COME TEACH WITH ME | The BEST April Fool's Day Pranks for Teachers to Play on Students

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I do love playing pranks on my student I am so excited so let me show you what I'm doing first for my homeroom students I am getting them a fake word search I just googled April Fool's Day word search in this pop-up the cool thing about this is none of the words are actually in the word search and again teacher classic when I reveal the brownies they will see that they are actually brown these get it brownies [Music] hello friends welcome back to my channel for those of you better new here my name is Michelle 4a I am a fourth grade math and science teacher in Maryland unfortunately I do have to start off this vlog with some not-so-good news this is actually going to be my last YouTube video I know I've been thinking about this a lot and I've just come to conclusion that I don't want to do YouTube anymore I really want to move on and try out some new things I also thought I'd go ahead and tell you it is April 1st so happy April Fool's Day that is a total lie this is not my last YouTube video I'm not quitting YouTube I promise ok I had to do it here's the deal it is April Fool's Day and I'm a huge fan of April Fool's Day as long as you do it in like you know the right way because there are some jokes that are not funny and then there are jokes that are hilarious I did want to tell you a quick story when I was in sixth grade I played an April Fool's Day prank on my teacher and I had my mom write a note to him so it was in like adult cursive handwriting so it's very believable it was very simple it just said call mr. lion but lion was spelled ly o n so it looked like a name and then the number that we left was for the Baltimore zoo so my teacher ended up calling the Baltimore zoo and asking for mr. lion to this day one of my best pranks I'm really proud of it but now that I am a teacher I do love playing pranks on my students for the past couple of years April Fool's Day has been on the weekend it is finally on a Monday I am so excited so let me show you what I'm doing because I have three different groups of students I have homeroom block one and block two I actually had to come up with three different pranks because I can't do the same prank on all the classes because they will tell each other and it will ruin it so all of these pranks are super simple they don't require a lot of prep and they're classics you know like teachers have been doing these for such a long time these are not my original idea okay but first for my homeroom students I'm giving them a fake word search I just googled April Fool's Day word search and this popped up the cool thing about this is none of the words are actually in the word search so I put on their morning slide something about like hey the first person to find all the words gets a prize so don't share any of your answers I'm excited for that one then for my block one I am giving them a fake math quiz so first of all I'm just gonna spring this on them I'm gonna be like hey you all have two minutes to do this it's for a grade make sure you read all of the directions because that's something we're struggling with if my students read the directions they will see it says write your name at the top of the paper do not solve any of the problems turn your paper into the block bin and go up to your teacher and say that was so easy miss 4a then wreak whyatt Lee at your seat so my students who do read the directions they won't have to actually take the low pop quiz but my students who don't read the directions not only is it an April Fool's Day prank it also is a lesson to them to read the directions so the problems start off super easy but they get harder and they get into things we have not learned and then at the bottom it's like just a ridiculous word problem that will take them a while to solve so excited for that one and then finally my block - what one the Jolly Rancher wore last week if you don't know what the Jolly Rancher is I will link the video down below where I first talked about it I told my classes last week I kind of prepared for this that whoever won the Jolly Rancher war would get an extra treat so this morning I'm gonna tell them you know you all got brownies because you've been doing such a great job with the Jolly Rancher war and again teacher classic when I've revealed the brownies they will see that they are actually brown YZ get it brownies brownies so I'm excited I will let you know how it goes it just you know it pumped me up for the day like typically Mondays I'm pretty tired but today I'm like no let's do this like I am so ready April Fool's Day aside my team teachers and I have started doing these monthly incentives our students are able to earn tickets for their chance to be able to win something so last month for pi day which was March 14th our students earned tickets for the chance to eat pie with a teacher last year they got too pious but this year we just we couldn't make it work so they ate pie with the teachers we picked out four names from all of the tickets that students had earned all week so the more tickets they earn the better chance they have of getting picked so for this month we actually have a field trip later this month so I decided to create these tickets that will allow our students a chance to pick three friends to be in their field trip group so we're going to introduce this to our students today we're going to start handing out the tickets and then right before the field trip we will pick out three tickets so three different students will get to pick three friends to be in their field trip group next let me talk about my schedule today because it's gonna be a little bit crazy but that's okay embracing the crazy today we do have a drama club at our school so our students fourth and fifth grade are able to audition to be on the drama club and they have been preparing a play a Little Mermaid Junior opening night was last Friday and they had shows Friday Saturday and Sunday and today Monday they have a show for the entire school which let me just say y'all are probably thinking like okay elementary play like it's not very good our kids do phenomenal with this the costumes are fantastic their acting is fantastic like this is a legit play okay so because they are performing for the entire school this afternoon our schedule has to get changed around so instead of having two hour blocks we're only gonna have 45 minutes locks this morning which will be a little bit crazy because I have a lot to fit in but it's okay make it work then we're having recess before lunch we usually have it at 2 o'clock so it's gonna be at like I don't know 12 10 or 12 15 something like that and then we have to eat lunch in our classrooms today which look I eat lunch with my kiddos all the time I love lunch bunches I usually don't eat with the entire class at once so that should be interesting then our students are going to pack up and we go down to the play and that's gonna take the entire rest of the day is from like 1:10 until 3:30 then after school I have to go to girls on the run practice and then I have to leave girls on the run practice a little bit early because I'm tutoring a student from 5 o'clock to 6 o'clock so it's just it's gonna be a crazy day Monday is now done I'm pretty exhausted but it was a good day overall my homeroom class with the word search I would say they figured it out with like 5 minutes left of the morning but it took him a good 15 minutes or so to be able to figure out that none of the words are in there and even when a couple of the kids started to notice I told them was like no like they're in there I swear and then the kids like alright and I kept going back and looking so that was fun block one I gave the fake math quiz to and it was funny cuz a couple of kids followed the directions so they quickly turned in their paper and they came up to me and it like Miss Frey that was so easy and you should have seen the look on some of the other kids faces they're like why'd like how are they already done why why did they think that was easy so that was a lot of fun finally the rest of the class kind of you know caught on to that one and my kids even said like mr. a that was a good one I said thanks and then in block two with the brownies once I started kind of talking about it and I was like hey this is your extra treat for winning the Jolly Rancher war a couple of kids were like wait I've seen this trick before but it still was a lot of fun so after that we had the play production which was really good it was a long time for our kids to be seated because it's like two hours but it was good it was entertaining then I had girls on the run and I had tutoring and it's now 6:30 and I'm ready to get out of here my desk is a mess like I'm just leaving all my papers from today it's fine I'll work on it tomorrow morning thankfully I have some time in the morning tomorrow before kids come because I don't have any meetings or anything so I'll clean it then but for now I'm gonna get out of here and I'll catch up with you in the morning happy Tuesday today is another off day I feel like I don't know something with the springtime it's just your schedule is off all the time but it's not as bad as yesterday we do have an assembly this afternoon it is a local high school is coming to do like a steel drum band something I don't know I'll find out this afternoon but as a result we have to move our recess time because the assembly is during our recess time so we're going to keep the morning time the same and then we'll go directly from recess after lunch and then block to is going to be cut short by about 45 minutes which kind of stinks because like we have assessments coming up we have our science assessment on Thursday and our math assessment next week so I'm like cramming to get everything in but I'll make it work you know it's okay it's not worth getting upset over there's nothing I can do about it so here's to making it a great day regardless of another schedule change [Music] life update it is now 6:30 p.m. so let me kind of you know backup and catch you up the day was really good even though the schedule was a little bit off in the afternoon the students loved the assembly I was really into it and I loved seeing their faces like they were seeing the steel drums they also had dancers and I loved seeing some of my students identify with that and you can just tell like that will probably be something that they do when they get older and I love seeing that because some kids you know actual academics like math or science or reading may not be their thing but they may be super artistic so I love just seeing them brighten up with those kinds of experiences after school I had about an hour of free time from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock I had to grade a check for understanding that I gave today put that in the grade book I also was preparing things for the tutoring session because I was tutoring the same student as yesterday today from 5:00 to 6:00 which I don't usually tutor students because I just frankly don't have the time but I had a parent approached me and they wanted me to tutor their student for the upcoming science assessment so that is now done once I finished that at 6 o'clock you all saw that I was setting things up for tomorrow putting test cards around the room putting games into dry-erase sleeves because I am actually out tomorrow I am my school's ecoach which means I help the teachers in my school with technology and twice a year we have a professional development session that we have to go to as a coaches to get new information to take back to our schools so the second PD is tomorrow so I will have a substitute although I feel good about this because the substitute is actually a parent of one of my students from last year so I'm like yes so when I can trust I'm still getting everything ready for her I think I'm gonna have to come in tomorrow morning and finish setting things up I did get a lot done in terms of my sub plans but I'm not completely done I only had about a half an hour and that was not enough time to set everything up right the plans make the PowerPoint etc etc so I'm gonna just quickly stop by school tomorrow thankfully the PD is not far from here so I'll just swing by finish setting things up peace out go to the PD I do right now have to go Toledo's nut heat which is a fundraiser that our school does every other month so far my class has won every single Ledo site this year so we're trying to bring home the trophy again so Billy and I are meeting there in like ten minutes for now so I need to go peace out but I will catch up with you what tomorrow breath because I had to rush to school to drop off my sub plans and save the PowerPoint to our staff drive and that good stuff but I have arrived at the PD I'm about to head in once I catch my breath and I'm excited because since the PD is all technology related I'm just like yeah like this is my jam I'm ready for it plus I get to go out and have lunch with myself which I think everyone should do every now and then we always feel like we have to eat lunch with other people but just go out to a restaurant or just a sit-down casual place and eat lunch with yourself because sometimes you just need that time just you and I'm accept it so I will catch up with you later on today that's over to now it is 3:30 p.m. when I have PDS like this obviously I don't have anything to vlog about during the day I will say overall it was a really good day I got a lot of good information once I kind of go home and fiddle with some of the things that I learned about today then I will come back and share them with you all but I did want to share a funny story so for our ki know it was a lady from Discovery Education and at one point she shared a video on YouTube so she had the video pulled out played it went back to her slideshow and you know how YouTube Auto plays like the next video or whatever so she's on her slideshow and instantly this other video starts and you can hear the voice and as soon as I heard the voice I'm like yep that's me that's my video and so she had to click back and like pause it and stop it and like everyone was laughing about it but it was hilarious because I'm sitting there knowing like yep that's me I don't think imagery the people realized that it was me a couple of the people I talked to before and they know that I do all this social media stuff so they knew that it was me but a majority of the people like had no idea so that was just a really funny moment and I don't know I've always wondered like happen in a PD if one of my videos did come up and like it has officially happened then I will say it was kind of awkward my face turned red but inside I was kind of laughing about it because it was just a funny situation I now have to get back to school because even though I was out today for PD I have to go back so I can coach hero boys which is a running program for third fourth and fifth graders and they train for a 5k and they also have different guest speakers and they learn about what does it mean to be a hero what does that look like and all that good stuff so I have to go coach that until five jump on a business call then I have to go to the gym and then I have to go home and I better stop to work on so it's gonna be a long night but I'm in a good mood I'm feeling good I'm feeling inspired by some of the content I learned today so I'm gonna go get all of that other stuff done and I will catch up with you tomorrow I hope you all are ready for another busy day because it seems like that's all that I have lately first thing this morning I need to go down to the book fair because it is officially open for browsing so I'm gonna go you know browse it and then I am the chairperson for the appreciation committee for SGA which is Student Government Association and we're meeting this morning so I will have a group of kiddos with me from like 822 855 I think today we're gonna focus on showing some appreciation for the custodians and make them some cards and go decorate their doors and then the day begins with my actual students and today we are taking our science assessment so I do want to show you just a couple of different things that I do for assessments that I personally feel like are very small things but they make a big difference first and foremost it would not be an assessment without a testament these are the Redbird brands of mints you can get these from a lot of different stores and even Amazon so I will link them for you I buy them in a huge tub and then they basically last all year which is great they're not super hot and they don't burn their mouths which is really nice and I just think it's nice to kind of have something to suck on my students can either eat it during the test or they can eat it afterwards it's totally up to them I let them make that choice but these are always a hit and they just help ease some anxiety I also have brain sprinkles I have been using this same can a brain sprinkles since my first year of teaching students of all ages love these I guarantee it so this container was like a sugar container that I got from Dollar Tree I filled it with just plain silver glitter and then because I don't want to dump a big pile of glitter on their heads I actually put tape over the whole you can kind of see it there so when I sprinkle this on their heads only like one or two pieces of glitter fall out at a time I usually give my students a choice I can either put it on their head or on their paper or I can not give it to them at all but I never have a kid deny it they usually want it on their paper if they don't want it in their hair which is totally fine but again that's just a little confidence booster for the students and it makes them feel like you know they're gonna do better on their tests and I'm a huge believer in that then I have these little signs that came from Dollar Tree so they were one dollar each it's just a little plastic sign and I will put this on the desk of any students that I feel like just kind of need a confidence booster so they're trying really hard and they need to know like hey you know miss Bray recognizes that you're putting in a lot of effort and especially for my students who would get stressed out with tests I love to put this on their desk as just a little confidence booster like I said so I have a couple different ones all with different words on the front now some of my students do need some kind of like stress relief during a test and so I have my calm down kit with all kinds of different fidgets I've shared a lot about these on my channel before this bottle is great this is like a calm down bottle because the glitter moves and then the student can just focus on the glitter settling I also have like squishy balls this right here the little wormy thing is a squishy and then these bubble timers are great because they just release the liquid and it's nice and calming so I did talk about quite a few of these in my last classroom favorites video so I will like that for you and then you can get the links for some of these items in the video and finally I do like to use partitions you can also call these like privacy screens they're a lot of different names for it but these are essentially just trifold boards which again you can get from the dollar store but I will set these up on student desk to help them focus and so they're not distracted by the people around them it obviously does prevent cheating as well which is a positive but I mostly use it for my students who have issues focusing because it really just kind of creates their own little bubble it makes it easier for them to it is now six o'clock and let me just say today was draining even though it was not a rough day in terms of like instruction or anything my students took their science assessment and then with my block one I did a Nearpod activity because we had time left and in my blog too I did a Google classroom activity because we had time lapse so it was great we are using technology but it was just one of those days and this is a personal issue where every little thing was annoying me and it was just not a good combination so I know that tonight I need to take time for myself because tomorrow is Friday I am tired and it doesn't help that I've had things going on every single day this week after school today after school I had girls on the run and then tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day I'll talk about it tomorrow but I'm just I'm ready to go home ready to eat my dinner sit on the couch watch some TV and I'm not gonna feel guilty about it do i things be doing yes but personally right now like this is what I need to make myself a better teacher because I'm not a good teacher when I'm not in a good mood and I'm stressed and I'm getting annoyed easily so those are my plans for tonight and I will catch up with you tomorrow hopefully in a better mood happy Friday I mentioned yesterday that today was gonna be a little bit hectic here's what's going on one of our team teachers is out for Mesa Club they're going on a field trip for their competition and then our other team teacher has the flu which I feel really bad for her we have the flu going around our grade like crazy so fingers crossed that I don't end up catching it but that's always hard when half of your team is out I have no idea if subs picked up their jobs or not or if RTI is getting pulled we'll have to just go with the flow and see I want EEP teacher who has the flu I had to go kind of like set up personal plans and all that stuff and get that ready but you know what it's Friday so even though it's been a little bit of a hectic morning and I do not have planning time today we're gonna make it a great day my students are taking our district math assessment next week so today for math all we are doing is reviewing for the assessment and so of course we're playing my favorite review game which is called Trask appalled I'm not gonna go into detail with how to play the game because I do have a video on it so I will link that in the description box but what I did want to share is I've recently found these squishy basketballs at Dollar Tree so they were $1 each I was previously using ones from Party City but they were like sown on the outside and they were starting to rip and kind of fall apart so I'm really really happy that I found these I usually have my students get into six teams and I like to have six balls that way as each team gets checked for the correct answer they can go grab a ball and stand in line and it just helps to kind of speed up the process so I thought that I would share that that way you could go and grab these if you are interested for one dollar each before they sell out all right listen I have tried to film this ultra clip literally five times and I keep getting interrupted with phone calls and announcements and all that jazz so I'm gonna make it short this week has been exhausting you know physically and mentally I feel like my head has been squirrel City you know what I'm talking about that moment from up where he's just like squirrel yeah that's what I've been going through this week so ho my plan for this weekend is to really take time for myself and I know I mentioned this yesterday and I filled it last night I did not touch anything school related which was nice but I need more time to myself this weekend because even though it feels impossible with weeks like this when you have so much going on it feels like you cannot find time for yourself but I guarantee you you can so long as you make it a priority and you have to make it a priority because otherwise you get burnt out and then you are not the best teacher you can be for your students so I really plan on this weekend just taking a step back and making myself less busy because emotionally and mentally I need that however I didn't have a good week and it's crazy that the third marking period is already coming to a close and the end of the school year is quickly upon us so if you enjoyed this video please go ahead and give the video a thumbs up also hit the subscribe button if you haven't already and the notification bell so you don't miss any future videos thank you so much for watching I love you all so much don't forget to put your pots and pans on and I will catch you all in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for supporting my youtube channel if you check out any of my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any get your videos you can use like right up here the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store my merchandise store and my Amazon store are in the description box and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 632,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, april fools day, april fools day pranks, pranks to play on students, april fools day pranks for students, pranks for teachers, pranks for teachers to play on students
Id: d0HJyEyWlsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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