GET READY WITH ME | Teacher Evolution Ep 10

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welcome back to my channel guys I got an overwhelming number of requests for me to film a get ready with me video and that scared me at first because that means showing myself on camera like no makeup hair not done and all that but at the same time I've gotten a lot of questions with like what brands I use for things and what products I use and I thought this was a really easy way for me to answer all of those things in one video plus it gives me a chance just to kind of chat with you guys and update you on my life so if you do enjoy this video go ahead and just give me a thumbs up I would really appreciate it without further ado I'm just gonna jump right into it I already do not like how assumed in this is on my face I decided to start with you guys from the very beginning so I just got out of the shower all I've done is tout during my hair because I get a lot of questions on what products I use on my hair because for some reason you guys think that it looks like really shiny and stuff it doesn't look like that in person I promise you but I want to show you guys quickly what I use first of all for shampoo I just use like Tresemme like the basic Tresemme that you get at Walmart and then before I actually start drying my hair I use this frizzies from John Frieda John Frieda Frizz Ease it's like a leave-in conditioner so I just spray this on my hair and I probably do like 10 to 12 sprays and I just spray like the entire thing this is a pretty big bottle and it only costs like four or five dollars so it lasts for a pretty long time but this has really helped my hair not be like super frizzy because I do tend to have very frizzy hair even if I haired if I hair dry it and I blow dry it it's usually pretty frizzy so this usually helps that and it smells really good that's just an added bonus alright so I'm just gonna brush through my hair with the leave-in conditioner what I like is it'll actually help like detangle eyes your hair so if you have really like knotty hair when you get out of the shower this will really help with that because I know mine is usually like that and as you can tell from my voice I'm still like getting over a cold so part of me if my voice is like breaking up alright now I'm just gonna go through and blow-dry it blow-dry my hair usually takes like anywhere between 20 and 25 minutes cuz my hair is pretty thick and I just have this like Remington blow-dryer that I got from Walmart [Music] you [Music] you [Music] okay so now my hair is dry I usually dry my hair and then I put it back do my makeup and then I style my hair at the end usually I twist my hair up into a clip but I actually broke my clip this year or this year this week when I was getting ready so I'm just gonna have to like put up in a ponytail holder but I like to kind of twist it into a bun because then since it's still hot from the blow-dryer when I take it down it'll actually have a little bit of like wave to it and it makes it that much easier for me to curl it so I just kind of take my hair and twist it and then I twist it around into a little bun and put a hair tie around it alright so now I can actually start my makeup and I'm going to preface this by telling you guys I don't know like anything when it comes to makeup I did not even really own makeup up until a year ago when I started doing YouTube I realized that I somewhat needed to put in an effort if I'm putting these videos on the internet for like thousands of people to see so as a result all of my makeup is for the most part like cheap drugstore makeup because when I first started wearing makeup I didn't really know what I was gonna like or what was going to work for me and I didn't want to invest in like quality makeup so I just got cheap stuff from like Target and Walgreens and CVS so it's not like the best quality makeup but I really don't care because it's not that important to me so for a primer I'm using this just like elf mineral infused primer there's only a couple dollars at Target so that's why I got it because I didn't always primers kind of expensive and I'm not about that life so I just take like one little squeeze and put it on my face and I like to put my primer on and then while it sits cuz I like to have it sit for like 10 minutes that's when I'll get out all the rest of my makeup and kind of get set up so the next thing I do because you guys will notice I have a lot of redness on my face my face has always been like that I always had people telling me like oh you're putting on too much blush and I'm like no that's just my face like my face it's just naturally really really red and I used to just put my foundation right on top and I realize like I could still see the redness food from it through the foundation which was not good so I did some research and I learned that there's a thing called color correcting which I did not know up until a couple weeks ago so I'm still not like a pro at it so if doing it the wrong way like I'm sorry but I'm just doing what works for me I just got this it's like essence say no to redness I just got this from Target it was only a couple of dollars but I applied this on and then I just kind of blend it into my skin before I put on my foundation to try to counteract some of the redness I cannot wait to watch this back and see how ridiculous I look I literally just put lines like where there's a lot of redness on my face I've rendered it down here because I have this blemish do you see that do you know why I have that because I'm a teacher and therefore I am stressed and I always put some on my nose because my notice tends to be very red - yeah I know I love you so then to kind of blend it out I just use like a beauty sponge I actually just got this one this afternoon I was at t.j.maxx with Billy and the other ones that I have are like really really gross because I don't clean them because I don't have time for that I know I'm really bad I also don't clean like my makeup brushes very often like once every couple of months don't judge me um by actually wet my beauty sponge and I kind of like wring out the extra water and then I take like a towel and get even more wetness out but for me I've found that when it's like damp it just helps to blend it easier all right then I usually go back and like reapply it to the areas that are really red like right here and if you have skin like mine where it's really red and if you have found like a product or something that works really well for you please let me know because I've yet to find like I want the redness to go away and I don't know if that's even possible but ideally that's what I would like yeah now my sponge is like literally green all right once I have done that I usually go ahead and put on my foundation so I am using I don't know what I'm using okay this is the Maybelline fit me and this is the dewy and smooth which actually I don't like because my skin is oily but I did not know that when I bought this so since I've actually gone and I bought like the matte version of this problem is when I bought it I wasn't paying attention and I bought one that is too light for my skin tone and I've been using it and I realized I looked like a ghost so I'm gonna use this one because it's closer to my actual skin tone even though like it won't apply as well for me and it won't last as long throughout the day I don't care it at least will not make me look like I am dead so funny story I literally had never used foundation up until a year ago because growing up I never really allowed like wear a lot of makeup in fact my first oh gosh my first mascara was literally clear mascara like that's the only thing my mom would let me get was clear mascara which literally does nothing but I wasn't really allowed to wear like face makeup or eyeliner or anything like that and as a result I mean it probably was a good thing because it helped me become more confident like not wearing makeup and obviously like I like myself without makeup because I worn that for years but at the same time I do like now that I've kind of experimented with makeup when I do take the time to like apply it I feel that much better about myself and I think that's important too so yeah I don't really know a lot about foundation because I had never really used it until about a year ago I've experimented with a couple of different kinds so far this one I like the best because I don't really like to spend a lot of money on it honestly when I go to the drugstore and I see that foundations like ten dollars I'm like do I really really want it I don't know I mean I know it lasts a long time so it's worth like investing in but I don't know this is really hard you guys because usually I have the mirror like an inch away from my face because obviously I do not have my glasses on when I'm doing my makeup and I cannot see very well so this is gonna be interesting to see how it actually turns out without like being able to see them here alright that's as good as it's gonna get next I go in with concealer which I didn't even really understand what that was for until recently I don't even know what kindness is I think it's like Revlon Photoready or something but it's just a little like tube and then you just like smear it on your face that problems not the best verb to use but this one has worked the best for me I've tried like liquid concealers and I don't know I just don't like them as much so I know you're supposed to use this obviously to cover like blemishes but also to like make the inside part of your face lighter that's what I've gotten from watching youtube videos so I really put some under my eyes kind of there and usually do from down here here in here and then some up here and I'm gonna apply some to that low blemish so this weekend is less busy than last weekend which is good last night I did not get home until after 10 o'clock and that's why this is really hard to do while I'm talking that is why my vlog did not go up on Saturday cuz I got home and I was so tired because I had been helping out at movie night from 7:00 until 10:00 the actual movie was from 7:30 to 9:30 but I got there early to help like set up and then I stayed after to help clean up so I just could not get my blog up when I got home I was way too tired sorry but the more I thought about it the more I think I'm just gonna change like my upload schedule to having my blogs go up on Sunday that way I'm not like super stressed trying to get it edited Friday night and I'm not like rushing because often times I don't even have time to go back and like read watch my blog to find any mistakes so when I do rewatch it like after it's been uploaded I end up finding all these mistakes and it just makes me angry but today is basically like a billion I day we want to spend more time together because during the week or both just so busy that we don't really get a chance to spend a lot of time together so we slept in this morning and then we are going to dinner tonight we're gonna go over to Annapolis Billy needs to get one of his like suits fitted and then we're gonna go out to dinner at macaroni grill come back home and then I'm gonna be editing for the rest of the night and I really want to play Monopoly with him because I have my new it's like monopoly from England which is really really cool and I've been wanting to play it but we've both been so busy but I think since I have to edit tonight we're just gonna wait and like play tomorrow night all right next I'm gonna do my eyebrows which I'm gonna go on a rant and about in a second but um I am using this is NYX and it's like Tintin frame and this is the chocolate color and this is a brow like pomade so I've tried a lot of different brow products and this was the only one that like I actually liked and I could actually you see simply well but still I still have people telling me how awful my eyebrows are which if you guys look at them like normally my eyebrows just like they do not match each other they're just really really bad so I've had people oh shoot I just realized I never blended the strip of concealer on my nose okay that's better I've had people tell me about like micro bleeding and I just don't know how I feel about that so for now I'm just attempting to fill them in I know I'm not very good at it but I don't really care cuz I'm not claiming to be good at it so tomorrow is Sunday I'm actually going to get up and go to an ice hockey game for one of my students that is in my block to class it was really cute because she invited me which I always tell my kids like if you have sporty devices let you know when they are and I'll do my best to go and she had kind of invited me to one like a week or two ago but she didn't give me a lot of notice she was like oh it's tomorrow I was like oh so this one she actually let me know like a week in advance and all week long she's like are you coming are you coming are you sure are you sure you're coming just like make sure you know it's on Sunday not Saturday so I'm excited for that then I think tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna hang out with my friend Jane cuz her and I haven't really had a chance to spend a lot of time together lately and she's one of those friends where we knew each other when I lived in Salisbury we actually worked together when I was in college and she's from this area that we're living now so when we moved over here she had moved over here in like December and then we didn't move until the summer so we had like a couple months where he didn't really get to see each other and then once we moved into the area we kind of decided to reconnect but I've just been so busy I feel bad like you guys I literally have at any given time I have like 30 unread text messages on my phone so those of you who think that I'm really good at like multitasking and handling stuff yeah I'm really not I'm really ignoring like all my text messages and emails and all this other stuff like you cannot do it all and I've realized that and I have to accept that but it's really really hard for me alright that's good enough for my eyebrows I just realized no matter what I do like they don't end up matching and I just don't really care so then I've already started unscrewing it um I put on this NYX control freak it's like an eyebrow gel and I basically put this on just to kind of hold them in place I also need to get lesson planning done tomorrow because that's one thing I've struggled with lately is like getting more than one day of lesson plans done at a time um I would love to get into the habit of planning out like the entire week it has just been really hard for me like I end up planning for the next day like the night before alright now I'm going in with eyelid primer this is from ELF and actually one of my subscribers sent this to me because she had noticed that like my eyeliner was transferring to my eyelids because I like hooded eyelids or whatever I don't know but she said this to me which I knew that needed primer I just I wasn't ready for that commitment yet so I've started using it though but anyway with lesson planning because I have two different blocks of classes which they're on different levels so I have an exploratory group and I have a single subject group and my single subject group is outs which is advanced learning program or learner program or something like that too many acronyms as a teacher to try to remember so I have to do like advanced stuff with them and it's hard because you know I have to give them like a pre assessment to see how they do and then that decides like who is gonna get the extended learner task and who's gonna get the enrichment and who's gonna get more practice before they go into that and it's hard to plan out a week in advance because you don't really know like how the students are gonna do on the lessons leading up to it so I don't know maybe like with math I just can't plan it a week in advance like maybe I need to accept that and maybe I just play on like science and social studies for the week and then play on math like daily maybe that's bad with me I don't know but I just cannot figure out how to do it like week by week all right so now I'm gonna do my eye makeup which I don't really know all the proles of like eyeshadow and what you're supposed to do this is a palette from ELF and this is just the everyday smoky palette and I don't know I'm just gonna go in and figure it out as I go I feel like I watch makeup tutorials where they do like looks with different eyeshadows and stuff and they make it look so easy and then I go to do it and it's just a hot mess and it doesn't do what I want it to do and it sucks when I cannot see myself wow how do people do this like I don't get it I'm a good teacher that's all that matters uh-oh I just realized I forgot to blend the concealer here cool god and yes this is what happens when a daily basis when I do my makeup so good news is it is almost October which is my favorite month I love cooler weather and it's been still like 80 degrees here which I hate I hate hot weather which to me 80 degrees is hot because I like when it's like in the 50s or even high 40s finally yesterday it dropped down to like 70 as the high which felt much better my birthday is also coming up I'm turning 24 the big two four do you see how it even this is but then it's crazy because then it's like Thanksgivings gonna be here and then Christmas and then I'm already like halfway through my school year which blows my mind because I feel like we just started I'm not gonna talk you through like what I'm doing cuz I don't know what I'm doing I'm wishing and hoping that it turns out well that's what I'm doing I don't know it says good don't get it I don't really care okay the next part I hate the next thing I need to do is eyeliner so let me preface this by saying eyeliner is a pain for me to do because my eyes water so easily on a daily basis like I'll just be driving in my car and I'll have like tears coming down my eyes because my eyes just produce like so many tears I don't know why it's like the opposite of dry eyes and I don't know what to about it but as a result trying to put on eyeliner is like literally a nightmare so I have a couple eyeliners that I like I really like this wet-and-wild proline felt tip eyeliner this thing is literally like 2 or 3 dollars at the store which is why I like it so much but this is easy because it's like a little like marker and you basically just draw it on but I also like gel eyeliner I've just started using this this is the Maybelline eye studio and this is like blackest black and I like it because I can apply with a brush and that's kind of easy but I feel like sometimes it goes on really easy and then sometimes it's just not okay am I feeling brave enough to try the gel eyeliner or do I just want to do the marker okay I'm gonna go with the marker I'm not feeling okay I'm not even gonna do it on camera because I need to like lean in so let this mirror I guess I could pick up the moon my problem is I can't stop shaking the problem okay I've already messed it up like what I don't get is how do some people put on so easily like do I just need more practice so I've been practicing for a year and it hasn't gotten much better I don't even try like winged eyeliner there's no way I can put on an irregular line let a little wing and then I feel like you mess up so you try to make it like thicker to cover it up and then I ends up just being like halfway up your eyelid okay that's actually I'm not like horrible is this what you're supposed to do or do you just take your hand and like push it all the way across your chest I don't know it's potential so now I've to do mascara which I have been really liking this I don't know what this is okay this is L'Oreal voluminous voluminous lash paradise I actually was given this by one of the friends that I met in California and I really really like it but I was also just given this it's like a Marc Jacobs mascara and I was given this in my p.o box so I kind of want to try this yeah I'm gonna try the new stuff okay the first thing I do is curl my eyelashes I remember when I was in like middle school I was not allowed to wear makeup yet but I remember seeing other girls that were wearing makeup and they were literally taking the eyelash curler like this and then like pulling it out trying to curl the eyelashes it's so funny to think back because it we had no idea what we were doing I didn't do it other people did it but still so let's try this I love like brand new mascara like when you pull it out and your bottle is still like really clean okay so far so good okay I like that this is not clumping I cannot wait to watch this back and see the faces I'm making secondly imagine yeah it gets it gets better I just realized it's really hard to like do this and talk so I don't know how people do like get ready with me frequently because this is really distracting I know something I can talk about um I want to apologize to you guys for the lack of like TPT products I've been putting out so I feel like people keep seeing things so this is really hard people keep seeing things in my videos I'm like oh yeah I'll put that in my store I'll put that my store and then I just haven't been and I'm sorry but like it takes a lot of time to put up a TPT product and I don't think people realize that it's not like I can just put it up as is like there's a lot of stuff that I have to do in order to be able to sell it and like make sure that it's the highest quality possible-- because that's one thing that's really important to me is like that I always put up really high quality products but like I just haven't had the time to actually I'm sorry I'm shutting I haven't had the time to actually put out products I've just been so like overwhelmed trying to just get my lesson plans done let alone like trying to put out product so I'm hoping I'm also putting on the lash Paradise just like on top for extra volume it's just been really hard to try to like balance at all because I'm in a new grade level and I'm learning a new curriculum and I'm basically creating everything from scratch like I don't have resources to pull from and it's just making it really really difficult so this may just be like a learning year and then hopefully not sure I can get better at like putting products up all right now my eyes are done and the next thing I do is contouring which I just kind of learned how to do like a week though no no we could go like a month ago so I do not have a lot of practice with this and it's probably gonna turn out horrible but okay so I'm using Physicians Formula butter bronzer I love this stuff because it smells so good like every morning I probably spend a good like five minutes just saying here smelling it this is smells like so good and I'm using an angled contour brush from ELF and I don't even know if this is right like contour color for me I don't know I just got it and it smells really good so I use it so I use this like angled brush to go in and then I take this other contour bronzing brush from Elle and I just kind of like go in and I hold it really close to the bristles and then I just kind of try to blend it like up and down like this so it's not so harsh I don't know you guys I understand the point of contouring but I don't know I don't even know if I'm doing it correctly I really don't care I'm really gonna people like telling me throughout this entire video like commenting and telling me what I'm doing wrong but I just really don't care I do me and you can do you and I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life so don't worry about how I live mine and then I know you're supposed to take contour and like also put it like here and here and like I kind of do under my jawline here on the sides I don't know so one thing I wanted to kind of talk to you guys about and get like a little bit of an opinion on so my hair currently has highlights and it's finally getting long again so about two years ago I cut my hair and donated it I caught up about 14 inches I'll actually insert like a before picture and an after picture for you guys to see I got off a lot of hair and I love doing that but at the same time I hate when my hair is short like I'm just not a short hair person I've had long hair my entire life and every time I cut it short I'm like oh I don't like this so it's finally grown back out it's not only starting to get long again and when I cut it the last time and donate it I also highlighted it which I never ever done before growing up I was not to color my hair and then when I went to college oh my gosh I kind of like rebel just slightly against my parents because they never let me color my hair and literally like driving to my college for the first time I stopped off at a hair place and had them dye my hair like a super dark brown like it was almost black and I had like blonde streaks to my hair I'll insert a picture of that too oh it was so bad I kept that for probably a month and I got sick of it so then I went back and I had oh I had them like bleach it and dye it a closer color to my actual hair but it also had like a little bit of an auburn kind of color to it and then eventually I just grew my hair out and I got rid of all of that colored hair like I kept trimming it until I had my natural hair color back and that's what I had in that picture with the really long hair before I cut it so then when I cut it I wanted to get highlights because I had never done that before and I wanted to give it a shot and I like the color of my highlights but at the same time I get bored very easily and like every so often I want to change stuff up so now I'm going in with blush this is Milani baked blush in the color Luminoso so lately I don't know I started thinking about like possibly dyeing my hair a darker color not super dark not like in that picture from college oh my gosh I regret that so so much but just um I don't know a brown color with like maybe a little bit of like gold kind of highlights in it um I don't know I don't know if I'm gonna do that I'm gonna regret it cuz like then I have to grow out my hair again and like try to go back to my natural color but at the same time like I just want something different I'm kind of sick you guys can tell I do not highlight my hair frequently I highlight it like once a year so right now my roots have like really grown out but I don't know so give me some advice like let me know what you think that I should do alright now I'm going to highlight usually I use this L'Oreal True Match Lumi and it's like a blush and highlighter in one but I really just use like the highlight part but I feel like changing it up so I'm gonna go with this elf like baked highlighter and this is in moonlight pearls so now I'm looking back my contour and I'm not liking this hold on okay so one thing I do need to start doing again is the teacher 3 I've had a lot of people ask me about it so I will link it for you guys in the description because I do have like a TPT product it's just a freebie it kind of gives you like some information and it gives you some like pictures that you can use if you post on social media about it but for those of you who are newer to my channel and you do not know what the teacher 3 is it's just something I created to help me like prioritize what's important to me I'm just highlighting like my Cupid's bow and then under my eyebrows anyway it helps me just probably wear ties like what I get done each week so the teacher 3 is each week you do one thing for your classroom so something to improve your classroom or like splurging on like add a corner I don't forget classroom that you've wanted one thing for your students so really working on like building those relationships with your students and just letting them know how important they are to you and how special they are and then one thing for yourself because that's something I think teachers for the most part like struggle with is taking time for themselves because we are so busy and we have so much going on it's hard to like take that time for yourself but that's what I like about doing the teacher 3 is it really helps me pick one thing each week that's like just for me so it's something that I did last year for the last like couple of months and I've kind of been doing it in my head but I haven't been like posting about it or really talking about in my blogs so I just want to get back to like doing that okay I'm trying to like look and make sure that I did everything yeah ok so I'm basically done now I am gonna put on this like dewy finish spray just to kind of like help hold and set the makeup in place and always hate doing this since giving even worse on camera something to make the worst faces it's the anticipation like you hold it out and you get ready to spray it and you like to start cringing nope didn't even go on me tries again ok so now like my face is done I am going to do my lips which I'm really excited for this so I actually had two different girls who sent me lips sets and I had never heard of lip scents until recently but the more I hear about it the more excited I get because it's long lasting and I can put it on at the beginning of the day I can eat with it drink with it and it's still gonna be on at the end of the day so these are the two different like Facebook groups that I personally have joined so this was the first one sent to me at Sweet Cheeks Beauty by Kayla and I will link her Facebook page in the description box along with phenomenal pout by Paige Knoll and I actually really loved how Paige so how about different games and giveaways and stuff like it heard this really interactive so you'll see me like posting on there from time to time and yes this was my personal Facebook page and I'm just gonna ask you guys please do not from Quest me I mean you confirm across to me but I'm probably not gonna accept it unless like I know you in person because that's a personal Facebook page and that's what it's for words for people that I actually know and I'm sorry but I just do not accept like random people that I don't know so please do not feel like offended if I don't accept you like I'm not accepting anyone but I just want to like tell you guys that you know I also have had a lot of people finding me on snapchat I don't even know how they're funny but if you do add me on snapchat that's fine like I'll add you as a friend but know that I probably will not post very often I post like I don't know once a month if that like I'm just not very into snapchat okay so these are the three different colors that I have to choose from this is the one sent to me by Kayla this is caramel apple and I think this is actually the color I'm gonna go with for today and then I also have apple cider and this one is raspberry this one's like closer to a nude and then this one's like a darker pink and I think I'm gonna go with this one caramel apple and I have not even opened these like you can see it is still sealed because I wanted to wait and do it on camera with you guys that way I could just give you like my real first impressions I watched the videos on how to apply it I know that I need to put on like three coats of this and then I put the gloss on over top so I don't have anything on my lips right now like no chapstick or anything I have heard that it like kind of stings are like tingles initially when you put it on because there is like alcohol in it but my lips are really dry maybe I should like exfoliated that one cuz they're like not looking good so I'm gonna go ahead and put on the first coat I can feel the alcohol like going up into my eyes but it's not like bothersome I like this color though not good at this I literally only this is really hard to do while talking hold on I literally only wear lipstick like when I film and I don't wear it to school because it ends up coming off so if this works like I will end up wearing it more frequently but I'd have to learn what I'm doing I see what they mean about like the tingling but I thought it was gonna be worse than like what it actually is just letting that dry for a few seconds so I'm gonna go on and put two more coats on okay I understand that why you have to put on like three coats I thought it was gonna be thicker I'm like a lipstick but it's very thin alright so now you have to go in with the gloss I'm sorry I'm sniffling cuz I'm so sick what sucks is like now that my makeup on I can't blow my nose I'm just gonna like lean down to do this so if I'm not in the shot I'm sorry okay I'm gonna let this dry and I'm actually gonna go grab a tissue I'm going to show you guys like whether or not it comes off okay I'm gonna let this dry while I like curl my hair and then at the end I'll like do the test with the tissue to show you guys so when I do my hair I just take it out of like my little fun and I just kind of brush through it and then I put up like the top half because my hair is really thick so I kind of had to do it in two different layers okay I do really like this color like looking at it in the mirror not only I have my glasses on but I do really really like this color on me not that I'm being like narcissistic or anything but I like it so then I just kind of split this into two sides brush through it again oh so a lot of people have asked me with like in my videos when I have curled hair what I use or how I curl it so this is a curling wand the brand is Fahrenheit I literally got this for 20 dollars from TJ Maxx I bought I'm gonna hate talking about this hold on so let me just tell you what I'm doing so I curl away from my face on both sides so I'm just gonna take strips and do that so I had actually purchased um a really nice curling wand from oh gosh I can't even remember the company now it's a company that makes like hair extensions and I had seen a lot of like Beauty people on YouTube talking about them and they had a curling wand set and it had ten different attachments for it so I decided to treat myself at the end of the school year I hate when this happens this has happened to other people like all the pieces just start falling off okay hold on so at the end of the school year I decided to treat myself and I decided to buy the curly one set which it was expensive it was like over $100 expensive and I waited and it finally came in the mail and I was so upset I plugged it in and like it would not heat up and The Scream was like flashing and it wasn't heat up and so I contacted the company and I told them what was happening and they're like well send us a video of it sounds like okay so I recorded on my iphone a little video what was happening sent it to them and they're like well we can't open that video file like it's not working I'm like okay so I like converted it to a different video file on my computer cuz I'm like I'm getting this stupid thing returned cuz it doesn't work and they still were saying it wasn't working and at that point I felt like they were literally just trying to rip me off and that makes me bad and they also were saying that they don't do like returns because I got it on sale or I used like a coupon code or something and so they were saying I couldn't return it and I was just like you know what this is stupid I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna like stop curling my hair in a second and look up what the brand is because I'm sorry if your customer service sucks then other people deserve to know about it and I what other people know like do not buy from this company because they sent me a defective product and I almost feel like they did it on purpose they refuse to like help me in the emails like they were trying to make it seem like it was my fault and it definitely wasn't and then they were saying and I can't return it and all that and like it just makes me bad so I'm gonna actually search and like look up what it was cuz I can't remember Bellamy Bellamy they're the ones that make like the hair extensions and I bought their curling wand and it did not work and their customer service was horrible so I highly suggest you do not ever buy from them and if you have and you've had a similar experience like let me know I'm just curious like did I just happen to have a bad experience or is the company just like that I don't know but anyway so basically I never got my money back the curling wand doesn't work and I still just get frustrated talking about it and the like I'm so busy I don't have time to sit there and like be sending all these long emails to the company only to have them like not really help me and you know I'm sure I probably could have found a way to like get them to take it back that's the only thing I was not to ship or pay for shipping to send it back I was like I'm not doing that so yeah I just suggest you don't buy from them so that you do not have the same experience that I did but I ended up buying this little curling wand for like 20 dollars and it works just fine so it's probably what I should have just done from the beginning and you guys will notice I literally only leave my hair on there for like a couple of seconds it does not take long at all and this side is always kind of harder because since I curl it away from my face I have to hold the Y with my left hand and then the court is like in my face yes is really cute I can't lie though with this like lips and stuff I'm really really like you know how it's looking and I can just tell the color is like more I don't know rich color than like usually lipsticks are like I feel like lipsticks literally start to fade within like 10 minutes of me putting it on and I feel like this like it's just a really deep like rich color and yeah you can kind of feel the alcohol like when you put it on but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be and it was much thinner than I thought it was gonna be like originally when I heard three coats I was like I felt like they were doing that just to me like review off to get you to use more of the products that you have to buy it more frequently but now after putting it on like I understand cuz it's really thin but it just kind of builds that color and then when you actually put the gloss on like it definitely changes it caroli I'm so excited to go out to dinner right now I'm really really hungry like I woke up I had peanut butter toast with like a banana before going to the gym because I have to eat before I go to the gym I don't know how people like Billy goes on an empty stomach he refuses to eat before he goes to the gym and I think that's silly like I cannot be hungry when I'm at the gym and our gym is getting like astroturf so I go to a Gold's Gym and actually it's an old like movie theater which is really really cool I like how its set up but they're getting a turf in the back which is cool like right now half the gym is like blocked off you can't use it and they said it's gonna be done by next weekend there is no way they're gonna have a tub by next weekend but I need to get better about going to the gym like during the week honestly right now only going during the weekend like Saturdays and Sundays because I'm just so busy during the week and it's like by the time I stay at school until six or seven which Billy doesn't get home until six or seven in anyway I'm just tired like I do not have the energy to go to the gym and even like taking a pre-workout and all that oh snap yeah this happens like all the time to me hold on I don't know how people do this like on YouTube videos when they're getting ready and they're like curling their hair and they make it look like super cute yeah this is not I'm just trying not to burn myself and you'll notice I used to when I would curl my hair I would like brush through the curl not brush there but like take my fingers through the curls like right after I did it and then I realized it's actually better to let it like sit for a while out and like cool off before I run my fingers through it so I usually just curl my entire head and then I let it sit for like five or ten minutes to kind of cool off and then I'll run my fingers through it just so it's more like natural looking and it doesn't look like it just came off of the curling iron all right now I'm ready for the top part and I always hate taking oh it's always really like knotted I don't even know where this white hair tie came from I only have black hair guys honestly it probably came from like a kid or I found it on the floor in my classroom or something like that okay so I just refreshed through my hair Here I am like halfway down my hair so I'm gonna do like the tissue test okay so this is a brand new tissue you can see there's nothing on it okay so I just like literally took it and like put my lips down on it and there's literally nothing on it and I'm not gonna lie like I'm really really impressed by that cuz it still feels like you know like you can tell there's the gloss on it so like I was not expecting that at all like I honestly thought it was gonna transfer on to the tissue so I'm not gonna lie like I'm probably going to become a like not a look sense person but like I'm probably just gonna use this like product at least just like when I'm going to school and I want the color to last so thank you to Kayla and Paige for sending this to me in like introducing me to it cuz I honestly have never really heard about it but it's definitely like so far my hair stuck into it it's definitely a really good product and you never know with like when you see things all over the Internet I never trust them so I guess nice to actually try it in person and like figure out if I actually liked it or not Oh something else because that reminds me that I need to get better at is being able to write back to people that write to me and I feel so bad because I literally haven't written any like notes back to people because I just don't know when I'm supposed to like work it into my schedule maybe it might just have to wait until like I'm sorry I'm hair or my mouth right now it might have to just wait until like Thanksgiving break or like Christmas break when I have like several days off and I can devote like an entire day to writing notes back to people but it also reminds me something I did do this week was booked airfare to Nebraska which is where Meg from makes crayons lives so me her Christina from teach like a girl Erin from making a statement instead and Lindsey from miss Johnson's journey we have all been like texting and everything they had already been texting and then they kind of like invited me into like their little texting group and they were planning like basically like a girls weekend just like a get-together with all of us because we all live in different parts of the country Christina lives out in like California and Lindsey lives in Iowa Erin I can't remember where Erin lives but she's somewhere like way far away from me and then I'm on the East Coast in Maryland so they had already been planning this and they like invited me to go so I went ahead and booked airfare this week so it will be the weekend of like November 17th through the 19th I'm gonna take that Friday as a personal day and I'm gonna fly to Nebraska that morning they're gonna get there around the same time and then we're gonna fly home on like Sunday evening so I'm excited for that I don't have a lot of like teacher friends in real life you know I'm becoming better friends with like my new team teachers and all of that but I feel like I need another group of like teacher friends and especially because like they also do TPT and everything so they understand and like Christina does YouTube and mega starting YouTube so like just to get to actually talk with them like in person about all of that is gonna be cool so I'm excited about that coming up and that gives me a reason to go out and get a suitcase I've been wanting to go suitcase and I know that sounds really lame but I only have like big suitcases because I only bought suitcases when I was going to Europe when Billy and I went to Europe like two three years ago three years yeah three years ago we went to Europe and I bought a suitcase for that but I obviously bought a big one cuz I was gone for like two weeks so I don't own any like small like carry-on kind of suitcases so now I have a reason to like look for suitcases when I'm in Marshalls and TJ Maxx and that makes me happy all right most I don't one the last little piece and then I'm gonna go change really quickly that way I'll have a chance for my hair to kind of cool off and I have no idea what I'm even gonna wear tonight because I have not done laundry and like over week so I don't have a lot that's clean so I'm gonna go find something that's clean ah kind of my someone up Oh No okay yeah I'm gonna go find something that's clean change and then I'll come back alright I'm dressed now so I'm just gonna like run my fingers through my curls I do not use hair spray I don't like how it makes my hair feel I just kind of run my fingers through it and then let it go it will since I kind of took my time curling it today it'll probably last like all day maybe even a little bit into tomorrow sometimes when I rush in the morning like before school I won't leave it on like the heat very long so it won't last very long but these will probably last most of the day okay so that is it I am done getting ready I'm really anxious to see what you guys thought of this video this is something that I do not typically do I'm not a beauty person whatsoever but I did enjoy getting to sit here and just kind of like talk to you guys so give me some feedback let me know what you think leave a comment down below I would love to hear your opinion also I wanted to tell you guys I am going to switch my upload schedule for my weekly vlogs instead of going up on Saturday morning at 7 a.m. they're gonna go up on Sunday morning at 7 a.m. that way I can put more time into it make sure it is a quality vlog and I'm not rushing through it every single week and putting in a ton of pressure myself to get it done Friday night and then it doesn't end up going on going up on Saturday and then you end up disappointed so I am gonna switch that to Sunday I am gonna still try to get another video up each week and I haven't decided if that video should go up on like Monday or if it should go up the following today so there are still two videos going up on the weekend so if you have a preference just let me know and I'll try to figure it out between now and then and I will definitely let you guys know when I have it all worked out do not forget to give this video a thumbs up if you did enjoy it that really helps me out it helps this video be able to reach more teachers and do not forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and go ahead and hit the little bell next to the subscribe button that way you are notified every time I post a new video I actually just recently passed seventy thousand subscribers which is insane and I say that every time I pass like a new milestone but honestly like seventy thousand people watching me just blows my mind but thank you to every single one of you you guys honestly keep me going you guys give me so much more confidence in myself and you guys have just helped me like evolve into what I feel is a better person so thank you from the bottom of my heart just for following me on this journey you guys are always so supportive and I really really appreciate that as always thank you for watching I love you all so so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links for my teachers pay teacher's store along with my Pio address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 82,944
Rating: 4.8957081 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, get ready with me, grwm, get ready with me chit chat, chit chat, get ready with me teacher edition, grwm teacher edition, grwm chit chat
Id: yWatz9TAgT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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