$425 Japanese Rotary Scissor vs String Trimmer and Edger

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hey what's up you all happy independence day just want to let you know that yard mastery has extended the biggest sale of the year through tomorrow july 5th fertilizers bio stimulants grass seed a whole lot more biggest sale of the year extended through july 5th so if you get here early enough click the link in the description below or visit yardmastery.com so for sure you've seen and heard all the hype around this thing the lawn tools posted on tick tock and get 10 bazillion views and everybody wants a piece i do too if that's okay so straight up front and remember i talk almost only to diyers this is not a one-to-one or direct replacement for a string trimmer not even close however i will make a good case in this video for why it is a great replacement for a bladed stick edger and then i'll also give you a couple other use cases for this that are specialty but that i think are worth it and they definitely are worth it for me so the way to think about this is maybe like a barber you know has different tools for different purposes you really only need a couple of basics like i've had for years to get the job done and done just fine but then you add something like this on and you find out that man i almost can't live without this anymore and you know i don't even mow low bro now a quick note here the cost of the unit for me was 297 dollars just for the rotary scissors alone on amazon i already had a powerhead unit from ego but i did have to buy an additional attachment for 129 for which i sacrificed the stream trimmer head itself and attached then the rotary scissors onto the shaft it's a pretty simple conversion to make but those two things right there the cost and the fact that you have to use hand tools to get this together will be a deal breaker for about 90 percent of the people watching so while i did say that the rotary scissors are not a one for one replacement for a string trimmer there are some comparisons that i still want to make for you so the rotary scissors can trim grass much like a string trimmer not a problem there however the drawback there is that a string trimmer actually rips the pieces to bits so there's not a lot of cleanup after whereas the rotary scissors actually lay down the grass in rows so you do have to go back and clean it up with your mower or by blowing it that's actually kind of annoying so that's why this doesn't exactly replace a string trimmer so there is one place where the rotary scissors excel against a string trimmer and that is grass that runs right directly up to the base of a tree with the string trimmer you're gonna nick the tree no matter what you do because you can't really see the outline or the edges of where the string actually is and even with those of you with good eyes that can it's unforgiving with even the slightest tap now with the rotary scissors if you do go and jam them up in there yeah they're gonna make nicks but because it's a more controlled spin you can actually see the outside of the disc and you can tiptoe or creep your way right up to the edge and make fine precision cuts without harming the tree at all next let's compare it against a bladed edger especially along like curbs and gutters so you all know down here in florida we have thick stoloniferous grass and a bladed stick edger is the preferred way to rip through that especially around curbs driveway sidewalks thing is for curbs the rotary scissors do just as good a job in maintaining the edges in fact the debris kicked out is much less compared to the stick edger and with the rotary scissors you can choose to go in both directions whereas with the bladed stick edger you can really only walk forward [Music] there's another question that comes up often too when it comes to edging around like brick pavers like this you know what's the best way to do that string or bladed edger and i can show you here this is where the rotary scissors actually excel over both okay so here is the bladed edger on pavers now does a great job i mean look let me just get back it's a nice edge you can't you can't say anything bad about that but you get in close and you'll see it's a little jagged in a couple spots here and there some people do have a challenge with getting this blade to lock in right along that paver edge right there and some people are afraid they're gonna nick it you know you can see i've been using that there for a long time and i don't have any chips out of these nothing right so you can learn to do it but i will tell you this is a little bit of a challenge it's kind of hard to hold it in there whereas the rotary scissors they get in there and they go and they just kind of lock on what happens is this lip right here right is riding you can see it's even being worn see that that right there that's like that's like riding on top of the pavers and so that allows these nice blades to go down in there and so the result you get is a pretty tight cut can you see that i don't know if it's coming across on camera but i can see it here it's much tighter probably from far back both edges look about the same none is perfect they all have some they both have some stragglers here and there but this one this definitely locks in more i can definitely feel it when i'm doing the edging and it makes it easier to do now there is one drawback though and that is that the angle of the rotary scissors means you have to kind of stand out to the side so not as compact of a movement overall and that can also mean it's tough to keep the scissors perpendicular if you're trying to get your edge completely straight up and down 90 degrees to the ground you know what i'm saying over by there and so that brings me to one of the things that i do actually like most about this and that is the ability that it gives you to round or sculpt your edges so this here is my thick beautiful st augustine grass and that big tall shelf you see in the front there that you all think is nothing more than thatch buildup for me that's my opportunity for edge domination and you can see i usually keep them tall and square these need a little bit of a trim here but sometimes it's kind of cool to round them off and change things up a bit just to keep people on their toes in case they're trying to catch up to your domination [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay now there are actually two places where the rotary scissors excel and beat string trimmer and edger but before i give you those two would you mind hitting that like button for me it really helps leave me a comment too really appreciate that so what are those two areas i was talking about well they are super thick overgrown edges and black top edges the freedom factory has no shortage of edges especially thick overgrown edges and when some barriers were recently removed i got to hit an area that had been overgrown for more than a month usually i'd have to ram my bladed stick edger through here several times to get the edge cleaned up but the rotary scissors make it easy because they slice through rather than ripping through giving you a clean edge with just one pass plus a little bit of cleanup after so for overgrown edges with thick saint augustine stolens overbite air the rotary scissors are a much better solution and then there's blacktop edges any of you that have to deal with this know that blacktop is jagged and so it's really tough to get a good edge so what you really have to do is over grow your grass several inches across the blacktop and then create your own edge from there i've been managing this at the freedom factory as good as possible with a string trimmer but i've actually found that the rotary scissors make it a whole lot easier let me show you [Music] okay there we go now we're getting there here okay now we're getting closer that's much better i just i didn't want to take that big chunk out of there but you can see blacktop right i still have come on girl let me in and she's tight well i mean i think the blacktop even goes back to there she's not she's too tight to let me under there but you can see an example of it here where i've trained the saint augustine to grow out a good four to five inches across the blacktop now i don't have to rely on the natural jagged edge i can create my own and you can see it looks pretty good it takes a long time to train the grass like this especially at somewhere as large as an eighth mile racetrack i mean look at that that's cool huh that's that that's been training like that for a long time gorgeous black top edge baby that's what i'm talking about dang again that's what makes this so sad over here because i had that similar not that tight because i didn't i was doing it with a string trimmer but still i had that four or five inches of leeway you know and here you can even see look at my roots in here look at them into the blacktop that's my sane og baby that's my sylvester stolens in the blacktop look at these roots here look at that it just they topped us it's crazy man it's like fangorn forest or something going on in here i mean y'all call yourselves clutch kickers y'all might want to spend a little more time on the brakes and steering next time you know what i'm saying fellas [Music] all right y'all there you go hope this video has been helpful to you i hope you have a great rest your independence day weekend and i'll see you in the law
Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Views: 221,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power rotary scissors, rotary scissors, rotary scissors vs string trimmer, landscape blade, lawn tips, stihl rotary scissors, stihl power rotary scissors, viral lawn tool, lawn care, allyn hane, lawn care nut, idech power rotary scissors, idech rotary scissors, power rotary scissors attachment
Id: jw3D3Zpdg70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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