DIY Pest Spray Just Like a Professional - Inside, Outside, & Garage

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what's up everybody it's dan the bug man here welcome back to another video where i am just telling you all of my pest control knowledge for absolutely free i'm going to be showing you exactly how you can spray your house for general bugs just like a professional company does i'm going to be showing you how to spray the outside perimeter of your home and i'm also going to be showing you how to spray the inside perimeter of your home if you so wish to do so we are going to be using the exact same products that my company uses every single day i have them with me right here the one we're going to be spraying on the outside is called tal star the one we are going to be spraying on the inside is called transport now just to prove it to you here is me and my pest control office i am here in our inventory chemical room at our pest control office and as you can see we definitely have tal star and we have a lot of it and we also have transport and we use these products every day and that's why we have them here so i just showed you the secret chemicals that my pest control company uses you should feel appreciative for giving you this free information and if you do please destroy the like button it would help me out a ton and let's go ahead and get back into it so now that you believe me all you need to do is get your chemicals off the internet or any store where you can find them don't ask me where to do that i don't know you can research it yourself so once you get your products what you're also going to need is a nice pair of gloves so you don't get cancer from the chemicals and i've touched them plenty of times before guys i promise you're not going to get cancer at least i haven't yet fingers crossed and you're also going to need at a minimum of a one gallon pump sprayer you can buy up to a three gallon pump sprayer if you want but just something that you can apply these insecticides with and the last thing you're going to need is just some water to mix these chemicals with i have this garden hose here that i'm going to be using these products are both mixed with water they're not applied directly to the surface you have to mix them with water first so that's about all you need to do to prepare and all you need to do next is just watch me do it and then just do what i do and you can completely protect your home from all kinds of general bugs this application is going to cover you in most cases for spiders ants crickets wasps stink bugs earwigs regular roaches centipedes millipedes and that's about it just all the normal stuff if it's something crazy like bed bugs or mice or fleas this application is not going to help you you need to do something else it's also not going to help with termites if you have termites please don't do what i'm showing you it's not going to help at all first we're going to do towel start around the outside the outside spray and then i'm going to show you how to do the inside spray the outside spray you should definitely do the inside spray is really just a secondary option if you've really had a lot a lot of bugs i will recommend you to spray the inside but if you've only seen a couple bugs here and there getting into your house then the outside spray will be totally enough to get you covered so the towel star is first the outside spray go ahead and get your gloves on so you don't get poisoned or whatever guys i do this every day and this is my off day so you get to watch me do it again and i've done this probably a hundred times over the past seven days so i'm doing it again just for you guys and i'm doing it for free tal star you mix it one fluid ounce per gallon and this pump sprayer is one gallon right there so we're gonna fill it up to about right there and thankfully this towel star has a measuring line so one fluid ounce all you have to do is pour some until it's one it's currently at about eight so i'm going to tilt all that out it's at about four now okay it's right at one now so once you have right at one fluid ounce in here it comes with a sealed just poke it and then you pour this in first that's the best thing to do in my opinion is pour the chemical in there first once you pour it in see guys it's at the bottom there it's kind of like a milky substance guys don't spray this stuff inside it's going to leave a white residual whenever it dries and you don't want those white particles all around the inside of your house use the transport stuff for the inside that's going to dry clear whereas this is going to dry white so once you got that ready you get your water hose and you fill it up until it's one gallon full all right so once it's one gallon filled up you put the pressurizer back in and at that point we will be ready to spray so whenever you have it mixed up you need to go ahead and pump it up until you feel the air pressure pushing back against you and it's hard to pump up so whenever that happens you can pull this and it'll start spraying out this chemical you can apply directly to the concrete or the side of your house and more importantly you can apply it to the soil as well so we're gonna do this porch area first and then we're going to do the sides of my house that are surrounded by soil so all you do is you just spray it just anywhere around the corners or surface area of the house so i would definitely want to spray around that corner this is my cat's water bowl we don't want to get any in here just eat it over there for now you want to spray where the wall meets the foundation of the house so we're going to spray it all across there all across that way down there as well and also spray around the doors a little bit especially up in the corners and then around where the house meets the eve up there around there and the corners there and i spray up here usually to make sure there's no wasp getting in and that's where things like stink bugs try to get in as well all right so that area is thoroughly treated we're gonna move on to this area over here so whenever you're applying this around the ground you can go up to like three feet out away from the house so go about three feet out and just keep on spraying and then just go about two or three feet up the house as well and whenever it gets low just pump it up some more and right down here the there's a foundation vent that goes to underneath my house spray around there really well also spray around the window and guys you don't need to soak the soil what you're doing is just trying to cover as much surface area as possible so right now the water and the chemical are mixed together but whenever the water evaporates the chemical particles are left behind those particles is what's going to kill the bugs and right down here guys this is the entrance to my crawl space now i'm not going to spray in there today but i'm definitely going to spray around it and see all these leaves down here guys those leaves area that's where bugs love to hide so spray that area really well and if you see any areas like that around your house if you have like a big leaf pile around your house you definitely need to remove that so there's not as many hiding places for these bugs and yeah guys really that's all there is to it to this simple outside spray you just keep on going around the house guys and keep the pressure up to make sure you're still getting enough out keep on spraying spray up the wall spray the ground feel free to spray your plants as well it's not gonna hurt them and bugs love hiding on plants but don't spray any like flowers that's where the pollinators are gonna be but if it's just like a normal plant like this feel free to spray for an average size house around the outside perimeter you're going to need about two to three gallons so whenever you're buying this product just keep that in mind so say you need three gallons for a house that means you need three fluid ounces of towel star they don't sell it in like just ounces they you're gonna have to buy more than just a couple ounces anyways but this stuff you spray it's gonna last outside about two months before it starts to break down if you want full coverage you need to spray your house about every two to three months so my company what we normally recommend is a quarterly service so that means we're doing this once every three months but it doesn't hurt at all to spray once every two months or even if you guys have a lot of bugs you can spray once a month in the summertime but i would never recommend spraying the outside of your house really more than once a month with this stuff it's not going to help it's just going to waste your time at that point guys if you want to spray inside your garage that is a great idea you can actually use the inside or the outside spray so you can use the transport or the towel star i'm gonna go ahead and use the towel star just to get rid of it but it's just the same idea you spray around the baseboards and around the cracks so i always spray around the door my door is not sealed very well at all i need to get it fixed but that's where a lot of bugs will get inside if you're getting puddles of the solution then you're spraying too much so just enough to cover the surface and then just so it's a little wet okay guys so that was the outside perimeter now the inside perimeter is it's the same idea really so guys you know for the outside i told you you're going to need about two to three gallons of solution to spray it and that only equates to about two or three fluid ounces of the towel star to spray the outside perimeter well it's even less for the inside guys it's actually much much less for transport you're mixing 1.25 fluid ounces to every one gallon of solution but on the inside we're not going to need two or three gallons we are actually only going to need about one fifth of a gallon that's one gallon that's one half one fifth is just going to be about right in there so you're not spraying much chemical at all on the inside so if we needed a whole gallon guys that's about 1.25 fluid ounces but we only need one-fifth of this to go in here that's about perfect guys we've got about .3 fluid ounces so with this point three fluid ounces just the same idea go ahead and pour this inside first make sure you use all the towel star that you sprayed outside first you don't want the residual towel star to get inside it's okay to mix the chemicals but you just don't want like we talked about the towel star will dry white whereas this stuff that yellowish oil color it's very clear and it will dry completely clear on the inside and it really is the most important to wear gloves when you're handling the concentrate is take the water and just fill it up to about one fifth of the way which doesn't take much at all so when i spray this now see how much is coming out and it's just like a loose like stream what we need to do is we need to dial this down so it's as misty as possible so now you guys see when i spray it now those particles are super fine and super small so let's go ahead and go inside and i'm going to show you some key areas that you guys want to spray the first and probably most important area that i'm going to suggest spraying is just right in front of the doors i don't know about you guys but my doors are sealed incredibly poorly there you can actually see the lights coming in there and i really get bugs all the time like multiple times a day just like in this side of the house just because this door is sealed so poorly so i'm going to just go ahead and spray from about right here all the way across to about right here and it's going to be very light and guys that's all it takes right there when you're spraying inside your house please go extremely extremely light there's no need to apply heavily move the rug back and just spray a couple a couple inches to the right all the way to a couple inches to the left and that will give you great coverage boom every house is different guys and you know your house better than i do so like this area for example i get a bunch of bugs in this area in the summertime so i'm just gonna spray right along the baseboards just right through here just like this somewhere in front of this fireplace guys see there's a crack kind of where the brick meets the hardwood and there's definitely bugs that are going to be able to get in between there so just very lightly again spray around that crack there there and all the way around and the final area is actually the attic there's a lot of bugs that get in through my attic so let's go upstairs to my attic so we're currently inside the attic and i'm babysitting my sister's dog this is indie hi indy hey baby hey okay you need to leave now okay let me let me get her out of the attic hold on i don't know about y'all's attic but mine has a bunch of crap in it you don't spend much time in your attic so actually i'm going to go ahead and say when you're spraying inside your attic you can apply this chemical much more liberally than i want you to inside your house around this like screen here go ahead and spray that pretty well spray around the corners just really just spray anything you feel like you're spraying in here use your best judgment and just spray your attic because lots of bugs get in through the attic so whenever you spray the inside of your house guys that spray is actually going to last two to three months now here's the other thing guys what i just showed you how to do that's a preventative service and like i said i do that service that i just showed you guys to hundreds and hundreds of people's houses every single week and every single month but if you already have an insect infestation if you have a huge ant colony if you've got a big wasp nest if you've got a bunch of spiders breeding inside your house if you've got a bunch of cockroaches breeding inside your house then that service that i just showed you is not going to help what i just showed you is a preventative service for general pests so if you don't have an insect infestation you need to be doing this around your house if you apply these products around your house before you get these insect populations you're going to save yourself a ton of time and money whenever you get a bad infestation guys it's not fun it's probably causing you a lot of stress and trouble and it's going to cause yourself or whatever person you hire to get rid of this it's going to be much much harder for them to get rid of it's going to cause them to use more time and more chemicals and in the long run just going to cost you more money so by doing what i just showed you guys to your house multiple times throughout the year i could potentially be saving you tons and tons of bug issues and lots and lots of money i hope all this makes sense to you guys i was trying to be as simple and clear and straightforward as i could possibly be i hope i didn't over explain things but i also didn't want to underexplain them so thank you guys for watching another day in the bug man bug video and if you have any questions please drop them in the comments and i will answer them the best that i can i will see you guys next time
Channel: Dan The Bug Man
Views: 9,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pest control, exterminator, dan the bug man, termites, ants, bugs, spiders, insects, pest control company, termite inspection, roaches, bed bugs, ticks, mosquitoes, brown recluse, black widow, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, German cockroach, bug, flying bugs, flying ants, flying termites, pest control treatment, dan bug man, flea, extermination, diy pest control, pest control
Id: LsLkoFC6gKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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