to have to wheat and what areas i can mow the crown is pretty soft i might end up having to mow the whole yard with the weed eater in which case all that stuff that i threw up there i have to break it up i'm hoping i don't think i will we'll be able to uh probably mow all that up everything's gonna shred up so don't worry about this stuff okay and then we're gonna go and pick up this trash but let's go ahead and take the mower over it now i'm going to spend some more time on that edge and give it some more love because uh not only is it overgrown but it's very very thick so the edger only has so much space because the blade is only so tall even if you have a brand new blade on it which this one's pretty new it just doesn't it has a hard time actually reaching the concrete when it's this thick and it's you know about four inches thick there so one downside to that and if i'm not able to get it with the metal blade what i'll do is i'll come along and cut it with the weed eater i'll just come along and cut it with weeder polish it up and make it look straight not all the way to the groove it'll look straight and a lot of times that's you know what you have to do on something that's so overgrown and then you just work it back steadily you know if you come back and you're weekly with somebody you can work that groove back until you actually get to the concrete uh right now everything's real real wet we've got a lot of rain so one it's gonna cut and it's gonna cut messy two i gotta worry about is it going to rut three i got to worry about you know um the edges smushing and pressing out because you you mow and the tire presses it down so what we're going to do is i wanted to get so we're gonna so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get the uh long cut but i wanted to get the edges halfway cleaned up and then that way when i come back and i edge i'll just you know edge this again before i leave it'll be real quick shoot across it and it'll look sharp but before i mow you see all this stuff on here if you mow over mud okay i'm gonna press it down if you mow over mud you're gonna press mud in the concrete it's gonna be hard to clean up and just the spots for me walking it's gonna be difficult so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and pop the blower out blow everything onto the turf and that's gonna help clean it up but it's gonna give us a better end result and i know and i know properties like this it's kind of like polishing a turd it's only going to look so good but we want to make that turd look like a diamond of turds all right the yard's not that bad the engine's great the yard's not that bad so let's go and get into it let's get the blower out clean that up and then we'll get the mower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] all right here's where it gets really interesting so i'm actually using the ferris i'm going to come in and use the ferrous to knock down all the overgrowth and and just tackle it real quick and i thought i was going to be able to use this mower for the entire duration of cleaning up the front yard but boy was i wrong turns out the ground was pretty saturated so you'll actually see me here in a minute switch from the ferris my 60 inch mower to the 36 inch mower now i think a 60 inch and a 36 inch is a great combination for residential properties like this i use the 60 inch on the front all the time and people like oh you're only going to have like one stripe going one way no it actually stripes up and you can put you know you make it look really good right of course i'm in an area where you don't have a whole lot of stripes but you can make it look good you can cut at angles with it you can cut lengthwise with it now you can't cut back and forth from the sidewalk to the house very easy because it's just not enough space on a property like this but a lot of the properties i have the front yard is actually probably double the size of this one and so the 60 works perfect now my 36 inch mower fits in the backyards and i for my business quit push mowing so i am thinking about getting um a push mower and actually using a push mower more on here i have a 20 push mower that i bought from a yard sale so if you are looking to start your business and you want to start it uh start it up cheap that is how i started i would find mowers on the curb or at a pawn shop or you know in a yard sale and you know i bought my first backpack blower from a pawn shop for a hundred dollars and you know i ended up buying backpack blowers from different pawn shops over the next few years i've had some stolen over the years it just kind of is what it is with that kind of stuff but once i tried the 8010 i had to go buy one of those brand new because you know you can't find them in a pot shop well now i've got the 9010 that's the blower that i'm using in this video and that thing is a monster all right so it's trash time got to pick up a little bit of trash on the lawn if i left it there and i continued mowing i'd make confetti and then i just have a bigger mess to clean up so you know it's just way easier to jump off pick it up and you know continue on about your day i will say a zero turns a little bit more difficult than when with my walk behind i can just stop the machine you know reach down and pick it up the zero turn actually have to climb up and up and down off of but you know i mean that machine's awesome i can't really complain about it makes me sound lazy you have to get off the machine to pick up the trash it's not that big a deal now with the uh 36 here i'm using a 36 inch x mark i don't like the handles if you've seen my channel before these are the the mowers that you see the videos they go viral where people are they lose a machine and it's spinning that's this mower now it cuts really good it's getting a little older and it definitely needs some maintenance but i'm not gonna do any engine maintenance on this thing i'm ready for it to die and if i don't let it die i will never buy a new piece of equipment and the reality is a good piece of uh commercial equipment you will keep maintaining that thing for years and it will run for years i haven't done maintenance on this on the engine in like two years it will not die but like i said if it doesn't die then i can't be like hey rachel i need to go get a mower all right so we made the first pass i came in and i did the perimeter patch you'll notice that when i use the mower and i'm cutting the yard my discharge where i'm actually shooting the grass is always pointed towards the inside of the yard you don't want to point it towards the street there's argument about it getting in the street motorcycles and stuff but that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about the actual functional process of cutting a yard so that you're not spending a ton of time if you shoot it towards the street you're going to have more cleanup time and just from a standpoint of production and speed you don't want to do that you want to be able to get lawns done as quick as possible even if they're weekly bi-weekly whatever it might be cut it in a way that makes it much much easier to produce more jobs in one day so with my setup with the uh 36 and the 60 it's a 61 when i had james working with me last year we knocked out 32 lawns in one day we would have i guarantee you hit 35 lawns in one day but we got to the point where i was like yep that's not gonna happen you know i had to blow out in the middle of the day i didn't have my jack with me we switched trucks because we had the 85 chevy and you know i just never put a jack in my truck so with the new truck no jack i had to do it man i just bit the bullet i rode that baby on the rim all the way to a tire shop about two miles away that rim was shot they put a new one on i went to discount tires it's not a not a plug they're not sponsors or anything they still don't have any sponsors so they're they're not a sponsor or anything but for 200 bucks i got a brand new trailer tire a 10 ply tire and a rim i'd say that's the score i'll ride it on the rim any day to go get some more lawns done so we almost quit that day it was like halfway through we're at like i want to say 15 16 by noon or something and my brother's like oh we can just get them tomorrow i'm like uh-uh it's record setting day those are the fun days man those are the fun days so for me by myself the most i've ever done in one day is 27 26 or 27 i'm not sure i think it was 27. i did like 27 in like three bush trimming jobs so if it would have been lawns just straight lawn care uh i would have probably you know broke 30 by myself and how cool is that you can go out there and do it too man you just got to hustle and work hard now when i did that my route was all over the place and so was our 35 uh 30 32 lawns in a day that route was jacked up because we were going through a half of our tulsa route because we're catching up from rain those are when the record days happen man when you're playing catch-up you got to go go go so you know you're you're already in the hustle mode you're running you're like i got to get to it everything's flying the way it should and then uh you know i mean cutting after a rain slows down but all my lawns are weekly so if you want to have a lot done in one week or in one day i would suggest you know start positioning your business to go weekly those lawns cut faster you can fit more of them in one day there's less cleanup it's less wear and tear on your machine less fatigue on your body it's the little things that allow you to actually knock out a lot in one day all right that's better not great but better we got a lot of clumping you see it look at that oh i can strike two cutting these weeds almost drop them up it's so hard to lay stripes all you got to do is drive in a straight line back and forth i'm kidding anyways you can't strike it's how do you get such vivid lines well it's such a crazy concept you see my mower is heavy and i mow one way and then i move back and then i mow the other way and then when i'm done i've got baseball stripes on weeds right that's excessive i'm playing around i do i do have to clean up some clumps you know a lot of this it was just too heavy like this is straight soil so we'll clean that up we'll go through and pick up the clumps but we did shred up a lot of it which is what i was trying to do there i'm using the blower to kick that stuff around and get some of the grass clumps and stuff but before i do that we're gonna go ahead we're gonna go ahead and we'd eat and trim some of these trees and get some of this brush out of here and then from there i'll blow when i blow this stuff off i'll blow all that trimming out and then when i mow it again it'll polish up real nice but you can see got a whole lot of clippings on here too so it's important when you're mowing not to drive over clippings that are really really green like this and wet because then what happens and i'm sure i did it over there in the driveway but what happens is it presses down and that chloroform that's in the in the plants will stain the concrete now to go away in time after a rain or two and some dry days it'll go away but initially it's gonna look real real bad and real nasty and you know it'll happen i'll show you it'll happen from walking on it too so push that aside that's not too bad but they'll kind of stick there so you know you just want to avoid that stuff let's go ahead and get the trimmer attachment on here polish this up with weed eating i'm trying to make this place look pretty pretty presentable these pas systems are pretty awesome and uh i switched over to one several years ago and i just kind of stayed with it and it still has a combi system i don't know if it's better or not i'm just invested in echo as far as having different attachments so the attachments are kind of expensive you know the hedge trimmer is a couple hundred bucks the chainsaw is a couple hundred bucks edgers 60 or 70 bucks after a while you start getting enough of them you don't want to switch over but maybe we go down the road it's about time i use the pas 2620 and i really like these and echo still still hasn't shot me in sponsorship anyways so this is all this is all free anyways the echo pas system the cool thing about it is i can have one trimmer and i can just store the attachments in the back of my truck and when i want to get them just pull them swap them out but i only have to have one dedicated unit i only have to keep my eye on one unit i only have to worry about one unit being stolen and i only have to maintain one unit now i've got a couple of these so that if one ever goes down i have a backup but the the concept is i don't have a weed eater and an edger and an extended hedge trimmer and a pull saw you know you got four different units right there that all need maintenance they all need um taken care of every year i don't want to do that so that comes down to me and my business model and what i like doing and you know i'd rather have one unit that does it all it doesn't doesn't do them all the best but it does it all and it gets it to an extent where i can use it and it does a great job so like i said it's not like the pull saw for this is not as good as an uh you know fit 10 15 20 foot extension pole that you might get that's built specifically for that use and it's you know reinforced to get up high up and everything and uh same with the edger it seems like i've had a dedicated unit in the past and it seems like they pull you along more this one kind of kicks you out of the groove a little bit more but it's still it's so good let's go ahead and let's go ahead and get some meat eating done all right here we go we're going to clean up all of the cracks what's left inside of the the cracks on the concrete you know whatever a little bit of debris is left i'm gonna sharpen up these edges with the string trimmer catch any stragglers that the edger blade missed get around this mailbox where the mower wouldn't fit in now around the mailbox post you'll notice that i feather the weed eater i'm not using full throttle we don't want to beat that post up and then i'm tilting the head on the weed eater just to catch the tip of the string and then i'm going in a circle and that's because if you stick the whole weed of your head down right above that uh water meter what's going to happen is the head's going to bounce around catching the dirt and it's going to be kind of not a perfect circle so if you just use the edge of it tilt it and dip it up and down what's going to happen is you're going to have a really nice crisp edge on that water meter it's going to give you a professional touch on the lawns so yeah just clean up the little bit that's left in the cracks catching the edges here just polishing them up and then i'm going to go through the flower beds here in just a second and what i'm going to do when i'm in the flower beds is i'm i'm keeping an eye on what plants they have which is not a whole lot they have some bulbs but they got a whole lot of trees that are growing up in there so i'm going to use some different techniques and i'm going to uh which it's really pretty easy what you're going to do is you can turn your weed eater so that it's not just the string going horizontal but you can actually turn it on its side and then your string's gone vertical so whenever you're in a flower bed and you're cleaning it up with a weed eater and you're just knocking down sucker trees or whatever else if you're doing a cleanup you can identify the plants that should be there like these irises here with the white flowers and then you know tip it up and get in between everything no problem uh we've got the hose in there we've got uh some some little tree limbs that were cut down it looks like what happened was these sucker trees probably got tall on them in the past and then they could just cut them down and let them lay where they were that's you know you know when you're when you're a homeowner and you don't have a truck and trailer and you don't have anywhere to take it or you don't know what to do with it you know you end up with a lot of debris on your property which is pretty common from properties that i pick up and they've never had a lawn care service that was very very common with lawns in my first year in the business pretty much every lawn i picked up my first year in the business started out looking just like this so you know if your lawn does look like this and your homeowner don't worry don't be concerned when you call a professional they are used to this stuff and it's no biggie it's what we do every day pull up to the yard and you know i'm dropping my gate back to mower off the whip let's have that yard look great laying stripes back and forth the haters say the grass is fake all they do is imitate but we do this every day cut it up cut it up every day cut it up cut it up [Music] i don't know what hit me in the leg there but man it hurt every now and then you just get hit in the shin um and it's it's brutal so i wear pants i don't know most of the time before it gets real real hot and then i go back to working in shorts uh which is definitely no fun whenever you're working around like sandboxes and backyards so luckily i don't have any more of those anymore but i've had uh backyards where they get the sandbox on the patio you know and covered up but kids never keep it inside the sandbox you know yards with a lot of twigs and stuff like that in the backyards where they got trees that drop limbs all the time it's a nightmare but uh you know i'll take any of that over a big pile of dog poop in the face which does happen unfortunately you know for a long time i heard guys complaining about having yards with dog poop and i'm like whatever ain't nothing i'm gonna make my money i'm gonna go out and cut this yard whatever you know but uh i've noticed the more money you make in the lawn business the pickier you get about not wanting to cut yards with dog poop now i get a lot of questions about where i take debris like sticks and stuff like that so we have a green waste facility here in tulsa where we can take debris to they have very massive chipper shredders there and i see a lot in the comments where people say i should have a chipper shredder it would make a job easier we don't mess with enough material to make a chip or shredder worth it so you know that's why i'm not invested in it now we could also put the stuff out of the curb if we cut it to two foot lengths and then wrapped it up in twine and it can be no bigger than a two foot bundle by two foot in width so quite a pain in comparison to and the client would have to see it out there for a week before the trash company picks it up or we could put the debris at the curb and then they can call for a bulk waste pickup which only costs them five dollars from the water company but most of the times people want the debris gone so i'll just load it in my truck and trailer and it's part of the cost of doing a cleanup on a job like this so yeah that would be something that i would charge extra to take the material to the dump because there's added time but then they don't have to wait two weeks for that bulk waste pickup to come out and take it away also a lot of the times they use a grappling truck to pick up the bulk waste wake up uh pickup so they will actually you know accidentally dig out big chunks of the lawn sometimes and it's just one of those things that it's more hassle than it's worth so for me no chipper shredder but i take it to the dump it's not a whole lot of work there i just drag it into my trailer or put it in that big box in the back of my truck now the big black box on the back of the truck is also used for leak debris during those times of the year all right i went ahead and hit this section off camera real fast so i didn't think there'd be anything interesting but there was this pile of dirt i just kind of kicked it and all these massive worms all right all these massive earthworms these night crawlers started moving around i thought it was a bunch of snakes man they just freaked me out but look at this that's enough to go fishing on right there whole bunch of them i look at them crawling in the crack good for you bro all right let's get these guys on the flower bed dang it i can't grab them yeah there we go i don't want to chop them up with the mower and all this is going back on the turf handful of worms don't worry it didn't hurt them i used to eat these guys just kidding you think you make some money that way i know somebody's like oh that's horrible hey i was a kid i thought it was cool if you eat like 10 of them your stomach starts hurting because everything's crawling around they're still alive you just slurp them if you chew them up they taste like dirt and it's gritty you know you have them dusting around so if you're going to do that trick just slurp them down although i imagine there's all sorts of parasites you don't want so just don't do it hey right now if you haven't yet it'd be a great time to give us a thumbs up leave a comment help support the channel give me a thumbs down if you don't like me it's not gonna hurt my feelings either way just give me some feedback tell me what you think of the project i'll wait all right let's get back to it [Applause] okay so now we're gonna go ahead and use the blower we're going to push everything back onto the turf so that we can use the mower to mulch it up and we're going to kind of polish this up from this point now keep in mind it was a cleanup so it's not going to be super super pristine but once you've done the initial cleanup you can come back in every week and when you come every week then it'll start polishing and after two or three cuts it just looks awesome so that's something you got to keep in mind now let's start out with a lot of clovers and clovers leave a lot of clippings and stuff like that if you were using a mower with a bagger which i'm not a fan of a mower with the bagger just for my particular setup i don't like messing with bags because like on these walk behinds the bags that go on the side of the mower they're just really heavy and then you got to mess with all the trimmings and the clippings and then you go to the dump maybe every day if you're catching all the trimmings off the lawn or you got to go like once a week and then by then everything's gotten hot and it's starting to break down in the back of the truck it stinks real bad smells like a septic tank so for me in particular it's just not my my cup of tea but i will say there are a lot of advantages to having a bag and a mower so like when i had a push mower with a bag well when you trim bushes and stuff in a flower bed you can blow them onto the yard get them in a centralized area run the mower over it a couple times and then use that bag to clean up the clippings or running over leaves or you can even do it with trash and although the easiest thing in my opinion when you're dealing with trash like i was on the side of the house is that you know right now went down on the side of the house use the blower blew it all into the corner and then i'm gonna come up and pick it all up at once so in this case i ended up covering up my tarp by the end of the job but you can you know come in and use a tarp to clean it up by putting it all on there and then putting it into your truck or you can use trash bags whatever your method is i don't use trash bags at the dump at the green waste we can actually uh put trash in a dumpster there we can't put it in with the green waste though they are very picky about that all right so there used to be a tree here and there's a dip and that's how you can tell so it would have been cut down and then the stump was ground up and it rots away all the the mulch chippings and then you end up with the dip so i'm gonna go ahead and put all of these chunks from the edging into that dip and it'll help fill that hole doesn't fix it but it helps so in an ideal situation i could just mow over all those you know chunks of edging debris that i put on the lawn but it had rained recently in this situation so it was just a little too wet what ends up happening is because they're not dry enough when they're dry the mower vacuums it up and shreds it up spits it out the side in this situation they were just too heavy and they stuck down to the ground and so i didn't want to leave a bunch of little brown spots all over the lawn making it look like some polka dot or something uh so i took them all put them in that that hole and then that's going to kind of level that area out at that point they could add some more soil but in any case it's going to make it better than it was oh yes this stinky noise polluters it is the common argument that they blower puts out more pollution than a car and that just sounds dumb okay so i blew all that trash into the corner over there we got everything blown up and ready to go as you can see this is kind of what i was talking about earlier the edging smashes down with the tire and i want that i want it to flatten out some so that i can cut it off even with that metal blade edger you can see how far out it was to start with so it's pretty wide and we got to take it another four inches so i'm going to intentionally ride on this spot a couple times because i want it to see how it smashes out oh jess did that shoes let's take a second to appreciate them see that that's what we want and then over here you can see what i was talking about with riding your tires over anything clover's real bad about it fescue's bad too but if you ride over it the chloroform now is it just me or does chloroform sound like a wonderful day with your wife in the plant right there okay i just want to clarify that's a joke don't trip out in the comments okay just get squished out or do it's not going to bother me it's actually going to help the videos so i appreciate your comment and then leaves a little stain like i said when it rains that'll clean up let's make for a good power washing video wouldn't it maybe i can do that if you uh support the channel give us thumbs up or not let's go ahead and do the uh final mo then the final edging blowing off and then we'll pick up the trash [Music] um the beautiful sound of a neglected engine that i won't let myself replace unless it blows up so let's hope that happens soon i want something shiny man you know what i mean it took me years to get my credit back in shape if you're uh in this oh hey hey stop what i was talking about these two people walking out of the house have nothing to do with this person that owns a house i think they're okay they have something to do with that person but they are not the owners so that was a very common argument and question that came up in the other video and i almost think that's why that video started trending and uh took off so pretty cool they walked out i need to find that guy shake his hand and uh tell him thank you but i'm pretty sure they were just in-laws or friends or whatever of the homeowner i never met the person that owns this house i just knocked on the door they were inside and she looked through the door and you know anyways uh i asked if i could mow it she said yes you know what i'm saying but because of the video the homeowner the husband uh got a hold of me and we are gonna go back to this property i don't know if i've already said that in this video if i have totally sorry it happens i do these voiceovers over and over and i'm like i don't like that delete it then i go back uh do it over again i don't like that delete it after a while i've got like eight of them down okay so now we're going to be mowing back and forth so what i'm doing is like i said i'm going to use the tire this is a pretty heavy machine too you got to watch out for these machines because they will run now the wider the wheel surface area on the wheel is better distribution and the less likelihood that it will run so what i'm actually doing is if you watch my tires i'm staggering so you'll get like this almost mushroom shape that happens where it pushes soil out of the area you were at and displaces it while i'm staggering the wheels a lit a little bit so that it pushes that soil back into the spot i was at because the lawn's pretty soggy that's why i'm not using the belky plate which if you've watched my other videos i will ride behind this mower on a tow package and you know that's pretty nice it is uh very very rough on your body after several years so if you get a machine like this i would highly suggest uh working your way out of a machine like this keep in mind that you know if you walk 15 20 miles a day you're going to abuse your knees and your feet and your body and your spine and everything else but the other side of that is if you ride on the tow package for 15 20 miles a day you're gonna have the same issues but it's gonna you know i mean it's going to be intensified too because you're putting a lot of downward pressure uh onto your your feet and your knees so um that's a big reason why i got the ferrous i was having a lot of issues with uh plantar fasciitis in my feet which is you know torn muscles and different things so the ferris has helped me recover because i'm not on that toe package for this machine as much you know keep in mind that i've been using one like this for about six years so you know that's where i stand on would be nice or zero turns would be nice but you know i really don't feel like i have anything to complain about when there's guys out here that are blind and doing this i have a buddy that uh works in the tulsa area he's got one arm and you know he's he's out there mowing and doing the same grind that i'm doing so you know if you are a guy wanting to get into or or a girl want to get into the lawn care industry it is a very good industry to be in and you can make good money i would say the only limitations that you have are the personal doubts and constraints that you put on yourself because there are people that have blown up and have very large companies from this but you can also grow it to be just whatever business you want so you know if you're just looking to make it you know say a couple extra 100 a week well you can do that in this business if you're looking to have a full-time income and replace the career or job that you're at you can do that as well it's a good business to be in but uh just keep in mind nothing works unless you do the only way you're going to make money in this industry is if you get off the couch and you go make it happen you got to go find clients that might mean going out and putting out door hangers and being uncomfortable and walking and meeting people and you know uh when i started this business you might not believe it now but i was actually pretty shy i was kind of uh broken with my life and where my life had put me so you know i i didn't have a lot of confidence in speaking with people and the business has really changed who i am in a lot of ways because out of necessity i had to learn to speak clearly to people i had to try to put myself out there and get confidence i started answering the phone because the thing is when you're paying to make that phone ring because you're putting out advertisement you have to answer the phone so you know i have anxiety i can't i can't open i can't answer my phone because i have anxiety you're gonna have to knock that off okay yeah i don't know i don't want to go up to somebody's door because i'm afraid they might get me for trespassing you're just gonna have to get over that all right you're gonna have to get over that you're gonna have to walk up and you're gonna have to meet people i would encourage you practicing just uh you know walking past people and say hey what up man how you doing today and they'll say yeah i'm doing good awesome great to hear you know something simple like that started out and just uh try to be kind and positive with everybody and start a conversation frequently and yeah you'll build up confidence quick now at this point i'm going to go to the blower and i'm going to clean up the concrete and the sidewalks but i'm going to leave my mower here because i don't know if i'm going to do one final pass so i'm going to blow all that stuff on the lawn see what it looks like and then from there i'll be able to make a an educated decision on what i think i want to do [Music] there all right so i went over that several times now it's all flattened out we can actually put a decent edge on it because it's not five inches thick let's go ahead and knock that out i'm gonna edge everything all at once then uh we gotta clean up the trash over there one final um cleaning of all the concrete with the blower and we'll be out of here i will have to um shovel all this dirt up and haul that away but that's no big deal let's get to it okay [Music] um [Music] um [Music] mmm you so so um all right what do you think of that it's not 100 pristine but i got to tell you it looks a lot better so we are shooting in four so we are shooting in 4k so i'm sure you can see all the little clumps but you know we got it in here we left some stripes on the weeds you know i think some people think that i can't do that but i gotta tell you the guys are like oh i can stripe it's not that hard okay i get it uh some lawns are really beautiful we don't have fescue here fescue stripes up great we have some georgia that's good bermuda it might stay for a day or two when it's dormant it looks awesome but it's also dormant so it's brown anyways so we got the trash back there we came in cut the trees with the weed eater they'll have to be cut down at the ground if they're you know going to keep up with it um came into mode it mowed it several times one of the things i had to watch out with is to not rut i did want to go down this several times that i smash that but then what happens is your tire presses down here so you stagger it and each time you stagger over just a little more and then it kind of instead of being one dip it'll actually flatten itself back out so it'll dip down and then when you come in beside it it'll dip down there but it'll press that dirt over into the divot that was there so that's the way instead of getting ruts you can have it level it out and that's just good practice as you as you you know figure it out that's just good mowing practice you don't want to rut up and this is a softer lawn so the mower was definitely sinking but by mowing it correctly you don't have ruts okay now we took two inward passes so that the grass is shooting onto the lawn that's to avoid it from shooting in the street best mowing practice shoot it into the lawn that way you can take care of it on the lawn now from there look at these edges man it was way over see the dirty area where it's real clean and white there that's where the the uh soil was you know way over and over here where it's real dirty and muddy it was nasty but over here that uh edge came out to about right where my foot's at but that was the last section that we cleaned up on the driveway we got everything out of the cracks looking sharp and remember there was a whole bunch of brush and stuff up here we got that and then cleaned it all out and we've got a little bit of stuff left over here like these are trees that can go i'll grab that these trees didn't cut out so i'm not going to do that but what i did was i got their lawn caught up for them and then from there they can come in and take care of the rest or hire somebody take care of the rest now all the soil that was uh from the edging i went ahead and put it in here remember there was a tree there so all that soil i packed in there and that's going to level it out a little bit better from there they can put in a couple bags of soil and they'll have a nice flat lawn there again instead of a dip that their motor falls in or that they trip in those edges look sharp when you're mowing a lawn remember to not only when you're edging but when you're blowing all the debris up don't leave it up against that edge take the extra time to use the blower to kick that into the yard because those edges as a long guy are your bragging rights as a long guy all right so one last look there nice and sharp this one's still a little jagged it's real thick couldn't get it all the way back to the groove with the concrete but it looks much better hey i just want to let you know you're good to move your car back in and i wanted to say thank you for letting me work on your property today absolutely [Music]
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 3,075,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, Tulsa Lawn Care, tulsa Lawn Service
Id: 72TZmGPv6kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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